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Oxygen Transfer Properties of Bubbles in

Animal Cell Culture Media

S. Zhang, A. Handa-Corrigan,* and R.E. Spier
School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH,
United Kingdom
Received September 16, 1991Accepted January 15, 1992

Oxygen transfer rates were determined in a bubble aerated By the optimization of culture medium formulation and
animal cell bioreactor. It was found that the oxygen trans- bubble generation, both cell damage/losses and foaming
fer rates increased in the following order: large bubbles problems due to direct air sparging were minimized. In
(=5 mm diameter) < intermediate bubbles (4 mm diame-
ter) < micron-sized bubbles ( 4 0 0p m diameter).Under cer- a recent article by Handa-Corrigan,*it was proposed that
tain conditions, the micron-sized bubbles were capable of the combination of an appropriate medium formulation
achieving oxygen transfer rates up to 100 h-', a 10-20-fold and the use of micron-sized bubbles was the solution to
higher transfer rate than the large bubbles. The effects of the problems associated with the oxygenation of high-
medium composition on oxygen transfer rates were differ- density cell cultures. Her reasons for this proposal are
ent for the three ranges of bubbles studied. For the large
bubbles, oxygen transfer rates decreased with increasing summarized below:
medium complexity. The lowest oxygen transfer rate was (1) An appropriate medium formulation is required
found in new-born calf serum (NBCS)and/or Pluronic F-68 to combat the foaming problems in sparged animal cell
supplemented media. For the intermediate and micron-sized cultures. Specifically, the foam properties have to be
bubbles, supplementation with NBCS into the culture media controlled to prevent losses of cells via a foam flotation
resulted in decreased oxygen transfer rate. However, fur-
ther supplementation with Pluronic F-68 enhanced oxygen process.'
transfer rate greatly for both types of bubbles. The highest (2) The micron-sized bubble is most suitable for ani-
oxygen transfer rate was found for micron-sized bubbles in mal cell cultures primarily because the surface of the
Pluronic F-68 supplemented media containing antifoam bubble is saturated with surface-active agents and, there-
agent and NBCS. fore, behaves predictably as a rigid sphere. In addition,
Key words: animal cell culture bubble K,a surfactant
coalescence problems would be eliminated in surfactant-
rich media by using micron-sized bubbles. Finally, the
INTRODUCTION oxygen transfer capability of such bubbles would be ex-
pected to be higher than for larger bubbles.
The supply of oxygen to animal cells in culture can still
Cultures with cell concentration in the order of
cause problems. Although most animal cells have a
10' cells/mL require 200 pg O2/h," which, from oxygen
lower specific oxygen uptake rate compared with that of
transfer point of view, requires a volumetric oxygen
other microbial cells, the oxygen demand rate increases
transfer coefficient of 80 h-' for air bubble aeration.
significantly when the cell concentration and culture
This can only be provided by either a combination of
scale increases. A simple and efficient way to meet the
high-shear turbine and perforated sparger or sinter
oxygen demand is bubble oxygenation. However, bubble
sparger that can generate micron-sized bubbles. Because
oxygenation has often been seen as unsuitable in animal
most animal cells are very sensitive to hydrodynamic
cell culture because of shear damage and foaming prob-
shear stresses," the application of high-shear turbine is
lems.9.1 1,1724 Considerable efforts have been devoted to
infeasible; hence, micron-sized bubble-generating sinter
the development of alternative complex oxygenation
sparger has to be used. Although considerable bubble
techniques such as membrane oxygenati~n,'~"~ intensi-
coalescence was observed at sinter spargers,'6v18it is ex-
fied surface aeration,'0v23and use of oxygen enriching
pected that, in surfactant-rich animal cell culture media,
chemical^.^,^ Among these techniques, only bubble oxy-
bubble coalescence could be effectively reduced due to
genation is amenable to scaleup despite the problems
the adsorption of surfactants on both the sinter sparger
associated with it.
and the bubble surfaces. By the combination of an ap-
In a bubble column bioreactor, it has been demon-
propriate medium formulation (which contains effective
strated that bubble damage of cells occurred predomi-
bubble coalescence inhibiting surfactants) and a fine,
nantly in the bubble-bursting region at the medium
sinter sparger, bubble size in the range of 50 p m could
~ u r f a c e .The
~ same phenomenon was observed in our
be produced under low-shear conditions in animal cell
laboratory in different stirred and sparged bioreactors.
bioreactors. In this article we are specifically concerned
Part of this article was presented at the 4th Chemical Congress with the effects of medium composition on the oxygen
of North America, August 25-30, 1991, in New York City. transfer properties of various sizes of bubbles that are
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. currently used for animal cell cultures.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 40, Pp. 252-259 (1992)

