Bioenergetics and Growth - Table of Contents and Index

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Author Index'

Abbott, J. S., 797 Alving, A. S., see Lewis, W. H., Jr., 069
Abdorhalden, E., 308, 805 Amann, O. V., 383, 396
Abel, J. J., 180 and Mourot, G., 383, 396
Abramson, D. L., and Sidney, M. F., 172 see Terroine, E. F., 378
Ackerson, C. \V., 377 Amberg, S., and Morrill, W. P., 395
eta{.,391 and Rowntree, L. G., 395
Adams, E. Q., 23 Amon, V. G., 746
Adania, G., sec Chatfield, C., 31, 780, 876, 877 . Anacreon, 206
Adams, R., 719 Anderson, E. M., see CoUlp, J. B., 181
Adams, T. W., and Poulton, E. P., 312 Anderson, H. D., et al., 807
Adamstone, F. B., 118 Anderson, J. E., see Smith, A. H., 242
Addicott, F. T., see Bonncr, J., 204 Anderson, R. J., and Lusk, G., 65, 247
and Devirian, P. S., 204 Anderson, W. E., and Smith, A. H., 195, 198, 546
Adler, E., el al., 131 and Williamson, H. H., 817 \
and Euler, H., 117 Andervont, H. H., and McEleney, W. J., 700
Adolph, E. F., 244, 248, 291, 552, 972 Andrews, F. N., and Bullord, J. F., 172
and Dill, D. B., 278 Andrus, E. C., and McEachern, D., 176
Agren, C., Wilander, O., and Jorpes, E., 234 Angus, T. C., see Campbell, J. A., 291
Ahmann, C. F., see Neal, W. M., 115, 782 Annin, G. E., and Halpin, J. G., 165
Albanese, A. H., and Irby, V., 765 Ansbacher, S., 127,133,136, 767
Albert, S., 163 et al., 127
see Selye, H., 146 see Martin, G. J., 127
Albrecht, W. A., 783 see Wisansky, W. A., et al., 127
Albright, F., 188 Anselmino, K., el al., 187 •
et al., 166 ' Appleby, A. J., see Frank, A. H., 167
Alder, B., 886 Aristotle, 875
Aldrich, L. B., 275 Arm8by,H. P., 13, 24,29, 30,32,54, 97,294,308,335,
Aldrich, T. B., 180 346, 347, 350, 471, 472, 479, 481, 742
Alexander, F. A. D., see Fazekas, J. F., et al., 409 and Moulton, C. R., 29, 54
Alexander, L., 774 Armstrong, F. H., see Hayes, F. R., 503
Alexander, W., see Holmes, H. N., 121 Arnold, A., and Elvehjem, C. A., 473, 474, 764, 769
Alfred, C. N., see Harris, I., el al., 931 Arrhenius, S., 225, 267, 268
Allard, H. A., 208 Ascheim, S., see Zondek, B., 158
see Garner, W. W., 208 Aschner, B., 195
Allcroft, W. M., 235 AsdeU, S. A., 207, 226, 683
Allee, W. C., 257 et al., 164
et al., 183 see Bogart, R., et al., 434, 437
Allen, B. M., 170 Bogart, R., and Sperling, G., 434, 438
Allen, E., see MacDowell, E. C., el al., 556 see Brody, S., el al., 206, 226, 703, 832
Allen, E(dgar), 10, 144, 145, 151, 154 and Crowell, M. F., 694
and Doisy, E. A., 156 Asher, L., 173
Allen, N. N., 818 Asher, R., see Schleser, I. H., 185
Allison, F. E., Hoover, S. R., and Burk, D., 125 Ashley-Montague, M. F., 207
Almquist, H. J., 136, 767, 775 Ashton, J., 783
see Jukes, T. H., 112,128 Ashworth, U. S., 443
and Mecchi, 768 and Brody, S., 353, 443, 444, 483, 780
Althausen, T. L., 172 see Brody, 8., el al., 354,373,374 .
and Stockholm, M., 172 see Johnson, S. R., et dl., 52, 101, 753
Alvarez, W. C., see Castleton, K. B., 172 see PhiUips, V. W., el al., 329
see Childrey, J. H., el al., 760 Asimoff, G. J., and Krouze>'N. K., 161
Asmundson, V. S., 219
^The author is indebted to Dorothy Worsteli Baker, G. A., and Emlen, J. T., 895
for preparing this Author Index, and abo for her and Lloyd, W. E., 217
assistance in preparing the Subject Index, typing Astwood, E. B., 144 I |
the MS, checking the proofs, and for her work on see Dempsey, E. W., 172,173
many charts. Aszodi, Z., 389


Atkenson, F. W., and Warren, T. R., 746 Barker. S. B., see Chambers. W. H., el al., 181
Atwater, W. O., 345, 346, 350 and Shorr, E.. 104
and Benedict, F. G., 13, 308, 340, 350 Barleare. B.. see Richter. 0. P.. 745
see Benedict, F. G., 30 Barnes, L. L.. see Bogart. R.. el al., 434, 437
and Bryant, A. P., 30, 350 Barnes. R. H., see Ball, Z. B., 765
and Rosa, E. B., 346 see MacKay, E. A., el al., 247
Atwell, W. J., see Emery, F. E., 187 Barott, H. G., 274, 429, 430
Atwood, H., and Weakloy, C. E., 430, 435, 505, 521, el al., 347
522, 523 Byerly, T. C., and Pringle, E. M., 429
Atzler, E., 898 Fritz, J. C., Pringle, E. M.. and Titus, H. W.. 234
und Lehmann, G., 898 and Pringle. E. M.. 297
Aub, J. C., 249 Barr. D. P., and Du Bois, E. F., 300
el al., 150, 178, 188 see Soderstrom, G. F., el al., 68
and Du Bois, E. F., 670 Barrie, M. O., 153,773
see Nathanson, I. T., 149 Barron, E. S. G., 106
see Nathanson, I. T., et al., 149 see Hall, F. G., el al., 251, 922
Aubel, C. E., oJ., 760 Barrows, W. M.. Jr.. and Murlin. J. R., 308
Aubel, E., and Schaoffer, G., 66 Barrymore, Ethel, 712
Auohincloss, H., and Haagensen, C. D., 145 Barth, L. G.; 46 '
Auguet, A., see Lefdvre, J., 292, 335, 347, 924 and GraS, S.. 202
Avery, G. S., 204 Barthelemy, H., and Bonnet, R., 266
Avery, G. S., Jr., 204 Bartlett, S., 222,235, 742
Azelrod, A. E., et al., 770 Golding. J.. and Wagstaff, 222
Lipton, M. A., and Elvehjem, C. A., 474 Bartley. M. A., see Bobbins. W. J.. 204
Sober, H. A., and Elvehjem, C. A., 101 Basinger, H. R., 168
Swingle, K. F., and Elvehjem, C. A., 115 Bassett, R. B., see Loeb, L.. 181
see Teply, L. J., et al., 143 Bates. R. W.. 160
Aylward, F. X., and Blackwood, J. H., 819 Laanes, T.. McDowell. E. C.. and Riddle, O., 198
Blackwood, J. H., and Smith, J. A., 817 see Riddle, O., el al., 160
Ayres, G. B., see Leo, M., 195, 198, 200 Bauer, P. S., see Dill, D. B., et al., 302, 931
Bauernveind. J. C.. 771
Baas-Becking, L. G. M., and Parks, G. S., 17,18, 41 Bauman. E.. see Marine. D.. 187
Bachrach, A. L., see Wieske, B. P., 118,153 Baur. H.. 66
Bacon, F., 484 Bausman, R. 0., 216
Bacq, Z. M;, 237, 810 Bayer, L. M., 163
Bailey, C. H., 747 and Gray, H., 195
B^ey, C. v., 338 Baynes, H. G., 256, 267
Bailey, E. H., see Bissonnette, T. H., 214 Bazett, H. C., 229. 285. 287^ 289
Baker, D. D., 649 and McGIone. B.. 293 i,
Baker, G. A., see Asmundson, V. S., et al., 895 Scott. J. C.. and Sunderman. F. W>^ 290
Baker, J. R., 209 see Sunderman, F. W., et al.. 289 ., :
and Ranson, R. M., 209, 214 , Bazin. E. V., see Rabinowitch, L M., 312i 343
Baldes, E. J., see Herrick, J. F. 815 Beach, F. A., 150
Baldwin, B. T., 511, 520, 538, 541. 557, 566, 570, 638, Beach, E. F.. Munka, B., and Robinson, A. R.. 775
639, 712. 726 Beadles. J. R.. see Mitchell. H. H.. el c^., 395
Baldwin; E., 113 Bean. A. L.. see Borland, A. A., et al.. 93
Baldwiii, F. M., elal., 151 Beard, H. H.. 395
Baldwin],' H. andR.,211 Bechdel. S. I., al., 118 y '
Baldwin, I. M., and Movitt. E. J., 749 Eckles, C. H., and Palmer, L. S., 12Q;;
Baldwin, P. M., 965 see Jack, E. J., 175
Baldwin, S. P., and Kendeigh, S. C., 265 Bechtel, H. E., and Hopper, 0. A., 211
Ball, E. G., 106, 107, 129 Beck, H. G,, and Suter, G. M., 201
Ball. Z. B.. and Barnes, R. H., 765 Becker, Carl., 985
Bancroft, W. D., el al., 672 Becker, J. E., see Simmonds, N., et al., 116
Banga. I. L.. Ochoa. S., and Peters, R. A., 773 Becker, R. B., Neal. W. M.. and Shealy. A. M., 782
see S*ont-Gyargyi, A., 123,132 Becker. W.. 649
Banting, F. G., and Best, C. H., 192 Beeson. K. C., 783
Barbour, H. G., 287 Belasco, I. J., 688
Barcroft, J., 243, 244, 248, 251, 252, 404, 408, 428, 430, and Murlin. J. R., 178, 675, 688, 772
442, 649.718. 752 Belehradek, J.. 267
et al., 440. 622 Bell. E. D.. 681
Bardeen. C. R.. 638 Bender, R. C.. see Supplee, G. C., e( at., 474
Barger. G.. see Harrington, C. R.. 180 Benedict, E. B., see Mclver, M. A., el al., 315
Barker, H. A., 27 see Putnam, T. S., et al.. 194. 196,201

Benedict, F. G., 61, 68, 237, 265, 312, 346, 349,384, Bernheim, F., 102, 116,118
363,370,371, 373,383,390, 420, 446, 471, 667,671, and Klein, J. R., 101
707, 935 Bernoulli, J., 524
el al., 388 Bernstein, F., 615, 668
and Atwater, W. O., 30 Bernstein, R. E., 301
see Atwater, W. O., 13, 308,346,350 Bernstein, S. S., et al., 250
and Cathcart, E. P., 905 Berryman, G. H., and Chatfield, C., 875
and Collins, W. E., 313, 314 and Howe, P. E., 787
Collins, W. E., Hendry, M. F., and Johnson, A., Bertalanffy, L. V., 493
335 Bcrthelot, M., 344, 346
and Farr, A. G., 344 Berthollet, C. L., 564
and Fox, E. L., 344, 389 Besley, A. K., see Gamble, J. A., et al., 805, 807
see Gustafson, F. L., 226 Bessey, O. A., and King, C. G., 767
see Harris, J. A., 446, 670 see Wolbach, S. B., 118, 774
and Homans, J., 345 Best, C. H., 128
Horst, K., and Mendel, L. B., 389 et al., 128, 133
and Johnson, A., 910 see Banting, F. G., 192
Landauer, W., and Fox, E. L., 289,292, 388 see Campbell, J., 192
and Lee, R. C., 229, 308, 621 Hershey, J. M., and Huntsman, M. E., 128
and MacLeod, G., 345, 372, 389, 671 and Partridge, R. C., 925
and Meyer, M. H., 709 and Ridout, J. H., 128, 250
Miles, W. R., Roth, P., and Smith, H. M., 247 see Solandt, D. Y., 128
and Milner, R. D., 31, 345 Bethel, F. H., el al., 134
and Murschhouser, H., 905 Bethke, R. M., et al., 120, 876
and Ostcrburg, E., 395 Beveridge, J. M. R., 139
and Parmenter, R., 905 Beyer, H. G., 538, 570
and Riddle, O., 236, 345 Beyer, K. H., 121
see Riddle, 0., et al., 225, 671 Biasotti, A., see Houssay, B. A., 192
and Ritzman, E. G., 72, 292, 349, 388, 935 Bidder, F., and Schmidt, C., 61
see Ritzman, E. G., 72, 335, 384, 415, 435 Biddulph, C., and Meyer, R. K., 118, 153
see Ritzman, E. G., et al., 165, 420 Biehl. W. C., 546
and Root, H. F., 292 Bills, C. E., 118, 154, 203
and Sherman, H. C., 675 Bilski, F., 552
and Slack, E. P., 293 Bing, F. C., see Smith, A. H., 546
and Talbot, F. B., 446 Binkley, E. S., see Liverton, R. M., 782
Talbot, F. B., and Harris, J. A., 425 Binswanger, F., 170
and Wardlow, H. S. H., 292, 293 Birch, T. W., 121, 124, 771
Benjamin, E. VV., 878 Bird, F. H., see Jukes, T. H., 126
Benk6, A., see St. Ruszn&k, 134 Bird, S., and Sinclair, J. W., 890
Bennet, H. H., 968 Bischoff, F., see Long, M. L., 247
Bennett, J. P., and Shook, F., 208 Bishop, K. S., see Evans, H. M., 118, 136, 773
Bennion, N. L., and Warren, D. C., 298 Bissell, G. W.. see Williams, R. H., 144
Benoit, J., 210 Bissonnette, T. H., 167, 207, 209, 210, 214, 220
Bent, H. E., 12 ' • and Bailey, E. H., 214
Bent, R. J., and Zucker, M. B., 101 and Czech, A. G., 208, 214
Bentley, W. H., see Hart, E. B., 777 Bittner, J. J., 145, 700
Bergeim, O., 191, 802 et al., 145
Bergman, A. J., see Kibler, H. H., et al., 586, 587, Black, A., see Voris, A. L., et al,, 101
594, 616 Black, W., see Wilkins, L., el al., 713
see Mixner, J. P., el at., 588, 595, 617, 622 Black, W. H., Knapp, B., Jr., Cook, A. C., 629
and Turner, C. W., 160, 181 see Lambert, W. V., et al., 10*
Bergman, M., 488 see Swett, W. W., et al., 649
Bergmann, H., 356, 403 Blackman, F. F., 1
und Leuckart, R., 356 Blackman, S. S., 101
Bergson, H., 3, 4, 712 Blackwood, J. H., 815, 816
Bergtold, H., 482 see Aylward, F. X., 819
Berkson, J., 223 seo Aylward, F. X., et al., 817
see Boothby, W. M., et al., 708 and Stirling, J. D., 810, 813
see Higgios, G. M., et al., 235 Blainey, A., 748
Berl, E., 968 Blake, L. L., 919
Berliner, V., see McKenzie, F. F., 298 and Brownlee, R. B., 919
Berman, L., 191 Blanchard, W. W., et al., 156
Bernal, J. D., 965 Bland, E. F., see Grant, R. T., el al., 293
Bernard, C., 243, 244, 245, 249, 262, 264, 287, 288, 972 Blankenhom, M. A., see Spies, T. D., el al., 123.

Blathcrwick, N. R., see Meigs, E. B., el al., 816 Bikmstcin, R., see Landolt, H. H., 16, 31
Blaxter, K. L., 176 Borsook, H., 17, 19, 22, 65, 66, 798, 803
Bieibtrau, M., 340 el al., 817
Bleyer, A., 223 and Jeffreys, C. E. P., 61, 120
Bloch, C. E., 801 and Keighley, G., 66
Block, R. J., and Boiling, D., 770 ^ and Winegarden, H. M., 20, 66, 66
Bloom, M. A., and McLean, F. C., 188 Bosnes, R. W., soo White, A., el al., 162
Bloomfield, L., 261 Bottomley, A. C., see Folley, S. J., el al., 165
Bloor, W. R., 112, 250, 801, 817 Bousfield, W. A., see Elliott, M. H., 236
Blumberg, H., et al., 128 Bowden, F. P., see Marshall, F. H. A., 210
Blunt, K., see McLaughlin, L., 395 Bowers, R. E., and McCay, C. M., 116
Boas, F., 549 Boy, G., see Terroine, E. F., et al., 393, 395
Boaa-Fixsen, M. A., 126, 363, 767, 780 Boyd, E., 362, 678, 584
et al., 757 see Rowe, A. W., 433, 435
Bobbitt, J. F., 538, 640, 670, 601 Boyd, E. M., see Clark, E. L., 213
Bock, A. v., and DUI, D. B., 301 Boyd, W. L., see Petersen, W. E., 818
see DiU, D. B., et al., 280, 302, 930^ Boysen-Jensen, P., 204
Dill, D. B., et at., 938 Bradfield, H. S., 362, 368
Vancaulaert, C., Dill, D. B., Foiling, A., and Braman, W. W., 336
Hurxthal, L. M., 936 see Forbes, E. B., el al., 79, 294
Bodansky, M., 289 Brande, R., et al., 768
et al., 176 Brandt, A., 593
Boddio, G. F., 104 Braucher, P. F., see Riddle, O., lOO, 225
Boettiger, E. G., 174 Braun-Menendez, E., see Houssay, B. A., 101
Bogart, R., etal., 162,163, 164,604 Breircm, K., 66
see Asdell, S. A., et al., 434, 438 Breneman, W. R., 212
Sperling, G., Barnes, L. L., and Asdoll, S. A., Brickner, R., 257
434, 437 Bridgman, P. W., 257
Bogdanow, E. A., 669 Briggs, G. E., 23
Bohnenkamp, H., 275 Briggs, H., 928
Bohr, C., and Hasselbalch, K. A., 3, 46, 430, 435, Briggs, H. M., 164
505, 522 Bright, E. M., see Cannon, W. B., 810
Bohr, N., 261 see Cannon, W. B., el al., 289
Bohstedt, G., see Pearson, F. B., el al., 212 Brillat-Savarin, A., 741
Boje, 0., 925, 926 Britten, R. H., Klebba, J., and Hailman, D. E., 696
Boldyreff, W., 236 Britton, S. W., sec Cannon, W. B., 180, 686
Boiling, D., see Block, R. J., 776 see Cannon, W. B., el al., 289
Bollman, J. L., Mann, F. C., and Magath, T. B., 61 Brody, E. B., 10, 46, 50, 172, 271, 276, 667, 700
see Wilhelmj, C. M., el al., 61, 06 Brody, S., 2, 32, 60, 66, 77, 78, 206, 262, 254, 280, 301,
Bollman, V. L., 395 312,387, 428, 470, 479, 589, 629, 690, 701, 722, 736,
see Morgults, S., et al., 383 737, 753, 803, 863, 876, 924, 972
Boltzmann, L., 21 et al., 608
Bonner, J., 204 see Ashworth, U. S., 363, 443, 444, 483, 780
and Addicott, F. T., 204 and Campbell, J., 639 '
see Hamner, K. C., 208 Comfort, J. E., and Matthews, J. S., 362
Bonnet, R., 380 and Cunningham, R., 830, 900
see Barthelemy, H., 266 see Davis, H. P., et al., 632
see Terroine, E. F., 66 Davis, H. P., and Ragsdale, A. C., 615
see Terroine, E. F., et al., 393, 396, 390 sec Siting, E. C., 362
Bonser, G. M., see Robson, J. M., 144 and Frankenbach, R. F., 168
Bonsma, F. N., 688 Funk, E. M., and Kempster, H. L., 481, 880
Booher, L. E., 767, 768 see HaU, W. C., 910, 911
et al., 763, 768, 789 see Henderson, E. W., 271
Booth, A. N., see Wegner, M. I., el al., 120 Henderson, E. W., and Kempster, H. L., 701
Booth, R. G., Kon, S. K., Dann, W.J., and Moore, see Herring, V., 232, 329
T., 211 Kempster, H. L., and Funk, E. M., 220
Booth, v., 789 and Kibler, H. H., 449, 586, 694, 695, 610, 910
Boothby, W. M., 388 see Kibler, H. H., 46, 326, 406,449, 450, 900, 932
Berkson, J., and Dunn, H. L., 708 Kibler, H. H., and Ragsdale, A. C., 410
see Deuel, H. J., el al., 444 and Nisbet, R. N., 329, 832
see Plummer, H. S., 926 see Phillips, V. W., et al., 329
and Sandiford, I., 179,338, 388, 426, 440, 926 and Procter. R. C., 78, 312, 354, 373, 830, 840
see Sandiford, I., et al., 433 see Procter, R. C., el al., 900
Borland, A. A., 92, 94, 871 Procter, R. C., and Ashworth, U. S., 354, 373, 374
Bean, A. L., and Jones, P. D., 93 and Ragsdale, A. C., 632, 810

Brody, S. (Cont'd) Burroughs, E. W., Burroughs, H. 8., and Mitchell,

see Rogsdalo, A. C., 222, 810 H. H., 353
see Ragsdale, A. C., el al., 033 Burroughs, II. S., see Burroughs, E. W., el al., 353
Riggs, J., Kaufman, K., and Herring, V., 822 Burrows, W. H., sec Byerly, T. C., 202
see Robbins, VV. J., et al., 578 Burton, A..C., 293
Sandberg, JFra. Carl, and A^dell, S. A., 206, 226, see Murlin, J. R., 308
703, 832 Burton, H., el al., 142
Sparrow, C. D., and Kibler, H. H., 722 Burton, L. V., 749
and Trowbridge, E. A., 900 Buyse, A., see Burns, R. K., 197
and Washburn, L. E., 26, 194 Byerly, T. C., 274, 430,435, 894
see Washburn, L. E., et oJ., 337, 822, 826 et al., 548
and Windes, A. C., 675 see Barott, H. G., el al., 429
Brooks, H. J., 222 and Burrows, W. H., 202
Brouha, L., et al., 932, 928 see Titus, H. W., el al., 876
see Dill, D. B., 921 Titus, H. W., and Ellis, N. R., 886, 887
Browman, L. G., 241
Brown, D., see Tisdall, F. F., 211 Caine, A. B., see Collins, E. V., 900, 906,915
Brown, H. I., see Morgulis, S., et al., 383 Callaway, J. W., see MacKay, E. A., et al., 247
Brown, H. T., 41 Calvery, H. O., 115
Brown, M. A., see McKay, H., 223 Camerer, W., 538, 541, 570
Brown, W. C., see Olson, F. C., 116 Cameron, A. T., and Carmichael, J., 174
and Thurston, L. M., 116 Cameron, J. A., 408, 700
Brown, W. R., Pctersen, W. E., and Gortner, R. A., Camp, P. D., see Grant, R. T., el al., 293
815 Campbell, H. L., 757
Brown, W. T., and Gildea, E. F., 182, 686 see Lanford, C. S., et al., 726
Browne, S. L., see Venning, G. E., 141 see Sherman, H. C., 757, 795
Brownleo, O. H., 793 see Sherman, H. C., et al., 692
Brownlee, R. B., see Blake, L. L., 919 Campbell, I. L., and Turner, C. W., 188, 189, 190,
Bruch, Hilde, 638 623, 624, 772
Brues, A. M., el al., 195, 199 Campbell, J., and Best, C. H., 192
Brugsch, T., 223 see Brody, S., 639
Brun, K., 211 Campbell, J. A., and Angus, T. C., 291
Brunck, O., 338 and Webster, T. A., 235
Brunner, H., 926 Campbell, K. W. D., 222
Bryan, A. H., and Gaiser, D. W., 198, 546 Campbell, M., and Wolfe, J. M., 174
Bryant, A. P., see Atwater, W. O., 30, 350 Campbell, R. W., sec Dill, D. B., et al., 280
Bryant, J., 588 Cannon, C. Y., 222, 224
Buchanan, J. M., see Solomon, A. K., et al., 129 and Hansen, H. C., 698
Buchanan, K. S., see Sure, B., 177 see Thomas, B. H., et al., 116
Buckner, H., 42, 102 Cannon, W. B., 180, 243, 244,247, 248, 249, 253, 254,
BufTon, G. L. C., 681' 262, 271, 287, 289, 687, 770, 972
Bugbee, P., and Simond, A. E., 165 et al., 253, 289
Bulato, E., and Cannon, W. B., 686 and Bright, E. M., 810
and Carlson, A. J., 247 and Britton, S. W., 180, 686
Billiard, J. F., see Andrews, F. N., 172 Hco Bulato, E., 686
Bump, G., see Clark, L. B., et al., 214 see Gregersen, M. I., 248
Bunak, V., 163 Mcc Izquierdo, J. J., 251
Bunge, G., 681, 804 Querido, A., Britton, S. W., and Bright, E. M., 289
Burch, J. C., see Williams, C., et al., 170 Shohl, A. T., and Wright, W. S., 180
Burckard, E., DontchefT, L., et Kayser, C., 233 and Washburn, A. L., 247
Burdiek, H. P., 141 Cantarow, A., et al., 191
Burger, J. W., 214 Cantrill, H., 256
Burk, D., 17, 18, 19,22,41, 103 Capstick, J. W., 288, 347
sec Allison, F. E., et al., 125 and Wood, T. B., 72, 294
Winzler, R. J., and du Vigneaud, V., 126 Carapetyan, H., 159
Burkholder, P. R., 120, 749, 789 Card, L. E., 878, 894
Burmester, B. R., see Taylor, L. W., 172 and Kirkpatrick, W. F., 53
Burns, R. K., and Buyse, A., 197 sec Mitchell, H. H., 165
Burns, R. K., Jr., ISO see Mitchell, H. II., et al., 388, 449, 471,593, 597,
Burr, G. O., 121 026, 627, 649, 671
see Evans, H. M., 118, 136, 773 Carlson. A. J., 247,670,688, 694,745
SCO Bulato, E., 247
Burr, H. S., 575
Carlson, W. E., sec Green, R. G., el al., 122
see Langman, L., 157
Carman, G. G., sec Mitchell, H. H., 49,71,353,361,
and Northrop, F. S. C., 258 363, 372, 389, 395, 471, 671, 760, 780

