Honey, You Got A Big Storm Coming

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They were holding up in some random shack after a pretty intense fight, the mob nowhere to

be seen. Luis was panting, a stitch in his side from all the running and he was looking
forward to taking five minutes.

–We need to keep moving, I have to find Ashley.

–Now hold on a second there, cowboy. We need to rest,– he noticed the agent tense up at
that, as if the mere idea of taking a break was offensive. – you won't be rescuing anyone if
you run out of batteries mid fight.

Leon scoffed, checking his guns and then looking at Luis.

–If you feel like lazing around you can stay here, I actually have a job to do.

–Americano pendejo como si no me hubiese pasado la noche corriendo detrás de ustedes,

you have a weird concept of what lazy is, prince charming.– said american glared at him at
the spanish, aware that he was talking about him but not entirely sure of what he was
saying. Outside the everpresent rain got harder, as if sensing the tension inside and wanting
to match it.

Leon's shoulders kept rising up the more pissed off he got, a man driven by purpose and
adrenaline, wishing not for the first time to punch the other man. Counting to ten he tried to
calm down, destroying a few wooden boxes while looking for ammo, the spaniard's stare
heavy on him. Ignoring it he began to reload every gun he has, the repetitive movement
providing some serenity. After he finished, he looked at the man again and said:

–Had enough of a break? Let's go.

At this Luis laughed bitterly, patience wearing thin between the exhaustion, the rain and the
lack of empathy.

–Mira vaquero, que tú andes por la vida sostenido por un palo en el culo no significa que yo

–What the fuck does that mean, speak english.– Leon who was also tired and angry, got
closer, his nose inches away from the other.

–I said, you have a fucking stick up your ass and thats the only thing holding you up right
now, bastard.

That was the last straw, Leon hit him in the face and they were on. Luis, although leaner,
wasn't weak either and tackled the other man to the floor, straddling him and punching back.
It didn't last long, the agent having the upper hand in combat flipped him off and quickly
overpowering him. He covered his mouth, a snarky comment about to leave his own when
Luis bit him hard.

–Son of a bitch!– he used the distraction to flip Leon on his belly, knee to his back.
–Puta madre vaquero, do you only know how to be violent?– Leon kept struggling, finally
getting his hands under him and making Luis lose his balance.

They kept at it, trying to fight with tired limbs but not giving up. Outside the storm raged on…

It was after one of the many times Leon pinned him down that he noticed that his american
friend seemed to be more into the fight than he was. Letting himself relax, he smiled.

–I see now why you're so strung up, cowboy, if even a little toss up got you this worked up.

Confused, Leon grabbed his hands, not trusting the sneaky bastard.

–What are you talking about?

–Oh you didn't notice? How adorable, cowboy– with this Luis lifted his knee, pressing on the
other's hard on. Embarrassed and annoyed, Leon tried to pull back but again, sneaky
bastard, it only gave Luis the chance to attack.

He was now on his back, hands fighting the man on top of him and tented pants in full view.

–Get off you idiot!– he could feel his cheeks burning, exposed as he was and the bastard
dared to laugh.

–Now why would I do that? The way I see it I just found the way to get my break and get you
to loosen up a little.– He cupped him through his pants, Leon still fighting him all the way
although now with a different kind of desperation.– Let me offer you a deal, eh? I get rid of
your little problem– he squeezed his dick at this, Leon letting out a sound like a wounded
animal, hips twitching– and you, treat me a little nicer, what do you think? Give me that little
break we were talking about?

He could barely hear anything over the sound of the blood rushing through his ears, fight
nearly forgotten over the sudden need his body was betraying him with. Even if he could
admit to himself that Luis was handsome, it was still humiliating to have himself react like
that over some stupid fight. It was embarrassing enough that he started the fight in the first
place. He could feel the other’s hands like brands even through his pants, shortening his
breath and letting out a tiny gasp when Luis rubs harder, hips jerking upwards despite

–So what do you say cowboy? – The bastard pulled back a little, leaving him exposed and
looking at him from above as if he wasn’t affected at all. Leon tried to say no but right then a
lightning struck somewhere on the island, the thunderous rumble of it smiting what was left
of his fucks to give. Yes, he had work to do and yes, Luis was a bastard but he was a hot
bastard and it has been so long since Leon had even a chance to take care of himself.
Besides it wasn’t like they could do much with the fucking hailstorm outside, and the infected
weren’t around so why the fuck not. He was exhausted and a part of him resented the fact
that he hadn't had a rest since Racoon City.
He sighs, frustrated over the entire situation but also shamefully thrilled. He nods and
relaxes his muscles.

