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Well Control CHAPTER 7

Training Manual OFFSHORE

II E 002-F
Section 7 page 1 10/06/24 Rev. 0




The recommendations hereafter essentially result from the experience acquired by French
groups and from the current state of the technology. They are therefore likely to evolve and
will have to be adapted to the environment conditions and to the advances in equipment.

7.1.1 Support instability

Carrying floating offshore drilling operations through is indissociable from the inevitable
stresses due to the motion of the support in relation to the wellhead.
It is therefore essential, from the oceanographic and meteorological history of the region
considered and from the objectives to be reached, to :

- select the support from its general capacities (including the water depth) and from the
response curves established by computation and/or by tests on experimental models,
- permanently control all the motions of the support in order to define the limits of use,
associated with the types of operations in progress in the well. Equipment selection

The floating support has to be equipped with a series of detectors intended to pick up the
various parameters inherent in the motions of the support.
It is essential :

- to record the tensions on each pendant and also to continuously know the deflection
value, whatever the water depth,
- to use heave, sway, pitch detectors, riser suspension lines tension detectors and
detectors measuring the angle at the ball joint,
- to pick up and to record elements exterior to the support, such as the wind, with its
force and direction, the wave motion, the currents and the tides,
- to know the position of the tool joint in relation to the preventers. Limits of use

These limits depend on the type of operation during drilling of the barren rock, casing,
crossing of active zones (kick risk), formation testing, special operations (BOP and riser
handling), instrumentation, cable operations, etc., and they will be defined for each support
behaviour factor such as :

- heave
- sway, pitch
- lateral displacement and angle at the ball joint.

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Training Manual OFFSHORE
II E 002-F
Section 7 page 2 10/06/24 Rev. 0

Besides these operational limits, it is absolutely essential to know the mean duration of each
one of these phases so as to define, in any case, the value of the equipment safeguarding
notice according to the weather forecast.

Two main principles have to be observed in floating offshore drilling :

- the behaviour of the support should never endanger an operation in the well,
- it is better to be safe too soon than too late (disconnection impossibility).

It is not possible to give general rules but, for information, one can say that a lateral
displacement equal to 10 % of the water depth is a limit before which it is imperative to
disconnect the riser.
During formation testing operations, BOP and riser connection and/or disconnection
operations, the following can be allowed at the maximum :
- 1 m heave during operations
- 3% lateral displacement
- 2 degrees of sway/pitch on either side of the vertical.

The current state of the sea, the meteorological evolution and therefore the predictable
behaviour of the support quite often lead to postpone or to accelerate any operation that is
difficult to split up (example : casing and cementing).
In particular, in the case of a kick, one is sometimes led to accelerate the treatment by direct
squeeze and, in any offshore zone characterized by either fast oceanographic variations or
an uncertain meteorological cover, it is recommended to treat a kick in a single circulation

7.1.2 Water depth Shallow formations fracturing

In an offshore environment, the water that surmounts and impregnates the first layers of the
formation confers thereon a fracturing resistance that is generally lower than that of similar
onshore formations, for the same sediment thickness.

Furthermore, the presence of a sometimes great water depth and air level above the first
sediments decreases the equivalent fracturing density.

H: height of the water depth expressed in m (distance water surface – riser

disconnection point)
h: height of the air level (distance rotary table – water surface) expressed in m
dfrac : (fracturing gradient at depth point Z) = 2,3 x k, k being often less than the value it
would have onshore
deau : sea water density (about 1.02).

For lack of regional reference, only a very rough evolution of the fracturing gradient of
the formations close to the sea bottom can be given. Modern seismic methods sometimes
allow this knowledge to be increased.

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Figure 7.1 shows the evolution of the fracturing density as a function of the water
level (air gap disregarded) for a 1,44 bar/10 m fracturing gradient at a depth of burial of 500

It can be seen that, with a water depth of 1000 m, the fracturing density at a depth of
penetration of 500 m below the sea bottom would be 1.18.

This influence is especially exerted on the upper formations, but it is without effect during the
start-up phase(s) which involve a loss of circulation. On the other hand, real fracturing
problems appear thereafter, which may require setting of one or more additional
intermediate casings at short depth.

Fracturing density (air gap disregarded)


Fig. 7.1 Fracturing density as a function of the water level Shallow gas blowout

Encountering shallow gas lenses poses a considerable problem because of the low
fracturing resistance of the formations under the shoe and, in this case, two solutions can be
considered :
- either drilling with a riser equipped with a diverter allowing a possible gas kick to be
directed to the gas flare. In fact, closing off the well by BOP is impossible because it
would lead to fracturing with a major cratering risk,
- or drilling under lost circulation conditions without a riser, with non-channelled blowout
risks at the sea bottom. This choice can be justified because the pollution risk is limited
in the case of gas lenses that are not too widespread. There is no example to date of
oil lenses at an abnormal pressure at a limited depth of burial. .

The decision is difficult to make. For information, we give an approach of the problem in the
main cases that may present themselves.

Short to medium water depth (400 m maxi)

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An anchored support is generally used. If no information is available on the surface

formations and on their seismic responses, it is recommended to install the riser and the
diverter in order to divert any gas kick. In fact, a gas kick through the open water would
present two risks :
- dangerous motions of the support
- fire aboard.

Great water depth

The pore pressure is proportional to the water level and to the differential pressure, therefore
the flow rate, when the riser is filled with gas, is all the higher as the water depth is great.

