Research Note

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Chapt SOAAl_ Bo coach : i The user _yescarch is detwed Fem -ina ind karl meanin. “to kenow"s Lt is -tho- scuntric ieng sey aimed i ar my New Facts , tostin ae * = Et _is “tha W4stematic callection amaiygsis And inter protation OF Aata +o. queaie Oo kenowriecoe And answor @ egrtain “QLiestion so\ve_OF pwoblem Thus, te@garch_Is*the search gr Knowdedge . Research Is__caried out For two purpases } lL ts tno verigication or ole! ones. | oar ; = ; : Bo his an i end systematic: wat Inding Nsw. sNorsiy Se Se 4. Sy tomatic. hecaus: 4s" A" Ageinito s 2) _popegme _Procodums and stops +o olin > 2. Crgamzed becauce. shore tea Stricture or i Abo 10, 2S0.a1c| Portia planned proco dtira and net Pontan@ous ot. 2 Fin answote, Th ts eA OF Our wsgarch, whether ~ if Is the answer oF Nypotne Js or ey or _simple_quiestion Peseareh is sSucressecet hon, U9 Find ins wors a 4. Questions cra central to _r¢ earch. |& tho, QI Ne er een te Seta and_bahavicutia eCloniict= have. WOrd research. An. various aays. Sora hes west. Popular deritihon ce ufeéseara a i ‘2 bk = = ates - En Qeavour: discover eacte eclonttic studey CObIsO OF -critical iowastigertion”. boy. pocket oxord qa ictonony. % Syste matte. iavesR, establish ieacts ior} | Collect _\neormation~ on: St coe ss REN collins) Con €ica clictonany- n nN which are in YAS darch = = i ‘I Tin Bartality sf: dishonest Yo Saaren_m soleck* datq items oF Individual to ctrawy conclusion +6 his/her Favour Th Jorings fas _\enckoadp, lreseQch which CiFFeC ts” 2 obiectva OF the StU a Theneore, a te reagarch must be fmpartial_ ond unbiased - courauyte A recearch wore mr need 1-0 1O¢ctr 2X peed s Withee» Studs haelshe: Undertaping. Thesa 'oxportieg » Yeacilis's In: me the @ AccOMmer in the solertion crown, The g Accuracy oe tthe: cancilusian oF: soneitiva.- Isscte_as_ ene ee ee i Ay “Siaclameric Ga thy al iteduandl meas ei Was oa wl hicieron Oe REA) neo -ostths another» research js): an organ Op" Structure. mis. t Who SiN Vill Varn Plabuityss SThg-\ rosa OF ao. esearch ai ee Bat betiF os Fors ding a ssolind bas - Cectsi Iincy 10. 4 Meith Mascllts ley senting tng: Stan = — Acca =A Searches isan sia Process and INValves dato: collection sx Tings. Tecults are--pasod A_| tes ¢arch xa} (Os Method se artablichad Know to 4 iss verried flee Yon obser vgHons os | Sociay research > aa Tesearch ty the method Usa cla [as i iC st 210d esdarchers “to. \eam_apour Eeopie ANd ‘coctd <0 4 c 1 products al ar 3 g [aces that cater to varlous reds oF FeO root. Various aspects oF Renan behawione | Neode -ta ba dddreassod to understand ther toought= |: 20. + i \ In\ on kee dong usin, 1 ech a < AM “epic can lager social. vosecircis > Neo. Feature Nes marke¢strend lors an cy fn ola) - techn Y foetal research ts ‘conducted ee Fo % a syxstomatic. plan OF action” usinicls WAU cho ou satay: and. quaniiiatve —olservatton ll wo-thocle i= Son Qualitative “methods oly on chive ct core — “Gini.cation —_cvolth morn bers. OF “toa mare, Sos ervicttions 