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Opportunity Cost - Other best alternate which sacrifice

volj ykxr& vU; loksZÙke fodYi ftls R;kx fn;k

Economics (vFkZ'kkL=k
)is a study to solve Economic Problem(vkfFkZd leL;k ) - Problem of Choice/p;u dh leL;k
- Limited Resources/lhfer lalk/u - Unlimited wants/vlhfer bPNkk,sa
- Scarcity/nqyZHkrk
- (Lack of Resources)/lalk/
uksa dh deh

Economic Activity (vkfFkZd fØ;k,sa

) - Related to Money
eg. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
Non Economic Activity (vukfFkZd fØ;k,sa ) - Not related to Money
eg Social, Cultural, Religious

2 Sector Theory — (1) Consumer (2) Producer

3 Sector Theory — (1) Consumer (2) Producer (3) Govt
S ir
miHkksDrk mRiknd ljdkj
4 Sector Theory — (1) Consumer (2) Producer (3) Govt (4) Rest world

i 'ks"k fo'o
Producer  Supply 
mRiknd iwfrZ
vf/dre ykHk sh
 Max Profit  PPC Curve

forj.k R
Circular flow

O b
Consumer  Demand  Consumption
 Max satisfaction  IC Curve
vf/dre larqf"V

E C Goods & Service

Land, Labour, Capital, Enterpreneur
Consumer Producer
Rent, Wages, Profit, Interest

Real flow  Flow of Goods, Service, Factor's
okLrfod izokgoLrq] lsok] dkjd dk izokg
Money Flow  Flow of money eg expenditure, Rent, wages.
ekSfnzd izokg eqnzk dk izokg tSls O;;] fdjk;k] C;kt] etnwjh

Dr Manmohan Singh/MkW
eueksgu flag
1982-85 15th Governor of RBI/RBI ds 15 osa xoZuj
1991-96 Finance Minister/foÙk ea=kh
2004-14 Prime Minister/iz/ku ea=kh

1 Rashid Sir
On 24 July 1991- Dr Manmohan Singh Presented
(New Economic Policy or Economic Reform or LPG)
24 July 1991 - MkW- eueksgu us ctV esa ubZ vkfFkZd uhfr ;k vkfFkZd
LPG lq/kj ;k

Objective of NEP/ubZ vkfFkZd uhfr & 1991 ds mn~ns';

* Bring down the rate of Inflation
egaxkbZ de djuk
* Higher economic Growth Rate
vkfFkZd fodkl nj c<kuk
* Build Sufficient foreign exchange reserve
fons'kh Hk.Mkj esa o`f¼
* Achieve Economic Stablization
vkfFkZd fLFkjrk
* Permit the Internation flow of Goods, Services, Capital, technology, human resources etc.
oLrq] lsok] iwath] rduh] ekuo lalk/u dh varZjk"Vªh; vuqefr
* increase the participation of Private & foreign sector
futh o fons'kh {ks=k dks c<kok
Liberalization– Removal of Industrial Licencing Policy for starting a new venture (except 6 Industries)
mnkjhdj.k &ubZ dEiuh LFkkfir djus ds fy, ykblsal uhfr dh lekfIr (6 dEiuh NksM+dj)
1. Liquor ('kjkc) 2. Tobacco (rEckdw
5. Industrial Explosives (dSfedYl
) 3. Drugs (nokbZ;k¡

6. Hazardous Chemical (vkS/ksfxd foLiQksV
) ir
4. Defence Equipment (j{kk midj.k

Privatization- Permitting the Private sector to setup industries to increase Competition.
futhdj.k & izfrLi/kZ c<+kus ds fy, futh {ks=k dh dEiuh dks vuqefr
1. Disinvestment in public sector undertaking
lkoZtfud {ks=k esa fofuos'k

a sh
2. Minimization of Public sector- Only 2 Industries reserved for public sector
lkoZtfud {ks=k esa deh & fliQZ 2 iw.kZ ljdkjh m/e

(1) Atomic Energy (ijek.kq ÅtkZ
) R
(2) Railway (jsyos vkWijsfVax

O b
Globalization- Freely movement of International Trade and foreign Investment
oSf'odj.k & varZjk"Vªh; O;kikj o vrZjk"Vªh; fuo'k dh vuqefr

1. Reduction in Tariff
dj (Tax) esa deh
2. Longterm Trade Policy
fons'kh fuos'k dh lhek esa o`f¼
3. Increase in Equity Limit of foreign Investment
Hkkjrh; eqnzk dh vkaf'kd ifjorZuh;rk
4. Partial Convertibility of Indian Currency

Economic Problem
1. What to Produce – Choice of Product
2. How to Produce – Choice of Technique
Labour > Capital Labour Intensive
Capital > Labour Capital Intensive
3. For whom to produce-Choice of consumer category.
4. Optimum Utilization Resource's
5. Development of Resource

Capitalism/Free/Market Economy
1. Private Sector Ownership
2. Objective - Max Profit
3. Focus on Customer Satisfaction
4. Price Mechanism - Price based on Market Force Demand & Supply
5. High Competition
6. High Growth Rate

2 Rashid Sir
7. Problem - Inequality
8. e.g. USA

Socialism/Central/Command Economy
1. Public Sector Ownership
2. Objective - Max Social Welfare
3. Focus on Economic Planning
4. Administered Price - Price Fixed by Government
5. Law Competition & Law Growth Rate
6. Try to reduce inequality
7. e.g. USSAR (1922-1991)

* Wall of Berlin, Germany (1961-1990)
* USSR Formed by - Vladimir Lenin
* USSR dissolved by - Mikhail Gorbachev
* USSR create a military Co-operative Group-Warsaw Post (1955-1991)
* VETO Power of USSR - Transfered to Russia in 1991
* 1st Satelite Launched by USSR - 1959
* 1st person in space - Yuri Gagarin, USSR

Mixed Economy
S ir
1. Public and Private Sector Ownership

2. Objective - Profit as well as social welfare
3. e.g. India, Indonesia, Russia

dsUnzh; leL;k,sa
R a

D;k mRiknu djsa & oLrq@mRikn dk p;u
dSls mRiknu djsa&rduhd dk p;u
Je iz/ku rduhd (Je > iwath)

iwath iz/ku rduhd (iwath
> Je)
3. fdlds fy, mRiknu djsa & miHkksDrk oxZ dk p;u

4. lalk/uksa dk dq'kyre mi;ksx
5. lalk/uksa dk fodkl
iwathokn@eqDr@cktkj vFkZO;oLFkk
1. futh {ks=k dk LokfeRo
2. mn~ns';&vf/dre ykHk
3. xzkgd larqf"V
4. dher ra=k&dher cktkj 'kfDr (ekax o iwfrZ) }kjk fu/kZfjr gksrh gSaA
5. vf/d izfr;ksfxrk nj
6. vf/d fodkl nj
7. vlekurk dh leL;k
8. e.g. USA

lektoknh@dsUnzh; vFkZO;oLFkk
1. lkoZtfud {ks=k dk LokfeRo
2. mn~ns'; & lkekftd dY;k.k
3. vkfFkZd fu;kstu
4. iz'kklfud dher (ljdkj }kjk fu/kZfjr)
5. de izfr;ksfxrk
6. de fodkl nj

3 Rashid Sir
7. vlekurk de djuk
8. e.g. USSR lksfo;r la?k (1922&1991)

uksV%&cfyZu dh nhokj] teZuh (1961&1990)

lksfo;r la?k dh LFkkiuk &
Vladimir Lenin }kjk
lksfo;r la?k dh lekfIr &
Mikhail Garbacheve }kjk
lksfo;r la?k dk la;qDr lSU; laXBu & Pact 1955-1991
lksfo;r la?k dh ohVks ikoj & esa :l dks fey xbZ
fo'o esa igykSatelite & lksfo;r la?k us 1959 esa
varfj{k esa igyk O;fDr & 1961 esa lksfo;rYuri

fefJr vFkZO;oLFkk
1. futh o lkoZtfud {ks=k dk LokfeRo
2. mn~ns'; & ykHk o lkekftd dY;k.k
3. e.g. Hkkjr] b.Mksusf'k;k :l

Note – Hkkjr xqV fujis{k laxBu dk lnL; gS

[kqyh vFkZO;oLFkk & varZjk"Vªh; O;kikj ij izfrca/ u gksuk
can vFkZO;oLFkk & varZjk"Vªh; O;kikj ij izfrca/
Note - India is a member of Non Aligned Movement.
S ir
Open Economy - Free movement of Internation Trade
Closed Economy - Restriction imposed on International Trade
izfrO;fDr vk; ds vk/kj ij ns'k (fo'o cSad)
mPp vk; ns'k & $ 12055 o vf/d
a sh
* mPp eè;e vk; ns'k &$ 3895 – $ 12054
* U;wure vk; ns'k$&995 o de
de eè;e vk; ns'k & $ 996 – $ 3895

Hkkjr dh 2018 esa izfr O;fDr vk;

$ 2015-6

* Hkkjr ,d fodkl'khy ns'k o U;wu&eè;e vk; ns'k gSA

Counteries On the basis of Per Capita Income (World Bank)
High Income Countries – $ 12055 & above
Upper Middle Income – $ 3895 – $ 12054
* Lower Middle Income – $ 996 – $ 3895
* Low Income Countries – $ 995 & Less

* India's Per Capita Income – $ 2015.6 (in 2018)

* India is a Developing Economy & Lower-middle
* Income Country as per would Development Report 2018

* FERA Act 1973 replace by (dh txg ) FEMA Act 1999

* MRTP Act 1969 replace by (dh txg ) Competition Act 2002

* FERA-Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

* FEMA-Foreign Exchange Management Act
* MRTP-Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practice.

