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Study Of Recruitment & Selection Process

In Tech Mahindra

Submitted To Punjabi University, Patiala

in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of


Session 2023-2024

Mr. Rohin Malhotra Drishti
Asst. Professor Class Roll No. 154029
Uni. Roll No. 770703
M.B.A. 3rd Semester

ASRA Group of Institutions


pg. 1
pg. 2

I the undersigned, hereby declare that the project title “Study of

Recruitment & Selection Process in Tech Mahindra” is an original
piece of research work carried out under the guidance and
supervision. The information has been collected from genuine and
authentic sources. The work has been submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirement of Punjabi University.


pg. 3

This project report could not have been completed without the
guidance & support of Asst. Professor Rohin Malhotra

I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the above stated persons

who have helped me directly and also who have indirectly helped me.

Once again I express my gratitude to Tech Mahindra for kind Co-



pg. 4

1) Introduction
2) Literature Review
3) SWOT Analysis
4) Recruitment, Selection & Placement
5) Training & Development
6) Recruitment Planning
7) Conceptiual Background of Recruitment Process
8) Human Resource Development
9) Recruitment Strategy
10)Organisation Profile
11)Research & Development
12)Best Practices At Tech Mahindra
13)Research Methology
14)Results & Suggestions
15)Data Analysis & Interpretations
16)Inplications Of Theory & Practice

pg. 5

The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure
of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without
positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper.

In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need to
recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, they have
to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind.

The project report is about “Recruitment and Selection Process” that’s an important part of
any organization. Which is considered as a necessary asset of a company? In fact, recruitment
and selection gives a home ground to the organization acumen that is needed for proper
functioning of the organization. It gives an organizational structure of the company.

It’s a methodology in which the particular organization works and how a new candidate
could be recruited in such a way that he/she would be fitted for the right kind of career.

There are two types of factors that affect the Recruitment of candidates for the company

 Internal factors
 External factors

The objective of selection decision is to choose the individual who can most successfully
perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates. Selection process or activities typically
follow a standard patter, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with
final employment decision.

Why do we need an appropriate Recruitment and Selection process?

Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified candidates for a job role and Selection is the
process of identifying and selecting the right candidate for that job.

The contributions of each employee play a pivotal role in the sustenance and growth of a
business. Hence it is extremely important to select the right person for the job. The same way
as a square peg does not fit in a round hole, a bad hire can affect the overall business

The impact to your business when you hire the wrong candidate is often much more than not
hiring a person at all! Recruitment is not only an operational activity but a key strategic
activity for the business.

Hence there is a need for developing a strong recruitment and selection process.

pg. 6
In India, the average attrition rate in the BPO sector is approximately 30-35 percent.
It is true that this is far less than the prevalent attrition rate in the US market (around 70
percent), but the challenge continues to be greater considering the recent growth of the
industry in the country. The biggest challenge of the BPO industry is to control the attrition
rate by recruiting the right candidate for work as it increases the cost to the
company(due to training and administration cost, high recruitment cost)& loses the quality
of human resource from the organizations which ultimately affect the performance of the

As attrition is one of the major issue in Tech Mahindra Ltd it is necessary to study the cause
and as well as to evaluate control measures to reduce the Attrition rate to study the
recruitment process and find the linkages in that Process to modify the process of screening.

Tech Mahindra Ltd Company is one of the largest fast growing BPO Company not only in
India but also across the globe. As a leader in customer care and acquisition for over three
decades, Tech Mahindra has a track record of introducing process and technology
innovations. Today, several Fortune 500 clients trust Tech Mahindra to manage their
customer interaction, back office and other routine business processes. Therefore there is a
huge scope for H.R. and also to gain knowledge and to learn and to get experience of H.R.


 To study the existing recruitment process in Tech Mahindra, Pune

 To bring about feasibility and transparency in the process of recruitment.
 To attract the right available talented candidates for the job.
 To study the cost reduction in the process of recruitment.
 To study the perception of employee regarding the recruitment and selection process.

pg. 7

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subset of outsourcing that involves

the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-
party service provider. BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing, which
includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting,
and front office out sourcing, which includes customer-related services such as contact
centre services.

As the current sources of revenue face slower growth, software companies are trying new
ways to increase their revenues. BPO is top on their list today. IT services companies are
making a quick entry into the BPO space on the strength of their existing set of clients.

We will attempt to explain what it takes to setup a BPO facility in India. Actually, setting up
a call center is capital intensive. An ordinary BPO center that takes care of pure back office
operation [e.g. payroll, data entry] will not be as expensive as a call center.

The philosophy behind BPO is specific, do what you do best and leave everything else to
business process outsourcers. Companies are moving their non-core business processes to
outsource providers. BPO saves precious management time and resources and allows focus
while building upon core competencies. The list of functions being outsourced is getting
longer by the day.

Call centres apart, functions outsourced span purchasing and disbursement, order entry,
billing and collection, human resources administration, cash and investment management, tax
compliance, internal audit, pay roll…the list gets longer every day.

In view of the accounting scandals in 2002 [Enron, WorldCom, Xerox etc], more and more
companies are keen on keeping their investors happy. Hence, it is important for them to
increase their profits. BPO is one way of increasing their profits. If done well, BPO results in
increasing shareholder value.

Typically, a customer calls the call center [usually a toll-free number]. After pressing
numerous numbers [1 for English, 2 for Spanish, 3 for bank balance!] the operator will
answer your query

pg. 8
by accessing the database. Call centres address sales support, airline/hotel reservations,
technical queries, bank accounts, client services, receivables, tele marketing, market research.

India has enormous opportunities emerging from globalization and consequent lowering of
tariff barriers. Information Technology has given India formidable brand equity in the global
markets. Indian BPO companies have a unique distinction of providing efficient business
solutions with cost and quality as an advantage by using state of art technology.

 Brief Introduction about BPO Sector:

BPO Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the leveraging of technology vendors to provide
and manage a company's critical and/or non-critical enterprise applications. Through the
business transformation process of service-oriented transformation, which leverages the
technologies and standards of service-oriented architecture, companies can increasingly
leverage third party companies that act as business service providers. Business process
outsourcing can use off-shore resources, but is not required. Business process outsourcing
(BPO) is the act of giving a third-party the responsibility of running what would otherwise be
an internal system or service.

 Recruitment :

Recruitment (hiring) refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and
appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an
organization. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for
unpaid roles. Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked
with carrying out recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies,
commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake
parts of the process. Internet-based technologies to support all aspects of recruitment have
become widespread.

pg. 9
 Process:

1. Job analysis:

In situations where multiple new jobs are created and recruited for the first time or vacancies
are there or the nature in such documents as job descriptions and job specifications. Often, a
company already has job descriptions for existing positions. Where already drawn up, these
documents may require review and updating to reflect current requirements. Prior to the
recruitment stage, a person specification should be finalized.

2. Sourcing:

Sourcing is the use of one or more strategies to attract or identify candidates to fill job
vacancies. It may involve internal and/or external recruitment advertising, using appropriate
media, such as job portals, local or national newspapers, social media (such
as LinkedIn or RiteSite), business media, specialist recruitment media, professional
publications, window advertisements, job center’s, or in a variety of ways via the internet.

Alternatively, employers may use recruitment consultancies or agencies to find otherwise

scarce candidates—who, in many cases, may be content in the current positions and are not
actively looking to move. This initial research for candidates—also called name generation
— produces contact information for potential candidates, whom the recruiter can then
discreetly contact and screen.

3. Screening and selection:

Various psychological tests can also used by the recruiters for screening the candidates.
Assessments are also available to measure physical ability. Recruiters and agencies may
use applicant tracking systems to filter candidates, along with software tools for psychometric
testing and performance-based assessment. In many countries, employers are legally
mandated to ensure their screening and selection processes meet equal opportunity and
ethical standards.

Employers are likely to recognize the value of candidates who encompass soft skills such as
interpersonal or team leadership. Many companies, including multinational organizations and
those that recruit from a range of nationalities, are also often concerned about whether

pg. 10
candidate fits the prevailing company culture. Companies and recruitment agencies are now
turning to video screening as a way to notice these skills without the need to invite the
candidates in physical. Screening as a practice for hiring has undergone continual change
over the years and often organizations are using video to maintain the aforementioned
standards they set for themselves and the industry.

 SWOT analysis on Indian BPO sector:

A. Strengths:
1. Highly skilled, English-speaking workforce
2. Abundant manpower
3. Cheaper workforce than their Western counterparts According to Nasscom, The wage
difference is as high as 70-80 percent when compared to their Western parts.
4. Lower attrition rates than in the West.
5. Dedicated workforce aiming at making a long-term career in the field 1 Electronic
copy available at:
6. Round-the-clock advantage for Western companies due to the huge time difference.
7. Lower response time with efficient and effective service
8. Operational excellence
9. Conducive business environment

B. Weaknesses:
1. Recent months have seen a rise in the level of attrition rates among outsourcing
workers who are quitting their jobs to pursue higher studies. Of late workers have
shown a tendency not to pursue BPO as a full-time career.
2. The cost of telecom and network infrastructure is much higher in India than in the US.
3. Local infrastructure
4. Political influence

C. Opportunities:
1. To work closely with associations like Nasscom to portray India as the most
favored BPO destination in the world.

