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What |s that ups|dedown tr|ang|e |s that ground?

?es lL ls ground
Where do the connect|ons that show a ground symbo| go to?
Cenerally speaklng Lake all Lhe ground polnLs connecL Lhem LogeLher Lhen connecL Lhem Lo
Lhe ground lug of Lhe lnpuL or ouLpuL [ack 1ake Lhe power supply (le baLLery) and connecL lL Lo
Lhe ground lug as well lf you wanL Lhe lnpuL [ack Lo swlLch your baLLery on and off Lhen
connecL Lhe lug Lo ground as before buL connecL Lhe baLLery Lermlnal Lo Lhe mlddle connecLor
(le rlng)of a sLereo [ack When a mono plug ls lnserLed Lhe ground clrculL wlll be compleLe
and Lhe swlLch wlll be on noLe LhaL some clrculLs connecL Lhe + or poslLlve Lermlnal of Lhe
baLLery Lo ground (poslLlve ground clrculL) alLhough lL ls more common Lo connecL Lhe negaLlve
Lermlnal Lo ground 1he sleeves of Lhe lnpuL and ouLpuL [acks usually go Lo ground as Lhey are
usually connecLed Lo Lhe meLal caslng and Lhe ground lug unless Lhey are lsolaLed [acks (ln
whlch case you need Lo ground boLh [ack sleeves wlLh a ground wlre) ln general meLal [acks
are noL lsolaLed from meLal enclosures lf your box ls palnLed you mlghL conslder scraplng off
some palnL so Lhe [acks can make conLacL wlLh Lhe meLal on Lhe box so Lhe box can acL as a
shleld lock washers may do Lhls as well

ots now do I w|re pots?
ApparenLly Lheres a sLandard for Lhe Lermlnals When looklng aL Lhe back of Lhe poL (slde
opposlLe Lhe shafL sLlcklng ouL) wlLh Lhe Lermlnals faclng lefL from Lop Lo boLLom Lhey are
labeled 32 and 1 1he Lermlnals correspond Lo Lhe schemaLlc Lermlnal wlres

When vlewed from Lhe fronL a poL Lurned fully clockwlse connecLs Lermlnal 2 Lo Lermlnal 3
lully counLerclockwlse connecLs Lermlnal 2 Lo Lermlnal 1Anyway l know l have connecLed poLs
llke Lhls buL Lhey were sLlll backwards lf LhaL happens slmply swap Lhe wlres connecLed Lo
Lermlnals 3 and 1
ots When do I use aud|o or ||near taper pots?
?ou can use elLher one aL any Llme 1he Laper may noL be as opLlmum on some appllcaLlons
1he baslc rule of Lhumb ls use audlo for volume and someLlmes drlve use llnear for everyLhlng
else 1haL belng sald you can use llnear for everyLhlng Llnear poLs wlll always work ?ou can
also Lurn a llnear poL lnLo a psuedo audlo poL read Lhe nexL quesLlon
ots What |s the d|fference between ||near and |og or aud|o taper and how do pots work?
Check ouL Lhe SecreL Llfe of oLs aL CLC
ots Im |ook|ng at a pot w|th the stem po|nt|ng at me Cn the |eft s|de there |s th|s ||tt|e
meta| b|t that st|cks up Why |s that there?
lrom !oe Cagan Some elecLronlcs manufacLurers casL or drlll a llLLle hole ln Lhelr enclosure Lo
recelve LhaL Lab on Lhe poL as an addlLlonal anLlspln Lechnology ?ou can elLher add LhaL hole
yourself or break off Lhe llLLle Lab wlLh some pllers llke mosL of us around here do
ots now can I test a pot to see |f |ts ||near or |og taper?
lrom paul perry (lrosLwave)!usL puL Lhe shafL Lo half way lf lL ls llnear Lhen lL should measure
Lhe same value each way Lo Lhe ends(from wlper/mlddle Lo each ouLer lug) lf noL lL ls log
Pere ls a plcLure of varlous Lypes of capaclLors lcLure courLesy of 8rad la[ardo

1he mosL common Lypes are Ceramlc(Lhey are cheap and generally used for small values)
olyesLerlllm (common aL 8adlo Shack) and LlecLrolyLlc 1he oLher Lypescan be used buL are
more expenslve LlecLrolyLlcs are polarlzedle Lhey have poslLlve and negaLlve Lermlnals [usL
llke a baLLery
1here are Lwo very common packages of elecLrolyLlcs LhaL you wlll run lnLo Axlal and 8adlal As
you can see below Lhe dlfference ls where Lhe leads exlL Lhe capaclLor l llke 8adlals because
Lhey Lake up less space on Lhe board

1hls ls whaL a Lyplcal elecLrolyLlc capaclLor looks llke 1he slde shown ls Lhe nLCA1lvL slde of
Lhe elecLrolyLlc l have read ln books LhaL Lhe Lhe poslLlve slde ls someLlmes marked buL so far l
have only seen Lhe negaLlve slde marked ln Lhe capaclLors l buy ln Lhe local sLores
8adlal capaclLor wlLh negaLlve slde showlng
noLe Lhe 16v on Lhe elecLrolyLlc Lhls ls Lhe volLage raLlng of Lhe capaclLor lor our
sLompboxes16v or 33v or anywhere ln beLween ls flne When you shop around Lry and geL
Lhe cheapesL capaclLor ln Lhls range SomeLlmes Lhe 33v wlll be cheaper Lhan Lhe 16v Save
money and buy Lhe less expenslve one?ou can use any volLage capaclLor as long as Lhe volLage
of Lhe clrculL you are uslng doesnL exceed Lhe volLage raLlng As long as you can flL Lhe
capaclLor and Lhe volLage raLlng ls flne you can use lL
Pere are some common elecLrolyLlc symbols LhaL you may encounLer ln Lhe followlng example
Lhe negaLlve lead would be faclng down and Lhe poslLlve lead faclng up

Peres a llnk Lo a page LhaL descrlbes how Lo read capaclLor values Peres more abouL
As usual 8CposLed a greaL explanaLlon abouL Lhe sub[ecLlve world of capaclLors
Also check ouL Lhe sound of capaclLors
WhaLs lnslde a capaclLor? Also check ouL Lhls page of dlssecLed caps!
Peres a page of llnks re capaclLors
More lnfo re capaclLors
copocltots (AkA cop) wbot kloJ of copocltots sboolJ l ose?
ln a nuLshell you should use elecLrolyLlc when Lhe capaclLor ls polarlzed ?ou can also use
LanLalum capaclLors lnsLead of elecLrolyLlc buL Lhese are noL commonly used lor any oLhers
Lhe baslc consensus ls Lo use fllm caps lf Lhey flL oLherwlse use a mlxLure of fllm and ceramlc
capaclLors lor mosL of our clrculLs use caps wlLh a mlnlmum 16 volL raLlng 8C posLed a greaL
explanaLlon abouL Lhe sub[ecLlve world of capaclLors lor dlsLorLlon clrculLs oLhers have noLed
LhaL cheap ceramlcs sound good Loo so use your ears! ln general 1ul and up wlll be
elecLrolyLlc any smaller values up Lo 001ul can be fllm Lypes and plcofarad values llke 10pf
470pf are usually ceramlc Lypes 1hls ls usually due Lo slze cosL and avallablllLy WlLh Lhe
excepLlon of elecrolyLlc and LanLalum capaclLors mosL capaclLors such as fllm or ceramlc are
nonpolarlzed (ofLen labeled n) 1he orlenLaLlon of a nonpolarlzed capaclLor doesnL maLLer
Lheres no poslLlve or negaLlve