Carmichael, H. T., 182 Childrey, J. H., Alvarez, W. C., and Mann, F. C.,
CarmichacI, J., see Cameron, A. T., 174
Carmichael, W. J., and Rice, J. B., 164 Childs, D., see Darby, Hugh, 207
Catnap, R., 261 Chisoln, R. A., 593, 649
Carnea, W. H., et al., 189 Chittenden, D. W., see Procter, R. C., et al., 900
Carnot, 8. N. L., 14 see Trowbrldge, E. A., 567 '
Carpenter, R. C., and Stiebeling, H. K., 802 Chotin, R., see Terroine, E. F., et al., 393, 395, 396
Carpenter, T. M., 65, 66,335,338,340,345,350,383, Christensen, E. H., 914, 921, 924
395, 396, 416, 924 Christensen, F. W., and Hopper, T. H., 32
and Corpatchinsky, V. S., 343 Christensen, R. P., 790
and Fox, E. L., 66 Christian, H. A., 688
and Lee, R. C., 66 Christian, W., see Warburg, O., 132
and Murlin, J. R., 433 Ciocco, A., 589
Carr, J. G., see Levine, V., 649 Citellus, C., 283
Carratala, R. E., 122 Clark, A. J., 932,935
Carrel, A., 245,498,640,670,712,713 Clark, C. S., 693
and du NoCky, P. L., 712 Clark, E. E., see Tracy, M., 395
and Ebeling, A. H., 498, 670, 701 Clark, E. J., see Collip, J. B., et al., 191
Ebeling, A. H., et al., 712 Clark, E. L., and Boyd, E. M., 213
Carson, S. F., el al., 817 Clark, L. B., Leonard, S. L., and Bump, G., 214
Carter, G. S., et al., 144 Clark, M. L., see Leighton, G., 795
Cartland, G. F., and Nelson, J. W., 168 see Orr, J. B., 223
Carver, G. W., 749
Clark, P. J., see Waisman, H. A., et al., 140
Cary, C. A., 472, 815 Clark, R. W., see Schneider, E. C., 914
et al., 804
Clark, T., Sydenstricker, E., and Collins, S. D.,
see Meigs, E. B., et al., 816
Cary, W. H., 242 Clark, W. E., et al., 210
Case, E. M., and McCuIIagli, D. 138 Clark, W. G., and Clausen, D. F., 187
Clark, W. M., 105, 106
Casida, L. E., et <d.. 166
Clarke, E. H., 320
. see Warwick, E. J., 167
Caskey, G.D., Gallup, W. D.,and Norris, L.C., 112 Clarke, H. T., 353, 484
Castle, W. B., 134
Clausen, D. F., see Clark, W. G., 187
and Minot, G. R., 134
Clausen, F. W., see Freudenberger, C. B., 177
Clausen, H. J., 155, 186
Castle, W. E., 492,530,531,567,568, 727
Clausius, R., 14
Castlcton, K. B., and Alvarez, W. C., 172
Castrodale, D., see MacBryde,C. M., et al., 155 Clisby, K. H., see Richter, C. P., 144
Clothier, R. W., 222
Catchpolo, H. R., et al., 150
see White, A., et al., 152, 161
Cobb, 8., Gildea,E. F., and Zimmerman, H. M.,773
Cogan, T., 794
Cathcart, E. P., et al., 899
see Benedict, F. G., 905
Coghill, G. E., 484
and Markowitz, J., 66
Cohen, E., see van't Hoff, J. H., 267
Cerecedo, L. R., 396
Cohen, I., and Dodds, E. C., 235
. see Sandza, J. G., 771 Cohen, P., see Topper, A., 174
Chahovitch, X., 165, 289 Cohen, P. P., 108
and Vichnjitch, M., 289 ' Cohen, R. A., and Gerard, R. W., 173
Cohn, A. E., 664
Chaikoff, I. L., 112,128
and Murray, H. A., Jr., 526, 706
Chalkey, H. W., see Voegtlin, C., 204
and Steele, J. M., 597, 649
Chambers, W. H., see Dann, M., 66
Coker, R. E., 514, 524, 525
Shorr, E., and Barker, S. B., 181
Champagne, M., see Terroine, E. F., 393, 395 Cole, H. H., 166, 167
and Hart, G. H., 151, 162, 164, 168, 437
see Terroine, E. F., et al., 393, 395
sec Hart, G. H., 141
Chanutin, A., and Kinard, F. W., 395
and Mead, S. W., 759
Charloton, A., 236
Mead, S. W., and Kleiber, M., 26
Chase, A. M., 117
Cole, L. J., 214
Chase, S., 257, 965, 969
and Hutt, F. B., 175
Chatfield, C., and Adams, G., 31, 789, 876, 877 Coleman, W., and Du Bois, E. G., 46
see Berryman, G. H., 875 Collier, Jane G., 46, 47
Chevillard, L., 277, 278 Collins, E. v., and Caine, A. B., 900, 906, 915
Hamon, F., and Mayer, A., 289, 649 Collins, S. D., 696
Chick, H., 133, 747, 792 sec Clark, T., et al., 638
et al., 124 Collins, W. E., 313
and Martin, C. J., 269 see Benedict, F. G., 313, 314
Child, C. M., 493, 575,682, 694, 703 see Benedict, F. G., et al., 335

Collip, J. B.. 141, 148, 181, 184, 202 Crile, G. 181, 244, 253, 359, 622, 624, 680, 770
el al, 107 and Quiring. D. P., 592, 597, 019, 621, 623, 625,
and Anderson, E. M., 181 020, 627, 649
Clark, E, J., and Scott, J. W., 101 Crile, R., 181
BeoO'Donovan, O. K., 181 Crowell, M. F., see Asdell, S. A., 694
see Selye, H., et al., 810 Crozier, W. J., 268, 269,559, 561
see Thompson, D. L., 188 and Hohvay, A. H.. 593
see Thompson, D. L., et al., 152 Criiicksliank, E. M., 213, 214
Colovos, N. F., see Ritzman, E. G., et al., 165 Cullen, G„ and Earle, I. P., 235
Colowick, S. P., see Cori, G. T.,elal., Ill Cunningham, R., see Brody, S., 830,900
Wclch, M. S., and Cori, C. F., Ill Cupiw, V, T., see Turner, C. W., 176, 649
Coliimbic, C., see Mattill, H. A., 773 Curtis, G. M., see Meyers, J. H., el al., 170
Comfort, J. E-, see Brody, S., e( of., 362 Cushing, H., 158, 194, 195, 686
Commoner, B., and Thimann, K. V'., 205 and Davidoff, L, M., 195
Compton, A. H., 259 see Teel, H. M., 194
Coniint, J. U., el al., 129 Cuyler, \V. K., Stimmei, B. F., and McCullagh,
i«i(i Tongberg, C. 0., 131 D. R., 17!
Conklin, E. G., 245, 363, 684, 739 Czech, A. CJ., see Bissonnette, T. H., 208, 214
Conklin, R. E., see Mattiil, H., 118, J36
C onrad, R. M., 298 Daentte, C., 274
and-Scott, H. Jl., 877 Daft, l'.S..el al., 771
see Warren, D. C., 298 Dahlc, C, D., and Palmer, L. S., 108
Conway, W. J., see Stekol, J. A., 122 Dam. H.. 130, 773
Cook, A. C., see Black, W. H., el al., 629 d'Amour, F. E., see Spencer, J., el al., 103
Cook, J. \V., see Hopkins, F. G., et al., 154 Danforth, C, H., 150,202
Cook, K. G., see Rose, W. C., 378, 39S Daniel, E. P., and Hewston, E. M., 116
Cooko, M. T., 919 and Muiisell, H. E., 7S9, 870
Coons, C. M., el a!., 435 Daniels, A. L., and Everson, G. J., 112
Cooper, E. H. A., 688 Danmunville. P., see Terroine, E. F,, 395
Coojicr, Z., and Schiff, A., 23B see Terroine, E. F,, el al., 393, 395
Coplan, H. M., and Samiison, M. M., 177 Dann. M., and Chambers, W. H., 60
Copley, F. B., 898 and Cowgili, O. R., 475
CopiMJr, C., sec Spies, T- D.. etal.. 123 Dann, W. J., 121
Cordill, S. C., see Eaton, A. G., el al., R5 see Booth, U. C., et a!., 211
Corey, R, B., see Ebeling, A. H., 345 Darby, H.. and Childs, D., 207
Cori, C, v., 112 Darrow, D. C., 248
SCO Coiowick, S. P., el al., Ill Daru-in, C., 245
and Cori, G. T., 108, 111, 129 Dastur, N'. N., see Smith, J. A. B., 175, 819
wee Cori, G. T,, el al., Ill Daum, K., el al., 125
Cori, 0, T., 112 Davenport, C. B.. 46, 491, 549, 501, 038
Coiowick, S. P., and Cori, C. F., Ill and Swingle, W. W., 170
.•<66 Cori, C. F., 108, 111, 129 David, K.. 229
Corner, G. W., 141, 154, 156, 160, 161 DavidolT, L. M., see Gushing, H., 195
Corpalchinsky, V. S., see Carpenter, T. M., 343 Davies, A. W,, and Moore, T., 139
Coryell, C. D., 19 Davie-s, W. L,, 804
Courtis, S. A., 501 Davis, C. H,, 175
Coward, K. H., see Zilva, S. S., et al., 203 Davis, C. M., 746
Cowdry, E. V., 668, 673, 688. 690, 924 Davis, H., Davis, P. A., Loomia, A. L., Harvey,
Coxvitill, G. 11., 473 E. H., and Hobart, C., 236*
see Dann, M., 475 Davis, H. .1., el al., 770
and Drahkin, D. L., 366, 367, 368 Davis, H. P., see Brody, S., el al., 015
and French, R. B., 191 see Moigan, U. F., 431
?ec Street, H. R., 770 Morgan, R. F., Brody, S., and Ragsdale, A. €., 032
see Street, H. R., el al., 774 see Ueece, R. P., et al., 197
Cowsert, W. C., see Herman, H. A., el al., 173 Davis, .1. E., 675
Cox, W. M., Jr., and Mueller, A. J., 807, 832 and Van Dyke, H. B., 389
Craft, W. A., and Willham, O. S., 6 Davis, M., see McCoilum, E. V., 110, 801
Cramer, \V., 145, 289, 698, 700
Davis, M. E., and Koff, A. K., 168
Davis, P. A., see Davis, H., et al., 236
Crampton, W. C., 712
Daviaon, I.. S. P., and Leitch, I., 782
Crane, J. 0., and Horrall, B. E., 802
Dawborn. M. C., eoo Robertson, T. B., 3C3
Crawmann, von E,, 471, 473 Dawson, A. B., see Sparks, C. A,, 162
Creech, G. T., see Swett, W. W., el al., 049 Dawson, J. R., el al., 742
Crew, F. A. E., 151, 175 Day, H. G., see McCoilum, E. V., ei al., 754, 803

Dayncs, H. A., and Hill, A. V., 343 Dogliotti, G. C., and Nuti. G. N., 688
Dean, H. K., see Sherwood, D. H., 94 Doisy, E. A., 150,156
Deun, L. A., see Rice, C. M., 742 et al., 136
Degnn, C., 393 see Allen, E., 156
Deightoii, T., 72, 237, 287, 294, 347, 372, 3S8, 671 Domm, L. V., and Van Dyke, H. B., 158
and Hutoliinson, J. C. P., 237 Donaldson,H.H.,495,496,497,532 , 649,714, 729,736
Dclpecli. see Terroine, B. F., 597, 649 ct al., 498, 517, 519, 535, 545, 569, 725, 736
Dcmale, V-, and Ippen, F., 475 and Hatai, S., 165, 649
D3ining, W. E., 636 Donatli, W. F., see Jansen, B. C. P., 132
Dempsey, E. W., and Astwood, E. B., 172,173 Donclson, E. G., and Macy, I. G., 820
Denis, W., see Folin, O., 305 Donnan, F. G., 22
see Folin, O., et al., 181 DontchefT, L., see Burckard, E., el al., 233
iind Kramer, J. G., 395 et Knyser, C., 225
and Minot, A. S., 395 Dorff, G. B., 165,174
and Heed, B., 396 Dornbush, A. C., et al., 800
15erlitzl<i und Huxdorf, 899 Peterson, W. H., and Olson, F. R., 211
Descartes, 6 Dott, N. M., 170,173, 174
Deuel, H, J., 66 Dotti, L. B., see Riddle, O., 188
el al., 393 ' Dougherty, J. E., sec Kleiber, M., 297
see Nord, F., 61 Douglas, C. G., 337
Sondiford, I., and K., and Boothby, ^Y. M., 444 Dove. \Y. F., 8, 9, 744, 745
Deuel, H. J., Jr., 756, 800 Dow, W. H., 961
el al., 800 Downs, W. G-, 196
Dcutsch, F., 253 Drabkin, C., see Schwartz, O. H., 433
Devirian, P. S., see Addicott, F. T., 204 Drabkin, D. L., see Cowgill, G. R., 366, 367, 36S
Dowan, J., see Green, D. E., et al,, 131 Dragoui, J., see Faurfi-Fremiet, E., 44
Dewey, J-, 261, 668 Dragstedt, L. R., 18S, 191
Dliar, H. R,. 672, 674 Dree<lnian, R., see MacBrj-de, C. M,, el al., 155
D'Herrelle, F., 263 Dreyer. G., and Ray, \V., 608
Diak, S. L., 361,363 Drill, V. A., 177, 771
Dicc, J. R., 294 el al.. 175, 176, 177
Diek, 538, 541,570 and Overman, R., 125, 474
Dili, D. B., 251, 280, 302,899, 009, 914,915,916,922, and Sherwood, C. R., 177
924, 925, 926 Drummond, J. C., 119, 771
clal., 184. 919, 924, 926 et al.. 118
eee Adolph, E, F., 278 sec Logras, G., 177, 178
see Bock, A. v., 301 see Zilva, S. S., et al., 203
see Bock, A. V., et al., 935, 938 Dublin, L. I., 702
Bock, A. v., and Edwards, H. T., 280 iinti Gebhart, J- C., 638
Book, A. v., Edwards, H. T., and Kennedy, and Ixitka. A. J., 683, 689
P. H., 302, 930 Du Bois, D., and Du Boia, E. F., 362, 367, 368
and Brouha, L., 921 see Stern, K. G., et al., 103
sec Edwards, H. T., el al., 06 Du Bois, E., 593, 603, 605, 607
Edwards, H. T., Bauer, P. S., and Levenson, Dii Bois, E. F , 46, 59, 171, 175, 179, 180, 287, 294,
E.J., 302,931 300, 319, 335, 345, 346, 352, 355, 362. 363, 366, 3S4,
Edwards, H. T., Ftorkin, M., and Campbell, 410, 425, 449, 670, 685
R. W., 280 see Aub, J. C., 670
Edwards, H. T., apd Talbot, J. H., 924 see Barr, D. P., 300
sec Hall, F. G., el al., 251, 922 see Coleman, \Y., 40
sec Knehr, A., el al., 921 see Du Bois, D., 362, 367, 368
see Margaria, R. E., et al., 104, J30, 923 see Hardy, J. D., 277, 278, 281, 282, 290, 293, 304
see Robinson, S., el al., 914, 928, 930 see Hardy, J.-D., et al., 286
Talbot, J. H-, and Edwards, H. T., 252 sec Lusk, G.",373, 376, 707
Ditchman, J. P.. 217, 218 sec Sotierstrom, G. F., el al., 68
Dixon, K, C.. 103 Duhring, F. L.. see Greenman, M. J., 492, 495, 519,
Dobhradsky, Jan, 649 568, 724 , 725, 736
Dobriner, K., and Rboads, C. P., 113 Dukes. H.H., 265
Dock, S., see Master, A. M., el al., 710 Duley, F. L., and Miller, M. F., 958
Dock, W., 61, 05 Diimst-!, J. B., see Prevost, J. L., 274
Dodds, E. C., 145 Dunbnr, H. F., 685
see Cohen, I., 235 Duncan, C. \V., see Huffman, C. F., el at., 783
Goldberg, L., Lawson, \V., and Robinson, R., l55 HiifTman, 0. F., and Robinson, 0. S., 804
see Hopkins, F. G., et al., 154 Huflman, C. F., and Tobin, H. A., 194
Doeffel, E-, see MacBrydc, C. M., el al., 155 Dunlap, G., 768
DocrinK, C. R., see Pearl, R., 720, 735 Dunlap, H. F., and Moersch, F. P., 183

Dunn, H. L., see Boothby,W.M., et al., 708 Elting, E. C., 362

Dunn, L. C., see Sinnott, E. W., 575 and Brody, S., 362
duNoOy, P. L., 701 Elton, C. S., 554
see Carrel, A., 712 Elvehjem, C. A., 115, 123, 764
Duszyndka, J., 229 etal, 122, 132, 133, 762, 771, 804
Duval, M., 878, 879 see Arnold, A., 473,474, 764, 769
Dutcher, R. A., see Guerrant, N. B., 474, 743 see Axelrod, A. E., et al., 101, 115, 474
du Vigneaud, V., et al., 125, 126, 128, 133 and Hart, E. B., 115
see Burk, D., et al., 126 see Hart, E. B., et al., 799, 800
>Long, Barbara, et al., 126 see Hove, E., et al., 115
Khoads, C. P., et ai.,-145 see Kline, O. L., et al., 802
Dykshorn, S. W., see Riddle, O., et al., 160 see Kohler, G. O., et al., 134
Madden,R. J., Strong,E. M.,and Woolley, D. W.,
Eakin, E. A., see Eakin, R. E., 126 123
Eakin, R. E., and Eakin, E. A., 126 see Mannering, G. J., et al., 474
see Snell, E. E., et al., 121 see Sherman, W. C.,,119
Snell, E. E., and Williams, R. J., 126 see Teply, L. J., et al., 143
Earle, I. P., 804, 805 see Teresi, J. D., el al., 116
see Cullen, G., 235 * see Todd, W. R., et al., 115
Eostcott, E. v., 127, 133 see Todd, W. R., et al., 115
Eaton, A. G., Cordill, S. C., and Gouax, J. L., 65 see Waddell, J., et al., 115
Eaton, O. N., 649 see Waisman, H. A., el al., 140
see Phillips, R. W., et al., 229 see We^er, M. I., et al., 120
Ebeling, A. H., see Carrel, A., 498, 670, 701 see Wiese, A. E., el al., 112
see Carrel, A., el al., 712 see Woolley, D. W., et al., 125
and Corey, R, B., 345 Ely, F., and Petersen, W. E., 810
Eckert, J. F., see Richter, C. P., 253,745 ^ Ely, R., see Moore,L. A., 767, 789
Eckles, C. H., 55, 164, 221, 436, 437, 472, 481, 492, Embden, G. T., 104
632, 714, 736, 851 et al., 131
el al., 567, 799, 804 Emergi', F. E., see Schwabe, E. K., 289
see Bechdel, S. I., el al., 120 see Schwabe, E. K., et al., 289
and GuUickson, T. W., 760 Emerson, A. E., 243,244
and Palmer, L. S., 817 Emerson, H., 223
and Read, O. E., 8 Emerj', F. E., and Atwell, W. J., 187
and Shaw, R. H., 869 and Greco, P. A., 186
and Swett, W. W., 164 Emlen, J. T., see Asmundson, V. S., et al., 895
see Thurston, L. M., et al., 120. Emmens, C. W., 212
Edinger, A. T., see Hogan, A. G., et al., 597,649 Engel, F. L., see Tepperman, J., et al., 186
Edwards, C. L., 269 Engelbach, W., 195
Edwards, H. T., see Dill, D. B., el al., 252,280,302, Engle, E. T., 158, 166, 167
924, 930, 931 and Levin, L., 146
see Johnson, R. E., 104 and Rosasco, J., 158
see Margaria, R. E., el al., 104, 130, 923 see Smith, P. E., 158,167
Margaria, R., and Dill, D. B., 66 Engle, P., 151
see Robinson, S., et al., 914, 928, 930 Enzer, N., sec Simonson, E., 919
Egg, R., and Krogh, A., 270 Enzmann, E., and Piacus, G., 408
Eggleston, L. V., sec Krebs, H. A., 130 sec Pincus, G., et al., 271
Eggleton, P., and Eggleton, G. P., 103 Epstein, P. S., 12
Egloflf, G., 967 Epstein, S. F., see Ferdman, D. L., 131
Ehrstrom, M. C., 235 Erismann, F., 601
Eidinova, M., 172 Erlanger, J., 649
Eijkmanil, C., 119, 132, 773 and Hooker, D. R., 927
Einstein, A., 12, 260 Euler, H., see Adler, E., 117
Elderton, E. M., 604 Euler, U. S., and Holmquist, A., 235
Elijah, H. D., and Turner, C. VV., 146, 176 Evans, C. A., see Green, R. G., et al., 122
EUinghaus, J., Milller, E., and Steudel, H., 395 Evans, E. A., 102, 129
Elliott, M. H., and Bousfield, W. H., 236 and Slotin, L., 129
Ellis, L. N., and Zmachinsky, A., 122
Evans, E. A., Jr., 129
Ellis, M., and MitcheU, H. H., 756
Ellis, N. R., see Byerly, T. C., el al., 886, 887 Evans, F. A., and Strang, J. M., 46
see Gamble, J. A., et al., 805, 807 Evans, H. M., 118, 140, 166, 194,248
see Lambert, W. V., et al., 10 el al., 148, 159, 194, 195, 198, 773
see Titus, H. W., et al., 876 and Bishop, K. S., 118, 136, 773
see Van Etten, C., et al., 474 and Burr, G. 0., 118, 136, 773
and Zeller, J. H., 90 see Li, C. H., el at., 152, 187

Evans, H. M. (Cont'd) Folin, O., 59, 353, 383, 393, 395,396

and Long, J. A., 194, 195 and Denis, W., 395
Meyer, K., and Simpson, M. E., 104 Denis, W., and Smillie, W. G., 181
and Simison, M. E., 163, 174, 195 and Morris, J. L., 395
Siini>son, M. E., and Pencharz, R. E., 181 Folley, S. J., Watson, H. M. S.. and Bottomley,
Evereon, G. J., se© Daniels, A. L., 112 A. C., 155
Evvard, J. M., see Lamb, A. R., 252 and White. P., 175
Ezekiel, M., 390, 844
and Young, F. G., 161
Foiling, A., see Bock, A. V., el al., 935
Fairbanks, B. W., 790 Forbes. E. B., 70, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86,471, 479, 760, 762,
and Mitchcll, II. H., 760 815, 849, 850
Falk, E., see Magnus-Levy, A., 074 el aL,350, 753
Falk, I. S., and Winslow, C-E. A., 609 Braman, \V. \Y., and Kriss, M., el al., TO, 294
Falkenheitn, M., 174 and KrUs, M., 32, 350, 472, 481
Farderber, M. B. F., and Houghten, F. C., 304 see KrijS, M., et ai., 63, 68 .
Farkas, K., 43 KrisB, M-, cl at., 388
etal., 899 and Voris, A- L., 839
sec Tantfl, F., 43 Forbes, R. M., see Swift. R. W., 277, 278, 286, 288
Fair, A. G., see Benedict, F. 0., 344 Ford,see Sure, B., 121
Faurfe-Fremiet, K., and Drugoui, .1., 44 Forsgren, E., 234, 235
Fuzekas, J. F., Alexander, F. A. D., and Himwich, Fo.ster, F- C., and Thornton, M. J., 175
H.E.,409 Foster, M. A., and Hisaw, F. L., 167
Feil, H,, 928 _ Fourier, 593
Feivoson, 1'., see Klcitman, N., el al., 234 Fox, E. L., see Benedict, F. G., 344, 389
Feldman, J., see Gellliorn, E., 173 see Botvedict, F. G., el al., 289, 292, 388
Feldman, M., sec Morrison, S., 172 see Cnrpenter, T. M-, 66
Felilstein, M. .1., and Ilersh, A. H., 401 Fox, F. Ci-,see Kable, G. W., el al., 216
Fellenberger, T., and Onieter, F., 178 Fraenkel-Contrat, H., cl al., 174
Fenger, F., see Seidell, A., 213 Francis?, C. C., 163
. Fenn, W. 0., 39 Francois. Marcel, 718
Ferdman, D. L., uiid Epstein, S. F., 131 Frank, A. H., and Appleby, A. J., 167
Fernholz, E., 130 see Turner, C. W-, et al., 159
Ferry, E. L., 519, 533, 569, 724, 725 Frank, H., 223
see Osborne, T. B,, ef <iJ.,754, 756 Frank. L. K., 258, 664, 668, 688, 972
Fevold, H. L.. Hisaw, F. L., and Greep, R., 212 Frank, M., see Wang, C. C., et al., 395
Fiek.A.. 927 Frank, R. T., 159
Fiekls, E. M-, see Gordon, M. B., 105 Frankenbach, R. F., sec Brody, S-, 168
Fieser, L. F., 118, 136, 145, 154 Frai>s, G- S., 24
Filmer, J. F., 782 see Sherwood, R. M., 475, 768
Finch, M. \V.. see Youngburg, G. E., 395 Fredericks, H. H., 151
Finchor, M. G., 194 Fredericci, L., 314
Findlay, L., see Paton, D. N., 540 Frederiksen, 477, 479
Fine, M. S., see Myers, V, C., 393, 395 Freeborn, S. B., see Regan, W. M., 280
Fingerling, G., 346, 340 Freeman, G. L., and Hovland, C. 1.. 234
Finkler, R. S., el at., 141, 163 Freeman, W., see Lee, M., 199
Fishboiirne, M., 170 French, C. E., see Voris, A. L., ft al., 101
Fisher, H. O. L., see Sowden, J. C., Ill French, R. B., see Cowgill, G.Jl., 191
Fisher, N. F., and Larson, E., 191 Freudenherger, C. B., 640
Fiaher, W. S., see Riddle 0., 213, 214 et al., 164
Fiske, C. II., 235 and Clausen, F. W., 177
and Siibbarow, Y., 103, 104 Frey, C. N., 749
Fiske, John, 496
see Light, R. F., 748
Fitch, .1. B., see Riddcll, W. H., et al., 71 Frey, P., see Riddle, 0., 569, 728
Fitt, A. B,,20S, 220 Friedenwald, J. S., 668
Fixson, M. A. B., 789 Friedman, I., and Mattili, H. A., 118
and Jackson, H. M,, 393 Friedman, M. H., and G. S., 212
and Roacoe, H., 876 Fries, J. A., 30, 344
Fleishclimann, W., el al., 170 Fritz, J. C., see Barott, H. G., el al., 234
see Wilkins, L., et al., 713 Frohring, W. O., and Wyeno, J., 475
Fleming, A., 139 Frolich, T., see Hoist, A., 134
Fletcher, W. M., and Hopkins, F. G., 102, 103 Frontali, G., 368
Flock, E., see HiRRins, G. M., el al., 235 Frost, D. v., el al., 765 ^
Florkin, M., see Dill, D. B., et al., 280 Fry, E. G., see Long, C. N. H., et al., 185
Flourena, M. J. P-, 681 Fiigo, N. W., 146
Flower, S. S., 681 Fuller, F. D., see Jordan, W. H., et al., 349