8 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/92/020252-08$04.00
MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of Silicone Antifoam Stock Solution
Three milliliters of antifoam C emulsion (30%, SIGMA
Bioreactor Cat.# A-8011) was made up to 90 mL in water. The
A 2-L (working volume 1.5-1.6 L) round-bottomed bio- resultant emulsion was autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min.
reactor (LH series 210, LH Fermentation, UK) with a The stock solution was kept at 4°C in a cold room until
pitched, four-bladed impeller of 58 mm diameter was required for use. A final concentration of 50 ppm was
used in the studies. The reactor had a diameter of used in cell culture media.
120 mm and a height of 210 mm. Temperature was main-
tained at 36.5”C by a circulating water jacket around the Measurement of K,a
vessel. pH was controlled at 7.1-7.4 by sparging COZ
between each K/a measurement. Agitation speed was The oxygen transfer rate of bubble oxygenation can be
controlled automatically from the control panel. evaluated by the following equation:
-= Kla(C* - C)
Spargers dt
Three different spargers were employed to generate where Kr is the liquid side oxygen transfer coefficient, a
bubbles of different sizes. These included a perforated is the volume-specific gas-liquid interfacial area, C is
stainless steel ring sparger, a G-1 and a G-4 sinter glass the oxygen concentration in the liquid phase, and C* is
spargers. The ring sparger was supplied by LH Fermen- the saturation oxygen concentration. The product KIU,
tation. It had a diameter of 40 mm with six orifices of which is termed volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient,
0.5 mm diameter evenly distributed along the ring. The is used to characterize the oxygen transfer capabilities
G-1 and G-4 sinter spargers were made in house from of bubbles.
grade-1 and grade-4 sintered glass disks (Pyrex) to pro- There are a number of methods for measuring Kla, of
vide orifice diameters in the ranges of 100-120 pm and which the dynamic gassing-out method is the most popu-
5- 10 pm, respectively. The G-1 sinter sparger had a lar one due to its simplicity and relative accuracy. The
diameter of 46 mm and a thickness of 4 mm. The G-4 method consists of lowering the oxygen concentration of
sinter sparger had a diameter of 35 mm and a thickness the medium by gassing it with nitrogen, and the increase
of 2 mm. All these spargers were situated 10 mm under in dissolved oxygen concentration is monitored following
the impeller. After each experiment the spargers were the start of aeration. The accuracy of this method de-
thoroughly cleaned using phosphate-free detergent and pends greatly upon the dissolved oxygen (DO) probe re-
tissue culture quality water. sponse time (the time needed to record 63% of a 100%
stepwise change in DO from O%), the liquid film resis-
Media tance, and the liquid and gas phase dynamics6 A variety
of models have been proposed to account for the effects
The oxygen transfer rates of bubbles in various media of these factors on K p measurement. Comparison stud-
were examined. The media included: ies showed that different models gave similar results for
1. tissue culture quality water (SuperQ, Millipore) KIUvalues below l/tp (where tp is the DO probe response
2. 0.8M NaCl solution time measured under the same conditions as for Klu
3. 50% Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) + measurement), and the effects of DO probe response
50% Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) basal time and liquid film resistance on KIUmeasurement were
medium (Flow Laboratory, Irvine, Scotland) (B) not significant, especially for medium of low viscosity
4. basal medium + 50 pprn antifoam agent (B + AF) such as water.*’ Furthermore, it is expected that in a
5 . basal medium + 50 ppm antifoam agent + 5% New- small and low shear bioreactor, such as used in the pre-
born calf serum (NBCS) (B + AF + NBCS) sent study, the effect of gas phase dynamics should be
6. basal medium + 50 ppm antifoam agent + 5% negligible because of the very short gas residence time in
NBCS + 0.2% Pluronic F-68 (B + AF + NBCS + the bioreactor. Another possible source of error in KIU
Plu .) measurement is the experimental starting condition.l5
All cell culture media were maintained sterile during However, this effect could be minimized by maintaining
oxygen transfer studies. the same starting condition during each KIU measure-
ment, which makes the comparison of KI(Ivalues in dif-
ferent media possible. Complying with the conditions
Preparation of Pluronic F-68 Stock Solution described previously, KIUvalues can be calculated by the
Pluronic F-68 (BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany) was dis- following equation, as suggested by van’t Riet;”
solved in water to give a 10% (wthol) solution. The re- 1
sultant solution was autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min. The Kla =- (2)
stock solution was kept at 4°C in a cold room for later
uses. Pluronic was added aseptically to culture medium where 10.63 is the time needed to reach 63% of air satura-
to give a final concentration of 0.2% (wthol). tion starting from 0%.


