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Practical: Developing Work Breakdown Structure

1. Planning a Conference
Project: Annual Company Conference

1. Identify Project Phases:

 Preliminary Planning
 Venue Selection and Booking
 Program Development
 Marketing and Promotion
 Registration and Logistics
 Event Execution
 Post-Conference Evaluation

2. Break Down Deliverables:

 Preliminary Planning
 Define conference objectives
 Establish a budget
 Identify potential dates
 Venue Selection and Booking
 Research and select potential venues
 Negotiate contracts
 Finalize venue booking
 Program Development
 Develop conference agenda
 Secure keynote speakers
 Coordinate session topics and speakers
 Marketing and Promotion
 Create promotional materials
 Implement social media campaigns
 Execute email marketing strategy
 Registration and Logistics
 Set up online registration system
 Coordinate transportation for attendees
 Plan catering services
 Event Execution
 Set up event spaces
 Manage on-site registration
 Coordinate audio-visual requirements
 Post-Conference Evaluation
 Collect attendee feedback
 Assess budget vs. actuals
 Document lessons learned

3. Decompose into Work Packages:

 Preliminary Planning
 Define conference objectives
 Conduct stakeholder meetings
 Draft conference mission statement
 Establish a budget
 Research cost categories
 Create a preliminary budget spreadsheet
 Identify potential dates
 Coordinate with key stakeholders
 Confirm availability of preferred dates

(Continue this process for each phase and deliverable)

2. Creating a WBS for a Software Development Project

Project: Develop a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
1. Identify Project Phases:
 Project Initiation
 Requirements Gathering
 System Design
 Implementation/Coding
 Testing
 Deployment
 Post-Implementation Support

2. Break Down Deliverables:

 Project Initiation
 Project Charter
 Team Assignment
 Stakeholder Identification
 Requirements Gathering
 Client Meetings
 Requirement Documentation
 Approval of Requirements
 System Design
 Architecture Design
 Database Design
 User Interface Design
 Implementation/Coding
 Coding of Modules
 Code Review
 Version Control
 Testing
 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 User Acceptance Testing
 Deployment
 Rollout Plan
 Data Migration
 System Go-Live
 Post-Implementation Support
 User Training
 Bug Fixes and Updates
 Performance Monitoring

3. Decompose into Work Packages:

 Project Charter (Project Initiation)
 Define project goals and objectives
 Identify project stakeholders
 Develop a project charter document
 Team Assignment (Project Initiation)
 Identify project team members
 Assign roles and responsibilities
 Hold a kick-off meeting

 (Continue this process for each phase and deliverable)

3. Constructing a Two-Storey Office Building

Project: Construction of a Two-Storey Office Building
1. Identify Project Phases:
 Preliminary Planning
 Design and Permitting
 Site Preparation
 Foundation Construction
 Structural Framing
 Enclosure (Walls and Roof)
 Interior Finishing
 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
 Exterior Finishing
 Landscaping and Site Development
 Final Inspection and Handover

2. Break Down Deliverables:

 Preliminary Planning
 Project Charter
 Initial Budget Estimate
 Site Selection
 Design and Permitting
 Architectural Drawings
 Structural Engineering Plans
 Obtain Building Permits
 Site Preparation
 Clearing and Grading
 Utility Connections
 Temporary Fencing
 Foundation Construction
 Excavation and Footing Installation
 Foundation Concrete Pour
 Waterproofing
 Structural Framing
 Steel or Wood Framing Installation
 Floor Slab Construction
 Staircase Installation
 Enclosure (Walls and Roof)
 Wall Framing and Installation
 Roof Truss Installation
 Roofing Material Application
 (Continue this process for each phase and deliverable)

3. Decompose into Work Packages:

 Preliminary Planning
 Develop project charter
 Identify project objectives
 Define project scope
 Assemble project team
 Initial Budget Estimate
 Research construction costs
 Create preliminary budget
 Site Selection
 Evaluate potential sites
 Select optimal location

 (Continue this process for each phase, deliverable, and subsequent work packages)

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