4 and text -orolyds» The testis oF “nie method ora. mod. an > bang: accurate . rarher “thorn ocused qenecalizing Ho entice PBpulation & : Z : Quantitative method use _statt Heat anal, els Joan niques 4p eovdlucte Aata colle fi Urvet + pals —and_o= Guastidiires. __ Happiness Survey template com bo ood s ani stoi _gauag Now earpeys _fesponde nt Fs: and} tho hing dhat con be-dpng_ =to_Incraasd_. Nappingss in +hat yespenidant. | | = | a Ly VIN 21 Objective. 6E_Yesoarch | ae bi Tha .m@n- goal or. Geal_cr. researc Qualr ys. ind lovo\: of.» fh pr 2Orclhy : lidare pacts about Of any, preci Ag kabel sabi ri Itnoliwideials’. cinder.” Spo dieing .condlition:: As * eh == Sec [eens that ahngs_ate-ne gorg. os moa os ty | Le eee the _si 2 foblem, As new ets eseaeoargeg a =} pa 2nvironm - }exacily—_ushat_i=_happe derinely Sheu te Proipiem Fdenticication:~ = {Tho- researcher singiés cut tna. Problem. E thes study ia xact locate, 60. Shat Mason For +he problam can be. Con cepicialy cad a “ b:., e Cee tag ohare eameaser be te searchas |levicteps of Aypoinesis, eitich ts Crown From taeonh ca\_ Framework oA hypothesis is a “etotive ancuaer +p ee] pe ata gues cd is gare bawd a wd {Up 6n_prior_re.saarch sa ° Research: design:- = : : cHing Pris a_plan1 Struetuira: and_strategy "fori cencluicting «| wh. I+ describes Ihe A Or ror a Wy zing. and te 5 ‘Obbtcin_cinswers to reseaich_ question's: an.d+o Lontrol_weiricin co ss ame to. E Collection of datar= = 3 = At his Stage ph Yesearchar hast Collect cotta ‘ag. 2XPected. Data can ba_obbtai From prima 1 Source and = 8 —— Types of Social. Pe Search:= pie O)|_ Neature oF Betta, —*| Quotliterive research 3 : Qualiictive Yecoarch Acals _ustth_desiqn Aechnig es cand mddsurgs thar donot produce discrete ot disiact yn ‘ical tra, Data an is inct Ihe coi =| OF 4 at i Of mhesis. | Cloductive 20s) det oppmach) Quantitative toscarch *~ anhtative ta. bh inch ~ desiqne, rlechniques, Gnd measures har. Prdutea -cliscrote_ or dlictincky Dumerical SS; Juan Hieabla ear nid, PERT Sib ea Hypahosis logical Ga Purpose a¢- Research ___= = = oo Basic Research’= = —— aa lBasic’ Research %¢_also_Called Fundamental tesearcch __| Tt te undertaken to improve _-eur'endorstanciog— | ok certain prmblems that _commoniyg saceesr “fo Sotial__settings: and how 40~'Solue dhe risa. Bsa Coa Tt ts Unclon taken for ithe LPUrpase oe _adcha. Kenewledige. “hot is. aod, eneral., “Ws. “hype “Of _vesearcln -may howe ne Immediate or _plenned application. T+ -Conprilbute s ———|-fe Ake econ} r FONCTION This_rescarch _ushich We conducted by Propescore_/ echoars and. Oihor we scarcheys “de vated | —7°.