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2. India can be branded as a quality outsourcing destination.
3. $69 billion ITES business by 2010
4. $97.5 billion IT (consulting, software solutions) market by 2010

D. Threats:
1. The anti-outsourcing legislation in the US state of New Jersey. Three more states
in the United States are planning legislation against outsourcing Connecticut,
Missouri and Wisconsin.
2. Workers in British Telecom have protested against outsourcing of work to Indian
BPO companies.
3. Other BPO destinations such as China, Philippines and South Africa could have
an edge on the cost factor.

E. Scope:
The scope of this process is as mentioned below:

a) To significantly improve the Candidate’s interview experience.

b) Build efficiencies for recruitment, resources to conduct unbiased and rational



In order to achieve the company objectives, Human Resource Management undertakes the
following activities:

1. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel.

2. Training and development of employees.

3. Appraisal of performance of employees.

4. Remuneration of employees

5. Social security and welfare of employees.

pg. 12

Recruitment is distinct from Employment and Selection. Once the required number
and kind of human resources are determined, the management has to find the places where
the required human resources are/will be available and also find the means of attracting them
towards the organization before selecting suitable candidates for jobs. All this process is
generally known as recruitment. Some people use the term “Recruitment” for employment.


Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that
manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.”

The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the
nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of
aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process
of recruitment the company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to
apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for

To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose is to choose the individual
who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates.

Mode of Appointment:

The appointment to various points shall be made in the following manner:-

 By Direct Recruitment:-

a. The qualifications for direct recruitment shall be such as specified in the staffing pattern.

b. The appointment shall be made according to the merit list drawn at the time of selection.

c. All appointments except to class-IV services shall be made on the recommendations of

the selection Committee consisting of the following:-

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 By Promotion

a. Appointment by promotion to the next higher post in the respective discipline in any
category shall be made on the basis of ‘Seniority-cum-Merit’ from amongst the employees
working in the lower category having at least five year service on the said post in the steel

 By Transfer:

a. By permanent transfer of services of surplus staff of company the terms & conditions as
Prescribed by company and adopted by the Board from time to time subject to the approval
of Register.

b. By permanent transfer of an employee on his own request and upon the terms &
conditions as prescribed by the company and adopted by the board from time to time subject
to the approval of Registrar.


Services shall be deemed to have commenced from the working day on which the employee
reports for duty. If he reports for the duty in the afternoon’ the services shall be deemed to
have commenced from the following day.


No employee shall enter or leave the premises of the Establishment accept by the gate or
gates meant for this purpose.

An employee who is off his duty or has resigned or has been discharged or declared by the
competent Medical Authority to be suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, shall
immediately leave the premises of the Established and shall not enter any part of it, except
with the express permission of the competent authority.

All employees shall be liable to be searched both at the time of entry and exit at the main
entrance of the Establishment by an authorized person of the same sex with due dignity.

If more than one shift is working, the employee shall be liable to be transferred from one
shift to another.


The seniority of an employee under these rules shall be determined in a particular category of
post on the basis of the length of service on that post provided that in the case of employees
appointment by the direct recruitment which join within the period specified in the order of
appointment or within such period specified by direct recruitment who join with in the period
specified in the order of appointment or within such period as may from time to time be
extended by the appointing authority, subject to a maximum of one month from the data of

pg. 14
order of appointment, the order of merit determined, shall not be disturbed. Provided further
that in the case a candidate is permitted to join the service after the expiry of the said period
of one month, his seniority shall be determined from the data he joins the service.


Managing Director shall be competent to post/ transfer any employee within the
establishment. He shall also be competent to transfer an employee against any equivalent post
or along with post.


"Employee Development" was seen as too evocative of the master-slave relationship
between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees as "partners" or
"associates" to be comfortable with. "Human Resource Development" was rejected by
academics, who objected to the idea that people were "resources" — an idea that they felt to
be demeaning to the individual. Eventually, the CIPD settled upon "Learning and
Development", although that was itself not free from problems, "learning" being an over
general and ambiguous name. Moreover, the field is still widely known by the other names.

Training and development (T&D) encompasses three main activities: training, education, and
development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of Training and
Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to
practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities.

Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an
individual currently holds.

Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the
future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

Development: This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the
individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible
to evaluate.

The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes. The
sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and
development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coaching, resources,
and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. The
facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And the providers are specialists in the
field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict
with the agendas and motivations of the others.

The conflicts are the best part of career consequences are those that take place between
employees and their bosses. The number one reason people leave their jobs is conflict with
their bosses. And yet, as author, workplace relationship authority, and executive coach, Dr.

pg. 15
John Hoover points out, "Tempting as it is, nobody ever enhanced his or her career by
making the boss look stupid." Training an employee to get along well with authority and with
people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best guarantees of long-term
success. Talent, knowledge, and skill alone won't compensate for a sour relationship with a
superior, peer, or customer.

The organization philosophy should be kept in mind while formulating the recruitment
The HR department would set the recruitment norms for the organization. However,
the onus of effective implementation and compliance with the process rests with the heads of
the respective functions and departments who are involved in the recruitment and selection
The process is aimed at defining the series of activities that needs to be performed by
different persons involved in the process of recruitment, the checks and control measures to
be adopted and information that has to be captured.
Recruitment and Selection is conducted by:
v HR & Branch
Manager vFunctional Head

Recruitment planning on the basis of budget
A. The manpower planning process for the year would commence with the company’s budgeting
activity. The respective Functional heads would submit the manpower requirements of their
respective functions/ departments to the board of Directors as part of the annual business plan
after detailed discussion with the head of human Resource Function along with detailed notes
in support of the projected numbers assumptions regarding the direct and indirect salary costs
for each position.
B. A copy of the duly approved manpower plan would be forwarded by the HR department for
their further actions during the course of the year. The annual budget would specify the
manpower requirement of the entire organization, at different levels, in various
functions/departments, at different geographical locations and the timing of the individual
requirements. It would also specify the requirement budget, which is the cost allotted towards
the recruitment of the budgeted staff and the replacement of the existing employees. The
manpower plan would also clearly indicate the exact time at which the incumbent should be
on board in such a way that the Regional HR has adequate notice for the time lapses involved
in sourcing any other activities.

pg. 16
C. The Regional HR’s would undertake the planning activity and necessary preparations in
advance of the anticipated requirements, as monthly and quarterly activities on the basis of
the approved budget, estimated separations and replacements therefore.
D. The vacancies sought to be filled or being filled shall always be within the approved annual
manpower budget and no recruitment process shall be initiated without the formal
concurrence of the Head of the Regional HR under any circumstance. Head of the Regional
HR shall also have the responsibility to monitor the appointments being considered at any
point of time with specific respect to the duly approved manpower budgets.
Review of Manpower Plans and Additional Manpower
A. Review of manpower budgets shall take place on a quarterly basis. In the event of
any new position or any deviations to the original plans, details of the positions
maybe forwarded to the VP-HR along with the adequate supporting information. The
recommendations would normally require a formal approval of the Managing
Director. Alternately, VP-HR may record the summary of his discussion with the
Managing Director and the MD’s approval on the recommendations, to signify the
final decision taken regarding the recommendations.


Selection of Sources
Regional HR would tap various sources/channels for getting the right candidate.
Depending on the nature of the position/grade, volumes of recruitment and any other relevant
factors, the Regional HR would use any one multiple sources such as:
 Existing database (active application data bank);
 Employee referral as per any company scheme that may be approved from time to
 Advertisement in the internet/newspapers/magazines/company’s sites/job sites or
any other media;
 Placement Agencies (particularly for positions of Managers and above);
 Headhunting firms particularly for senior positions, specialist positions and critical
 Direct recruitment from campuses/academic institutes;
 Job websites and
 Any other appropriate sources.
The norms for using any of the sources are not water tight. Number of positions,
criticality of positions and the urgency of the positions, confidentiality requirements, relative
efficacy and cost considerations would play a role in the choice of the appropriate sourcing

pg. 17
 All recruitment advertisements (in any form and any medium) shall always
conform to the KLI compliance norms and would not be released by any department
or branch without the approval of the VP-HR. depending on the specifics of each
position for which recruitment advertisements are to be released, Regional HR may
obtain assistance from the company’s marketing department and/or any external
advertising agencies for the preparation of the contents. Key features of the positions
as notified by the Functional Heads would normally form a part of the advertisement
 The media for releasing advertisement would depend on the level of the position
being considered and the urgency of the requirements.
 The advertisement mode that could be broadly specified as newspapers (local or
mainline depending on requirements), internet sites and business magazines.
Placement Agencies/Headhunting Agencies
Depending upon the vacancies, fresher fitting different description listed above may be
recruited from time to time, from academic institutes of appropriate
standards/reputation/grade, in the requisite numbers and at the compensation/stipend
amounts to be formally approved of the VP-HR. Plans for such recruitment need specific
special approval of VP-HR. norms regarding the identification of the appropriate
institutes, constitution of the selection panels, timings of the recruitment, number of
candidates to be recruited into different positions, choice of the appropriate selection
process and the tools thereof shall be decided by the Head of the Regional HR in
consultation with the VP-HR, depending on the specific features of the position.

pg. 18

Working definitions:

Full-cycle recruiting is a term used by human resources specialists who manage the
recruitment process from start to finish. Full-cycle recruiting begins with sourcing
candidates, which means looking for prospective applicants whose qualifications
might be suitable for the job openings you have. Sourcing has evolved in the past
several years with the proliferation of job and career sites. Many of the newspapers
that once had pages of job listings in the Sunday edition have been replaced by job
sites such as CareerBuilder and Monster.

