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The Dissolution of Magnesium Oxide in Dilute Sulfuric Acid1

Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Research Chemistry Branch,
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Pinawa, Manitoba
Received May 5. 1971

The kinetics of dissolution of sintered magnesium oxide pellets in dilute sulfuric acid at 4.00 and
25.00 "C have been investigated using the rotating disc technique. The rate of depletion of hydrogen
ions in the bulk solution is found to be controlled by both transport through the diffusion layer and
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/22

chemical reaction with the oxide surface. The chemical reaction occurring at the oxide surface has an acti-
vation energy of 13 kcal mol-'. The diffusion coefficients for hydrogen ion in dilute sulfuric acid at the
two temperatures of interest have been calculated. These coefficients yield an activation energy of 3.6
kcal mol-' for the diffusion of hydrogen ions to the oxide surface.

Les cinetiques de dissolution de pastilles d'oxyde de magnesium fritte dans de l'acide sulfurique dilu6,
ont BtC etudiees 4.00 et 25.00 "C,au moyen de la technique du disque tournant. La vitesse de diminution
des ions hydrogene dans le volume de la solution est contrblee a la fois par le phenomene de transport
a travers la couche de diffusion et par la reaction chimique avec la surface de l'oxyde. La r6action chimi-
que se fait a la surface de I'oxyde a une Cnergie d'activation de 13 kcal mol-'. Les coefficients de diffusion
de I'ion hydrogene dans l'acide sulfurique dilue ont etC calcules pour les deux temperatures; ces coeffi-
cients conduisent a une Cnergie d'activation de 3.6 kcal molt1 pour la diffusion des ions hydrogene
vers la surface de Poxyde.
For personal use only.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 49, 3375 (1971)

Introduction Experimental
The dissolution behavior of metal oxides in Materials
aqueous solution is important to many fields of Weighed portions (1.80 g) of British Drug Houses
(B.D.H.) or Anachemia reagent grade magnesium oxide
chemistry and technology. A great number of powder were pressed into pellets at 7500 p.s.i.g. and sin-
studies have been reported in which the dissolu- tered in air at 800 "C for 15 h. The sintered pellets were
tion experiment is performed upon powdered strong, easily polished and showed no tendency to "flake"
samples. In view of the fact that dissolution is when rotated in sulfuric acid. The density of the pellets
was found to be 2.00 g ~ m - This~ . figure is well below the
a heterogeneous process this technique suffers theoretical density of 3.58 g ~ m and - suggests
~ consider-
from many drawbacks. Perhaps the two most able porosity in the sample. However, longer sintering
serious disadvantages are the lack of a well times (up to 4 h) did not increase the density markedly
defined hydrodynamic or transport regime and so all pellets used in this work were prepared as described
an inherent uncertainty as to the actual (or even above. The dissolution reaction was limited to a well
defined area by painting the sides and one face of each
apparent) surface area of the sample. Accord- pellet with polyurethane varnish. Pellets prepared in this
ingly, most studies of this type are reduced to manner using both the B.D.H. and Anachemia oxides
qualitative interpretation. gave identical results within experimental error.
In the present study the dissolution of mag- Dilute sulfuric acid solutions (0.005-0.050 M) were
prepared by diluting reagent grade concentrated sul-
nesium oxide in dilute sulfuric acid was investi- furic acid with deionized distilled water.
gated using a rotating disc (1, 2). The rotating
disc technique allows the dissolution reaction to Apparatus
The rotating disc used in this study was similar to that
be studied under described previously (3) and incorporated features
conditions while maintaining a relatively con- by Riddiford (2). The disc was machined
stant surface area. The results of this study clearly from Teflon and contained an inset on the underside of
demonstrate that the rates of dissolution oi sufficient size t o accept a magnesium oxide pellet.
magnesium oxide in dilute sulfuric acid are Immediately before a run was started the pellet was
pressed into place and the exposed face was ground down
and permit quantitative to within 0.5 mm of the surrounding Teflon surface with
interpretation of the process involved. No. 600 silicon carbide paper. Any free magnesium oxide
grindings were washed away with distilled water. The
'A.E.C.L. No. 4003. disc was screwed on to a threaded stainless steel shaft

