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Africa Inland Church-Kenya A.I.C.

Mosombor Local
P.O. BOX 5986 -30100, Tel. +254 721-222-323, E-mail:
ELDORET, KENYA. Cell: +254-770-966-911

Founded in 1895

Monday 25th March 2024,

To Mrs. Josphine Jelagat

AIC Mosombor Educational Center
c/o P.O. BOX 5986 -30100

Dear Madam,

Subject: Letter of Appointment as Acting Deputy Head Teacher

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I am pleased to extend this letter of appointment to you, and inform you that the Interim Board Committee of
AIC Mosombor Educational Center has appointed you as the Acting Deputy Head Teacher of AIC Mosombor
Educational Center, effective from Monday, 25th March 2024.

As the Chief Principal Assistant to the Head Teacher, your role is integral to the successful operation of our
educational institution. Your primary responsibilities, as outlined below, encompass various facets of
educational leadership, school administration, and community engagement:

I. Reporting, Roles and Responsibilities:

A. Key Role: Principal Assistant to the Head Teacher and therefore, in the absence of the head
teacher, will act as the head on delegated capacity.
B. Reporting: You will report directly to the Head Teacher in the execution of your duties.

C. Educational Leadership and Curriculum Development:

 Curriculum Implementation: Coordinate and ensure the proper implementation of the
curriculum, including overseeing the creation of schemes of work and lesson plans by
 Guidance and Counseling: Provide guidance and counseling services to both teachers and
students, instilling norms and values for harmonious co-existence;
 Academic Standards: Prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, and maintain
academic standards to ensure syllabus coverage for evaluation;
 Subject Teaching: Impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes to learners in your areas of
 Examinations and Assessments: Ensure internal examinations and assessments are carried
out effectively.

D. School Administration and Discipline:

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 Discipline Management: Maintain proper discipline within the school community,
including teachers, non-teaching staff, and learners. Create a conducive environment for
 Inventory and Stores: Be in charge of stores requisition and maintain proper inventory
for accountability and optimal utilization;
 Staff Supervision: Supervise teaching and non-teaching staff to ensure the proper
discharge of tuition programs;
 Maintenance and Repairs: Organize and supervise school activities, including cleanliness
and general repairs of buildings;
 Record Keeping: Maintain staff and learners' records, including attendance, leave
management forms, and discipline cases.

E. Administrative Support and Communication:

 Secretary to Staff Meetings: Act as the secretary during staff meetings and maintain
records of the proceedings;
 Relations: Assist the Head Teacher in promoting harmonious relations and linkages
between the school and stakeholders such as the local community, parents, and private
sector organizations;
 And Security: Ensure the safety and security of learners and institutional resources.
II. Remuneration
Your remuneration for this position will be Ksh. ……………….with a responsibility allowance of Ksh.
………….. Further, your salary will attract Statutory deductions of NHIF, NSSF, PAYE (where applicable),
and Housing Levy will be made on your salary and any other levies that the Government may institute from
time to time.

III. Moral Code:

Additionally, you are expected to adhere to the TSC Teachers Code of Conduct in terms of professional
behavior, and uphold the moral and spiritual code as per AIC Doctrines and Christian Code of Conduct.

We trust that you will discharge your duties with diligence and dedication, contributing positively to the growth
and development of our school community.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Congratulations on your appointment, and we look forward to your valuable contributions.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Ezekiel Ronoh
Secretary - for the Interim Committee
If you accept the appoint please sign below and return the copy to the Secretary:

Name:____________________ Singature__________________ Date___________________

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