Figure 7.2, taken from the Riserless survey made by Beall Associates Houston, shows that a
gas zone with given characteristics, 180 m below the sea bottom, has a free potential flow :
- of the order of 1000 m3/min under 90 m water with or without a riser
- of the order of 5000 m3/min under 900 m water without a riser
- of the order of 10000 m3/min under 900 m water with a riser.

It can be seen that the use of a riser at great water depths presents, at the beginning of the
drilling operation, serious risks directly related to the formation pressure, and therefore to the
water level and to the high free flow of unpredictable duration that can exceed the gas
discharge capacities on the support.

This can lead to :

- an invasion of the support by the gas with fire risk
- a crater under the conductor pipe if the flow rate is to be limited at the surface
- collapse stresses exerted on the riser full of gas.

For example, a 22" OD, ½" thick, grade X 52 riser cannot be used at a depth exceeding 400

Depth of burial of the gas zone (m)


Fig. 7.2 Potential kick flow rate – Influence of the water depth and of the riser

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Stopping the kick by mud pumping is practically impossible as shown in Figure 7.3.
Thus, under the conditions of this figure, a mud flow rate of 10000 kg/min would be
necessary to stop an inrush of gas of only 600 m3/min channelled by the riser, whereas the
same flow rate could stop an inrush of 10000 m3/min without a riser.
We therefore advise against using a riser at great water depths before the first intermediate
casing has been laid.

Apart from the free flow rate of a gas kick, the great water depth plays a twofold positive part
that should be turned to account :
- dispersion of the gas between the sea bottom and its surface, which reduces the
risks as regards the floating positive support,
- permanent hydrostatic back pressure which facilitates stopping of a kick.

Pumping rate in kg mud/min


Fig. 7.3 Maximum controllable gas flows for given mud injections Riser emptying

In case of emptying of the riser by accidental disconnection or breakage, a hydrostatic

pressure drop occurs on the well bottom on account of the density difference between the
drilling mud and the sea water.

The hydrostatic pressure decrease produced in the well will be :

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II E 002-F
Section 7 page 6 10/06/24 Rev. 0

: pressure decrease in the well expressed in bar

H : height of the water depth expressed in m (distance water surface -
riser disconnection point)
H : height of the air level (distance rotary table – water surface)
expressed in m
dboue :drilling fluid density
deau :sea water density

N.B. : one may consider, for more safety, that disconnection will take place at the sea

This pressure decrease is all the higher as the density of the drilling fluid and the water
depth are great. In the case of a limited water depth and of a low drilling fluid density, the
safety included in the drilling fluid density, to take account of swabbing among other things,
can be sufficient to maintain primary control.

As far as possible, a « riser safety » will be taken into account to maintain the primary control
in case of accidental reduction of the hydrostatic pressure in the well.

This safety is inapplicable for great water depths. One therefore has to accept, in case of
obligatory disconnection of the riser (imposed by the environmental conditions for example),
to have to shut the preventers in a well under unstabilized conditions (wellhead pressure).

However, if this disconnection has been predicted sufficiently in advance, it is possible to

prevent destabilization of the well by setting a heavy mud plug.


7.2.1 Well shut-in

The decision to stop operations, to observe and possibly to close the well comes
under the authority of the driller.

To implement written instructions from the supervisor, when in doubt, he must unhesitatingly
close the well.

The closing procedure under floating offshore conditions consists of two stages : a first stage
similar to the procedure used onshore (Soft or Hard procedure with the annular preventer),
followed by a second stage which is setting on the pipe rams, to prevent deterioration of the
string, of the annular preventer closed beforehand, the pressures being observed from the
first stage.

The various procedures applied according to the recommendations contained in API RP59
are as follows.

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Well observation

In case of a warning sign, the well must be observed after :

- stopping the rotation
- positioning the first tool joint about 1 metre above the rotary table (so as to be able to
readily disconnect and enable closing of the pipe rams)
- eventually stopping the pump so as to keep the effect of the annulus pressure drops
on the bottomhole pressure. If the well is stable

After observation during about ¼ of an hour and after checking the validity of the various
data (in particular the warning sign type), the supervisor can allow the circulation and the
operations in progress to be resumed, while remaining on the alert. The ¼ of an hour is
given only by way of example, and the observation time can be longer considering the
particular conditions of the drilling operation in progress (reservoir, type of drilling fluid used,
effluent type). If the well loses

A low flow rate circulation is required to try to keep the annulus full of mud while monitoring
the backflow (optionally fill the annulus with water). If the well flows

According to the context and to the kick, one may be led to carry out this stage without
previous observation. There are two methods, the soft close-in procedure and the hard
close-in procedure.

The soft close-in procedure

To carry out this method, the choke is open during the drilling operations. The fail safe
valves of the various choke lines are closed and the valves of the choke manifold are open.

a. Open the fail safe valves of the choke line.

b. Close the annular preventer.
c. Progressively close the choke.
d. Start observing Pa and Pt.
e. Unless otherwise stated, start the setting procedure on rams.
f. Position the tool joint above the rams.
g. Close the rams.
h. Gently set the tool joint on the rams and lock them (wedge lock).
i. Set the heave compensator at half-stroke.
j. Open the annular preventer and check the tightness of the ram blowout

The hard close-in procedure

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To carry out this method, the choke is closed during the drilling operations. The fail
safe valves of the various choke lines are closed and the valves of the choke manifold are

a. Close the annular preventer.

b. Open the fail safe valves of the choke line.
c. Start observing Pa and Pt.
d. Unless otherwise stated, start the setting procedure on rams (see above).

Comparison of the two methods :

Although the soft close-in procedure may be longer than the hard procedure because it
requires more manipulations, it allows easier control of the annulus pressure. The hard
procedure, normally faster, may limit the gain.
Selection of the close-in method will be made prior to starting the stage in progress and after
consultation between the operator and the contractor.