4 Rashid Sir
Economic Growth & Economic Development
vkfFkZd o`f¼ o vkfFkZd fodkl
Economic Growth - (1) Increase real output of Goods and Service of a Country
vkfFkZd o`f¼ns'k
& dh oLrq o lsok ds okLrfod mRiknu
(2) It is Quantitative like GDP, GNP, Per Capita Income, Investment, Consumption, Export & Import
esa o`¼ & ;g x.kukRed gSGDP,
tSls GNP, izfrO;fDr vk;] fu;kZr] fuos'k] miHkksx
Economic Development - (1) An Upward movement of entire social system of income, saving, Investment
with Social-economic structure.
vkfFkZd fodkl &
ns'k dh fLFkfr esa o lkekftd lajpuk esa o`f¼] ;g x.kukRed o xq.kkRed gS
(2) It is Quantitative & Qualitative like Human Resource Development, Literacy Rate, Poverty and Unem-
ployment, Standard of Living, Infrastructure environment, Social Inclusion, Financial Inclusion.
tSls& ekuo lalk/u fodkl] lk{kjrk nj fu/Zurk] csjkstxkjh] fofÙkh; lekos'ku]
GDP, i;kZoj.k]
GNP, izfrO;fDr vk;

Economic Development is wider concept than economic Growth.

Per Capita Income - Most appropriate Economic Growth
vkfFkZd o`f¼ dk lwpd
& izfrO;fDr vk;
Human Development - Most appropriate Economic Development
vkfFkZd fodkl dk lwpd& ekuo lalk/u fodkl

S ir
a sh
y R
O b

5 Rashid Sir
Types of sectors in Economy
1. Primary Sector – Related with Nature. (izkFkfed {ks=k & izÑfr ls lacaf/r)
• Agriculture (Ñf"k)
• Horticulture (ckxokuh)
• Sericulture (js'ke mRiknu)
• Pisciculture (eRL; ikyu)
• Apiculture (e/qeD[kh ikyu)
• Animal Husbandry (i'kq ikyu)
• Poultry Farming (eqxhZ ikyu)
• Dairy Farming (nw/ mRiknu)
• Mining ([kuu)
• Quarrying (mR[kuu)
• Hunting (f'kdkj)
• Weaving (cqudj)
• Forestry (okfudh)

2. Secondary Sector – Related with Industries. (f}rh;d {ks=k & m|ksxksa ls lacaf/r)
• Manufacturing (fuekZ.k)
• Construction (fofuekZ.k)
• Infrastructure (baÚkLVªkdpj)
• Food Processing ([kk| izlaLdj.k)
• Energy/Electricity (ÅtkZ o fctyh)
• Water Supply (ty vkiwfrZ)
• Oil Refining (rsy 'kks/u)
• Automotive (eksVj okgu)

3. Tertiary Sector – Related with Services. (r`rh;d {ks=k & lsokvksa ls lacaf/r)
• Trading (O;kikj)
• Banking and Finance (cSafdx o foÙk)
• Insurance (chek)
• Tourism (i;ZVu)
• Telecomm (VsfydkWe)
• Transport (ifjogu)
• Real Estate (fj;y ,LVsV)
• Education (f'k{kk)
• Health Facility (LokLF; lqfo/k)
(dj iz.kkyh)
Tax charged by - (dj yxk;k tkrk gS) • Surcharge-vf/Hkkj -
* Central Govt. - dsUnz ljdkj Additional Tax (Tax on Tax) without specific
* State Govt. - jkT; ljdkj objective.(fcuk fdlh mn~ns'; ds vfrfjDr dj)A
* Local Govt. - LFkkuh; ljdkj • Cess - midj - Additional Tax for specific Purpose.
fdlh fo'ks"k mn~ns'; ds fy, vfrfjDr dj
Direct Tax - izR;{k dj e.g. Swach Bharat Cess, Education Cess

It not transfer on other
VªkaliQj ugha fd;s tk ldrs
It charged on Income/Profit -


r Tax Avoidance (dj cpkuk) - Reduce Tax by us-
ing Deduction under Tax system

vk; ;k ykHk ij yxk, tkrs gS NwV dk iz;ksx djds dj esa deh djuk
* Collected by CBDT under Dept of Revenue.
foÙk ea=kky; ds jktLo foHkkx ds lhchMhVh }kjk laxzfgr fd;k
tkrk gSA

shi e.g. LIC, Health Insurance, FD, PPF A/C, NSC,

Mutual Fund, Charity, Sukhanya Samridhi

* It not affect the Price
dher izHkkfor ugha gksrh • Tax Evasion dj vioapu%&
* e.g. Income Tax(vk;dj), Corporate Tax(fuxe dj),

Gift Tax(migkj dj), Capital Gain Tax(iwathxr ykHk
dj), House Tax(gkÅl VSDl), Wealth Tax(lEifÙk dj),

R Reduce Tax by not showing Income/Profit

vk; @ ykHk dks Nqik ysuk e.g. Black Money

O b
Estate Duty(tk;nkn dj).

Indirect Tax - vizR;{k dj

TDS - Tax Deduct at source
I.T.R - Income Tax Return

* It Transfer on Consumer Laffer Curve - ykiQj oØ
;g miHkksDrk ij gLrkarfjr fd;s tkrs gS * By Arthur Laffer, USA

* E
It charged on Goods/Service/Product
;g oLrq @ lsok @ mRikn ij yxk, tkrs gS
Collected by CBIC under Dept of Revenue
foÙk ea=kky; ds jktLo foHkkx ds lhchvkbZlh }kjk laxzfgr fd;s
tkrs gSaA
* Relation between Tax rate & Tax revenue
dj nj o dj vk; esa lEca/

* It affect the Price of product.

;g oLrq dh dher dks izHkkfor djrs gSA
* e.g. GST(th,lVh), Custom Duty(lhek 'kqYd), Excise
Duty(mRikn 'kqYd), VAT(oSV), Service Tax(lsok dj),
Entertainment Tax(euksjatu dj), Octroi(pwaxh).

• Progressive - izxfr'khy - Income ↑ Tax Rate

• Regressive - izfrxkeh - Income Tax Rate
• Proportional - vkuqikfrd - Constant Tax Rate

Rashid Sir
Income Tax-vk;dj (Income Tax Act 1961) Add:- Surcharge - vf/Hkkj
Personal Income Tax (O;fDrxr vk;dj)
Upto Rs. 50 Lakh No Surcharge
* All Income are taxable under Income Tax other
than agriculture Income Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore 10%
lHkh vk; vk;dj ds vUrZxr vkrh gSaA d`f"k vk; dks NksM+dj Rs. 1 Crore - 2 Crore 15%
* Personal Income Tax levied, collect by Central Rs. 2 Crore - 5 Crore 25%
above Rs. 5 Crore 37%
O;fDrxr vk;dj yxkuk o ,df=kr dsUnz ljdkj }kjk fd;k tkrk
* Agricultural Income taxable by state Govt. Company Income Tax/Corporate Tax
d`f"k vk; ij jkT; ljdkj }kjk d`f"kvk;dj yxk;k tkrk gSaA dEiuh vk; dj ;k fuxe dj
* It is Levied, Collected & Retained by Central Govt.
* Personal Income Tax (Option 1st)
;g dsUnz ljdkj }kjk yxk;k] ,df=kr o fjVsu fd;k tkrk gSaA
Tax slab (Age Upto 60 years)
Upto 2.5 Lakh
Rs. 2.5 Lakh - 5 Lakh
Rs. 5 Lakh - 10 Lakh
above Rs. 10 Lakh
No Tax

Tax Rate for Domestic Companies - ?kjsyw dEiuh
Upto Rs. 400 Crore Turnover - 25% of Net profit
above Rs. 400 Crore turnover - 30% of Net profit
add:- Surcharge - vf/Hkkj
Add:- Surcharge - vf/Hkkj
Upto Rs. 50 Lakh
Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore
No Surcharge

hid Upto Rs. 1 crore Income/Profit - No surcharge

Rs. 1 crore - 10 crore income/profit - 7%
Rs. 1 Crore - 2 Crore
Rs. 2 Crore - 5 Crore
above Rs. 5 Crore

as above Rs. 10 crore income/profit

add:- 4% Health & Education cess
- 12%

Add:- 4% Health & Education Cess (All Tax Payers)

Tax slab (Senior Citizen Age 60-80 Years)
Upto Rs. 3 Lakh No Tax R *
Tax Rate for foreign company - fons'kh dEiuh
40% of Net profit earned in India

O b
Rs. 3 Lakh - 5 Lakh
Rs. 5 Lakh - 10 Lakh
above Rs. 10 Lakh
Add:- Surcharge & Cess (See above)
add:- Surcharge - vf/Hkkj
Upto Rs. 1 crore Income/Net Profit No Surcharge
Rs. 1 crore - Rs. 10 crore income/profit - 2%

above Rs. 10 crore income/profit - 5%

Tax Slab (Super Senior Citizen age above 80 add:- 4% Health & Education cess

Upto Rs. 5 Lakh
Rs. 5 Lakh - 10 Lakh
above Rs. 10 Lakh
No Tax
Add:- Surcharge & cess (see above)