Once the applicant has become a candidate, it means He/she has the requisite skills to
warrant an investment of resources necessary to schedule, prepare and conduct an
interview. These days interviews are one of the most important factors in the selection
process because the recruiter and hiring manager are looking at more than what can
the candidate do for the Large Scale Industries. They are looking for soft skills the
candidate may have in terms of building teams, working in collaboration with other
professionals, and what the candidate can bring to the Large Scale Industries that no
other candidate can. Interviews may be one-on-one for administrative and support
positions; however, candidates for management and director level positions can
expect to be panel interviewed and judged on their capability to interact with a variety
of personalities while presenting his/ her qualifications in a manner that sells his/ her
capabilities to the prospective employer.

pg. 19

Recruitment is naturally subject to influence of several factors. These include external

as well internal forces.

Internal Factors External Factors

 Recruitment Policy  Supply and demand

RECRUITMENT  Unemployment rate
 Size of the firm  Labor market
 Cost  Political- Social

pg. 20
Sources of Recruitment

Given below are various recruitment sources-

 Direct Walk ins:

Candidates walks in directly at company office for interview.
 Employee referrals-
I-engage is Tech Mahindra referral program which focuses on attracting large
volumes of referrals. Floor Huddles are conducted on daily basis to push for
maximum reference. Communication mails are sent across on regular basis and
banners/posters are put across the organization to spread awareness about the
 Tele calling-
Tele callers are given data for calling on a daily basis and they are supposed to
give information and call candidates for an interview.
 Job Portals-
Relevant candidate data is downloaded from job portals and the candidates are
called for interview.
 Placement Agencies-
Regular communication is sent to the consultants with regard to current open
positions. Special drives are also arranged by the consultant to attract maximum
 Hoardings-
Company hoardings are placed at bus stops at pivotal locations in the city to
attract talent.
 Institute Tie-ups –
Tie-ups are established with educational institutes / typing institutes/ English
speaking institutes and recruitment drives are also conducted at their venue.
 Employment Exchange-
Recruitment drives are organized by employment exchange .A TAG
representative conducts interviews at their venue.
 Newspaper advertisement-
Weekly advertisements are given in major newspapers across the city.

pg. 21
 Cable advertisement-
Company Advertisements are flashed on prominent cable ne
 Job Fair-
Job Fairs held across and within the city limits and are attended by the TAG
 Mass mailing –
Mass mailers are sent to the candidates.

Agent Level Recruitment Process:

 Candidate walks in for Interview at the recruitment bay.

 Candidate hands over the CV to the TAG representative. In case the

candidate does not have CV, Resume format as enclosed below is handed
to the candidate to fill in the required details.

 The TAG Representative checks the basic eligibility criteria for the
candidate - HSC Pass and age between 18 to 35 years .In case the candidate
does not meet the basic eligibility criteria, the candidate is not considered
further for the Interview.

 The TAG representative numbers the cv and makes entry in the recruitment
register to track the footfalls for the day.

 After handing over the CV, the candidate is moved to a dedicated computer
system and fills the online personal interview form. Below is the snapshot
of the online form.

pg. 22

 In case the candidate does not know typing, the TAG representative has to fill the
Personal Interview form on behalf of the candidate and mention Cannot Operate
Computers (COC) on the candidates resume and place the resume in the rejects for
the day. The candidate is not considered further for Interview rounds. After the
filling of the personal interview form, the candidate has to fill the referral form as
enclosed below.

pg. 23

 The candidate mentions the name and the number of the friends, relatives whom
he can refer for joining at Tech Mahindra and to be handed to the concerned TAG
representative. The data as shared in the referral form acts as an input for the Tele
calling database.

 On completion of the online personal interview form, the employee has to proceed
for the HR Interview.

pg. 24
HR Interview Process

The TAG representative gets the employee details filled by the candidate in the Interview
tracker sheet as enclosed below, mentioning the name, contact number and the source
name for the respective candidate. Shown in fig 4.3

Initial HR briefing to be done by the TAG representative, following points to be covered

at the time of briefing-

a) Inform the candidates about the company and the job profile.

b) Rotational shift and rotational weekly off are informed to the candidates.

c) Shift Timings- Boys work in 24 hrs duration shift timings; girls work in any shift
between 6 am to 8 pm during the day.

d) Working Hours – Rotational shifts are available at Tech Mahindra. shift timing
starts from morning 6 am to night 11 pm for female candidates and morning 6 am
to night 1 am for boys. Candidates work for a shift of 9 hours; out of 9 hours- 8
hours are working and one hour break.

e) Basic eligibility criteria - Eligibility criteria is checked once again from the
candidates: HSC pass and age between 18 to 35 years.

f) Documentation - Candidates are informed to get along original and photocopy of

all mandatory documents as mentioned in the welcome letter for verification, the
same is to be submitted to the concerned TAG representative during training.

g) Modes of travel - Candidates are informed that the company provides no cab
facility. Only pick-up facility at 6 am or drop facility only after the shift ends 9.30.
Candidates who stay at very far off locations are asked to relocate before they are
put through the further interview rounds.

pg. 25
h) Date of joining -TAG representative ensures that a candidate joins in
immediately. In case a candidate cannot join in immediately, an alternate joining
date is communicated.

i) Training Period – Candidates who are extended the initial offer undergo training,
which is for about 20-25 days duration. Part time employees also attend full time
training. The training period amount is paid in two installments as per details
mentioned below for Full timers –
j) Employee Referrals
An employee is eligible for payout of Rs 1000 /- for each successful referral.

Payout is done 45 days post the referee clears the certification. Applicable for both
full time and part time employees. Both the referrer and the referee need to be
active employees of Tech Mahindra at the time of payout.

k) Salary
The salary paid as per the process selected for.

Deductions like PF, ESI, PT, Access card and headset are applicable. This is a
security deposit, which is a refundable amount and is paid along with the full and
final settlement once the candidate returns the access card and headset back to the

l) HR Interview
The TAG representative fills in recruitment Evaluation Form as enclosed below.
Eligibility criteria i.e. age, willingness to work in shifts, 6 days a week working, working
on Sundays, candidates location within the hiring zone/ willingness to relocate, candidate
educational qualification, work experience is checked with the candidate. If the candidate
is selected in HR round then he/she has to face next round which is operations or training
interview. In case the candidate is not selected for a specific operations round or training
round, he/ she is called after 10 to 15 days with proper preparation to face the interviews
again to ensure maximum opportunities are extended to the candidate.

pg. 26

Candidate’s feedback on family background, career orientation, candidate’s awareness

about Tech Mahindra and inclination to join the company and personal traits such as
energy level, attitude, appearance and responsiveness is captured in the Interview
questionnaire form and the recruiters final comments on the hiring status is mentioned.

Based on the interview rounds, the candidate is selected or rejected during the HR
interview. HR reject resumes are maintained in the rejected candidate’s database.

For HR selects, their resume is attached with the interview evaluation and questionnaire
forms and the candidate is considered for further evaluation.

Operations Interview And Training Interview:

On the successful completion of the HR interview, the candidate appears for an

Operations interview round and training round to check for the communication skills,

pg. 27
stability and

pg. 28
other behavioral traits. Mostly the operation and training round are conducted at the same
time. This interview gives an opportunity to the operations and training representative to
meet the candidate face-to-face and observe the candidates’ appearance, verbal ability,
general personality and attitude. The operations and trainings representative mentions the
comments of the candidate on the resume.

In case the candidate is not selected for a specific operations round or training round, he/
she is called after 10 to 15 days with proper preparation to face the interviews again to
ensure maximum opportunities are extended to the candidate.

Online Typing test

There are three tests which are conducted as per the selection process of the candidate.

1. CSOQ Test: This is the test in which candidates behavioral skills are checked.
In this test simple objective questions are present. There are total 30 questions
are there in this test. Each question has two options. Candidate has to choose
the right option. The net gross score should be 20. At the start of the exam the
candidate has to fill up the basic information like name of the candidate,
nationality, gender, date of birth, email ID. The test has time limit 20 min
.This is the most common test which is faced by all the selected candidates ie.
Voice as well as non-voice selected candidates.

pg. 29
2. WET (Written email test): In this test the email writing skills of the candidate is checked.
One situation is displayed on the screen and the candidate has to write the email on that
particular situation without grammatical mistakes. This test also has the time limit 10 mins.
At the start of the exam the candidate has to fill up the basic information like name of the
candidate, nationality, gender, date of birth, email ID. This test is faced by only non-voice

pg. 30
3. VERSANT Test: This test is very hard as compared to the other two tests. This test is
conducted for the experienced non-voice candidates. This test has five sections:

1) Paragraph writing
2) Filling the blanks
3) Listening skills
4) Observational skills
5) Email writing(has word limit 120 words and time limit 10 min)

It has gross limit 60score. To get cleared the test the candidate has to be scored more than
60. Also it has word limit for email writing 120 words.

pg. 31
pg. 32
Score of the VERSANT Test:

pg. 33
Offer letter/ Welcome letter

Candidates who get selected are informed about their selection by the TAG representative
and given the respective forms to be filled in for extending the offer to the candidate.
Once the candidate has completed the forms, the TAG representative verifies their forms
and the offer is released.

Offer is extended to the candidate as per the full time/ part time working option selected
by the candidate.

