Lecturer Physics2016

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Competitive Examination (May-2017)

( for Recruitment of Lecturer Physics in the
Department of Technical Education & Industrial Training, Govt. of Punjab

Candidate’s Name _________________________________________________________


Father’s Name ____________________________________________


Date of Birth Category Code*

DD MM YYYY (*as given in the admit card)

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Booklet No.
Roll No. _______________

Candidate’s Signature (Please sign in the box)

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1. The Headquarter of the ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ICAR-
IISWC) is located at

(a) Karnal
(b) Bellary
(c) Dehradun
(d) Chandigarh

2. India recently became a signatory to the Raptor MoU, which is a memorandum of

understanding on

(a) Conservation of Ramsar sites in Africa and Asia

(b) Protection of marine life in Indian ocean
(c) Protection of Tigers in Asia and Africa
(d) Conservation of birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia

3. Which of the following is not an abiotic component of an ecosystem?

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Sun light
(c) Water
(d) Green Plants

4. Which of the following is not an autonomous region of India?

(a) Chandigarh
(b) Ladakh
(c) Mara
(d) Lai

5. Which among the following can be termed as ‘Gandhian’ among the Directive

i) Prevention of cow slaughter

ii) Promotion of cottage industries
iii) Establishment of village Panchayats
iv) Uniform civil code

Correct code:
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i, ii and iii
(d) i, ii, iii and iv

6. Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?

(a) To protect wildlife
(b) To develop scientific temper
(c) Respect for government
(d) Respect for the Constitution, the national Flag and the National Anthem

7. The concept of Public interest Litigation originated in

(a) The United Kingdom

(b) Australia
(c) The United States
(d) Canada

8. Lichens are the best indicators of

(a) Air pollution

(b) Water pollution
(c) Soil pollution
(d) Noise pollution

9. The resolution of removing the Vice-President can be moved in the

(a) Lok Sabha

(b) Either House of Parliament
(c) Joint sitting of Parliament
(d) Rajya Sabha

10. Punjab shares its borders with how many states?

(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6

11. Tripitakas are sacred books of

(a) Buddhists
(b) Hindus
(c) Jains
(d) None of the above

12. The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered
during the non-cooperation movement was

(a) Hind Keasri

(b) Kaiser-e-Hind
(c) Rai Bahadur
(d) Rt. Honorable

13. Who asserted, "Swaraj is my Birth Right and I will have it."

(a) Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal

14. On November 6, 2015, India signed an agreement with which of the following country
to share hydrological data?

(a) China
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Pakistan
(d) Nepal

15. Ministry of Tourism launched Buddhist Circuit connecting seven Buddhist pilgrimages
in India. Which of the following site is not a part of it?

(a) Bodh gaya

(b) Lumbini
(c) Sarnath
(d) Rajgir

16. Arrange the following state in descending order of their forest cover

i) Arunachal Pradesh ii) Maharashtra

iii) Chhattisgarh iv) Madhya Pradesh

(a) i, iii, iv, ii

(b) iv, i, iii, ii
(c) iv, iii, i, ii
(d) iii, iv, i, ii

17. Match the following

Navigation Satellite Country

A. Glonass i) India
B. Galileo ii) U.S.A
C. NAVIC iii) Europe
D. GPS iv) Russia

Correct code


18. Development expenditure of the Central government does not include

(a) Defense expenditure

(b) Expenditure on economic services
(c) Expenditure on social and community services
(d) Grant to states
19. The National Song of India was composed by

(a) Rabindranath Tagore

(b) Bankim Chandra Chatterji
(c) Iqbal
(d) Jai Shankar Prasad

20. Which one of the following is most sensitive to environmental change?

(a) Amphibian
(b) Reptile
(c) Mammal
(d) Insect

21. The HIV virus weakens the immunity of a person because it destroys
(a) Mast cells
(b) Platelets
(c) Erythrocytes
(d) Lymphocytes

22. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile made by India and Russian Federation
(b) The name BrahMos came from two rivers, Brahmaputra of India and Moskva of
(c) Indian military scientists were capable of integrating BrahMos cruise missile
with Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter.
(d) Defence Research and Development Organisation is the manufacturer of
Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter

23. Which of the following voted for Brexit in June 2016?

(a) England and Scotland
(b) England and Wales
(c) Scotland and Northern Ireland
(d) Wales and Northern Ireland

24. Which one of the following statements about the Missile Technology Control Regime is
not correct?
(a) The Missile Technology Control Regime is an informal and voluntary
partnership initially formed among G-7 countries
(b) Members of the Missile Technology Control Regime Prevent the proliferation of
missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying above
500 kg payload for more than 300 km
(c) China applied to join the Regime but members did not offer the membership
(d) No other country outside the membership follows the Regime rules

25. Which of the following will be the outcome if an economy is under the inflationary

1. Domestic currency heads for depreciation

2. Exports become less competitive with imports getting costlier
3. Cost of borrowing decreases
4. Bondholders get benefitted
Select the correct answer using the code given below :

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 3 and 4

26. In a certain code BOARD is written as 53169 and NEAR is written as 2416. How is NODE
written in that code?

(a) 2394
(b) 2894
(c) 2934
(d) None of these

27. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the
one that does not belong to that group?
(a) Mica
(b) Zinc
(c) Iron
(d) Chlorine
28. If ‘green’ means ‘yellow’; ‘yellow’ means ‘white’; white means ‘red’; ‘red’ means ‘violet’;
‘violet’ means ‘black’; then which of the following will be the colour of human blood?
(a) Red
(b) Black
(c) Green
(d) None of these

29. If ‘X’ means ‘added to’; ‘÷’ means ‘multiplied by’; ‘+’ means ’subtracted from’ and ‘-‘ means
‘divided by’ then 24 + 36 -12 x 8 ÷ 4 = ?
(a) 36
(b) 53
(c) 5
(d) None of these

30. Statements:
All pens are chairs
All flowers are chairs
All chairs are trucks
All trees are trucks
I. Some trucks are pens
II. Some trucks are chairs
III. Some trees are pens
IV. Some trees are chairs
(a) Only I and III follow
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only III and IV follow
(d) None of these
31. If element with principal quantum number n>4 were not allowed in
nature, the number of possible element would be
(a) 24
(b) 32
(c) 60
(d) 64

32. The values of (L−L++L+L−) is
(a) L2− Lz2
(b) L2+ Lz2
(c) L −Lz
(d) L +Lz

33. A circular loop of radius 3 cm carries a direct current of 50 mA along  direction. 

(0,0,4) will be
(a) 900 ̂ mA/m
(b) 180 ̂ mA/m
(c) 70 ̂ mA/m
(d) 150 ̂ mA/m

34. The scalar and vector Lienard-Wiechert potentials for a point charge q moving with
velocity  are given by (Given that  is separation vector of point of observation and
retarded position of the charge)
, $,  =  & , 
(a) ,  =

$,  =  % , 
(b) ,  =   # ∙"

, $,  =  % , 
" "
(c) ,  =
   # ∙"

, $,  =
(d) ,  =  
  ∙"#  &

35. An electric dipole of 100 ̂ pC-m is located at the origin. The potential at point (0,0,10)m
will be
(a) 9 mV
(b) 0
(c) 9 V
(d) 9 μV

36. The ratio of root mean square speed to the most probable speed of an ideal gas at
temperature T is

(a) '()*

(b) '( *

(c) '( + *

(d) '( *

37. Consider a mixture of H and He enclosed in a cylinder and in thermal equilibrium at

temperature T. Assuming the mass of He to be four times the mass of H, mH, the speed at
which the Maxwell distribution for the two gases have same value is
,- ./ 
(a) '( *

),- ./ 
(b) '( *

,- ./ 
(c) '( 01

,- ./ 
(d) '( *

38. If the pressure is increased by 1 atm, the increase in boiling point of water will be
(Given: latent heat of steam 540 cal/gm and 1 gm of steam occupies a volume of 1677
(a) 530C
(b) 38oC
(c) 42oC
(d) 27oC

39. The 2 = 0 → 1 transition in HCl occurs at 20.68 cm-1. Treating the molecule to be a rigid
rotator, the wavelength of the transition 2 = 9 → 10 will be
(a) 36 μm
(b) 90 μm
(c) 48 μm
(d) 12 μm