7.2.2 Observation of the shut-in pressures

Nothing changes globally in relation to an onshore environment.

Refer to chapter 4.3, shut-in pressures observation, for the following themes :

- Period of observation of the wellhead pressures.

- Reading and comparison of the wellhead pressures.
- Evaluation of the fracturing risk upon closing.
- First calculations after kick.


We have seen in the previous chapter that, concerning fracture control upon well closing,
nothing changes in relation to an onshore environment : the comparison of Pa1 with Padm
allows to determine whether there is a fracturing risk or not at the fragile point.

Study of the evolution of the pressure at the shoe, fracture control chapter 4.4.1, has
shown :

- that the most delicate time for the fragile point is when the circulation is started, when
going from a static state, with the well closed, to a dynamic state using the choke,
and that there are less risks thereafter, even though some risks remain,
- that the Padm at the top of the annulus should not be exceeded during this stage and
until the gas reaches the fragile point,
- that the gas passes through this fragile point much earlier than expected and
therefore requires a control through the P adm that is shorter and more delicate in
certain borderline cases.

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On the other hand, under offshore conditions, during kick control, the existence of pressure
drops in the choke line will involve some differences as regards control through the annulus
pressure gage and the evolution of the pressure at the shoe.

7.3.1 Pressure evolution at the fragile point

At the fragile point, the pressure :

- increases by S when circulation is resumed (the Pcl are taken away from the annulus
- increases slightly until the gas reaches this point (regular open-hole section),
- decreases as the gas flows past this point,
- remains constant during the ascending flow of the effluent above this point and as
long as the open-hole section is under homogeneous mud,
- decreases when the heavy mud rises in the open-hole section,
- remains constant when the heavy mud rises in the casing until the choke annulus
pressure is zero,

- increases from this time until it undergoes a final overpressure of Pcl


 Closing
 Gas under the shoe
 Gas entering the casing
 Gas in the casing and discharge of the gas at the surface
 injection of dr in the pipes
 dr rising in the open-hole section
 dr rising in the casing (until Pa is zero)
 end of rising of dr to the surface

Fig. 7.4 Évolution of the pressure at the shoe (or at the fragile point)
during the Driller’s Method

7.3.2 Pressure control at the fragile point

The compression with the onshore environment and the conditions of the previous § allows
to set out simple control rules in the case of a normally resistant well, therefore with pal far
from the Padm for two stages that are more delicate than the others : circulation start and
control end. Circulation start

Onshore, to reach the fracturing pressure at the shoe under choke circulation conditions, the
Padm should be read by means of the annulus pressure gage.
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Under floating offshore conditions, the flow rate creates appreciable pressure drops (referred
to as Pcl) in the choke line. Thus, if the choke is closed so as to have, as under onshore
conditions, Padm at the top of the annulus, Pshoe becomes equal to Pfrac + Pcl !

To return to Pshoe = Pfrac it is sufficient to take away the Pcl from the Padm created at the choke !

Without forgetting the limitations of the system already mentioned for onshore conditions,
this allows to express the general rule for floating offshore control start :

Never exceed Padm – Pcl at the top of the annulus, from the start to the time when the upper
part of the gas reaches the fragile point. Control end (heavy mud dr at the surface)

At the end of the control procedure, when the choke manifold is wide open, therefore when
Pa=0, the pressure drops Pcl in the choke line, compared to a positive choke, create a back
pressure throughout the well (annulus – pipes – discharge pressure) as long as circulation is

Heavy mud at the surface, under static conditions, the value that should not be exceeded for
Pshoe not to reach Pfrac is the new Padm calculated with dr. It is quite understandable that, as
long as the Pcl remain below this value, no fracturing will take place at the fragile point.

The general rule concerning the floating offshore control end is therefore :

Use a flow rate that implies that the Pcl calculated with the mud dr are less than the new
Padm , also calculated with the mud dr, or use the same flow rate by circulating through the
two choke lines while checking that the Pcl calculated for the two choke lines are at the new

Nota : the particular case of a well with its rules linked with a nearly permanent control of the
pressure at the shoe will not be dealt with here, but within the scope of the « Deep water kick
control » advanced course.

7.3.3 Parameters related to the resistance of the structure and to the reservoir

The formulas hereafter are those given in the « Blowout prevention » course and they are
used both for the design of the structure and for control of its resistance in case of a kick. For
the floating offshore environment, the only modification relates to the calculation of the
maximum casinghead pressure, where the ratio of the bottomhole annular volume to the
inside volume of the choke line has to be added considering the great difference that may

Padm :

The borderline pressure Padm is linked with the density of the fluid in the annulus between the
fragile point and the surface ; it therefore changes when the density of the fluid changes :

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Fracturing density :

Allowable maximum gain upon closing in order not to crack at the weak point :
dg is given by chart K13 of the driller’s handbook (Editions – 1989)

with vaf : volume per metre of annulus.

Allowable maximum gain upon closing in order not to exceed the operating pressure
of the structure when the gas gets below the BOPs during circulation of a gas kick
with the initial density mud :

K is also given by chart K13.

Maximum casinghead pressure, well shut-in and full of gas :

dg is given by chart K13.

Maximum casinghead pressure during circulation of a gas kick with the initial density
mud :

K is given by chart K13.

Nota : this pressure is calculated when the gas reaches the surface. Ratio r is the
bottomhole annular volume va divided by the inside volume of the choke line.