Fuller, J. G., 8 Giaja, J., and ^lales, B., 389

Fulton, J. F., 244, 685 seo Terroine, E. F., et al., 393
Funk, C., 119, 132, 773 Gibbs, W., 14, 15
Funk. E. M., 219, 74C Gibson, G., and Huffman, C. F., 818
seeBrody, 220, 481, SSO Gibson, R. H., 233
Fiirfey, R. A.. 713 Gilbert, J. H., see Lawes, J. B., 349, 817
Furusawa, K., Hill, A. V., and Parkinson, J. L,, Gilchrist, F., and Pincus, G., 486
39, 103 Gildea, E. F,, seo Brown, W. T,, 182, 085
Fiiwa, T., 320 sec Cobb, S., et al., 773
Gillospie, J. M., see Rubbo, S. D., 127
Gaebler, 0. H., see Harding, V. J., 395 Gillespie, L. J., 106
Gagge, A. P., see Winslow, C-E: A., el al., 293 Gilman, H., 112
Winslow, C-E. A., ancl Herringtbn, L. P., 277, 278 Gilman, J., and Stein, H. B., 163
Gnines, \V, L., 222, 472, 473, 477, 479, 480, 481, 687, Gilmoiir, J, R., and Martin, W. J., 023
SOU, S2S, S40, 841, 857, 858, 865 Given.s, M. H., see Hunter, A., 395
see Overman, O. R., 806 Glaser, 0., 44, 556
Gaiser, D. W., sec Bryan, A. H., 198, 546 Gley,E.,191
see Thompson, K., 194, 195 Goddcn, \V., see Leitch, I., 52, 60
Giilbraith, J. J., and Simpson, S., 237 Goetsch. \V., 5.K
see Simpson, S., 233 Goettsch, M., and Pappenheimer, A. M., 118, 136,
Galileo, 593 773
Gallagher, T. F., and Kocli, F. C., 149 seo Pappenheimer, A. M., 118, 773
Galli-Mainini, C., sec Hert):, S., 174 and Ritzniann, J-, 118
Gallup, Vi\ D., see Caakey, G. D., el <tL, 112 Goldberg, L., see Dodds, E. C., et al., 155
Bee Kuhlman, A. H., 708 Goldborgcr, .1., 132
Gamble, J. A., Ellis, N. R., and Besley, A. K., 805, and Lillie, R. D., 133
807 Goldblatt, H., el a!., 101
Gamble, J. L,, ami Goldachmidt, S., 395 Golding, J., el al., 818
see Palmer, \V. W., et al., 379, 395 see Bartlott, S., et al., 222
Gardner, W. XT., 145, 163, 188 seeZilvii, S. S., et al.. 203
el nl., 145, 151 Goldschmidt, R.,575
and Pfeiffer, C. A., 142 Goldsehmidt, S., see Gamble, J. L., 395
Garner, F, H., and Sanders, H. G., 818 see Underiiill, V. P., 393, 395
Garner, W. \V., and Allard, H. A., 208 Goldzieher, M. M., 163
Garot, L., 395 Gomez, li. T., see Graham, W. R., Jr., et al., 814
Garrett, O. F., anci Overman, O. R,, 810 and Tui nf'r, C. \V., 440
see Overman, 0. R., et al., 805, 869 Turner, C. W., and Reece, R. P., 161
Garrison, E. R.. 800 Gompertz, S., 500
Gaanier, A., et Mayer, A., 246, 289, 308 Goodale, H. D., 801
Gates, \\. H., see MacDcwell, E. C., el al., SSO Goodall, J. S-, and Rogers, L., 170
Ciavin. G., and McHenry, E. \V., 127, 133 Goodpasture, E. W., 176
see McHenry, E. \V., 112, 124, 133 Gordon, A. S., el al., 144
Gay, G. B., el a/., 925 Gordon, E, G., 150
Gay-Lussac, J. L., 346 Gordon, M. B., and Fields, E. M., 365
Gcbhart, J, C., seo Dublin, L. I., 638 seo Handelsmann, M. B., 201
GeilinB, E. M. K., et al., 804 ^Gordon, M. fl., see Penibrey, M. S., el al., 271, 274
Geist, S. H., 150 Gortnor, R, A., see Brown, W. R., et al., 815
see Salmon, N. J., 150 see Jackson, S. M., 816
C:elineo, S., 283, 285, 286, 287, 288 Gortner, R. A., .Ir., and Gunderson, F. L., 749
see Giaja, J., 285, 297 Goss, E., see Guilbert, H. R., 212
Gellhorn, E., 244, 252 Goss, H., 742
and Feldman, J., 173 see Kleiber, M., el al., 71, 760
Gemmill,C.L..924 see McElroy, L. \V., 120, 742
Genthe, A., 549 Goto. K.,288
Gerard, R. W., 243, 244, 254 Gouax, J. L., see Eaton, A. G., el al., 06
seo Cohen, R. A., 173 Govier, W. M., 742
Gerhartz, H., 294 and Groig, M. E., 139
Gerstell, R., and Long, W. H., 266 Gowan, J. W., and Tobey, E. F., 816
Geschichter, C. F., et al., 144,145 Grab, W., Janssen, S., and Rein, H., 251
Gesell, A.,«iaZ., 183 Grafe, E., 335,347
Gessler, H., 237 Graff, S., see Barth, L. G., 202
Ghoneim, A., 89 Graham, 0.. an<l Poulton, E. P., 393
seo Wiegner, G., 79, 80 Graham, R., and Mitchell, H. H., 763
Giaja, .7., 284, 286, 345, 371, 393, 395 Graham, W. R., Jr., 172, 175, 789, 810, 816, 816, 829
and Gelineo, S., 285, 297 el al., 8, 815, 816

Graham, W. R., Jr. (Cont'd) Guilbert, H. R., 760, 767

see Herman, H. A., elal., I'd and Goss, E., 212
Houchin, O. B., Petereon, V. E-, and Turner, and Hart, G. H., 763
C. W., 816 Howell, C. E., and Hart, G. H., 475, 768
Houchin, O. B., and Turner, C. W., 815 ace Kleiber, II., et a!., 71, 760
Jones, T.S. G., Kny, H. D., and Mclntosh, R.A., GuLlhon, J., see Maignon, F., 225
814 Gulick.A., 246, 271,488
Peterson, V. E., Houchia, O. B,, and Turner, Gullickson,T.W.,eJ aJ., 800
C. W., 816 sec Eckles, C. H., 760
Turner, C. W., and Gomez, E. T., S14 see Wise, G. H., et al., 804
Grant, G. A., 813 G*mderson, F. L., see Gortner, R. A., Jr., 749
Grant, R. T., Bland, E. F., and Camp, P. D., 293 Gurin, S., et al., 141
Grant, \V. M., sec Kinsey, V. E., 765, 770 and Wilson, D. W., 817
Craves, R. R., ct al., 94 Gurwitch, A., 575
see Swett, W. W., 587, 500, 649 G\istafson, F. L., and Benedict, F. G., 220
sec Swett, \V. \V., el al., 649 Gustavson, R. G., see Spencer, J., et al., 163
see Woodward, T. E., et al., 94 Gutlirie, M.J„ 150,209, 210
Gray, A. H., 549 Guttmann, M., 557
Gray. H.. 196 Guye, C. E., 22
see Bayer, L. M., 195 GyOrgy, P., 125,133
Gray, J., 561 ct al., 125,126, 128, 133
Greco, P. A., see Emery, F. E., ISO and Poling, C. E., 771
Gree, J. R., see Murlin, J. R.,, 350
Grecly, A., 134 Haagenscn, C. D., see Aucbincloss, H., 145
Green, C. W., see Robbina, W. J., et al., 578 Hacket, F., 256
Green, D. E., et al.. 112 Hacoker, T. L., 472, 479,480, 481, 840, 841, 851, 870,
sec Necdham, J., 102 872, 874
Needham, D. M., and Dewan, J., 131 Hagemaiin, 0., see Zuntz, N., 388
Green, H. H., 745 Haggard, H. W., and Greenberg, L. A., 925
Green, R. G., et al., 774 see Henderson, Y., 914, 925, 935
Carlson, \V. E., and JDvans, C. A., 122 Hiiigh, L. D., see Griswold, D. J., et al., 649
Greenbank, G. R., 109 see JlouUon, C. R., ct al., 597, 649
Greenberg, D. M., Kce Schmidt, C. L. A., ISS,249,783 see Trowbridge, P. F., el al., 349, 588, 008, 649
Greenberg,'L. A., sec Haggard, H. \V., 625 Hailman, D. E., ace Britten, R. H., el al., 69G
Greene, J- A., and Luce, R. P., 345 Haines, W. T., see Mitchell, H. H., 294
see Parkin, C., 175 see Mitchell, H. H., el al., 388, 449, 671
see Sturgia, C. C., 17S Haldane, J. B. S.,302
Greene, R. R., 150 Haldane, J. J., see Hancock, W., 291
Greenman, M. J., 406, 497, 517, 533 Haldane, J. S., 243, 245, 252, 329, 338, 389
and Duhriiig, F. L., 492,495,'519,308, 724,725,736 and'Priestly, J. G., 248
Greenstein, J. P., 144 Haldi, J.,ef al., 925
Greenwald, I., 19t Hale, F., 203
Greep, R., sec Fevold, H. L., el al., 312 Hall, F. G., Dill, D. B., and Barron, E. S. G.. 251,
Gregersen, M. I., and Cannon, W. B., 24S 922
Gregorj", P. W,, 485, 480, 490 sec Pearse, A. S., 265
see Lewis. W. IL, 490 Hall, G. O., and Marble, D. R., 710
Greig, M. E,, see Govier, W. M., 139 Hall, K., see Korenchovsky, V., 187
Grether, W. F-, and Yerkes, R. M., 501 Hall, V. E., 589, 926
Greulich, W. W., 103, 639 and Lindsay, M., 10, 172, 173
et al., 149 and MacGregor, W. W., 625, 049
Griffith, F. R., Jr., ct al., 227, 22S Hall, W. C., and Brody, S., 910, 911
see Schwabe, E. K., at al., 289 Halpin, J. G., see Annin, G. E., 165
see Schwabc, H. L., 285 Ham, A. W., et al., 189
Griffith, W. H., 128 HambidKe, G., 741
and Mulford, D. J., 128 Hamblen, E. C., et al., 175
Grimm, P. D., and Short, D. M., 76S Hamilton, J. B., 150, 158
Griswold, D. J., Trowbridge, P. F., Hogan, A. G., Hamilton, J. W., and Hogan, A. G., 784
and Haigh.L. D., 649 SCOHogan, A. G., 705
Grollman, A., 60, ISO, 184, 187, 921, 927 Hamilton, T. S., 753, 757
Gross, A. L., sec Ilarger, R. N., 105 see Mitehcill, H. H., 277, 292, 335, 349, 391, 393,
Gross, A. M., see O'Malley, C. M., 789 443, 742, 755, 774, 779, 780
Gross, E. C., and Stecnbock, H., 395, 396 SCO Mitchell, H. H., et al., 79, 471, 593, 597, 626,
Grubbs, R. C., see Hitchcock, F. A., et al., 926 627, 649
Grueter, F., see Fcllcnbcrger, T., 178 see Smuts, D. B., el al,, 775
Guerrant, N. B., and Dutcher, R. A., 474, 743 Hammar, C. H., 970

Hammett, F. S.. 170, 171, 174, 182, 187, 204, 488, Hart. G. H., see Cole, H. H., 151, 162, 164, 168,437
480. 490. 777 seo Guilbert, H. R., 763
Hammond, J., 5S, 577, 578, 588, 631. 809 seo Guilbert, H. R., et al., 475, 768
see Hammond, J., Jr., el al., 167 Hartman, C. G., 141, 490
see lIcMeckan, C. P., 577 see Lewis; W. H., 486, 490
and Murray, G. N., 588 Hartman, F.^\., IS4, 185, 186
and Sanders, H. G., 222 et al., 184, 187
seo Walton, A. \V., 547, 548 see Hitchcock, F. A., el al., 926
Hammond, J., Jr., Hammond, J., and Parkes, A. S., Hartree, E. F., see Keilin, D., 109
167 Harvey, E. H., see Davis, H., cl al., 236
Humner, K. C., 204, 205, 208 Hashinoto, H,, 176
and Bonner, J., 208 Hassclbaleli, K. A., 507, 523
Hamon, F., see Chevillard, L., el al., 289, 649 see Bohr, C,, 3, 45. 430, 435, 505, 522
Hancock, W., el al., 291 Haatiiigs, A, B., et al., 131
and Haldane, J. J., 291 sec Solomon, A. K., ef al., 129
Handelsmann, M. B., and Gordon, M. B., 201 Hastings, \V. W., 492, 538, 540, 570, 580, 601, 612, 738
Haney, H. F., see Pommerenke, W. T., et al., 433 Hatai, S., 152, 581. 595, 597, 621, 625. 626, 627, 649
Hanson, A. E., 136 sec Donaldson, H. H., 165, 649
Hansen, C., see Henriquea, V., 287 Haterius, H. O., 210
Hansen, H. C.. see Cannon, C. Y.. 698 Hathaway, I. L., see Reece, R. P., el al., 197
Hanson, A. M., 191 Hawk, P. B., 395
Hnnsson. N., 472, 479, 481 see Howe, P. E., et al., 395
Harden, A., 102 Hawlcy, E. E., and Maurer-Most, E. E., 876
and Young, W. J., 102, 111 see Sherman, H. C., 802
HurdinK, V. J., and Gaeblor, 0. H., 395 Haworth, W. N., and Szent-GyOrgyi, A., 109
Hardy, J. D., 275 Hayes, D, R., see Ingalls, T. H., 196, 201
and Bu Boia, E. F., 277, 278, 281, 282, 290, 293,304 Hayes, F. R., and Armstrong, F, H., 503
Milliorat, A. T., and Du Bois, E. F., 286 Hays, B. B., see Wang, C. C., el al., 395
and Soderstrom, G. F., 275 Haj-s, W. P., 222
Harger, R. X., and Gross, A. L., 105 Hayward, J. W., el al., 761
Han,P.,277, 308, 388 Headley, F. B., 222
and Kriwtischa, A., 389 Heath, C. W., 115
Harreveld, A., see Tyler, D. B., 404 Hecht, S., 578
Hariinfrton, C. R., 168, 180 Heckel, N, J., see Thompson, W. 0., 165, 182
and JJarger, G., 180 Heemstra, L. C-, see Phillips, R. W., et al., 229
and Pitt Rivers, R. V., 176 Hecsted, D. M., el al., 112, 126
Harris, L. E., tl al., 742 and Stare, F. J., 749
Harris, L. J., 746, 771 Heinneman, B., 802
el al., 745 Heisenberg, W., 259
Harris, J. A., and Benedict, F. G., 446, 670 Heitman, H., see Jukes, T. H., 769
sec Benedict, F. G., et al., 425 Hele, T. S.. 396
Harris, R. S., and Thimann, K. V., 204 Hellebrandt, P. A., el al., 236
Harris, I., Jones, E. W., and Alfred, C. N., 931 Heller, C. G., el al., 156
HarrLson, E. S., 587 Helmhollz. H., 12, 14,15
and Savage, E. S., 819, 852 HeminKway, A., see Shelley, W. B., 281
Harrison, R. G., 575 Hommingsen, A. M., 389 '
Hart, E. B., et al., 190, 191, 742 and Krarup, N. B., 241
and Bonlley, W. H., 777 Henderson, E. W., 271
and Eivelijem, C. A., el al., 799, 800 and Brody, S., 271
seo Elvehjem, C. A., 115 see Brody, S., ef al., 701
sec Hove, E., el al., 115 Henderson, H. 0-, see Van Landlngham, A. H.,
Humphrey, G. C., and Morrison, F. B., 393 cl al., 170
see Kline, O. L., et al., S02 Henderson, J., and Ma^ee, H. E., 190
see Koliler, G. O., el al., 134 Henderson, L. J., 243, 252
see Pearson, P. B., el al., 212 and Palmer, W. W., 252
and Steenbock, H., 179, 760 Henderson, L. M., et al., 765, 771
see Steenbock, H., 795 Henderson, Y., 338, 355, 356
see Steenbock, H., el al., 393 and Hacgard, H. W., 914, 925, 935
sec Tcrcsi, J. D., el al., 116 and Prince, A. L., 933
see Todd, \V. R., et al., 115 Hendricks, S. B., and Hill, W, L.. 780
seeWadddl,J.,etoL, 115^ Hendricks, W. A., 78
see WeKner, M. I., et al., 120 Jull, M. A,, and Titus, H. W., 78, 87
see Wiese, A. C., el al., 112 Hendry, F., see Benedict, P. G., el al., 335
Hart, G. H., 475, 762 Henriques, V., and Hansen, C., 287
and Cole, H. H., 141 Henry, K. M., et al., 760

Honrj", \V.A., and Morrison, F. B., 475,476,477 Hisaw, F. L., 178

Hcroclitus, 524 see Fevold, H. L., el al., 212
Herman, H. A., 804 see Foster, M. A., 167
Clrahani,W.R., Jr.,Tiirner,C.W.,Ra!ston, N.P., Hitchcock, A. E., see Zimmerman, P. W., 205
Cowsert, W. C., and Ragsdale, A. C., 175 Hitchcock, F. A., Grubbs, R. C.. and Hartman,
see Swaason, E. W., 443, 440, 742, 759 F. A-,926
Herman, M. T., and Miller, P., 475 Hiort, A. M,, c/a?., 101
Horrick, J- F., and Baldes, E. J., 815 Hoagland, D. R.,see McCollum, E. V., 393,395,396
Hcrrins, J. S., see King, E. L., 175 Hoagland, H., 267, 718
Herring, P. T., 174 and Perkins, C. R., 718
Herring, V., 877 Hobart, C., see Davis, H., et al., 236
and Brody, S., 232, 329 Hodge, C., see Hiieg'ns, C., 144
soc Brody, S., et al., 822 Hodgson, P., and Lewis, H. B., 395
Hcrrington, L. P., 285, 286 Hoesslin, H., 355, 356
see Gagge, A. P., et al., 277, 278 Hoffman, H., see Kleilman, N., rf al., 271
sec Winslow, C-E. A., et ol., 293 Hogan, A. G., 588, 753
Ilersli. A. H.p 575, 609 see Griswold, D. J., et al., 649
see Feldslein, M. J., 401 and Hamilton, J. W., 765
Herslioy, J. M-. sec Best, C. H., ei al., 128 see Hamilton, J. \V., 784
Hertcr, K., 229 and Johnson, S. R., 134
Hort/., Hcinrich, 261 sec Jol)nson, S. R., el al., 52, 101, 753
Hertz, S., 178 and Kamm, O., 133
and Galli-Mainini, C., 174 see Lee, J. G., 124
Hesketh, F. li., see Wertheimer, F. I., 580 sec McRoberts, V, F., 764
Hcsa. A. v., 135, 188 seeO'Dell, B. L., el al., 133
and I.undliagen, M. A., 211 and Parrott, E. M., 133
Hei-s, W. N.. 690 see Pfiffner, J-J., W of., 133
Heiiser, C. H., and Strecter, G. L., 486 and Pilcher, R. W-, 101
Heiiser, G. F., 53 see Richardson, L. R., 133, 804
see Richardson, L. R., ef oi., 112, 121, 124, 126, 765
et al., 474, 764, 770
Heiiser, P. H., see Wilgus, H. S., et al., 112 Richardson, L. R., and Johnson, P. E., 133 .
Hewitt, L. F-. 100 Richardson, L". R., Johnson, P. E., and Nisbet,
Hewston, E. M., see Daniel, E. P., 118 R. X., 133
and Marsh, R. L., 789 see Robbins, W. J., e! al., 578
Heywang, B. W., 237 see Trowbridge, P- F., el al., 349
Hickinan, K. C. D., e( al,, 139 Weaver, L. A., and Edinger, A. T., 049
Hiestuiid, W- A,, see Randall, W. C., 281 Weaver, L. A.. Edinger, A. T,, and Trowbridge,
Higgins, G. M., et al., 748 E. A., 597
Berkson, .1., and Flock, E., 235 Holm, G. E., see Kurt?, F. E., 802
sec Ingle, D. J., 187 Holmes, A. H., 798
Hilden, A., and Stenback, K. S-, 237 Holmes, C. E., 144
nilditch,T, P., 801 Holmes, E., 249
and Longenecker, H. E., 801, 817 Holmes, H. N., 135
and Thompson, H. M., 817 and Alexander, \V., 121
Hileman, J. L-, see Webb, R. E., 109 Holmgren, H., 235
HiKerty, M. M., see Shattuck, G. C., 301 Holmquist, A., 235
Hill, A. H,. 152,163 see Euler, V. S., 235
Hill, A, M., sec Hill, A. v., 347 Holsberg, C. L., 23
Hill, A. v., 103, 130,903,904,914,921,024 Hoist, A-, and Fr^licli, T., 134
see Daynes, H. A., 343 Holt, E., see Sutliff, W. D., 356
see rurusawa, K., el al., 38, 103 Holt, L. E., Jr., and Najjar, V. A., 7(54
and Hill, A. M., 347 ' see Najjar, V. A., 764
Hill, D, K.. 104 Holtfreter, J., 203
Hill, L., el al., 899 Holway, A. H., see Crozicr, W. J., 593
Hill, M., awl Parkes, A. S., 210, 214 Homans, J., see Benedict, F. G., 345
Hill, R., see Keilin, D., 113 Honcamp, E., Koiidela, S., and MUller, E., 393
Hill, W. L., see Hendricks, S. B., 780 Hoobler, B. R., 68, 832
Hilis, J. L., 851 Hooker, D. R., see Erianger, J., 927
Hilton, J. H., et al., 798 Hoover, E.E., 214
Himwich, H. E , 248, 407 Hoover, S. R-, see Allison, F. E., ei al., 125
el al., 249, 252, 404, 408, 409, 809, 924 Hopkins, F- G., 100, 102, 119,259,754
sec Fajekas, J. P., el a!., 409 Dodds, E. C., Park®, A. S., Ruzicka, L., Cook,
and Nahum, L. H., 249, 773 J, W., Reichstein, T.. and Todd, A. R., 154
Hirzel, K., 588 see Fletcher, W. M., 102, 103

Hopkins (Cont'd) Hurxthal, L. M., sec Bock, A. V., 935

and Morgan, E. J., 12Q Huxdorf, sec Dertlitzki, 809
and Neville, D., 119 Huxley, J. S., 244, 609
and Slater, B. R., 120
see Wileock, E. G., 775 Ingalls, T, H., and Hayes, D. R., 196, 201
Hopper, C. A., see Bcchtel, H. E., 211 Ingle, D. .1,, 185, 186, 187
Hopper, T. H., see Ciiristensen, 1''. W., 32 el al., 152
Horrall, B. K., see Crane, J. C., 802 and Higgins, G. M., 187
Horsley, V., 191 and Lukens, F. D, W., 184, 928
Horst, K., see Benedict, F. G., et al., 3S9 Insko, W. M.. see Lyons, M., 112
Hoskins, E. R., 174, 532, 50fl, 724, 725 Ippen, F., see Dcmale, V., 476
and Hoskins, M. M., 170 Irby, v., see Albanese, A. H., 765
Hoskins, M. M., see Hoskins, E. R., 170 Irving, J. T.., and Ricliards, M. B., 691, 764
Hoskins, R. G., 151, 165, 176, 182 Irwing, L., 922, 928
Hotlel, H. C., 968 Isaacs, B. L., Jung, E. F., and Ivy, A. C., 117
Houchin, 0. D., see Graham, \V. R., Jr., el al., Itschner, K. F., see Richardson, L. R., et al., 121,
815, 810 124, 765
Hougliten, F. C., 2fll Ittner, N. R., see Hughes, E. H., 771
see Farderber, M. B. F-, 304 Ivanova, 210
Hoiischiidt, J. D., 769 Ivy, A. C.| et al., 578
Houssay, B. A., and Biawtti, A., 192 see Isaacs, B. L., el al , 117
and Braun-Menendez, E., 101 Izqiiierdo, J. J., and Cannon, W. B., 251
Hove, E., Elvehjem, C. A., and Hart, E. B., 115
Hovland, C. I., see Freeman, G. L., 234 Jack, E. •!., and Bechdel, S. I., 175
Howard, L. B., see Neustadt, R., 182 Jackson, C. M., 583, 696, 628, 649
Howat, G. R., see Smitli, J. A. B., ct al., 819 see Robbins, W. J., ct al., 578
Howe, P. E., 7S7 Jackson, H. M., sec Flxsen, M. A., 303
see Berryman, G. H., 787 .Jackson, S. M., and Gortner, R. A., 816
M.attiU, H. A., and Hawk, P. B., 395 .lacobi, H. P., 128
Howell, G- K., see Guiibert, H. U., et al., 475, 768 Jacobsen, E., and Skaarpp, C. S., 155
Hrdlieka, A., 592, 697, 627, 649 Jacobson, E., 234
Huciin, F. E-, 363 Jansen, B. C. P., and Donath, W. F., 132
Huffman, C. F., et al., 120, 191 Jansscn, S., sec Grub, \V., et al., 261
see Duncan, C. W.. el al., 194, S04 Jeans, J. H., 22
see Gibson, G., 818 Jeffreys, C. E. P., see Borsook, H., 61, 120
see Moore, L. A., 759 Jennings, H. S., 244
Moore, L- A., Duncan, C- \V., el al., 783 Jennings, R. D., 703
Huffman, H. M., see Parks, G. S., 17 Jenny, H., 673
Hiifford,A. R., 156 .fensen, C., el at., 798
Huggins, C., 144, 188 .fensen, E., 92, 93, 94
and Hodge, C., 144 Klein, J. W., Rauchenstein, E., Woodward, T. E.,
HiiRgins, R. A., 266 and Smith, R. H., 78
Hughes, E. H-, 74. 769, 770, 771 Jenss, R. M., and Souther, S. P., 638
and Ittner, N. R., 771 Jenter, C. G., see Jordan, \V. H., 349, 817
Hughes, J. S., see Riddell, W. H., cl al., 71 see Jordan, W. H., et al., 349
Htill, M.,395 .Icwett, F. B., and King, R. W., 965
Humberd, C. D., 196 Johansson, J. E., 236
Hume, E. M. M., see Lucas, .1- H., et al., 312 Johns, C. O., see Waterman, H. C., 761
Humphrey, G. C., see Hart, E. B., el al., 393 Johnson, A., see Bene<iict, F. G., 910
Humphrey, R. R., 150 see Benedict, F. G., et al., 336
Hunt, C. H., ft al., 474, 742, 770 Johnson, G. E., 229
Hunt, W. E., et al., 165 Johnson, P. E., see Hogan, A. G., el al., 133
Hunter, A., 395 Johnson, S. R., see Hogan, A. G., 134
and Givens, M. H., 396 Hogan, A. G., and Ashworth, U. S., 52, 101, 763
Hunter, M. \V., and Sawin, P. B., 170 Johnson, R. E., and Edwards, H. T., 104
Huntington, E., 207 see Thomt)son, R. II. S., 119
Huntsman, M. E., see Best, C. H., el al., 12S Johnson, W. A., see Krebs, H. A., 130
Hurst, v., and Turner, C. W., 197 Johnston, J. A., Macy, 1. G., et al., 436
Hutchins, R. W., 971 Johnston, M. W., see Newburgh, L. H., 416
Hutchinson, J. C. P., see Deigbton, T. B., 237 Jotiffe, N.. 774
Hutt, F. B., 301 el at., 122, 767, 774
and Cole, L. J., 175 Jones, D.B..309, 349,777
see Lamoreux, W. F., 265 see Rose, W. C., ei al., 797
sec Scholes, J. C., 271, 276 Jones, E. E., see Smith, G., 204

