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Teresa Anderson Week 1: Assignment 1

Week 1: Assignment 1

Teresa Anderson

Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Walden University

COURSE Coun_6001_8000: Professional Dispositions & NS-Summer 2024

Dr. Suzie Dukic

Teresa Anderson Week 1: Assignment 1

Discipline Disposition

One of the dispositions that I reflected on the most was the Discipline Disposition. Discipline can

contribute to success or being unsuccessful. Discipline can imply acknowledgment of relevant

facts and complete transparency within the self, interactions and reacting to/with colleagues or

clients, organization or management not only with physical commodities, but mentally as well,

which can all contribute to your performance's impact.

Students that lack discipline can have huge consequences. Students must be consistent with

handling personal stress. Lacking discipline with personal stress could affect the ability to focus

as well as being able to control reactions which could impact overall performance. A student

must also be disciplined with being honest with themselves. There may come a time when a

student must adjust to be successful within the program and honesty could come into play with

deciding what to “cut out” or change in a routine. That lack of discipline will lead to the student's

ability to adapt in uncertain situations sufficiently. Interacting within discussions would be

impeded. Lacking discipline can lead to being removed from a program and not finishing

college. Without discipline a student cannot be an effective learner.

Counselors who do not share the values of discipline could lack the inability to provide a

sufficient work environment. Discipline requires focus especially when one must communicate

effectively and unbiasedly with their colleagues while providing information or solutions. When

discussing criticism with colleagues or supervisors, a counselor must be in control of emotions;

be able to function despite personal discrepancies. A counselor must also refrain from an

emotional response to unpredictable changes and adapt appropriately. Not only does there have

to be control over personal stress, but they must show empathy without letting their compassion

interfere with their professional decisions. Counselors are expected to be assertive while
Teresa Anderson Week 1: Assignment 1

discussing specific questions and problems with appropriate and optimal solutions for students

and clients.

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