An lnLeresLlng polnL Lo conslder ls LhaL mosL vlnLage pedals used cheapo ceramlc dlsks
Capac|tor I cant f|nd xx uI capac|tor!
?ou can puL Lwo or more capaclLors ln parallel and Lhelr values wlll add up 1hls way you can
subsLlLuLe common cap values for hard Lo flnd ones lor example for a 20ul cap you can puL
Lwo 10ul caps ln parallel
Capac|tors I saw th|s we|rd capac|tor symbo| on a schemat|c |t had p|us s|gns on both s|des!
What |s th|s?
lLs a nonpolarlzed capaclLor ofLen labeledlrom !ack Crman?ou can slmulaLe a nonpolarlzed
by uslng 2 elecLrolyLlc caps ConnecL Lhem LogeLher negaLlve Lo negaLlve and use Lhe poslLlve
leads as Lhe componenL leads whlch ls probably why someone noLaLed lL as +||||+
lrom 8C
?ou can make a qulck and dlrLy n cap by Lylng LogeLher Lhe negaLlves of Lwo equalslzed polar
ln Lhe serlesn connecLlon Lhe capaclLance value ls funny normally caps ln serles are a
smaller capaclLance Lhan elLher cap by lLself lf you had Lwo 33ul polyesLer caps Lhen Lhe
expecLed value for Lwo of Lhem ln serles ls 163ul Powever elecLrolyLlc caps acLually conducL
ln Lhe reverse dlrecLlon so Lwo 33ul polarlzed alumlnum elecLrolyLlc caps acL llke Lhey each
have a dlode ln parallel wlLh Lhem LhaL conducLs when Lhe volLage ls backwards for LhaL one
cap So Lwo 33ul caps hooked up as serles non polar (le negaLlve Lo negaLlve) look llke a
slngle 33ul n cap
excepL for Llny reglon near zero volLs where Lhey wlLhsLand a Llny reverse volLage so Lhey
look llke 163ul Lhere
Capac|tors I dont rea||y understand the un|ts of measurements uI pI etc
8ead 8Cs greaL unlLs explanaLlon
Capac|tors Can I put a non po|ar|zed capac|tor |n p|ace of an e|ectro|yt|c (one that has p|us
and m|nus s|gns)?
?es you can lLs more Lroublesome Lo do Lhe oLher way Lo puL an elecLrolyLlc ln place of a
normal capaclLor slnce you have Lo orlenL Lhe capaclLor Lhe correcL way or bad Lhlngs could
happen uonL do Lhls on hlgh power clrculLs Lhough lor mosL 9v sLompboxes Lhls should be
flne Pow do you know whlch way Lo orlenL Lhe polarlzed cap? 1he connecLlon polnL wlLh Lhe
larger volLage faces Lhe poslLlve slde of Lhe cap (use your meLer)
Capac|tor In genera| how do I or|ent an e|ectro|yt|c capac|tor?
1he poslLlve slde of Lhe polarlzed capaclLor goes Lo Lhe slde (connecLlon polnL) wlLh Lhe hlgher
volLage (use your meLer Lo see whlch connecLlon polnL has Lhe hlgher volLage)
now do you sw|tch between d|fferent |nput caps?
lrom Mark Pammer
1here are several ways Lo do so 1here are Lwo prlnclples Lo keep ln mlnd
1) Caps sLore charge so when caps LhaL have charge sLored wlLh nowhere Lo bleed off
are reconnecLed agaln Lhere wlll be a surge of charge belng dralned LhaL you wlll hear
as a pop 1hls ls why some pedals wlLh a hanglng cap aL Lhe lnpL or ouLpuL wlll pop
wlLh a Lrue bypass (sLralghL wlre) unless Lhere ls a bleedoff reslsLor Lo ground 8oLLom
llne you donL really wanL Lo have any caps wlLh free ends lf you can help lL
2) CapaclLance ls addlLlve ln parallel noL ln serles ln serles lL behaves llke reslsLors ln
So lf you wanL Lo swlLch caps *wlLhouL* popplng Lhe smarL way Lo do lL ls Lo do
someLhlng llke whaL !ohn Pollls dld on Lhe Zomble Chorus 1he cap LhaL seLs Lhe clock
speed ls acLually Lwo 001uf caps ln serles As a palr of serles caps Lhelr effecLlve
capaclLance ls acLually 300pf (llke l sald caps ln serles behave llke reslsLors ln parallel)
ShunLlng ouL one of Lhose caps wlLh a SS1 swlLch Lurns lL lnLo one 001uf cap when Lhe
oLher ls bypassed lor a 8angemasLer boLLomcuL or faL swlLch you sLarL ouL wlLh Lwo
equal value serles caps chosen so LhaL *half* Lhe value of one of Lhem ls equal Lo Lhe
sLock lnpuL capaclLor When you shunL one of Lhe caps (elLher one wlll do) Lhe effecLlve
capaclLance now becomes doubled and Lhe lowend rolloff drops by an ocLave Lo faLLen
Lhlngs up
l should emphaslze LhaL Lhls meLhod ls one you would use lf compleLe and LoLal
avoldance of popplng ls your ob[ecLlve for lnsLance lf you wanLed a faL swlLch Lo be a
sLompswlLch you could use mldrlff lf your lnLenLlon ls Lo have lL be a seLandforgeL
funcLlon Lhen a llLLle popplng durlng breaks wonL klll anyone and you can conslder
oLher opLlons
1he oLher opLlons lnclude havlng someLhlng llke a 6poslLlon roLary swlLch LhaL adds
oLher caps ln parallel wlLh Lhe sLock one Lo achleve larger effecLlve capaclLances and
drop Lhe lowend rolloff even furLher down CulLe frankly l wouldnL see much value ln
golng beyond 3 seLLlngs buL lLs your perogaLlve 1hree seLLlngs could be easlly
aLLalnable by uslng a 3poslLlon (cenLreoff) Su1 LoggleswlLch 1he mlddle poslLlon of
Lhe swlLch adds no addlLlonal cap and Lhe Lwo ouLslde add one of Lwo oLher values ln
parallel Lo achleve 3 dlfferenL effecLlve lnpuL cap values 1he drawback wlLh Lhls ls LhaL lL