40. The expansion of the function 4  = 5#5# between the annular region z =1 and z = 2
in Laurent’s series which is valid for |z| < 2, will be
(a) − ∑;
< 89: + ∑< 5 89:

(b) ∑;
< 89: − ∑< 5 89:

(c) ∑;
< 89: + ∑< 5 89:

(d) − ∑;
< 89: − ∑< 5 89:

>% ? >?
41. Solution of the differential equation +4 + 4B = C  is
>@ % >@
(a) D + D E #@ + C + 2C + 
(b) D + D CE #@
+ C + 2C + 

(c) D + D E #@ + C − 2C + 

(d) D + D CE #@
+ C − 2C + 


42. An xyz coordinate system is rotating with respect to an XYZ coordinate system having
the same origin and assumed to be fixed in space [i.e. it is an inertial system]. The
angular velocity of the xyz system relative to the XYZ system is given by G  = 5CH − 4BH −
10 ̂ where t is the time. The velocity of a particle fixed in the xyz system at the point (3,
1, -2) as seen by an observer fixed in the XYZ system is
(a) 18CH + 20BH − 17 ̂
(b) 18CH + 20BH + 17 ̂
(c) 18CH − 20BH + 17 ̂
(d) 18CH − 20BH − 17 ̂

43. Which of the following wave function can be solutions of

Schrodinger’s equation for all values of x?
(a) ψ=A sec x
(b) ψ=A tan x
(c) ψ=A E @
(d) ψ=A E @
π π
44. The wave function of a certain particle is ψ = A cos2x for − to ,
then the value of A is
(a) I8/3π
(b) I3/8π
(c) I1/2π
(d) I3/2π

45. Current I1 and I2 flow when large forward voltage V1 and V2 are
applied to a semiconductor diode. If V1 = 2V2, then the value of the
reverse saturation current is
(a) L :M %L
: %
(b) L
(c) L:
L:% ML%%
(d) L
: M L%

46. When the potential difference between the electrons of X-ray tube is
increased, there take place an increase in the
(a) Intensity
(b) Frequency
(c) Wavelength
(d) Speed of X-rays

47. The expectation value of momentum of a particle whose wave

function is ψ(x)=N exp(−C  /2N +ikx) is given as
(a) ħk/a3
(b) ħk/a
(c) 0
(d) iħ/a2

48. The refractive index of a glass is 1.5 and its conductivity is 10# (Ωm)-1. If some free
charge is embedded into the glass, how long will it take for the charge to flow to the
(a) 20 s
(b) 40 s
(c) 30 s
(d) 50 s
49. In a certain medium O = 10 cos2S × 10U  − VC  BH + ̂ ) V/m. if W = 9WX , Y = 4YX ,
 will be
magnetic field Z
 = 0.2 cos2S × 10U  − 3.14C)  − BH + ̂ )μT
(a) Z
 = 0.2 cos2S × 10U  − 1.256C)  − BH + ̂ )μT
(b) Z
 = 0.2 cos2S × 10U  − 1.256C)  − BH − ̂ )μT
(c) Z
 = 0.2 cos2S × 10U  − 3.14C)  − BH − ̂ )μT
(d) Z

50. Three point charges ] = 4 nC, ] = −2 nC and ]) = 4 nC are positioned one at a time at
(0,0,0), (0,0,1) and (1,0,0), respectively. The electrostatic energy of the system is
(a)  √2 + 1) nJ

(b)  nJ

(c)  √2 − 1) nJ

(d)  nJ

51. Two homogeneous, isotropic dielectrics meet on plane z = 0. For ≥ 0, Y` = 4 and for
 = 5CH − 2BH + 3 ̂ kV/m exists for ≥ 0.
≤ 0Y` = 3. A uniform electric field O

O for ≤ 0 will be
(a)  5CH − 2BH + 5 ̂ ) kV/m
(b) 5CH − 2BH − 4 ̂ kV/m
(c)  5CH − 2BH + 4 ̂ ) kV/m
(d) 5CH − 2BH + 4 ̂ kV/m

52. The average value of the expression for velocity components @ + b? ) is

(a) 1 + b  )
(b) 1 + b) 0
(c) 1 + b)
(d) 1 + b)