Jones, E. W,, see narris, I., et al., 931 Kelly, 15., see Parsons, H. T., 120
Jones, H. M., 254 Keh'ill, Lord, 14
Jones. M. M., sec Procter, R. C., el al., 9D0 Kcmpsler, H. L., 746
see Sruiih, D. D., 938 el al., 507
Jones, P. D., see Borland, A. A., et al., 93 see Brody, S., el al,, 220, 481, 701, 880
Jones, R., el al., 165 and Parker, J.E-, 296
Jones, T. S. Gsec Graham, W. R., Jr., et al., 814 Kendall. E, C., ISO, IS4, 185
Jordan, W. H., 55, 294 and Simonscjn, D. G., 213
and Jenter, C. G., 349, 817 see Wells, B. B., 186
Jenter, C. G., and Fuller, F. D., 349 Kenrioi([h, S. C., seo Baldwin, S. P., 265
Jorea, A,, 234 Kennedy, B., 788
Jorpes, E., see Agren, C., et al., 234 Kenntniy, C., see Morris, H. P., ef al., 7
Joseph, D. R., 618, 049 see Pulmer, L. S., 7
Joule, J. P., 12 Kcniieily. H. P., see King, E. Q., el al,, 925
Judkins, H. F., see While, G. C., 222 Kenncily, P. H., see Dill, D. B., e/ al., 302, 930
Juiin, M,, and Mitchell, J. B., 023 Kennedy, T. H., 144
Jukes, C. L., 253, 745 Kenyon, A. T., el al., 151
Jukes, T. H., 125, 128, 133, 474, 770, 771 see Varney, R. F., cl al., 150
and Almqiiist, H. J., 112, 128 Kern, U., see Wang, C. C., et al,, 395
and Bird, F. H., 120 Kestner, O., 325, 622
and Heilman, H., 709 Kcltering, C. P., 257, 904
see Lepkovsky, S., 125 Keuter, K., see Richards, R. R., 103
sec Lepkovsky, S., el al., 124, 132 Key, 538, 540, 570
Jull, M.A.,56S, 725,878 Kibier, H. H., 373, 400, 667, 947
see Hendricks, W. A., el al., 78, 87 Bergman, A. J., ami Turner, C. W., 586, 587,
and Titus, H. \Y., 78 594, 616
June, E. F.. see Isaacs, B. L., el al., 117 and Brody, S., 46, 325, 400, 449, 450, 900, 932
8CC Brody, S., 449, 585, 594, 595. 610, 910
Kable, G. \V., Fox, F. G., and Lunn, A. G., 210 see Brody. S.. el al., 410. 722
Kahle, P. J., etal., 144 Kick. C. H., seo Mitchell, H. H., 393, 700
Kalilenberg, O. J., see Supplee, G. C., el al., 474 Kidison, E. B., 782
Kalckar, H. M,, 102, 106, 111, 131, 138 Killhan, B. J,, 782
Kaltreidcr, N. L., nnd McCann, \V. S., 930 Kinnrd, F. W., see Clianiitin, A., 395
Kamm, O., see Hogan, A. G., 133 King, C. G., 109, 128, 134
Kammlade, W. G., see Mitchell, H. H., ef aL, B49 ef al., 109, 798
Kanltz, A., 207 SCO Bc'ssey, O. A., 767
Karrer, P., 135,13G King, K. L,, and Herring, J. S., 173
see Kuhn, R., 132 King, E. Q., McCalel), L. B., Kennedy, H. F., and
Katz, J,, et al., 167 Klump, T. G., 925
ICatzin, B., see Lone, C. N. H., el al., ISo King, 11. D., 517, 532, 533, 545,508, 569, 724, 725
Ivaufman, K., see Brody, S., et al., 822 King, J. T., 312
Kaufman, L., 583, 596, 649 King, R. W., see Jcwett, F. B., 965
Kaufmann, M., 345 Kinsey, V. E., an<l Grant, W. M-, 765, 770
and Magne, H., 813 Kipiieti, A. A., and Ix>ch, L., 163
Kavanagh, A. J., see Uicliards, O., 609 Ivirchl.mum, A., see RIngoen, A. R., 210
Kay, H. D., 112, 161, 188, 853 Kirkpulrick, W. F., sec Card, L. E., 53
see Graham, W. R., Jr., etal.. 814 Kise, v., and Ochin, T., 708
Kayser, C., 238, 288, 292 Klehha, J., sue Britten, R, H., el al,, 096
etal., 237 Kloihcr, M., IS, 8, 48, 49. 288, 298, 207, 325, 335, 33S,
see Burckard, E., et al., 233 349, 355, 350, 373, 403, 470, 472, 755, 760
sec Dontclicff, L., 225 el al., 755
Kecnan, J. A., sec Kline, O. L,, el al., 802 see Cole, U. H., et al., 20
Keighley, G., sec Boraook, H., 65 and Dotighei-ty, J. E., 297
Keilin, D., 113 Goss, II,, uncl (iiiilbert, H. R., 71, 700
and Hartree, E. F., 109 and Regan, W. M., 280
and Hiil, R., 113 Richardson, G. A., and Regan, W. M., 291)
and Mann, T., 113, 115 and Windioslcr, C. F., 271, 297
Keith, A., 202 Kloin, J. R., see Bernheim, F., 10!
Keith, M. H., see Mitchell, H, H., d al., 395 Klein, .'. W,, see Jensen, E., et al., "S
Ivelkus, J. W., 179 Klein, W., nn<l Sleuhcr, M., 338
ICclley, M. A. R., 298 Kleiner, I. S., see Tmiher, H., et al., 109
sec Mitchell, H. H., 292, 471 Kleiiniun, N.|.233
and Rupel, I. W., 280 el at., 230
Kelley, R. B., 298 Titelbaum, S., and Feivoson, P., 234
Kellner, O., 32. 54, 68, 346, 472, 480, 481 Titelbaum, S., and Hoffman, H., 271

Klempcrer, F. \V., see Solomon, A. K., et al., 129 Krupper, M., 207
Klemiwrer, G., 393 Kruse, H. D., 691, 767
Klerehcr, K. O., 393 see Wiehl, D. G., 751
Kline, O. L., Keenan, 3. A., Elvelijem, C. A., and Krzywanek, F. W., see Scheunert, A., 251
Hart, E. B.,'S02 Kuhlinan, A. H., and Gallup, W. D., 768
Kliimj), T. G., see King, E. Q., el al., 925 Kuhn, R., 133, 135, 346
• Kluyver, A. .1., 131 et al.. 132, 133
Knapp, B., Jr., see Black, VV. H., el al., 620 sec Kairer, P., 132
see Phillips, R. W.. el al, 229 Kunde, M. JI., 178, 376, 388
Knelir, A. Dill, D. B., and Neufeld, \V.. 921 and Steinhaus, A. H., 373
Kuibbs, J. H., 561 Kimo,Y.,279, 291
Knigiit, C. A., el al., 120 Kurtz, F. E., and Holm, G. E., 802
ICnippinK, H. W., 030
KnoU,E. M., 474,769 Laanes, T., see Bates, R. W., et al., 198
Knutson, .1. W., 783 Lacassugne, A., 145
Koch, F. C,, 150, 154 Lacquer. E., see Zuckerman, S., el al., 145
sec GallaRher, T. F., 149 Laki, K., 132
sec Varney, R. F., et al., 150 Straub, F. B., and Szent-Gyfirgyi, A., 130
Kochcr, R. A., 393 Lamb, A. R., and E^-^-ard, J. M., 252
and Torbet, 11, C., 65 Lamb, L. \\., 864
Koehler, M., 244 Lambert, R., and Teissier, G., 357, 580, 590
Koff, A. K., see Davis, M. E., 168 Lambert, W. V., Ellis, N. R., Black, W. H., and
KofTka, K., 244 Titus. H. W., 10
Koger, M., Meites, J., and Turner, C. W., 197 Lamoreux, W. F., and Hutt, F. B., 265
and Turner, C. W., 173, 174 Landaiier, A. B., see Landauer, W., 679
KurI, p., 133, 205 Landauer, W., 170, 289
and Tocinis, B., 142 see Benedict, F. G., el al., 289, 292, 388 •
Kohler, O. 0., 749, 789 and Landauer, A. B., 679
Elvetijem, C. A., and Hart, E. B., 134 Landergren, E., 393
Kohn, A., 191 Landoh, H. H., and Bornstein, R., 15, 31
Kojimi, M., 170, 174 Lane, T. J. D., 144
Kolckar, H. M., 19, 22 Lanford, C. S., Campbell, H. L., and Sherman,
Kon, 3. K., see Booth, R. G., et al., 211 H. C., 726
Koronchevsky, 165, 289, 668 see Sherman, H. C., 780, 803, 876
et al., 151, 174, 177 Lange, F. A.. 76
and Hall, K., 187 Langley, G. J., see Porter, E., 249
Korzybski, A., 256, 959 Langmaii, L., and Burr, H. S., 157
Koster, R., 161 Lankaster, R., 681
Koudela, S., see Honcamp, I'., et al., 393 Lajiicqiie, L., 592, 603, 603, 606, 607, 649
Krafka, J., 269 et Lapicque, M., 286
Kramer, .1. G., see Denis, W., 395 Lapicque, M., see Lapicque, L., 286
Krarup, N. B., see Hemmingsen, A. M., 241 La Place, P. S., 346
Kratinowa, K., see Palladin, A., 395 see Lavoisier, A. L., 13, 61, 307f 308
Kraus, E,, 338 Laqueur, E,, 229
Krause, R. A., 395 el al., 170
Krauss, W. E., 797, 798, 804 Lardinois, C. C., el at., 742
see Monroe, C. F., 818 Larson, E., see Fisher, N. F., 191
see Monroe, C. F., et al., 190 Latimer, H. B., 162, 404, 595, 621, 649
Krebs, H. A., GG, 108, 129, 138 Laughlin, H. H., 900
and Egnleston, L. V., 130 Laurencc, W. L., 126
and Johitson, W. A., 130 see Meyer, K., 139
Kretchmer, E., 587 Lavoisier, A. L., 12, 13, 307, 346
Kretsclimer, H. L., 144 and La Place, P. S., 13, 61, 307, 308
Kriss, M., 68, 69, 70, 292, 472, 760 and Sequin, A., 13
seeForboa, E. B.', 32, 350, 472, 4S1 Lawes, J. B-, and Gilbert, J. H., 349, 817
see Forbes, E. B., ct al,, 79, 294, 3SS Lawrence, L". L., 811
Forbes, E. B., and Miller, R. C-, 63, 68 Lawson, W,, see Dodds, E. C., et al., 155
and Marcy, L. F., 742 Leary, T., G90
and Smith, A. H., 349, 760 Leathes, J. B., and Raper, H. S., 287
Kriwuscha, A., see Hari, P., 389 Leblond, C. P.. 252
Krogh, A., 42, 314, 355, 356, 372, 922 and Nelson. W. O., 160, 252
see Egg, R., 270 Le Breton, E., 354
and Lindhard, J., 924 and Schaeffer, G., 363
and Schmidt-Jensen, H. O., 27 Le Chatelier, H., 243, 244, 262
Krouzc, N. K., see Asimoff, G. J., 161 Lcdig, P. G., and Lyman, R. S., 343

Lee, A. C., 265 Lincoln, Abe, 961 '

Lcc, J. G.. and Hoson, A. G., 124 Llndhard, J., 225. 280
Lee, M. 0., 165, 182, 198, 199, 200, 209, 361, 303 sec Krogh, A., 924
and Ayres, G. B., 195, 198, 200 Lindsay, M., see Hall, V. E., 10.172, 173
and Freeman, \Y,, 199 Lines, E. \V., and Marston, H. R., 115, 782
and Lee, R. C-, 289 and Pierce, A. W.. 388
and Scliafer, N. K., 198 Ling, S. M., sec Wierzucliowski. M-, 349
and Van Biiskirk, E. F., 165, 172 Lintzel, W-, 814, 816
Lee, II. C., 286. 373, 374, 376, 383 Lionberger, H. F., see Lively, C. E., 751
see Benedict, 1'. G., 229, 308, 621 Lipmann, V.. Ill, 123, 138
see Cnrpenter, T. M., 6fi Lijjpincolt, \V. A., 878
SCO Lee, M-, 289 Lipton, M. A., sec Axeirod, A. E.. et al., 474
LecRaard, 1'., 349 see Miinnering. G. J., el aj., 474
Lcfihre. J., ct Aiigiict, A,, 292, 335, 347, 924 Lissaiicr. W., 308
Lehman, H. C., 67S, 69!) List. C. F-, and Pcct, M. M., 294
Lelimunn, G., see Atzler, E., 898 Little. C. C-. 677
Leiglitoii, <!., and Clark, M. L., 795 Little. M. E., 168
Leitcli, I., see Davison, L. S. P., 782 Little, W. E., and Wright, N. C.. 193
and Godden, \V., 52, 56 Lively. C. E.. and Lionberger, H. F., 751
SCO Orr, J. H., 179, 471 Liverton. R. JI.. and Binkley, E. S., 782
Leonard, S. L., 151 'Llewelyn. L. T., 207
sec Clark, L. B., et al., 214 Lloyd, W. E.. see Asmundson, V. S.. 217
and Rishter, J. W., 623 Loeb, J., l!6, 144, 145, 191, 243, 267. 069, 719
Lepkovsky, S., 124, 133 and Northrop, J. H., 674, 719
el al,. 770 Loel). L., 497. 070
and Jukes, T. H., 125 and Baskett, R. B.. 181
Jukes, T. H., ft al., 124, 132 see Kippen. H. H., 163
Lerman, J., 173, 174 ami Simpson, R. M., 688
see Means, J. H., 179 Loeb. R., 185
Lerner, L M-, 55S, 609 Loeliner, C. A., 075
see Needliam, J., 609 Loewhwright. \V. F., 208
see Salter, W. T., 179 Loewy, A., sec Zuntz, N., 247, 707
Leuckart, H., see Bergmann. H., 356 Logan, M. A., 188
Leveoson, E. .1., see Dill, D. B., el al., 302, 931 I^ginova, N. V., et al.. 106
Levin, L., see Engle, E. T., 140 Logras, G., and Driimmond, J. C., 177, 178
Levine, R., see Soskin, S., 191, 193 Lohmann, K.. 112
Levine, S. Z., el al., 68, 122, 282 and Schuster, P., 132
Levine, V., and Curr, J. G., 049 Lo Monaco, D., see Liiciani, L;, 504
Levy, H,, 260 Long, B., sec Richardson, L. R., et al., 765
Lewin, K,,244 Long, Barbitrii, sec du Vigneaud, V., et al., 126
Lewis, A. A., and Turner, C. W., 155, 649 Ix>ng, C. N. H,, 184. 186, 191, 193. 017, 921
Lewis. C. A., 4(1 Katzin, B,, and Fry, E. G.. 1S5
Lewis, G. N., 12 ' and Lukena. F. D. W., 192
and Randall, M.. 13,14, 15, 17 see Sayers, G,, et al., 152, 187
Lewis. H. B., 383 see Tepperman, J.. el aL, 186
see Hwigson, P., 395 see White, A., ct al., 152. 161
I'lKicgraff, H., and McGinty, D. A., 396 Long, E. A., 12
Lewis, H. G., and Luck, J. M., 345 Long, .1. A., see Evans. H. M.. 194, 195
Lewis, W. H-, 4K6, 490 Long, M. L., and Bischoff, F., 247
and Gregory, P. \V., 490 Long. W. H., see Gerstell, R.. 265
and Hartman, C. G., 486, 490 Longeneckcr, H. E., see Hilditch, T. P., 801, 817
and Wright. E. S., 486, 490 Loomis, A. L., sec Davis, H., el al., 236
Lewis, \V. H,, Jr., 069, 707 Lopascliov, G.. 203
and Alving, A. S., 069 Lotka, A. J., sec Dublin, L. L. 683.689
Li, C. H., Evans, H. M., and Simpson, M.E., 152,187 Louche, A., 223
Lyons, \V. R., and Evans, H. M., 152 Low-dermilk, W, C., 970, 971
Liebig, J. v., 1, 76, 346 Lublin, A., 65, 06
Light, R.V.,elal.. 122, 143 Lucas, J. H.. Hume, E. M. M.. and Smith, H. H.
and Frcy, C, N.. 748 212
Liljcstrand, G., and Zander, E., 927 Luce, R. P., sec Greene, J. A., 345
Lillie, I". R., 878 Luciani, L., et Lo Monaco. D.. 504
Lillie, R., 260 Luck, J. M., 06
Lillie, R. D., see Goldbergor, J., 133 see Lewis, H. G., 345
and Sebrell,\V, H,.774 Luckicsh, M., el al., 217, 218

Lukens, F. D. \V., see Ingle, D. J„ 184, 926 McEachern, D., and Rake, D., 170
see Long, C. N. H., 192 see Rake, D., 176
and Palmer, H. D., 186 McEleney, W. J,, see Andervont, H. H., 700
Lulanie, F., 345 McElroy, L. \Y.. and Goss, H., 120, 742
Lumer, H., 615 McGinty, D. A., see Lewis, H. B., et a!., 396
Lund, A., 768 McGlone, B., see Ba7ett, H. C., 293
Lundhagen, M. A., see Hess, A. F., 211 McHcnry, E. W., 112
Lundsgaard, E.. 66, 68, 69, 103, 104, 138, 923 and Gavin, G., 112, 124,133
el al., 131 sec Gavin, G-, 127,138
Lunin, G., 119 Mclntoah, R.A., see Graham, W. R., Jr., ei al.,
Lunn, A. G., see Kable, G. W., al., 210 814
Lupton, H., 904, 905,921 Mclver, M. A., Redficld, A. C., and Benedict, E. B.,
Lusk, O., 13, 48, 49, 59, 61, 65, 06, 08, 72, 236, 287, 315
307, 308, 310, 311,345, 346, 355, 302, 388, 470, 680, and Winter, E. A., 177
778, 821, 823 McKay, H., and Brown, M. A., 223
see Anderson, R. J., 05, 247 McKendrick, A. G., and Pai, M. K., 500
and Du Bois, E. F., 373, 376, 707 McKenzie, F. F., 164
see Murlin, J. R., 62 and Berliner, V., 298
Riche, J. A., and Soilerstrom, G. F., 346 sec Pliiliiijs, R. W., 298
see Williams, H. B., ei al., 67 see M'arbritlon, V., 159
Lyman, R. S., see Ledig, P. G., 343 McLaughlin, L., and Blunt, K., 395
Lynd, R. S., 965, 971 McLean, F. C., 190
Lyons, M., and Insko, W. M., 112 elal., 191
Lyons, W. R., 160, 161 see Bloom, M. A., 188
see Li, C. H., et al., 152 sec Ross, E. S., 201
Lythgoe, H. C., 869 McMeekan, C. P., 588
and Hammond, J., 577
-McCaleb, L. B., see King, E. Q., et al., 925 McNaught, K. J., 782
McCandlish, A. C., et al., 854 McRoberts, V. F., 760
McCandlish, C., and Struthers, J. P-, 818 and Hogan, A. G., 764
McCann, W. S., see Kallreider, N. L., 930
McCarrison, R., 177, 771 Mocallum, A. B., 116
McCay, C. M., 588, 664, 673, 681, 002, 695, 703, 705 MocCallum, W. G., and Voegtlin. C., 191, 253
el al., 773 MacBryde, C. M., Dreedman, R., DoeRel, E., and
see Bowers, R. E., 116 Castrodale, D., 155
and Maynard, L. A., 818 Macdonald, A., 604
Maynard, L. A., Sperling, G., and Osgood, H. S., MacDowell, C. G., see MacDowell, E. C., el al,, 556
689 MacDowell, E. C., MacDowell, C. G., Gates, W. H.,
h-ee Savage, E- S., 120, 742, 804 and Allen, E., 556
McChesney, E. W., 190 see Smith, P. E., 158, 159
McClendon, J. F., 179 MacGregor, W. W., see Hall, V. E., 623, 649
McClure, F. J., 783 Muck, P. B.,«; aJ.,751
McCollum, E. v., 135, 754, 779 MacKay, E. A., Callaway, J. W., and Barnes, R. H..
a/,, 118, 758, 783, 802 247
and Davis, M., 116, 801 MacKay, E. M., 193
and Hoagland, D. R., 393, 395, 396 Mackenzie. C. G., Mackenzie, J. B., and McCoHum,
see Mackenzie, C. G., 118, 773 E. v., 773
see Mackenzie, J. B., el al., 144 see Mackenzie, J. B., el al., 144
see Orent, E. R., 112 an<l McCollum, E. V., 118
Orent-Keiles, E., and Day, H. G., 754,803 Mackenzie, J. B., see Mackenzie, C. G., el al., 773
and Parsons, 778 Mackenzie, C. G., and McCollum, E. V., 144
see Shils, M. E., 780 Maclagan, N. F., 247
see Simmonds, N., el al., 116 MacLeod, A., see Richter, C. P.. 253
and Steenbock, H., 393, 395 MacLeod, F. L., see Sherman, H. C., 188, 509, 724,
McConnell, W. J., 205 726
McCoy, R. H., Meyer, C. E., and Rose, W. C. MacLeod, G„ 449
761, 775 see Benedict, F. G., 345, 372, 389, 671
McCiillagh, D. R., see Case, E. M., 138 see Rose, M. S., 795
see Cuyler, W. K., el al,, 171 Macleod,.T. J. R.. 191
McCultftgh, E. P., and Rossmiller, H. R., 163
Magee, H. E., and Middleton, W., 247
McDowell, E. C., see Bates, R. \V., et al., 198
MacLeod, L. D., and Reiss, M., 173
McDowell, F. H., 869
McDowell, J. C., 836, 870 MacNidcr, Wm. de B., 06S
McEachern, D., see Andrus, E. C., 176 MaciW, R. F., 749

Macy, I. G.. 832 Matisse, G., 267

et o!., 190, 807, 823 Matthews, C. A., see Swett, W. W., ct al., 649
see Donclson, E. G., 820 see Weaver, E., 222
sec Johnston, J. A., el a!., 435 Matthews, C. S., et al., 162
Madden, R. J., sec Elvehjem, C. A., el a!., 123 Matthews, J. S., see Brody, S., et aJ., 362
Madsen, L. L., sec Van Ettcn, C., el al., 474 Matthews, N. L., see Meyers, J. H., et al., 179
Magath, T. B., see Bollmnn, J. L., el al., 61 Mattill, H. A.. 118, 345
Magee H. E., 72 and Columbic, C., 773
see Henderson, J., 190 and ConkJin, R. E., 118, 136
see Macleod, J. J. R., al., 247 see Friedman, I., 118
Magnc, E., see Kaufmann, M., 813 see Howe, P. E., el al., 395
Magnus-Levy, A.. 171, ISO,675, 688, 707 SCO Miirhn, J. R,. 363, 778
and Falk, E., 674, 688 Maiighan, M. 0-, 799
Mfthoney, \V., and Shcehan, D., 181 Maurer-Mast, E. E.. see Hawley, E. E., 876
Maignon, F., et GuiUion, J., 225 May, H. G.. 568
Major, R. T., see Williams, R. J., 125 and Waters, X. F., 536, 568, 729
Makower, A. A., 538 Mayer, A.. 292
Moles, B., see Giaja, J., 380 sec Chevillard, L., el al., 289. 649
Malline-Hanscn, R., 223 sec Gasnier, A., 246, 289, 308
Malmiwirta, F., and Mikkonen, H., ISI and Nichita, G., 225, 277, 278, 286, 294
Maltlius, T. R., 95,550 Mayer. D. T.. 148, 832
Mann, F. C., see Bollman, J. L., el a/., 81 see Moore, B. H., 105
see Childrey. J. H., el al., 760 Mayer, R. J., 12
sec Wilhelmi, C. M., ef al.. 61, 66 Maynard, L. A., 31, 350, 761, 783, 810
Mann, H. C. Corry, 795 cf a/., 814, 817, 818
Mann, T,, 243 see McCay, G. M., 818
see Keilin, D., 113, 115 see McCay, C. M., et al., 689
Maanering, G. J., el al,, 770 see Williams, H. H., 818
Lipton, M. A., and Elvehjem, C. A., 474 Mead. S. W., see Cole, H. H., 759
Marble. D. R., see Hall, G. O., 710 see Cole, H. H.,«< al., 26
Marcy, L. F., see Kriss, M., 742 Means, J. H.. 168. 173, 183
Margaria, K. E., see Edwards. H. T., tt al., 66 and Lerman. J., 179
Edwards, H. T., and Dill, D. B., !04. 130, 923 see Palmer, W. W., el al., 379, 395
Margolis, G., el al., 771 Meek. K.,356,403
Marie, P.. 195 Meek. W. J., see Pommcrenke, W. T., el al., 433
Marine, D-, 179, 182, 189. 191 Mcigs, E. B., Blatberwick, N. R., and Carj', C. A.
and Bauman, E., 187 816
Mark, H.. 488 Meites, J., see Koger, M., el at., 197
Markowitz, J,, see Cathcart, E. P., 06 and Turner, C. W., 161
Marks, H. H., see Muster, A. M.. el al., 710 Melliinby, E,, 118. 135
Marsden, S. J., 649 Mellor, J. W., 207, 502
Marsh, R. L., see Hewston, E. M., 789 Melnick, J, L., see Stern, K. G.. et al., 103
Marshall, C. E,, 064 Mendel, L. U., see Benedict, F. G., el al., 389
Marsiiall, F. H. A., 200, 207, 209, 217 see Mitchell, H. S., 745
and Bowden, F. P., 210 see Osborne, T. D.. 116, 119, 518, 519, 545, 557,
Marshall, F, W,, 249 095, 723, 724, 725, 764, 761, 775, 801
Marston, H. R., 363, 775 see Osborne, T. B., el al., 546, 754, 756
see Lines, E. W.. 115, 782 and Rose, W. C., 393, 395
Martin. C. J., 266 Mcnge, E. J. K., 243
see Chick, H., 269 Menne, F. I?., el al., 176
Martin, C!. J.. 127, 144 Mering.and Minkowski, O., 192
and Anshiicher, S., 127 Mcri-el), M., 549
see Wisansky, W. A., ct at., 127 Merrins, E. M., 538. 540, 570
Martin, W. J., see Gilmour, J. R., 023 MctchnikofI, 794
Martindalc, F. M., 197 Meyer, A. E., 172
Marx, W,, el al., 198 ct al., 179
Simpson. M. E., el ah, 185 and Wertz, A., 179
Mason, E. II., 06 Meyer, Carl. 811
see Richardson, H. B., 08, 72 Meyer, C. E., see McCoy, R. H., et al., 761, 775
Mason, H. L.. 185 Meyer. I'., 65
see Williams. R. D., et al., 474 Meyer, J., and Necheles, H., 666
Mason, K., et al., 773 Meyi-r, K., see Evans, H. M., el al., 194
Master, A. M., Marks, H. H., and Dock, S., 710 and Laurence, W., 339
Mathews, A. P., 363 Meyer, M. H., see Benedict, F. G., 709

Meyer, R. K., see Biddulph, C., 118, 153 Mitchell, W. C., 965
Meyerhof, O.. 41, 45, 104, 111, 130 Mitscherlich, E. A., 77
ct al., 131 Miwa, N., 538, 540, 541, 570
Meyers, J. H., Matthews, N. L., wid Curtis, G. M., Misner, J. P., Bergman, A. J.. and Turner, C. W
170 588, 595, 617, 622
Michaeiis, L., lOG and Turner, C. W.. 149. 160, 161
Michelson, J., sec Talbot, J. H., 302 see Turner, C. W., 156
Middlctown, \V., gco Miiclcod, J. J. H., ei al., 347 Moersch, F. P.. see Dunlap, H. F,, 183
Middey, T., Jr., 678 MoUtch. M., 174
Mikkonen, H., see Molmiwirta, F., 181 Molitor, H.. 139, 691
Miles, W. R., see Benedict, F. G., el al,, 247 MSller, E. F.. 124
Milhorat, A. T., seo Hardy, J. D., el al., 286 Mollerstrom, J., 235
Miller, F. W., see Swctf, W. W.. 640 MSllgaard, H.. 335, 349, 472, 479, 481
Miller, H. C., 186 Monroe. C. F., and Krauss, W. E., 818
Milier, .T. I., iind Morrison, F. B., 742 Krauss, W. E.. and Sutton, T. 8., 100
Miller, M. F., see Duley, F. L., 068 Moore, B. H., and Mayer, D. T., 105
Miller, O. N., see Richordson, L. R., el al., 112, 126 Moore, C. R., 152, 298
Miller, P., see Herman, M. T., 475 et al., 141
Miller, R. C., sec Kriss, M., e( fif., 63, 68 Simmons, G. F., Wells, L. J., Zalesky, M., and
Miller, W. L.. 119 Nelson, W. O., 20i)
Millikan, G. H., 104 Moore, D. D.. elal., 742
^[ills, C. A., 125('207, 289, 474 Moore, L. A., 118/203, 774
see OkIc, C.. 285, 286, 280 and Ely. R., 767. 789
Mills. F. C„ 844 and Huffman. C. F.. 750
Mills, R. H., 170 see Huffman, C. F., el al., 783
Milner, R. D., see Benedict, F. G., 31, 345 Moore, T., see Booth, R. G., el al., 211
Minkowski, O., sec Mering, J., 102 seo Davics, A. W., 139
Minor, J., sec Pappenhoimcr, A. M., 180 Morgan, A. F., 134, 761. 803
Minot, A. S., see Denis, W., 305 et al., 795
Minot, C. S., 407, 505, 506, 510, 511, 567, 672, 681 and Simms, H. D., 134
Minot, G. R., 134 Morgan, E. J., sec Hopkins, F. G., 120
see Castle, W. B.. 134 Morgan, R. F., and Davb, H. P., 431
and JIurphy, W. P., 134 sec Davis, H. P., ci al., 632
Mirsky, I. A., 187, 193 Morgen, A.. 393
Mishkin<i, D., see Tauber, H., el al., 109 ei al., 393
Mitchell, H. H., 80, 81, 82, S3, 84, 87, 372, 377, 393, Morgulis, S., 396, 773
450, 471, 752, 755, 757, 761, 762, 778, 780 BoUman, V. L., and Brown, H. I., 383
ft al., 191, 388, 441, 742, 748, 790 Morrill, W. P., sec Amberg, S., 305
Beadles, J. R., and Keith, M. H., 305 Morris, C. W., 261
sec Burroughs, E. W., el al., 353 Morris, H. P., Palmer, L. S., and Kennedy, C., 7
and Card, L. E., 165 Morris, J. L., see Folin, O., 395
Card, L. E., and Haines, \V. T., 388, 440, 671 Morris, L. C., el al., 474
Card, L. E., and Hamilton, T. S., 471, 593, 597, Morris, S., 760
626,627, 649 MoiTi8on,F. B.. 30. 472, 477. 470. 480, 481, 840, 88U
and Carman, G. G., 40, 71, 353, 301, 363, 372, 380, 884
395, 471, 671, 760, 780 sec Hart, E. B., et al., 393
see Ellis, M., 756 see Henry, W. A., 475, 476, 477
see Fairbanks, B. W., 760 see Miller, J. I., 742
see Graham, R., 763 see Salisbury, G. W., 742
and Haines, W. T., 294 Morrison, S.. and Feldman. M., 172
and Hamilton, T. S., 277, 292, 335, 349, 391, 303, Morse. M., 176
443, 742, 755, 774, 770, 780 Morse, W. J., sec Rose, W. C., ct al., 797
Hamilton, T. S., el al., 79 Morton, J. J., and Scott, W. J. M., 203
Kammlade, W. G., and Hamilton, T. S., 649 Moss, K. N., 302
and Kelley, M. A. R., 292, 471 Moulton, C. R., 199, 248, 588, 608, 673
and Kick. C.H., 393, 760 el al., 567
and Smuts, D. B., 760 see Armsby, H. P., 29. 54
see Smuts, D. B., el al., 775 see Trowbridge, P. F., cl al,, 340, 588, 608, 040
Mitchell, H. K., Snell, E. E., and Williams, R. J Trowbridge, P. F., and Haigh, L. D., 507, 649
133 Mourot, G., see Amann, 0. V., 383, 306
and Taylor, A., el al., 743 see Terroine, E. F., el al., 393, 395, 396
Mitchell, H. S., and Mendel, L. B., 745 Moussu, M. G., 172,173
Mitchell, J. B., see Juhn, M., 623 Movitt. E. J., sec Baldwin, I. M., 749
Mitciiell, r. C.. 6S1 Mueller, A. J.. see Cox, \V. M., Jr., 807, 832