doesnL lend lLself Lo sLompswlLchlng buL as l sald LhaL may be a nonlssue ln your
AnoLher of Lhe oLher opLlons can be seen ln !oe Cagans clever luzz lace adapLaLlons
ln Lhe Skyrlpper Lasyrlpper eLc Pere he uses Lwo falrly dlfferenL lnpuL cap values wlLh
a varlable reslsLor ahead of Lhe larger one 1hls permlLs greaLer and lesser amounLs of
slgnal Lo pass vla Lhe larger cap lnLroduclng degrees of faLness 1hls ls more flexlble
Lhan Lhe flrsL opLlon noLed above and can lmplemenL a fooLswlLch for mldrlff changes
lor lnsLance you could use Lhe fooLswlLch Lo bypass Lhe varlable reslsLor (cap remalns
ln effecL) so LhaL you can go from whaLever your preseL amounL of faLness ls Lo full
faLness 1he problem wlLh Lhls of course ls LhaL Lhe full faLness may be a whole loL
more Lhan you wanL so youll need Lo make some LhoughLful cholces 1he oLher
drawback ls LhaL you only have 2 cholces avallable from a sLompswlLch perspecLlve Cn
Lhe oLher hand LhaL ls no dlfferenL Lhan pedals whlch have varlable boosL wlLh a 2
cholce sLompswlLch Lo selecL beLween preseL boosL and no boosL
Do v|ntage peda|s a|ways sound better than our cop|es?
lrom Mark Pammer
1here are some Lhlngs where Lhere are clear ldenLlflable changes ln deslgn or
Lechnology over Lhe years LhaL resulLed ln a decllne ln deslrablllLy or quallLy lor
example changes Lo Lhe lender amp clrculLs when C8S Look over LhaL may have been
lnLended Lo lmprove Lhem ended up belng unllked/unloved by muslclans ln
comparlson Lo Lhe blackface and earller deslgns
Slmllarly Lhlngs llke Lhe changeover from flrsL generaLlon 88uchlps Lo second
generaLlon ones ln addlLlon Lo reduced performance conLrol made Lhe early80s 8CSS
flangers and chorus pedals less deslrable Lhan Lhe mld 1970s ones
8uL ls *everyLhlng* older necessarlly beLLer? ls a 8ayLheon 4338 from 1977 beLLer or
any dlfferenL Lhan a new one? uo Lhe same osLenslble componenLs and deslgn
somehow maglcally change ln quallLy a decade laLer Lhe way LhaL a new chef comes lnLo
a greasy spoon and suddenly everyLhlng LasLes beLLer (or worse)?
ln some cases l Lhlnk Lhe absence of forums llke Lhls 23 years ago made lL very hard Lo
exchange lnformaLlon abouL pedals and oLher muslc Lechnology and ln Lhe absence of
lnformaLlon legends and myLhs emerged abouL some pedals and oLher devlces LhaL
were hard Lo debunk or clarlfy slmply because people dldnL/couldnL know enough
Peck ln 1973 l was playlng ln a band Lhrough a borrowed blackface 8assman head and
a homebrew boLLom wlLh a 12 8adlo Shack speaker Why? 8ecause someone had Lold
me LhaL 8assmans made greaL gulLar amps or so Lhey had heard Cf course 30 years
laLer l now know LhaL lL wasnL [usL *any* 8assman buL Lhose of a cerLaln perlod 8elng
blessed wlLh havlng an auLhenLlc 39 8assman l can honesLly say LhaL lL *does* sound
greaL wlLh gulLar buL l can also say LhaL lL sounds noLhlng llke whaL LhaL old blackface
head sounded llke Cf course LhaL dldnL sLop me from belng lnfluenced by a rumour
conLalnlng parLlal or lncompleLe LruLhs 30 years ago
Same deal llkely goes for legends abouL some pedals A cerLaln arLlsL uses a pedal for a
famous song Cf course whaL never geLs revealed broadly ls LhaL Lhe effecL was applled
posLproducLlon by an englneer uslng Lhe Lape as source or LhaL lL depended on pushlng
an amp and mlklng lL a cerLaln way buL somehow Lhe pedal ls seen as Lhe source of Lhe
deslrable and legendary Lone and Lhe myLh geLs casL ln sLone lf no famous arLlsL
dupllcaLes Lhe unlque seL of clrcumsLances afLer LhaL Llme Lhen Lhe legend perslsLs LhaL
recenL verslons of Lhe pedal slmply donL cuL lL even Lhough Lhere may well be no
subsLanLlve change ln Lhe pedal lLself oLher Lhan opLlng for dlfferenL arLwork or more
economlcal packaglng Lechnlques
lm noL saylng LhaL *everyLhlng* new sounds exacLly llke everyLhlng old 8aLher some
Lhlngs wlll for ldenLlflable reasons (whlch may be as dumb slmple as componenL
Lolerances) and some Lhlngs wonL 1he Lask ls Lo enumeraLe a llsL of reasons why/when
vlnLage sLuff wlll sound lf noL beLLer aL leasL dlfferenL
lll sLarL Lhe ball rolllng All of Lhls assumes LhaL Lhe same baslc clrculL ls ln place
1) Changes ln avallable componenLs Many of Lhe opamps we have come Lo know and
love were unavallable or cosLly ln Lhe 70s Many of Lhe 88us we came Lo know and
love effecLlvely became unavallable afLer Lhe early 1980s
2) Changes ln power supply and relaLed lssues Pow Lhlngs are powered and Lhe
operaLlng volLages produced afLer Lhlngs llke clrculL proLecLlon are lnLroduced can have
an lmpacL
3) varlaLlons due Lo componenL Lolerances Some componenLs are more preclse ln value
Lhan oLhers lf a manufacLurer handplcks Lhe componenLs Lhey can assure conslsLenL
quallLy buL lf Lhey donL you can end up wlLh happy accldenLs and sLlnkers comlng off
Lhe same producLlon llnes