53. If the pressure on 10 cm3 of mercury at 27oC is increased reversibly and isothermally
from 0 to 1000 atm, the heat transferred will be (Given: the coefficient of volume
expansivity of mercury = 1.81 × 10# K #)
(a) 54.3 J
(b) 5.43 J
(c) 6.03 J
(d) 60.3 J

54. An xyz coordinate system rotates with angular velocity G  = 2CH −   BH + 2 + 4) ̂ with
respect to a fixed XYZ coordinate system having the same origin. If the position vector of
a particle is given  =   + 1)CH − 6BH + 4 ) ̂ , the Coriolis acceleration at t = 1 will be
(a) 48CH − 24BH − 20 ̂
(b) 48CH − 24BH + 20 ̂
(c) 48CH + 24BH − 20 ̂
(d) 48CH + 24BH + 20 ̂

55. A particle is moving in a central force located at r = 0 describes the spiral E #d . The
magnitude of force is inversely proportional to
(a) r
(b) r2
(c) r4
(d) r3

56. A system consists of 5 particles arranged in two compartments. The first compartment
is divided into 6 cells and the second into 8 cells. The cells are of equal size. The
number of microstates in the macrostate (2,3), if the particles obey Fermi-Dirac
statistics, will be

(a) 600
(b) 1020
(c) 900
(d) 840

57. If the transformation ] = log1 + Ig cos h) and i = 2Igj1 + Ig cos hk sin h is canonical,
the generating function nh, ]) is
(a) −E o − 1) sin h
(b) E o − 1) tan h
(c) −E o − 1) tan h
(d) E o − 1) cos h

58. Consider the scattering of alpha particles (i.e., helium nucleus with Z = 2 and A = 4) from a
gold nucleus (Z = 79 and A ~ 200). If the scattering angle of the alpha particles in lab
frame is 450, its scattering angle in center of mass frame is given by
(a) cos r − sin r = 0.02
(b) sin r − cos r = 0.02
(c) sin r − cos r = 0.01
(d) cos r − sin r = 0.01

59. A diode is a non-linear device due to the fact that

(a) It has a symmetrical anode and cathode terminal
(b) Its I-V characteristic is non-linear
(c) Its anode and cathode are of different material
(d) None of these

60. Phase shift oscillator are commonly used for

(a) Audio frequency ranges
(b) Video frequency ranges
(c) The analysis of frequency ranges
(d) Not used in relation to frequency ranges

61. A certain op-amp has bias currents of 50 µA and 49.3 µA. The input
offset current is
(a) 700 nA
(b) 99.3 µA
(c) 49.3 µA
(d) 100 nA

62. Negative feedback

(a) Increases the input and output impedances
(b) Increases the input and the bandwidth
(c) Decrease the output impedance and the bandwidth
(d) Does not affect impedances or bandwidth

63. The band gap at 300K of diamond cubic crystals of C, Si, Ge and Sn is
5.5, 1.2, 0.67 and 0.1 eV respectively. Identify the crystal which will
have the highest electrical conductivity at 300K
(a) Ge
(b) Sn
(c) C
(d) Si

64. The crystal structure is NOT studied through the diffraction of
(a) Electron
(b) Proton
(c) Neutron
(d) X-rays

65. Platinum has permeability greater than unity and a small positive
value for susceptibility. It must be
(a) Paramagnetic
(b) Diamagnetic
(c) Ferromagnetic
(d) Ferroelectric

66. According to the Shell model of the nucleus which is INCORRECT?

(a) Magic numbers exist
(b) Nucleons interact with their nearest neighbours only
(c) Nucleons in a nucleus interact with a general force field
(d) Large electronic quadruple moment exists for certain nuclei

67. Photoelectric absorption takes place when a sufficiently energetic

photon interacts with a
(a) Free electron
(b) Electron of outermost shell
(c) Nucleus
(d) K shell electron
68. The nuclear reaction 41H1→2He4 + 2 −1e0 + 26 MeV represents
(a) Fusion
(b) Fission
(c) β-decay
(d) γ-decay

69. Which of the following is NOT used as a moderator in a nuclear

(a) H2O
(b) D2O
(c) C
(d) Al
70. In a solid or liquid dielectric, with external applied electric field, the
electronic polarisability αe increases, as the internal field Ei
(a) Increases
(b) Reduces
(c) Remains unaltered
(d) None of these