—@eneratfigng meus —lenainledga in. a pay Lear |_lcireq of interast. |» Basic search is _ Csainticillys J PosHive cind_fs_an__Inrellecttial exOrgicd , Th oxplains tha phononena as heyy cre LAA) not as__tiner should be. and _noay Nariey r estalolish new phenomenon - pin ol ABsing «Warrintttis aici las 1 i 5 |__| Applied research 1s undertaken in_respansoto “a: * ‘Soctal_prblem_, which requires a solution's Ts ma {sr ______Purpoce_f's_+0 anc wer _preicHcal_and Op Uscea = Cluestions ae — Ta. resus ara_applied__practically to -solyg immediate _prebleme Applied _research_} _concemed nh Jeno wlecigs that has Immediate application oe | Hate: a cinedd t +] [rusian And it Ba. . : : / Pan sas__nowen as _decteioral ve 7 : “Re sea, oe p> Re sax SAN. AI} to So-gaivenen at ning e : | Procoss /appreach OF 7050 Arch ——$} Lalit grapnic Or _pomethgtic « = Pessibl¢__expianations- OF A Particular case . Lee -grapinic Social research seeks to Previcle all Momatreric te search ‘lends te be moe general, cot re @archar Jtging via identity a few causal = sia = 3 8 Peductiye or Inductive tasearch. = = \n- \ eeesctia esearch spe ctiric : oxpectations OF at = Gro_developed on the asis of generat principles SS Tn: Incluctive social research also. Known as SSeS] aie Nad ~ research) Scares ence. Cet ene clea From _S (eecinic = Beseuctions > = tesaorch = The ofitica\ @+ . 3 Social _yesearch fs {hooreal!__wshon tt i —- Bl GHS oto alg ox i a, Preis Ideas. 2 | Empirical | Soct cI | based:on Srna of | en research is Lin derstood as oll! tho | mathods / +21 ies Mert arg} Bal Used for Conduction OF And understood as a Fesearch KOVONCE OF “Std Nes lyosearch fs dono SSermeically. ee. : e chap-2 Fundeimemal concepton Reccarciy 4 ——|Hiypathasts. Lr ee ss ts Q_loc gical ‘Suppasil .silion_s vanes Pqless;_an__eder cated conjuictura Tt provicies a | tentative 2xpieincitionFora_fehenomenon under _ -— try sally C. ly cnet Seated 2001) 4 According to Gh: Land berg / ADypathesis ts aes emictiva generalization ihe validity} oF “abich Temcine pote bet Tested_+ T+ may bo any hunch, Imaginative | 1@a Ge tn-tuttion what soave hich becomes tne = Accocating to _W. @o0de_and_ PK Hert, “A Ingpstinasis_f Sa _pimposition 1_ushich cain be put +o test to determine its caliclity . Lt May seem contrary. coor KH accordante_ with common sense! s | ——{Stiiple Hy poinesis fs thett_one_insushich: S exists = Welation ship. berweon wo. Vemables-1one 13.3% inde pendant» a is. dare faciabld_or_opeect . = ie Example :- cticg- a eae ham cleep can a nnaee. Poe te mare LConpie. Hyoohecsn = : fT Compa Hypertoars hae se among. Yoraises exists. In tris type 22s _indapenclent Vartatsige: cp enclent as. S2_mora_ than +vs0 : Example. Individuals A) Ger aq ay _H Ines Is fs dh SEG Hy por fs thor chs $—apaliac t0°Q Field. Darin, 4 mi J— te Formulation fs an a SSscunmetion—_oniy | but_when it is ae test ee Se Ao —woorking hy Po-thesis. Easter than Yowes _weatered ath liquid’ vitomen & ° [New Hypothesis: x {Rut Hy potocie ts ee ushich_toclicatas 9 di ginitive exact ——— He lationship _petwecon -kwo vadabies. TH isco 4 a the _pyatine” ee 06_wsorking hypolbeste.A —} ____ Aceave|t hog te. Dill Higretcocelilet pp talatnds = betescon ape2nclent_and_incleponctant_yariaioles 2 i f Tt is ae by rat = Wie eee ——*| Aiternart Hypotnesk = Et fs _oppasife +9 jhe nul) hyprinesis_- Sire tte conn. Hypulhesis isa een ca x PRsses A relationship Betuscorn too Variables _or_indicates _diegeren between | gnu - The toa_stalement of Acceprancc condition Fer = Gach cf tne clk marty Curses ; OF solution +o problem Tr ls denned by ne_times cshon | ‘ ss £3 SS SS iS = VeriFt é Pa ee espe! Fi ale eye ae ee ’ —~ ogiccly. a LAY Yuan pashests_ts proposed expletnettos iss | cle CO leg ean —s ree r ~ . thon tulips _oo_ Pars. = 3 : {Siatistical__ Hypsthasie!