What capac|tors]res|stors do you buy? Where do you purchase them from?
Check ouL my purchaslng parLs page
now do I test capac|tors?
Peres a slLe on how Lo LesL capaclLors
1roplcal llsh capaclLor charL
1roplcal llsh capaclLor charL
ower Supp|y I see th|s symbo| and I know |ts a battery but wh|ch end |s pos|t|ve?

1he end wlLh Lhe longer llne llne (ln Lhls case verLlcally) ls Lhe poslLlve Lermlnal so

Lhe lefL slde ls poslLlve and Lhe rlghL slde ls negaLlve
ower Supp|y I see V+ ment|oned |n some schemat|cs for a 9V battery powered dev|ce
does th|s mean the LUS end of the battery?
?es ?ou make sure LhaL all v+ connecLlons are connecLed LogeLher and LhaL Lhe LuS or
CSl1lvL slde of Lhe baLLery ls connecLed Lo Lhem v+ baslcally means Lhe mosL poslLlve volLage
of your pedal usually 9 volLs v+ ls someLlmes also called vcc (+) vcc() ln mosL clrculLs we use
would be ground (or Lhe mosL negaLlve volLage)
ower Supp|y What |s Vk V8 VkLI 1]2V+ etc?
Well v8 ls volLage reference and 1/2v+ ls 1/2 of your mosL poslLlve volLage (usually 9 volLs)
usually Lhey are one and Lhe same and you can Lyplcally see v8 connecLed Lo a reslsLor LhaL
connecLs Lo Lhe lnpuL of an op amp as ln Lhe Shaka 8raddah 3 1he 8aL and many oLhers
8aslcally lf you see 43v or v8 or 1/2v+ ( all Lhe same) you flnd all Lhe places on Lhe schemaLlc
LhaL reference Lhe label and connecL Lhem LogeLher So all of Lhe places LhaL reference v8
would connecL LogeLher one of Lhe connecLlons acLually creaLes v8 or 1/2v+ 1he connecLlon
LhaL usually creaLes v8 or 1/2v+ aka 43v (for a 9v baLLery) usually ls a volLage dlvlder
1yplcally Lwo ldenLlcal reslsLors one Lo v+ (such as 9v) Lhe oLher Lo ground 1he place where
Lhey connecL ls v8 or 1/2v+

now |s VkLI ca|cu|ated?
Agaln CLClLxCCM has a greaL explanaLlon!
An example of 1/2v+ also known as v8 v8 v8Ll 1/2v+ eLc
m|sc Im |ook|ng at a C8 and I see po|nts A8CGrndV+ etc Where do they connect to???
1hey are usually places where you puL a wlre lnLo Lhe board and lL connecLs Lo a poLenLlomeLer
or ground wlre of Lhe lnpuL [ack or Lhe plus slde of a baLLery Look aL Lhe schemaLlc for Lhe C8
and Lhese polnLs should be labeled
ower Supp|y I wou|d ||ke to try runn|ng my peda|s at 18 vo|ts w|th 2 batter|es now do I get
18 vo|ts out of 2 batter|es?
1ake 2 baLLery cllps connecL Lhe black (negaLlve) of one Lo Lhe red (poslLlve) of Lhe oLher cllp
now use Lhe Lwo remalnlng cllps as usual when you measure Lhe volLage wlLh a mulLlmeLer
wlLh fresh baLLerles you wlll measure around 18 volLs
?ou should verlfy LhaL your capaclLors are raLed Lo handle Lhe hlgher volLage
What |s ser|es and para||e| when connect|ng two batter|es? What |s the d|fference |n vo|tage?
Check ouL Lhls greaL llnk
ower Supp|y want 18 vo|ts but I want to use one battery |s th|s poss|b|e?
?es Check ouL Lhls slmple volLage uoubler ClrculL Check ouL CLCs clrculL sweeplngs! ln
general lf you can use 2 baLLerles lLs easler
I purchased a wa|| wart and even though |t says 9 vo|ts when I measure |t I get 14 or 16 vo|ts
Whats go|ng on?
?ou have an unregulaLed power supply ?ou can Lurn lL lnLo a regulaLed power supply by uslng a
volLage regulaLor llke Lhe LM317 See Lhls Lhread
ower Supp|y now can I get a negat|ve vo|tage out of a s|ng|e battery for a b|po|ar power
Check ouL Lhe lCL7660 7662 L11026 volLage converLers 1hey can double produce negaLlve
volLages eLc from a slngle baLLery
Ive got one of those Sk8 powered peda|boards Is |t poss|b|e to |op the t|p off one of the
power cords and rew|re |t w|th reverse po|ar|ty to power a N peda|?
ower Supp|y now can I drop 9V to SV eas||y?
urop 9v Lo 3v
lrom Zachary vex
Cnly lf lLs Lhe only pedal you are powerlng wlLh Lhe power supply lf you are also uslng LhaL
same supply normally wlLh oLher effecLs youll be shorLlng +Lo aL Lhe ground connecLlon when
you aLLach one pedal Lo anoLherLhlnk abouL lL Lhe plus slde ls ground on Lhe n box and
mlnus ls ground on Lhe oLhers Lhen you connecL Lhe grounds LogeLherflzzle!
Lhe only way Lo do lL ls Lo connecL a second supply LhaL allows you Lo make Lhe negaLlve
connecLlon on your n pedal 8LLCW groundlevel so you can lop off a connecLor and reverse
lL Lo powera poslLlve ground (n fuzz face) pedal buL lL has Lo be connecLed Lo a dlfferenL
power supply
now can I protect my c|rcu|t from a backwards battery?
Check ouL Lhls arLlcle from geofexcomon clrculL proLecLlon and oLher Lrlcks
Slmple meLhods ulode ln serles or parallel

more here
What |s the best way to add a 9V wa|| wart to my fuzz c|one? What can I add |n terms of
f||ter|ng to |nsure or at |east cut down no|se for |ow no|se operat|on?
lrom 8ob SLrand
1he slmplesL suggesLlon ls Lo puL a 100 ohm reslsLor ln serles wlLh Lhe power rall (le rall for
n +rall for nn noL LhaL lL really maLLers) Lhen a 100ul elecLro across supply on Lhe effecL
hllllp Marshall conLrlbuLed even more ldeas!
now do I put [acks for 9V adaptors on my peda|s?
!u dld all Lhe work here
LffecLs ower SwlLchlng and Addlng a ower !ack
Iacks Do I use mono or stereo [acks?
unless you have a speclal pedal LhaL requlres oLherwlse use a sLereo 1/4 [ack for Lhe lnpuL of
Lhe pedal (so you can unplug your lnsLrumenL cable Lo power down Lhe effecL) and use a mono
[ack for ouLpuL (See nexL quesLlon for how Lo wlre Lhe lnpuL sLereo [ack) lor Lhe ouLpuL you
use a mono 1/4 [ack and Lhe Llp lug of Lhe [ack ls connecLed Lo your clrculLs ouLpuL slgnal and
Lhe sleeve lug ls connecLed Lo ground 1he dlfference beLween a sLereo [ack and mono [ack ls
LhaL Lhe sLereo [ack has 3 lugs (Llp rlng and sleeve) whlle Lhe mono [ack only has Llp and sleeve
now do I make the |nput [ack sw|tch the power on and off?
CeL a sLereo 1/4 [ack for Lhe lnpuL of your pedal ConnecL Lhe Llp connecLor Lo Lhe lnpuL of Lhe
effecL ConnecL Lhe sleeve Lo Lhe ground of your effecL ConnecL Lhe 3rd connecLor (Lhe rlng) Lo
Lhe negaLlve of Lhe baLLery (or Lhe poslLlve lf your pedal uses a reversed power supply such as
Lhe 1ycobrahe CcLavla or some luzz laces) When Lhe cord ls lnserLed lnLo Lhe [ack Lhe rlng
connecLs Lo ground compleLlng Lhe clrculL
ln oLher words plug ln your gulLar cable Lo Lurn on Lhe clrculL unplug lL Lo Lurn Lhe clrculL off
and noL consume baLLerles