In this study, nitrogen (oxygen-free) was sparged first
to bring DO level down to 0%. After adjustment of DO
monitor (LH Fermentation) to 0% dissolved oxygen, air 10 -
sparging was initiated under controlled air flow rate
and agitation speed. Air flow rate was controlled by an i
air flow meter (Platon, UK, 0-600 mL/min). DO \
change was followed on a chart recorder (BBC, Goerz- 8-
Metrawatt, Austria). Two or three measurements were Q
carried out for each Kla value. E 4-

DO Probe Characteristics
The DO probe (Ingold) was inserted into the bioreactor 0'
0 100 200 300 400 500 800 700
in between the impeller and the bioreactor wall with the
probe membrane being approximately 70 mm away from Air flow rate (ml/min.)
the bottom of the bioreactor. The response time of the
probe was tested before each experiment in order to
ensure the reproducibility of the experimental data. 6-
1 (b)
The DO probe was transferred quickly from a nitrogen-
saturated medium into an air-saturated medium under n -

the same condition as for Kla measurement. Probe re- \

sponse times ranging from 10-13 s were found in the Y
l- 4-

experiments . Further more, the probe was calibrated

ca 3-
every day to prevent any drift effects. si

Measurement of Bubble Size I

A high-speed (& s ) , high-magnification (Xl-120)

black-and-white video camera system (Olympus-KMI, 0 20 40 80 80 100 120 140
KeyMed, UK) and a color video printer (YV-lSOE, Agitation speed (rpm)
Hitachi, Japan) were used to measure bubble sizes in
Figure 1. Values of Kla for the ring sparger in various media:
various media. The video camera system consisted of a
(a) constant agitation speed of 60 rpm; (b) constant air flow rate of
CCD video camera, a X l TV probe adaptor, a X 2 TV 200 mL/min. Symbols show basal medium (closed squares),
probe adaptor, a high-magnification TV probe, a moni- B + AF (crosses), B + A F + NBCS (stars), B + A F + NBCS +
tor, and a light source. The video signal can be freeze- Plu. (open diamonds), water (open squares), and 0.8M NaCl solu-
framed by the video printer on the monitor. Satisfactory tion (open triangles).
frames were printed out from the video printer. Bubble
sizes were measured manually from the prints obtained. ing water suggests that no significant bubble coalescence
A minimum of 250 bubbles was counted for each sparger has occurred because the ring sparger had widely spaced
in each medium formulation. orifices, and a relatively low air through put. Kla in-
creased with increasing agitation speed and air flow rate.
K,a with the G-1 Sinter Sparger
K,8 with the Ring Sparger
Figures 2(a) and (b) show the Kla data with the G-1
Figures l(a) and (b) show the Kla data with the ring sinter sparger in various media under constant agitation
sparger in various media under constant agitation speed speed of 60 rpm with variable air flow rate, and under
of 60 rpm with variable air flow rate, and under constant constant air flow rate of 200 mL/min with variable agi-
air flow rate of 200 mL/min with variable agitation tation speed, respectively. Kla values in the range of 5-
speed, respectively. Kla values in the range of 2-6 h-' 50 h-' were found in the media studied. These were
were obtained. These are in agreement with the data about fivefold higher than those obtained with the ring
reported by Lavery et aI.l3Kla decreased with increasing sparger. Unlike the ring sparger, Kla did not decrease
medium complexity. The highest Kla values were ob- consistently with the medium complexity. Under con-
tained in 0.8M NaCl solution and water, whereas the stant agitation condition [Fig. 2(a)], the highest Kla val-
lowest was found in complex culture media with surfac- ues were found in basal medium, B + AF + NBCS +
tants. The negligible difference in Kla values between Plu., and 0.8M NaCl solution. The lowest Kla value was
the less-coalescing 0.8M NaCl solution and the coalesc- found in water. Addition of 5% NBCS to the 50 ppm