–Good choice cowboy, I'll put on my best performance –. The asshole kept joking around as
he unzipped his pants but Lion ignored him, instead focusing on keeping quiet. Knowing the
other, he wouldn't shut up if he even grunted.

Luis spit in his hand and took him out, looking at the agent to gauge his reactions. He still
looked annoyed, brows furrowed and eyes closed. Oh that’s boring, this won’t do he thought
and undressed him more, getting the other’s pants to his knees.

–Hey, don’t get too excited, we still have to be ready to bolt, asshole.

–Don’t worry cowboy, I’m just getting comfortable – Luis smiled innocently, glad he took the
other by surprise. Lion’s erection flagged a little bit from the cold but it quickly recovered in
the spaniard’s hand. The first touches were soft, just a little pressure and the slide of saliva
not being slick enough to go too fast. It was honestly frustrating from the agent’s side; after
the fight his adrenaline was high and now this douchebag was going slow. Maddening. He
was fighting the need to move his hips, make it faster, get himself back to that dirty feeling
from before. And that was when Luis licked him up from the root up to the tip and that left
him breathless. He wasn’t expecting that, it was supposed to be a simple and quick handjob.

–What the fuck – he mumbled under his breath, still trying to not moan or make anymore
noises, he didn’t wan’t to lose against him but it was getting harder and harder. Pun

Luis drooled over his tip, getting him more wet and it was disgusting but intoxicating. He took
him inside of his mouth, that silver tongue worked him up and down, his hand picking up the
slack whenever he went up. The previously soft and teasing touches were now tight, hot and
nearly too much. His breathing picked up and tiny grunts escaped him with every pull. The
view was also hot, Luis’ rudy cheeks hollowed, his burning gaze obscured by his long hair.
He grabbed at it, not tight since he wasn’t an asshole but enough to make him pull off from
him a little bit and just stared. Luis smirked, lips shiny.

–Is there a problem, cowboy? – his accent thicker, voice rough.

Fuck, I give up.

Lion whimpered through bitten lips and pushed the other back towards his dick, brain out of
the window. Luis gladly took him back in, mouth so hot it felt like fire in his veins. He kept
staring, control gone, moaning quietly and hips hitching. After a particular good suck, his
hips went too far and Luis gagged but didn’t stop him, winking at him.

–Sorry sorry –. He felt delirious, how long was it since he last had any sort of sex? He pet
the long hair, lightly scratching his scalp and Luis hummed, making his throat vibrate.– Ah,
fuck… me.

He was completely in the other’s hands, Luis grabbed his ass to take back the control of his
hips and he just let himself be manhandled. He could hear his own voice, gasping and
moaning, and he would be embarrassed but he couldn’t care anymore. He was floating in a
cloud of feel good chemicals, he could think only with his dick and he wanted more.

As soon as he thought that, Luis’ right hand lowered, fingers slick with saliva and pre softly
circling and pushing at his hole, the tip of his index finger getting in. His legs trembled, hips
trashing at the new stimulation. He was close, so close and he tried to say something but
right then, Luis managed to fully stick his finger in and the twinge of pain at the stretch and
the dirtiness of it did him in, cumming deep into the man’s throat. He didn't complain,
swallowing and sucking to the point of overstimulation and he pulled at his hair again, this
time harshly to get him off.

Luis looked like the cat that got the cream, hair disheveled and short of breath but a winning
smile on. Lion cleared his throat, legs like jelly, he looked the other way. The rain had died
down a little bit but it was still storming enough to use that as an excuse. He let go of the
man and went to fix his pants, getting up and trying to compose himself. He sighed.

– I guess we can take a little break…

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