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B. Principal- 2.

(Economics, Accounting & Finance / Banking & Finance) denoting or

relating to capital or property as opposed to interest, et 1. a person who is Iirst in
importance or directs some event, action, organization, etc.
D. statement oI Iinancial needed- the Iinancial plan section oI the business plan consists oI three
Iinancial statements, the income statement, the cash Ilow projection and the balance sheet and a brieI
explanation/analysis oI these three statements.
E. statement of confidentiality of report- InIormation, data and drawings embodied in this business
plan are strictly conIidential and are supplied on the understanding that they will be held conIidentially
and not disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent oI |INSERT YOUR NAME|.' (1)
Industry analysis- A market assessment tool designed to provide a business with an idea oI
the complexity oI a particular industry. Industry analysis involves reviewing the economic, political
and market Iactors that inIluence the way the industry develops. Major Iactors can include
the power wielded by suppliers and buyers, the condition oI competitors, and the likelihood oI new
market entrants.

A. Future outlook and trends(hinaharap na pananaw at mga uso)- pectation for the
future: the long-term outlook for economic growth. Development oI the business. Predict in
B. nalysis of competitors- When you're writing the business plan, you'll write the competitive
analysis section in the Iorm oI several paragraphs. You may wish to give each paragraph a
separate heading.
The Iirst paragraph will outline the competitive environment, telling your readers who your proposed
business' competitors are, how much oI the market they control, and any other relevant details about the
The second and Iollowing paragraphs will detail your competitive advantage, explaining why and how
your company will be able to compete with these competitors and establish yourselI as a successIul
Remember; you don't have to go into exhaustive detail here, but you do need to persuade the reader oI
your business plan that you are knowledgeable about the competition and that you have a clear, deIinitive
plan that will enable your new business to successIully compete.
C. arket segmentation- The market segmentation concept is crucial to market assessment and
market strategy. Divide the market into workable market segments -- age, income, product type,
geography, buying patterns, customer needs, or other classiIications. DeIine your terms, and
deIine your market.
D. Industry forecast- Total level of demand for a product, across all brands, expected to result from a
partIcular marketIng effort by the competItors In the market. EnvIronmental trends not under the control
of the marketers, such as socIal trends or economIc changes, can greatly Impact the accuracy of the
market forecast.

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