K,a with the G-4 Sinter Sparger
50 - Figures 3(a) and (b) show the Kla data with the G-4
sinter sparger in various media under constant agitation
40- speed of 60 rpm with variable air flow rate, and under
constant air flow rate of 200 mL/min with variable agi-
w 30- tation speed, respectively. Kla values in the range of 20-
100 h-' were obtained, which were 10-20-fold higher
2 20- than those obtained with the ring sparger. The highest
Kla value was found in 0.8M NaCl solution, while the
10 - lowest was found in water. This suggests that bubble co-
alescence occurring at the sparger and/or in the bulk has
" an important effect on K,u for the G-4 sinter sparger,
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 which is in contrast to the results obtained with the ring
Air flow rate (ml/min.) sparger. Unlike the ring and G-1 sinter spargers, ad-
dition of 50 ppm antifoam to basal medium increased
120 Kla. Further supplementation with 5% NBCS induced a
(b) significant drop in Kla. However, inclusion of 0.2%
100 - Pluronic F-68 into the culture medium increased Kla
L greatly. Theoretically, Pluronic F-68 containing culture
f 60- medium and sparging with the micron-sized bubbles
W could supply enough oxygen to a cell concentration in
60 -
z 40 -

20 -

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Agitation speed (rpm)

Figure 2. Values of Kla for the G-1 sinter sparger in various media:
(a) constant agitation speed of 60 rpm; (b) constant air flow rate of
200 mL/min. Symbols as in Figure 1.

antifoam containing basal medium induced a 33% drop

in &a. However, further supplementation with 0.2%
Pluronic F-68 increased Kla significantly. Different Kla 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
profiles were observed under constant air flow rate con-
dition [Fig. 2(b)]. Very high &a values were observed in
Air flow rate (ml/min.)
basal medium, B + AF, and 0.8M NaCl solution when
agitation speed was higher than 80 rpm. This is at- (b)
tributed to the increased mixing in the bioreactor as the 100 -
agitation speed increased. Under agitation speed lower
than 60 rpm, the bubbles rose directly upward through
the middle of the bioreactor to the medium surface
without any contact with the DO probe membrane.
When the agitation speed was increased over 80 rpm,
- 601

the bubbles were distributed more uniformly in the 401

whole bioreactor because of the increased mixing, which
created the possibility of direct bubble contact with the
DO probe membrane. In the three media mentioned
previously, some bubbles were found attached to the DO
probe membrane, which could explain the very high Kla
o 20 40 60 eo 100 120 140

values observed at the higher agitation speed. Similar Agitation speed (rpm)
observations were reported by Linek and Vacek.15 Gen- Figure 3. Values of Kla for the G-4 sinter sparger in various media:
erally, however, Kla increased with increasing agitation (a) constant agitation speed of 60 rpm; (b) constant air flow rate of
speed and air flow rate. 200 mL/min. Symbols as in Figure 1.


the order of lo8 cells/mL assuming a constant cell spe-
cific oxygen uptake rate of 2 pg 02/106 cells h.*’

Bubble Size and Shape

Bubbles generated from the different spargers in various
media were photographed. For the ring sparger, large
ellipsoidal bubbles with surface movements (observed on
the video monitor) were found in water, 0.8M NaCl so-
lution, and basal medium only, while ellipsoidal bubbles
with no observable surface movement were observed in
all the other media. The ellipsoidal bubbles were char-
acterized by the diameter of the corresponding volume-
equivalent sphere, which is defined as

where V, is the volume of the ellipsoidal bubble.