Gift Tax - migkj dj
Gift Tax Act 1958 = Introduced from 1 April
Gift Tax abolished (lekIr) in 1998
* Now, Gift Tax applicable (ykxw) - Under Income
* Personal Income Tax (Option 2nd)
Tax ACt 1961
For All Tax Payer
* Gift is Taxable if Given by Non-Relative
Upto Rs. 2.5 Lakh No Tax
(xSj&fj'rsnkj) & gift value above Rs. 50000.
Rs. 2.5 Lakh - 5 Lakh 5%
Rs. 5 Lakh - 7.5 Lakh 10%
Wealth Tax - lEifÙk dj
Rs. 7.5 Lakh - 10 Lakh 15%
* Introduced ('kq:) in 1957 on Assets (lEifÙk) -
Rs. 10 Lakh - 12.5 Lakh 20%
above Rs. 30 Lakh - 1% Tax Rate
Rs. 12.5 Lakh - 15 Lakh 25%
above Rs. 15 Lakh 30% * abolished in 2015

Rashid Sir
* Assets Included (lEifÙk esa) Custom Duty - lhek 'kqYd
1. Land & Building * Under Customs Act 1962
2. Motor Car * On Export & Import - fu;kZr o vk;kr ij
3. Jewellary of Gold, Silver, Platinum, Diamond * It is Levied, Collected & Retained by Central Govt.
4. Cash in hand excess Rs. 50,000. ;g dsUnz ljdkj }kjk yxk;k] ,df=kr o fjVsu fd;k tkrk gSaA
* Tax Rate - Vary Product to Product (vyx & vyx)
Securities Transaction Tax
* On sale & Purchase of securities (share, Deben- Excise Duty - mRikn 'kqYd
tures, Bonds Derivative, Govt. Securities, * Under Excise Duty Act 1944
Mutual Funds)
* Levied on the Production and manufacturing of
izfrHkwfr [kjhnus o cspus ij goods.
* Tax Rate - 0.1%
oLrq ds mRiknu o fuekZ.k ij yxk;k tkrk gSaA

* Securities Contract Act 1956
* Rate of Tax (dj nj) - Under Central Excise Tariff

Capital Gain Tax - iwathxr ykHk dj
On profit from sale of property, Jewellery,

now Excise Duty - Under GST.

For shares - 'ks;j ds fy,
Upto 12 months - Short Term (Tax - 15%

hid *
VAT - Value Added Tax - ewY; o`f¼ dj
It replace to Sales Tax (fcØh dj)

above 12 months - Long Term Tax - 10%

Upto 36 month - Short Term (Tax - Income Tax)

as *
VAT Act 2005 (ykxw gqvk - 1 April 2005)
It is Collected by state Govt.
jkT; ljdkj }kjk fy;k tkrk FkkA

above 36 month - Long Term (Tax - 20%)
* Capital Gain Tax - Under Income Tax Act 1961

iwathxr ykHk dj & vk;dj vf/fu;e 1961 esa vkrk gSaA

b Estate Duty - tk;nkn dj

GST Goods & Service Tax - oLrq o lsok dj
For GST - Article 246 required to amend GST
GST ds fy, vuqPNsn 246 esa la'kks/u t:jh FkkA

* Under Estate Duty Act 1953
GSTN is a not for profit organisation under Com-
* Abolished (lekIr) in 1985

panies Act 2013.
* tc fdlh O;fDr dh lEifÙk mÙkjkf/dkjh dks VªkliQj dh tk,
GSTN ,d xSj&ykHkdkjh laxBu gS dEiuh vf/fu;e 2013 ds

when deceased individual property passed to the
Service Tax - lsok dj * GSTN Setup toOperate Information Technology
* Applicable (ykxw) From 1 July 1994 of GST
* Under Finance Act 1994 ;g GST dh lwpuk rduhd dk lapkyu djrk gSaA
* It was not applicable (ykxw ugh) - J & K * Share in GSTN - Goods & Service Tax Network
* Service Tax exempt (NwV) - Rs. 10 Lakh Turnover
* 24.5% Central Govt.
* Now Service is a part of GST. * 24.5% State Govt.
* 11% LIC Housing Finance
Entertainment Tax - euksjatu dj * 10% ICICI Bank
* movies, Exhibition, Stage shows, Sports, Amuse-
* 10% HDFC
ment Parks, Theatre shows.
* ;g jkT; ljdkj (State Govt) }kjk yxk;k tkrk Fkk * 10% HDFC Bank
* Now Entertainment is a part of Gst. * 10% NSE Strategic Investment Corp. Ltd.
Rashid Sir
* GSTIN - Goods & Service Tax Identification Num- * GST Registration exempt upto Rs. 40 Lakh busi-
* GST Remove Cascading Effect (Tax ij Tax ugha yxrk)
* 15 digits alpha - Numeric * GST Bill No - 122
09 ABCPK1234A 1 Z F * GST Amendment No - 101
* Chairman of GST Committee - Vijay Kelkar
First Two digits - State Code
* GST jkT;lHkk us 3 Aug 2016 dks ikl fd;k
Next Ten digits - PAN Number * GST yksdlHkk us 8 Aug 2016 dks ikl fd;k
Thirteen digits - Registered Entity * GST lcls igys Assam jkT; us ikl fd;k
* GST Slab - 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% & 28%
Fourteen Digits - by Default "Z"
* 3% GST on Gold & Silver
Fifteen Digits - Error Detection Code * 0.25% GST on Diamond & Precious Stone

* GST Not applicable on - ykxw ugh gksrk -Alcohol -

,Ydksgy Petroleum Product - iSVªksfy;e mRikn

*ir GST applicable from 1 July 2017 (J & K - 7 July
GST Day - 1 July
GST Brand Ambassador - Amitabh Bachchan

(Petrol, Diesel, Fuel, Natural Gas, Crude Oil)

GST Council - GST ifj"kn (Article 279A)

hid *
Indian GST Model taken From Canada
fo'o esa lcls vf/d GST - 28% - India
fo'o esa GST okyk igyk ns'k - France - 1954

* Types of GST
Union Finance Minister of India

State Finance Minister of India

Ra 1. Central GST - dsUnz GST

2. State GST jkT; GST
3. Integrated GST ,dhd`r GST

Finance Minister All States & UT.
* Kerala Charge 1% Flood Cess Upto 2 year Period:

Note:- Union Finance Minister – Chairperson of

GST Council.
* GST Equally Distributed in Central & State Govt

GST esa dsUnz o jkT; ljdkj dk leku fgLlk gksrk gSaA


Rashid Sir

ctV ;k jktdks"kh; uhfr

1) Budget given under article 112 as annual financial statement.
ctV lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn&112 esa okf"kZd foÙkh; fooj.k dgk x;k gSA
2) Budget is prepared by Department of economic affairs under ministery of Finance under government of India.
ctV Hkkjr ljdkj ds foÙk ea=kky; dk vkfFkZd ekeyksa dk foHkkx cukrk gSA
3) Budget is presented by finance minister on Ist working day of February.
ctV foÙk ea=kh }kjk iQjojh ds izFke dk;Z fnol ij is'k fd;k tkrk gSA
4) Budget is approved by Parliament and applicable from Ist April.
ctV dks eatwjh laln nsrh gS vkSj 1 vizSy ls ykxw gksrk gSA

Budget expenditure from Consolidated Fund of India. (Article 266).

ctV dk O;; Hkkjr ljdkj dh lafpr fufèk ls gksrk gSA

Working yesterday of Budget finance minister present economic survey.

ctV ds fiNys dk;Z fnol ij foÙk ea=kh vkfFkZd leh{kk is'k djrs gSA

First Budget in India present by James Wilsom in 1860.

Hkkjr esa igyk ctV 1860 esa tsEl foyle us is'k fd;k FkkA

8) First Budget of independent India present by R.K. Shanmugam Chetty on 26th November, 1947.
Lora=k Hkkjr dk igyk ctV vkj-ds- 'kueq?ke psV~Vh us 26 uoEcj 1947 dks is'k fd;k FkkA

Maximum Budget presented by Morarji Desai (10 times)

lcls vfèkd ctV eksjkjth nslkbZ us 10 ckj is'k fd;kA
First Budget of Republic India by John Mathai on 28th February, 1950.
x.kra=k Hkkjr dk igyk ctV tkWu eFkkbZ us 28 iQjojh 1950 dks is'k fd;kA
11) Ist Rail Budget present in 1924 by John Mathai on recommendation of Acworth Committee
igyk jsy ctV 1924 esa tkWu eFkkbZ us ,doFkZ desVh dh fliQkfj'k ij is'k fd;kA
12) Last Rail budget presented in 2016 by Suresh Prabhu.
vfUre jsy ctV 2016 esa jsy ea=kh lqjs'k izHkq us is'k fd;kA

Public Receipts (lkoZtfud izkfIr;ka)

Revenue Receipts Capital Receipts
(jktLo izkfIr;ka) (iwathxr izkfIr;ka)
1) Tax (dj izkfIr) 1) Disinvestment fofuos'k
• Direct Tax(izR;{k dj) (sell of share/Asset)
• Indirect Tax(vizR;{k dj) • Assets(lEifÙk) Decrease
2) None-Tax(xSj&dj izkfIr) 2) Public Debt (lkoZtfud ½.k)
• Fees(iQhl) Borrowing (m/kj ysuk)
• Fine/Penalty(tqekZuk) • Liability (dtZ) Increase
• Licence issue (ykblsal tkjh)
• Interest Received (C;kt izkfIr)
• Dividend Received(ykHkka'k izkfIr)
Public Expenditure (lkoZtfud O;;)

Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure

(jktLo O;;) (iawthxr O;;)
1) Subsidy (vuqnku) 1) Investment (fuos'k)
2) Scholarship (Nk=ko`fÙk) Buy of share/Asset
3) Pension (isa'ku) • Asset (lEifÙk) increase
4) Salary (osru) 2) Return of Public Debt
5) Defence Expense (j{kk O;;) (lkoZtfud ½.k dh okilh)
6) Interest payment (C;kt Hkqxrku) • Liability (dtZ) Decrease
Development & Non-Development Expenditure
fodkldkjh o xSj&fodkldkjh O;;

Development Exp.
(fodkldkjh O;;)

Sir Non-Development Exp.