71. The dipole moment per unit volume of a solid is the sum of all the
individual dipole moments and is called
(a) Polarization of the solid
(b) Permittivity of the solid
(c) Electrostatic moment
(d) None of these
72. The polarization P in a solid dielectric is related to the electric field
E and the electric flux density D by the relation
(a) E=ε0D + P
(b) D=ε0E + P
(c) D=ε0(E + P)
(d) D=ε0P + E

73. Group-I lists four different semiconductor devices. Match each

device in Group-I with its characteristic property in Group-II
Group-I Group-II
P. BJT 1. Population inversion
Q. MOS capacitor 2. Pinch off voltage
R. LASER Diode 3. Early effect
S. JFET 4. Flat band voltage

(a) P-3 Q-1 R-4 S-2

(b) P-2 Q-4 R-3 S-2
(c) P-3 Q-4 R-1 S-2
(d) P-3 Q-2 R-1 S-4

74. Infra-red LED is usually fabricated from

(a) GeSiCr
(b) SiSnNa
(c) GaAsAg
(d) GaAsP

75. A square conducting loop of side 2a lies in the z = 0 plane and carries a current I in
 at the centre of the loop is
counter clockwise direction. Z
s √
(a) t
u ̂
s √
(b) u ̂
s √
(c) u ̂
(d) Zero

76. A current sheetv = 6.5 w A/m at x = 0 separates region 1 (C < 0) where 

 = 10 wB A/m
and region 2, (C > 0). 
 at x = 0 will be
(a) 3.5 wB A/m
(b) −16.5 BH A/m
(c) 16.5 wB A/m
(d) −3.5 wBA/m

77. The interaction energy of two dipoles of momenta h
h is given by
{: .{  )
z `%
− ` | h
 .  h
 . }
{: .{  )
(b) z %
+ h
 .  h
 . }
  `% `|
{ : .` {

% .` )
(c) z − h
 . h
  `% `|
{ : .` {

% .` )
z `%
+ ` | h
 . h

78. A reversible heat engine having a working substance of mass m and specific heat ~
works between a source at a temperature € and sink at temperature€ . The maximum
obtainable work from this engine is

(a) ~ jI€ + I€ k

(b) ~ jI€ − I€ k
(c) ~ € − € )
(d) ~ € + € )

79. The nuclear spin of bismuth atom is 9/2. Into how many hyper-fine components 
state will split
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 4

80. The energy levels in a two level atom are separated by 2 eV. There are 8 × 10X atoms in
the upper level and 3 × 10X atoms in the ground level. How much energy in joules could
be released in a single pulse?
(a) 48 J
(b) 80 J
(c) 256 J
(d) 160 J

81. The number of independent components of an antisymmetric tensor of rank 2 in N-

dimensional space is
(a) N(N+1)/2
(b) 2N
(c) N2
(d) N(N-1)/2

82. Residue of 4 ) = at = ∞ is
(a) 1
(b) -1
(c) Zero
(d) Ab

83. A neutral pion of (rest) mass m and (relativistic) momentum p = mc/4 decays into two
photons. One of the photons ‘A’ is emitted in the same direction as the original pion, and
the other photon “B” is emitted in the opposite direction. The relativistic energies EA and
EB of the photons A and B are respectively,
(a) mc2/4 and mc2
(b) mc2 and mc2/2
(c) mc2 and mc2/4
(d) mc2/2 and mc2

84. The energy of free electrons in the state (1 2 1) in a rectangular box

of sides a=b≠c is
†% ƒ 
(a) +0 zt% +  % }
†% ) 
(b) z + %}
+0 t%
)†% ƒ 
(c) zt % +  % }
†% ƒ 
(d) ƒ0 zt% +  % }

85. If an electromagnetic wave with O = 8BH − 6 ̂ ) sinG − 4B − 3 )V/m is incident on an

air to dielectric (Y = 4 YX , μ = WX , interface at z =0, then angle of reflection and
transmission are, respectively,
(a) tan#)) , tan# 'ˆ

(b) tan#)) , tan# '