The « gas under the BOPs » gain, referred to as Gs, corresponding to the total volume
increase of the tanks from the drilling level is approximately established by :

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Maximum pressure at the fragile point during circulation of a gas kick with the initial
density mud :

Nota : this pressure is calculated at the time when the gas gets under the fragile point.
The geometry of the annulus is considered to be constant here. K is 1.

This formula also allows to calculate the pressure at the BOPs when the gas gets there. It is
sufficient to replace Zs by Zbop.


7.4.1 Summary of the « Onshore blowout prevention » course

Whatever the method used or the time, control of a kick means creating a bottomhole
pressure equal to or greater than the reservoir pressure until the well is full of mud
hydrostatically creating this bottomhole pressure.

In order to observe this rule from the data recorded upon closing and to discharge the
circulating gas, the driller must answer two questions :
- how to create Pf greater than or equal to PG as soon as circulation has started ?
(which pressure gage ? Which value ?)
- how to keep Pf constant ? (which pressure gage ? Which value ?)

For the creation of Pf, under « outlet » choke circulation conditions, any pressure in the well
is created and therefore varies according to the « downstream » or annulus pressures and Pf
is the sum of the 2 dynamic origin terms (P a created at the choke and the Pcea including the
Pcl) and of a hydrostatic origin term (the hydrostatic annulus pressure).

Pf = Phea + Pcea + Pa

The annulus pressure created at the choke must compensate for the hydrostatic annulus
pressure variations and, for example, if P hea decreases, the annulus pressure has to be
raised, i.e. tend to close the choke, which occurs when the gas rises in the annulus.

When the circulation is controlled by means of the choke, any pressure in the well is
controlled or calculated :
- according to the downstream when the « downstream » hydrostatic pressure is
- according to the upstream (pressure gage at the top of the pipes) when any annulus
hydrostatic variation precludes the use of P a as a « fine » control indicator of the
bottomhole pressure. The formula of the « pipes » control indicator being :

Pf = Pref + Phi – Pci

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It can be noted that, in order to facilitate the control of P f, a constant flow rate and therefore a
constant pump speed have to be maintained.

7.4.2 Applications to kick control

With a view to being consistent, we will adopt hereafter the same plan as for onshore kick
control while noting the significant differences.

We therefore observe again and detail the three basic situations of the circulation control
methods :

a. Circulation start.
b. Circulation under stabilized pumping conditions.
c. Circulation stop. Circulation start

Reminder : onshore, in order to create Pf = PG, at the well bottom, it is sufficient to

dynamically create, by means of the choke, the pressure Pal read upon closing (this
supposes Pcea = 0 and Pcl = 0) and on the discharge side, the needle already stabilized at
Ptl, the total pressure drops of the circuit will increase until the flow rate is stabilized and
established at Pri = Pti + Pci (in theory).

If one decides to apply a safety S or overpressure in relation to P G, one has to start with an
annulus pressure higher by S, i.e. : Pal + S and, in this case, the discharge pressure
becomes : Prl = Pcl + Pti + S (in theory).

Under floating offshore conditions, the flow rate creates appreciable pressure drops (referred
to as Pcl) in the choke line. Thus, if one starts, as onshore, with Pal at the top of the annulus,
Pf becomes equal to PG Pcl. To return to Pf = PG it is sufficient to take the P cl away from
pressure Pal.

The rules for starting in a floating offshore environment can be expressed as follows :

- To have Pf = PG, it is necessary to create, at the end of the pump acceleration in

order to have the desired reduced flow rate, an annulus pressure equal to : Pal – Pcl
and the discharge pressure will theoretically be established at : PRl = Pt1 + Pc1.
- By simple analogy, to have Pf = PG + S, it is necessary to create, at the end of the
pump acceleration in order to have the desired reduced flow rate, an annulus
pressure equal to : Pal – Pcl + S and the discharge pressure will theoretically be
established at : PRI = Pt1 + Pc1 + S.

Nota : reading of the shut-in drillpipe pressure Ptl, essential for calculation of the heavy mud
density dr, is determined as onshore with the reading of P Rl and prior knowledge of the
pressure drops Pcl at the reduced flow rate used.

Pt1 = PR1 (read) – Pc1 (known) – S (selected)

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We obtain PRl = Pcl + Ptl

a) under static conditions b) under dynamic conditions (Q = Qr)

We obtain PRl = Pcl + Ptl

a) under static conditions b) under dynamic conditions (Q = Qr)

Fig.7.5 Starting stages without and with safety Circulation under stabilized pumping conditions

Nothing changes in relation to onshore control using PRl and PRr except short before the end
of the control, when the annulus pressure reaches zero.

Throughout the control, the Pcl apply to the bottom as 2nd positive choke and a state will
inevitably be reached where the surface annulus pressure will be zero and the P cl will be
equal to the hydrostatic pressure shortage due to the presence of a certain initial mud height
dl in the well (see Figure 1.6).

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This will be the last time Pf = PG because the bottomhole pressure is going to progressively

increase as dr rises until a final overpressure equal to Pcl is reached because the
pressure drops in the choke line, now created by the mud dr, have slightly increased.

The bottomhole pressure which naturally increases while the surface choke is wide open will

create an increase in the discharge pressure PRr which will reach PRr + Pcl .

PRr = 30 P Rr’ = PRr + Pcl’ = 30 + 12 = 42

Fig. 7.6 End of heavy mud dr pumping Circulation stop

To stop the circulation (in case of operating trouble, pressure readjustment, mud change),
the procedure to be followed is based on the same principle as for circulation start as
regards the precautions to be taken and the use of pressure gages, but the exact opposite
has to be done concerning the Pcl.

