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PT. Ciriajasa E.C.


1. Proposed Position: K-14: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
2. Name of Firm: PT. Ciriajasa E.C.
3. Name of Expert: Aldian, S.T., M.T.
4. Curent Residential Address: Indonesia/ Jl. Nila Gang Buntu RT 001 RW. 003 Kota Pekanbaru Riau
Telephone No.: +62 811709080
Fax No.: +62 21 7975728
Email Address:
5. Date of Birth: August 23, 1978
Citizenship: Republic of Indonesia
6. Education:
 Master of Engineering (S2) Civil Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2005
7. Membership in Professional Associations:
 Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist (Ahli K3 Konstruksi) – No. Sert.1361/AMK3.K/DPNK3/08/09
8. Other Trainings:
 Technical Guidance Competency of Young Construction Occupational Safety and Health Experts – PT. Mektan Babakan Tujuh -
Dirjen Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration - No. Sert.1361/AMK3.K/DPNK3/08/09.
9. Countries of Work Experience:
 Indonesia
10. Languages: Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Indonesia Mother Tongue Mother Tongue Mother Tongue
11. Employment Record:
11.1. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): Januari 08 , 2020 to October 08 2020 (10 months)/ Employer: PT. Ciriajasa E.C./ Position
Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.2. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): March 25, 2019 to December 19, 2019 (9 months)/ Employer: PT. Ciriajasa E.C./ Position
Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.3. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): November 2017 to March 2019 (16 months)/ Employer: PT. Praprimadani Pratama/
Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.4. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): August 05 2016 to October 31, 2017 (15 months)/ Employer: PT. Gitarencana Multiplan/
Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.5. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): August 2015 – July 2016 (11 months)/ Employer: PT. Ciriajasa Rancangbangun Mandiri/
Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.6. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): June 2013 to March 2015(21 months)/ Employer: PT. Virama Karya (Persero)/ Position
Held: Assistant for Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.7. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): November 02, 2011 to April 02, 2013 (17 months)/ Employer: PT. Gitarencana Multiplan/
Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.8. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): : February 2009 to March 2011 (25 months)/ Employer: PT. Data Decon / Position Held:
Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
11.9. From (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): : October 2005 – April 2008 (30 months)/ Employer: PT. Artefak Arkindo / Position Held:
Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist
12. Detailed Tasks Assigned :
a. Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions
or equipment.
b. Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other potentially toxic materials for analysis.
c. Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection.
d. Conduct audits at hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations.
e. Conduct safety training and education programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment.
f. Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other substances.
g. Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, and asbestos
management plans.
h. Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and
government regulations.
i. Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies.
j. Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might be prevented in the future.
k. Investigate health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health legislation and regulations.
l. Investigate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or
m. Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures.
n. Maintain inventories of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled
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PT. Ciriajasa E.C.

o. Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety.
p. Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness.
q. Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and
labeling them.
r. Provide new-employee health and safety orientations, and develop materials for these presentations.
s. Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.
13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle Task Assigned:
1. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management of the IAIN Ambon Rectorate Building / Month and Year: Januari 08 ,
2020 to October 08 2020 (10 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ Ambon City, Maluku Province/ Client: Satker Pelaksana Prasarana
Permukiman Provinsi Maluku, DGHS MPWH / Main Project Feature: Construction Management/ Position Held: Occupational Health
and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control
and remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and
other potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at
hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education
programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other
substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys,
and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure
compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention
equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might
be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health
legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect
employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of
hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order
suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of
samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for
transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations,
and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work
methods, processes, or materials.
2. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management Consultant for Integrated Cross-border Post Development (PLBN) Design
And Build Sota Kab. Merauke Papua / Month and Year: March 25, 2019 to December 19, 2019 (9 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ DKI
Papua/ Client: Satker Pengembangan Kawasan Permukiman, DGHS MPWH/ Main Project Feature: Construction Management
Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate
with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or
equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous
materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous
waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate
"right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise
surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace
environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect
specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to
identify causes and to determine how such accidents might be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and
inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation,
exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update
emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking
systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety;
Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare
hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them;
Provide new-employee health and safety orientations, and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help
protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.
3. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management Services (MK) for the Construction of Building II DPR Papua Phase II
2017-2018/ Month and Year: November 2017 to March 2019 (16 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ Papua/ Client: Sekretariat Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyata Papua/ Main Project Feature: Construction Management Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and
Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and
remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other
potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at
hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education
programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other
substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys,
and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure
compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention

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PT. Ciriajasa E.C.

equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might
be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health
legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect
employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of
hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order
suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of
samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for
transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations,
and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work
methods, processes, or materials.
4. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management Rusunami Tower B in Cluster A8 Cengkareng Regional III/ Month and
Year: August 05 2016 to October 31, 2017 (15 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ DKI Jakarta/ Client: Perum Perumnas Main Project
Feature: Construction Management Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/
Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial measures for hazardous and
potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other potentially toxic materials for analysis;
Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at hazardous waste sites or industrial sites,
and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education programs, and demonstrate the use of
safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other substances; Develop and maintain
hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, and asbestos management plans;
Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and
government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid
supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might be prevented in the future; Investigate
health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health legislation and regulations; Investigate the
adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or performance;
Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes,
using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers'
health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or
cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for transportation and storage by treating, compacting,
packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations, and develop materials for these presentations;
Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.
5. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management Consultant for Development of Cross-Border Post (PLBN) Motamasin
(East Kobalima) Kab. Malacca / Month and Year: August 2015 – July 2016 (11 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ Nusa Tenggara Timur/
Client: Satker Pengembangan Kawasan Permukiman Khusus, DGHS MPWH/ Main Project Feature: Construction Management
Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate
with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or
equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous
materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous
waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate
"right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise
surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace
environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect
specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to
identify causes and to determine how such accidents might be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and
inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation,
exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update
emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking
systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety;
Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare
hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them;
Provide new-employee health and safety orientations, and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help
protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.
6. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management for the Construction of the Jayapura City Regional General Hospital/
Month and Year: June 2013 to March 2015(21 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ Papua/ Client: Papua Provincial Health Office / Main
Project Feature: Construction Management Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Sector
Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial measures for hazardous
and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other potentially toxic materials for
analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at hazardous waste sites or industrial
sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education programs, and demonstrate the use
of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other substances; Develop and maintain
hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys, and asbestos management plans;
Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and
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PT. Ciriajasa E.C.

government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid
supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might be prevented in the future; Investigate
health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health legislation and regulations; Investigate the
adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect employee health, comfort, or performance;
Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes,
using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order suspension of activities that pose threats to workers'
health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or
cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for transportation and storage by treating, compacting,
packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations, and develop materials for these presentations;
Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work methods, processes, or materials.
7. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management for Padang City Government Office Development/ Month and Year:
November 02, 2011 to April 02, 2013 (17 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ Padang, West Sumatera Province/ Client: Padang City Public
Works Department / Main Project Feature: Construction Management Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in
the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial
measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other
potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at
hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education
programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other
substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys,
and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure
compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention
equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might
be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health
legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect
employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of
hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order
suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of
samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for
transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations,
and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work
methods, processes, or materials.
8. Name of assignment of project: Construction Management of Mosque Construction and Renovation of Annex Building PT. Askes
(Persero) Head Office / Month and Year: February 2009 to March 2011 (25 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ DKI Jakarta Province/
Client: PT. Askes (Persero)/ Main Project Feature: Construction Management Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and
Safety in the Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and
remedial measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other
potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at
hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education
programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other
substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys,
and asbestos management plans; Inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure
compliance with safety standards and government regulations; Inspect specified areas to ensure the presence of fire prevention
equipment, safety equipment, and first-aid supplies; Investigate accidents to identify causes and to determine how such accidents might
be prevented in the future; Investigate health-related complaints, and inspect facilities to ensure that they comply with public health
legislation and regulations; Investigate the adequacy of ventilation, exhaust equipment, lighting, and other conditions that could affect
employee health, comfort, or performance; Maintain and update emergency response plans and procedures; Maintain inventories of
hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, using waste tracking systems to ensure that materials are handled properly; Order
suspension of activities that pose threats to workers' health and safety; Perform laboratory analyses and physical inspections of
samples in order to detect disease or to assess purity or cleanliness; Prepare hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste samples for
transportation and storage by treating, compacting, packaging, and labeling them; Provide new-employee health and safety orientations,
and develop materials for these presentations; Recommend measures to help protect workers from potentially hazardous work
methods, processes, or materials.
9. Name of assignment of project: Supervision of the Construction of Patria Park Apartments and 32 Floor Office Shops / Month and
Year: October 2005 – April 2008 (30 months)/ Location: Indonesia/ DKI Jakarta Province/ Client: PT. Pembangunan Perumahan
(Persero)/ Main Project Feature: Construction Supervision Consultant/ Position Held: Occupational Health and Safety in the
Construction Sector Specialist/ Activities performed: Collaborate with engineers and physicians to institute control and remedial
measures for hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions or equipment; Collect samples of dust, gases, vapors, and other
potentially toxic materials for analysis; Collect samples of hazardous materials, or arrange for sample collection; Conduct audits at
hazardous waste sites or industrial sites, and participate in hazardous waste site investigations; Conduct safety training and education
programs, and demonstrate the use of safety equipment; Coordinate "right-to-know" programs regarding hazardous chemicals and other
substances; Develop and maintain hygiene programs such as noise surveys, continuous atmosphere monitoring, ventilation surveys,
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