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1. What the meaning “ Sea”…..

a. Pantai
b. Laut
c. Pulau
2. “Country” the mean is….
a. Negara
b. Kota
c. Desa
3. “Kamu berasal dari mana” Translate to English
a. Where are you home
b. Where are you come from
c. What are you doing

4. What prefix-im “berpeluang”

a. Immature
b. Immoral
c. Improbable

5. What prefix -im “ gesit”

a. Impatient
b. Immobile
c. Impolite

6. What prefix -im “ terukur”

a. Imbalance
b. Immoral
c. Immeasurable

7. “Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa dunia” Transalte to English

a. language English in the word
b. English is language in the word
c. The word language is English

8. The ….. is teaching in class 10 B.

a. Teacher
b. Headmaster
c. Student

9. What is mean “ Selamat sore”

a. Good morning
b. Good Night
c. Good Afternoon

10. Sendi : What do you like lesson in the school ?

Reno : …………………
a. I like language English
b. I like skipping
c. I like snack

11. Indah : at what time you go to school ?

Wenda : ………………..
a. at 7 am
b. at 7 pm
c. at 7 o’clock

12. Arum : Did you shop yesterday at the supermarket ?

Fitri : ……………………………
a. Yes I am shopping in the supermarket
b. No I am shopping in the Mall
c. Yes I am shopping in the Restaurant

13. What suffix-ion “menolak”

a. Exception
b. Rejection
c. Subtract

14. What suffix-ion “kecuali”

a. Subtraction
b. Add
c. Exception

15. What suffix-ion “motivasi”

a. Addition
b. Protection
c. Motivation

16. The weather … that good two days ago

a. were not
b. was not
c. has been not

17. While I… a book, my sister called me

a. read
b. was reading
c. had read

18. When I came, Tiara …. at the hotel for five days

a. had stayed
b. had been staying
c. was staying

19. What time is one day

a. twenty four
b. sixty
c. fourty one

20. How many days in a week

a. ten days
b. seven days
c. one days

21. Will you be here …. the weekend

a. in
b. or
c. at

22. The rain …. since last morning

a. stop
b. hasn’t stopped
c. is stop

23. My English …. really …. since I moved to Australia

a. had/improve
b. has/improved
c. is/imoproving

24. Fairy tales is story which relates much with … things

a. place
b. belief
c. magic

25. Fill in the blanks in the following dialog by choosing the right answer!

 Mrs. Nuri: I’ll cook your favorite food and some vegetables.
 Mrs. Nuri's daughter: Do you need chili and pepper?
 Mrs. Nuri: Absolutely.
 Mrs. Nuri's daughter: ...........
 Mrs. Nuri: Thanks, but I've already got the pepper. Just give me the chili, please.
a. Let me take them for you
b. Yes, I will help you
c. Yes, this is

26. Select the appropriate expression to fill the blank below!

 Mr Andrew: Ton, come here please!

 Anton: Yes, sir. I'm coming.
 Mr Andrew: ...... the goods to the shop, please?
 Anton: I'll be happy to do that, sir.
 Mr. Andrew: Make sure you put it in the right case!
 Anton: Don’t worry, sir.
 Mr. Andrew: Thanks.

a. Can you bring

b. Can I bring
c. May I bring

27. Complete the dialog below by select the best answer!

 Sofia: What do you like to do in your spare time?

 Maria: You know, I’m a mother to be. So I like ........and gardening.

a. Cook
b. Cooking
c. Ride

28. My brother lives … bandung

a. in
b. on
c. at

29. The party will be held .......Sunday, June 18, at 08.00 pm.
a. in
b. on
c. to

30. Nadia told ....that you would like to have more pen pals from Japan.
a. I
b. Me
c. My
1. Perkenalkan diri kamu dalam bahasa inggris…?
2. Where is the location of kuta beach….?
3. Buat satu kalimat menggunakan bahasa inggris tentang sekolah kamu…?
4. Why do tourist like do to go to kuta beach…?
5. “Kuta adalah pantai yang eksotis di pulau bali” translate to English

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