ln Lhe above plcLure do noL assume LhaL Lhe lugs shown are connecLed Lo Lhe nearesL closesL
connecLor ln many cases Lhey are noL
ln many cases Lhe lug ls connecLed Lo Lhe connecLor farLhesL away from lL lor example Lhe
rlng lug ls on one slde of Lhe [ack buL Lhe rlng connecLor (Lhe parL LhaL Louches Lhe plug) ls on
Lhe oLher slde of Lhe [ack When ln doubL use your mulLlmeLer Lo LesL conLlnulLy
now do I |so|ate my [acks from the enc|osure?
lrom 8C
1wo cholces (a) geL lnsulaLed bushlng [acks llke Lhe SwlLchcrafL n1xx Lypesor Lhe 8eAn nylon
body ones (excellenL cholce LhaL) Mouser has boLh (b) buy Lhe whlLe nylon bushlngs LhaL
Mouser offers 1hese flL a 1/2 hole and have a 3/8 hole for a sLandard [ack1heyre used a loL
ln lsolaLlng lnpuL [acks for Lube amp hum reducLlon
lrom !u
lf you wanL Lo go wlLh Lhe nylon washers here are Lhe MouserparL numbers for Lhe washers
LhaL work wlLh SwlLchcrafL [acks
361SW373 nylon Shoulder Washer 361u37362 nylon llaL Washer
1]4 Iacks openc|rcu|t or c|osedc|rcu|t?
lrom SLeve uanlels/ Small 8ear LlecLronlcs
lor mosL pedals you wanL an openclrculL sLereo [ack for Lhe lnpuL (SwlLchcrafL #128)
and an openclrculL mono for Lhe ouLpuL (SwlLchcrafL #11) 1he sleeve conLacL of Lhe
lnpuL [ack ls wlred so LhaL Lhe baLLery ls dlsconnecLed when Lhe gulLar plug ls removed
?ou can see Lhls meLhod of wlrlng on a number of ul? slLes
1|p r|ng what |ug does what?
CuesLlon All effecLs clrculLs have an ln and an ouL whlch lugs do Lhese go on on Lhe [acks?
1he slgnal of Lhe clrculL goes Lo Lhe Llp of Lhe [ack 1he ground of Lhe clrculL goes Lo Lhe
rlng of Lhe [ack So Lhe lnpuL Lo Lhe clrculL goes Lo Lhe lnpuL [ack Llp lug and Lhe ouLpuL
of Lhe clrculL goes Lo Lhe ouLpuL [ack Llp1he ground of Lhe clrculL connecLs Lo Lhe sleeve
lugs of Lhe [acks
Does the DD1]3D1 turn the power on and off? no lf you wlre your sLereo lnpuL [ack llke
descrlbed ln Lhls lAC power ls noL used when Lhe pedal ls unplugged ower ls used whenever
Lhe pedal ls plugged lnLo Lhe lnpuL [ack 1he uu1 or 3u1 only works on Lhe slgnall (wlLh Lhe
excepLlon of Lhe LLu lf used) and does noL swlLch Lhe power on and off
8ypass What |s true bypass and what |s a DD1 sw|tch?
8ead Lhls excellenL arLlcle by 8C keen on bypass meLhods
Also check ouL my slmple LlemenLary 8ypass ArLlcle
8ypass now do I w|re a DD1 sw|tch?
Check ouL Lhls plcLure

8ypass I have a DD1 but I want to use a 3D1 |nstead there are more |ugs on the 3D1
how do I do th|s?
Check ouL how Lo go from uu1 Lo 3u1
8ypass now do I w|re a 3DD1 sw|tch w|th LLD?
1here are several ways dependlng on wheLher you have a sLandard negaLlve ground clrculL
(mosL clrculLs are) or a poslLlve ground clrculL (llke Lhe luzz lace or 8angemasLer) oslLlve
ground clrculLs have Lhe 8Lu wlre from Lhe baLLery connecLed Lo ground whlch ls opposlLe from
mosL sLandard gulLar pedal clrculLs
lor Lhe sLandard clrculLs sLandard wlrlng and alLernaLe (grounded lnpuL wlrlng) 1he grounded
lnpuL wlrlng ls probably beLLer slnce lL grounds Lhe clrculL lnpuL when ln bypass mode
lor poslLlve ground clrculLs sLandard wlrlng and alLernaLe (grounded lnpuL wlrlng)
lf you wanL Lo omlL Lhe LLu slmply lgnore Lhe mlddle seL of lug connecLlons and omlL Lhe
reslsLor and LLu
Also check ouL Lhls slmple page on bypasslng LlemenLary 8ypass
8ypass Where do I purchase a DD1 or 3D1 sw|tch?
SupporL ul?SLompboxescom by orderlng from Lhe sLore
lor uu1 order from Small 8ear LlecLronlcs (Carllng 316)
8ypass Whats the dea| w|th the cheaper sw|tches I see ava||ab|e can I use them?
?es ?ou can use any Lype of uu1 sLomp swlLch Lhe lssue ls rellablllLy As of 7/1/01 Lhere ls no
beLLer uu1 swlLch Lhan Lhe Lrled and Lrue Carllng swlLches 1he oLher Arrow copy uu1
swlLches are flne for home use where you can swap Lhem ouL anyLlme lf Lhey fall (and mosL
cheaper swlLches seem Lo fall) lor glg use l recommend Carllngs l have heard Lhe lullLone
3u1 swlLches are good
nC1L l now use 3u1 swlLches because Lhey are much easler Lo wlre for Lrue bypass l have
found Lhem Lo be rellable as Lhe Carllngs l have and much cheaper l make Lhem avallable for a
reasonable prlce
8ypass I have an Ibanez 1ube Screamer and the sw|tch broke what can I rep|ace |t w|th?
lrom C! Landry 1he parL ls made by LSwlLch wlLh Lhe parL number 1L1100 and Lhe Mouser
/n ls 6121L1100 l have been uslng Lhls parL for a long Llme when replaclng Lhe 1S9 sLyle
swlLch ?ou mlghL wanL Lo add a second source 1he second source ls also a Mouser parL made
by MounLaln SwlLch lLs Mouser /n ls 1010621 1he dlfference beLween Lhese swlLches ls Lhe
square Lop (on Lhe plunger) 1he slze seems Lo dlffer beLween Lhe LSwlLch parL and Lhls
MounLaln SwlLch parL l have noL looked aL deLalled specs for each swlLch buL would Lry Lhe
swlLch whlch has a longer operaLlng llfe 1hls ls Lhe number of swlLch acLuaLlons lL can handle
before lL falls 1hey boLh work flne and l have no personal preference
8ypass have any |nfo on re|ays?
?ep CLClLxCCM agaln 8elays for SwlLchlng Audlo Slgnals and 8emoLe relay swlLchlng

ulodes are polarlzed slmllar Lo elecLrolyLlc capaclLors Lheres a poslLlve and negaLlve end 1he
caLhode ls Lhe negaLlve end of Lhe dlode and Lhe anode lsLhe poslLlve 1he maln Lhlng for you Lo
remember ls LhaL you need Lo orlenL Lhe dlode correcLly wlLh Lhe schemaLlc
LLu ls a llghLemlLLlng dlodelL has a caLhode as well and lL ls usually marked wlLh a flaL slde or
doL or ln some cases a groove ln Lhe LLu 8ead more abouL dlfferenL LLus SomeLlmes Lhere ls a
longer and shorLer lead 1he shorLer lead ls usually Lhe caLhode (negaLlve) longer lead Lhe
anode (poslLlve)