The date of joining is communicated to the candidate and he /she is briefed on the various
documents to be brought along.

In case the candidate can join on the same day of offer being released, the candidate is
put in the handover session and offer letter is released accordingly.

HR issues i-cards to all the selected candidates on receiving photo from the candidate.

Recruitment Co-ordination:

Once a candidate is selected from the HR round, he/she is forwarded to the TAG
coordinator. The TAG coordinator mentions the candidate name and source on the co-
ordination sheet and then conducts the online assessments i.e. PIF form, online tests and
typing test of the candidates. Once the scores are received, the same is captured on the
candidate’s profile. The coordinator needs to ensure that candidates are put forward for
the Operations interview as per the eligibility criteria. Once the interview is completed,
the feedback is taken from the Operations and training interviewer and the same is
updated on the co-ordination sheet. Candidates not shortlisted are either put across for
interviews in other processes and feedback shared accordingly with the candidate.
Selected candidates are informed about their selection and the necessary documentation
forms are given to the candidate. Once the forms are completed, candidates are extended
the offer letter and informed regarding the joining date.

For candidates who are not selected in either of the process are asked to leave.

pg. 34
Coordination sheet / walk-in tracker:

Coordination sheet ie walk-in tracker is maintained on daily basis by the TAG

representative and is kept for records. The coordination sheet captures the name, source
of the candidate and the different processes for which a candidate is put for operations
and training interview depending on the hiring requirement. Comments with respect to
selection/ rejection of the candidate to be mentioned mentioning the reason for rejection
of candidate in particular process. Final status of the candidate i.e. selected or rejected,
process name and date of joining is captured in the coordination sheet. The total number
of selects and the process for which a candidate is selected is captured in the coordination

The coordination sheet ie walk-in tracker is one-point source to track the selects or
rejects for a particular day


Human Resources Development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion

of human capital within an organization through the development of both the organization
and the individual to achieve performance improvement. Adam Smith states, “The
capacities of individuals depended on their access to education”. The same statement
applies to organizations themselves, but it requires a much broader field to cover both

Human Resource Development is the integrated use of training, organization, and career
development efforts to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness. HRD
develops the key competencies that enable individuals in organizations to perform current
and future jobs through planned learning activities. Groups within organizations use HRD
to initiate and manage change. Also, HRD ensures a match between individual and
organizational needs.

pg. 35

Recruitment And Training And

Selection Development



Recruitment policy of TECHVISION consists of

 Objectives

 Scope

 Sources of recruitment

 Recruitment plan

 Job specifications

 Requisitions

 Mode of selection

 Selection committee

 Final selection

pg. 36
Recruitment strategies of the companies are:

 At least 50% of the vacancies occurring during a year at induction level/grades

are filled up through direct recruitment from external sources.

 Recruitment of executives from external sources will be made through open

advertisement in the press.

 Higher managerial grades/positions such as ASSISTANT MANAGER,

done through Direct Recruitment.

General Norms regarding interview Process:

A. Interviews should consider the entire data provided by the candidate either through
the formal CV or otherwise before coming to a conclusion about the candidate. They
may insist on seeing the proof of the claims made by the candidate regarding
qualifications, experience and other achievements. They may, at their discretion,
decide to meet the candidate on more than one occasion or to refer the candidate to
another panel.

B. Ratings on various attributes of the candidates shall be recorded in the interview

evaluation sheet, soon after the interview is over. Along with these numerical ratings,
qualitative Interpretations about the candidate and overall decision regarding selection
or otherwise (including a decision to defer the induction, referral to another panel,
considering for another position) shall be forwarded to the associated Recruitment
Manager/ Head of Regional HR. Individual panel members have the option of
appending their additional remarks/Interpretations. No selection will be treated as
final unless the IES form is filled comprehensively. Suitably appropriate IES formats
may be created for specific positions.
C. Any discrepancies noticed by the panel members regarding the authenticity of the data
provided by the candidate should be specifically and formally recorded on the IES
form and suitably high lightened.

D. Specific points to be probed during the reference check process, if any, must also be
clearly recorded and high lightened on the IES forms.

pg. 37
Administrative Actions Regarding Interviews

A. Scheduling and the venue of the interviews would be handled by the recruitment team
in consultation with the short listed candidate and the selection panel members, after
taking mutual convenience into account. For field positions, respective
branch/regional heads would undertake this co-ordination.
B. After the final round, if the candidate is selected, the complete set of papers Personal
Data Form, CV, job requisition no., Interview evaluation sheet, reference check
details, educational details, along with the interviewer’s recommendations and
Reference check form should be forwarded by the recruitment managers to
recruitment head. Fitment of the candidate into a grade and compensation fitment
shall be on the assumption of authenticity of the information provided in the
CV/application form.
C. An appropriate formal communication shall be sent to the candidate whose
candidature is not being taken forward, or details of the verbal/telephonic
communications provided to the candidate shall be recorded on the candidates papers,
by the recruitment team/associated line managers. In the case of interviews taking
place at the branch/regional levels, similar noting should be recorded on the
individual candidate’s papers.

Negotiations of the terms and conditions and other pre-appointment formalities

A. In the case of sales-Tied Agency functions, the branch managers will be allowed to fix
the salary and grade of the incoming sales manager, provided the compensation does
not exceed 20% of the candidates’ current cash salary. Any fitment beyond this norms
will need the approval of Head-HR. HR will forward a worksheet to support the BM’s
to evaluate the appropriate cash CTC of the incumbent. For all other functions, the
compensation and grade would be fixed post a discussion between the Head of the
Regional HR and the associated AVP/VP. Any candidate being offered a CTC of
more than 4lacs will need the sign off from HEAD-HR. In appropriate cases, at the
discretion of the VP-HR, a deviation may be referred to the Managing Director, for
the MD’s formal approval.

B. Responsibility for negotiations and finalization of the terms shall rest with the best
Branch Manager/Associated Manager. They may seek the assistance of the
recruitment managers, whenever required. Reference checks process should not
pg. 38
normally be

pg. 39
initiated unless the candidate has indicated his firm acceptance of the offer being
made by us.

Reference checks

A. Normal, reference checks should be undertaken with at least one reference. A second
reference check will be done if considered necessary. Responsible officials from the
former employers, academic institutes and/or any other eminent personalities can be
considered as appropriate references. Close relatives and friends cannot be considered
as references. Wherever feasible and considered appropriate, a reference should be
made with a senior official of the candidate’s current employer. In case the candidate
is currently un-employed, reference should be made with the latest employer. The
format of reference check is to be used as a framework for conducting the process.

B. Where the minimum two reference checks are not possible (particularly with the
current employer) or where there is a mixed response from different sources, the
matter may be to the VP-HR for a final decision. Depending on the seniority and any
other considerations about the positions, VP-HR would normally consult the
functional head concerned, before coming to conclusions. Any candidate whose
credentials are doubtful shall not be recruited.

C. In case of recruitment of Management trainees, fresher and life advisors as sales

Managers no reference checks will be required.

pg. 40

Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra Limited is an Indian multinational provider of information technology (IT),

networking technology solutions and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to various
industry verticals and horizontals. Anand Mahindra is the Chairman of Tech Mahindra, which
is headquartered at Pune and has its registered office in Mumbai.

Part of the Mahindra Group, Tech Mahindra is a US$4.7 billion company with over 113,550
employees across 90 countries. Tech Mahindra was ranked #5 in India's software services
(IT) firms and overall #111 in Fortune India 500 list for 2012. Tech Mahindra, on 25 June
2013, announced the completion of a merger with Mahindra Satyam. Tech Mahindra has 926
active clients as of March 2018.

 Foundation:

Mahindra & Mahindra started a joint venture with British Telecom in 1986 as a technology
outsourcing firm. British Telecom initially had around 30 percent stake in the Tech Mahindra
company. In December 2010, British Telecom sold 5.5 per cent of its stake in Tech Mahindra
to Mahindra & Mahindra for Rs 451 crore. [6] In August 2012, British Telecom sold 14.1 per
cent of its stake to institutional investors for about Rs 1,395 crore. In December 2012, British
Telecom sold its remaining 9.1 per cent (11.6 million shares) shareholding to institutional
investors for a total gross cash proceeds of Rs 1,011.4 crore. This sale marked the exit of
British Telecom from Tech Mahindra.

 About Tech Mahindra BPO :

Tech Mahindra BPO is powered by a combination of domain expertise, operational

excellence, process skills, and superior technology. The organization is the world's first e-
SCM Capability Level 5 service provider. One of India's leading integrated end-to-end
outsourcing service providers, the company offers proven, full-service expertise for multiple
industries, including telecom, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and manufacturing. Tech
Mahindra BPO's global delivery standards have resulted in numerous longstanding client
relationships with Fortune

pg. 41
500 companies. The company operates from its delivery centers in Pune – in addition to
onsite delivery teams.

 About Tech Mahindra:

Tech Mahindra is a leading global business and information technology services company
that leverages deep industry and functional expertise, leading technology practices, and an
advanced, global delivery model to help clients transform their highest-value business
processes and improve their business performance.

The company's professionals excel in enterprise solutions, supply chain management, client
relationship management, business intelligence, business process quality, engineering and
product lifecycle management, and infrastructure services, among other key capabilities.

Tech Mahindra is part of the $6.3 billion Mahindra Group, a global industrial federation of
companies and one of the top 10 industrial firms based in India. The Group’s interests span
financial services, automotive products, trade, retail and logistics, information technology
and infrastructure development.