Pope, A. p., 266 Raper, H. S., see Leathes, J. B., 287

Popov, 349 see Pearson, L. K., 287
Porter, E., and Langley, G. J., 249 see Powis, F., 395
Portor, W.T., 223, 601 Rapkine, L., 45
Portes, B., and Roth, H. A., 182 Rapport, D., 65, 778, 924
Potter, V. R., 145 et al., 347
Poulton, E. P., 8C« Adams, T, W., 312 see Weiss, R., 61
SCO Graham, G., 393 Rasmussen, A. F., Jr., see Waisman, H. A., el al,
Powis, F., and Raper, H. S., 395 140

Pratt, E. F.. and Williams, R. J., 125 Rasmiissen, A. T., 229

Pratt, J. P. A., 151 Ratner, B., 805
Pronant, M., 244 Ratner, S., see Schoenhoimer, R., el al., 353
Prontico, E. P., 8, 801 Rauchcnstein, E., sec Jensen, E., el al., 78
Prescott, M. S., 854 Ray, L. A., sco Robertaon, T. B., 534, 569
Prcvost, J. L., et Dumas, J. B., 274 Ray, S. C., sco Smith, J. A. B., et al., 819
Pricetly, J- G., see Haidane, J. S., 248 Ray, W., sec Dreyer, G., 608
Prince, A. L., sco Henderson, Y., 933 Razafirraahory, R., 383
Pringle, E. M., see Barott, H. G., 267 Read, n. E., 395
SCO Barott, H. G., et (il., 234, 429 Read, J. M., 355, 350
Procter,R.C.,seeBrody,S.. 78.312,354,373, 830,840 Record, P. R., el al., 768
see Brody, S., el at., 354, 373, 374 Redficld, A. A., 113
Brody, S., Jones, M. M., and Chittenden, D. W., Redfield, A. C., see Mclver, M. A., el al., 315
goo Redfield, R., 244, 2M
Pryor, J, W., 103 Reece, R. P., see Gomei, E. T., ei al., 161 •
Przibram, H., 267 Hathaway, I. L., and Davis, H. P., 197
Puffer, R. R., see Wilson, E. B., 561 and Turner, C. W., 197, 252
Purdy, C., and Sheard, C., 351 Reed, L., see Denis, W., 396
Putnam, T. S., Benedict, E. B., and Tecl, H. M., Reed, L. J., see Pearl, R., 556, 560
194, 196, 201 Reed, O. E., 797, 798, 800
see Eckles, C. H., 8
Reforzo-Mombrivcs, J., 152, 174, 176
Quarrels, E., see Snell, E. E., 121 Regan, M. J., see Ragsdale, A. C., ei al., 633
Qucrido, A., see Cannon, W. B., et al., 289 Regan, W. M., and Frccborn, S. B., 280
Quinn, E. J., sec Sherman, H. C., 724, 720 see Kleibcr, M., 280
Quiring, D. P., 649 sea Kleibor, M., et al., 296
sec Crilc G., 592,597, 619, 621, 623, 626, 626, 627, 640 and Richardson, G. A., 280, 281, 295, 296
Quo Tai Chi, 971 Regnault, V., and Reiset, J., 313,319,344
Reichert, T., see Terroine, E. F., 393
Raab, W., 923 Reichstein, T., 185
Rabinowitch, I. M., 66 see Hopkins, F. G., el al., 154
and Bazin, E. V., 312, 343 Reid, W. H. E., 800
Raonkham, T., see Pearl, R., 674 Rcilly, W. A., 163
Ragsdale, A. C., 51 Rein, H., see Grab, W., et al., 251
etah, 565 Reincke, E. P., el al, 815, 816, 817
and Brody, S., 222, 810 Stoneciphor, W. C., and Turner, C. W., 817
80CBrody, S., 632, 810 and Turner, C. W., 175, 170
see Brody, S., el al., 410, 615 see Turner, C. W., 172
sec Davis, H. P., ei al., 632 Williamson, M. B., and Turner, C. W., 176, 815
see Herman, H. A., el aJ., 175 Reiset, J., see RcRnault, V., 313,319, 344
Regan, M. J., and Brody, S., 633 Reias, M-, see MacLeod, L. D., 173
and Turner, C. W., 222 Remington, R. E., cl al., 122
see Washburn, L. E., et al., 337, 822, 820 Rettger, L. P., 794
Uahn, O., 260, 267, 669 et al., 802
Rajzman, A., 65 Rhoad, A.0..280, 298
Rako, D., and McEochcrn, D., 176 Rhoades, R. P., sec Yeakel, E. H., 182, 686
see McEachern, D., 176 Rhoads, C. P., 698
Ralston, N. P., sec Herman, H. A., et al., 176 et al., 120, 145
Ramcaus and Sarrus, 354, 356 see Dobriner, K., 113
sec Sarrua, 354, 355, 366, 372, 403 see du Vigneaud, V., ei al., 145
llanwey, R. J., see Tracy, P. H., el al., 108 sL*e Sugiura, K,, 122
Randall, M., see Lewis, G. N., 13, 14, 15,17 Rice, C. M., and Dean, L. A., 742
Randall, W. C., and Hiestund, W. A., 281 Rice, J. B., sec Carmichael, W. J., 164
Rankin, R. M., 197 Richarda, G. V., see Unna, K., 765,771
Ranson, R. M., 288 Richards, I. A., 257
see Baker, J. R., 209, 214 see Ogden, C. K., 267

Richards, M. B., sec Irving, J. T., 691,764 Roberts, H. K., et al., 156
Richards, O., 609 Roberts, L. J., 802, 803
and Kavanagh, A. J., 609 Robertson, J. D., 178
Richards, R. R., and Keuter, K., 163 Robertson, T. B., 140, 173, 363, 492, 534, 548, 559,
Richardson, G. A., see Kleiber, M., a al., 296 565, 569, 736
see Regan, W. M., 280, 281,295, 296 and Dawborn, M. C., 363
Richardson, H. B., 291, 299 and Ray, L. A., 534, 569
and Mason, E. H., 68, 72 Robinson, A. R., see Beach, E. F., et al., 775
Richardson, L. R., and Hogan, A. G., 133, 804 Robinson, C. S., see Duncan, C. W., et al., 804
see Hogan, A. G., el dl., 133 Robinson, J. H., 140
Hogan, A. G., and Itschner, K. F., 121,124 Robinson, R., see Dodds, E. C., et al., 155
Hogan, A. G., Long, B., and Itschner, K. F., Robinson, S., 923
765 Edwards, H. T., and Dill, D. B., 914, 928, 930
Hogan, A. G., and Miller, O. N., 112,126 and Norman, P. M., 921
Long, B., and Hogan, A. G., 765 Robiquct and Thillaye, 354
Riche, J. A., see Lusk, G., et al., 346 Robison, R., 393
see Williams, H. B., et td., 67 Robscheit-Robbins, F. S., 781
Richet, Ch., 356 and Whipple, G. H., 115
Richter, C. P., 165, 187, 234, 236, 242, 248, 253, 745 Robson, J. M., 155
et al.. 253, 745 and Bonser, G. M., 144
and Barleare, B., 745 Rochford, L. H., 48
and Clisby, K. H., 144 Roehl, W., 393
and Eckert, J. F., 253, 745 Rogers, C. A., 878
and MacLeod, A., 253 Rogers, F. T., 288
and Wislocki, G. B., 195 Rogers, L., see Goodall, J. S., 176
Riddell, W. H., et al., 760 ' Rogers, L. A., 804
Hughes, J. S., and Fitch, J. B., 71 Rogers, Will, 898
Riddle, O., 151, 158, 160, 186, 188, 197, 202, 213,389, RogofT, J. M., and Stewart, G. N., 184
492, 535, 621, 729 Romanoff, A. L., 265, 271, 272, 273, 274, 430, 435,
et al., 197,198 488,558
see Bates, R. W., el al., 198 Smith, L. L., and Sullivan, R. A., 271, 273
Bates, R. W., and Dykshorn, S. W., 160 Ronzoni, E., 138
see Benedict, F. G., 236,345 Root, H. F., and Root, H. K., 427, 429, 433
and Braucher, P. F., 160, 225 see Benedict, F. G., 292
and Dotti, L. B., 188 Root, H. K., see Root, H. F., 427, 429, 433
and Fisher, W. S., 213,214 Rosa, E. B., 345
and Frey, P., 569, 728 see Atwater, W. O., 346
see Schooley, J. P., 159 Rososco, J., see Engle, E. T., 158
Smith, G. C., and Benedict, F. G., 225, 671 Roscoe, H., see Fixsen, M., 876
Ridout, J. H., see Best, C. H., 128, 250 Rose, M. S., 803
Risss, J., see Brody, S., et al., 822 and MacLeod, G., 795
Righter, J. W., see Leonard, S. L., 623 and Valilteich, E. M., 876
RUey, G. A., 23 Rose, W. C., 775
RUey, G. M., 236 et al., 748, 749, 775, 798
and Witschi, E., 210 and Cook, K. G., 378, 395
Ringer, S., 116 see McCoy, R. H., el al., 761, 775
Ringoen, A. R., and Kirchbaum, A., 210 see Mendel, L. B., 393, 395
Ringrose, R. C., and Norris, L. C., Y68 Jones, D. B., Morse, W. J., and Pollock, R. C., 797
Rittenberg, D., see Schoenheimer, R., 817 Rosecrans, 0. Z., 343
see Schoenheimer, R., e( al., 353 Rosentweig, S., 157
and Waebch, H., 129 Ross, D., and Schwab, R., 173
Ritzman, E. G., and Benedict, F. G., 72, 335, 384, Ross, E. S., and McLean, F. G., 201
415,435 Ross, J. F., see Simeone, F. A., 810
see Benedict, F. G., 72, 292, 349,388, 935 Rossini, 26
Colovos, N. F., and Benedict, F. G., 165 Rossiter, R. A., see Ochoa, S., 101
Washburn, L. E., and Benedict, F. G., 420 Rossiter, R. J., 173
Ritzmann, J., see Goettsch, M., 118 Rossiter, W. S., 501
Robb, R. C., 611
Rossmiller, H. R., see McCullagh, E. P., 163
Robbins, W. J., 204
and Bartley, M. A., 204
Roth, H. A., see Portes, B., 182
Brody, S., Jackson, C. M., Hogan, A. G., and Roth, P., 313
Green, C. W., 578 see Benedict, F. G., ei al., 247
and Schmidt, M. B., 124, 204 Rougichitch, O. S., 395
Roberts, C., 520, 538, 540, 541,570, 601, 726 Rous, P., 145
Roberts, E 19 Rowan, W. 206,208,210

Rowe, A. W., el al., 433 Scammon, R. E., 549

and Boyd, E.. 433,435 Schaefo-, A. E., el al., 765.771
Rowlands, I. W., see Parkes, A. S., 196 Sehaeffer, G., see Aubel, E., 66
Rowley, F. B., 302 see Lo Breton, E., 363
Rowntree, L. G., 248 Sehaeffer, R. L., 195
etal.,204 Schafer, E. A., 208
see Amberg, S., 395 Schafer, N. K., see Lee, M. O., 198
Rubbo, S. D., and Gillespie, J. M., 127 Schenk, P., 395
Ruben, 8., et al., 130 Scheunert, A., et al., 393
Rubenstein, B. B., 157 and Knsywanek, F. W., 261
Rubin, S. H., el al., 185 Schiff, A., see C!ooper, Z., 236
Rubinstein, H. S., et al., 163, 164, 165 Sohiff, M., 168
Rubner, M.. 13, 31, 41, 47, 48, 49, 61, 59, 04. 65, 68, Schiller, F. C. S., 267
72, 199,266,288,308,346, 346,347,366,373,376, Schleser, I. H., and Asher, R., 185
391, 403,429, 679 Schlesinger, E., 604
Rudra, M. M., 112 Schmalhausen, I., 259,401,510,556 -
-Ruehe, H. A., see Tracy, P. H., et al., 108 Schmid-Monnard, K., 223
Ruffin, J. M., see Smith, D. T., et al., 123 Schmidt, C., see Bidder, F., 61
Rugg, W. C., 746 Schmidt, C. L. A., 774
Ruhland, W., 41 and Greenberg, D. M., 188, 249, 783
Rundquist, E. A., 10 Schmidt, H., see Winegar, A. H., el al., 120
Rupel, I. W., see KeUey. M. A. R., 280 Schmidt, L. H., and I. G., 289
Rusoff, L. L., 115, 782 Schmidt, M. B.. see Robbins, W. J., 124,204
RusseU, B., 1, 260,261 Schmidt-Jensen, H. O., see Krogh, A., 27
RusseU, J. A., 193,248 Schnabel, C. F.. 749
St. Ruszn&k, and Benk6, A., 134 Schneider, B. A., 173
Ruzicka, L., see Hopkins, F. G., etal., 154 Schneider, B. H., 761
Schneider, E. C., 925,928
Sacks, J., et al., 104,130 and Clark, R. W., 914
Salisbury, G. W., and Morrison, F. B.. 742 Schnepel, R. L., see Warren, D. C., 298
SaUer, K., 710 Schoenheimer, R., 189, 353, 484, 488, 705, 817
Salmon, N. J., and Geist, S. H., 150 Ratner, S., and Rittenberg, D., 353
Salmon, T. N., 170,171,181 and Rittenberg, D., 817
Salmon, U. J., el al., 141 Scholes, J. C., and Hutt, F. B., 271,276
Salmon, W. D., 121 Schooley, J. P., and Riddle, O., 159
Salter, W. T., 115, 206, 213 Schultz, A. S., et al., 767
and Lerner, I. M., 179 Schults, M. P., 176
Salvesen, H. A., 191 Schultze, M. O., 115
Sampson, M. M., see Coplan, H. M., 177 Schumb^, H.,see Zuntz, N.,310
Sandberg, N., el al., 186 Schuster, P., see Lohmann, K., 132
Sandburg, Mrs. Carl, 683 Schwab, R., see Ross, D., 173
see Brody, S., el al., 206,226, 703,832 Schwabe, E. K., and Emergy, F. E., 289
Sanders, H. G., 222 Emergy, F. E., and Griffith, F. R., Jr., 289
see Gamer, F. H., 818 Schwabe, H. L., and Griffith, F. R., Jr., 285
see Hammond, J., 222 Schwarts, O. H., and Drabkin, C., 433
Sandiford, I., et al., 151,165 Scott, H. M., see Conrad, R. M., 877
see Boothby, W. M., 179,338,388, 425,446, 926 and Payne, Jj. F., 207,214
see Deuel, H. J., et al., 444 see Warren. D. C., 214, 236, 877
and Wheeler, T., 427, 429 Scott, J. C., see Bazett, H. C., el at., 290
Wheeler, T., and Boothby, W. M., 433 see Sunderman, F. W., et at., 289
Sandiford, K., see Deuel, H. J., el at., 444 Scott, J. W., see ColUp, J. B., a at., 191
Sandstrom, J., 191 Scott, W. J. M., 187
Sandza, J. O., and Cerecede, L. R., 771 see Morton, J. J., 293
Sanmann, F. P., see Overman, O. R., et al., 805,869 Scott, W. W., and Yermulen, C., 160
Sappington, J., 947 Seara. P. B., 969
Sargent, R. M., 914 SebreU, W. H., 751, 771, 803
Sarrus et Rameaux, 354,355,366, 372, 403 et al., 474,770
see Rameaux, 354,366 see Lillie, R. D.. 774
Sasaki, T., and Yoshida, T., 144 Seeker, J., 184
Savage, E. S., 472, 479, 480, 481, 850 Segaloff, A., and Nelson, W. O., 204
and McCay, 0. M., 120, 742, 804 Seguin, A., see Lavoisier, A. L., 13
see Harrison, E. S., 819, 852 Seibert, W. J., and Smith, R. S., 181
Sawin, P. B., see Hunter, M. W., 170 Seidell, A., and Fenger, F., 213
Sawyer, M., et dl., 395 Seligman, C. G., see Shattock, S. G., 164
Sayers, G., White, A., and Long, C. N. H., 152, 187 Sellei, C., and Spiera, M., 249

Sdye, H., 152 Shuttleworth, F. K., 557, 566,639, 712

Sidney, M. F., see Abramson, D. L., 172
and Albert, S., 146 Sigerist, H. E., 484
ColUp, J. B., and Thompson, D. L., 810 Silberberg, M., and R., 146, 162, 163, 170, 173, 176,
see Thompson, D. L., 'et al., 152 196
Serio, F., 393 Simeone, F. A., and Ross, J. F., 810
Severinghaus, A. E., 181 Simmonds, N., Becker, J. E., and McCoUum, E. V.,
Shafifer, P. A., 100,192, 193,390 116
el al., 925 Simmons,G. F., see Moore, C. R., et al., 209
Shapiro, H. A., and Zwarenstoin, J., 188, 395 Simms, H. D., see Morgan,A. F., 134
Shapley, H., 270 Simms, H. S., 700, 807
Sha^, P. F.,798 and Stolman, A., 673 '
Shattock, S. G., and Scligman, C. G., 164 Simond, A. E., see Bugbee, P., 165
Shattuck, G. C., and Hilferty, M. M., 301 Simonsen, D. G., see Kendall, E. C., 213
Shaw, J. C., et al., 815 Simonson, E., 899
and Petersen, W. E., 815, 816 et al., 151
see Petersen, W. E., 813 and Enzer, N., 919
Shaw, R. H., SCO Eckles, 0. H., 869 Simpson, E. D., 168, 172
Shaw, 'J. H., and Phillips, P. H., 101, 132 Simpson, G. E., 235
Shay, H., 794 Simpson, M. E., see Evans, H. M., 163, 174, 195
Shealy, A. M., see Becker, R. B., et al., 782 see Evans, H. M., et al., 181, 194
Sheard, C., 294 see Li, C. H., et al., 152,187
see Purdy, C., 351 see Marx, W., et al., 185
Shearer, G. D., see Nicholson, J. A., 193 Simpson, R. M., see Loeb, L., 088
Sheehan, D., see Mahoney, W., 181 Simpson, S., 168, 171, 271
Sheets, R. F., apd Struck, H. C., 178 and Gdbraith, J. J., 233
Sheldon, W. H., Stevens, S. S., and Tucker, W. B., see Galbraith, J. J., 237
587 Sinclair, J. W., see Bird, S., 890
Shelley, W. B., and Hemingway, A., 281 Singer, E., 153, 773
Shelling, D. H.,' 188, 249 Sinnott, E. W., 575
Shepherd, G., 968 and Dunn, L. C., 575
Shepherd, J. B., see Woodward, T. E., et al., 94 Siven, V. O., 393
Sherman, H. C., 31, 116, 222, 350, 532, 747, 780, 803, Sjollema, B., 194, 783
804 Skaarpp, C. S., see Jacobsen, E., 155
et al., 223, 692, 725, 707 Skinner, J. T., and Steenbock, H., 112
see Benedict, F. G., 675 Slack, E. P., see Benedict, F. G., 293
and Campbell, H. L., 757, 795 Slater, B. R., see Hopkins, F. G., 120
Campbell, H. L., et al., 692 Sleeth, C. K., see Van Liere, E. J., 597, 649
and Hawley, E. E., 802 Sloan, E. P., 168, 685
and Lanford, C. S., 780, 803, 876 Slonaker, J. R., 151, 162, 164, 165, 242, 435, 437, 683,
see Lanford, C. S., et al., 726 823
and MacLeod, F. L., 188, 569, 724, 726 Slotin, L., see Evans, E. H., 129
and Pappenheimer, A. M., 802 Smelzer, G. K., 181
and Quinn, E. J., 724, 726 Smillie, W. G., see Folin, 0., et al., 181
Sherman, W. C., et al., 781 Smith, A. H., and Anderson, J. E. 242
and Elvehjem, C. A., 119 see Anderson, W. E., 195, 198, 540
Sherrington, C. S., 244 and Bing, F. C., 546
Sherwin, C. P., see Muldoon, J. A., 396 see Kriss, M., 349, 760
Sherwood, C. R., see Drill, V. A., 177 Smith, B. F., see Williams, R. D., el al., 474
Sherwood, D. H., and Dean, H. K., 94 Smith, D. C., and Perman, J. M., 178
Sherwood, R. M., 768 Smith, D. D., and Jones, M. M., 938
and Fraps, G.k, 475, 768 Smith, D. T., Rufiin, J. M., and Smith, S. G., 123
Sherwood, T. C., 242 Smith, E., 225
Shils, M. E., and McCollum, E. V., 780 Smith, G., and Jones, E. E., 204
Shock, N. W., 165 Smith, G. C., see Riddle, O., et al., 225, 671
Shohl, A. T., 116, 780, 804 Smith, G. E., 179
see Cannon, W. B., et al., 180 Smith, H. H., see Lucas, J. H., et al., 212
Shook, F., see Bennett, J. P., 208 Smith, H. M., 910, 911
Shorr, E., see Barker, S. B., 104 see Benedict, F. G., et al., 247
see Chambers, W. H., et al., 181 Smith, J. A. B., see Aylward, F. X., et al., 817
Short, D. M., see Grimm, P. D., 768 and Dastur, N. N., 175, 819
Short, J. J., 235 Howat, G. R., and Ray, S. C., 819
Shakers, C. F., et al.. 435, 806, 832 Smith, J. L., 145, 700
ShuU, G. M., el al., 767 Smith, L. J., 118
Shumaoher, H. B., 187 Smith, L. L., see Romanoff, A. L., et al., 271, 273

Smitb, M., 444, 393 Steenbock, H., and Hart, E. B., 795
Smith, P. E., 146, 158, 162,187, 194, 195 see Hart, E. B., 179, 760
and Englo, E. T., 158,167 see McCollum, E. V., 393, 395
and MaoDowell, E. C., 158,159 Nelson, V. E., and Hart, E. B., 393
see Wintersteiner, O., 155 see Skinner, J. T., 112
Smith, R. H., see Jensen, E., el al., 78 see Waddell, J., el al., 115
Smith, R. S., see Seibert, W. J., 181 Stein, H. B., see Gilman, J., 163
Smith, S. G., see Smith, D. T., el al., 123 Steinhaus, S. H., 376, 388, 921
Smith, S. L., 475 see Kunde, M. M., 373
Smuts, D. B., 378, 380, 388, 389, 393, 395, 443 Stekol, J. A., and Conway, W. J., 122
see Mitchell, H. H., 760 Stenback, K. S., see Hilden, A., 237
Mitchell, H. H., and Hamilton, T. S., 775 Stephenson, M., 17,102,106
Smuts, J. C., 22, 244 Stepbenson, W., 538, 570, 601, 604, 726
Snedecor, G. W., 400 Stem, K. G., Melnick, J. L., and Du Bois, D., 103
SneU, E. E., el al., 767 see Oppenheim, C., 102
see Eakin, R. E., el al., 126 Steme, G. D., see Pincus, G., el al., 271
Eakin, R. E., and Williams, R. J., 121 Stetten, D., 128
see Mitchell, H. K., el al., 133 Steuber, M., 345,346
and Peterson, W. H., el al., 134 see Klein, W., 338
and Quarrels, E., 121 Steudel, H., see Ellinghaus, J., el al., 395
and Wright, L. D., 757 Steven, D.. see Wald, G., 117
Snell, 0., 603, 607 Stevens, S. S., see Sheldon, W. H., el al., 587
Snodgrass, J. M., 157 Stewart, C. P., and Percival, G. H., 249
Sober, H. A., see Axelrod, A. E., el al., 101 Stewart, G. N., 363, 593, 597, 625, 626, 627, 628, 649
Soderstrom, G. F., Barr, D. P., and Du Bois, E. F., see Rogolf, J. M., 184
68 Stiebeling, H. K., 750, 751, 787, 802, 876
see Hardy, J. D., 275 et al., 751
see Lusk, G., el al., 346 see Carpenter, R. C., 802
Solandt, D. Y., and Best, C. H., 128 and Phipard, E. F., 751, 802
Solomon, A. K., Vennesland, B., Klempeter, F. W., and Ward, M. M., 802
Buchanan, J. M., and Hastings, A. B., 129 Stieglitz, E. J., 664, 668
Sommer, H. H., see Swanson, A. M., 108 Stier, T. J. B., 165
Sorg-Matter, H., see Terroine, E. F., 380,391 and Pincus, G., 271
Soskin, S., 191 Stimmel, B. F., see Cuyler, W. K., el al., 171
and Levine, R., 191,193 Stirling, J. D., see Blackwood, J. H., 810, 813
Souther, S. P., see Jenss, R. M., 638 Stock, J., et al., 767
Sowden, J. 0., and Fischer, H. O. L., Ill Stockard, C. R., 198,202
Sparks, C. A., and Dawson, A. B., 162 and Papanicolaou, G. N., 156
Sparrow, C. D., see Brody, S., el al., 722 Stockholm, M., see Althausen, T. L., 172
Spaul, E. A., 171 Stolman, A., see Simms, H. S., 673
Speert, H., 161 Stone, C. P., 151
Spemann, H., 202, 203, 258 Stonecipher, W. C., see Reineke, E. P., el al., 817
el al., 203 Stopes, Marie, 552
Spence, K. W.. and Yerkes, R. M., 557 Stotsenburg, J. M., 164, 510, 517
Spencer, J., Gustavson, R. G., and d'Amour, F. E., Strang, J. M., see Evans, F. A., 46
163 Strants, 578
Sperling, G., see Asdell, S. A., el al., 434, 438 Straub, F. B., see Laki, E., et al., 130
see Bogart, R., et al., 434, 437 Sttatis, W. L., 171
see McCay, C. M., el al., 689 Street, H. R., and Cowgill, G. R., 770
Spiera, M., see Sellei, 0., 249 Cowgill, G. R., and Zimmerman, H. M., 774
Spies, T. D., el al., 773 Streeter, G. L., 485, 490, 510, 524, 605
Copper, C., and Blankenhorn, M. A., 123 see Heuser, C. H., 486
SpiUman, W. J., 76, 77, 87 Strong, E. M., see Elvehjem, C. A., el al., 123
Spoehr, H. H., 23 Struck, H. C., see Sheets, R. F., 178
Squier, R. R., 490 Struik, D. J., 280
Stamp, Sir Josiah, 965 Struthers, J. P., see McCandlish, C., 818
Stanley, W. M., 263 Sturgis, C. C., and Greene, J. A., 178
Stare, F. J., and Hegsted, M., 749 Subbarow, Y., see Fiske, C. H., 103, 104
Steadman, S. R., 236 Suguira, K., and Rhoads, C. P., 122
Stearn, A. E., 12, 664 Suligowski, F., 538, 570
Steele, J. M., 673 Sullivan, R. A., see Romanoff, A. L., et al., 271,273
see Cobn, A. E., 597, 649 Sulman, F., 152
Steenbock, H., 135 Sunderman, F. W., 278
el dl., 122 see Bazett, H. C., et al., 290
see Gross, E. G., 395,396 Scott, J. C., and Basett, H. C., 289