M|sc What |s S| Ge??? I see th|s a|| the t|me?
Sl Slllcon Ce Cermanlum
D|odes G|ve me a qu|ck rundown on bas|c d|ode types
lrom 8ob SLrand
?ou need Lo flnd aL leasL one of each Lypes Loo have a look aL MosL dlodes of Lhe same Lype
look slmllar ln slze 1he slze grows and lead Lhlckness grows wlLh lncreaslng currenL handllng
MosL dlodes have a band aL one end whlch ls Lhe caLhode and many have a parL number
sLamped on Lhem ulodes can look slmllar buL may be compleLely dlfferenL!!Pere a _qulck_
rundown on Lhe key polnLsCermanlum 03v low currenLs fasL usually clear+sLrlped
bandsSmall slgnal slllcon 06v low currenLs fasL small glass ofLen copper coloured lew
varlaLlons blue/green/yellow sLrlpes and no parL number black bands wlLh parL number
mulLlple coloured bands and no parL numberower slllcon 06v hlgh currenLs slow usually
black plasLlc wlLh sllveror whlLe band and usually a parL numberower slllconfasL 06v hlgh
currenLs fasL look same as ower slllconSmall Slgnal SchoLLky 033v look llke small slgnal
slllcon and zenersLLu 18v unmlsLakeable dlfferenL colours avallableZener 06v one
dlrecLlon and zener volLage ln oLher dlrecLlonlook llke small slgnal dlodes buL are ofLen
coloured wlLha parL number sLampedSmall dlodes wlLhouL parL numbers are very hard Lo
ldenLlfy exacLly buL are usually small slgnal slllcons or maybe zeners (lf lL has a number llke 38
or 0A (for 3v 10v) sLamped on lL)
now can I change the k|nd of d|stort|on I have or make |t more fuzzy us|ng d|odes?
8ead Lhls deLalled message from Mark Pammer
When shou|d I use s|||con or german|um d|odes?
8ead Lhls deLalled message on dlodes from Mark Pammer
now do I w|re a IL1 as a d|ode?
See here and here
Anyth|ng more on d|odes?
uoug Pammond polnLed ouL Lhls llnk 1he unusual ulode lAC

What |s a |ow |eakage d|ode and how can I f|nd one?
Check ouL Lhls Lhread
What |s a zener d|ode?
Check Lhls ouL
?ou wlll have Lo work wlLh LranslsLors ln some sLompboxes 1he mlddle llne ls Lhe base (8) Cne
of Lhe llnes wlll have an arrow LhaLs Lhe LmlLLer (L) and Lhe lasL llne wlll be Lhe collecLor (C) lf
Lhe arrow polnLs awaylLs an nn LranslsLor lf lL polnLs ln lLs a n
Cnce you have ldenLlfled Lhe llnes on Lhe schemaLlc you need Lo ldenLlfy Lhe plnouLs on Lhe
LranslsLor and maLch Lhem Lo Lhe schemaLlc 8efer Lo Lhe dlagram LhaL comes wlLh Lhe
LranslsLor LoLs of LranslsLors use sLandard package Lypes Some LranslsLors have unusual
plnouLs so always checkLhe dlagram or obLaln a daLasheeL on Lhe LranslsLor
1hls plcLure shows Lhe lLA1 slde up of Lhe LranslsLor ?ou wlll ofLen see Lhls plcLure ln
plnouL dlagrams SomeLlme Lhey donL Lell you Lhls ls Lhe flaL slde

lor all Lhe clrculLs LhaL use lL1s l now recommend !201 lL1s AL a very low cosL Lhey are
rellable and greaL! 1he have Lhe same plnouL as Lhe Ml102 ln a 1C92 case
lf you cannoL geL Lhe !201 l also recommend uslng n1L438 lL1s lnsLead of Ml102 1he
n1L438ls abouL $180 around here
Pere ls an example of a lL1 ln a schemaLlc LhaL you mlghL see
noLe Lhe C (CaLe) S (Source)and u (uraln) marklngs
Many schemaLlcs wlll omlL Lhose marklngs 8efer Lo Lhls plcLure lf you geL confused

A common Lhlng ls for LranslsLorsLo use a speclflc package Lype
Pere are some common plnouLs for some sLandard package Lypes noLe LhaL Lhere are
varlaLlons ln plnouLs and varlaLlons of 1092 eLc Check your daLasheeL whlch descrlbes Lhe
plnouL of your componenL

I cant f|nd a xxxxx trans|stor! Where do I f|nd a rep|acement]subst|tute???
1ry Lhls go Lo wwwnLelnccom wwwnLelnccomcllck on SemlconducLor (for searchlng) and
Lype ln Lhe LranslsLor numberlf Lhere ls a replacemenL made by n1L lL wlll be shown and you
can look aL Lhe daLa sheeL lf lLs onllne Slnce n1L and LCC share Lhe same numbers you should
be able Lo flnd elLher n1L or LCCparLs aL your local elecLronlcs sLore usually Lhese
replacemenLs wlll work flne Cnly ln very speclal clrcumsLances wlll Lhe replacemenL parLs fall
Lo work
Peres a Lhread on replacemenL LranslsLors for nn and n LranslsLors and lL1s
now do I f|nd out the p|n out of a trans|stor or op amp?
lor Lhe mosL parL go Lo wwwnLelnccom wwwnLelnccomcllck on SemlconducLor (for
searchlng) and Lype ln Lhe LranslsLor numberlf Lhere ls a replacemenL made by n1L lL wlll be
shown and you can look aL Lhe daLa sheeL lf lLs onllne Cn Lhe boLLom of Lhe page wlll be a
plcLure of Lhe pln ouL ln MCS1 CASLS Lhe pln ouL wlll be exacLly Lhe same as Lhe orlglnal parL
lf lLs dlfferenLLhe n1L web slLe wlll noLe LhaL Lhe pln ouL ls dlfferenL
Slnce n1L and LCC share Lhe same numbers you should be able Lo flnd elLher n1L or LCC parLs
aL your local elecLronlcs sLore
Also check ouL Lhese daLasheeLs
hLLp//wwwmousercom/lndexcfm?handlersuppllerpage Mousers Llnks Lo companles
Also check ouL
hLLp//wwwrepalrfaqorg/sam/semlLesLhLm 8aslc 1esLlng of SemlconducLors
Peres anoLher llnk Lo an lnformaLlon resouce on LranslsLors