(xSjfodkldkjh O;;)
1. Education
(f'k{kk {ks=k)

shid 1. Defence Expense

(j{kk O;;)
2. Health
LokLF; {ks=k

Ra 2. Police

3. Housing 3. Judiciary
vkokl U;kf;d iz.kkyh


iz'kklfud O;;
Interest Payment
m|ksx C;kt Hkqxrku
6. Rural Development 6. Subsidies
xzkeh.k fodkl vuqnku


(CktVh; ?kkVs ds izdkj)
1) Fiscal Deficit (jktdks"kh; ?kkVk) = Public Expenditure - Public Receipts (Excluding Public Debt)
2) Primary Deficit (izkFkfed ?kkVk) = Fiscal Deficit – Interest Payment.
3) Revenue Deficit (jktLo ?kkVk) = Revenue Expenditure – Revenue Receipts
4) Effective Revenue Deficit(izHkkoh jktLo ?kkVk) = Revenue Deficit – Grant to create capital assets

Deficit Financing
(?kkVs dh foÙk O;oLFkk)
1) Borrowing from International Organisation(varjk"Vªh; laxBu ls mèkkj)
2) Borrowing from other country(vU; ns'kks ls mèkkj)
3) Borrowing from Public (eg. Bonds)(ns'k dh turk ls mèkkj)
4) Borrowing from RBI(RBI ls m/kj)
Objective of Fiscal Policy

(jktdks"kh; uhfr ds mn~ns';)

1. Development by effective utilization of Resources.

lalk/uksa ds dq'kyre mi;ksx }kjk fodkl

2. Reduction in Income & Wealth inequalities

vk; o lEifÙk dh vlekurk de djuk

3. Price Stability & Control Inflation

dher fLFkjrk o egaxkbZ ij fu;a=k.k

4. Creating Employment Opportunities

jkstxkj ds volj c<+kuk

5. Balanced Regional Development

larqfyr {ks=kh; fodkl

6. Increase National Income/GDP

jk"Vªh;@GDP dks c<+kuk

7. Development of Infrastructure

lajpukRed <kaps dk foLrkj


Reduction in Deficit in Balance of Payment.

Hkqxrku 'ks"k dk ?kkVk de djuk

FRBM Act 2003:

[Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management]

To control deficit's in budget

ctVh; ?kkVksa dk fu;a=k.k

• To Improve fiscal management

jktdks"kh; izca/u csgrj djuk

• Transparency in fiscal operation

jktdks"kh; fØ;kaou esa ikjnf'kZrk ykuk

• Cordination between fiscal and monetary Policy

jktdks"kh; o ekSfnzd uhfr esa lg;ksx

• Applicable (ykxw) – July 2004

• Fiscal Deficit reduced by 0.3% each year & reach to 3% of GDP in 2008-09

jktdks"kh; ?kkVk izfro"kZ 0-3» de djuk rFkk o"kZ 2008&09 esa GDP ds 3» ij igqapkuk
• Revenue Deficit reduced by 0.5% each year & reach to 0% in 2008-09.

jktLo ?kkVk izfro"kZ 0-5» de djuk rFkk 2008&09 o"kZ esa jktLo ?kkVk [kRe dj nsukA

(cSafdax iz.kkyh)
* Public Sector Bank = 12 (5) Oriental Bank of Commerce & United Bank of
India merged with PNB on 1st April, 2020
* Private Sector Bank = 22
(6) Andhra Bank & Corporation Bank merged with
* Foreign Bank = 46 Union Bank of India on 1st April, 2020.
* Regional Rural Bank = 43
* Small Finance Bank = 10 SBI (STATE BANK OF INDIA) (Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad)
* Payment Bank = 06 * It was establised on 1 July, 1955 under SBI Act
PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS@ lkoZtfud cSad : bldh LFkkiuk 1 tqykbZ] 1955 dks ,lchvkbZ vf/fu;e 1955 ds
rgr dh xbZA
* State Bank of India/Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad * Head Office(eq[;ky;)Mumabi.

Present Chairman(orZeku vè;{k) Rajnish Kumar.
* 14 Banks Nationalised on 19 July, 1969 having *
minimum capital of Rs. 50 crore.
19 tqykbZ]1969 dks 14 cSadksa dk jk"Vªh;dj.k fd;k x;k ftudh
U;wure iwath 50 djksM+ :- FkhA

It was recommenaded by A.D.Gorewala Committee.
bl cSad dh LFkkiuk A.D.Gorewala desVh dh fliQkfj'k ij
* 6 Banks Nationalised on 15 April, 1980 having
minimum capital of Rs. 200 crore.
d dh xbZA
Previously known by Imperial Bank of India.

15 vizSy] 1980 dks 6 cSadksa dk jk"Vªh;dj.k fd;k x;k ftudh

U;wure iwath 200 djksM+ :- FkhA
as *
,lchvkbZ dk iqjkuk uke Imperial Bank of India FkkA
It is the largest Public Sector Bank which have high-

Nationalised Bank and its Headquarters: R est number of domestic & foreign branches.
;g Hkkjr dk lcls vf/d ?kjsyw o fons'kh czkap okyk cSad gSA
1. Punjab National Bank
2. Punjab & Sindh Bank

O b New Delhi
New Delhi
REGIONAL RURAL BANK ({ks=kh; xzkeh.k cSad):- 43
* Ist RRB's is Prathama Bank, established on 2 Octber,

3. Indian Bank Chennai 1975 in Moradabaad.
igyk xzkeh.k cSad mÙkj izns'k ds eqjknkckn ftys es 2 vDVwcj

4. Indian Qverseas Bank Chennai
5. United Commercial Bank (UCO) Kolkata 1975 dks izFkek cSad uke ls 'kq: fd;k x;k Fkk
* RRB Act Passed in 1976.
6. Bank of India Mumbai
7. Central Bank of India Mumbai
vkjvkjch vf/fu;e 1976 esa ikfjr fd;k x;kA
* No RRB's present in Goa & Sikkim.
8. Union Bank of India Mumbai
xksok o flfDde jkT; esa xzkeh.k cSad ugha gSA
9. Bank of Baroda Vadadora
* RRB's regulated by NABARD.
10. Bank of Maharashtra Pune
xzkeh.k cSadksa dk lapkyu ukckMZ }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA
11. Canara Bank Bangalore
* It was recommendated by Narasimhan Committee.
xzkeh.k cSadksa dh fliQkfj'k ujflagu desVh }kjk dh xbZ FkhA
* Capital ratio of RRB
(1) New Bank of India merged with PNB - 4 Sep-
tember 1993.
xzkeh.k cSadksa dk iwath vuqikr
(i) 50% Central Government dsanz ljdkj
(2) Dena Bank & Vijaya Bank merged with Bank of
Baroda on 1 April, 2019. (ii) 15% State Government jkT; ljdkj
(3) Syndicate Bank merged with Canara Bank on (iii) 35% Sponsored Bank izk;kstd cSad (Public Sector
Ist April 2020. Bank/lkoZtfud cSad)
* Prathma Bank was sponsored by Syndicate Bank
(4) Allahabad Bank merged with Indian Bank on
1st April, 2020. izFkek cSad dk izk;kstd flaMhdsV cSad FkkA
SMALL FINANCE BANKS (y?kq foÙk cSad)-10 List of Names of PB's : Headquater
* Minimum Capital Required (U;wure iwath vko';drk) 1. Airtel Payment Bank New Delhi
Rs. 200 crores 2. Paytm Payment Bank Noida
* Minimum Experience 10 years as Finance Company 3. Jio Payment Bank Navi Mumbai
(U;wure 10 o"kZ foÙkh; daiuh dk vuqHko vko';d) 4. FINO Payment Bank Mumbai
* Deposit and Loans facility (tek o ½.k lqfo/k) 5. India Post Payment Bank New Delhi
* RBI approved 10 small bank's license on recommen- 6. NSDL Payment Bank Mumbai
dation of Usha Thorat Committee (vkjchvkbZ us Å"kk
FkksjV desVh dh fliQkfj'k ij 10 y?kq cSasdksa ds ykblsal dks eatwjh Banking Code
* First Small Finance Bank was opened on 13 April, * Indian Financial System Code
2016 in Jalandhar named Capital Small Finace Bank. * It is provided by RBI to Bank Branches
(igyk y?kq foÙk cSad 13 vizSy] 2016 dks iatkc ds tkya/j esa * It is 11 digit alpha – numeric code
Capital Small Finance Bank 'kq: gqvkA) * It is used for Electronic Fund Transfer
List of 10 SFB's : Headquaters Name
1. Capital Small Finance Bank Jalandhar
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank
Suryodaya Small Finance Bank
5. Jana Small Finance Bank Bengaluru

