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Ex 11

2 He told the students not to talk during the exam.

3 He told the students to raise their hand it they needed anything.
4 He told the students to write all their answers in pen.
5 He told the students to answer all the questions.
6 He told the students not to forget to write their name at the top of the page.
7 He told the students to check their answers again before they handed the paper in.
8 He asked the students to leave quietly when they finished.

Ex 12

2...told her dad she wouldn't be home that night

3 .. asked Mum itlwhether I could have a biscuit.
4 ... asked Jim to help her with the bags.
5 ... told him to hurry up.
6 ...told them to be quiet.
7 ...suggested going to the theatre.
8 ...told me we would discuss it later.

Ex 13

2 Anna said she is going shopping.

3 His friend told him to go away.
4 She asked me it I was ready to leave.
5 He told to her he would pick her up at five o'clock.
6 Ruth says it's time for lunch.
7 Marlyn asked when I arrived.
8 She said the meeting started ten minutes ago.
9 My father told me not to be late.
10 Pam told us Tom had aiready left.
11 Joe asked who was there.
12 She asked me what colour skirt I bought.
13 They told to him they are leaving early in the morning.
14 Dad told the boys not to go near the fire.
15 Liz suggested having a barbecue that weekend.

Ex 14
2b 3a 4b 5a 6b 7b 8a

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