In order to maintain the bottomhole pressure at its current value, the annulus pressure
simply has to be increased by the value of the pressure drops in the choke line,
eliminated by the flow rate decrease, upon deceleration of the pump.

The « pipes » pressure will stabilize, if the drill string is under mud dl, at P tl (if it is desired to
have Pf = PG) or Ptl + S (if an overpressure is to be maintained on the reservoir) and if the
string is full of mud of required density dr, it will be 0, without « safety » or overpressure
trapping during closing.

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Section 7 page 16 10/06/24 Rev. 0 Synthesis of these stages and comparison with the onshore procedure

For the same data (PG, Zfond, dl, gains, etc…), the floating offshore method with choke line
differs from the onshore method in the following points :

- The offshore annulus pressure is, during circulation, lower by the pressure drops
Pcl than the onshore annulus pressure (except when the gas reaches the surface).
- At the end of the starting operations in an offshore environment, the annulus
pressure gage displays the annulus pressure selected so as to have Pf = PG or Pf =
PG + S (either Pal or Pal + S) minus the choke line pressure drops Pcl.
- At the end of the offshore circulation stop, the annulus pressure gage displays the
annulus pressure created during circulation plus the choke line pressure drops Pcl.
- The « pipes » pressure gage of the offshore discharge pressure evolves and has the
same values as under onshore conditions until the annulus pressure reaches zero.
- At the end of the control, the annulus pressure thus reaches zero before the heavy
mud reaches the surface, which creates a pressure increase of Pf, therefore of P Rr

which will be heavy mud dr at the surface of : Pcl .

Important notice : in general, upon starting, the supervisor removes the choke line pressure
drops Pcl only when the pump is stabilized at the reduced flow rate and he does the opposite
upon closing, i.e. he adds the Pcl prior to lowering the pump speed because the choke line
pressure drops Pcl only exist when the reduced flow rate is established. It is thereby possible
to prevent Pf from going under PG. Determination of the choke line pressure drops Pcl

For the sake of efficiency, custom requires that a single graph displays, for the maximum
number of flow rates (see Figure 7.8) :

- pressure drops through the normal drilling circuit (riser) Pcl

- pressure drops in a choke line Pcl
- pressure drops in both choke lines.

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Fig. 7.7 Example of pressure drops graph (Pentagone 84)

Since the pressure drops in the choke line vary as a function of the mud density, as well as
the pressure drops Pcl which furthermore increase with depth, the values of these pressures
have to be permanently adjusted to the well at a given time.

Whereas the Pcl are read as under onshore conditions, the pressure drops in the choke line
are determined as soon as the BOPs and the riser are installed and upon each mud change.

The driller generally carries this operation out in three stages as shown in Figure 7.8 :

- 1st stage : circulation through the normal drilling circuit (in the drill string and the riser
annulus) and reading of the pressure drops Pcl corresponding to various flow rates to
draw the most precise curve possible.
- 2nd stage : circulation through the kick control circuit with a single choke line open and
reading of these second pressure drops (sum of the P cl and of the Pcl of a single
choke line), corresponding to the flow rates used during the 1st stage to draw a
second curve.
- 3rd stage : circulation through the kick control circuit with the two choke lines open
and reading of these third pressure drops (sum of the P cl and of the Pcl of the two
choke lines) to draw a third curve.

The driller, by subtraction, will obtain therefrom the curves relative to the pressure drops
through one or two choke lines (Figure 7.7).

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Fig. 7.8 Determination of the pressure drops in 1 and 2 choke lines Determination of the control flow rate Qr

Whereas in an onshore environment, a circulation flow rate referred to as reduced flow rate
Qr is generally maintained constant and lower than the drilling flow rate by about 400 to 800
l/min (i.e. between one fourth and half of the drilling rate), things are different in an offshore
environment where flow rate reductions can be made.
They can be imposed by the choke line phenomena, at two particular times which are
successively the time when the gas gets into the choke line and the time when the annular
pressure is zero with the heavy mud rising further in the well.

* Inflow of the gas in the choke line :

The initial control flow rate Qr can thus be decreased to a very low value when the gas inflow
has been detected in the choke line and maintained until complete discharge of the effluent.
It can be noted that the use of the « safety range » PRl/PRl adm can save decreasing this flow
rate as explained in detail in the « Deep water kick control » advanced training course.

* Zero annulus pressure with the heavy mud rising in the annulus :

The limitation of the circulation flow rate is given by the comparison between the choke line
pressure drops under mud dr and the new Padm also corresponding to the mud dr.

If the initial flow rate implies Pcl with dr greater than the new Padm with dr, the control has to
end with a lower flow rate or with the same flow rate but using two choke lines connected
either both to the same choke manifold, or each to a choke.

In both cases, calculation of the real bottomhole pressure decrease is not simple because
the critical real flow rate in the choke line has to be known to determine whether the
circulation flow is laminar or turbulent, therefore whether the pressure drop decrease will be
a function or not of the square of the flow rate. The distribution of the surface pressure drops
after the choke lines and before the choke manifold also has to be known.

If the supervisor has decided to decrease the control flow rate, he will have to recalculate the
new circulation end PRr by taking absolutely into account, in his calculations, the above
comments linked with the influence of the critical flow rate.

Practice and calculation show that the pressure decrease is not very significant when two
choke lines have to be used.

(see « Deep water kick control » advanced training course). Determination of the safety S

What can be remembered from all that has been written so far is that fracturing risks exist :
- when the effluent still is in the open-hole section,
- when the gas rises in the choke line and is discharged at the surface,
- when the mud dr rises in the choke line.