which passed through a roller bearing assembly at the

top of the reaction vessel. This bearing was designed to
ensure minimum eccentricity of the disc (< 1% of the
pellet radius). The shaft was rotated by an adjustable The material balance equations for hydrogen and
speed electric motor via a pulley-belt arrangement. sulfate are therefore given by eqs. 4 and 5,
Rotational velocities were measured using a General
Radio Type 1531-AB stroboscope. The temperature of
the reaction vessel was maintained to within 1 0 . 0 5 "C
of the desired value using a water bath thermostat.
Method where a denotes the number of moles of H,S04
The reaction vessel was assembled and thermostated per liter of solution at zero time assuming no
for 1 h to ensure thermal equilibrium with the water
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/22

bath. The reaction was initiated by pipetting 300 ml of

dissociation and c is the concentration of mag-
prethermostated dilute sulfuric acid into the reaction nesium ion at the time of interest. Since the con-
vessel and starting the electric motor which had been centration of sulfate ion is determined by eq. 6
preset at the desired rotational velocity. The underside
of the disc was viewed with a mirror to ensure that no gas
bubbles were trapped on the magnesium oxide surface.
Alicluots (10 ml) of reaction solution were removed at
regilar time intervals and analyzed for magnesium ion it is possible to eliminate and [HS04-]
by titration with standard disodium EDTA solution
using Erichrome Black T as indicator. The duration of using eqs. 4, 5, and 6 and to express [ H ' ] as a
each run was such that more than 50% of the available function of the known parameters c, K2, and a.
hydrogen ions were consumed.
Rotational velocities were restricted to the range
10.47-104.72 rad s-' (100-1000 r.p.m.). The upper limit
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was chosen so that the maximum Reynolds number

(eq. 11,
[11 Re,,, = r2w/v
where v and w represent the kinematic viscosity and
angular velocity, respectively, did not exceed the critical In all subsequent calculations K2 was taken as
value (2 x lo5) for transition to turbulent flow (2). 1 x lo-' and 2 x l o w 2 M at 25 and 4 "C,
Substituting r and v equal to 0.952 cm and 8.9 x
cm2 s-' (4), respectively, into eq. 1 yields a maximum
respectively (5'
Reynolds number of 1.07 x lo4, i.e. well below the The kinetir xder of the reaction between
critical value given above. The lower limit (10.47 rad magnesium c de and hydrogen ion was deter-
s-') is sufficiently high to ensure negligible contribution mined by c a l ~dating In (d [H lldt),,, graph-

to mass transport to or from the oxide surface by natural ically from plots of [ H i ] vs. time for runs
convection (2).
differing only in the initial concentration of sul-
Results furic acid and plotting this quantity against
The stoichiometry of the reaction between In [ H + I,=, as shown in Fig. 1. The solid line is
magnesium oxide and hydrogen ion in solution is drawn with a gradient equal to one. This plot
represented by eq. 2 clearly establishes that the dissolution reaction is
first order with respect to hydrogen ion. Accord-
121 MgO + 2H+ -t Mg2+ + H20 ingly, the rate equation can be written as eq. 9,
In order to determine the kinetic order of the
dissolution process with respect to hydrogen ion where A is the projected surface area of the
and to formulate a rate expression for the reac- exposed oxide and vt is the volume of the solu-
tion, it is necessary to determine the actual con- tion. Since the concentration of magnesium ion,
centration of hydrogen ion in solution at any c, (and therefore [ H +1) is determined by removing
given time This can be assuming aliquots of solution, Vt musf be regarded as time
that the first dissociation of sulfuric acid is com- dependent when integrating eq. This integra-
plete and that the concentration of hydrogen ion tion yields eq. (6),
at anv given time is determined bv reaction 2 and
the secGnd dissociation representkd by eq. 3 1101 - Cvt In ( [ H ' l t / [ H + It-,,) = kAt


14 -


L.3 -
a 13
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/22


3.0 4.0 5.0
-In [~+l+.~
FIG. 1. Dependence of the initial rate on hydrogen
For personal use only.