Supplee, G. C., et al., 769, 770 Terroine, E. F., 68, 69, 72, 237, 287, 371, 378, 379,
Bender, R. C., and Kahlenberg, 0. J., 474 383, 395
Sure, B., 101, 102, 127, 128, 177, 474, 765, 771, 773, 784 et al., 377
and Buchanan, K. S., 177 and Amann, O. V., 378
and Ford, Z., 121 and Bonnet, R., 66
Suter, G. M., see Beck, H. G., 201 Bonnet, R., and Champagne, M., 395
Sutliflf, W. D., and Holt, E., 356 Bonnet, R., and Chotin, R., 395
Button, T. S., 118 Bonnet, R., Chotin, R., and Mourot, G., 393, 396
et td.. 110, 120, 742 Bonnet, R., Danmanville, P., and Mourot, G.,
see Monroe, C. F., el al., 190 393, 395
Swann, H. G., 253, 745 Boy, G., and Champagne, M., 393
Swanson, A. M., and Sommer,H. H., 108 Boy, G., Champagne, M., and Mourot, G., 395
Swanson, E. W., and Herman, H. A., 443, 446 and Champagne, M., 393, 395
742, 759 Champagne, M., and Mourot, G., 393,395
and Turner, C. W., 810 and Danmanville, M., 395
Swett, W. W., 590, 649 and Delpech, 597, 649
et al., 623 Giaja, J., and Boy, G., 393
see Eckles, 0. H., 164 and Reichert, T., 393
and Graves, R. R., 587,590,649 and Sotg-Matter, H., 380,391
Matthews, C. A., Miller, F. W., and Graves and Trautman, S., 286
R. R., 649 and Wurmser, R., 3, 11, 43, 45, 55
Miller, F, W., Graves, R. R., Black, W. H., and Thaysen, A. C., 749
Creech, G. T., 649 Theorell, H., 114
Swift, R. W., 282 Thillaye, see Robiquet, 354
and Forbes, R. M., 277, 278, 286, 288 Thimann, K. V., 205
see Voris, A. L., al., 101 see Commoner, B., 205
Swingle, K. F., seeAxeliod, A. E., et al., 115 see Harris, R. S., 204
Swingle. W. W., et al., 185 see Wendt, F. W., 204, 275
see Davenport, C. B., 170 Thomas, B. H., Cannon, C. Y., et al., 116
Sydenstricker,E., see Clark, T., et al., 638 Thomas, K., 393, 778
Ssent-Gyflrgyi, A., 100, 107, 109, 114, 121, 134 Thome, 349
and Banga, I., 123,132 Thompson, D. A. W., 575,590
see Haworth, W. N., 109 Thompson, D. L., 192, 202
see Laki, K., et <d., 130 and Collip, J. B., 188
Szymanski, J. S., 236 Collip, J. B., and Selye, H., 152
see Selye, H., et al., 810
Takahira, H., 368 Thompson, H. M., see Hilditch, T. P., 817
Takamine, J., 180 Thompson, K., and Gaiser, D. W., 194, 195
Talbot, F. B., see Benedict, F. G., 446 Thompson, K. W., 152
see Benedict, F. G., et al., 425 Thompson, R. H. S., and Johnson, R. E., 119
Talbot, F. S., et al., 349 Thompson, R., 139,811
Talbot, J. H., see Dill, D. B., elal., 252, 924 Thompson, W. C., 971
and Miohelson, J., 302 Thompson, W. O., 688
Talbot, N. B., et al., 149 and Heokel, N. J., 165,182
Tang, Y. Z., 164 Thoreau, H. D., 712
TangI, F., 3, 41, 43, 44, 65, 877 Thorn, G. W., et al., 185
and Farkaa, K., 43 Thornton, M. J., see Foster, F. C., 175
Tanner, W. F., 119 Thunberg, T.. 102, 107, 138
Tauber, H., 115 Thurston, L. M., 109
Kleiner, I. S., and Mishkind, D., 109 see Brown, W. C., 116
Taylor, A., see Mitchell, H. K., et al., 743 Eckles, C. H., and Palmer, L. S., 120
Taylor, A. E., 752, 803, 804 Tisdall, F. F., and Brown, D., 211
Taylor, C., 921, 932 Tissot, J., 337
Taylor, F. W., 898
Titelbaum, S., see Kleitman, N., el al., 234, 271
Taylor, L. W., and Burmester, B. R., 172
Titus, H. W., 78, 87, 481, 883
Teel, H. M., and Cushing, H., 194
see Putnam, T. S., et al., 194,196,201 see Borott, H. G., el al., 234
Teissier, G., 355,356,357,575,590, 609,640 Byerly, T. C., and Ellis, N. R., 876
see Lambert, R., 357, 586, 590 see Byerly, T. C., et al., 886, 887
Teply, L. J., Axelrod, A. E., and Elvehjem, C. A., see Hendricks, W. A., et al., 78, 87
143 see Jull, M. A., 78
Tepperman, J., et al., 185 see Lambert, W. V., el al., 10
Engel, F. L., and Long, C. N. H., 186 Tobey, E. F., see Gowan, J. W., 815
Teresi, J. D., Elvehjem, C. A., and Hart, E. B., 116 Tobin, H. A., see Duncan, C. W., el al., 194
Terman, L. M., 854 Todd, A. R., see Hopkins, F. G., et al., 154

Todd, T, W., 713 Uhlenhuth, J. F., 171

Todd, W. W., and Wharton, R. E., 168 Underhill, F. P., and Goldschmidt, S., 393, 395
Todd, W. R., Elvehjem,C. A., and Hart, E. B., Unna, K., 771
116 et al., 766
Todd, W. W., see Todd, T. W., e< al., 168 and Richards, G. V., 766, 771
Tolman, R. C., 590, 594 UoUla, U. U., 289
Tomita, M., 506 Updegraff, H., see Lewis, H. B., et al., 396
Tongberg, C. O., see Conant, J. B., 131 Urwick, L., 898
Tomiia, B., see K0gl, F., 142 Vahlteich, E. M., see Rose, M. S., 876
Topper, A., and Copen, P., 174 Van Buskirk, E. F., see Leo, M. O., 165,172
and Mulier, H., 46 Vancaulaert, C., see Bock, A.V., el al., 936
Torbot, H. C., see Kocher, R. A, 65 Van Dyke, H. B., 146
Toulouse, E. F., and Pieron, H., 237 et al., 148
Towne, L. E., see Nathanson, I. T., el al., 149 see Davis, J. E., 389
Tracy, M., and Clark, E. E., 395 see Domm, L. V., 158
Tracy,P. H., Ramsey, R. J., and Ruehe,H. A., 108
Van Etten, C., etal., 769
Transeau, E. N., 22
Ellis, N. R., and Madsen, L. L., 474
Trautman, S., see Terroine, E. F., 286
Van Landingham, A. H., Henderson, H. O., and
Trowbridge, E. A., et ol., 567
Weakley, C. E., Jr., 176
see Brody, 8., 900 Van Liere, E. J., 252
and Chittenden, D. W., 567
and Sleeth, C. K., 697, 649
see Hogan, A. G., et al., 597
Van Niel, C. B., 129,130
Trowbridge, P. F., see Griawold, D. J., et al., 649 Van Overbeek, J., 204, 205
see Moulton, C. R., et al., 597, 649
Van Slyke, D. D., et al., 262
Moulton,C. R., and Haigh, L. D., 588, 608, 649 see Peters, J. P., 252
Moulton, C. R., Hogan, A. G., Haigh, L. D., van't Hoff, J. H., 14, 267
und Cohen, E., 267
Tucker, W- B., see Sheldon, W. H., et al., 587
Van Wagenen, G., 164
Tugo, N. W., 197
Varney, R. F., et al., 166
Turner, 0. W., 160, 161, 167, 174, 186, 207, 222, 226, Kenyon, A. T., and Koch, F. C., 150
. 252, 680, 809, 810
Vennesland, B., see Solomon, A. K., el al., 129
etal., 175,680
Venning, G. E., and Browne, S. L., 141
see Bergman, A. J., 160,181
Vermooten, V., see Neuswanger, C. H., 144
see Campbell, I. L., 188, 189, 190, 623, 824 , 772 Vermulen, C., see Scott, W. W., 150
and Cupps, V. T., 176, 649
Vernon, H. M., et al., 899
see Elijah, H. D., 146,176
Vichnjitch, M., and Chakovitch, X., 289
Frank, A. H., and Nibler, C. W., 159
Viorordt, K. H., 684, 649
SCO Gomez, E. T., 440
Villegaa, V., 207
see Gomez, E. T., el al., 161
Vilter, R. W., el al., 124
see Graham, W. R., Jr., el al., 814,815,816 Vinson, C. G., 263
SCO Herman, H. A., el al., 175 Voegtlin, C., and Chalkey, H. W., 204
see Hurst, V., 197
see MocCaUum, W. G., 191, 253
see Kibler, H. H., el at., 586, 587, 594, 616
Voit, C., 61, 288, 346, 363
see Roger, M., 173, 174
seo Pettenkofer, M., 313, 335, 345
see Kogcr, M., et al., 197
Valker, H., 237
see Lewis, A. A., 155, 640
Vflltz, W., 393
see Meites, J., 161
Von Baer, K. E., 490
and Mixner, J. P., 156
Von Bonen, G., 649
see Mixner, J. P., 149, 160, 161
von Mering, J., and Minkowski, O., 192
see Mixner, J. P., et al., 588, 595, 617, 622
Voris,A. L., Black, A., Swift, R. W., and Frencli,
see Peterson, V. E., 806
C. E., 101
and Reinekc, E. P., 172
see Forbes, E. B., 839
see Reineke, E. P., 175, 176
see Reineke, E. P., .el al., 176, 815, 817 Waddell, J., Elvehjem, C. A., Steenbock, H., and
see Ragsdale, A. C., 222 Hart, E. B., 115
see Reece, R. P., 197,252 Waddington, C. H., 202, 203, 676
see Swanson, E. W., 810 see Needham, J., et al., 203
Turner, H. H., el al., 163 and Walsky, A., 203
Tumois, J., 208
Waebch, H., sec Rittenberg, D., 129
VVaglom, W. H., see West, P. M., 126
Twain, Mark, 263
Wainio, W. W., 764
Tweedy, W. R., 191 Waisman, H. A., et al., 743
Twitty, C., 611 Rasmussen, A. F., Jr., Elvehjem, C. A., and
Tyler, A., 4, 46, 47, 267 Clark, P. J., 140
Tyler, D. B., and Harreveld, A., 404 see Woolley, D. W., et al., 126
Tyslowitz, R., 152 ' Waite, R. H.. 165,886, 887, 888, 895

Wald, G., and Steven, D., 117 Werthessen, N. T., 241

Wall, E. M., 782 Wertz, A., see Meyer, A. E., 179
Wall^, H.A., 969 Wesson, L. G., 345
Walaky, A., see Waddington, C. H., 203 West, P. M., and Waglom, W. H., 126
Walton, A. W., and Hammond, J., 547,548 West, R., 122,143
Wang, C. C., 68 Wetmore, A., 233, 620
Frank, M., Kern, R., and Hays, B. B., 395 Wetzel, N. C., 662, 638
Wang, G. H., 165, 242,433,435,823 Wharton,R. E., see Todd, T. W.,etal.. 168
Wanra, C. A.,and Webb, L. J., 1^ Wheeler, T., see Sandiford, I., 427, 429
Warbritton,V., and McKenzie, F. F., 159 see Sandiford, I., el al., 433
Warburg, O., 23, 102, 114, 138 Whetham, E. 0., 56,216
and Christian, W-, 132 Whipple, G. H., et al., 115
Ward, M. M.,seeStiebeling, H. K., 802 see Robscheit-Robbins, F. S., 116
Wardlow, H. S. H., see Benedict, F. G., 292, 293 Whitaker,J. R., see Parkins, A. C., 968
Warren, D. C., 298 ^Vhitaker, W. L., 207, 210
see Bennion, N. L., 298 White,A., Bosnes,R. W.,and Long, C. N. H., 162
and Conrad, R. M., 298 Catchpole, H.R.,and I^ng, C.N.H.,162,161
and Schnepel, R. L., 298 see Sayers, G., et al., 152,187
and Scott, H. M., 214, 235, 877 see Wooley, 0. W., 143
Warren, R., seePembrey, M.S., elal., 271, 274 White, G. C., and Judkins, H. F., 222
Warren,T. R., see Atkeson, F. W., 746 White, P., see FoUey, S. J., 175
Warwick, E. J., and Casida, L. E., 167 White, P. D., 920
Washburn,A. L., see Cannon, W. B., 247 White, P. R., 146,204
Washbum,L. E., and Brody, S., 26,194 Whitehead, A. N., 232, 267
Brody, S., and Ragsdale, A. C., 337, 822, 826 Whitnah, C. H., el al., 798
see Ritzman, E. G., ei al., 420 Whitney, M., 968
Waterman, H. C., and Johns, C. O., 761 Wiazemsky, N. W., 638, 540, 570
Watere, H. J., 294,588 Wiegnor, G., und Ghoneim, A., 79, 80
Waters, N. F., see May, H. G., 536, 568, 729 Wiehl, D. G., and Kruse, H. D., 761
Watson, D. J., 22 Wieland, H., 102,114,138
Watson, H. M. S., see Folley, S. J., ei al., 165 Wierzuchowski, M., and Ling, S. M., 349
Weakley, C. E., see Atwood, H., 430, 435, 505, 521, Wieso, A. C., Elvehjem, C. A., Hart, E. B., al., 112
622, 623 Wieske, B. P., and Bachrach, A. L., 118, 153
Weakley, C. E., Jr., see Van Landingham, A. H., Wilander, O., see Agren,C., et al., 234
el al., 176 Wilcock,E. G„ and Hopkins, F. G., 775
Weaver, E., and Matthews, C. A., 222 Wilcox, W. H., 302
Weaver, E. R., see Palmer, P. E., 343 Wilder, O. H. M., el al., 761
Weaver, L. A., see Hogan,A. G., elal., 597, 649 Wilder,R. M., see Williams, R. D., et al., 474
Webb, L. J., see Wanra, C. A., 135 Wildier, E., 119
Webb, R. E., and Hileman, J. L., 109 Wiley, F. H., and Newburgh, L. H., 277, 288
Webster, T. A., see Campbell, J. A., 235 Wilgus,H. S., Norrifl, L. C., and Heuser, P. H., 112
Weokel, K. G., 800 and Patton, A. R., 112
Wegner, M. I., el al., 742 Wilgus, H. S., Jr., el al., 761
Booth,A. N., Elvehjem, C. A., and Hart, E, B., Wilhelmj, C. M., 66
120 BoUman,J. L., and Mann^ F. C., 61,66
Weinbach, A. P., 543,720, 736, 737, 813 Wilhelmy, L., 76, 664
Weinberg, S. J., 195 WUkins, L., 174
Weiss, P., 575 el al., 183
Weiss, R., 258 Fleischmann, W., and Black, W., 713
and Rapport, D., 61 Wilkins, S. L., see Pappenheimer, A. M., 623
Weissenberg, S., 538, 540, 670, 601, 603 Wilkins, W. E., et al., 201
Welch, A. D., 128 Wilkinson, H., 800
Welch, H., 179 Willham, O. S., see Craft, W. A., 6
Welch, M. S., see Colowick, S. P., el al., Ill Williams, C., Phelps, D., and Burch, J. C., 170
Wells,B. B., and Kendall, E. C., 186 Williams, H. B., 346
Wells,H. Gideon, and Osbome, T. B., 805 Riche, J. A., and Lusk, G., 67
Wells, L. J., 209 Williams, H. H., and Maynard, L. A., 818
see Moore, C. R., el al., 209 Williams, R. D., el al., 769
see Zaiesky, M., 209 Mason,H. L., Smith. B. F., and Wilder,R. M.,474
Welsh, J. H., 241 Mason, H. L., and Wilder, R. M., 474
and Osbom, C. M., 236 Williams, R. H., el al., 177
Wendt, F. W., 204 and BisseU, G. W., 144
and Thimann, K. V., 204, 675 WilUams, R. J., 119,120,122,124,132,139
Werkman, C. H., and Wood,H. G., 129,130 et al., 133, 767
see Wood, H. G.. 129,130 see Eakin, R. E., el al., 126
Wertheiner, F. I., and Hesketh, F. E., 589 and Major, R. T., 125

WiUiams, R. J. (Cont'd) Woolf, L., 257

see MitcheU, H. E., et al., 133 WooUey, D. W., 127,133
see Pratt, E. F., 125 see Elvehjem, C. A., et al., 123
see SneU, E. E.. et <d., 121 Waisman, H. A., and Elvehjem, C. A., 125
Williamson, H. H., see Anderson, W. E., 817 Warner, H., 368
Williamson, M. B., see Reineke, E. P., al., 176,815 Wortis, H., 774
Willkie, W. L., 652 Wright, E. S., see Lewis, W. H., 486, 490
Willstatter, R., 135 Wright, K. E., see Overman, O. R., 815, 826
Wilmer, H. A., 404 see Overman, O. R., et al., 805, 869
. Wilson, D. W., see Gurin, S., 817 Wright, L. D., see SneU, E. E., 767
Wilson, E. B., 260, 261 Wright, N. C., 792
and Puffer, R. R., 561 see Little, W. E., 193
Wilson, G., 301 Wright, S., 631, 714, 731, 736
Wilson, H. 0., see Wilson, J. G., 162 Wright, W. S., see Cannon, W. B., et al., 180
Wilson, H. E. C., 383 Wrinoh, D., 488
Wilson, J. G., and Wilson, H. C., 162 Wurmser, R., 23, 106, 131
Wilson, R. E.. 320 see Terroine, E., 3, 11, 43, 46, 55
Winchester, C. F., 172, 176, 206, 228, 325, 326, 338, Wyeno, J., see Frohring, W. O., 475
356,373, 423, 910, 947 Wylie, C. E., 222
see Eleiber, M., 271, 297 Wyss, O., et al., 143
Windaus, A., 132,135
Windes, A. C., see Brody, S., 675
Windle, W. F., 408 Yaglou, C. P., 303, 304
Winegar, A. H., Pearson, P. B., and Schmidt, H., .Yeakel, E. H., and Rhoades, R. P., 182, 685
120 Yerkes, R. M., see Grether, W. F., 501
Winegorden, H. M., see Borsook, H., 20, 65, 66 see Spence, K. W., 657
Winkler, C. A., 338 Ylinen, L., 832
Winogradsky, S., 18,129 Yoshida, T., see Sasaki, T., 144
Winslow, C-E. A., 303 Young, F. G., 187,192
see Falk, I. S., 669 see Folley, S. J., 161
see Gagge, A. P., et al., 277, 278 Young, H. H., ISO
Harrington, L. P., and Gagge, A. P., 293 Young, W. J., see Harden, A., 102, 111
Winter, E. A., see Molver, M. A., 177 Youngburg, G. E., and Finch, M. W., 396
Winters, L. M., 8 Yule, G. v., 561
Winterstein, M. P., 150
Wintersteiner, 0., 185,186
and Smith, P. E., 155 Zaesky, M., see Moore, C. R., et a{., 209
Wintrobe, M. M., 771 and Wells, L. J., 209
Winzler, R. J., see Burk, D., el al., 126 Zander, E., see Liljestrand, G., 927
Wirtechafter, Z. T:, 780 Zechmeister, L., 135
Wisansky,W. A., Martin, G. J., and Ansbacher, S., ZeUer, H., 396
127 Zeller, J. H., see Ellis, N. R., 90
Wise, D., 122 Zenkovic, B. A., 649
Wise,G. H., Gulliokson, T. W., and Petersen, W.E., Zilva, S. S., 134,475
804 Golding, J., Drummond, J. C., and Coward,
Wislocki, G. B., see Richter, 0. P., 195 K. H., 203
Witchi, E., 151 Zimmerman, H. M., 774
Witschi, B., 203 et al., 774
Witschi, E., see Riley, G. M., 210 see Cobb, S., et al., 773
Wolbaoh, S. B., and Bessey, O. A., 118, 774 see Street, H. R., et al., 774
Wolf, C. G. L., see Osterburg, E., 395,396 Zimmerman, P. W., and Hitchcock, A. E., 205
Wolfe, J. M., see Campbell, M., 174 Zmachinsky, A., see Ellis, L. N., 122
Wolff, C., 689 Zondek, B., 163,186
Wood, H. G., and Werkman, C. H., 129, 130 and Ascheim, S., 158
see Werkman,C. 1^., 129,130 Zom, W., 172
Wood, T. B., see Capstick, J. W., 72, 294 Zowadowsky, M. M., 151
Woodbury, R. M., 566, 612 Zucker, M. B., see Bent, R. J., 101
Woodger, J. H., 1, 244, 261 Zucker, T. T., 242
Woodruff, L. L., 669 Zuckerman, S., 202,207
Woods, R., 801 Lacquer, E., et al., 145
Woods, D. D., 142 Zunts, N., 61
Woodward, T. E., see Jensen, E., et al., 78 and Hagemann, O., 388
Shepherd, J. B., and Graves, R. R., 94 und Loewy, A., 247,' 707
Wooley, O. W., 143 and Schumberg, H., 310
and White, A. G. C.. 143 Zwarenstein, J., see Shapiro, H. A., 188,395
Subject Index
aging, causes of, 664-69, 674
and the circulatory system, 699
acclimatization and heat production, 283,285-88 colloidal theory of, 673,678-80
acetylcholine, 128,141 control of, 676-81
acid-level regulation, 250-52 criteria, 698
acrodynia, 121 and diet, 689-08
acromegaly, 195, 201 and digestive enzyme activity, 666
"active mass" as reference base, 363 disease incidence in, 696-97
Addison's disease, 184-85 egg production as index of, 675,700-2,710-11
adenyl pyrophosphate, 103-04,134 equations, 701-4
adrenal cortex, 184-88 and exercise, 682-84
and adrenal medulla, 184 and eye accommodation, 668
and androgenic tissue, 187 and growth, 664-711
and carbohydrate metabolism, 102 and homeostasis, 667,699-700
diseases of, 184-85 indices and quantitative analysis of, 698, 706,
and related endocrines, 187 712-13
enlargement of, 186 metabolism as index of, 667, 669-72, 674-76, 679,
and feminism in man, 186 685,707-9
functions of, 185 milk production as index of, 679-83, 686-95, 700,
and glutathlone, 187 702-fl, 711
and gonadectomy, 186-87 and neuroendocrine activity, 685-89
growth of, 185-86 and reaction time, 667-700
hormones of, 150, 184-85 reserve power as index of, 667, 699-700
and the "infant Hercules", 186 and temperature, 684-85
and lactation hormones, 187 theories, 668-75
and the pituitary, 187 wound healing as index of, 675
and salt metabolism, 185 and vitamins needs, 764
and sex hormones, 186 agricultural progress and population growth, 961-63
and virilism, 186 air
adrenalectomy, 187 alveolar, 919
adrenal glands, 141,185 analysis, 338-43
and body weight, 586,588,691 composition, 340
adrenaline, 184, 179-80 -conditioning, 265, 302
adrenal medulla, 179-81,184 expired, 340-42
adrenosterone, 150 inspired, 340
residual, 919
and cancer incidence, 145 supplemental, 919
changes ^ tidal, 919
in form, 575-663 alcoholism and thiamine deficiency, 122
in homeothermy, 270-4,276 "alkali disease", 101
in metabolism, 404-69 alkaline reserve, 921
in pulmonary ventilation, 404-69 allometry, 609
curves of linear growth, 521-22, 554-63, 577-80, alopecia, 132
598-617, 629-39, 650-63, 732-33, 737-38 altitude
distribution of population, 665 and atmospheric pressure, 251
and efficiency of growth. 49,53 and hemoglobin concentration, 251
equivalence, 712-40 altruistic drives, 257
of man and other species, 492, 540-43, 715, 716, alveolar air, 919
720-22,738-39 amino acids
method of computing, 722-38 biological oxidation of, 309
post-pubertal, 712-40 and biological value of protein, 760-1,779
pre-pubertal, 720,736-37 content in proteins, 776
and maintenance cost, 49 content in typical foods, 776
aging, 664-711 deamination and oxidation of, 64,309,778
of bacterial populations, 666 essential or indispensable, 741,761,776
and blood pressure, 710 formulas and functions of, 777
1008 Subject Index