The safety S depending on Pal, on the action of the gas in the choke line and on the
pressure drops therein cannot be selected a priori.

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The value of safety S on the bottom, quasi-obligatory to maintain P G in the field, can only be
selected after observation of the shut-in well pressures, several basic calculations and much
thought. The supervisor is responsible for this selection, in all events.

Nota : an approach of the safety selection in the case of a fragile well, its possible
adjustment during control, combined with the fragile point control rules, will be dealt with in
the « Deep water kick control » advanced training course.

7.4.3 Different control methods bit on bottom The Driller’s Method

This conventional method, which is also the simplest, allows fast circulation start but it is not
the most commonly used in an offshore environment because it is longer than the Wait and
Weight Method. It thus consists in removing the effluent from the annular space by
circulating with the initial density mud dl, then in replacing it by the mud having the required
density dr.

We shall suppose that :

- The inflow is gas,
- The circulation flow rate is the reduced flow rate Qr,
- The pressure drops Pcl are not negligible and known,
- One works with a safety S such that Pf = PG + S,
- Pcl represents the pressure drops, in bar, produced in the well (inside of the pipes
and annulus) by circulating the mud of density Dl at the reduced flow rate Qr.

1. Circulation start

The principle having already been explained in paragraph, we simply remind that the
casinghead pressure will serve as the reference value during this stage.

If the observation of the casinghead pressures allows to know P tl and Pal, this stage will be
carried out as follows :
- slow and progressive start of the pump by the driller after informing the choke
- concerning the latter, wait for the casinghead pressure to reach Pal + S,
- then open the choke progressively to bring the annulus pressure to Pal + S – Pcl when
the pump is at the flow rate Qr.
- When the pump is at flow rate Qr, read the value of the discharge pressure P Rl and
compare it with the precalculated theoretical pressure PRl = Pc1 + Pt1 + S.

The read value will prevail over the calculated value !

Starting is undoubtedly the most delicate stage of the control procedure. It has to be
done slowly, progressively and with perfect coordination between the driller and the
choke operator.

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Fig. 7.7 Driller’s Method : circulation start

2. Gas discharge

Since the circulation start only lasts for some minutes, it is generally considered that this gas
discharge stage corresponds to the circulation under stabilized pumping conditions.

As already mentioned and in all the cases where the hydrostatic annulus pressure varies,
the discharge pressure will serve as the reference value during this stage.

Since the starting stage has given us the value of PRl which allows to ensure Pf = PG + S, the
operation to be carried out will be very simple :
- The driller must keep flow rate Qr constant,
- The choke operator must adjust the choke so as to maintain PRl constant until
complete discharge of the gas.
- At the end of the gas discharge, the pressure gages must read P Rl as the drillpipe
pressure and Pt1 + S – Pcl as the casinghead pressure if Pf = PG + S (annulus filled
with mud dl).
- If the well has to be shut in, the choke operator must raise the annulus pressure to :
Ptl + S during the pump deceleration and ensure, well shut-in, that the casinghead
pressure and the drillpipe pressure are equal to this value, which will prove that no
more gas has flowed in during this 1st stage.

Conclusion :
Discharge of the gas is carried out at constant flow rate and with a constant discharge
pressure PR1 equal to Pc1 + Pt1 + S.

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Fig. 1.8 Driller’s Method : gas discharge

Annulus pressure Pa during gas discharge :

We have seen that, under inrush circulation conditions, the casinghead pressure created at
the choke compensates for the variations of the hydrostatic annulus pressure to maintain P f

Thus, when the gas rises in the annulus, the hydrostatic annulus pressure tending to
decrease, the choke operator must create at the top of the annulus a choke pressure P a that
becomes increasingly higher as the gas rises, with weak phenomena when the gas is close
to the bottom, but stronger when it is close to the surface, and the maximum annulus
pressure appears when the gas is under the BOPs. This value, referred to as Pa max, is
readily calculated when the well is closed, as well as the volume of the inrush when the gas
is at the surface.

In offshore drilling, the phenomena are amplified by the choke line.

* In fact, when the gas gets into the choke line, its inner volume, smaller than that of the
casing/pipes annulus, causes a fast increase in the inflow height, and therefore a great
decrease in the hydrostatic annulus pressure and the bottomhole pressure. Late operation of
the choke will have the effect of causing the layer to flow. The opposite phenomenon will
occur when the mud gets behind the gas, which may cause fracturing at the weak point.

To prevent these two phenomena from occuring, a solution consists in stopping the pump
and in closing the well as soon as the gas reaches the base of the choke line, then in
resuming circulation at a very low flow rate (20 to 40 l/min) with a discharge pressure equal
to Pt1 + S with dl or slightly positive with Dr filling the drill string.

The pressure drops can in fact be disregarded at such a low flow rate.
This low flow rate is maintained until complete discharge of the gas, then control is resumed
at the normal control flow rate and with the drillpipe pressure PRl which was maintained
before the gas kick. One drawback of this method is that it can be time-consuming if the gas
plug is big.
Attention should be paid to the appearance of the gas plug at the base of the choke line
because it is not easy to detect.

* Furthermore, the great height occupied by the gas forces the supervisor to create a higher
annulus pressure Pa max at its surface choke than in an onshore configuration, which is also
more delicate to calculate.

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* The great expansion through the choke can cause clogging as a result of icing. It may
therefore be necessary, in some cases, to equip the choke manifold with a glycol injection
system upstream from the chokes and with a heater downstream.

3. Injection of the mud of required density dr

The circulation corresponding to a complete cycle, it is divided into two distinct phases :
pumping of the mud dr in the drill string and rising of the mud dr through the annulus.

