Welcoming Adress Speech v5

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Good afternoon!! Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty members, honored guests,
proud parents, and most importantly, our beloved Board of trustees Mr. Conrado
Daos, our Directress Mrs. Filomena Daos and our principal Mrs. Michelle D.
Ciriaco, and fellow graduates of St. Michael School of Canumay batch 2023- 2024.
Welcome to this momentous occasion our graduation ceremony, a celebration of
achievement, perseverance, and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Today, we gather to honor the dedication, hard work, and countless hours of study
that have brought us to this milestone. Each graduate seated here has overcome
challenges, embraced opportunities, and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to
their academic journey.

As we reflect on the journey that has led us to this day, let us also acknowledge the
support and encouragement we have received along the way. To our families, friends,
mentors, and educators, thank you for your guidance, belief in our abilities, and
unwavering support. Your presence here today is a testament to the profound impact
you have made on our lives. We give thanks for the gift of wisdom, knowledge, and
understanding bestowed upon us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

To the graduating class, as we stand on the threshold of new beginnings, let us

embrace the possibilities that await us with optimism, courage, and determination.
The knowledge and experiences gained during our time here will serve as a
foundation for success in the years to come.

As we stand on the threshold of this new chapter in our lives, let us heed the timeless
wisdom of Henry David Thoreau: "Go confidently in the direction of your
dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Today marks not only the culmination
of years of hard work and dedication but also the beginning of a journey filled with
endless possibilities. Let us embark on this journey with unwavering confidence in
our abilities and a steadfast commitment to pursuing our passions and aspirations.
As we step boldly into the future, let us never lose sight of our dreams, and may we
strive each day to transform them into reality, shaping a life that is truly our own.

Congratulations to each and every one of you on this remarkable achievement. May
today be a joyous celebration of your accomplishments, and may the future hold
boundless opportunities for success, fulfillment, and happiness.

Once again, welcome to our graduation ceremony. Let the festivities begin!




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