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Inside reading

Unit 6
Boom and Bust

1. Boom--a sudden major increase in trade, profits etc in a

particular country or region
the economic boom of the 1980s
2. Bust--- A bust is a period of time during which economic
growth decreases rapidly. In the stock market, busts usually are
associated with bear markets. During busts, inflation
decreases, and in extreme cases, can cause deflation. In
addition, unemployment rises, income falls, and demand
3. A bubble is an economic cycle that is characterized by the rapid
escalation of market value, particularly in the price of assets.
This fast inflation is followed by a quick decrease in value, or a
contraction, that is sometimes referred to as a "crash" or a
"bubble burst."
4. Commodity---something that can be bought and sold,
especially a basic food product or fuel
5. Securities--documents showing that you own shares in a
6. The difference between stocks and bonds is that stocks are
shares in the ownership of a business, while bonds are a form
of debt that the issuing entity promises to repay at some point
in the future. ... Some bond agreements allow their issuers to
delay or cancel interest payments, but this is not a common
7. Real estate—land and buildings on it;
8. Asset--something such as money or property that a person or
company owns
The business has assets totalling £5.1 million.
9. Speculate--to take the risk of investing your money in a
company in the hope that you can make a big profit later by
selling the shares that you buy;
10. Pupil--the black round part in the middle of your eye
11. Retina--the part at the back of your eye that sends light
signals to your brain, where they are changed into images;
12. Underlying---an underlying number or amount shows what
the true amount or level of something is
There was another fall in the underlying rate of inflation last
13. Exuberant---- /ɪɡˈzjuːbərənt/ happy, excited, and full of
an exuberant crowd
14. Momentum--progress or development that is becoming
faster or stronger
15. the momentum towards economic and political union in
16. dizzying---making you feel confused or dizzy
My studies continued at a dizzying pace.
17. Equity--the value of a property after you have taken away
the amount left to pay on the mortgage (=money borrowed to
buy it)
18. Down payment--a first payment that you make when you
are buying something and are going to pay the rest later;
19. Herd mentality--Herd mentality, mob mentality and pack
mentality, also lesser known as gang mentality, describes how
people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain
behaviors on a largely emotional, rather than rational, basis.
20. Staggering—extremely surprising;
21. File for--to officially ask a court for something, for example
ask them to give you a divorce or state officially that you are
22. Fad--something that is popular or fashionable for only a
short time;
23. Collectable--an object that you can collect as part of a set;
24. Strike it rich/lucky--to suddenly become rich/lucky
After years as a struggling businessman he struck it lucky.

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