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Level 2

Unit Test 7 Language Item Bank


1 Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

Example: Lina wasn’t at the party last night. She forgot all about it!
1 Her exam results ____________ very good last semester. She got six A’s!
2 He ____________ at the meeting yesterday because he had to go to the hospital.
3 I ____________ in the kitchen all day on Saturday. I baked five cakes!
4 My grandparents ____________ at home last week. They went to Spain.
5 ____________ Abdullah in Paris two days ago? I think I saw him!

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Level 2

Unit Test 7 Language Item Bank

2 Complete the sentences. Use the simple past of the words in the box.

go live write know not come lose meet

feel die become not win

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Level 2

Unit Test 7 Language Item Bank

Example: Last year my friend wrote a book about famous Olympic athletes.
1 When she was a child, my grandmother __________ in a small village in India.
2 I __________ my best friend for coffee yesterday.
3 He __________ the race last night.
4 Thibo __________ the answer to the question.
5 Last year, I __________ a professional musician. I have my own band now!
6 On Monday evening, we __________ to a talk about Ada Lovelace. It was interesting!
7 Ana’s husband __________ in a serious car accident last year. She was very sad.
8 Socheatta __________ sad when her son left home.
9 Felix and Niklas __________ to the party last night. We missed them!
10 Last year I __________ my job so I decided to travel for a year.

3 Complete the conversations. Use the cues in parentheses to help you.

Example: A What did you do last night? (you / do)
B I stayed at home
1 A _________________ to class yesterday? (Laura / go)
B Yes, she did.
2 A _________________ last night? (she / go)
B She went to the movies.
3 A _________________ late? (they / arrive)
B Because they missed the bus.
4 A _________________ that book in the library? (you / find)
B Yes, I did.
5 A Did they go to college together?
B No, _________________
Grammar total 20

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Example: We married on 2nd September, 1995.
at in on
1 Her clothes designs were popular _______ the 1960s.
at in on
2 They went on vacation _______ Monday.
at in on
3 ____________________ at college we wrote a play together.
When we were We were When were we
4 Ginevra started a new job _______ April.
at in on
5 I started writing my book two years _______.
past ago last
6 Malia and Kai met _______ year.
ago past last
7 Sigurd finished college _______ 2016.

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Level 2

Unit Test 7 Language Item Bank

at in on
8 He saw the doctor _______ January 3rd.
at in on
9 Alicia discovered a new plant _______ week.
last when ago
10 I took that photograph two days _______
away last ago

5 Unscramble the letters and write the words. Use the words to complete the
Example: gunrceedao encouraged 3 cievdsedor ____________
1 aeecmb ____________ 4 rademir ____________
2 ladief ____________ 5 uedcescde ____________

Example: My English teacher always encouraged me to write stories at school and now I
am a writer!
6 I had to do a math test yesterday. I think I __________ because my math isn’t very
7 My parents __________ in 1999. I was born two years later.
8 I love my job. I always wanted to be a writer and I __________!
9 She left college four years ago and __________ a teacher.
10 The scientists __________ water on the planet Mars.
Vocabulary total 20

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Level 2

Unit Test 7 Language Item Bank


6 Choose the best words and expressions to complete the conversations.

Professor Hi Joseph, how can I help you?
Joseph I’m so sorry. I forgot my essay at home.
Professor Don’t worry; you can give it to me tomorrow.
Joseph Thank you so / really much. I 1 very / really appreciate 2 it / you.
Professor My 3welcome / pleasure.
Mom Oh dear, there isn’t any milk in the fridge.
You I can get some from the store now.
Mom Thank / Thanks you.
You Appreciate / Sure.
Lorena Good morning, this is Lorena, Dr Schmidt’s secretary. How can I help you?
Livia Hello, can I see Dr Schmidt tomorrow, please?
Lorena Um, he is very busy this week. He can see you next week.
Livia Oh dear. I really need to see him…
Lorena Okay, let me see… how about 8:30 tomorrow morning?
Livia Perfect! Thank you! That’s very nice 6for you / of you.
Lorena You’re / Your welcome. Could you arrive ten minutes early please so that I
can take some information?
Livia Of 8course / sure. 9Your problem / Not a problem.
Lorena Thanks very much.
Livia Sometime / Anytime.


© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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