Pumping of the mud dr in the drill string

If the heavy mud dr is pumped after closing the well, the following procedure will be carried
out :
- slow and progressive start of the pump by the driller ;
- at the choke : lower down to : Ptl + S – Pcl by regulating until the pump is at flow rate
Qr, read the value of the discharge pressure P Rl and compare it with the previous
pressure PR1 = Pc1 + Pt1 + S ;
- maintain Qr constant and the casinghead pressure constant at P t1 + S – Pcl until the
mud dr reaches the bit, while ensuring that the discharge pressure decreases either
qualitatively, or by following the specific diagram.

This diagram, optional with the Driller’s Method but obligatory with the Wait and Weight

Method, imposes calculation of PRr whose formula is PRr = Pcr = Pcl . .

Conclusion : the diagram of the mud dr in the pipes is carried out at constant flow
rate and at constant annulus pressure equal to :
Ptl + S – Pcl.
This implies a clean annulus filled with mud dl. The level of the tanks
must still be continuously checked.

PRr = Pcl

Fig . 7.9 Driller’s Method : injection of dr in the pipes

Rising of the mud dr in the annulus

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At the end of the injection of dr in the pipes, if Pf = PG + S, the pressure gages must read Ptl
+ S – Pcl as the casinghead pressure (the annulus being filled with mud dl) and PRr = Pcr as
the drillpipe pressure.
- The driller must keep flow rate Qr constant.
- The choke operator must adjust the choke to maintain PRr constant until the annulus
pressure reaches zero. Pf et de PRr will then increase automatically. He can check

that PRr increases by Pcl .

If this increase is too big, he can either :

- reduce the flow rate and end the control on the new calculated PRr ,
- or open the 2nd choke line, which theoretically reduces the pressure drops by half if
the fluid belongs to the Bingham model and if the flow is turbulent in the choke line.
In reality, the flow being often laminar, the decrease is low to nearly zero.

Conclusion : the heavy mud rises in the annulus until the annulus pressure is zero at
constant flow rate and at constant discharge pressure equal to P Rr read when the mud
dr has reached the bit.
PRr thereafter increases as the mud dr rises up to the surface.

PRr = Pcl

Fig. 7.10 Driller’s Method : rising of the heavy mud dr in the annulus

4. Synthesis of the Driller’s Method

- Circulation start :

* Slow and progressive start of the pump by the driller up to flow rate Qr ; at this time,
the choke operator must have the following pressure : Pa1 + S – Pcl,

* Read PR1 and compare it with the precalculated theoretical pressure P R1 = Pc1 + Pt1 +

- Effluent discharge :

Keep flow rate Qr constant and PRl constant until complete discharge of the gas.
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- Setting the mud of density dr in the well :

The driller maintains flow rate Qr constant and the choke operator maintains :

* the casinghead pressure Pt1 + S –Pcl constant until dr reaches the bit,

* then the drillpipe pressure PRr constant until the annulus pressure is zero.

When the heavy mud dr has reached the surface, the discharge pressure is : PRr + Pcl

- Possible shut-ins and stops :

Pump stopped, the annulus pressure gage must display the annulus pressure read during
circulation plus the value of the pressure drops in the choke line.

Fig. 7.11 Driller’s Method in a floating offshore configuration The Wait and Weight Method in one cycle

This commonly used conventional method consists in waiting for the heavy mud dr to be
ready, then in injecting it. The effluent will be discharged during pumping of dr.

We will assume, as with the Driller’s Method, that :

- The inflow is gas,
- The circulation flow rate is the reduced flow rate Qr,
- The pressure drops Pcl are not negligible and known,
- One works with a safety S such that Pf = PG + S,
- Pcl represents the pressure drops, in bar, produced in the well (inside of the pipes
and annulus) by circulating the mud of density dl at the reduced flow rate Qr.

Just like the Driller’s Method, it only differs from the onshore method in the starting and
stopping stages, the annulus pressure which reaches zero before the heavy mud dr reaches
the surface and automatic increase of Pf and PRr.

Synthesis of the Wait and Weight Method

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Waiting with the well closed :

- bleed if necessary (see paragraph « Incidents and particular cases » of the

« Onshore blowout prevention » course).

Circulation start (the same as with the Driller’s Method) :

- Slow and progressive start of the pump by the driller until flow rate Qr is reached, the
choke operator maintains Pa1 + S – Pcl.
- Pump established at rate Qr, read the value of the discharge pressure Prl and
compare it with the precalculated theoretical pressure PR1 = Pc1 + Pt1 + S.

Setting the mud dr in the well

- the driller maintains flow rate Qr constant

- the choke operator maintains :
*PR according to the pressure diagram until the heavy mud dr gets to the bit,
*PRr constant until the annulus pressure is zero.

From this time, control the increase of PRr up to PRr + Pcl , the heavy mud dr having

reached the surface.

Possible shut-ins and stops :

- pump stopped, the annulus pressure gage must give the annulus pressure read
during circulation plus the value of the pressure drops in the choke line.

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Fig. 7.12 Wait and Weight Method in a floating offshore configuration Driller’s instruction sheet

Instructions for the driller

7.4.4 Incidents and particular cases

All that is written in paragraph « Incidents and particular cases » of the « Onshore blowout
prevention » course applies and, as in the previous chapter, we shall merely point out the
essential points and the significant differences.