North East Small Finance Bank
AU Small Finance Bank
Fincare Small Finance Bank
Equitas Small Finance Bank
Chennai R MICR :
10. ESAF Small Finance Bank

O b Thrissur
* Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
* Provided by RBI to Bank Branches
* It is used for Electronic Cheque Clearance
Rs. 100 crore. EC
(Hkqxrku cSad)- 06
Minimum Capital Required (U;wure Ikwt
a h vko';drk)
* It is 9 digit numeric code

* Minimum Experience not required (foÙkh; daiuh

dk vuqHko vko';d ugha).
* Only Deposit Facility (upto Rs. 1 lakhs)(fliQZ tek
lqfo/k 1 yk[k :i;s rd)
* Loan & Credit Card Facility not available (½.k
o ØsfMV dkMZ lqfo/k miyC/ ugha)
* RBI approved 11 payment bank license on rec-
ommendation of "Nechiket Mor Committee"
NPA- Non Performing Assets (xsSj fu"ikfnr lEifÙk)
(vkjchvkbZ us usfpdsr eksj desVh dh fliQkfj'k ij X;kjg * It mean loan which not recovered to bank.
Hkqxrku cSadksa ds ykblsal dks eatwjh nhA bl vFkZ cSadksa dk og ½.k ftls izkIr ugha fd;k x;k ;k og
* First payment Bank was Airtel Payment Bank ½.k tks Mwc x;kA
which started on 23rd November, 2016. * It is also called bad loan.
igyk Hkqxrku cSad 23 uoEcj 2016 dks ,;jVsy isesaV cSad bls csM yksu Hkh dgk tkrk gSA
us 'kq: fd;k
Banking Ombudsman (CkSafdax yksdiky)%& EXIM :
* It is an authority to solve banking related problems. * Export & Import Bank of India
;g cSafdax leL;kvksa dk lek/ku djus okyh laLFkk gSaA * Established on : 01 January, 1982 under EXIM Act
* Presently 21 Banking ombudsman in India. 1981
Hkkjr esa 21 cSafdax yksdiky orZeku esa fu;qDr gSA * HQ : Mumbai
* Capital : 100% of Government of India
DICGC - Deposit Insurance and Credit Gurantee
Corporation * Chairman : Venkata Subramaniyam

* It provide maximum five lakh rupees bank deposit * Apex Institute for Export & Import
;g cSad tek dk vf/dre 5 yk[k :i;s dk chek iznku djrk NHB :
gSA * National Housing Bank
* It Head Office in Mumbai.
* Established on : 09 July, 1988 under NHB Act 1987
bldk eq[;ky; eqEcbZ esa gSA
* HQ : New Delhi
ATM- Automated Teller Machine:-
* Capital : 100% Govt. of India
* Brown label ATM - ATM Machine of Bank.
* White label ATM- ATM Machine of Non Bank. * Chairman : Sarada Kumar Hota

NEFT - National Electronic Fund Transfer.


Sir Regulate to Housing Finance Companies

RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement.

IMPS- Immediate Payment Service.

hid Facts of Banking

BBPS- Bharat Bill Payment System.

AEPS- Aadhaar Enabled Payment System.
as (i). First Bank in India Bank of Hindustan.

UPI- Unified Payment Interface.

BHIM- Bharat Interface for Money.
y R (ii). First fully Indian capital Bank Panjab National


O b (iii).
Presentily oldest Bank of India Allahabad Bank.
First Bank to get ISO cistifieak Kannra Bank

* National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development. (v). First Bank to start Internet Banking ICICI Bank

HQ : Mumbai
Established on 12 July, 1982 under NABARD Act

Capital : 100% Govt. of India

First Bank to Start Mobile Banking HDFC Bank
First Bank to Start mutul Fund SBI
First Bank to open Branch out side India Bank of
Inida 1946 [Londan]
* Chairman : Govinda Rajulu Chintla (xi). First Bank to Start ATM in India HSBC Bank
* Recommended By : Shivaraman Committee
(x). First Bank to start Saving Account & cheque sys-
* Apex Institute for Agriculture & Rural Development
tem Bank of Bangal
* Regulate to RRB & Co-operative Bank.
(xi). First Bank to launch Contact less debit and credit
card ICICI Bank.
(xii). First Adhar enabired ATM : DCB Development
* Small Industries Development Bank of India
* Established on : 02 April, 1990 Under the SIDBI Act Credit Bank Banglore 2016
* HQ : Lucknow nnnn
* Chairman : Mohammed Mustafa
* Apex Institution for providing finance to MSME's
(Hkkjrh; fjotZ cSad)
* RBI was established on 1 st April 1935 in * RBI Autonomous Institutions/Lora=k laLFkku
Kolkata with Rs. 5 crores of capital under RBI (a) NIBM- National Institution of Bank
Act 1934 Management.
vkjchvkbZ dh LFkkiuk 1 vizSy 1935 dks dydÙkk esa(b)5 IGIDR- Indra Gandhi Institute for
djksM+ :i;s iwath ls vkjchvkbZ vf/fu;e 1934 ds rgr

dh xbZA

In 1937 RBI head Office was shifted from

Kolkata to Mumbai.
1937 esa vkjchvkbZ dk eq[;ky; dydÙkk ls eqEcbZ
Development and Research.

* f'kÝV
(c) IDRBT- Institute for Development &
Research In Banking Technology.
RBI's Board of Directors (BOD's):-

fd;k x;kA [Maximum 21]
* RBI was nationalised on 1st January 1949. * 1 Governor (1 xouZj)

vkjchvkbZ dk jk"Vªh;dj.k 1 tuojh 1949 dks fd;k x;kA * 4 Deputy Governor (4 fMIVh xouZj)
RBI was established on recommendation of John
Hitton Young Commission (OR) Royal
* 4 Director's of Zonal Office (4 tksuy vkWfiQl ds

* 10 Director's appointed by Govt. of India
vkjchvkbZ dh fliQkfj'k tkWu fgyVu ;ax deh'ku ;k jkW;y
(10 Mk;jsDVj Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fu;qDr)

deh'ku }kjk dh xbZ FkhA
RBI accounting year old 1st July to 30 June.
* 2 Director's appointed by Finance Ministry
(2 Mk;jsDVj foÙk ea=kky; }kjk fu;qDr)
vkjchvkbZ dk iqjkuk ys[kkadu o"kZ 1 tqykbZ ls 30 twu gSA

* RBI accounting year New 1st April to 31 March. * BOD's Maximum tenure is 4 years
cksMZ vkWiQ Mk;jsDVj dk vf/dre dk;Zdky 4 o"kZ gksrk g
vkjchvkbZ dk u;k ys[kkadu o"kZ 1 vizSy ls 30 ekpZ gSA
* RBI's Symbol (fpUg)&Tiger under Palm Tree. * Maximum tenure of RBI's Governor and Deputy
RBI Museum (laxzkgy;)& Kolkata Governor is 5 years
* RBI Office's:- vkjchvkbZ xouZj o fMIVh xouZj dk vf/dre dk;Zdky 5
* 1 Head Office (Mumbai) o"kZ gksrk gSA
* 4 Zonal Office/Local Office (Delhi, Mumbai, * RBI Governor & Deputy Governor appointed by
Chennai, Kolkata). Govt. of India.
* 20 Regional Office({ks=kh; dk;kZy;) vkjchvkbZ xouZj o fMIVh xouZj dh fu;qfDr Hkkjr ljdkj
* 11 Sub Office (mi dk;kZYk;) }kjk dh tkrh gSA
* RBI's fully Owned Subsidiary:- * RBI's Ist Governor was Sir Osborne Smith from
vkjchvkbZ ds iw.kZ lgk;d laLFkk,a%& Britain (1935-1937)
(a) DICGC (Deposit Insurance & Credit vkjchvkbZ ds izFke xouZj fczVsu
lj vkslckWu
ds fLeFk FksA
Guarantee Corporation) - Mumbai
* RBI Second Governor was Sir. James Taylor from
(b) BRBNMPL (Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note
Britain (1937 - 1943).
Mudran Private Limited) - Bengaluru
vkjchvkbZ ds f}rh; xouZj fczVsu ds lj tsEl Vsyj Fks
(c) ReBIT (Reserve Bank Information
Technology Private Limited) - Mumbai * RBI Ist Indian Governor was C.D. Deshmukh
(d) IFTAS (Indian Financial Technology and (1943-1949)
Allied Services) - Mumbai vkjchvkbZ ds izFkeh;Hkkjr
xouZjlh-Mh- ns'keq[k
* RBI 4th Governor was Benegal Rama Rao Functions of RBI (vkjchvkbZ ds dk;Z)
(1949-1957) - Longest Serving RBI Governor. * RBI is Central & Apex Bank of India.

