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Material Académico de Uso Presencial

Título o Referencia Quantifiers

Nombre Docente (s) Diego Chacón - Karina Gfell

Asignatura (Eje) o Módulo Inglés Unidad Unit 1

Nombre Estudiante Curso 2° Medio

Objetivo To identify and apply different past simple verbs in context


I. Circle the correct answers.

a) There aren’t some/ any help.
b) Do you know some/ any Americans?
c) We need some/ any more coffee.
d) She’s got some/any interesting friends.
e) I didn’t have some/ any breakfast today.
f) He hasn’t done some/ any work for ten years.
g) Have you got some/ any brothers and sisters?
h) I’m having some/any problems with my car.
i) Are there some/ any restaurants near here?

II. Write some sentences with some

Example: Would you like some more coffee?
Example: Could I have some bread?

1. (Ask for coffee) ____________________________________________________________________-

2. (Offer read) _______________________________________________________________________

3. (Offer rice) ________________________________________________________________________

4. (Ask for tomatoes) __________________________________________________________________

5. (Offer more potatoes) _______________________________________________________________

6. (Ask for more milk) _________________________________________________________________

7. (Ask for oil) ________________________________________________________________________

Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Valdivia

Material Académico de Uso Presencial

III. Write Much or Many.

a) I haven’t got ______________ time.

b) Do you play _______________ football?

c) I don’t eat _______________ meat.

d) There aren’t __________________ people here

e) We don’t have ______________ rain in summer.

f) Are there ________________ American in your country?

g) Have you travelled to _______________ countries?

h) Was there ________________ traffic on the road?

IV. Fill in the blanks with much, many and a lot of.

a) John hasn’t _____________ money

b) There is _____________ gold in the bag.

c) I haven’t got ___________ birds in the sky

d) There aren’t ____________ cars in the street.

e) Are there ______________ apples on the tree?

f) Jane spends ______________ money at the shops

g) Have you got ___________ bread in the cupboard

h) Are there ______________ children on the beach?

i) We are early. We have _____________ time.

V. Choose the correct item.

1. Have got __________ friends? a) many b) much c) a lot of

2. There are _________ people in the room. a) much b) a little c) a lot of

3. Can I have _________ sugar, please? a) a few b) a little c) little

4. How __________ oranges are on the table? a) many b) a few c) much

5. How _________ money has Fred got? a) many b) little c) much

6. There are __________ monkeys at the zoo. a) manyb) much c) a lot of

Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Valdivia
Material Académico de Uso Presencial

VI. Write a little or a few.

a) ____________________ lemonade f) ________________ money

b) ____________________ men g) ________________ friends

c) ____________________ milk h) ________________ houses

d) ____________________ sweets i) ________________ snow

e) ___________________ women

Liceo Bicentenario Instituto Comercial de Valdivia

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