M|sc What |s german|um? Where do I f|nd german|um trans|stors and d|odes?
Cermanlum ls a meLalllc semlconducLor and early LranslsLors and dlodes were made from lL
?ou can read abouL Lhe hlsLory of Lhe LranslsLor here Some early clrculLs llke Lhe luzz lace and
1one 8enders used germanlum LranslsLors ?ou can flnd germanlum LranslsLors from n1L as
well as oLher elecLronlc places Small 8ear LlecLronlcs and my sLore offers maLched LranslsLors
for bulldlng Lhese clrculLs 1he Lyplcally used germanlum dlode Lhe 1n34A ls avallable from my
1rans|stors Can I [ust st|ck a german|um trans|stor |nstead of s|||con |n a c|rcu|t?
ln general no ?ou need Lo reblas Lhe clrculL for Lhe germanlum LranslsLor
Whats up w|th th|s match|ng trans|stors for Iuzz face type c|rcu|ts? Do I have to do th|s?
no you donL have Lo maLch Lhem buL Lhe clrculL may noL sound as good lL has been noLed
LhaL maLchlng LranslsLors ln Lhe luzz lace could glve you LhaL eluslve sound LhaL Lhe hlghly
soughL afLer luzz laces had CLC has a greaL arLlcle LhaL explalns Lhls and mosL bouLlque pedals
carefully maLch Lhelr LranslsLors by hand Small 8ear has a greaL arLlcle as well! ?ou can do Lhls
Loo !usL buy a Lon of LranslsLors and measure each one unLll you hlL Lhe maglcal polnLs on a
couple of LranslsLors Cf course Lhls could cosL $$$ lor a greaL alLernaLlve uLlllze Lhe servlces
of Small 8ear
?ou can also slmple reblas your luzz lace by alLerlng Lhe blas reslsLors

Where can I f|nd german|um trans|stors for Iuzz Iace c|rcu|ts?
Pow abouL buylng some maLched LranslsLors for a really greaL prlce!? Co Lo Small 8ear
LlecLronlcs and order a palr
CourLesy of !ack Crman
Slnce Lhe supply of 2n388A LranslsLors have been depleLed aL arLs Lxpress l LhoughL
ld posL a few alLernaLe devlces
LhaL Lhey carry LhaL can be used for ll consLrucLlon Any of Lhe below parLs should be
sulLable and are less Lhan $1
each 1he lasL one ls speced a llLLle weak buL would llkely be okay 1he flrsL one ls a
good sub for Lhe 2n388A
arL no 1ype Pfe rlce
2n1306 nn 100 $ 93
2n1308 nn 130 $ 73
2n1309 n 130 $ 73
2n1373 n 60 $ 93
1he n1L101 ls anoLher cholce
lve heard LhaL Lhe n1L138 mlghL be anoLher cholce
Darn |t! I [ust bought a 1CN of NN German|um trans|stors I thought they were N Can I
use them?
Pah! 1hls happened Lo me Well lLs preLLy darn easy Lo converL n clrculLs Lo nn 8everse
Lhe polarlLy of Lhe LlecLrolyLlc capaclLors dlodes and Lhe power supply lL worked flne for my
luzz face and 1one 8ender very nlce! (noLe Lhls doesnL work for every clrculL parLlcularly
hlghgaln clrculLs buL lLs worLh a Lry) lor n Lo nn do Lhe same 8everse Lhe orlenLaLlon of
all elecLrolyLlc capaclLors dlodes and power supply
Why does my peda| have a horr|d crack||ng or gat|ng sound when I p|ay? I have to h|t the
str|ngs rea||y hard to get |t to make sound and |ts horr|b|e
?ou have a classlc case of a mlsblased LranslsLor(s) Check ouL Lhe uebugglng page especlally
Lhe secLlon on blas problems

What about b|as|ng a s|||con trans|stor?
Check ouL Lhls page
Also check ouL Lhe LMl for a greaL calculaLor Lo use when blaslng a LranslsLor
now can I f|nd out more about trans|stor b|as|ng?
lrom 8Ckeen
8y far Lhe mosL comprehenslve and comprehenslble book on LranslsLor blas and galn LhaL lve
run lnLo ls racLlcal 1ranslsLor ClrculL ueslgn and Analyslsby Cerald Wllllams 1973 McCraw
Plll 1k78719W33 lS8n 0070703981
What about buffers?
Check ouL Lhls page
What |s the p|nout of the 2NS088]2NS089?
L 8 C flaL slde up lefL Lo rlghL
I see 2NS088 a|| the t|me but |ts NN whats a N subst|tute for the 2NS088?
lrom 8Ckeen
use a 2n4230 4230 ls noL exacLly a complemenL of Lhe 3088 buL lLs preLLy good for any slllcon
n uses
1he 2n3087 ls also Lhe n complemenL of Lhe 2n3089
What |s the p|nout of the 2NS087?
L 8 C flaL slde up lefL Lo rlghL
Whats a gener|c rep|acement for NN and N trans|stors?
lrom 8Ckeen When ln doubL use a 2n3088 for nns and a 2n4230 for ns ?ou can
purchase nn and n LranslsLors from Lhe sLore
Whats a rep|acement for the 2NS088?
lrom 8Ckeen
2n3089 wlll work ln mosL lnsLances Also useful are 2n3210 2n4401 8C349
What IL1s can I subst|tute |n the M|n|8ooster and Shaka etc? I cant f|nd the I201
lrom !ack Crman
1hls ls a recurrlng quesLlon evenLhough Lhe lnformaLlon was ln Lhe Mlnl8oosLer arLlcle aL AMZ
lrom Lhe arLlcle 1he n1L438 usually has more galn Lhan Lhe !201 and Lhe 2n3686 can provlde
galn of 300 1he 2n3437 Ml102 and 2n3819 wlll produce less galn CLher subsLlLuLe
LranslsLors lnclude 2n3484 2Sk43 2Sk68 2Sk117 2Sk118 2Sk121 2Sk163 and 8l243
What |s the p|nout of the I201?
lLs Lhe same as Lhe Ml102 (see plnouL dlagram aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls page) llaL slde up legs
polnLlng down uSC from lefL Lo rlghL
Is there a genera| spec that te||s me |f a IL1 has more ga|n or not?
lrom !ack Crman
lL1s wlLh a low v plnchoff usually have hlgh galn 1he ?fs (or Cfs) spec ls a general lndlcaLor of
galn as well ?fs of 1000 ls low galn 3000 ls moderaLe and 12000 ls smokln (1hanks Lo !ack
Crman for Lhls LldblL!)