Tech Mahindra’s development and delivery centers in the US, Canada, Brazil, the UK,
Hungary, Egypt, UAE, India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia serve numerous
clients, including many Fortune 500 organizations.

 Vision:

To be the leading global software solution provider to the telecom industry.

 Mission:

To be the global leader in outsourcing services to the Telecom industry, building on out
technologies, competencies and customer interests, and creating value for our shareholders
and customers.

pg. 42
 Organizational stature of Tech Mahindra:

pg. 43
Current status of Tech Mahindra:
1. Tech Mahindra and Microsoft Enable a Robust Blockchain-Based Ecosystem to
Fight Spam Calls in India:

New Delhi – August 27, 2020: Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital transformation,
consulting and business re-engineering services and solutions, announced today its
collaboration with Microsoft to create a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-based
solution to build a robust ecosystem in line with the regulations issued by TRAI (Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India). Based on Blockchain technology and built on Microsoft
Azure the solution aims at mitigating the issue of unsolicited commercial communication
(UCC) in the country.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has stated that UCC or spam calls are a
major nuisance to telecom subscribers across the country and has been working with
stakeholders to curb this menace. TRAI had established a "Do Not Disturb" (DND) registry
in 2010, however, while the registry has more than 23 crore subscribers, unregistered
telemarketers continue to spam customers, obtaining their consent through fraudulent tactics.
Tech Mahindra and Microsoft have been jointly working with TRAI on this issue since the
time this regulation was being formally structured and have designed this solution post a
series of collective sessions with the regulator and multiple stakeholders in the value chain.

“Blockchain as a technology is a powerful tool to combat the issue of spam calls and fraud
risks, to protect user information, as well as the integrity of the telecom sector. This
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-based solution will enable enterprises to stop financial
frauds and perpetration of misleading financial information by unregistered telecom
marketers who rampantly use the SMS service of Telcos”, said Rajesh Dhuddu, Global
Practice Leader, Blockchain, Tech Mahindra. “Tech Mahindra is focused to solve real
business problems of our customers and partner ecosystem by investing in next gen
technologies like Blockchain under the TechMNxt charter,” he added

2. Tech Mahindra Announces Technology and Analytics Partnership with the

Jacksonville Jaguar

pg. 44
Jacksonville, FL, August 15, 2018: Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital
transformation, consulting and business re-engineering services and solutions today

pg. 45
a partnership with the Jacksonville Jaguars. As the Technology and Analytics Partner and
Digital Strategy Partner of the Jaguars, Tech Mahindra will provide next generation digital
technology expertise, such as artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, to enrich the fan
experience and create front office efficiencies.

Tech Mahindra has also committed to empowering the Northeast Florida community with
technology awareness and education. Later this season, the Jaguars and Tech Mahindra will
announce a contribution to local schools.

3. Tech Mahindra, NITI Aayog and Pune Smart City Development Corporation
Launch the First Smart City Hackathon for Developers and Startups across

Pune, August 10, 2018: Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital transformation,
consulting and business re-engineering services and solutions announced its collaboration
with NITI Aayog and Pune Smart City Development Corporation to launch the first ‘Smart
City Hackathon’ at the Pune University campus for developers and start-ups across India.

Pune Idea Factory Foundation (PIFF), a wholly owned subsidiary of Pune Smart City
Develop Corporation Limited (PSCDCL), has been set up as a non-profit organization
dedicated to boost the start-up ecosystem in Pune. To drive its innovation agenda, PIFF has
drawn a detailed roadmap encompassing multiple initiatives.

The aim of this hackathon is to innovate, crowdsource and develop solutions for issues like
urban mobility, solid waste management, water supply, citizen safety & security. The
hackathon will comprise of developers including working professionals, start-ups and
students, who can participate as individuals or in teams of maximum five people.

“Pune is a key center for Tech Mahindra, as the city has offered us both good talent and
avenues to grow. We are humbled with this opportunity to serve this city through our core
competency of technology, and facilitate a mélange of ideas to solve urban governance
challenges. The Smart City Hackathon through co-creation and co-innovation will enable the
creation of an ecosystem where next gen technologies like Artificial Intelligence are applied
to make citizen’s life easier”, said Jagdish Mitra, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, Tech

Speaking on this first of its kind Smart City hackathon in Pune, Manojit Bose, Chief
Knowledge Officer of Pune Smart City said, ‘I am very happy to welcome our technology
partner Tech Mahindra on board. Co-innovating solutions by leveraging the strength of crowd
pg. 46
sourcing has met with a good degree of success in varied parts of the globe. We look forward

pg. 47
to active participation from the developer and start up fraternity in helping resolve various
sectoral challenges leveraging the power of technology.”

Different product profiles / market offerings of the company:

1. Healthcare and Life Sciences:
Tech Mahindra serves the leading global Pharma, Biotech, Medical Device, Healthcare
Providers and Health Plan companies across the globe. We are strategic ICT partners for 3 of
the top 5 global pharmaceutical, 2 of the top 10 Biotech, 3 of the top 5 Health insurance and
several government and private healthcare provider organizations across the world.

A. Healthcare Provider:

We offer innovative and end-to-end integrated solutions for healthcare providers. Our
solutions enhance the efficiency of physicians, hospitals, ancillary facilities, clinics,
governmental health bodies and public health organizations.

With over 3000-person-years of experience in delivering high quality healthcare solutions,

we are the trusted partners of health care providers worldwide in their constant endeavor for
providing better healthcare outcomes, and integrated and efficient systems and cost

pg. 48
B. Emergency management solutions:

Today, 70% of people in emergency situations succumb to death or irrecoverable clinical

damage due to delay in response to the distress call, highlighting the need for integrated
emergency management systems.

Tech Mahindra hand holds your emergency response and management needs with a robust
and integrated suite of emergency management solutions that address the critical response
needs within the golden hour.

Our Emergency Management Solution, with its underlying philosophy of ‘Sense - Reach –
Care’, has saved millions of lives till date. Offered as a Turn-Key solution, our proprietary
Emergency Management Solution leverages information-communication technology to
bridge response gaps and delays in emergencies with its seamlessly integrated modules of
services & solutions.

With features such as Computer Telephony, GIS-based Ambulance-Patient Tracking,

Advanced Fleet Management Systems, Mobility & TeleMedicine, our solution ensures every
distress call is immediately responded to with utmost care. Along with enabling medical
emergency response, our solution also integrates Police and Fire Systems to facilitate a 360
degree response mechanism.

pg. 49
C. Integrated suit for emergency management solutions:

We not only enable emergency response services for hospitals and health bodies, but also
help the governments reach out to millions in times of distress, helping bridge time and
access gaps.

Our solution has helped one of our customers achieve:

 Population coverage of 730+ million people

 Saved more than a Million lives to date
 Manage a fleet of 8900+ Ambulances
 Helping handle more than 220,000 calls daily
 Ambulance dispatched within 3 minutes for every call
 Attending to more than 26,000 Emergencies every day
 Responding to the distress within 3 rings

Tech Mahindra has a comprehensive array of services that assist providers in their public
health initiatives.

D. Remote Patient Monitoring:

Increasing number of people with chronic medical conditions and senior citizens coupled
with shortage of skilled medical personnel is driving the demand for remote tele-health
services all over the world.

With the increase in mobile penetration, rapid changes in the technology scape and the shift
towards Accountable care, there is an emerging need for wider adoption of remote patient
monitoring services and solutions to help cut healthcare costs, achieve operational

pg. 50
efficiencies and enable high quality patient care, round the clock.

pg. 51
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a pioneering tele-health solution that addresses the key
pain points of various stakeholders of the healthcare system by enabling the exchange and
flow of information from the patient’s medical device (outside of hospital) to the clinical staff
such as doctors, nurses and para medics.

With connected tools, technologies and platforms, patients, seniors or clinical study
participants are not required to stay in the confines of the hospital for observation and can
benefit from round-the-clock high quality monitoring and care.

RPM not only helps in monitoring the patients’ medical conditions, avoid medical
emergencies and hospital re-admissions, but also helps those in geographically isolated
settings to access specialized and preventive medicine.

Tech Mahindra Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions:

With focus on convergence of mobility, connectivity and portability of medical and health
devices, Tech Mahindra’s Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions are designed to help the
patient in his journey from Illness to Wellness.

Our range of end-to-end RPM solutions include:

 Setting up of Global Remote Patient Monitoring Centres

 Clinical Interpretation Services for various medical specialities and sub-specialities
 Device Monitoring Services
 IT Services
 Big Data – Analytics

E. Human Capital Management:

pg. 52
Healthcare providers’ ability to deliver is more contingent on people than any other variable.
In addition, people and their related costs generally compose a high % of the operating

Addressing the strain on budgets and revenue, significant staff shortages, and the need to find
the right talent to manage the ever increasing demand for healthcare, innovate solutions from
Tech Mahindra assist providers with a human capital management (HCM) strategy that better
utilizes current staff, attract new talent, and help cut costs. We provide specialized solutions
for Human Resource, Staff Scheduling, Time & Attendance, Learning Management and
Talent Management with key elements addressing the specific needs of the healthcare

2. Research and Development:

Our Life Sciences practice offers innovative solutions for effectively managing drug
discovery and development processes. The solutions enable and enhance the drug discovery
and development cycle by improving productivity while reducing the cost and time to market.