= ~ }A_hypotesis which can lba_vertpred. — SoU ssoiocted As gq op. bem | [Populerten: have * equral_charne tees Sher Lhe L abject “for Ihe: Pasoar __“This_ me ticed_ancl-aheu r a es oe Ca e ee bias. eT. ee = 8 : a Gach_mombar eee popcilerian ‘hasan sc “ ped i itis “apien di¢rice or ae a ae a pals de ae hea ae Shrettieiod sample= Sta eled_taeion pling= Is -q-~ [ mothe) oF saraphie that tnvelyees* AhAdiVvisior: OFA s | POPUILAHON. Ins MANor . oe SOs LStrehes | ‘ Shottiriedl pend | St sherta_ara_-then Paci = ~A_randem e| Cluyer_ sample: A Cluster sample Is oblaned boy so —__~_| cluster 6 om ‘Ihe _jpopuleitien_on_‘ina _bacis | sam pling. -Tho_semple. Comprisas._a_cansus_o¢ each racclom_Clust@r_selocted. Cluster Samp tin. Ba_metnog Used =tp_ @napla “steel om Sane i tp occur cobile._luniting, | Hhe_time 2. Cots ‘| £ystematlic. ompling = 1ystemenic nein {sa “type oF Presioctts’ tite ‘Sampling —tazihed in_asdhich —samnpie la Ore _selact Corclin, | yandom Star S being Yandom.— je dhe periodic interyal ie dotenennad_ before hand eed ha. sstartog port is random ul ie * ab Tn ans typo=ce>_peautatien —SSMP™ ——@tsion of. Canveniento — scinn Subject is selected indivicluales thert_cill = pacticipate. = In “Hae sturclty e hana SE Si | 2 Convenience Sampling:- Convenience sampling IS A non~ | ~-Ratability samping —techniqua ahora scipjects Ara celected| | becarivo of theres Conventont ' Cgc Sli, andl OXirnity te the_fesarcher the subjecte ate elected} = Just be cars oe being- Selected | pepuilaiion donot “haw: equal —clnanca—oF~* atte [semeia_esily—re prosants__oa_“teryet_pephiotens TS alse patslslatnat_tta tsecnchat— cla beni chao. + Convequeive scimpling:= Conta quatiye. sepa, AM lic jn (Foleo b} i 4 it es ADI. ¢_ A _goo } Fe prdsentation a the sy ——s—possibe_in.a_reasonabie._pertoct 98 tima The udgemental_sampling —fs_used_in_tina_caies_winore_ Hbe__spactaliy _Ouihoriigy con_selectesp &imero | Y2precentative sample sjhar=cao. wnerd ACA fescilts_| : han boy si other Prokability Samping dechniques. _ ee process _invalwes doting _but_p: ampling . «here fra. stra tums are i Quata_sampling ig Q- non Sequential _samyetng !~- Sequential Sampling. $s" Done jSemoling Jechriqua_tshera_in sha Yes or @ ing i /OL-A_Gizuip_oF _subje in g S she jpraba Lite = jects if Snooball or _cnan ‘Sampling _Snesball_sampli ———f-$PeClal Nan= pralealityy mated used wahon she _dlesio a Steraeic she rate = Tt_may ha. oxen isq sample. | difriculh_Gr cos : So nga he ME SHowha)) samping relies ons beFermle: from Ini SUbjeg See ee ee tts : Oramerically~ lawer_seorch:Costsy it ‘eon it “coma's tha=2*pense, 08” ern ~bias_because' the technique tse = Vecleces the likohho: jtikahnoed that tna