Spherical bubbles of different sizes were found for
both the G-1 and G-4 sinter spargers in all the media
studied. These bubbles rose through the media without
any observable surface movement. For the G-4 sinter
sparger, culture medium containing 0.2% Pluronic F-68
was “milky white” because of the formation of micron-
sized bubbles. Figure 4 shows the comparison of micron-
sized bubbles generated in Pluronic F-68 containing
culture medium with the bubbles generated in medium
without Pluronic F-68 from the G-4 sinter sparger. Ap-
proximate normal distributions of bubble sizes were
found for the different spargers, as shown in Figure 5.
Sauter mean bubble size, which is defined as,

Figure 4. Comparison of bubbles generated from the G-4 sinter

(4) sparger: (a) micron-sized bubbles in B + AF + NBCS + Plu.;
(b) bubbles in B + AF + NBCS.

was used to represent the bubble size data, where ni is caused by the adsorption of surfactants on the bubble
the number of bubbles with diameter of di. Table I shows surfaces.2As the bubbles rise through the medium, the
the Sauter mean sizes of bubbles generated from the dif- adsorbed surfactants are swept toward the rear part of
ferent spargers in various media. For the ring sparger, the bubble due to the tangential shear force.’ The non-
there is no significant difference in bubble sizes between uniform distribution of surfactants results in the buildup
water and 0.8M NaCl solution. This supports the sugges- of a surface pressure resisting further compression of
tion that bubble coalescence is negligible in small, low- surfactants along the bubble surface. The relative sur-
shear animal cell bioreactors fitted with perforated face area covered by surfactants increases with in-
spargers having widely spaced orifices, and relatively low creasing surfactant concentration in the medium and
air throughput. More than 100-fold reduction in bubble decreasing bubble size (because of the reduced tangen-
size from the ring sparger was effected when the G-4 tial shear force). In other words, the surface mobility
sinter sparger, producing micron-sized bubbles, was used decreases with increasing surfactant concentration and
in culture medium containing Pluronic F-68. decreasing bubble size. According to Danckwerts’ sur-
face renewal theory: reduced surface mobility leads to
decreased liquid side oxygen transfer coefficient K,. In
the relatively clean water and 0.8M NaCl solution, where
bubbles have the highest surface mobility, the highest
Ring Sparger
Kla was obtained. In the basal medium, where bubble
For the large, ellipsoidal bubbles generated from the surface movement is partially retarded, lower Kla was
ring sparger, the changes in Kla in various media are obtained. In basal medium supplemented with 50 ppm
attributed to the variations of bubble surface movement antifoam agent, the complete elimination of bubble sur-

0.6 I 1 ing surfactant molecules will not have any available gas-
liquid interface for adsorption. Once fully saturated with
medium components, a minimum Kl is reached for the
large, ellipsoidal bubbles. Therefore, this is reflected in
the similar Kla values and bubble sizes observed for all
culture media other than basal.

G-1 Sinter Sparger

2.6-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.6-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-6.0 Adsorbed surfactants have two rather conflicting effects
Bubble size (mm) on K,a. One is the reduced K, caused by the retarded
surface movement and possibly increased resistance to
oxygen transfer. The other is the reduced bubble coales-
cence that leads to an increased a. The eventual effect
on Kla will depend on the relative magnitude of reduc-
tion in KI and increase in a. The reduction in K,a after
addition of 50 ppm antifoam agent into the basal me-
dium is believed to be due to the increased bubble co-
alescence as indicated by the large bubbles generated
(Table I). Incorporation of NBCS caused further reduc-
tion in K,a, even though no significant change in bubble
260-300 300-350 360-400 400-460 450-600 size was found. This result indicates that in the presence
Bubble size (urn) of NBCS, a large reduction in K , occurs. NBCS is com-
posed of various surface active proteins that are readily
0.6, 1 adsorbed at the gas-liquid interfaces. Surfactants ad-
sorbed at the surfaces of small, spherical bubbles gener-
ated from the G-1 sinter sparger face less tangential
shear force compared with the large, ellipsoidal bubbles.’
As a result, a condensed surfactant film is easily built
up as the surfactant concentration increases in the me-
dium. Proteinaceous films have unusually high surface
viscosity that could reduce not only the bubble surface
movement but also the oxygen diffusivity. The combined