vkjchvkbZ ds pkSFks
(1949&1957) vkjchvkbZ Hkkjr dk dsanzh; o loksZPp cSad gSA
FksA ftudk dk;Zdky lcls vf/d le; FkkA * RBI regulates Indian Banking System

* RBI 15th Governor was Dr. Manmohan Singh vkjchvkbZ Hkkjrh; cSafdax iz.kkyh dk lapkyu djrk gSA
* RBI Provides License to new Banks (under
vkjchvkbZ ds ianzgos
flag Section-22 of Banking Regulation Act 1949)

vkjchvkbZ u;s caSdksa ds ykblsal tkjh djrk gSA (cSafda

RBI 16th Governor was Amitabh Ghosh (21

days) - Shortest Serving RBI Governor.

jsxqys'ku ,DV&1949 ds lsD'ku&22 ds rgrA
RBI issues currency/Money under Section- 22

vkjchvkbZ ds lksygosavferkHk
xouZj ?kks"k
ftudk dk;Zdky lcls de le; FkkA
(21 fnu) FksA
of RBI Act 1934.

vkjchvkbZ djsalh ;k eqnzk tkjh djrk gSA (vkjchvkbZ vf/

* RBI 23rd Governor was Raghuram Rajan (2013-
fu;e&1934 ds lsD'ku&22 ds rgr)

* RBI prepares Monetary & Credit Policy.

vkjchvkbZ ds rsblosaj?kqjke
xouZj jktu(2013&2016)

A P P *
vkjchvkbZ ekSfnzd ,oa lk[k uhfr rS;kj djrk gSA
RBI control Money Supply & Inflation in

* RBI 24th Governor was Urjit Patel (2016-2018).
vkjchvkbZ ds pkSchlosa
vkjchvkbZ eqnzk dh iwfrZ o egaxkbZ dks fu;af=kr djrk gS
* RBI regulate to Money Market.
* RBI 25 th Governor is Shakti Kanta Das
vkjchvkbZ eqnzk cktkj dk lapkyu djrk gSa
(appointed for 3 years in 2018)
* RBI also manage foreign Reserve of India.
vkjchvkbZ ds 25osa o orZeku xouZj 'kfDr dkark nkl gSA
bUgsa 2018 esa 3 o"kZ ds fy, fu;qDr fd;k x;k gSA vkjchvkbZ Hkkjr ds fons'kh HkaMkj dk izca/u djrk gSA
* RBI is Banker's Bank.
RBI Present Deputy Governor's:-

vkjchvkbZ orZeku fMIVh xouZj vkjchvkbZ dks cSadksa dk cSad dgk tkrk gSA

(1) M.K. Jain * RBI is Bank, agent and Advisor of Govt.

(2) Michael Patra vkjchvkbZ ljdkj dk cSad] ,tsaV o lykgdkj gSA

(3) Rajeshwar Rao * RBI is known as lender of last resort.

(4) Rabi Shankar vkjchvkbZ dks vafre

½.k nkrk dgk tkrk gSA


1. Barter system means exchange of commodity to commodity.

2. Money is a medium of exchange

3. First country to issue paper note - China (7th century)

4. First country to issue plastic note - Australia (1988)

5. First note issued by Govt. of India - 1917

First note issued by RBI - 1938


First demonetization in India in 1946.


Decimal system of Indian Currency introduced in 1957

9. 2nd demonetization in India in 1978

10. Rupee symbol design by D. Uday Kumar in 2010.

11. 3rd demonetization in India declared on 8th November, 2016

12. Govt. of India launched IDS (income declaration scheme) from 1st June, 2016 to 30th September, 2016 to
convert black money into white money after 45% tax.

1 Rashid Sir
13. Govt. of India launched PMGKY (Pradhan-Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana) from 17th December, 2016 to 31st
March, 2017 to convert black money into white money after 50% tax

14. Currency is legal tender and it guaranteed by Central Government.

15. All coins issued by ministry of Finance, Govt. of India (maximum coin - Rs.1000)

16. 1 rupee note issued by Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India and signed by Finance Secretary.

17. Rupees 2 to 10,000 note issued by RBI and signed by RBI Governor.

18. Seventeen languages on a note

19. To issue currency RBI kept minimum reserve system of Rs.200 crore in which Rs.115 crore gold is manda-

20. RBI issue currency under section 22 of RBI Act, 1934.

21. Coins Minted Press

(i) Kolkata (ii) Mumbai W
(iii) Hyderabad (iv) Noida
22. Notes printing press
(i) Nasik
(ii) Devas (M.P.) (iii) Mysore (iv) Salboni (W.B.)
23. Indian Currency Paper Mill

24. Indian Currency Security MillE Hoshangabad (M.P.)

C A Features of New Notes

Rs. 10 Rs. 20 Rs. 50

Colour Chocolate Brown Greenish Yeallow Fluorscent Blue
Size 63 × 123 mm 63 × 129 mm 66 × 135 mm
Picture Sun Temple, Elloro Caves Hampi Temples
Konark, Odisa Aurangabad, MH Karnataka

Rs. 100 Rs. 200 Rs. 500 Rs. 2000

Colour Lavender Bright Yellow Stone Grey Magenta
Size 66 × 142 mm 66 × 146 mm 66 × 150 mm 66 × 166 mm
Picture Rani ki Vav Sanchi Stupa (MP) Red Fort, Delhi Mangal Yan, India

2 Rashid Sir
Types of Money
1. Soiled Money - Dirty
2. Mutilated - Torn
3. Froged - Fake
4. Plastic - Coard
5. Hard - High Demand
6. Soft - Low Demand
7. Dear - High Rate of Interest
8. Cheap - Low Rate of Interest
9. Hot - Foregin Investment
10. Near - Equivalent to cash
11. Crypto Currency - Electronic or Digital

Token Money - Coins (Internal Value <Face Value)
Fiat Money - (No Internal Value)

Money Supply
• Currency (Notes & Coins)
• Demand Deposit in Bank

Time Deposit in Bank

Saving Deposit in Post Office

• Deposit in RBI (RBI

Time Deposit in Post Office

M1  Narrow Money Supply or Liquid Money
M3  Broad Money Supply or aggregate Monetary Resource
M1, M2, M3 & M4 - Level & Money Supply

M1 = Currency + Deposit in Bank + Deposit in RBI
M2 = M1 + Saving deposit in Post Office
M3 = M1 + Time Deposit in Bank
M4 = M3 + Saving deposit in Post Office + Time Deposit in Post Office

 High Money Supply Inflation


3 Rashid Sir

(varZjk"Vªh; laxBu)

1. ADB - Asian Development Bank-68 Countries 3. ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1966 - 10 Countries
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Manila, Philippines 1. Myanmar 2. Malaysia
• President (vè;{k)- Masatsugu Asakawa, Japan 3. Thailand 4. Indonesia
• Vice President (mikè;{k)&Ashok Lavasa, India 5. Singapore 6. Combodia
• First President of ADB was Takeshi Watanabe, 7. Vietnam 8. Philippines
Japan. 9. Laos 10. Brunei

,Mhch ds izFke vè;{k tkiku ds Takeshi Watanabe
ADB is known as World Bank of Asia.
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1967
Secretariat (lfpoky;) - Jakarta Indonesia

,Mhch dks ,f'k;k dk fo'o cSad Hkh dgk tkrk gSA
ADB last member country is Niue.

hid •
• Secretary (lfpo)- Lim Jock Hoi, Brunei
,Mhch dk vafre lnL; ns'k Niue gSA
• ADB shares distribution/,Mhch 'ks;j forj.kA • Ist Summit (lEesyu)- 1976- Bali, Indonesia
1. Japan • 32nd & 33rd Summit(lEesyu) - 2018 Singapore
2. USA
3. China
4. India by • 34nd & 35nd Summit(lEesyu) - 2019 Bangkok,
36nd & 37nd Summit(lEesyu) - 2020, Vietnam
5. Australia

CO 4.

AIIB - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank - 82


1. India
3. Sri Lanka
SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional
co-operation - 8 Country
2. Pakistan
4. Bangladesh

Establishment(LFkkiuk) - 2016
Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Beijing China
5. Nepal 6. Bhutan • Chairman (vè;{k)- Jin Liqun, China
7. Maldives 8. Afghanistan • Capital (iwath) - $ 100 billion
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1985 • Largest Contribution by China 30%
• Secretariat (lfpoky;) - Kathmandu, Nepal lcls vf/d ;ksxnku 30 izfr'kr phu }kjk fd;k x;k gSA
• Secretary(lfpo)- Esala Ruwan Weerakoon, Sri
Lanka. • India's Contribution-8.5% & voting Right 7.5%
Hkkjr dk ;ksxnku 8-5 izfr'kr rFkk oksV vf/dkj 7-5
• 1st Summit (lEesyu) - 1985 - Dhaka, izfr'kr gSA
• 2nd Summit(lEesyu) - 1986- Banglore, India • 1st Summit(lEesyu)- 2016 - Beijing, China
• 8th Summit (lEesyu) - 1995- New Delhi, India
• 2nd Summit(lEesyu)-2017 - South Korea
• 14th Summit (lEesyu) - 2007- New Delhi, India
• 19th Summit(lEesyu) - 2016 - Islamabad, • 3rd Summit(lEesyu) - 2018 - Mumbai, India.
Pakistan • 4th Summit(lEesyu) - 2019 - Luxembourg.
• 20th Summit(lEesyu) - 2020 - Colombo, Sri • 5th Summit(lEesyu) - 2020 - Beijing, China
1 Rashid Sir
5. APEC - Asian Pacific Economic Co-operation - 8. G - 20 Group of Developed and Developing
21 Country. Nations.
fodflr o fodkl'khy ns'kksa dk lewgA
• India is not member of APEC organization
1. USA 2. U.K.
• Establishment(LFkkiuk) - 1989 3. France 4. Italy
• Head Office(eq[;ky;) - Singapore 5. Germeny 6. Japan
• Chairman(vè;{k) - Sebastian Pinera, Chile. 7. Canada 8. Russia
9. India 10. China
11. Brazil 12. Argentina
• 2018 Summit - Port Moserby, Papua New
13. Australia 14. South Africa
15. South Korea 16. Saudi Arabia
• 2019 Summit - Santiago, Chile 17. Indonesia 18. Mexico
• 2020 Summit - Kualalampur, Malaysia. 19. Turkey 20. European Union