sample. ws sil_teprasenta geod cross. | Section —erénn thas population sy et Se a IE: —~j ~ Fletel_ratork LEIA blneckcensmena “ne aja PPigect Crorticurarly in. jiearchers 90 clboctt_ collect ieee ing. fr a Be cali s —Ceattehas and Pecards CA OF _irctviduals_ activilios. : gros. engaged In thoi _| as Lh — pac —undenstancliog oF=O grou 4 by | teak in, Rockin sang {routines and _yrreials _ailongsicla oi A mMamIoars. =| Oigitie a Meta pie ice Se gt —_—_| oF daditaee Aer ee Hey cee os ivicluals. ‘There tthrec. Afotmal ‘onyer Open = endad: Feasibili | selecti _ Pro jon _for_plain/data needs such:as lafaccaiaction Lmethed and _instuments.. = Ci H Fimati . Co ting. prefessor to Pinaliza emia. Schene. GF the. Field work eet We eo ctudectsshouid bo His sc = See 2.4 Bleld = upon ctctitias t= pas BS Bence Polloesiing three a a be [Ar tcttial phase, stuctente should _wiroduce. orang tha._on [te._ergaectun—andly.6__ lean wade. Patt Trey should} Includa.- = + a ——_} mactng tha chiee executive .meadhg- african in_charge, tea Unik And calloction Ihe yp velant mertariale aah = HEI cheaevattas hese_studont Shoul| study AaNc| obbsarve. — fit seeiate_acton “his s_pratea Phase_of- Fieid a The. studants doh 2 Wenjiaw "G oF = —— Sbservertion _ot-tne_cinit selected | Field — sor ——|49 administration dic. “Collactian of —*| Ab toe. concteccl —_|_dbsenad ss, lhe Fallosing ror sae State wi Se tard i = sie ot ee AL eee iat ed call_o, ono —|exacestve_and Gratitude _-to tha Sete oe “Pe rartion — Post piel worle arctivities’= This Is tha Final phase ot tha Field sor assignment. Ar his. Slaqa, stuclen+ Shauld prepare. Por_repoct_writi Tre. following activities ae be eceed, Organizing cata In mMgarin« Pacorcting observattans in a Ta mannerc ord _prasent team nia) ae where _Gpprepriate -Lsriting the Field work. _rapart p> prescribe sty! ao} —___ ey ee See ee we eg Presentation. | Valin —___| which sie is: i roi sce —igh a eee | to -b2_maasurecl_En.sinple—teims, Validiy rears to ~~ how wollen Jostuiment 2S tm@stiresesirat sts. + Ro scaroh- Validity th sunttys relates. to thd extent ao NE ~E LIntended” O° measure —*|Actorcting_- 40 FN Kertingar ,* Tha < Sa {Mellichieg te_epitemizad. by -tha Qn. A Pe caneng ee ae (2. thine we _are maastring t Ceo) to Tew, Best and 3.y Kabn, “allioli oF 7 9thering instrument or precadure that _onaisle s (a ———theasure._uskett is _scipposed Prosed_ts' maasara 8. Basis: cf validation. +-| Logical Validation: “This rerer: [ertaitive , or common sei [Vallidai® is derived | From _tine__core eer) A OF scdla § “he select. toms TO Joe: -A_Compongnk oF Content oe vatlidat = 2}y 2 OF he “piece _Carvient _\ ab _vatiding | by such “That _Ie__seyoral__Cantont &Xperts pee ssbb ahem bon q-uied_icctument gp ae Typo _teaiticaly > Sy} _cpinion:= TF refers to the _personal Judgement ecports — —— tO_tha_piald . —he_tehaviour_scuntiats ontnayy aleman — x i0la| bse! uestigaieg I _Cleeeition of continuum —= an Bez nions. Se. ke “The _roscilt ofthis procedure. YeHlects tna coneomnadl! judgements -o¢ experts Inthe _entent fia ie ero dete eae eens, Meee ~ 21 Tiadtaes fete Ee ete egret | -Censidering inclependant Ctitorion, “The research atttempis +o ae boy fee aioe wat con_lb2_ Assessed} Se Hho cet o@__scalin Sears th _athar | Cevoloped prom _anothor _insheiment Is __Qcl inisterec| rt she... bSMen one predicts _Succoss on fatiluirg -OF- Student | Pam _acacemic_aptetitude mecisuras ) the ressarchor __| —— 6 HConeetned uit cttena-related _watity : ie wi v0 : a ae ct Be ralloble ies | A speciric_mnsasured?_iis_consiclarec} = meascre. meant —nutmber lapplcertion -on:-Ihe Same obj cot OF + = oF =the Produces TAS some._rasclte Ss — a —— to Bestar aig 8 A destots- yeyiabe to she sua A tinag_censty = *|Accorsling -ta_Boyd anc So \ [Test— retest oe = Tt involves terested mon | Con faces ate The recat ___| Admmistrations are then Compared ——Peliabiliny _< ard vice yorsa This _ rot “Te_grater tna dieroren ‘Stobilthy of ves Ponsa Chap -% = Pesearch Pasian 4.4 | Ader native Form — method != T+ towelves using “kee equivalent | Forms op nngasurng —Instriments tn tha single _otsyoce Te | Lrosatt of the two Inghuments Is_comparsc|_cn__Hem-fey-ttenn _| basis and agree. fo Se Is_ determined - “the ecoms. an ailternerive. form or test. qrsater ‘She. cheeorance. __ *| In Fact, resea |_ Fer tho collection - measurermant and _analysts_¢f-data__ jos he ow Op the scores on ‘the _hale.of fhe fost can be’ | Correlated with tity _seemtes—cn-he_s} First seq Section oF tino entire decements, as + Atibou i+ usucy 4 Oppears ihe — 7 Complejag om. OF the Preposal sit te Net ustltien, UNH! aN other Sectene are ; ie: . TH summeinzes alll of Ihe key ‘mrormat® ane) is a sales clocewmert Ihe mosh_impertast — e yr : i OA Olesigned to convinaa~the trader sme should be Considered Fe support % Propose ty Purpose oF the study: The purpos *| for partqetn, te eapiewa’ cat aa ants, aart ciccemplish 3 Signiticance of the _studlyy = i. Tt _choutd pontout how our study relates to dh ml iss ues_and _Uses-0__persuOsv2_yattionaie te _sustry -ine "reasons, pe_your study. | Tt matves_fne _pucpose_worih_Pursuiing lhe siprigicane oF the study answer questions ie * Why 5s “Yair sticy Impertant 2 * To cohom is ib important 4 : | What benerits wills occur iF your_studk 41.| Problem ctatement ‘= : A_clear and wells defined. statement e¢ -Ing problem _{s ss Constdoted As “he foundation for-ina development oF the research _paurposal- Tt pnalbles tno researcher _ to y | Systematically oir ot _tehy the _jpurposed research on ‘Ihe _| ____| pratlem should fe uniaken__Ond_ishat_he Tnopesto= _ =| Achieve. wotth the_Fiecliogs —o- the_sstucly : : -|Revrew fe -revetant liteatre prompts’ aod_shengiens the Yesoarchor . to crssesses Appreachds _-to “tho Prelo\em and revise the. plan _accandingye == ai "TTA | Heratura yeviers educates _& researcher ,enhanten | his/her “nowledge aed _increasea_his[ner__conadenca, ___| sohichtutimately —contibestas “thvsctcls preparing em ne Appealing Parposal 2 sy importa — | describ con convince tte _aponsot that. your f Hs ngods = nca_and_surgenty OF “the ,_seCtion ; | #| Rese Obyectives}= “This_modiuis. represents an_“imporiant section _of “the. =fresearch_perposal eocusing slig_oos_atiot is “bang_plancad tp. pa__purposed Invest | be demonstrat. onicheobfactnae Aeaciito . nabbit ai gol &-] Memoda ae Compared 3—P SS eS This Sdction shout] cum at ad logy 5 Focie bread g Et te [Tha _ Se ee eat Se WH [ hha. we-wsont to cetlect dlatg Rou wilh B= ||; ——__} Sample ;_and ps “mang. Scibjecks sll = IL the study 0 (Ths topere Ai | I iy S_f@Ffets to ove rage. taree Po} A IE ample de Step) : é == Ree Np yee | Who} Dfommation Ao ‘we 2 Ned to ) collect 0 BA _ANcwor a n HR ANcwor Fhe resecrrety —4ns Implied ty Our ras nie ne A Qrs_-to ‘the _varibles_ax teres Sve I 4 + {What Approach will ue fallow to —ellect rie, This section glaborotes onthe work iyalatig se “fins iged al answafing such _quéstion as, who wilde what and when > | Jo. “Tra_fpudget aatails sh Hel an ‘he —lngamat® 2 AeSigh SR eant se emmy) _____| Cis vepers ty dna rs $0arch cle | tohar techniques F_ Ol si. gia. will Cse to colt This Tefers sto “tna. lak, coliecto dechniques.and tools suchas __| questionainm. ¢ GhseruciD cheel- dist). Work plan: in It cesill_ be cong. Age t\- Sponsor_requasts “The. lrudgat -sheuld feo. realist. claus Fer any lenge, ond Uist) _Wems jp tho. buid fot should bo Oxptomned & “usted The nate Pac steam w.cigonized +o_completa, the work SIEFICLOntley 2} Bittiogn: es A bibtogeny ts necessary me mans oe ep Ge_Me_ projects “once you have clone .q iterate. weerstow yO iow. Append _ Any Add Itonat_Information that _fetngacas che body _ oe tne. Chee-4 pata conecron- Ak er propesal__ean bot SE a - nee © Research = | Selection_oF. Topies—6 Ee h Stn ot Te ne sit jeming the aras | conichiet!—Lilerattira. resiteco -to_cle heed _aclaiitional Yes vasoarehy| 0% SL | Search en _-ha_tntemnek +| Attend +31 sentations + discussion, ANd rocommenelaticn: | congerances/ semnars_in: tha tera) 2 | Bititd an Cleadamic Activote within andl cutstcld Aha. Ley . gate mr —farcinstaceang, sessions in gue ep 416 Ienasleclgable piople 4 + psaclar_an dha’ tcleas garatated = Step? s- Convaee tog Ideas into: Search: fepres = [2-2 Choose apices _ GF._wsterest = S¥ thoy Haase udp ac Continues _— bein, : nnchvarted. fe Lovercome _pmbloms that ong. Lacocmeorad —— *| Topics’ appropriate +0 -the esc ipling : | Narrow Cleun the broad toptes. 40 Ginsho nex “gr = Th is_Smportant that Pe tone pearl genni |-——+}-hata_tolle ction_is Goetned as BS Aho is pre = ws . Cedura. 6 ry —Stedard_validated +e teh 2 _tesearchor can avai eae ee a CoN ction. neha hypothesis on one x + {EE suggests tne type _2_mathed of date por _meehog Shes q Hep te olated_npamat®_pem_ealy- cnr. Sa ei, slate examined omchy zee} | basis OF @llectod clata.. The -Sipprocich of [1s clererenk gar feiclls SLekels OF stil | che. pon. | equead ingocmertion ____ Importana _SE_Dalg Collection Bala_collecHon Completa. Fultills tho_cdata reqjeae ments o aig ne Josearth ‘project. 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