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The diagram shows an alveolus and a blood vessel in the lung.

(a) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

an artery.

(i) Blood vessel X is a capillary.

a vein.


(ii) Gases pass across the wall of the alveolus by evaporation.


(iii) The table compares the concentrations of some gases in inhaled air and
exhaled air.

Complete the table.

Write ‘lower’ or ‘higher’ in each box.
One line has been completed for you as an example.

Gas Concentration

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Inhaled air Exhaled air

Water vapour lower higher

Carbon dioxide


(b) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

blood plasma.

(i) Oxygen is carried in the blood mainly in red blood cells.

white blood cells.


carbon dioxide.

(ii) In the blood, the oxygen combines with haemoglobin.

(Total 6 marks)

Our lungs help us to breathe.

The image below shows the human breathing system.

(a) (i) Name part A.


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(ii) Give one function of the ribs.


(b) (i) Use the correct answer from the box to complete the sentence.

active transport diffusion osmosis

Oxygen moves from the air inside the lungs into the blood by the

process of __________________________ .

(ii) Use the correct answer from the box to complete the sentence.

arteries capillaries veins

Oxygen moves from the lungs into the blood through the walls

of the __________________________ .

(iii) Inside the lungs, oxygen is absorbed from the air into the blood.

Give two adaptations of the lungs that help the rapid absorption of oxygen into
the blood.

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________

(Total 6 marks)

Figure 1 shows part of the lungs.

Figure 1

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(a) Give two ways the lungs are adapted for efficient exchange of gases.

Describe how each adaptation helps to maintain efficient gas exchange.

Adaptation 1 ________________________________________________________


Description _________________________________________________________


Adaptation 2 ________________________________________________________


Description _________________________________________________________


(b) There are 5.4 million people with asthma in the UK.

What type of disease is asthma?

Tick one box.

An allergy

A bacterial infection

A cancer

A viral infection


(c) Figure 2 shows cross-sections of bronchioles of two people.

Figure 2

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Suggest why people with asthma often find it difficult to breathe.



(d) People with asthma often have a reduced lung volume.

Figure 3 shows the apparatus a student used to measure his lung volume.

Figure 3

This is the method used.

1 Fill the bottle with water.

2 Breathe out through the tube.

The volume of water pushed out of the bottle is equal to his lung volume.

What is the student’s lung volume?

Volume = ____________________ dm3


Scientists tested a new drug to treat asthma.

The scientists measured the lung volume of:

• volunteers without asthma
• some volunteers during a mild asthma attack
• other volunteers during a severe asthma attack.

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Half the people in each group were given a placebo.

The other half of the people in each group were given the new drug.

The tests were carried out as a double blind trial.

(e) What is a placebo?



(f) Who knows which volunteers in a double blind trial are given the drug and which
volunteers are given the placebo?

Tick one box.

The scientists but not the volunteers

The scientists and the volunteers

The volunteers but not the scientists

Neither the volunteers nor the


(g) Suggest why it is a good idea that double blind trials should be used in drug testing?



(h) Figure 4 shows the results of the drug tests.

Figure 4

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Give two conclusions that can be made about the usefulness of the drug.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 12 marks)

The human lung has about 80 million alveoli.
The diagram shows some alveoli in a human lung.

(a) Give three features of the alveoli that allow large amounts of oxygen to enter the

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1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________


(b) (i) Name the process by which oxygen passes from the air into the blood.


(ii) Breathing allows large amounts of oxygen to enter the blood.

Explain how breathing does this.




(Total 6 marks)

The diagram shows a section through a plant leaf.

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(a) Use words from the box to name two tissues in the leaf that transport substances
around the plant.

epidermis mesophyll phloem xylem

______________________________ and ______________________________


(b) Gases diffuse between the leaf and the surrounding air.

(i) What is diffusion?





(ii) Name one gas that will diffuse from point A to point B on the diagram on a
sunny day.

(Total 4 marks)

Villi are found in some parts of the digestive system.