amino acids, in nutrition, 741-44, 762, 774-80 biocalorimetry, direct methods, compensation, 308
R.Q.of,310 differential, 308
andSDA,778 ice, 307
p-aminobenzoic acid, 117,127,133,142 water, 308
of food, 35-36,344
amniotic fluid, 437
anabolism and cataboliam, 129 history, 344-47
analysis of experimental data, 200-62 indirect methods, 308-13
androgens, excretion of, 140-50, 155,150 closed-circuit chamber, 319, 325-29
androsterone, 150 closed-circuit spirographic mask, 313, 319, 330
anemia (see blood) insensible perspiration, 200-92
dietary, 101, 115, 133-34, 181-83 miscellaneous, 345-47
hypoohromic, 115 open-circuit mask, 335,338
pernicious, 134,782 open-circuit gravimetric, 329-35
angina pectoris, 100 partitional, 292-93
anorexia, 101 principles, 307
anoxia, 251
anti-alopecia, 127 definitions, 12,34
anti-dermatitis, 127 symbols, 34
"anti-gray hair" vitamin, 134 and thermodynamics, 12-36
anti-hormones, 142 unite and equivalents, 23-36
anti-hormone (goitrogenie) drugs, 144 biologic oxidation
anti-pellagra vitamins (seenicotinic acid) aerobic and anaerobic, 102-4
anti-rachitic value of milk, 802 and aging, 101
anti-vitamin drugs, 117,142-43 of amino acids, 64,309,778
appetite and angina iHSCtoris, 100
definition of, 247 and anorexia, 101
calcium in, 115
OS guideto "nutritional wisdom", 253-54
and hunger, 247 of carbohydrates, 308
cobalt in, 112,115
in relation to vitamins, 101
ariboflavinosis, 132 copper in, 101,113,115
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) ereatine in, 104
assay of, 767
cytochrome oxidases in, 107
content in food, 769,788-91
cytochromes in, 107
decarboxylases in, 108
as detoxicant, 121-22,134,138-39
definition of, 131
forms of, 120
formula of, 117,134
dehydrogenase activity in, 105
dehydrogenases in, 108
and glutathione, 120,137
"dissecting out" metabolic stages in, 105
in hay fever, 122
efiiciency of, 100-1
loss in sweat, 301
maintenance need for, 475 and electromotive series, 106
electron losses in, 105
need for, in aging cattle, 110,120
needfor, speciesand agedifferences in, 120-21 energy reservoirs in, 104
equations, 308
oxidase, 115
and scurvy, 134, 763 of fat, 309
synthesis and destruction of, 120 flavoprotein enzymes in, 101,107
glycogen in, 104,107
and thyroid function of, 122,178
H-acceptors in, 107
relation to vitamin A, 742
hemocyanin in, 113
auxins, 204-5
hemoglobin in, 113
avidin and biotin, 122
H-transport systems in, 107
indicators, 107
B interrelations between minerals, vitamins, and
enzymes in, 109
and intoxication, 101
aging of, 666
iodine in, 115
growth of, 499-500
iron in, 112-14
growth efficiency of, 40-41 iron-porphyrine enzymes in, 107
beef production lactic and phosphoric acids in, 103
efficiency of, 51-52, 790,793 magnesium in, 112
statistics on, 790-91, 793-94 manganese in, 112
Bernard, principle of, 243, 244 methods of, 102-3
betaine, 128 minerals in, 101,105,111-16
biocalorimetry, 307-51 nutrients in, 107
computation methods in, 311,328-9,331,334,340-42 oxidases in, 108
direct methods, 307-8 oxidation-reduction potentials in, 104-9
Svbject Index 1009

biologio oxidation, and oxygen debt, 103 brain weight, and body weight, 592,626
Pasteur effect in, 103 butter-margarine controverey, 800
phosphate in, 107,111-12 digestibility, 800
phosphocreatine, adenoeine, and pyrophosphate fatty acids in, 800-1
in, 103 effects of growth, 795,799-800
phosphorylases in, 108 supplementary values, 799-800
phosphorylation in, 107-8,111,132 vitamin A in, 801
poisons or inhibitors in, 104
of protein, 309
pytidino-protdn enzymes in, 107
of pyruvic acid, 100
respiration and fermentation in, 102-3 calciferol (vitamin Dj), 135,143
riboflavin in, 101 calcium
effect of selenium on, 101 amount in body, 116,189
stepwise processes in, 100,107,131 in biologic oxidation, 115,137, 781
thiamine in, 100 in foods, 787-91
timing of, 100-1 functions of, 115, 189,780-83
vitamins in, 101,116-28 growth (equivalence) in, 726
zinein, 116 •level regulation, 249-50, 253
biologic value of protein, 742, 760-61,778-80 metabolism, 188-89
bios. 118,132 andgonads, 188
biosynthesis, 484 and milk fever, 189-00
in alimentary tract and parathyroids, 188
of non-ruminants, 742-43 and thyroids, 188
of ruminants, 741-44, 702 dietary source of, for rapid growth, 783, 795,
of amino acids, 129-31, 741-43 798,802
of vitamins, 741-43 and milk production, 189
biotin (vitamin H; coenzyme R), 125-26,133 to phosphorus ratio, 191.249,807
and avidin, 122 caloric equivalents of Oj and COj, 35-6, 310-2
deficiency of, 133 calorigenic effect
formula of, 117,126 of drugs, 60-61
functions of, 126 of foods (see SDA)
and perosts, 126 of hormones, 60-61
procarcinogenic effect of, 126 calorimetry (see biocalorimetry)
birth cancer

rate, factors in decline of, 965 death from, 700

weight and gestation, 427-42,460 incidence and mechanisms, 144-45
Bittner factor, 145, 700 , carbohydrate
"blackouts", 928 -level regulation, 248-49
blastocyst, 491-92 metabolism
blood. 101, 112-13,115, 133-34, 921-22 and the adrenals, 192
influence of altitude on, 922 influence of cortin on, 184
COs removal from, 113 hormones in, 191-94
hemoglobin in, 113,251,922 and insulin, 192
intensity and capacity factora of, 922 and pituitary hormones, 192
lactate in, 930 oxidation of, 308,310
Ot and COi in, 251 R.Q.of,309
pH regulation in. 244,252 SDA of, 61-70
pressure and aging, 710 carbon dioxide
regenerating values of foods, 781-83 photosynthetic assimilation of, 130
sugar regulation, 248-49 production
volume and fetal weight, 428 age curve of, 503
weight, 593 diurnal rhjrthm of, 236
body buUd, 587-90 removal from blood, 113
body size (see weight) utilization of, 129
body temperature, 293 carbonic anhydrase, 113
regulation during work, 924 carboxylase, 112
body-water regulation, 248 carboxylation by saprophytes and liver tissue, 129
body-weight (see weight) carcinogens, 144
bomb calorimetry, 344 Carnot engine and equation, 15
brain metabolism, 407-9 carotene (see vitamin A)
brain weight carriers in biologic oxidation, 138
evolutionary significance of, 255-56 casein (see milk)
and heat production, 619-24 in relation to methionine and choline, 128
1010 Subject Index

castration cyanide, effect on metabolism, 114

and genital cancer, 144-45 cytochrome in metabolism, 107,113-15
influence on srowtii, 165-66
catabolism and anabolism, 120
endogenous, 109-10,120,140
"dtury merit"
ensymes as, 108,110
definition and evaluation of, 853-56,857-58,864
exogenous, 109-10, 120, 140
and profit, 864-65, 870, 872-73
hormones as, 109-10,140-205
vitamins as, 109-10
causes of, 664, 676-77
cell division, 485-86
cephalization coefficient, 607 as end point of a chain of processes, 664, 700, 700
probabilities of, 700
cerebral metabolism, 407-9
decarboxylases, 108
Chastek paralysis, 122
decarboxylation reaction, 130
cheese, composition of, 789
7-dehydrocholesterol (vitamin D»), 135, 143
chemical-temperature regulation, 264, 282-83
dehydrogenases and dehydrogenation, 105, 108,
chest girth
114, 138
in relation to body weight, 596-97,628-30,650-57
desoxycorticostcrone, 150
for estimating weight, 653-57
chick embryo, influence of temperature on, 271-74 detoxicant, ascorbic acid as, 121, 134,138-39
development (see growth), 486
chlorophyll, relation to hemoglobin, 113
diabetes, 192
cholesterol, 142-43, 154-55
and overfeeding, 690
and aging of blood vesseb, 690
in egg, 875
and aging, 689-48
hormone and vitamin derivatives of, 143
and destiny, 741
nucleus, 142,154-55
and hormones, 152-53
choline, 117,127-28,133
palatability of, 757
and temperature, 302-3
and aging, 699
vitamin proportions in, 766
and work capacity, 923-38
citrin (vitamin P or hesperidin), 134
deficiency diseases, 743
cleidoic nature of egg, 490,875
clothing and temperature, 303-4 factors, species differences in need for, 741-44
selection, 744-52,
cobalt. 101,112,115,137
cocarboxylase, 110,119 standards for man, 769, 786
coenxymes, 110
standards for different species, 470-83,768-71
differentiation and development, 46, 489
coenzymes I and II, 124
coenzymo R (see biotin) dinitrophenol, 172
colloidal thTOry of aging, 672-74
colostrum, 810-12,847 of adrenal cortex, 184-85
dietary deficiency, 743
combustion values of some nutrients, 36
incidence and aging, 686-97
comfort zone, 283-84,286
dimensional analysis, 590-99
compensation theory of SDA, 65
conductance of heat, 274,277,293 diminishing increments, principle of, 76-99
convection of heat, 274,277
and efficiency of egg production, 3, 95
copper, 101,113,115,137 and food consumption, 86-91
coronary circulation and efiicioncy of milk production, 5, 91-95
and work capacity, 923-24 and net-energy values of feeds, 79-86
corpus luteum, 157,160 and efficiency of muscular work, 6-9, 96
corticosterone, 150 diurnal rhythms, 232-42
cortin, 184-86
of muscular activity, 234,236, 240
and adrenaline, 184 and "alkaline tide", 235
and carbohydrate metabolism, 184 in blood composition, 235
and metabolic rate, 185 in bodily functions, 235
and nitrogen metabolism, 185-86 in egg production, 235
in feeding, 234
and salt and water metabolism, 184-85
under stressful conditions, 185 literature on, 233
and body weight, 186 in metabolic rates, 232-33, 236-41
in milk composition, 235, 241
cost of nutrients, 788-90,801,876
creatine, 19,104 in nervous irritability, 234
creatinine nitrogen, 353 and seasonal rhythms, 232, 241
numerical data on, 394-95 apparent effect of SDA on, 233,240
in sleep, 233
prediction table for, 397
relation to body weight, 378,382 in temperature, 233,237
cretinism, 168,171.183 and nature of visual apparatus, 232
.Svbjed Index. 1011

domestication, effectson seasonalsex rhythms, 207, egg production, energetic efficienoy of,
210-11 andegg w«^t, 891
drugs equations for, 880-83
calorigenic effect ofj 60-61 data on, 883-84,886-87
effect on work, 026 and productive level, 3,887-89,896
dwarfs, types of, 1S6 and profit, 890
and body weight, 884-87, 892-93
monetary value of, 875
efficiency, energetic seasonal rhythms of, 215-16,219-20, 895
of cadmium standard cell, 37 sodal economic value of, 878
capacity and intensity factors in, 16 time element in, 877-79
and declining birth rate, 964-65 as influenced by thyroid medication, 175
in relation to over-all economy and profit, 1-2, unit of, 892
853-74,890-906, 944,960-61 egoistic ^ves, 257
of egg production (see under egg) electromotive series, 106
and free- and net-energy concepts, 14-16,54-57 embryo
of engines, 15,37, 903 development, 487-88
and entropy tax, 42 metabolism, 430
equations and definitions of, 2,10, 15,38, 902,906, embryogenesis
910 as influenced by endocrines, 202-4
factors in, 1,17,20,959-65 "emergency theory" of Cannon, 180-81
of farm animals, 55 emmissivity of heat, 275
general and thermodynamic aspects of, 1-11,15-33 emotions, "structured" or conditioned, 253
37-58, 960-61 endocrines, 140-41
of growth (see under growth) and aging, 685-89
ofiddney work andSDA, 20-21,65 and ascorbic acid, 178
intermediate and long-range, 1, 959 and embryogenesis, 202-4
and maintenance cost, 4-6 and homeostasis, 252-54
of meat production (see under growth) and lactation, 157-61, 168-69, 175-70
of milk production (see under milk) and metabolic rate, 359-60, 387
of photosynthesis, 22 and vitamins, 769-74
and physiologic age, 49, 53, 722, 740 endogenous nitrogen, 59-67
of production of different foods, 790-91, 960 definition of, 59
of muscular work (see under work) as reference base for SDA, 60,68
effect of vitamin deficiency on food utilization, energy
100-101 bound, 14
effort, muscular changes in free-energy, 16-23
ratio of maximum to rest, 915 law of conservation of, 12
ratio of sustained hard work to rest, 915-17 cost
egg of morphogenetic work, 2-3
caloric value of, 877 of standing, 910
cells, 485-88 of walking, 910-12
cholesterol in, 875 dietary categories of, 24-34
cleavage of, 485-90 digestible, 6,24,26, 84
cleidoic nature of, 490; 875 and net energy, 85
compared with milk, 787-91, 801, 875-76 expense of work done, 38,909,920-21,923
composition and nutritive value of, 875-80, 894-95 fecal, 82-83
cost of nutrients in, 875-76 fermentation, 26
division of in twin production, 202-3 gross, 6,24,26,34, 54
endocrine relation, 875 in relation to net energy, 81-85
fertilization of, 485 -matter, 12,
follicles, 156-57 metabolizable, 24-25, 27, 32, 34, 54-55, 59, 82-89
nature of fuel in, 875 net, 6, 24, 29,32,34,54-57
metabolic relations, 875 and the law of diminishing increments, 76-99
morphology of, 877-79 and food intake, 79-85
physicochemic relations, 875 rdations in nutrition, 784
weight, 877 organizational, 2-4
and body weight, 482,891,893 potential or structured, 3,4
egg production in relation to SDA, 61
as aging index, 675,710 sources, 966-72
and diminishing increments, principle of, 3,95 units and equivalents, 35-36
energetic efficiency of, 3, 53, 788-91, 880-97 entropy, 14, 21, 22
and breed, 895-6 enzymes, 100-139
compared with milk production efficiency,53-55, in relation to carcinogens, 114-46
793, 960 as catalysts, 108-10
1012 Street Index

ensymes, and coensymes, 110-11

digestion, 666 fat
flavoprot^,124 •level regulation, 260
in oxido-reduotion, 110 oxidation of, 309-10
and proensymes, 110,138 vitamins in, 122
systems, 108 R.Q. of, 309
effect of temperature on, 260 SDA of. 61-63,66
in relation to vitamins, 109 synthesis in mammary gland, 811,816-17
yellow, 125 fatigue, 899-919
epiorganism, 486 fatty acids, 136
equations in butterfat, vegetable fats, and blood, 800-1,811,
for age equivalence, 722-38 846
bidimeasional, 366 and pyridoxine, 121,124
Carnot's, 14-16 feathers and body weight, 619-21, 639-40
for Himiniahing increments, 77-79, 85 feeding methods, 763-68
efficiency, 10, 16, 38, 43-44, 628-29, 832-36, 839-41, female sex hormones, 166
880-81,902-3 fermentation
of egg production with aging, 701,710-11 energy, 26
empirical and rational, 261-62 fatty acids, 26-27
fitting of,398-401,508,612-14,631-33,839-41,843-46. gasea, 26-27
940^61 losses, 26-27
growth, 502-18,624-44, 864-62 oxidation, 103
Helmholts, 16 fetal weight, 428,431
logarithmetic and linear, 364-66,373-76 fever, 299-301
Qibbs, 16 field tiieory. 258, 262
of milk-energy production, 78 filtrate factor, 134
of milk production with aging, 704,711 flavoprotein enzymes, 124
of mortality or vitality with age, 676-77, 684-85, in oxidation, 101,107
698, 701 "flow of time", experiments on, 723,739
of nutritive value of protein, 754 F.S.H., 146,169
relating part to whole, 599-610 foodN(and "feed")
properties of, 366-68 blood regenerating values of, 782
for surface area in relation to weight and height, calorigenic effects of (see SDA)
366-68 calorimetry of, 344-46
thermodynamics, 13-17 composition, 36, 768, 776. 779, 787-91
van't Hofl-Arrhenius, 267-71,718 consumption
equilin, 169 in U.S. army, 787
equivalenoo charts, 714-40 per capita in U.S., 791
estrogens diurnal rhythms in, 236
administration of, 163,167 and food utilisation, 246
and cancer, 144 and growth rate, 86-91
excretion of, 149-60 effect of insulin on, 247
function of, 166-57 and productivity, 8
homeestatic regulation of, 252 standards of, 476, 478-81, 899-91, 896-97
and mammary growth, 167-58,161 and temperature, 296
production of, 159 and body weight, 246-47
estrone, 143,159 efficiency of production of, 790-91
estrua (heat), 156-57 energy values of, 24-34, 36, 79-82
cyde, 207 protein value of, 779
evocators, 202-3 supply, seasonal rhythms of, 211,213
evolution and social homeostasb, 255 transformations, 6-6
exercise utilisation in vitamin deficiency, 101
and aging, 682-84 form, function, and growth, 2, 675-663
and mmntenanca cost, 470 FrOhlich syndrome, 148
and temperature, 304, 924
exponent in the equation Y = aX*"
biologic significance in relating part to part and gas analysis, 336^43
part to whole, 366-66 gas formation in rumen, 24, 27, 28, 29,30-31
method for computing, 365, 398-401 geometric and physiolo^c similarity, 680, 686, 590
eye gestation
accommodation and aging, 668 and birth weight, 427-42,460
in photoperiodbm, 210 and endoerines, 429, 433, 436, 437
Svhject Index 1013

gestation, and food consumption, 433-37 growth, efficieney, ofsea urchin, 44

and growth, 434,437 of sOk-worm embryo, 43
heat increment of, 427-42, 460 of yeasts, 41-42
and muscular activity, 433,436 equations, 602-18, 524-44, 654-62
period and season of breeding, 206-7 form, 2, 675-663
weight incromenta in, 431-32, 438-39 effect of gestation on, 164
giants, 196 gradients, 493
glycogen ground plan of, 493
biologicoxidation of, 104,107 of guinea pig, 631
and glucoseconversion, 249 hormones, 198-99
reactions of, 19 of horses, 627
glucose inflectionin curve of, 489-93, 498-602
biologic synthesis of, 129^1 limiting factors in, 526
and glycogen conversion, 249 maintenance during, 40
glutathione of man, 492-6, 501, 610-11, 616, 620-21, 637-46,
and adrenal cortex, 187 657-69,566,570
relation to ascorbic acid, 120,137 and mature weight, 516
glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and gluconeogeneeis, metabolism during, 404-69,585-89
131,138 methods representing, 489
glycosuria, 263 and morphogenesis, 489
goiter, 183, 253 of mouse, 534
gonadwtomy, 151,164,186-87 percentage decline of, 629-30
gonadotropina percentage rate of, 489,497,600-2,608
excretion of, 150 and physiologictime, 508
functions of, 141,156 of pigeon, 535
production of, 141, 160-60, 167-68 of pig, 629
gonads, 182,188 as influenced by anterior pituitary, 194-201
grass of populations and individuals, 490^1,496,644-46
composition of, 789 650-54
-juice factor, 134 prenatal, 428,441
growth and principle of mass action, 526
agecurves of linear, 521-22,554-63,577-80,598-617, of rabbit, 530
629-39, 650-63, 732-^, 737-38 of rat, 489-98,502,517-19,532,636,550,568-69
effect of aging on, 664,711 relative, 502, 508
average, 494, 496, 603-6, 548 rate
"breaks" in curves of, 502-6,518-22 and food consumption, 86-91
influence of castration on, 166 of homeotherms and poikilotherms, 266
of cattle, 492,613-16,622-26,551-56,560-63,566-67, and metabolism, 50
671-74 influenced by temperature, 272-73,297
of chick and fowl, 487-88,492,503,505-7,530 Rubner's law of, 47
definitions, 37, 484-89,602, 608 seasonal rhythms of, 225
and development, 486 self-accelerating phase of, 495-524
and differentiation, 489-91 self-inhibiting phase of, 497-98,612,543
efficiency of sheep, 528
and age, 46,47-64,404 of silk worm, 504
of bacteria, yeast, molds, 40-43 and storage, 40
and body size, 2, 41,49 temperature coefficients of, 267-71
of cattle, 51-62,56 and thyroid, 168-78
of chick embryo, 43-44 time relations of, 484-574
of chickens, 53 "true" and finite rate, 494,603-6
equations and definitions, 2, 10, 40-48,78-81 and vitamin needs, 764-65
of frog embryo, 44 "work" of, 40,404
of homeotherms and poikilotherms, 266
and litter sise, 60
of molds, 42-43 H
and maintenance, 4-6,40 heart
and organisational energy, 2-4,40, 45-47 capacity of, 920,922
and physiologic time, 506 energy expended by, 920-21,923
of pigs, 66 output of, 921
estimates of post-natal, 47-19, 53 and body weight, 598-07, 628-30
estimates of pre-natal, 43-47 work of, 920-21,923
and profit, 1-2 heat
of rats. 50-51 conductance in body, 293
1014 Subject Index

heat, 302 homeothermy, theoretical and practical aspects

6X^ustion,299,301 of, 265
formation and combustion, 20, 35-36 hormones, 140-205
increment of feeding (see SDA) of adrenal cortex, 150, 184-85
heat loss (thermolysis), 293 of adrenal medulla, 180-81
by convection, 277 biologic effectiveness of, 142.
and heat production, 275 calorigenic effect of, 60-61
by radiation, 275,277 ' of carbohydrate metabolism, 192-94
and the surface law, 354-55 and carcinogens, 144-45
influence of temperature on, 277-^, 291 as catalysts, 109-10,140-205
by vaporisation, 277-81, 291-92 cholesterol derivatives of, 143
heat production (thermogenesis) and diet, 152-53
effect of acclimatization on, 285 and the efficiency complex, 153
evaluation of, 293 in embryogenesis, 202-4
and heat loss, 275, 277-80 in evolution, 202
of homeotherms and poikilotherms, 266 formulas of, 143
methods of measuring (see biocalorimetry) F.S., 146,159
and temperature, 283, 287-88, 290, 294-96 and growth, 198, 201
and thyroid activity, 289 interrelated with vitamins and enzymes, 140-43
and surface law, 354-56 lactation, 152,160
heat regulation (see homeothermy) L.orl.C.S., 146,159
heat stroke, 301 mammogenic, 161
heat of vaporization, 307 and metabolism, 145,168
height-weight relationship, 577, 579-80, 598-606, of parathyroids, 189
612-13, 617,629,630-31, 636-39, 650-52, 658-63 of pituitary, 141, 146, 148-49, 152, 181
Heisenberg principle, 259 in plants, 204-5
hemocyanin, 113 production of, 141
hemoglobin in reproduction and lactation, 154-68
in biologic oxidation, 113
in blood, 922 administration, 163
and cytochrome, 115 relation to adrenal cortex, 186
and iron, 113 antagonisms, 162
in Oi homeostasis, 251 assays of, 159
structure of, 113 functions of, 156
hesperidin (see citrin or vitamin P) as influenced by pituitary, 146,148
heterotrophs, carboxylation in, 129-30 and reproductive efficiency, 165-66
van't Hoff-Arrhenius equation, 267-71, 281-82 similarities and differences between, 143,150,155
homeostasis, 243-63 similarities between vitamins and, 142-43
and aging, 254, 699-700 somatotropic and chondrotropic, 198, 201
of calcium level, 249-50 . trophic, 146
of carbohydrate-level, 248-49 work capacity effected by, 926
definition of, 244,258,262 horses (and mules)
examples illustrating, 245 relative economy of tractors and, 899,937-39
of fat-level, 250 population decline in, 898
individual and social, 961-65, 972 metabolism of (see metabolism)
neuroendocrine, 252-54 humidity discomfort, 302-3
of oxygen and acid level, 250-52 17- and 21-hydroxyproge3terone, 150, 185
social, 254, 257, 961-65, 972 hypercalcemia, 190-91
of body-water, 248 hyperinsulinism, 252
of body-weight, 246 hyperlipemia, 193
homeotherms, 264-66,286,305 hyperthyroidism, 122,172, 174, 177-78
homeothermy, 264, 306 hypocalcemia, 249
age changes in, 271-74, 276 hypoglycemia, 249
agricultural aspects of, 265 hypophysectomy, 158,192
and blood volume, 289 hypopituitarism, 196
chemical methods of, 264, 282-84 hypothalamus and homeothermy, 288-89
definition of, 269
hypothyroidism, 172
development of, 276
and fur, feathers, and subcutaneous fat, 264, 289, illness and age, 696-97
303,305 I.C.S. or L. hormone, 146,159
mechanisms of, 274-89, 305 immortality, potenti^, 669-71
in prenatal life, 264 incubation temperature, 271-74
and season of birth, 271 indeterminancy principle, 259
and thyrotropic and adrenotropic hormones, 289 indicator of O.R. potentials, 107
Subject Index 1015

industrial progressand froo-oncrgy ompovorishment, seasonal rhythm of thyroid content, 213

