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Words that go with the Convid-19

Pandemic 2021

pandemic sneezing self-isolation panic buying vaccination quarantine contaminated

antiviral treatment travel restrictions World Health Organisation pneumonia fever
small droplets shortness of breathing airborne laboratories supply shortage therapy
coughing hand washing social distancing curfew state of emergency talking

In English speaking countries the Corona virus disease is mainly known as

Covid-19 _. On 11 March 2020 the _____ WHO

declared the disease a worldwide __pandemic_______. The virus is

spread in _small droplets__ but it isn’t generally_talking__.

People may catch it through other people’s _sneezing__ or

____coughing___ or by touching a ____contaminated__ surface.

Common symptoms of the illness include _fever___, __shortness of breathing__

and _____________. Complications can include__pneumonia___ and acute

respiratory distress symptoms. Preventive measures are thorough _social


, ___________________ or even ____self isolation ______. To stop the virus

from spreading, many countries declared a ___state of emergency_____ and


____quarantine___and _____curfew_____________measures, ___trvel

restrictions___________, border

closers and even travel bans. The severe global socioeconomic disruption and

the wide spread fear of __supply shortage ____resulted in ___________panic


A vast number of ____________________ are working on an ______________

Englischschule Schaffhausen English for Life Covid 19 Pandemic Rahel Hoernlimann

such as a ___________. Hopefully there will be, in the near future, an effective

____________________ to stop this threatful pandemic for good.

Antiviral treatement are medication used for treating infections.

Regulations=restrictions : it is a limiting condition or major that people has to

follow on a certain topic.

Poumons: lungs
Pneumonia: lung inflammation

Droplets: postillions

Airborne: everything that is transported by plane.

Supply shortage: lack of something

Hand sanitizer

To make matters worse : to make the situation worse

Loose pounds: loose weight
To sound out of breath
Extra: a plus
Work up a sweat
Take over: dominating/take control
Emerged: appeared

Englischschule Schaffhausen English for Life Covid 19 Pandemic Rahel Hoernlimann

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