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IB English B HL Paper 1 Task: Report Writing on SDGs in Ecuador

Task Overview:
As part of your IB English B HL assessment, you are required to write an official report on a
specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the context of Ecuador. This task will assess
your ability to research, analyze data, and present your findings in a structured and
coherent manner.

Your report will also be entered into a class competition. The best reports will be selected
based on the quality of research, clarity of writing, and overall presentation. Winners will
have the opportunity to present their findings to a broader audience and may receive
special recognition or awards. For more details about the competition, including judging
criteria and prizes, please ask your teacher.

1. Choose an SDG:
Select one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus on. Your report should
reflect on how this SDG is being addressed in Ecuador.

2. Research:
Conduct thorough research using credible sources to gather data and information about the
chosen SDG in Ecuador. Use the provided sources and any additional reliable sources you

3. Write the Report:

Your report should be between 450-600 words and must include the following sections:

Report Structure:
Title Page:
- Title of the report (e.g., 'Report on SDG 4: Quality Education in Ecuador')
- Your name
- Date

Introduction (Approx. 100 words):

- Briefly introduce the chosen SDG and its importance globally.
- Explain why this SDG is relevant to Ecuador.

Methodology (Approx. 50 words):

- Describe the research methods you used to gather data and information.

Findings (Approx. 200-250 words):

- Present your data and analysis regarding the SDG in Ecuador.
- Use at least one graph to support your findings.
- Discuss key trends, challenges, and progress made in achieving the SDG.
Conclusion (Approx. 50-100 words):
- Summarize the main findings of your report.
- Highlight the significance of these findings for Ecuador.

Recommendations (Approx. 50-100 words):

- Provide actionable recommendations based on your findings.
- Suggest practical steps that can be taken to improve progress towards the SDG in Ecuador.

- Include a list of sources you used to gather information and data for your report.

Competition Details:
This report will be part of a class competition. The best reports will be selected based on the
quality of research, clarity of writing, and overall presentation. Winners will have the
opportunity to present their findings to a broader audience and may receive special
recognition or awards. For more details about the competition, including judging criteria
and prizes, please ask your teacher.

Assessment Criteria:
1. Content Accuracy: Relevance and accuracy of the information presented about the chosen
SDG in Ecuador.

2. Data Analysis: Quality and depth of data analysis and interpretation, including the use of

3. Report Structure: Adherence to the prescribed report structure (Introduction,

Methodology, Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations, References).

4. Writing Quality: Clarity, coherence, and academic writing style.

5. References: Proper citation of sources and reference formatting.

Useful Sources:
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: [UN SDGs](
UNDP Ecuador: [UNDP Ecuador](
National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) Ecuador: [INEC
World Bank Ecuador: [World Bank
Our World in Data: [Our World in Data](

Additional Tips:
Ensure your report is well-structured and logically organized.
Use clear and concise language appropriate for an official report.
Support your findings with relevant data and evidence.
Proofread your report to avoid any grammatical or typographical errors.
Submit your completed report to your teacher by the assigned deadline.
Ensure your report adheres to the word count and includes all required sections.

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