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MID TERM - Home Assignment


Lab Environment Setup:

Cloud Account Creation:
● Sign up for a free tier account on a cloud platform (Azure OR Google
● Note: Make sure to use the free tier to avoid charges.
Virtualization Setup:
● Download and install a virtualization tool (e.g., VirtualBox).
● Create a virtual machine (VM) with a basic Linux distribution (e.g.,
● Similarly create VMs on Azure
Containerization Setup:
● Install Docker on your virtual machine.
● Pull a basic Docker image (e.g., nginx) from Docker Hub.
● Run a Docker container with the pulled image.
● Your Nginx basic page must be published and visible in browser by giving
the iP of the Docker VM

Basic Cloud Computing Tasks:

Create a Simple Virtual Machine:
● Use your cloud platform's console to create a virtual machine.
● Choose a small instance type.
● Configure basic settings such as the instance name and SSH key.
Networking in the Cloud:
● Setup PORT Security for virtual machines
● Change SSH and HTTP ports and allow them through your firewall security

Basic DevOps Tasks:

Version Control with Git:
● Install Git on your virtual machine.
● Create a simple Git repository with a README file.
● Commit changes and push them to a remote repository (GitHub).

Continuous Integration with Jenkins:


● Install Jenkins on your virtual machine.
● Create a simple Jenkins job that pulls code from your Git repository.
● Configure Jenkins to build the project on each code commit.

Basic Containerization Tasks:

Docker Basics:
● Run a Docker container with a custom name and port mapping.
● Access the running container and execute basic commands inside it.

Kubernetes Basics:
Kubernetes Installation:
● Install minikube for a local Kubernetes cluster.
● Start a Kubernetes cluster using minikube.
● Setup a simple container which could publish an Nginx container in it by
doing some R&D on google or via ChatGpt

Basic DevOps Automation:

Bash Scripting
● Try to install Mysql on your VM by running a Bash script

This practical lab is designed to provide hands-on experience with fundamental
concepts in cloud computing, virtualization, containers, and basic DevOps practices.
Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and explore additional documentation as

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