ion concentration. T = 25.00 0.05 "C, o = 31,42 rad

s-'. The numbers in parentheses represent the initial
concentrations of sulfuric acid. 0 30 60 90 120 150
t (rnin)
here V , is the volume of solution in the time FIG.2. Rate plot for the dissolution of magnesium
interval t - 6 t to t. A typical plot of eq. 10 is oxide in dilute sulfuric acid. a = 0.050 M, T = 4.00 +
shown in Fig. 2. These plots were quite linear 0.05 ' C , and = 52.40 rad s-l. cc = ZV. In {[H+],-6./
over most of the reaction studied. In some cases, [H+I,).
however, and especially so for high rotational
velocities, the rate plots deviated slightly from TABLE1. Rate constants for the dissolution
of magnesium oxide in dilute sulfuric acid
linearity near the end of the run. This phenom-
enon is illustrated in Fig. 2 by the plot of { C V , In k x lo3 (cm s-')
( [ H ' ] t / [ H ' ] t - s , ) ) / tus. t. A strictly linear rate 0
plot would yield a horizontal line. In practice, (rad s-') 4 "C 25 "C
however, the plot "curls" upwards near the end 10.48 4.03+0.07 7.20+0.10
of the run with an apparent increase in k A (see
eq. 10) of 2-3%. Consequently, all rate constants
were calculated from (kA),,, and the projected
area of the exposed oxide surface. The time
dependence of k A most likely arises from the
influence of a steadily roughening surface on the
hydrodynamics of the system and possibly from the high reproducibility that can be obtained by
the concomitant increase in surface area. careful control of the hydrodynamics of the
Rate constants for the dissolution of mag- system.
nesium oxide in sulfuric acid are listed in Table 1.
Each value represents the mean of at least three Discussion
determinations. The uncertainties quoted are the The reaction between hydrogen ion and mag-
average deviations from the means. These average nesium oxide takes place in the following
deviations are seldom more than +2% of the sequence: (a) transport of hydrogen ion to the
corresponding rate constants and demonstrate oxide surface, (6)chemical reaction at the surface,

and (c) transport of the products from the surface

to the bulk liquid. The transport processes, (a)
and (c), are determined by the hydrodynamics
of the system whereas the rate of the chemical
process reflects the difference in free energy
between the initial state and the transition state
for the kinetic path involved. Of the three pro-
cesses identified above only the first two involve
the rate of depletion of hydrogen ions in the bulk
solution. The role played by both of these
processes in the dissolution of magnesium oxide
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/22

in sulfuric acid is examined in detail in the

following discussion.
According to the Nernst theory (7) for diffusion
controlled reactions the rate constant for trans-
port of hydrogen ions to the oxide surface can be
expressed by eq. 11

1/2 (rod 112 s - ' / 2 )

where D is the diffusion coefficient of the reactant FIG.3. The dependence of rate on rotational velocity.
(hydrogen ion) and 6 is the thickness of the
"ideal" Nernst diffusion layer. Solution of the where A' is the true surface area of the oxide.
For personal use only.

Navier-Stokes equations for nonturbulent trans- Similarly, the rate of transport of hydrogen ions
port to the surface of a rotating disc yields eq. 12 to the surface is given by eq. 14,
for the transport rate constant (1, 2)

where [Hf 1, represents the hydrogen ion con-

where v and o have been defined previously centration at the oxide surface. At steady-state
(see eq. 1). Equation 12 predicts that if the rate of d[H+],/dt is identical to d[Hf ]/dt and hence
depletion of hydrogen ions in the bulk solution is [H'], can be expressed in terms of the bulk
purely transport controlled then a plot of kT us. hydrogen ion concentration and the two rate
w1l2 will be linear. Plots of this type for the constants k , and kc.
dissolution of magnesium oxide in sulfuric acid
at 4.00 and 25.00 "C are shown in Fig. 3. These
plots are not linear and exhibit greatest curvature Substitution of eq. 15 into eq. 14 yields the
at the lowest temperature. The direction of curva- following expression for the rate of depletion of
ture suggests that the observed rate constant hydrogen ions in the bulk solution.
approaches a limiting value at high rotational
velocities. This indicates that over the range of
rotational velocities employed in the present
study both the transport and chemical processes where a is the roughness factor for the oxide
exert some control of the overall rate of depletion surface, i.e. (A'IA). Comparison of eqs. 16 and 9
of hydrogen ions in the bulk solution. Accord- reveals that the observed rate constant is related
ingly, the concentration of hydrogen ion at the to k , and kc by eq. 17.
oxide surface is neither effectively zero (transport
control) nor equal to the concentration in the
bulk solution (chemical controll. Since the or, by substituting eq. 12 for k , and rearranging
chemical reaction at the oxide surface is first
order with respect to hydrogen ion then the rate
of reaction can be written as eq. 13. Plots of k-I us. o-'l2 for the dissolution of
magnesium oxide in sulfuric acid at 4.00 and

for reaction 19 is sufficiently negative to support

this view. In the present study, therefore, it seems
reasonable to associate the chemical process
occurring at the surface with the rapid hydration
of MgO to produce Mg(OH), which in turn
reacts with protons in the rate determining step
(eq. 20).
+ H+ + Hz0
[201 Mg(OHb, , Mg(OH),,+
+ H+ + Hz0
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/03/22