Diagram 1 shows two villi.

Diagram 1

(a) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

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(i) Structure A is a nerve.


(ii) The villi absorb the products of digestion by diffusion.


(b) Diagram 2 shows the digestive system.

Diagram 2

(i) In which part of the digestive system, X, Y or Z, are most villi found?

(ii) There are about 2000 villi in each cm2 of this part of the digestive system.

Why is it helpful to have lots of villi?


(Total 4 marks)

The villi of the small intestine absorb the products of digestion.

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The diagram shows two villi. It also shows parts of some of the surface cells of a villus, as
seen with an electron microscope.

Describe and explain how the villi are adapted to maximise the rate of absorption
of the products of digestion.









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(Total 5 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) (i) capillary

(ii) diffusion

(iii) Carbon low(er) high(er)


Oxygen high(er) low(er)

1 mark for each correct row


(b) (i) red blood cells


(ii) haemoglobin

(a) (i) alveoli / alveolus
allow air sacs
allow phonetic spelling

(ii) any one from:

• protection (of lungs / heart)
• help you breathe / inflate lungs.

(b) (i) diffusion


(ii) capillaries

(iii) any two from:

• (have many) alveoli
allow air sacs
• large surface / area
• thin (exchange) surface or short diffusion pathway
accept only one / two cell(s) thick
• good blood supply / many capillaries
allow (kept) ventilated or maintained concentration gradient.

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(a) any two adaptations with linked descriptions from:

• many alveoli to provide a large surface area

• good blood supply to maintain steep diffusion / concentration gradient

• thin walls so gases do not have far to diffuse / travel

• well ventilated to maintain steep diffusion / concentration gradient

1 mark for adaptation and 1 mark for linked description
allow to collect oxygen or to bring carbon dioxide to lungs

(b) an allergy

(c) any one from:

• narrow(er) / small(er) (air) passages / bronchioles

• less air / oxygen can pass through


(d) 3.3 (dm3)


(e) any one from:

• fake drug

• inactive form of drug


(f) neither the volunteers nor the scientists


(g) to avoid / reduce bias


(h) any two from:

• drug only works for severe asthma attacks

drug only increased lung capacity in severe asthma attacks

• drug had little effect or slight reduction in healthy people

• drug had no effect in mild asthma attacks

• drug does not alleviate the problem entirely


(a) large surface / large area

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thin / short distance (from air to blood) / one cell thick / two cells thick

good blood supply / many capillaries / capillary network / many blood vessels
ignore moist surface

(b) (i) diffusion

ignore gaseous exchange

(ii) brings (more) oxygen / air into the lungs / alveoli


keeps O2 level high in alveoli


maintains concentration difference (between alveoli and blood) / keeps O2

concentration in alveoli > O2 concentration in blood gains 2 marks

(a) xylem and phloem
either order
allow words ringed in box
allow mis-spelling if unambiguous

(b) (i) movement / spreading out of particles / molecules / ions / atoms

ignore names of substances / ‘gases’

from high to low concentration

accept down concentration gradient
ignore ‘along’ / ‘across’ gradient
ignore ‘with’ gradient

(ii) oxygen / water (vapour)

allow O2 / O2
ignore O2/ O
allow H2O / H2O
ignore H2O

(a) (i) capillary

(ii) diffusion

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(b) (i) Z
ignore any names

(ii) large / increased surface / area

allow all food absorbed

or to absorb more food

or improved diffusion

D – many microvilli (1)
Ex – provide large surface area (1)
five points made
max 3 descriptions
max 3 explanations

D – many capillaries / good blood supply (1)

Ex – maintain concentration / diffusion gradient or quickly removes food (1)

D – thin wall / one cell thick surface / capillaries near surface (1)
allow villi are thin
ignore villi are one cell thick

Ex – short distance for food to travel (1)

D – many mitochondria (1)

Ex – provide energy / ATP for active uptake / transport (1)

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