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Procedure to be followed in case of an incident :

Pay attention to any « abnormal » variation of the annulus pressure Pa during the control.


quences Possible causes Measures to be taken
Pt Pa Pf
- Open the choke to
Choke manifold or compensate for the pressure
Increases increases increases
manifold partly plugged increase
- stop the pump and close the
- close the choke to
Choke manifold or compensate for the pressure
decreases decreases decreases
manifold partly washed decrease
out - pump problem - stop the pump and close the

- keep the new PR and

Bit nozzle plugged recalculate PRr
increases increases increases - keep the new PRr

- keep the new PR and

Bit nozzle washed out recalculate PRr
decreases decreases decreases - keep the new PRr
or lost

Nota : although this cannot be ranked as an incident, one should not forget that the
inflow of gas in the choke line and passage through the choke can create considerable
disturbances as regards the maintenance of the bottomhole pressure, as mentioned in the
above paragraphs.
These delicate cases and the measures to be taken will be studied in detail during the
« Deep water kick control » advanced course.

Restarting control after an incident :

General rule : during acceleration of the pump, maintain the annulus pressure that would be
desired in an onshore configuration, then, once the pump stabilized, remove the Pcl. Before
establishing PR, compare the read PR value with the calculated theoretical value or with that
prevailing before the incident.

Driller’s Method, mud dl in the pipes :

- If the shut-in drillpipe pressure is equal to P t1 and if it is desired to continue the control
with a safety S, the shut-in annulus pressure and the safety have to be maintained as

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long as the pump is under acceleration, then the value of the choke line pressure
drops has to be taken away when the pump is at the selected reduced flow rate.

The previous discharge pressure PRl is recovered when returning to the same flow rate as

- If the well has been shut in by trapping the safety as can be shown by a drillpipe
pressure value greater than Ptl, the control can be resumed with the annulus value
read during the acceleration of the pump, then the value of the choke line pressure
drops is taken away when the pump is at the selected reduced flow rate.

Driller’s Method, mud dr has not reached the bit :

Accelerate the pump with an annulus pressure equal to P t1 or Pt1 + S then take away
the value of the choke line pressure drops when the pump is at the selected reduced
flow rate.

Driller’s Method, mud dr in the annulus :

Well shut in, the value read at the annulus pressure gage will come back to its former
circulation value, just before the incident, and restarting will be performed by
maintaining the shut-in read annulus pressure during the acceleration of the pump,
then the value of the choke line pressure drops is taken away when the pump is at the
selected flow rate.

If the control is continued at the reduced flow rate already selected, the previous
discharge pressure PRr, is recovered ; in the opposite case, the new pressure P Rr to be
taken into account will be higher or lower according to the new reduced flow rate.

Wait and Weight Method, mud dr has not reached the bit :

If the drillpipe pressure is in accordance with that of the graph, it means that P f =PG and
that, if it is desired to create an overpressure during the control, restarting has to be done
by maintaining the shut-in read annulus pressure plus the selected safety during the
acceleration of the pump, then the value of the choke line pressure drops are taken away
when the pump is at the selected flow rate.

If the control is continued at the same reduced flow rate as before, the discharge
pressure should be repositioned on the PRl – PRr line of the Wait and Weight Method

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Fig. 7.13 Analysis of an incident with the Wait and Weight Method,
mud dr has not reached the bit

Wait and Weigth Method, mud dr in the annulus : :

The procedure and the phenomena are similar to those of the Driller’s Method. Conventional bleeding method

No change in relation to the onshore method : each time the pipes pressure gage reading is
available, the conventional bleeding method is carried out.

It is sufficient, by bleeding the annulus, to maintain the shut-in drillpipe pressure P tl possibly
increased by a slight safety margin (S). Volumetric bleeding method

No change in relation to the onshore method. Refer to the « Blowout prevention »,

« Volumetric bleeding » and «Stripping » courses. Pump speed change during control

In an onshore configuration, the rule established for circulation start and stop is simple :
maintain the same annulus pressure because the hydrostatic annulus pressure is
considered to be constant during the short period of speed change and the annulus pressure
drops are considered to be zero.

In an offshore configuration, although the hydrostatic annulus pressure can also be

considered to be constant, this does not apply to the annulus pressure drops because those
created in the choke line depend on the flow rate and are not negligible. For example, if the
annulus pressure is kept constant during the pump speed decrease, the bottomhole
pressure is going to decrease as a result of the pressure drop variation in the choke line and,
conversely, it will increase if the pump speed is increased.

Since the supervisor has the curve showing the choke line pressure drops as a function of
the pump speed, he can carry out the following procedure :
- While the driller modifies the pump speed, the choke supervisor must vary the
annulus pressure by the difference between the choke line pressure drops
corresponding to the initial flow rate and to the new flow rate.
- If he reduces the pump speed, he will have to add this difference.
- If he increases the pump speed, he will have to take this difference away so as to
keep the same bottomhole pressure.
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- With the new speed stabilized, the supervisor uses the new discharge pressure to
control Bottom hole pressure.

Prior to the change, he can take the precaution of calculating this new discharge
pressure which, in relation to the former one, will be modified by the pressure drop
variation caused by the flow rate change. As one can never be sure that the variations
approximately take place as a function of the square of the flow rate, he will also have to
determine this theoretical discharge pressure by direct reading of the chart if the string is
full with heavy mud dr.

This procedure theoretically allows to keep the bottomhole pressure constant during a
pump speed change but it is obviously quite complicated and approximate on the basis
of the reading of charts and of calculations. Therefore, in the field, the control flow rate
should only be changed if it is impossible to do otherwise.

Important notice : As in the onshore configuration, the same discharge pressure should
never be maintained during a pump speed change because, in this case, the bottomhole
pressure is modified by the action carried out on the choke to maintain the pipes pressure
« artificially ».

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