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O Assessment item 1

Value: 20
Due date: 29-Nov-2011
Return date: 14-Dec-2011
Length: 1500 words
Submission method options
Hand delivery (option applies to Internal & Tutorial only |excl. OIIshore/Dubbo
Alternative submission method
Using theoretical support Irom the 3 journal articles listed below answer the Iollowing
questions about impulsive purchasing behaviour.
Beatty, S.E. and Ferrell, E.M. (1998) Impulsive buying: Modelling its precursors,
Journal of Retailing, Vol. 74, pp 161-191
Ramanathan, S. and Williams, P. (2007) Immediate and delayed emotional
consequences oI indulgence: The moderating inIluence oI personality type on mixed
emotions, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 34, pp 212-223

Dhar, R., Huber, J., and Khan, U. (2007) The shopping momentum eIIect, Journal of
Marketing Research, Vol. 44 ,(August) pp 370-378
1. What is the diIIerence between an impulsive purchase and an unplanned purchase?
Use examples Irom your own shopping experiences to explain your point.
2. Las Vegas Tourism uses the tagline, What happens in Jegas, stays in Jegas. This
tagline has entered into common speech and many people use it to try to reduce the
consequences oI impulsive behaviour. That is, they blame the situation Ior their
impulsive acts and hope that the behaviour won`t aIIect the rest oI their liIe. Discuss
the diIIerent marketing in-store inIluences (see Quester et al (2007) pp170-173) and
how those inIluences can encourage impulsive behaviour.
3. Impulsive behaviours can become harmIul compulsive behaviours. Discuss iI
marketing in-store inIluences (as discussed in the question 2) can be blamed Ior
consumers` becoming compulsive shoppers.

Include an introduction and conclusion to your report.
Refer to marking guide to see how the marks will be allocated.
This assessment is designed Ior you to demonstrate your ability to:
Explore concept oI impulsive buying
Discuss the implications Ior marketers
ReIlect on personal shopping behaviour
Marking criteria
Marking guide for Assessment Item 1 (100 marks)
Theoretical foundations/30
Argument developed Irom theory and research. Analysed journal articles, not just
description oI content.
Application of theory/30
The theory is applied. Appropriate justiIications are made. Examples are clearly
explained with personal reIlections.
Appropriate APA reIerencing style used.
Format and presentation/20
Appropriate report structure used
* Report Iormat with headings/sub-headings
* Use diagrams and tables where appropriate
* Full justiIy 1.5 line space with 12 point Iont


* The work oI others must be acknowledged (even the textbook).
* Use APA reIerencing style see Interact-resources Ior an overview oI style.
* Include a reIerence list at the end oI the report not a bibliography.

Assessment item 2
Value: 40
Due date: 23-Dec-2011
Return date: 06-Jan-2012
Length: 4000 words
Submission method options
Hand delivery (option applies to Internal & Tutorial only |excl. OIIshore/Dubbo
Alternative submission method
Format: Report (with headings)
Write a report that explores the changing trends in households and the implications oI
these changes on marketing strategy.
Choose one stage oI the household liIe cycle. (See Quester et al (2007) pages 424-428
Ior diIIerent stages). For instance one stage is young married. Explain the
characteristics oI the chosen stage oI the household in terms oI age, marital status and
children. You need to Iind 2 relevant journal articles that discuss the role oI the
household in consumer buying processes. Avoid just summarising the textbook.
Then go to the Australia Bureau oI Statistics (ABS) and Iind the census data that
explains what this household is doing in terms oI income, social activity, purchasing
habits, and housing.
Use your research into the stage oI household and data Irom the Australia Bureau oI
Statistics Ior support when discussing the implications Ior marketing strategy in terms
oI the Iollowing products:

Family sized cars
Single-sized Iood packaging
Discuss the importance oI your household stage on the market and make
recommendations to developing appropriate marketing strategy.
Suggested structure
4 Introduction
4 Description oI household theoretically and with ABS data
4 Discussion oI implication oI the household stage on the two product (you don't
need to include highly detailed product inIormation)
4 Recommendations Ior marketing strategy
4 Conclusions
4 The work oI others must be acknowledged (even the textbook)
4 Use APA reIerencing style see Interact-resources Ior an overview oI style
4 Include a reIerence list at the end oI the report not a bibliography.
Refer to marking guide to see how the marks will be allocated.
This assessment task is designed Ior students to:
4 Demonstrate report writing skills;
4 Develop research skills
4 IdentiIy and incorporate appropriate inIormation Irom a statistical source like
4 Develop and explore implications oI changing household trends on the market
4 Be able to make appropriate and justiIied recommendations
Marking criteria
Marking guide for Assessment Item 2 (100 marks)
Theoretical foundations/30
Argument developed Irom theory and research using multiple sources such as journal
Application of theory/40
The theory is applied. Appropriate justiIications are made. ABS data is used well to
support identiIication oI market changes
Recommendations /10
The recommendations were appropriate to changing trends and Iunctions beneIits oI
Appropriate APA reIerencing style used.
Format and presentation/10
Appropriate report structure used
Report Format- see Interact Resources Iolder Ior a guide

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