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 Energy is the is the Quantitative Property that must be Transferred to a Body in order
to perform Work on, or to Heat, the Body.
Energy is Needed to make Bodies Move, to Lift Bodies Up or Down, or to make Bodies
 Work is how we can attain Energy.
Work performed by a System is Energy Transferred by the System to its Surroundings.
 Power is basically Work with a Time element.

Work Done by a Force

 Work Done: Work is Done when a Force moves a Body in the Direction of the Applied
Symbol: W
S.I. Unit: Joule (J)
Formula: Work Done = Force x Displacement in the Direction of Force
OR, W = FsCosθ *When θ = 0⁰, W = Fs+
 Work is a Scalar Quantity.
 Joule: It is defined as the Work Done when a Force of 1 N Moves a Body through a
Distance of 1 m in the Direction of the Force.
So, 1 J = 1 N m
 NO Work is Done when a Body does NOT Move.
NO Work is Done when the Force and the Direction are Perpendicular to one
 Energy is Transferred when Work is Done.
Energy of a Body
 Energy: It is Capacity of a System for doing Work.
Symbol: E
S.I. Unit: Joule (J)
 Energy is a Scalar Quantity.
 Energy is a Conserved Quantity.
 Energy can be Converted from one Form to another.
 Work is how Energy is Gained or Lost.
 Energy is Transferable.
Energy can be Transferred from one Body to another through Work Done or Heat
 Principle of Conservation of Energy
o Energy CANNOT be Created or Destroyed and only CONVERTED from one Form to
another (in any Process).
Example: A Television Converts Electrical Energy (Electricity) into Light Energy,
Sound Energy and Thermal Energy.
A Candle Converts Chemical Energy into Light Energy, Sound Energy and
Thermal Energy.
A Solar Cell Converts Light Energy into Electrical Energy (Electricity).
o Total Amount of Energy of a Closed System remains CONSTANT.
 Types of Energy

Energy Description
Energy Possessed by a Body due to its Motion (and
Kinetic Energy
Energy Possessed by a Body due to its Position in a
Gravitational Potential Energy
Gravitational Field
Energy that a Charged Body has due to its Position in an
Electrical Potential Energy
Electric Field.
The Combined Kinetic Energies and Potential Energies of
Internal Energy
all the Particles in a Body.
Chemical Energy Energy Released during Chemical Reactions
Nuclear Energy Energy Released during Nuclear Reactions
Radiant Energy Energy in the Form of Electromagnetic Waves
Thermal Energy Energy Possessed by a Body due to its Temperature
Energy Stored in a Body or Material due to Deformation
Elastic Potential (Strain) Energy
(when something is Stretched or Compressed)
Gravitational Potential Energy of a Body
 Potential Energy: It is the Energy possessed by a System by Virtue of its Position or
 Gravitational Potential Energy: It is the Energy possessed by a Body of any Mass in a
Gravitational Field when the Position of that Body
Changes within that Field.
Symbol: GPE OR
Unit: Joule (J)
= (Change in) Gravitational Potential Energy
m = Mass of Body
g = Gravitational Field Strength (g = 10 N/kg)
Δh = Height Risen
 Gravitational Potential Energy arises in a System of Masses where there are
Attractive Gravitational Forces between them.
 Deriving Change in Potential Energy in a Gravitational Field
Gravitational Potential Energy is basically the Amount of Work Done to raise a Body
to a certain Height against a Gravitational Field.
Gravitational Potential Energy = Work Done
OR, =W
We know,
Weight of a Body: Weight = mg
Work Done by a Force on a Body: W = Fs
Weight = F
Then, F = mg
Let, s = Δh
So, W = Fs
= (mg)( Δh)
Δh = Total Distance Moved in the Opposite Direction to the Gravitational Field
 Gravitational Potential Energy does NOT Change for a Body that is Stationary (No
Change in Height).
 Gravitational Potential Energy is only taken into account for Bodies close to the
Earth’s Surface, where we consider the Gravitational Field to be Uniform.
 Potential Energy can be of many Different Types.
Electrical Potential Energy and Elastic Potential Energy are a few examples.
 Elastic Potential Energy or Strain Energy is Gained or Lost when a Force causes a
Body to Change its Shape (Deformation).
Kinetic Energy of a Body
 Kinetic Energy: It is the Energy possessed by a Body of any Mass when it is in
Symbol: KE OR
Unit: Joule (J)
Formula: Kinetic Energy x Mass of Body x
 Kinetic Energy arises in a System of Masses where it is Moving due a Constant Force.
 Deriving Kinetic Energy
We Know,
Newton’s Second Law: F = ma
Work Done by a Force on a Body: W = Fs
Equation of Motion for Linear Acceleration:
For a Body Starting from Rest, u = 0

Let, W =
= Fs
= (ma)(s)
=mx( ) [ ]

 Kinetic Energy of a Body is Equal to the Amount of Work Required to Accelerate it

from its Initial Velocity to its Final Velocity.
Work Done by an Expanding Gas
 As a Gas Expands, it is Applying a Force against its Surroundings and doing Work
because the Force Applied to the Gas is Moving.
 Work Done by an Expanding Gas = Pressure x Change in Volume of Gas
So, W = p V
 Deriving Work Done by a Gas on a Piston
Gases Exert Pressure on the Walls of the Container
External Pressure = p
Surface Area (Cross-Sectional Area) on which Pressure is Applied = A
Force Exerted by Gas = F
Change in Volume of Gas = V
Distance Moved by Piston = x (Small Distance)
We know,
p= F = pA
W=F x
= (pA) x x
= p V [ V = A x]
W=p V
 Work has to be Done on a Gas in order for it to be Compressed (Contract).
Work has to be Done by a Gas in order for it to Expand.
Power of a Body
 Power: It is the Rate of Work Done (or Energy Converted) Per Unit Time.
Symbol: P
Unit: Watt (W) OR Joule Per Second (J s-1)
Formula: Power =
OR, P =
 Power is a Scalar Quantity.
 Deriving Power for a Body in Motion
We know,
Force on a Body = F
Work Done by a Force on a Body: W = Fs
Velocity of a Body: v =
= Fv
P = Fv
Efficiency of a Body
 Efficiency: It is a comparison of the Energy Output (or Power Output) to the Energy
Input (or Power Input) in a given System.
 Efficiency of a System = x 100%
Efficiency of a System = x 100%
 No Energy Process is 100% Efficient.
Some Energy is always “Lost” (‘Wasted’).
This might be partly due to Human Error or it could be due to Faulty Engineering of a
Machine, making the Process Inefficient.
The Waste of Energy is probably in the form of Thermal Energy, Sound Energy or
 An Ideal Scientific or Engineering Process would have an Energy/Power Efficiency of
100 %.

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