[21I Mg(OH),,+ Mg,,Z+

The proposed rate determining step is consistent
with the observed activation energy.
The gradients of the k-' us. o-' i2 plots pre-
sented in Fig. 4 permit determination of the
diffusion coefficients for hydrogen ipn in dilute
sulfuric acid at the two temperatures of interest.
The viscosity and density of dilute sulfuric acid
solutions (<0.1 M ) differ little from the corre-
FIG. 4. Plot of reciprocal rate constant us.
sponding quantities for pure water (10). Accord-
ingly, the kinematic viscosities for pure water
For personal use only.

(4) at 4 "C (1.57 x l o p 2 cm2 s- ') and at 25 "C

25.00 "C are presented in Fig. 4. 1he plots are
(8.91 x cm2 s- I) are used here to calculate
linear as predicted by eq. 18 for consecutive first
the hydrogen ion diffusion coefficients. These
order rate processes. If the dissolution process
calculations result in values of 4.5, x and
were completely transport controlled over the
range of rotational velocities and temperatures
7.1, x cm2 s- 'at 4 and 25 "C, respectively.
Riddiford (2) has recently summarized previous
studied then the lines drawn in Fig. 4 should pass
determinations of DH+ at 18-25 "C and found
through the origin. However, this is not the case
and the finite intercepts at = 0 demon-
that the most reliable values fall in the range
2.8 x lo-' to 1 x cm2 s-I depending
strate the existence of joint transport/chemical
upon the solution employed. While no specific
values are quoted for 0.050 M sulfuric acid, the
The intercepts at o-Ii2 = 0 yield numerical
diffusion coefficients reported in the present
values for (ctk,) of 1.92 x l o p 2 cm s-' and
study seem very reasonable. The temperature
10.0 x cm s-' at 4.00 and 25.00°C,
dependence of DH+ can be represented by eq. 22
respectively. If it is assumed that cl is independent
of temperature then the (ctk,) values listed above
correspond to an activation energy of 13 kcal [221
DH+ = Z Dexp (- ED/RT)
mol-' for the reaction of hydrogen ions with where 2, is the pre-exponential factor and ED
the magnesium oxide surface. is the activation energy for the diffusion process.
Vermilyea (8) has shown in a recent study that The diffusion coefficients calculated in this study
the dissolution behavior of powdered magnesium yield a value of 3.6 kcal mol- for ED.This value
oxide is quite similar to that for the magnesium lies within the range 2-6 kcal mol-I normally
hydroxide. This led him to conclude that the associated with diffusion of ions in aqueous
magnesium oxide surface is rapidly converted to solution.
the hydroxide (eq. 19) and that this later species
reacts with hydrogen ion in the dissolution The authors wish to thank Dr. S. Banerjee for his
reaction. interest in this work.

[I91 MgO + H 2 0 & Mg(0H)z 1. V. G. LEVICH. Physicochemical hydrodynamics.

AGO = - 6.45 kcal mol-I Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
The calculated standard free energy change (9) 2. A. C. RIDDIFORD.Advances in electrochemistry

and electrochemical engineering. Edited by P. 7. L. L. BIRCUMSHAW and A. C. RIDDIFORD.Q. Rev.

Delahay. Interscience Publ. Inc., New York. 4, 47 6, 157 (1952).
(1966). 8. D. A. VERMILYEA. J. Electrochem. Soc. 116, 1179
3. D. D. MACDONALD and G. A. WRIGHT. Can. J. (1969).
Chem. 48,2847 (1970). 9. Selected values of chemical thermodynamic prop-
4. Handbook of chemistry and physics. The Chemical erties N.B.S. Circular 500. Part 1. 1961.
Rubber Co., Cleveland Ohio. 50th ed. 1969. 10. M. R. SAVINO and V. VITAGLTANO. Ric. Sci. Ser. 11,
5. D. D. PERRIN.Pure Appl. Chem. 20(2), 133 (1969). 2 341 (1962).
6. R. S. BRADLEY.Trans. Faraday Soc. 34,278 (1938).
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