986 iron, 112-16,136,
inflections in growth ourvcs, 489-93,498,602 in biologic oxidation, 112-14
inositol, 117,126-27,133 content in body, 112
insensible-perspiration, 290-92 and cytochrome, 114
insulin, 192-94 deficiency effects of, 115
and carbohydrate metabolism, 192 and hemoglobin, 113
in glycogen-glucose equilibrium, 249 -porphyrine enzymes, 107
homeostatic regulation of, 252 islets of Langerhans, 192, 252
and the islets of Langorhans, 192 isotopes, 484
and pituitary and adrenal hormones, 192
and body-weight regulation, 247
interrelations, structural or functional, between, K
adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, and the nervous Katharometer, 344
system, 184 ketosis, 193-94
adrenal cortex and pituitary, 187 kidney and body weight, 589, 626
adrenal medulla and the sympathetic nervous
system, 180
anti-thyroid drugs, 144
biotin and pimelio acid, 120 lactation
cholesterol derivatives of hormones and vitamins, and body size, 855-67
142-43 cessation of, 808-10
choline, acetylcholine, lecithin, methionine, be- endocrine aspects of, 157-61, 168-69, 175-76
taine, and casein, 128 heat increment of, 820-27
choline and methionine, 122 in relation to hormones, 162,160-81, 187
enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and hormones, 100, effect of mastitis on, 808
109 mechanism initiating, 161
food supply, endocrines, hormones, and appetite, and the "let-down" mechanism, 810
152,153 causes of milk fever in, 808
hormones and anti-hormones, 142-44 and the nervous system, 810
hormones and vitamins, 140 physico-chemical aspects of, 807
inositol deficiency and fatty liver, 127 effect of pressure in secretory al\-coli, 808
inositol, PAB, and fur graying, 122,127 effect of stage of, on milk yield, 811-14,833-35
inositol and pantothenic acid, 127 effect of starvation on, 827-30
insulin, pancreas, pituitary hormones, and adre synthesis during, 810-11
nals, 192 lactic acid
pantothenic acid, PAB, and fur graying, 127 formation of, 101,104
parathyroids, thyroids, gonads and calcium me in metabolism, 923
tabolism, 168 in oxidation, 103
pituitary and ovary, 168-59 and oxygen debt, 103
pituitary and vitamin E, 178 lactoflavin (see riboflavin)
pyridine structures of niacin and pyridoxine, 123- lactose, 802, 813, 815
24 Lambert's law of radiation, 275, 362
pyridoxine and certain fatty acids, 122 land and marine animal's body forms, 578, 585, 687
pyrimidine structures of thiamine and riboflavin, laws of the "minimum" and the "maximum" in
122-23 nutrition, 761-62
sex hormones, 143,160,156 least square method of fitting equations, 398-401
thiamine and riboflavin, 121 Le Chatelier, principle of, 243
thyroid and adrenal medulla, 179-81 lecithin, 128, 250
thyroid and anterior pituitary, 181 life expectancy, 664-65
. thyroid and gonads,'182 light and seasonal rhythms, 206, 208, 210
• thyroid and nervous system, 182-83 linear growth, form, and weight, 676-80, 598-817,
thyroid and posterior pituitary, 181-82 629-39
thyroids, vitamins, adrenal medulla, pituitary, lipoids, 250
gonads, and nervous system, 176-83 liver
trophic hormones and endocrine activity, 152, glycogen storage in, 249
158-57 and body weight, 626
vitamins and anti-vitamins, 117, 142 Lohmann reaction, 104
vitamins and other factors, 139 longevity
invention of invention, 963 control of, 676-81
iodine and diet, 689-98
in biologic oxidation, 115 and growth rate, 673
effect of dietary level in, 178-79 as index of soundness, 664
and homeostatic thyroid hypertrophy, 162 and muscular exercise, 682-84
and thyroid function, 178-79 and neuroendocrine activity, 685-88
1016 Subject Index

longevity, and temperature, 684-85 metabolism, calcium-phosphorus, 188-91

and wisdom, 668 carbohydrate, 184,191-94,954-55
lung cerebral, 407-9; and brain size effect on, 620-23
capacity, 919-20 of chick embryo, 430-31
and body weight, 627 of chickens, 448, 450
L.H. or I.C.S.H., 146,159 computed from R.Q. and urinary nitrogen meth
lysozone (lysozyme), 139 ods, 311
of dairy cattle, 409-18, 446-47, 452-53, 461, 462,
by dimensional analysis, 591
magnesium, 101,112,137 diurnal rhythms of, 232-40
maintenance, 4, 39-42,470-83 fasting, 406
and age, 49 and feM weight, 42S, 431
and growth rate, 41-42 gestation and pre-natal, 427-42
and basal metabolism, 470-71 of goats, 419
and physiological age, 49 and growth, 50, 485-89
and productive efficiency, 4,40,770-73 and hormones, 145,168
standards, 472, 475-82 of horses, 420-25,454,455,464,466
and body weight, 41, 470-73 interrelations between physiologic functions and,
mammary gland 355-56
mechanisms of growth, 157-58, 160-61 of man, 424-28,446,458-59
synthetic powers methods of measuring (see biocalorimetry),307-51
for fat, 816-17 and milk yield, 856
for lactose, 813, 815 nitrogen, 185-86
for protein, 815-16 post-absorptive (see basal), 352
for short-chain fatty acids, 26-27, 72, 817, 846 protein, 353, 377, 379
study methods for, 813-15 of rats, 405,406-9,451
male sex hormones, 155 resting, 59, 352, 406
mang^inese, 112,136 salt, 184-85
margarine, 800-1 seasonal rhythms in, 22,226-28
mastitis, effect on lactation, 808 of8heep,462,463,468
mathematical aspects of research data, 260-62 standard (see basal), 352
menstruation, 157 standing vs lying, 423
metamorphosis, 170 summit, 283, 284,289
metabolism, energy and surface area, 405,407
age changes in, 404-69 of swine, 447, 456-57, 465, 466, 469
and aging, 667,669-72, 674-76,679, 685, 707-9 and thyroids, 172,624
and adrenals, 624 and body weight, 404-69, 581-82,584
apparatus illustrated during work, 912
Benedict-Collins open-circuit chamber, 350 methane
Benedict's oxycalorimeter, 345 in gas analysis, 339-40
Benedict-Ritsman open-circuit, 348 losses, 82-83
Benedict-Roth-Collins, 314, 317, 318 in measuring heat production, 319,322-23
confinement method, 346 production, 24-31,319,323
Grafe's open-circuit chamber, 347 methionine, 122,128
Haldane, 331-33 milk, 792-874
open-circuit, 336-37 antirachitic value of, 802 '
Regnault-Reiset, 326-28 use in bread making, 799
basal, 59-67 use in buttermaking, 800
of mature birds of different species, 371 calcium and phosphate in, 807
definition of, 4,59,138,352 caloric value of, 806
of growing animals, 371-72 colostrum, 810-12,847
of mature animals of different species, 368-70, composition, 804, 807
388-89 of average market, 794-95,798,801,846-47
maintenance cost and efficiency, 4,470-71 compared to blood, 807-8
and neuroendbcrines, 359t60 calcium-phosphorus ratio, 807
numerical data for, 388-89 in different cattle breeds, 805-6,848-52
prediction table for, 397 of cheese, 789
and productivity, 470 immunological in, 805
as reference base for SDA, 68 influence of dietary composition on, 807, 817-19
and the surface law, 354,3W, 387 diurnal rhythm in, 235, 241
effect of temperature on, 294 influence of fasting on, 819-20
relation to body weight, 352-403 individual, within breed, 806,849-52
of beef cattle. 463,464,468 effect of mastitis on. 808
Svbjed Index 1017

milk composition, calcium-phosphorus ratio, offect prediction of, 854

of milking frequency on, 807-8 reference bases for, 855-59
in terms of milk solids, 800 effect of stage of lactation on, 811-14, 833-35
and physiologic age, 804-5 statastics on, 790-94,846-52
of fluid skim milk, 789 effect of temperature on, 295-96
of skim milk powder, 789 effect of thyroid medication, 175-76
effect of stage of lactation on, 811-14 and visceral organs, 855
in different species, 804-7, 847 and body weight, 831,836-39,853-56,859-60, 864
of fluid whole milk, 789,846-47 protein in, biological value of, 779
of whole milk powder, 789, 700 rabbit, 158
constituents, 794-09,802^ ratio to W»-», 404
market prices of, 788, 801 relations between protein, fat, and lactose, 869
synthetic powers of mammary gland for, 807-20 souring, reasons for, 794
consumption "spread" from concentrate of, 799-800
effect on growth, 795-99 supplementary value of, 794, 799, 802-4
and income, 787, 8(^ vitamins in, 798, 846
aa an exclusive diet, 804 waste of skim milk and whey from, 797,800
fatty acids in, 846 minerals
fever, 189-90, 808 in the body, 780
importance of lactose in^ 802 in biologic oxidations, 101, 105, 111-16, 781
nutritional and social importance of, 792-94 mixtures for synthetic diets, 784
and the organismic theory, 799 in nutrition, 780-84
0-R potential of, 108-9 molds, efiScienoy of growth, 42-43
osmotic pressure of, 808 molybdenum, 116
physical properties of, 794 morals, evolution of, 255
production morphogenesis, 2-3, 45, 489
as aging index, 679-83, 686-96 mortality
average in U.S., 853 and aging, 684-85,698,701-2,710
biological interrelations in, 792, 848 specific, 493,500,506
and cdlcium, 189 multicellular organism, 254
capacity (effective body size) factor in, 873 myxedema, 168, 183
compared in cows, goats, and rats, 851
and grain consumption, 92-95 N
and TDN consumption, 92-93
and the law of diminishing increments, 91-95 nervous system
economy and cost of, 793,853-74 and the adrenal medulla, 180
efliciency and aging, 699
capacity and intensity factors in, 873 homeothermic functions, 288-89
' compared with egg production efficiency, and lactation, 810
53-55, 793, 960 and the parathyroids, 191
comparison with growth eflSciency, 53^54 and the thyroids, 181-83
and TDN and grain consumption, 92-96 Newton's law of radiation, 275,354
equations for, 2, 10, 78-81, 91-96, 827-42 neuroendocrines (see endocrines)
in goats, cows, and rats, 857 niacin or nicotinic acid
and basal metabolism, surface area, main formula, 117, 132
tenance cost, 856-57 as prosthetic group of coenzymes I and II, 111
and milk production level (law of diminishing source of, 132, 769, 787-91
increments), 5,91-96 species differences in need for, 121,769,771,786
and physiologic age, 53-55 nitrogen excretion
tables for estimating, 861-63 endogenous and exogenous, 352-53
and body weight, 53-54, 471-73, 585, 836-42, evaluation of, 353-54
853-e8 as function of body weight, 374,377,381
equation for, 78 during growth, 442-47
hormonal theory of, 157-58, 160-61 historical notes on, 380
importance of, 792-93 numerical data on, 391,393
improvement in, 854 influence of protein level on, 444
urinary and fecal, 353
intensity (dairy merit) factor in, 873
influence of body weight on, 445
maintenance cost and "basal metabolism", 856
nitrogen metabolism, effect of cortin on, 185
method of estimating feed consumed for, 843-45
effect of milking frequency on, 809 categories, 6, 24-38, 741
and neuroendocrine regulation, 252 cost of, 788, 790-91, 801, 876
and plane of nutrition, 853,870 nutrition, 741-91
performance, 853-54 amino acids in, 774-80
percentage oonversion of TDN in, 853-55, 873 condition and weight to height relation in, 636-38
1018 Subject Index

nutrition, balance and SDA, 70-72, 768-62 parathyroids, enlargement, 162-63, 189
diminishing increment principle in, 76-09 in relation to vitamin D, 190
minerals in, 780-84 va body weight. 141,623-24
SDA and plane of, 67-70,80-99 parathyroidectomy, 163, 249
and the thyroid, 177-79, 771-72 Pasteur effect, 103
value of egg, 875-80,894-95 performance as measure of stamina, 927
value, equations, and "laws" for, 754,761-62 perosis, 126
value of foods, 753-68 Pcttenkofer calorimeter method, 335
vitamins in, 762,69 phosphate. 111, 136
wisdom, 254, 744-52 phosphocreatine, 19,103-4
and work, 924-26 phosphoric acid and oxygen debt, 103
phosphorus and calcium metabolism, 191,249
phosphorylases, 108
o phosphorylation, 111, 137
photosynthesis, 22,130
octofolin, 156
photoperiodism, 208, 210-11
ontogenetic specialization, 268
phylogenetic specialization, 268
organismto (field) theory, 243-44,257-62,799,961,972
physical temperature regulation, 264,282-83
organizational energy, 2-4,45-46
physical units of wool and feathers, 639-40
organizational levels, 245
physiological aspects of work, 900
organizers, 202-3
physiological fuel value, 6, 27, 34, 59
organ weight os body weight, 610-26
physiological and physical time, 506
"originality" and aging, 678
physique channels, 638
osmotic skin moisture, 291,299
phytin, 126
osmotic pressure of mUk, 808
pigeon milk, 158, 202
ovariectomy, 144,150-51,164
pimelic acid and biotin, 126
ovaries, 141
pituitary, anterior
ovulation, 157
and dwarfism, 194-96, 201
oxidoses, 108,138
and gigantism, 194-97,201
oxidation (see biologic oxidations)
and growth, 194-201
aerobic and anaerobic, 19,103-4
and "growth hormone", 194, 198-99
of amino acids, 64, 309, 778
and homeothermy, 289
-reduction, internal, 19
hormones of. 141,146,148-49,152, 169
-reduction (0-R) processes and potentials, 104-14,
hormone administration of, 194-95,198-99
position in the endocrinal order, 201
of milk, 109
position and relative size, 141,146-48
minerals as catalysts in, 781
relation to adrenal cortex, 187
stepwise, 107
relation to other endocrines, 148-62
oxycalorimeter, 345
relation to mammary growth, 149,161
relation to photoperiodism, 210
absorption by blood, 113
relation to sex activity, 146-48,158-69
and acid-level regulation, 250-2
removal of, 197
-bell sizes, 313,316
and thyroid, 181
capacity of blood, 113,922
consumption •treated rata, 199
comparison of methods for measuring, 307-351 vs body weight, 594-96, 628
maximal, as index of endurance, 928-29 pituitary, posterior, 141,181-82
ratio of maximum to minimum, 913 placenta, 141,437
in regeneration, 47 plane of nutrition and milk, 853,870
debt, 103,137,922-23,930 plant hormones, 204-5
as measure of energy expenditure, 38 poikilotherms, 264-66, 286
pulse per unit weight, 932-37 poljruria, 182
utilization, coefficient of, 922 population, 490-1,496,644-46,650-54
oxyhemoglobin, 113 age of, 490-91, 732
age of distribution of, 665
bacterial, 500
decline in rural, 964-66
paired vsfree-choice feeding methods, 753-68 growth of, 484-674
palatability as dietary asset, 767 growth and science, 961-63
pancreas, 192 horse, 898
pantothenic acid, 117,125,133 human, growth of, 501
parabola, derivation from growth equations, 612
insect, growth of, 490-91
parathormone, 189, 249
parathyroids yeast, growth of. 490-91
and calcium regulation, 188-4)1 poultry, feeding standards for, 889-91,896-97
Svijject Index 1019

ptegftftDoy reactions, fermentation, 19

and endocrines, 437 oxidation, 18,19
and food consumption, 435-37 oxidation-reduction, 19
growth-stimulating effects of, 164 reaction time, effect of aging on, 667,700
and muscular activity, 435 reality, physical and mathematical, 260-62
tests for, 141.159-«0 reference base
pregnant-mare serum gonadotropins, 166-48 for egg production, 482,892-93
prime of life and aging criteria, 698-700 for functions and structures, 578-663
probability, 260 for metabolism, 356,360
productivity "active mass" as, 363
energy expense of, 10 phydologicallyeffectivebodysize (W'') as, 362-63
hazards of high levels of, 8 surface area as, 356,360-63
in relation to growth, 8 simple body wdght (W-"} as, 356,360
individual differences in, 8-10 weight */>as, 362
efiSdencyand maintenance, 470-71, 473 wdght#-* as, 374, 384
-level, 6-10 weight®-" as, 373
effect of temperature on, 294-98 for milk production, 856^9
proenzyme (prosthetic group), 110-11,138 for physiologic age, 712-40
profit on productive processes for SDA, 64, 68
and dairy merit, 864-65,870,872-73 for wool and feather production, 618-21,639-40
and efficiency, 1-2,853-74,890 regeneration, Oi consumption in, 47
and topography and climate, 868-69 rejuvenation by thyroid medication, 175
and body wdght, 855, 865-71, 874 relative growth, 607,575-663
progesterone religion as sodal homeostatic phenomenon, 257
formula of, 143 reproduction
functions of, 161,163 and hormones, 154-68
production of, 141,159 seasonal rhythms of, 208, 214, 228
relation to other hormones, 157 as sodal homeostatic phenomenon, 254
prolactin, 152 effect of temperature on, 298
protein research methods, 259-62
amino acids in, 776-79 reserve power
biological value of, 742,760-61, 778-80 and aging, 667, 699-700
digestibility of, 779-80 measure of work capacity, 918-38
in milk, 779,815-16 residual air, 919
nitrogenous compounds of non-, 309 respiration rate
nutritive value, equation for, 754 effect of wet blanket on, 299-301
- oxidation of, 64,309,778 as pulmonary intensity factor, 919
R.Q.of,310 effect of temperature on, 280-fil
SDA of, 60-70 respiratory quotient (R.Q.), 309-11
supplementary values of, 760 apparent and "true" in cows, 324
and urinary nitrogen, 309
value of foods, 779
diurnal, 232-42
psychodietetics, 254
seasonal, 206-31
pubertal age, 712-40
puberty, 499 sunlight, 217-18
pulse pressure, 921 temperature, 216, 223, 297
pulse rate, 920 riboflavin (vitamin Bs)
during standing, 910 effects of deficiency, 101,132
influence of temperature on, 281-82 formula of, 117,123,132
during work, 931-37 need for, 474,770,786
pyridino-protein enzymes, 107 in oxidation, 101
pyridoxine (vitamin B«), 124-33 as prosthetic group in enzymes, 110,124
formula of, 117,124 sources of, 132,769,787-91
supplementing essential fatty acids, 121 as supplement to thiamine, 121-22
and vuion, 117
rickets and vitamin D, 118,135
R risks to life, 700
royal idly, 744
heat loss by, 277
as homeothermic mechanism, 274-75 amino add needs in, 741-44,762, 775
reactions biosynthesis of vitamins and amino adds in, 741-
coupled, 19 44,762
endothermic, 18 defidency diseases in, 743
exothermic, 18 effidencv of, as food producers, 741, 790-91, 793
1020 Subject Index

specific dynamic action, and temperature, 05

in relation to urinary-nitrogen excretion, 67
salt species differences
homecstatio regulation of, 253 in dependence on dietary factors, 741-44
loss and heat cramps, 302 in vitamin needs, 768-71, 786
metabolism, 184-85 speed of biologic processes, influence of temperature
Schneider fitness test, 028,030 on, 269-70
science spirogram, 319
and mathematics, 260-01 spirometer sizes, 315-16
and population growth, 961-63 split-field method of research, 259
scientific management, 898 standard error of estimate, 398-99
scurvy, 134,763 standing
seasonal rhythms, 206-31 energy cost of, 910
of bird migration, 208 pulse rate during, 910
in blood volume, 229 ventilation rate during, 910
effect of domestication on, 207,210,211 Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law, 275, 354
in efficiency of productive processes, 213-16,220 stilbestiol, 155
in egg production, 216-16, 219-20, 895 stomach-intestine va body weight, 628
in food supply, 211-13 strength of grip and aging, 678
in the ground-hog, 220r^0 stroke volume, 920
and growth of children, 225 sulfa drugs, 117,122
historical notes on, 208-9 as anti-vitamins, 142-43
and light, 208,210 as goitrogenic agents, 144
mechanisms of, 209-10 sulfur, 137
and metabolic rhythms, 22, 226-28 sulfur, neutral, 353,383
in milk and butterfat production, 220-24 as function of body weight, 378
in receptivity to sex hormones, 213-16, 220 numerical data on, 396
in reproduction, 208 prediction table for, 397
in sex activity, 206-7,210-11, 226 summit metabolism, 283, 284, 289
insuicide, 229-^0 sunstroke, 301
in sunlight, 217-18 superovulation, 166-67
in thyroid function and composition, 213-14 supplemental air, 919
in vitamin A potency of milk, 211 supplementary values
in vitamin D potency of milk, 211-12 of butter, 799-800
"second wind", 929 . of mUk, 794-99, 802-4
selenium, cffect on oxidation, 101 supporting muscles,relative sizeof, 583
senescence (see aging) surface area
equivalence, 720-22, 737-38 formula related to body size, 366-68
.Minot's theory of, 672 of man, 369
sex measurements of, 361-3
activity, 146,148, 158 and body weight, 359-60,367,581-82,586, 600
cycle control, 156 "surface law"
endocrinological application of, 162-67 formulation, 354-55
hormones (see hormones) and the geographic distribution of animals, 264
inversion, 150-51 and the theory of similitude, 357
mortality, differential, 162 surface integrator, 357-58
seasonal sex rhythms, 206-7,210-11,226 stirvival time, 408-9
similarities, geometric v« homecstatio, 580 sweat glands, 297-98
similitude, theory of, 357,586 synthetic diets
size and muscular strength, 582 effect on growth and reproduction, 765
size and form, 575-663 vitamins and minerals for, 765, 781
equations for, 355, 363-68, 398-401, 599-609, 612-15 systole, 921, 927
diagrams of, 576-584 systolic output, 920
sleep, diurnal rhythm of, 233 "
social homeostasis, 254-57
social wisdom, 972
soda lime as COt absorbent, 313,315 taste thresholds for detecting dietary deficiencies and
specific dynamic action (SDA), 6, 25, 59-75 metabolic abnormalities, 253
agricultural implications of, 72 technologio unemployment and war, 965
effect of diurnal rhythms on the apparent, 233,240 temperature
of feeding in fburm animals, 467-69 body, 293,300
methods of measuring, 60-70 influence on chick embryo, 271-74
and nutrient unbalance, 70-72 and clothing, 303-4
and plane of nutrition, 67-70 -coefficients, 267-71
reference bases for, 64, 68, 70 critical, 279, 283, 294
Svhject Index 1021

temperature, and diet, 302-3 and the nervous system, 182-83

diurnal rhythms in body, 216,223,234,237,297 and nutrition, 177-79
and productive eflSoienoy,294-98,304 and the pituitary, 181-82
and exercise, 304 and rejuvenation, 175
and feed consumption in dairy cattle, 288 seasonal rhythms in composition and activity,
and fever, 200-1 213-14
and growth of chickens, 297 and sterility, 174-76
and hatchability, 274 and body weight, 621-22
and homeothermy, 305 thyroidectomy, effeote, 168,172
andhumidity, 302^ thyrozine
incubation, 271-73 calorigenic effect of, 179-80
and longevity, 684-85 and goitrogenic drugs, 144
and methods of cooling in hot weather, 298-99 in hyperthyroidism, 179
and milk production, 296-96. in hypothyroidism, 179
and pulse rate, 281-82 production of, 110
and productivity, 294-98 tidal air, 919
rectal, 265, 280-2, 293-95 time
and reproduction, 298 physical, 712
and respiration rate, 280-81 physiological, 712-13, 739
. and speed of biologic processes, 269-70 OS frame of reference, 712
and Ixxly surface. 290 total digestible nutrients (TDN) 6,30,32,34,475-80
and heat production in dairy cattle. 296 consumption and milk production, 92-93, 843-46,
and heat production in birds, 283,287-88,290 848-52
and heat loss, 277-80, 291 percentage conversion into milk, 863-55, 873
relation to SDA, 65 in relation to gross and net energy, 34,80-89
and rate in poikilothermic processes, 266, 270 trace elements in catalytic oxidation, 116
thermodynamics, 12-36 transaminases, 108
and agriculture, 20-23 trophic hormones, 146
applicability to living processes, 12-15, 18-20 trophoblasts, 491-02
aspects of muscular work, 900
and industrial progress, 966 u
first law, 12-14
second law, 14-23 uncertainty, principle of, 259
symbols, 33
units, bioenergetics and dietary, 23-36,765-66,768-71,
779, 784, 786-91
thermogenesis (see heat production)
urea, uric acid, 353
thermogenic reserve, 284-85
thermolysis (see heat loss)
thermoneutrality, 283-84,286
in computing energy metabolism, 309-11
thermoperiodism, 209 endogenous and exogenous, 353
and SDA, 67
thiamine (vitamin Bi)
and alcoholism, 122
energy losses in, 82-84
in biologic oxidation, 100
and Chastek paralysis, 122, 774 hormoneet in. 152,169
deficiency effects, 100, 110 method of collecting in rats and cattle, 382, 384-86
formula of, 117,123,132
function of, 100,119,132
needs, 120, 474, 769, 786 vanadium, 116, 137
as prosthetic group of eocarboxylase, 110, 119 van't Hoff-Arrhenius equation, 718
' sources and costs of, 769,787-91 vaporization
and sulfa drugs, 122 heat of, 307
as supplement to riboflavin, 121, 122 heat loss by, 277-81, 291-92
and Wernicke's disease, 122,175 and environmental temperature, 277-80
thyroid ventilation, pulmonary, 409-23, 462-56, 919-20, 929,
administration of, 172-76, 183-M 961-53
effect on egg production, 175 in dairy cattle, 415, 452, 453
effect on growth and development, 168-78 in horses, 423,454-55,919-20,929,951-63
effect on milk and butterfat production, 175-76 maximal, as fitness index, 929
and adrenal medulla, 179-81 and metabolism, 415,418
applications, 183-84 and oxygen decrement in expired air, 416
and calcium metabolism, 178,188 rate, measurement of, 335
deficiency effects, 168 reserve, 930
and gonads, 182 during standing, 910
and iodine, 178-79 in swine, 456
and metabolic rate, 172,289 and temperature regulation, 280-82,415-16, 929-30
1022 Svbject Index

ventilation, pulmonary, and body weight, 416-17, vitamin D, seasonal rhythm in milk, 211-12
423,452-66 relation to sex hormones, 141,143
as measure of work capacity, 919-20, 929-30 as supplement to milk, 121
visceral organs and body weight, 581-98, 621-31, vitamin Dt (see calciferol), 135,143
642-46 vitamin Dj (7-dehydrocholesterol), 135,143
vision and vitamins, 116-17 vitamin E
vital capacity, 919 deficiency effect of, 118
OSaging index, 677 and encephalomalacia, 118
vitality (or specific mortality) formula, 117
and aging, 684-85, 698, 701-2, 710 functions of, 135-36
vitamins, 132-36,762-69 and muscular dystrophy, 118
in aging, 691, 764 and reproduction, 118, 135
and antivitamins, 117 vitamin H (see biotin, coenzyme R)
applications and interrelations, 101-2, 109-10, vitamin K (anti-hemorrhagic factor), 117-18, 136
121-23, 127, 132-44, 762-74, 786-91 deficiency effects of, 136
in biologic oxidations, 109,116-28 formula of, 117-18
biosynthesis of, 741-43 and prothrombin formation, 118, 136
and carcinogens, 144-45 vitamin P (scecitrin), 134
as catalysts, 109-10
cholesterol derivatives, 143 w
costs of, 788
defined, 109-11, 116, 132-39 walking, energy cost of, 910-12
efiiciency of production of, 790-1 Warburg's enzyme, 108
and enzymes, 110,140-43 water-regulation in the body, 248
estimations in foods, 767, 768, 787-91 Weber-Fechner law, 76
formulas of, 117, 143 weight
in growth, 764-65 birth and gestation, 427-42,460
in mUk, 798, 846 body
needs, 473-75, 768-71, 786 and basal metabolism, 352-403
and the neuroendoorine system, 769-74 and brain weight, 592, 626
sources of, 769, 787-91 estimated by chest girth, 634-36,653-57
and body weight and metabolic rate, 125, 473-75, and egg weight, 482, 891, 893
766-71 egg production efficiency (see egg)
and work, 926 to height, 629,638
units, 766 and growth efficiency, 2,43-58
vitamin A lactionally effective, 85^7
and ascorbic acid, 742- and maintenance cost, 41,473
in butter and margarine, 801 and meat production efficiency, 43-58
deficiency effects of, 118, 135,774 and metabolism during growth, 404-469
dietary standards for, 770,786 and milk production, 853-56, 859-60,864
formula, 117,135 and milk production efficiency (see milk)
functions of, 116-18, 762-63, 766, 772, 774 and organ weight, 581-597, 621-628
and maintenance, 474,768 and profit, 855, 865-71, 874
provitamin A (carotene), 135 as reference base for metabolism, 352-403
and reproduction, 118 regulation of, 246-47
and vision, 116-18 and surface area, 264,367
and the thyroid, 122,177-78, 771-72 and wool weight, 618,639-40
vitamin Bi (see thiamino) Wernicke's disease, 122,774
vitamin Bi (see riboflavin) Wilhelmy's law, 76 .
vitamin B« (see pyridoxine) wool weight, 618, 639-40 i
vitamin Be, 133-34 work capacity, measures of, 918-39
vitamin B complex (bios, growth factors), 119-20, alkaline reserve, 921
132-34 rate of adjustment to work, 930-32
biogenesis in ruminants, 120 blood (oxygen and hemoglobin) capacity, 021-22
dietary need, estimates and "standards", 475, circulation rat« index, 927
766-71, 786 coronary circulation, 923-24
as growth factors, 119 effect of drugs on, 926
history of, 119 energetic efficiency, 902-4, 909-10
and homeostasis, 253 maximal steady-state effort, 929
members of, 132-36, 762 , fatigue, 918-19
sources of, 119, 769, 787-91 heart capacity, 920-21,931
vitamin C (see ascorbic acid) lactic acid reserve, 922-23, 930
vitamin D, 118,121,135 limiting factor in, 918
in calcium and phosphorus metabolism, 118, 135, lung capacity, 919-20,929
190 need for, 899-900
Svbjed Index 1023

work capacity, measures of, nutritional condition. work, muscular efficiency of, and profit, 918, 944,
maximal oxygen consumption, 029 rising and declining curve of, 904-5
performance to exhaustion, 927 effect of speed on, 38-39, 904-9
pulse pressure, 921 effect of work-rate level on (l^w of diminishing
pulse rate, 920 increments), 7,9, 76-99,917
respiration rate, 919 energy expense of, 909
rate of recovery from work, 930-32 and fatigue, 918-19
ratio of maximum e£fort to rest, 915 fuel in, 924-25
ratio of sustained hard work to rest, 915-17 institutes, 898-99
body-temperature regulation, 924 metabolism during, 912
tidal air, 919 and oxygen supply, 919
tiring speed and lactate accumulation, 931 physiologic aspects of, 900
ventilation reserve, 930 rate (horsepower, kilowatt), 902
vital capacity, 919 safety margin in, 906
work, muscular thermodynamic aspects of, 900
apparatus for study of, 901-2,945-49 units, 900-1
aptitude and prediction tests, 900 vitamin need during, 926
and diminishing increments, 98 wound healing, effect of aging on, 875
in terms of draft, as percentage of body weight,
905-7 X
effect of hormones on, 926
efficiency of, 7, 9, 37-40, 98, 902 xerophthalmia and thyroidectomy, 178
alignment charts for estimating, 942-44 Y
and body size, 39,910-11
data on, 951-58 yellow enzyme, 125
definitions and equations for, 10-11, 37^8, 902 yolk sac, 488-90
909-10, 940-43
effect of gelatin feeding on, 925
limiting values of, 909 sine, 115,137
and the maintenance factor, 908 zygote, 491

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