• 1St Summit(lEesyu) 2008- Washington D.C.,

6. BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
• Establishment (LFkkiuk)- 2009 • 13th Summit(lEesyu) 2018 - Buenos Aires,

South Africa included in 2010/nf{k.k
esa bldk lnL; cukA
It has no head office & Chairman/
vÚhdk 2010

bldk dksbZ

SirCapital of Argentina
14th Summit(lEesyu) 2019 - Osaka, Japan
15th Summit(lEesyu)2020 - Riyadh, Capital
eq[;ky; o vè;{k ugha gSA


d of S. Arubia
16th Summit(lEesyu) 2021 - Italy

• Ist Summit (lEesyu) - 2009-Yekaterinburg,

as • 17th Summit(lEesyu)2022 - India

4 Summit(lEesyu) - 2012 - New Delhi, India

y R
9. FAO - Food & Agriculature Organisation
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 16 Oct. 1945
Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Rome, Italy.

8th Summit(lEesyu) - 2016 - Goa, India
11th Summit(lEesyu) 2019 - Curitiba. Brazil

12th Summit(lEesyu) 2020 - St. Peterbourg,

Member(lnL;) - 195 Country.
Director (vè;{k) - Qu Dongyu, China


13th Summit(lEesyu) 2021- India
10. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
• NATO is a joint Military Guoup.
ukVks ,d la;qDr lSU; lewg gSA
7. G - 7 Group of Developed Nations • India is not member of NATO
Hkkjr ukVks dk lnL; ns'k ugha gSA
fodflr ns'kksa dk lewg
• Establishment(LFkkiuk) - 1949
1. USA 2. U.K. • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Brussels, Belgium.
3. France 4. Italy • Secretary (lfpo)- Jens Stoltenberg, Norway
5. Germany 6. Japan • Member (lnL;)- 30 County
7. Canada • Last Member (30th) - North Macedonia

• It has no head office & Chairman/ bldk dksbZ

11. E.U. - European Union - 27 Country
eq[;ky; o vè;{k ugha gSA
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) -1 November 1993
• Head Office (eq[;ky;)- Brussels, Capital City
• 1st Summit(lEesyu) 1975 - Paris, France of Belgium
• 44th Summit(lEesyu) 2018 - Quebec, Canada • Chairman (vè;{k)- Ursula Von Der Leyen,
• 45th Summit(lEesyu) 2019 - Biarritz, France
• Britain Exit from E.U. - BREXIT - 30 January,
• 46th Summit(lEesyu) 2021 - Maryland, USA 2020
• 47th Summit(lEesyu) 2021 - UK. • 19 Country used Euro currency - Eurozone

2 Rashid Sir
12. ILO - International Labour Org. 187 Country 21. WEF - World Economic Forum
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1919 • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Davos, Switzerland
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Geneva, Switzarland
• Director (vè;{k) - Guy Ryder, UK 22. UNIDO - United Nation Industrial Development
• 1st May - International Labour Day. Organisation
1 ebZ varZjk"Vªh; Jfed fnolA • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Vienna, Capital City of
13. WHO. World Health Organization - 194 Country 23. UNWTO - United Nation World Tourism
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 7 April 1948 Organisation.

(7 April - World Health Day) • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Madrid, Capital City of
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Geneva, Switzerland
• Director (vè;{k) - Tedros Adhanom, Ethiopia
24. UNCTAD - United Nation Conference on Trade
and Development
14. WTO - World Trade Org - 164 Country
(eq[;ky;) - Geneva, Switzerland
• Establishment (LFkkiuk)& 1 January 1995 • Head Office

Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Geneva, Switzerland
Director (vè;{k) - Roberto Azevedo, Brazil
25. UNICEF - United Nation International Children
• Old Name of WTO - GATT (1948-1994)

hid Emergeny Fund.

(LFkkiuk)- 1946
• GATT - General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

s • Establishment

• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - New York, USA
15. OPEC - Organisation of Petrolium Exporting • Director (vè;{k)- Henrietta Fore, USA

Establishment (LFkkiuk)& 1960 • UNICEF Humanitarian Award/ ekuork

Head Office (eq [ ;ky;) - Vienna, Capital of

iqjLdkj&2019 &Priyanka Chopra, India

Member(lnL;) - 13 Countries

16. OPCW - Organisation for prohibition of Chemical

26. UNEP - United Nation Environment Programe
(la;qDr jk"Vª i;kZoj.k dk;ZØe)
• Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 5 June 1972

• Head Office (eq[;ky;)- Hague, Netherland • 5th June - World Environment Day/fo'o i;kZoj.k
17. OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-opration • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Nairobl, Kenya.
and Development.
• Director(vè;{k) - Inger Anderson, Denmark.
• Head Office (eq[;ky;)& Paris, Capital of France.

18. IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency 27. UNESCO - United Nation Educational Scientific
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Vienna, Capital City of and Cultural Organisation
Austria • Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1945
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Paris, Capital City of
19. IOM -International Organisation for Migrants. France
• Head Office (eq[;ky;)- Sacconex, Switzerland
• Director (vè;{k) - Audrey Azoulay, France
• 18 April - Would Heritage Day
20. IMO -International Maritime Organization
• Head Office (eq[;ky;) - London, Capital City of • Heritage Site from India - 38
Britain • 38th - 2019 - Jaipur City, India
3 Rashid Sir
28. UNO - United Nation Organisation - 193 Countries 29. Word Bank - 189 Country
• Establishment - 24 October 1945 • Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1944
(24 October - United Nation Day) • Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Washington DC, USA
• Head Office (eq[;ky;)- New York, USA
• 189th Country - Nauru
• Secretary (lfpo) - Antonio Gueterres, Portugal.
• Objective (mn~ns';) - Global Peace & Friendly
• President - David Malpass, USA
Relation./ oSf'od 'kkafr o nksLrkuk laca/A
UNO- 6 Organs (6 Hkkx) World Bank Group- Five Organizations
1. United Nation General Assembly. 1. IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction
la;qDr jk"Vª egklHkkA & Development.
2. United Nation Security Council. 2. IDA- International Development Association.
la;qDr jk"Vª lqj{kk ifj"kn~A 3. IFC- International Finance Corporation.
3. United Nation Economic & Social Council
4. MIGA- Multilateral Investment Guarantee
la;qDr jk"Vª vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd ifj"kn~A Agency.
4. United Nation Trusteeship Council.
5. ICSID - International Centre for Settlement of
la;qDr jk"Vª U;kl ifj"kn~A Investment Dispute.

United Nation Secretariat.
la;qDr jk"Vª lfpoky;A
International Court of Justice.
30. IMF - International Monetary Fund - 189

varjkZ"Vªh; U;k;ky;A

UNGA-United Nation General Assembly -


•i Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 1944
Head Office (eq[;ky;) - Washington DC, USA
• Annual Meeting - New York, USA - 193
countries representative.

Ra •

189th Member Country - Nauru
Director (vè;{k) - Kristalina Geogiva (Bulgaria)

• 1946- 1st Annual Meeting- Chief was Paul
Henri Spaak from Belgium.
• Currancy of IMF - SDR (Special Drawing Right)

Laxmi Pandit from India.

O b
1953- 8th Annual Meeting - Chief was Vijay

2019 - 75th Annual Meeting - Chief - Tijjani

SDR is known as paper gold or Artificial
One SDR equal to weighted average of Five

Mohammed from Nigeria.

