Lesson Plan 2nd Grade

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Name: Robitu Geanina-Valentina

Date: 25.03.2024
Class: II A
Level: A 1
No of students: 24
School: Școala Gimnazială „Ștefan cel Mare” Galați
Lesson: My family
Textbook: Limba Modernă 1, Manual pentru clasa a III-a, Editura Art Klett, București
Time: 50 min

Specific competences
- 1.1. Identify the global meaning of an oral message that has been clearly articulated in a familiar context
- 1.3. Understand simple age-appropriate oral message
- 2.2. Take part in everyday conversations about familiar topics
- 3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher

- To get students familiar with the notion of family members
- To develop vocabulary skills
- To stir the students imagination and curiosity
- To elicit vocabulary related
Lesson objectives
By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Define what a family is
- Describe their own family members and structure
- Appreciate the diversity of family structure

Language focus: Members of family

Aids: Markers, Whiteboard, Video projector, A family tree
Teaching techniques: conversation, explanation, dialogue
Skills: speaking, writing
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss

Anticipated Problems: Some Ss might find difficulty to classify the members of a family
Solution to the anticipated problem: The T makes sure all Ss understand the tasks and provides the necessary help and feedback
throughout the lesson
Assumption: The Ss already handle a satisfying level of language in order to accomplish the requests of the lesson.
Time Stages Interaction
1) Warm-Up:
Aims: -to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere T-Ss
2’ -to stir Ss imagination and curiosity Ss-T

The T asks the Ss how are they feeling and who is absent for today.
2) Lead-in:
Aims: -to give some examples with family members in Romanian
-to develop vocabulary skills
Activity 1 T-Ss
10’ The T shows the Ss a family tree (appendix 1) and discuss what a family is (a group of people who love and
care for each other).

Aids: family tree

Grouping: class work
3) The table Ss-t
Aims: -to get the Ss familiar with the topic T-Ss
-to make Ss aware of the distinguish categories of family members

The T asks the Ss to read the family tree and note in their notebooks.

Grouping: class work

Aids: Whiteboard

5’ 4) Practice
Aims: -to further practice the new introduced concepts Ss-T
-to develop their communicative skills T-Ss

Evaluation: By the end of the explanation the Ss have to know the family members
Aids: whiteboard, the family tree
Grouping: class work
Activity 1 T-Ss
15’ The T announces the Ss that they have to make their own family tree on a notebook page. Each student will Ss-T
make the family tree with the help of the example.
15’ Activity 2 Ss-T
The Ss will present, in front of the class, their own family tree and the T will give them extra points. Ss-Ss
1’ 5) Home assignment T-Ss
The Ss must build sentences with each member of their family
2’ 6) Evaluation Ss-T
The T asks for the Ss’ feedback and evaluates the level of satisfaction, participation and cooperation of the students, T-Ss
thanking for cooperation and inviting for a session of questions
Appendix 1

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