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D3 - Evaluate your own performance on the project

I believe while completing the task in hand which was creating a counting
system for a college tournament which had various requirements; The
individual which comes first of each event according to their rank will be
awarded points, there is only allowed to be 5 individuals on each team, user
needs to be able to add events into the system, there must be a scoring
system and leader board which displays both teams and individuals
separately which displays all the points, only 20 individuals who can only
register for the system and there needs to be a program which enables the
functionality to add the team or individual onto the system these were all
demanded for all in a given 8 weeks’ timescale I strongly believe that that I
have worked on my project to the best of my abilities going the extra mile to
make sure everything is functioning majority if not all the requirements were
met by my final product.

I started off this project with the Designing out the whole project and planning
it out thoroughly from doing all the research for all the different codes within
GIU interface learning them, what each of them code for and how will they
help me construct the interface. I used YouTube tutorials to learn how to code
and i needed to follow many lessons until i was properly able to interact with
python efficiently. As i had never used Tkinter in python. It was time
consuming as a had to watch a lot of videos on YouTube and then interrupted
the codes into my scenario. And then I started to plan the whole construction
of my interface as a whole, what are the key features, where are the icons
going to be positioned, which icon will take the user where within the system
and etc. It all needed carefully and thorough planning. And to help me plan
and design the whole layout of the whole system I started to construct a story
board. The board gave me a strong visual representation of how and which
user will be directed within the system that I would then have to be able to

The story board I was able to also provide myself with a number of different
designs to decide which one is the most appropriate to meet the user's
requirements and client requirements. Obviously my first design wasn’t as
good as my third one because I research about different features, information
and etc. to then improve the first draft and then the second and then to finally
construct the final draft which I was going to construct and base the whole
layout of my interface on. But my designs were not only based on my research
I was giving my designs to my fellow peers to have a look and give my
feedback on what went well and what needed to be improved and using that
vital feedback I was able to make the necessary changes and improvements.
After making my designs of the interface I found it beneficial for me to give my
designs to my peers to get feedback. This allowed me to find out the
appropriate improvements needed to make my design more visually appealing
to the user using the list of user requirements and tick them off my list to see if
I had achieved the requirements. I used my peer’s feedback to improve my
work and designs and was handing them the designs to view and give me
feedback on what went well the designs and what needed to be improved and
this feedback benefited my interface overall also the feedback allowed me to
make a chose between GUI and CLI, my final decision was GUI. From the
research that I did and the feedback that I had received I was forced to believe
GUI is a much cleaner and efficient way of creating a user-friendly program. It
is more easily usable users are able to visually see interactive icons that
would allow them to be able to navigate throughout my system. Another
advantages that help me make my final decision was GUI requires more CPU
power so using GUI as you can open up a wider range of functions also
overall GUI gave my stem a more visually appealing but it was very simple
and user friendly to use also it meant that the college will be able to use it
without any difficulties and errors.

Even though I had little/ no knowledge about python, I spend hours on end
researching and watching all the different YouTube videos about using Tkinter
and applying the codes from their scenario to mine. Once I started the
construction and I was will into the whole construction I came across many
errors many of which were just minor language corrections like the
punctuation needed to close codes which I needed to make amendments too
in order to get a fully functional system

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