Vocabulary p.129

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Avoid: This implies staying away from something or

refraining from doing something to prevent negative
Example: To avoid getting sick, it's important to wash your
hands frequently and avoid close contact with people who are
2. Prevent: To stop something from happening or to make it
impossible for something to happen.
Example: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help prevent
heart disease.
3. Protect: To shield or defend something or someone from
harm or danger.
Example: Wearing a helmet can protect your head in case of a
bike accident.
4. Check: To examine or inspect something to ensure it is
correct, safe, or satisfactory.
Example: Before leaving the house, always remember to check
if you have your keys, wallet, and phone with you.
5. Control: To manage or regulate something to maintain
order or achieve a desired outcome.
Example: It's important to control your spending to avoid
going into debt.
6. Keep an eye on: To monitor or watch something or
someone closely.
Example: Could you please keep an eye on the stove while I
step out for a moment?
7. Supervise: To oversee or watch over someone or
something to ensure it is done correctly or safely.
Example: The lifeguard supervises the swimmers to ensure
they follow safety rules in the pool.

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