A. IT Services:

 Discovery Informatics

We offer the following services:

o Identification of the disease target by using Bio-informatics tools and databases in P.

Falciparum for Malaria
o Identification of the target by using Bio-informatics sequence analysis tools in
o Identification of the gene expression for human brain disorders using hierarchical
clustering techniques
o Study the activity of physicochemical descriptors of the molecules in terms of
quantitative structure activity relationships by using Artificial Neural Networks

 Pre-Clinical

Our pre-clinical service offerings include data integration, analysis and reporting services
for pre-clinical business functions. These functions include protocol management, animal
management, pathology management and toxicology data analysis. The services enable

pg. 53
organizations to make informed decisions and move to clinical development.

pg. 54
 Clinical Trial, Data and Supplies Management

Our Integrated Clinical Development Platform (ICDP), Clinical xPress, is built on the
foundation of Oracle Health Sciences (OHS) applications for the Healthcare and Life
Sciences industry.

The solution helps organizations to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) on IT
investments. The solutions simplify the process of procuring Oracle Clinical and Remote
Data Capture software, set up a study and conduct a trial.

The offering on clinical supplies management addresses the issue of maintaining

accountability of drugs undergoing clinical trials for Life Sciences organizations. The
offering enables faster, easier and better tracking of clinical supplies and reduces the
regulatory non-compliance issues.

We leveraged the relationship with Siebel and implemented the eClinical module for
Johnson & Johnson for efficient management of clinical trials, regions, sites and subjects.

The implementation improved clinical trial effectiveness, reduced drug development

cycle time, eliminated dependency on disparate legacy systems and reduced cost.


o Documentum, Open Text and Adobe Solutions

o Integration of existing Clinical Data Management Systems to Enterprise Document
Management Systems
o Enhancements of existing Clinical Data Management System

B. Business Process Outsourcing Service:

Our Business Services Group (formerly known as Business Process Outsourcing) offers an
array of innovative service offerings that deliver measurable business value to customers.

pg. 55

View our Business Services Group Service Offerings.

pg. 56
C. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management:

Our Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution offerings allow
customers to benefit from Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing-
enabled services through the principles of agility, operational excellence and Kaizen.

Our solutions include:

 Advanced supply chain planning

 Advanced procurement and sourcing solutions
 Order management
 Advanced pricing solutions
 Mobile supply chain and warehouse management
Our Life Science Solutions and Consulting Services under Manufacturing and SCM
directly integrate with other industry sub-groups. This integration ensures that all
solutions seamlessly interact with the customers’ entire process flow.

pg. 57

Tech Mahindra has many clients. Tech Mahindra Pune ensures that it provides friendly
experience to employees from the hiring to the exit. TECH MAHINDRA Pune handles
inbound calls of telecommunication and electronic companies.

 Work Culture- TECH MAHINDRA provides very friendly work culture and
working environment to its employees. Example: I have observed that
Operations Head and Centre heads having lunch with employees and having
friendly and knowledgeable talks with employees.
 Good Career Growth- TECH MAHINDRA provides good career growth to its
employees. Depending on the experience with the industry and performance it
provides good career growth opportunities to executives.
 Employee referrals- During recession when most of the companies have stopped
paid employee referrals. TECH MAHINDRA still believes that friends at work
place improves the team bonding and is the mantra for motivation and happiness at
work place.
 HR Policies- Policies are being changed by the companies for improvement.
Example- Policies for providing transport allowance to employees, No female
employee should be there in office after 8 PM.
 Medi-Claim/ Medi Insurance- All employees of TECH MAHINDRA have been
covered under ESIC for their insurance and Employees can reimburse their medical
treatments if he/she produces the required documents too.
 Open Door Policy (Open communication)- HR and management gives the
freedom to employees to approach with their concerns anytime and management
sees that problems can be sorted out soon.
 Opportunity to rotate responsibilities- Team leaders gives opportunities to
executives also to learn and handle his/ responsibilities. This provides them a chance
to learn for their betterment and growth in company.
 Trainings- TECH MAHINDRA, Pune has recently taken the initiative to provide
trainings to its employees. Example. TECH MAHINDRA has taken this initiative by
planning monthly training programs on EXCEL.

pg. 58
 Fun Element- TECH MAHINDRA believes that work pressure can be reduced and
work place can be made more congenial by engaging employees in fun activities.
So, it organizes “FUN FRIDAY” as one of the fun day where many activities, fun
games are kept and theme of the day is being celebrated.
 Briefing sessions: These are the sessions taken before the employee starts his login
hours and at the end of his login hours. In this the team leaders address to the
product updates and the problems and queries of employees.
 Internal Job Postings (IJPs): TECH MAHINDRA strongly believes that its
employees should be given a fair chance whenever opportunities are their in
companies. Thus, based on the performance evaluation and evaluation employees
are given the opportunity to change their area of operation from front desk to back
office responsibility which comes under lateral growth and the opportunity of
vertical growth by applying for team leaders and AMs.
 SKIP levels: Open communication allows employees to communicate their
differences of opinions with their team leaders to the higher positions

Objectives of the Study:

As mention in introduction my focus of study the existing recruitment process takes place
in Tech Mahindra Global Service Pune for that I set the following object to make process
These objectives are sorted by topic of study and to suggest correct solution for the
challenges in recruitment process.

a) To study the existing recruitment process in Tech Mahindra Global Services

b) To bring about feasibility and transparency in the process of recruitment.
c) To attract the right available talented candidates for the job.
d) To study the cost reduction in the process of recruitment.
e) To study the perception of employee regarding the recruitment and selection

pg. 59

 Implementing the organization’s recruiting strategy

 Maintaining records of Daily walk-in employee information
 Interviewing applicants and short listing for the second round
 Assisting with completing background investigations
 Administering pre-employment tests
 Maintaining records of employee tests and result.
 Maintaining records of employee Login ID, Passwords and result.
 Creating application ID of the selected candidates
 Calling the candidates for the interview
 Taking telephonic interview
 Maintaining the dockets of the selected candidates.
 Shortlisting candidates from Naukri portal.

pg. 60

(A) Internal Sources:

Best employees can be found within the organisation… When a vacancy arises in the
organisation, it may be given to an employee who is already on the pay-roll. Internal sources
include promotion, transfer and in certain cases demotion. When a higher post is given to a
deserving employee, it motivates all other employees of the organisation to work hard. The
employees can be informed of such a vacancy by internal advertisement.

Methods of Internal Sources:

1. Transfers:
Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to other similar jobs. These do not
involve any change in rank, responsibility or prestige. The numbers of persons do not
increase with transfers.

2. Promotions:

Promotions refer to shifting of persons to positions carrying better prestige, higher

responsibilities and more pay. The higher positions falling vacant may be filled up from
within the organisation. A promotion does not increase the number of persons in the

A person going to get a higher position will vacate his present position. Promotion will
motivate employees to improve their performance so that they can also get promotion.

3. Present Employees:
The present employees of a concern are informed about likely vacant positions. The
employees recommend their relations or persons intimately known to them. Management is
relieved of looking out prospective candidates.

pg. 61
Advantages of Internal Sources:
The Following are The Advantages of Internal Sources:

1. Improves morale:
When an employee from inside the organisation is given the higher post, it helps in increasing
the morale of all employees. Generally every employee expects promotion to a higher post
carrying more status and pay (if he fulfills the other requirements).

2. No Error in Selection:
When an employee is selected from inside, there is a least possibility of errors in selection
since every company maintains complete record of its employees and can judge them in a
better manner.

3. Promotes Loyalty:
It promotes loyalty among the employees as they feel secured on account of chances of

4. No Hasty Decision:
The chances of hasty decisions are completely eliminated as the existing employees are well
tried and can be relied upon.

5. Economy in Training Costs:

The existing employees are fully aware of the operating procedures and policies of the
organisation. The existing employees require little training and it brings economy in training

6. Self-Development:
It encourages self-development among the employees as they can look forward to occupy
higher posts.

pg. 62
Disadvantages of Internal Sources:
(i) It discourages capable persons from outside to join the concern.

(ii) It is possible that the requisite number of persons possessing qualifications for the vacant
posts may not be available in the organisation.

(iii) For posts requiring innovations and creative thinking, this method of recruitment cannot
be followed.

(iv) If only seniority is the criterion for promotion, then the person filling the vacant post may
not be really capable.

Inspite of the disadvantages, it is frequently used as a source of recruitment for lower

positions. It may lead to nepotism and favouritism. The employees may be employed on the
basis of their recommendation and not suitability.

(B) External Sources:

All organisations have to use external sources for recruitment to higher positions when
existing employees are not suitable. More persons are needed when expansions are

The external sources are discussed below:

Methods of External Sources:
1. Advertisement:
It is a method of recruitment frequently used for skilled workers, clerical and higher staff.
Advertisement can be given in newspapers and professional journals. These advertisements
attract applicants in large number of highly variable quality.

Preparing good advertisement is a specialised task. If a company wants to conceal its name, a
‘blind advertisement’ may be given asking the applicants to apply to Post Bag or Box
Number or to some advertising agency.

2. Employment Exchanges:
Employment exchanges in India are run by the Government. For unskilled, semi-skilled,
skilled, clerical posts etc., it is often used as a source of recruitment. In certain cases it has
been made obligatory for the business concerns to notify their vacancies to the

pg. 63

pg. 64
exchange. In the past, employers used to turn to these agencies only as a last resort. The job-
seekers and job-givers are brought into contact by the employment exchanges.

