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Part 3: How has History shaped today’s Oceanian Nations

1. Document : Infographic
a. Read the infographic. Explain what makes today’s Australia a multicultural society.
b. Identify the economic benefits of cultural diversity
c. Say what social issues cultural diversity can create. How do they react to these issues ?
2 . Maori Renaissance
Document A – Audio file - Shine Bright 1ére – page 130
a.Listen to the document and explain how colonization affected the Maori population
b.Find out and explain what the ‘Maori Renaissance’ refers to

Document B – Text – Shine Bright 1ère page 131

a.Read the article and define what the tā moko is (origin, meaning)
b. Identify the different phases the tā moko has gone over through the years
c.Explain what the tā moko means to Maori people
d. Imagine why Rihanna’s tattoo may have been controversial
Expressing consequences, causes and aims

Complete the sentences with a link word : because – in order to – that's why

a. Harmony day is celebrated every year bring people together.

b. There are a lot of immigrants in Australia we can say that it's a

multicultural country.

c. Some people are victims of racism their traditions are different.

d. A group of Aboriginal artists painted on wood they wanted to

make the public discover their art.

e. The Stolen Generation was sacrificed they now want to know the truth.

f. I decided to go to Australia understand Aboriginal culture.

Use 1 element of each list (A, B, C) to build a sentence:

Their cause is celebrated every year
Aboriginal painters use their art
I know more about their culture
I'm from Aboriginal descent
in order to
that's why
so that
we remember their past
voice their opinion
I met Aborigines
I am aware of what they went through
Grammar and vocabulary recap

1. Match one of the verbs with a preposition in order to complete the sentences. Do not forget to
conjugate the verb.
Settle – inherit – contribute
From – in – to
a. Europeans started … … Oceania in the late 18th century.
b. The development of Te reo … … the acknowledgement of Maori culture.
c. Tā moko is an art that was … … the indigenous people.

2. Build new words with the ones between brackets. Choose from the list above.
a. The culture of Oceanian Nations has been _________(rich) by centuries of immigration.
b. Pacific cultures are __________(modern) by a large variety of cultural projects.
c. The Maori traditions are __________ (vital) thanks to the interest of celebrities.
d. Tā moko is an ___________(ancestor) Maori practice.

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