) ˆ
(c) tan#) , tan# 'ˆ

) )
(d) tan#) , tan# 'U

86. A mass m of a liquid with specific heat ~ and at temperature € is mixed with an equal
amount of the same liquid at temperature€ . The system is thermally insulated. The
entropy change of the universe is
- M-
(a) 2~ ln I-
: %
- : %
-: #-%
(b) 2~ ln I- -
: %
-: M-%
(c) 2~ ln
I-: -%
-: #-%
(d) 2~ ln
I-: -%

>% @ >@
87. Consider the differential equation −3 + 2C = 0 if x = 0 at t = 0 and x = 1 at t = 1, the
>‰ % >‰
value of x at t = 2 is
(a) E  + 1
(b) E + 1
(c) E  + E
(d) 2e

88. The value of 2: C) + 2#: C) is

% %

(a) 1
(b) I2/SCE #Š@
(c) I2/SCE Š@


89. If  = C CH + B BH + | and n is the integer

̂ is the position vector of point (x,y,z),  = |
then ∇ ∙ r /  is
(a) n + 2)r /
(b) n + 3)r /M
(c) n + 3)r /
(d) n + 2)r /M

90. Two masses m1 and m2 travelling in the same straight line collide. If the velocities of the
particles are v1 and v2 and coefficient of restitution is ε, then velocity of mass m1 after
collision will be
0% #0: )"% M0: M)":
0: M0%
0: M0% )": M0% M)"%
(b) 0: M0%
0% M0: )"% M0: M)":
(c) 0: M0%
0: #0% )": M0% M)"%
(d) 0: M0%

91. A free particle with energy E whose wave function is a plane wave
length λ eneters a region of constant potential V>0, where the wave
length of the particle is 2λ. The ratio (V/E) is
(a) 1/2
(b) 2/3
(c) 3/4
(d) 4/5

92. A gas obeys Vander Waals equation(i + *  − b) = €, with D" a constant, then an
equation for an adiabatic process is
(a) € − b)  = constant
(b)  = constant
(c) Ž = constant
"#„) 
(d) € − b)Ž = constant

93. A gas cloud in our galaxy emits radiation at a rate of 1028 W. If the temperature of the
cloud is 1000 K and we assume it be spherical in shape then its approximate diameter is
(Given: Stefan’s constant ‘ = 5.67 × 10#+ W/m2-K4)
(a) 3 × 10 m
(b) 2.5 × 10 m
(c) 5.1 × 10 m
(d) 1.2 × 10 m

94. Consider the transition 

‚ƒ/ → 
i)/ in an atom. The number of components into
which this spectral line will split due to Stark effect, is
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 7
(d) 10

95. The fine-structure doublet splitting of the excited state 2 i)/ and2 i/ of He+ is 5.84
cm-1. The corresponding separation for Be3+ is
(a) 23.36 cm-1
(b) 93.44 cm-1
(c) 46.72 cm-1
(d) 11.68 cm-1

96. The force constant of the bond in CO molecule is 1870 N/m. the frequency of vibration of
the molecule is (Given, the reduced mass of CO = 1.14 × 10#“kg)
(a) 2.6 × 10 rad/s
(b) 1.3 × 10 rad/s
(c) 0.6 × 10 rad/s
(d) . 9 × 10 rad/s


97. The third term in the Taylor’s series expansion of the function 4 ) = is
(a)  − 4)
(b) −  − 4)

(c)  − 4)
(d)  − 4)

98. If Hn(x) is Hermite polynomial then , the value of the integral ”#; E #@ •< – —C is
(a) 2< ˜!/ S
(b) 2< ˜! √S
(c) ˜!/2< √S
(d) ˜!/2< S

99. The orthogonality relation for the associated Laguerre polynomial is

; ,M<)!
(a) ”#; E #@ C , š,0 C)š,< C)—C = ›0<
; <!
(b) ”X E #@ C , š,0 C)š,< C)—C = ›
,M<)! 0<
; ,M<)!
(c) ”X E #@ C , š,0 C)š,< C)—C = ›0<
; <!
(d) ”#; E #@ C , š,0 C)š,< C)—C = ,M<)! ›0<

100. Consider an electron in a one-dimensional potential box of width L within rigid boundary
conditions. What is the ground state energy of electron when L is 1 Å? [h =6.626 x 10-34 J.s,
(a) 37eV
(b) 40eV
(c) 50eV
(d) 57eV



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