46-60 50-00 80-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 effect results in the observed drop in &a. Meanwhile,
Bubble size (urn) supplementationwith 0.2% Pluronic F-68 into the NBCS-
Figure 5. Bubble size distributions in B + AF + NBCS + Plu.:
containing medium increased KIa greatly. This is at-
(a) ring sparger; (b) G-1 sinter sparger; (c) G-4 sinter sparger. tributed to the overriding increase in a as indicated by
the smaller bubbles generated (Table I). Pluronic F-68 is
Table I. Sauter mean bubble sizes in various media (mm). a block copolymer of polyoxyethylene (POE) and poly-
oxypropylene (POP) with a molecular weight of about
Ring G-1 sinter G-4 sinter
8400. It has the following general structure:’’

Water 3.82 20.63 1.60 k0.55 1.25 20.53 HO(CH,CH,O)a(CH(CH,)CH,O)p(CH~CHZO)TH

0.8M NaCl solution 3.84 20.72 0.53 k0.09 0.14 -1-0.04
Basal medium 3.54 20.50 0.78 20.22 0.52 20.18 where LY and T are statistically equal. In the molecule,
B + AF 4.01 20.42 1.17 20.28 0.63 20.22 POE and POP are the lyophilic and hydrophobic parts,
B + AF + NBCS 3.98 50.45 1.23 20.30 0.61 20.16 respectively. Pluronic F-68 molecule consists of 80% of
B + AF + NBCS + Plu. 3.71 20.40 0.37 20.04 0.067 20.01 POE and 20% POP. Because of its spatial configuration
in aqueous media and its relatively low molecular weight,
face movement resulted in the further reduction in Kla. Pluronic F-68 is more surface active than NBCS proteins,
Addition of NBCS and Pluronic F-68, however, did not which allows it to be adsorbed more easily at gas-liquid
cause any significant change in Kla, because the added interfaces. The hydrophobe (POP) in the molecule is re-
NBCS or Pluronic did not affect either the bubble surface jected from the medium onto the gas-liquid interface,
mobility or the bubble sizes (Table I). It is expected that leaving the lyophilic POE moieties extending into the
in culture media other than basal, a saturated, rigid sur- medium in a state of hydrated random coil,” which in-
factant film is formed around the bubbles, and further hibits effectively the bubble coalescence at the sparger
increases in surfactant concentration will not change and/or in the bulk. Consequently, very small bubbles are
the bubble surface composition because the newcom- generated. However, the increase in K,a is less than that