2020- 76th Annual Meeting - Chief is Volkan
Bozkir from Turkey.
Currencies that is U.S. Dollar, British Pound,
European Euro, Japanese Yen & Chinese
• India's SDR Quota is 2.76 percent (8th Rank).
UNSC - United Nation Security Council-
• 15 Member Countries in UNSC in which Five
Countries have Permanent Member & 10 31. SCO - Shanghai Co-operation Organisation 8 -
Countries are Non-Permanent Member. Country
• 5 Parmanent Country are USA, U.K., France, 1. China 2. Russia
Russia & China have VETO Power.
3. Uzbekistan 4. Kazakhistan
• 10 Non-Permanent Country elected for 2 years.
5. Krygyzstan 6. Tajikistan
7. India (2017) 8. Pakistan (2017)
ICJ - International Court of Justice -
• Establishment - 1945 • Establishment (LFkkiuk) - 2001
• Situated at Hague, Netherland. • Head Office (eq[;ky;)- Beijing, China
• Total 15 Judge in ICJ from different countries
with maximum tenure of 9 years. • 1St Summit - 2001- Shanghai, China
• In every 3 years five Judge Changed.
• 18th Summit - 2018 - Qingdao, China
• Nagendra Singh from India was Judge as well
as Chief Judge in ICJ. • 19th Summit - 2019 - Bishkek, Krygyzstan
• Indian Justice in ICJ is Dalbeer, Bharidari • 20th Summit - 2020 - St. Peterberg, Russia

4 Rashid Sir
Financial Market
(foÙkh; cktkj)
FINANCIAL MARKET SEBI : Securities & Exchange Board of India
(foÙkh; cktkj) • Established (LFkkiuk)- 12 April, 1988.
• Act(vf/fu;e) – SEBI Act 1992.
• Head Office- (eq[;ky;) Mumabi.
• Chairman (vè;{k) – Ajay Tyagi

Money Market
eqnzk cktkj
ics Capital Market
iwath cktkj
Functions Performed by SEBI (lsch ds dk;Z)

To protect Investors (fuos'kdksa ds fgrksa dk è;ku
To regulate capital market (iwt
a h cktkj dk lapkyu

no m
MONEY MARKET (eqnzk cktkj) :

To regulate Share market ('ks;j
To regulate commodity market(oLrq
cktkj dk lapkyu
cktkj dk

Short Term (upto 1 year) (vYi vof/ ds fy,)
Regulated by RBI (bldk lapkyu vkjchvkbZ djrk •
lapkyu djuk)
To regulate future market (ok;nk
cktkj dk lapkyu


B y r
Also known as Interbank Market-

• To regulate stock exchange
lapkyu djuk)
(LVkWd ,Dlpsat dk

• 4 Intruments : T-BILLS CP CD
(a) Treasury Bills (Vªstjh fcy)

hid Commercial Paper (okf.kfT;d izi=k)

(c) Certificate of Deposit(tek i=k)
1. Issued
Govt. of India Corporate
Bank &

(d) Cash Management Bill (udn izca/u fcy)

2. Tenure • 91 days Min.-7 days


Min.- 7 days

R (iwath cktkj):
CAPITAL MARKET (Duration) • 182 days Max.-1 Year Max. - 1 Year
• 364 days
• Long term (above 1 Yar)(nh?kZ vof/ ds fy,)
• Regulated by SEBI. (bldk lapkyu lsch djrk gS) 3. Deno- Rs. 25,000 Rs. 5 lakhs Rs. 1 lakh &
mination & its multiple & its multiple its multiple
• Also known as Universal Market, Share (Price)

4. Issued at Discount Value Discount Value Discount Value
• 4 Instruments : Matured at Par/Face Value Face Value Face Value

(a) Share ('ks;j) 5. First in 1917 1990 1989

(b) Debenture (½.k i=k) India

(c) Bond (cksaM+) 6. Known as Secured Unsecured Negotiable

Promissory Promissory Instruments
(d) Mutual Fund (E;qpqvy iQaM)
Note Note

NOTE : NIKKEI - Tokyo, Japan
• Money market regulated by RBI.
KOSPI - South Korea
• Chit Funds regulated by State Govt.
FOOTSIE : - London, Britain
• FMC (Forward Market Commission) a body to
Goveen Commodity Market was merged in NASDAQ : - New York, USA
2015 with SEBI. DEMAT ACCOUNT - For Share Market
• To solve issues related to securities, SAT
BULL - Increase
(Securities Appelatte Triburale) has been estd.
BEAR - Decrease
• Equity/Share : On dividend/profit, Voting
Right, treated as Owner. IPO - Initial Public Offerings
• Debenture : on interest, considered as loan, DATED SECURITIES - Long term Securities
treated as Creditor.
COUPON RATE - Rate of Interest
• Mutual Fund : an institute which pools money

from investest & invests in market. Eg : Yes

NSDL - National Securities

Bank Mutual Fund, SBI Mutual Fund,
Minimum SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) = Depository Ltd.

Rs. 500/–, Investment in Mutual Fund is Tax CDSL - Central Depository

Free, regulated/managed by AMFI
Service Ltd.

(Association of Mutual Fund in India).
ELSS : Equity Linked Saving Scheme, IDR - Indian Depository


Lock in Period – 3 Year. Receipt.
n ULIP : Unit Linked Insurance Plan, Lock

ADR - American Depository

in Period – 5 Year.


(30 Companies)
GDR - Global

• BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) Dalal Street


• Estbd : 1875 1. Call Money : Interbank lending for overnight.

India's First Stock Exchange.

2. Notice Money : Interbank lending for 2-14

3. Term Money : Interbank lending for 15 days
• (50 Companies)
• NSE (National Stock Exchange), Mumbai & above.
• Estbd : 1992 4. MSF Rate : When RBI provides loan to bank
• India's Largest Stock Exchange. for overnight.
• Market, Commodity Market (Gude oil, gold,
5. Cash Management Bill (CMB) : When RBI
silver), Stock Exchange (NSE, OSE) and
Mutural Funds. issues for Maximum 90 days.
6. Ways and Mean Advance (WMA) : RBI
DOW JONES : provides loans or overdraft to Govt. or State
• NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
• Wall Street, New York
• Estbd : 1792 7. LIBOR : London Interbank offered Rate.
• World Largest Stock Exchange 8. MIBOR : Mumbai Interbank offered Rate.


# Inflation refer to the persistent rise in general Measures of Inflation/egaxkbZ ds eki

price level in the economy over a period of time. (1) WPI (2) CPI
Due to inflation, the purchasing power of cur- (3) IIP (4) GDP Deflator
rency decrease.
vFkZO;oLFkk esa ,d le;fof/ ds nkSjku lkekU; dher Lrj esa
# gksus
WPI – Wholesale Price Index/Fkksd ewY; lwpdka
okyh Lkrr o`f¼ dks eqnzkLiQhfr@egxkbZ dgk tkrk gS] * eqnzkLiQhfr ds
It is calculated by "office of Economic Advisor
dkj.k eqnzk dh Ø; 'kfDr de gks tkrh gSaA under Dept of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
* Inverse/Negative relation between Price & money bldh x.kukDIPP ds rgr vkfFkZd lykgdkj vkWfiQl }k
value tkrh gSaA
dher o eqnzk ds eku esa ½.kkRed lEca/ gksrk gSaA * Base year/vk/kj o"kZ 2011&12
* Creeping Inflation(jasxrh eqnzkLiQhfr)&
Low Rate of In- * 697 items in WPI –

Galloping Inflation(dwnrh eqnzkLiQhfr)&
of Inflation
Very High Rate
i r
 117 – Primary Articles
 16 – Fuel & Power

 564 –Manufactured
* Hyper inflation (vf/LiQhfr)&
Inflation rate out of
hi d
CPI-Consumer Price Index/miHkksDrk ewY; lwp
It is calculated by CSO/bldh x.kukCSO }kjk dh tkrh
Causes of Inflation/eqnzkLiQhfr ds dkj.k

*s gSaA
Base year/vk/kj o"kZ&2012
ekax izsfjr eqnzkLiQhfr

y R
Demand Side Inflation (Demand Pull Inflation)

1. Increase in Govt Expenditure

* CPI includes Goods & Services both/blesa
lsokvksa nksuks dks 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSaA
oLrq o

lkoZtfrd O;; esa o`f¼

Increase in Population/tula[;k esa o`f¼
Reduction in Direct Tax/izR;{k djksa esa deh
* CPI is used to determine the Dearness allowance
and monetary Policy of RBI
bldk iz;ksx egaxkbZ HkÙkk dh
fy, fd;k tkrk gSaA
RBI dh ekSfnzd
o uhfr

Rapid GDP Growth/rhozGDP o`f¼
Low rate of Intrest/de C;kt nj

Supply Side Inflation (Cost Push Inflation)


RBI also prepared CPI (Urban) & CPI (Rural)
RBI CPI ('gjh)o CPI (xzkeh.k) Hkh rS;kj djrk gS

IIP-Industril Index of Production

iwfrZ izsfjr eqnzkLiQhfr vkS/ksfxd mRiknu lwpdkad
1. Rise in Price of crude Oil/dPps rsy dh dherksa esa* It is Calculated by CSO
o`f¼ bldh x.kukCSO }kjk dh tkrh gSaA
2. Rise in Labour wages/Jfed dh etnwjh es o`f¼ * Base year/vk/kj o"kZ 2011–12
* 8 Core industries in IIP
3. Backward agriculture Sector/d`f"k {ks=k esa fiNMkiu
(1) Electricity/fctyh
4. High Cost of Imported Goods/vk;kr oLrq dh vfèkd
(2) Steel/LVhy
(3) Crude oil/dPpk rsy
5. In-Sufficient Storage & transportation/ifjogu
(4) Cement/lhesaV
o Hk.Mkj.k vi;kZIr
(5) Natural Gas/izkd`frd xSl
Inflation is benefited for Debtors & bad for (6) Fertilizers/moZjd
Creditors. (7) Coal/dks;yk
egaxkbZ nsunkj ds ykHknk;d o ysunkj ds gkfudkjd gksrh (8) Refinery Products/fjiQkbujh mRikn

1 Rashid Sir

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