3. Schools, Colleges and Universities:

Direct recruitment from educational institutions for certain jobs (i.e. placement) which
require technical or professional qualification has become a common practice. A close liaison
between the company and educational institutions helps in getting suitable candidates. The
students are spotted during the course of their studies. Junior level executives or managerial
trainees may be recruited in this way.

4. Recommendation of Existing Employees:

The present employees know both the company and the candidate being recommended.
Hence some companies encourage their existing employees to assist them in getting
applications from persons who are known to them.

In certain cases rewards may also be given if candidates recommended by them are actually
selected by the company. If recommendation leads to favouritism, it will impair the morale of

5. Factory Gates:
Certain workers present themselves at the factory gate every day for employment. This
method of recruitment is very popular in India for unskilled or semi-skilled labour. The
desirable candidates are selected by the first line supervisors. The major disadvantage of this
system is that the person selected may not be suitable for the vacancy.

Suitability of External Sources of Recruitment:

External Sources of Recruitment are Suitable for The Following Reasons:
(i) The required qualities such as will, skill, talent, knowledge etc., are available from
external sources.

(ii) It can help in bringing new ideas, better techniques and improved methods to the

(iii) The selection of candidates will be without preconceived notions or reservations.

pg. 65
(iv) The cost of employees will be minimum because candidates selected in this method will
be placed in the minimum pay scale.

(v) The entry of new persons with varied experience and talent will help in human resource

(vi)The existing employees will also broaden their personality.

(vii) The entry of qualitative persons from outside will be in the long-run interest of the


Research is the decision regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means concerning
an inquiry or a research study constitute a research design. It can be defined as the
arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine
the relevant to the research purpose to the economy procedure. Research is needed because it
facilitate the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making research as
efficient as possible yielding maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort, time
and money. In fact, research design has a great bearing on the reliability of the results arrived
at end as such constitutes the firm foundation of the entire edifice of the research work. There
are two types of data.

Primary Data:

Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen
to be original in character. Secondary data on the other hand, are those which have already
been collected by someone else and which have already being passed through the statistical
process. The methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since; primary data are
to be originally collected, while in the case of secondary data, the nature of data collection
work is merely that of compilation. A questionnaire is sent to the persons concerned with the
request to answer the question and return the questionnaire. The questionnaire is mail to
respondents who are expected to read and understand the questions and write down the reply
in the space lent for the purpose in the questionnaire itself. The respondents have to answer
the questions on their own. The sample size for the study is = 300

pg. 66
Data analysis is very important aspect of project, as it basically involves the analysis of all the
information that we collected. The information collected needs to be analyzed so that we can
interpret the information and provides the justification for the work we have done during our
research. Data analysis is a body of methods that help to describe facts, detect patterns,
develop explanations and test hypothesis. Data analysis has been done with the help of SPSS
software. After the respondents had filled in the questionnaires, the data was entered into the
software and the analysis was made thereby. The data has been presented in the form of
graphs, bar charts, pie charts etc. After analysis of each of the question in a questionnaire the
interpretation of the same is also being provided which includes the reason about the
particular aspect of the organization and we can also judge the frequency and application of
the same in a particular context so that we are able to find out the exact fact behind the
particular aspect of an organization on which are whole project report is based.
Analysis of Opinion on Recruitment and Selection Process of the Organization:
Collecting data properly from employees become difficulty due to the time constraint.

• Busy schedule of the employees also effected to some extent.

• There is a chance for bias in the information given by the respondents.
• The study was based on sample hence results were not fully absolute.
The purpose of this section is to describe the methodology carried out to complete the
work. The methodology plays a dominant role in any research work. The effectiveness of
any research work depends upon the correctness and effectiveness of the research

Research design:-

Exploratory research:-The research design used in this project is the exploratory type.
Exploratory type of research is used because the sources of information are relatively few
and the purpose is merely to find and to understand the possible actions. The exploratory
study is often used as an introductory phase of a larger study and results are used in
developing specific technique for larger study.

Sampling technique:-

Judgmental Sampling Judgmental sampling is a form of convenience sampling in which

the population elements are selected based on the judgment of the researcher. Target

pg. 67
population and Sample size.

pg. 68
• The target population was the employees of the HR department of Tech Mahindra. The
employees targeted were of all age group.

• A sample size of 30 employees has been taken.


The findings during the work carried out by me can be categorized into two

A) Positive findings:-

1. A majority of employees feel that recruitment process carried out in their companies are
satisfactory. Management is also satisfied with the process of recruitment to some extent.

2. Most of the employees feel that the HR department is good. About 58% of the managers
say that they prefer both internal as well as external source for recruitment and selection.

3. Almost all the employees are satisfied with the training activities conducted in the
organization. 68% of the employees have achieved their training objectives.

4. Superiors are very supportive and helps their sub-ordinates in achieving their objectives

5. The management has understood the importance of systematic appraisal system & they are
taking every effort to implement it properly.

6. The training programme arranged for performance appraisal is good. The trainer is also
very effective to make the employees understand the concept.

7. The performance appraisal training programme is appreciated by the employees & they are
really benefited by it.

B) Negative findings:-

1. Some employees were moderately or not much satisfied with the process of recruitment.

2. Since rules and regulations are very dynamic, so most of the employees face difficulty to
adjust with them.

3. Most of the candidates do not turn up when they are called up for the interview.

4. Regional behavior and language influence is higher during training and even after
delivering their language; the desired effects are not seen.

5. Most of the employees slowly understand the importance of performance appraisal.

pg. 69
The findings from the analysis including charts, bars, and graphs are listed as follows:-

• The company considered portals as the most important medium of hiring employees and
then employee references are also act as the important source of recruiting people and
also with my working experience with the company I found them most effective.

• The employees working in the company consider the employee references are one of
the most reliable source of hiring the new employees and also to some extent portals, but
before hiring from portals the references provided there are need to be confirmed as I did
during my training period.

• The most important feature in company’s recruitment &selection policy is that we need
to take in consideration the ratio between the turn-up and line-up candidates, and after
analysis I found it most of the employees are also holding the same opinion.

• The existing recruitment process of company is good but it has some shortcomings that
is being Covered in recommendations and on overall the recruitment department has
pressure on it.

• After analysis of the company selection procedure I found out the company is using
quite effective method of doing selection of candidates and they always take in
consideration the cost-benefit ratio which is quite important from the long perspective of
hiring employees.

• The ratio of selected candidates to joining candidates is quite effective and highest in
number as the employees being selected are also of the view that they are analyzed
properly and effectively.

pg. 70
The study is subjected to following limitations:

The Study is based on data provided by the company statements, the

limitations of company's employees remaining are equally

pg. 71

Week 1:

In this week the very first day of my office I have been introduced, and also introduction
about work which all deals with in the organization. They give me the induction.

Week 2:

What are the things HR manager does, what are the goals and targets which HR manager
have to achieve, all the things had to be done by the person who working in the

The person who is superior of me introduce one by one about environment of

organization, rules and regulations and norms they follow in the company

They introduced me with various departments and make formal discussion with them as
what kind of work done in each department.

During the 1 & 2 week I had not select any topic because that the time I learnt more and
more about culture, process, working environment and also the actual meaning of HR.

Week 3:

From this week I started learning about recruitment process in the company, my guide in
company told me to go through the previous data and process of recruitment and
documentation. They give me details of the selection criteria and what are parameters we
should check of the candidates.

Week 4:

My actual project had started from 4th week, so from that day I decided to take the topic
of research "A study of recruitment process in Tech Mahindra"

pg. 72
Week 5 & 6:

I contributed in working of overall process of recruitment by calling the candidates for

the face to face interview. Daily 200 candidates we called for the interview process.

Also the walk in tracker or the daily walk in sheet is also maintained. The source of the
candidate is the most important data which has to be properly filled in the sheet. There
are so many types of the sources like consultancy, employee referral, Naukri portal,
training institutes, walk in, e-mail from Tech Mahindra or Mass mail, message from tech
Mahindra etc. We used to explain the candidates how to fill the proper source.

The graduates must write an essay on the back side of the resume and the experienced
candidates who have more than 1 year experience in the BPO field have to write an email
on the back side of their resume. These essay and email is checked by the panel in the
second round.

Week 7:

I learned how to take the HR interview, how to shortlist candidates for the different
processes. Took interviews for almost 10- 15 days and learned how to take interview,
how to motivate those candidates which are facing the interview for the first time,
explaining the shift timing and salary structure to the selected candidates.

And arrange their second round with the operations and training panel interviews. If
selected in panel round then arranging their client round.

I contributed in working of overall process of recruitment as job posting, footfall

management, panel co-ordination, feedback process.

Also handling data, working on MS -Excel, managing batches, mentioning the daily
board of recruitment.

pg. 73
Week 8:

When the candidates are selected then we give them documentation form and used to
check the form is correctly filled or not. Also we used to check all the documents are
correct or is there any document missing , if missing we have to call that candidate and
tell them to bring the missing document.

We used to take the online tests of these selected candidates and after that fill-up the LOL

LOI consists the all the information of the candidate ie. Name contact no, email ID,
present address, permanent address, date of birth, highest qualification, source, aadhar no,
Pan no, Blood group, birth place and birth state etc.