expected from the reduction of bubble sizes. It is pro- dia formulations under the same power input and super-
posed that as the bubble size decreases, the Kl is also ficial gas velocity. We have attempted to correlate the
decreased by the accumulation of surfactants on bubble K,u data from this work with power inputs, superficial
surfaces. gas velocities, and bubble diameters. Although consis-
tent correlations have been obtained for each type of
medium (correlations not shown), a satisfactory cor-
G-4 Sinter Sparger relation, which could be applied to all the media for-
Except in water, very small spherical bubbles were gen- mulations, cannot be realized. We suggest that other
erated from the G-4 sinter sparger in all the media stud- important parameters, such as oxygen permeability and
ied. Because of the very small size, and consequently surface viscosity (not bulk viscosity), need be evaluated
the relatively high residence time, the bubble surface is in order to take media properties into consideration in a
expected to be rapidly saturated with surfactants and K/a correlation for animal cell cultures.
surface movement effects can therefore be neglected.*In
this case, changes in Kla can only be effected by varia-
tions in a and/or oxygen diffusivity due to the adsorbed
surfactants. Unlike with the ring and G-1 sinter sparg- Different K/a profiles were obtained for the three size
ers, addition of 50 ppm antifoam into the basal medium ranges of bubbles studied. For the large ellipsoidal
resulted in an increased &a. This is suggested to be bubbles, &a decreased consistently as the medium com-
the result of an increased oxygen diffusivity across the plexity increased until minimum &a values were reached
bubble surface. In the presence of antifoam agent, the in the fully formulated culture media. For large bubbles,
bubble surfaces are preferentially covered by a layer of in cell culture media &a is controlled by bubble surface
the adsorbed antifoam molecules that imparts its own movement or the liquid side oxygen transfer coefficient
property to the bubble surfaces. Silicone oil antifoam K , rather than bubble coalescence. For the intermediate-
has not only very low surface viscosity but also high oxy- sized and micron-sized bubbles, addition of NBCS into
gen diffusivity and solubility. All these properties are in the antifoam containing basal medium resulted in a sig-
favor of increasing the liquid side oxygen transfer coef- nificant drop in K,a under the same agitation and air
ficient, Kl. Further supplementation with NBCS, how- flow conditions. Further supplementation with Pluronic
ever, reduced Kla by a factor of two even though no F-68, however, gave Kla values higher than those ob-
obvious change in bubble size was observed (Table I). In served for all other cell culture media tested (basal me-
the presence of NBCS, a rather dense and viscous dium, B + AF and B + AF + NBCS). Theoretically,
proteinaceous film is likely to be formed around the al- Pluronic F-68 containing medium and sparging with the
ready rigid bubbles. Compared with the more fluid and micron-sized bubbles could supply enough oxygen to
oxygen soluble antifoam film, significant reduction in support a cell concentration in the order of 10' cells/mL.
oxygen diffusivity and solubility will be expected in the From an oxygen transfer point of view, large ellipsoidal
presence of NBCS, which leads to the reduced K p . Ad- bubbles are not appropriate for oxygenating animal cell
dition of 0.2% Pluronic F-68 into the NBCS-containing cultures because the inevitable supplementation of basal
medium greatly increased the k a . This is attributed to medium with serum, antifoam agent, or Pluronic F-68
the nearly 10-fold reduction in bubble sizes, i.e., the for- results in decreased oxygen transfer rates. Micron-sized
mation of micron-sized bubbles. The adsorbed Pluronic bubbles are recommended for use in the oxygenation of
molecules are likely to not only decrease the bubble co- animal cell cultures because of their high oxygen supply
alescence rate but also to reduce Kl, because a much capabilities. To exploit the oxygen transfer potential of
smaller increase in k a was obtained than that expected micron-sized bubbles fully, it is suggested that Pluronic
from the reduction in bubble size. Further experiments, F-68 be incorporated into the culture medium, while
which measure the oxygen diffusivity in various media, keeping serum concentration to a minimum.
are needed to be carried out in this respect.
The financial support of the Chinese Government and the
British Council are acknowledged. The technical assistance
of Marion Chadd is most appreciated.
Kla Correlation
Power input per unit volume and superficial gas veloc-
ity have been widely used as the correlating parameters NOMENCLATURE
for Kla in stirred and sparged reactors.25Comparison of specific gas-liquid interfacial area (m-')
the results obtained in this work with Kla values esti- oxygen concentration (pg/mL)
mated from published correlations, however, is inap- saturation oxygen concentration (pg/mL)
propriate because of the extremely low power inputs bubble diameter (mm)
Sauter mean bubble diameter (mm)
(estimated to be in the range of 0.1-1 W/m3) and rela- volume equivalent sphere diameter (mm)
tively low gas flow rates employed. In fact, in our work liquid side oxygen transfer coefficient (s-' m)
very different K@values were obtained for different me- volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (h-')

N agitation speed (rpm) 13. Lavery, M., Nienow, A.W. 1987. Oxygen transfer in animal cell
Q air flow rate (mL/min) culture medium. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 30: 368-373.
t time (s) 14. Lehmann, J., Piehl, G.W., Schulz, R. 1987. Bubble free cell
tp dissolved oxygen probe response time (s) culture aeration with porous moving membranes. Develop.
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