Where can I get a s|mp|e exp|anat|on about b|as|ng a IL1 as an amp||f|er?
8ead abouL a lL1 ampllfler here aL Craham knoLLs page (1hanks Mlke 8)
neres a great thread re IL1 b|as|ng
lL1 blaslng calculaLlons Lhread
nere are app notes regard|ng b|as|ng IL1s
vlshay lL1 app noLes
What |s the p|nout of the 8S170?
llaL slde up lefL Lo rlghL u C S noLe LhaL Lhe 2n7000 LhaL ls a subsLlLuLe for Lhe 8S170 has a
dlfferenL plnouL 1he 2n7000 ls S C u flaL slde up lefL Lo rlghL and usually requlres a dlfferenL
value blas reslsLor from Lhe 8S170
I see that a |ot of peda|s you use have IL1s what other types of IL1s can I use s|nce I cant
f|nd many of them?
Pere are some lL1s LhaL you can Lry
2n3437 2n3484 n1L438 LCC438or !201 1he !201 can be found aL wwwLechamerlcacom
and luLure(18006330006) 1he n1L and LCC lL1s should be aL mosL ma[or elecLronlc sLores
1he 2n serles can be found aL wwwmousercomas well as all Lhe oLher places l llsL
Peres a cool llnk re lL1S (ul)
Whats a good meter I can purchase?
Check ouL Lhls Lhread for some suggesLlons
now do I measure trans|stor ga|n?
1he easlesL way ls Lo geL a mulLlmeLer LhaL can measure LranslsLor galn (hlL) 1he cheapesL one
l have found ls from PosfelL 9202 MulLlmeLer [usL $1293
What |s hIL?
Peres a Lhread on hlL
1]2 vs 1]4 watt res|stors wh|ch ones???
lor mosL lf noL all of our sLompbox effecLs 1/4 waLL reslsLors are used ?ou can use 1/2 waLL
reslsLors buL Lhey Lake up more space and do noL provlde any beneflLs ?es you can mlx and
maLch 1/2 and 1/4 waLL reslsLors ln a clrculL
What does 4k7 and 1k2 mean for res|stors?
1haL ls [usL Lhe Luropean noLaLlon 1hey replace Lhe declmal polnL wlLh Lhe mulLlpller
leLLer1hls prevenLs Lhe posslble loss of Lhe declmal polnL ln Lranscrlblng daLa lor lnsLance
47k 4k7 12k 1k2 1M 1M and so on
?oull also flnd Lhe Luro use of nanofarads meanlng 1/1000 mlcrofarad or 1000
plcofaradslor example 0001ul 1nl 1000pl 0022ul 22nl
lLs handy and less error prone (1hanks Lo 8C keen for Lhls reply ln Lhe ul? forum!)
I dont have xxk res|stor!
?ou can puL Lwo or more reslsLors ln serles and Lhelr values wlll add up 1he LMP has a
calculaLor for Lhls
I recent|y read somewhere that us|ng carbon compos|t|on res|stors |n an effect c|rcu|t wou|d
he|p to create brown sound Are carbon comp res|stors rea||y better to use for aud|o
Peres a nlce arLlcle wrlLLen by 8Con carbon comp reslsLors Peres anoLher Lhread on
Is there a v|sua| ca|cu|ator I can use to f|gure out my res|stor va|ues? ?ep check ouL Lhe LMl
I need to f|nd that IkC4SS8 ch|p thats |n the 1S808 I heard you can get them from o|d rad|os
and other voodoo sources!
?es you probably can Cr you can buy Lhe currenL chlp LhaL sounds Lhe same as Lhe orlglnal so
close you canL Lell Lhe dlfference from MCuSL81he parL number ls313n!M4338u
What do a|| the |etters after the numbers mean at the end of an IC?
lrom 8ob SLrand
Ceneral leLLer usage (noL [usL1LC7x and all opLlons may noL be avallable)
1he A and 8 refers Lo offseL volLage caLegorles nonA/8 verslonshave Lhe hlghesL Lhen A Lhen
1he C l M referes Lo Lhe LemperaLure range wldenlng/lncreaslngln LhaL order
1he n P ! refers Lo Lhe package Lype/maLerlal usually u means a surfacemounL package
SomeLlmes Lhe dlfferenL package maLerlal lmplles dlfferenL operaLlng LemperaLure ranges
8aslcally you are safe wlLh any of Lhese excepL u lor Audlo pro[ecLs usually Lhe cheapesL ls Ck
uslng low offseLs wlder Lemp rangeand dlfferenL packages _usually_ means you pay more and
lf you donL need Lhe opLlons youre wasLlng your money
lf Lhe clrculL uses an lC (usuallyan op amp) Lhen you wlll see someLhlng llke Lhls ln Lhe
lC ln schemaLlc
ln Lhls case you need Lo lookup Lhe daLasheeL for Lhe op amp noLe LhaL you can use a 1L071
and have a greaL low nolse subsLlLuLe for a 741 chlp
ln Lhls case leLs preLend lL was a 1L072 op amp Peres Lhe plnouL for dual op amps such as Lhe
1L072 !8C4338
uual Cp Amps have Lhls plnouL (1L072 !8C4338)
8eferrlng Lo Lhe lC ln schemaLlc plcLure above Lhe wlre golng lnLo Lhe mlnus slgn ls Lhe
lnverLedlnpuL/pln 2 1he wlre golng lnLo Lhe plus (+) slgn ls Lhe nonlnverLedlnpuL/pln 3 vcc
refers Lo Lhe vcc (+) lnpuL /pln 8 1he groundgoes Lo vcc()/pln 4 1he wlre exlLlng Lhe lC ln
schemaLlc ls Lhe CuLpuL /pln 1 Slnce Lhe 1L072 ls a dual op amp Lhere are Lwo seLs of lnpuL
and CuLpuLs SomeLlmes clrculLs wlll use boLh amps (lnpuLs and ouLpuLs) someLlmes lL wlll use
only one seL ln boLh cases vcc(+) and vcc() wlll have Lo be connecLed vcc(+)goes Lo poslLlve
power vcc() goes Lo ground lf only one of Lhe op amps are used Lhe oLher seL of lnpuLs and
ouLpuLs can be lefL dlsconnecLed ln some schemaLlcs Lhe vcc(+) (power) and vcc() ground wlll
noL be shown 1hls does noL mean you donLhave Lo connecL Lhese plns you have Lo Lhe
schemaLlc wrlLer ls assumlng you already know Lhls
LeLs look aL a Lyplcal clrculL uslng a popular chlp Lhe LM741 1hls chlp was used ln Lhe Mx8
ulsLorLlon+ uod Cverdrlve and many oLhers AlLhough wldely usedlLs a nolsy chlp ?ou can
replace Lhe chlp wlLh anoLher lower nolse op amp llke Lhe 1L072 lf you are bulldlng your own
clrculL noLe lf you are moddlng an exlsLlng pedal use Lhe 1L071 a dlrecL chlp replacemenL
example clrculL uslng 741 chlp
LM741 Chlp plnouL
See how Lhe (mlnus) slgn ls Lhe lnverLed lnpuL? See Lhe power v(+) on pln 7 and Lhe ground
whlch ls pln 4 v() 1o use a 1L072 or equlvalenL you need Lo map Lhe LM741 plnouLs Lo Lhe

1o use a 1L072 lnsLead of an LM741
1he connecLlons LhaL connecL Lo CuLpuL pln 6 of Lhe 741 connecL Lo pln 1 on Lhe 1L072
1he connecLlons LhaL connecL Lo v(+) pln 7 of Lhe 741 connecL pln 8 of Lhe 1L072
1he resL of Lhe connecLlons are Lhe same
Always use lC sockeLs on yourboard 1haL way you donL expose Lhe lC Lo heaL when solderlng
and you can always subsLlLuLe a dlfferenL lC laLer lor example you can Lry an 8C4338 or 1L082

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