We have to maintain the LOI data of all the batches properly and publish the AID by that

Week 9:

In 9th week, I learned how to make the applicant ID ie AID of the employees. We are
using the LOI data which is filled by the candidate to make the AID. Each employee has
their unique employee ID. We have to fill the information of the employee on the site of
Tech Mahindra ie PACE HR. on this site we have fill the accurate information of each
employee. Their educational qualification, martial status, nationality, email ID, contact
no, mothers and fathers name, address both present as well as permanent. We used to
make 30 to 40 AID’s per day.

Week 10:

In 10th week, I learned how to close the pages of the AID. To close pages means we have
to fill the information about the panel names who took the interview of the employee.
The employee ID of the panel member, date of the interview, score of the test, result of
the test, overall rating of that candidate (1to 5), final status of the candidate ie selected or
rejected. We used to close 30 to 40 AID’s pages per day.

pg. 74
Also I learned how to take the telephonic interviews of the candidates, and called 100-
150 ex-employees who left the Tech Mahindra, to rejoin again. Invite them for the face to
face interview or arrange their telephonic interview.

Week 11:

In 11th week, I learned how to shortlist the candidates from the portals. We call those
candidates for the face to face interview or else ask them for the telephonic interview. we
scheduled their face to face interview or telephonic interview with the panel.

Also I learned how to maintain the dockets of the selected candidates. We segregate those
dockets which is having incomplete documents. For example in the experienced batch the
important document is their educational qualification and their ID proof and experience
letter or the salary slip of the previous company. Also the UAN no of the employee is also
important thing.

Also I learned how to download the UAN card.

In 11th week I was ready with my sample of questionnaire for both candidates and
employees of the organization. I done survey of actual process going on and make data
analysis this survey.

Week 12:

In last week of my SIP I was done my report as per company requirement in the last week
and my guide has given me immense knowledge about various aspects that HR manager
should. I have gain something new while learning.

pg. 75

Q.1 Which Source of recruitment are used in Tech Mahindra?

a) Internal b) External c) Both

Option Internal External Both Total

Response 54 106 40 200
Percentage 27 53 20 100

Table No. 5.1 (Source of recruitment are used in Tech Mahindra)


27% Internal


Graph No. : 5.1

In Tech Mahindra 53 % recruitment is depend on external sources of recruitment as

consultancies, colleges, also 27 is depend on internal source and only 20 % times
its depend on both the internal and external.

Q.2 Does the external recruitment bring in the desirable employees in the

pg. 76
a) Yes

b) No

Option YES NO Total

Response 142 58 200
Percentage 71 29 100

Table No. : 5.2 (external recruitment bring in the desirable employees in the organization)


200 YES, 213



NO, 87


Graph No. : 5.2

71% they think the external source send the good candidates for interview and they are
quality candidates but on the other hand 29 % said that they cannot send quality candidate
because of attrition. If attrition will less the 29 % convert into those 71.

Q.3Which of the following external source are used for recruitment in Tech

pg. 77
a) Advertising b) Internet

c) Walk in d) Consultancies e) All of Above.

Options Advertising Internet Walk-in Consultancies Employee Referrals Total

Response 8 18 112 42 20 200
Percentage 4 9 56 21 10 100
Table No. 5.3 (external source are used for recruitment in Tech Mahindra)

Employe e
Referrals Advertising
10% 4% Internet



Graph No. : 5.3

As the external and internal source to collect the footfall from above candidates are come
for interview as 56 % candidates come as walk ins and after that 21% came from
consultancies or placement agencies 9% came from job posted by recruiter also 10 %
from employee reference and last are view the advertising which printed in daily news

Q.4 Are you satisfied with recruitment process?

pg. 78
a) Yes

b) No

Option YES NO Total

Response 176 24 200
Percentage 88 12 100

Table No. : 5.4 (satisfied with recruitment process)

NO 12%

YES 88%

Graph No. : 5.4

By the above recruitment process the 88% of higher management candidates employees
are satisfied. whereas 12 % are not satisfied their opinion is it will also improve.

Q.5 What Form of Interview did you prefer?

a) Face to face Interview

b) Telephonic

c) Video Conferencing

pg. 79
Face to face Video
Option Interview Telephonic Conference Total
Response 156 38 6 200
Percentage 78 19 3 100
Table No. : 5.5 (Form of Interview prefer)

Video Confirence 3%


Personal Interrview
Personal Telephonnic
Interrview Video Confirence

Graph No. : 5.5

In Tech Mahindra they prefer face to face interview as the like it and judge the candidate
as 78% and 19 % said they have confidence to judge the candidate on telephonic
interview also some people prefer video conference interview.

Q.6 What is average time spent by executive during recruitment? (Each Candidate)

a) 1-5 Min

b) 5-10 Min

c) 10-15 Min

pg. 80
d) More Than 15 Min

More Than 15
Option 1-5 Min 5-10 Min 10-15 Min Min Total
Response 124 44 18 14 200
Percentage 62 22 9 7 100
Table No. 5.6 (time spent by executive during recruitment)

More Than 15 RESPONSE

10-15 Min

5-10 Min
22% 1-5 Min

Graph No. 5.6

The Recruiter spend time for each candidate is as given above for 7 % they judge the
stability taking more time for candidate for 62 % the reject the candidate by checking the
verbal communication of the candidate. 22 % check both communication as well as
stability and devotion to work.

Q.7 Do you have any system to calculate the cost per hiring?

a) Yes b) No

Option YES NO Total

Response 21 4 25

pg. 81
Percentage 84 16 100

Table No. 5.7(system to calculate the cost per hiring)




Graph No. 5.7

The question is for managers so 84 % of managers said they have the system for calculate
the cost per hiring. 16 % said they have bout not up to the mark. So the final objective of
this question and response is to build the strong system for calculating the cost of hiring.

Q.8 Does company follows different recruitment process for different grades of

a)Yes b)No

Option YES NO Total

Response 8 1 9
Percentage 89 11 100

Table No. 5.8(follows different recruitment process for different grades of employees)

pg. 82

89% 11%


Graph No. 5.8

The 89 % of the manager said that they have different process for different grade of
employee and 11 % said not .

Q.9 Does HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants ?

a) Yes b) No

Option YES NO Total

Response 162 38 200
Percentage 81 19 100

Table No. 5.9 (HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants

pg. 83



Graph No. 5.9

Out of 240 Employee 194 means 81 % of population said HR provide adequate quality of
pool and 19 % as not in favour of that.

Q.10 What is the back out percentage of candidates after being

offered? a)1-8
b) 8-14
d) 23-29

Less More than Total

Option than 8 8-14 14-23 23
Response 90 54 48 8 200
Percentage 100
45 27 24 4

Table No. 5.10(back out percentage of candidates after being offered)

pg. 84

Lesss than8 8 to
27% 14 to 23
More than 23

In the survey, The pointing question is that the percentage back out candidate is more 45
% said the percentage is less than 8 and 4 % of population said that the back out
percentage is more than 23.

Q11. What percentage of candidates leave within the period of less than1- 3 month?
a) Less than 5
b) 5 to10
c) 11 to 15
d) More than 15

Less More than Total

Option than 5 5 to 10 11 to 15 15
Response 147 79 62 12 300
Percentage 49 26 21 4 100

Table No. 5.11 (candidates leave within the period of less than1- 3 month)

pg. 85

Lesss than 5
49% 5 to 10
11 to 15
More than 15

The Survey shows that the employee leave the jib before 3 months the percentage for less
than 5 is 49 % and in between 11 to 15 is 21 % and more than 15 is 4%.

pg. 86

 According to Survey, Recruitment differs from company to company for each

 The company do utilize internet sites for recruitment process and for finding the
talent candidate.
 It is observe that the company are utilizing the job description in order to make
screening process more efficient.

pg. 87

 Company should go for campus drive.

From my point of view to collect the footfall from wander, employee reference so
also if they visited to campus placement they get good fresher candidates for their

 Also for job fairs organized by wanders

As in studied the recruitment process Tech Mahindra there as more than 25

wanders connected with within a month few of them organize the job fair so
company have to visit there to collect the candidates .

 Company have to collect the feedback of employee who left the organization.

As BPO industry the attrition ration is very high employee leave the organization
so they have to appoint the special committee to collect the feedback to improve
the structure of organization and quality of work.

 Reduce the attrition ratio.

 Regular interaction with wanders or employment agencies.
 Recruitment should not be lengthy.


BENGALURU: Tech Mahindra said it opened its first ‘factory-of-the-future’ centre, as

the IT company aims at gaining a bigger share of the move to smart manufacturing.
Smart manufacturing involves the use of robotics, sensors, data analytics and artificial
intelligence to improve productivity. The move widens the potential market for IT service
providers who would have to build solutions to tie together the different technologies.
“Industries world-over are going through a massive transformation, a transformation that
is driven by the advances in newer technologies, especially things like IoT and Robotics,”
L Ravichandran, President and Chief Operating Officer at Tech Mahindra said.

pg. 88

Name of Book Author

1 Research Methodology Kothari C.R., Research
Methodology Methods &
Techniques, edition 2004

2 Recruitment Process And Challenges By Anil Verma

3 Human Resource Management C.B. Gupta(1996),

sultan Chand &


MANAGEMENT, 24th Edition (Tata McGraw
Hill Publications, 2002)


Edition (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. 2001)

6 Personal Management C.V. Menoria.

7 Tech Mahindra Official Web Site (www.Tech Web links
8 Web links

pg. 89

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