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School of Engineering Technology & Aviation

Operations Manager: Toni Tosti

Workload Template – scheduling, sharing of updated information and tracking changes/status of

Project Objective:
*Review our present workload template which contains all programs/courses under EngTech to better track all
changes made, as well as the status of each change.
*The workload is initially created by our Associate Deans (3), updated and tracked by Schedulers (3). The
Operations Manager uses the workload template for review.

Current state:
Associate Deans (AD) and schedulers use a template to lay out the schedule per program per semester.
This outlines which courses are being offered and who is teaching which course.
The AD is looking at how many blocks are needed depending on enrollment numbers. The AD does the first
draft of the template – given enrollment numbers.

The schedulers take this and input it into a system named Summit. Then there are changes made to this

In terms of how long in advance this is done: the fall 2024 schedule was due in early April 2024. One challenge
is that enrollment numbers are not yet finalized at this point. Changes do happen due to enrollment numbers
changing, part-time faculty members change their availability, and other factors can come into play to change
the final numbers.

The current template does not track changes properly. When one team member leaves it is not easy for a new
person to see where things are at. Things have fallen through the cracks because the template does not properly
track changes.

A lot of changes that take place are communicated between the AD and the scheduler by email. Then the
history is lost if either of these employees leave the department (as the info is stored on their person email). This
is a risk for the department and makes workflow hard.

Project Scope:
*Review the present method used to update and track changes/status.
*Provide suggestions on best ways to track changes in workload template and minimize emails.
*Review the possibility of creating a POS (program of study) macro to upload into the workload template.
*As you (the Project Management team) review our workload template and present process, provide
recommendations to streamline or improve accuracy of the content in the template.

Defining Success:
*Project Management team to support us in arriving at a template where the status of our workload is clear in
terms of where it is in the process - what has been completed, what is pending a change, the status of all
changes. The template should be clear to allow all Associate Deans and Schedulers to easily backfill for one

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