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Commuik the offence of Culp alole Nontide . Ew: ‘AY Some sticks € tur} oveu a pit with intution / knowledge -hat death tikely 7 U fe evi to be 3h ow ut falls and kitted ie, ) —¥ I + Gouting Sigur, 0 Sen it dhe deat Causing deat of fousing Sry e. 4 me uot (Sesh bs could the beew Hee - giseanet / thas Oo firwented > the Aquiudle. biSovden’) Haut» fia ; tare eH do YAK TARR IW Sud coser, the. nkevtiow, 0 x = ee fine ty a iS ne exon bound by ae “Tra dnl dome ibeiievine him to “be bound € tn towful annex bu Joy € Section = 60. Section 6 € @ ff ut i d_by Child QF penton 1 asking Ya below Fura ov Ow duwature huguant to fow ALL oa authority or betiewing . ild. 4 Fz 1D yeas 2 4 ‘f j Secuon © 82, 83 himzey to be lawfully authorised ge “Oil caused by by _peuon. W econ. 44. tuto @ $y a Sudge asking in SCION - BAL. expueise o re poweus ULsecuon WH” @ as v e ee b C a iuboxicated heusow’ ance 6 SECON - 85. (secon © 38.) 6 O Wit done ty Good, Odi due tn Gnd tity. : kot 4 _ovwk other hom > F us fos bites | foe /fnpnly (Section 81) & & i oe By n " Is beans fai , pore i Pulvate 5 “ IS dau rdtaw {oot the pexon (Ge ctoN 46 -10¢ hos ea snleeb killed ov fis 7 = fu aw ny Auardron +o ‘ Section 8% , 88 24 Laws nsent- . mets € (244, 301) ¢_| oS 6 | 6| 0/6 & @ rr | | to] | V>ebbu =I") ¥ wanes ouiutd meaning 1 fomisde = O Gutpanle dlonu'cide of dst_Degrte y raves fom _& 0 ae eH IME a h volt! A It &y_defineck vel tion B00 Aunishable und " 302 Aable CNomicide 9 2nd easter 4 Cade ant outage 04_deined 4 Section 300 Gap! nur_[-5 Section 249. f lames (1) & Gi) 4 ut funichoble, Under 20 | c O nl Nowitide of Aad. Degas c bnutet oe oly rma a Section. 299 Laure cI sentil —Smtn O Causing of Death . @ ty doing an Ack @ the at causing death ‘mmat be dane + wills tated at a ith _tntettion ef caut death — YOUVA | % ate: | oe SF Dante use by fk of ede, 3 6 6 6 ~~ Oo fy ow: Keowing dtat 2 fas on dneusism of the heaut., *® A uuushes wi Aus anon —_ tshile e rn unaus into » his eam.” Yous wife Dead” _fetertoling fo _ kill pum: B'S aneuuivm husk ana he alier dd tinble dn murden fr he Same manner - * Caus i colthout intention while wing a untawtul Ack ° f on fe. ‘no are Liab fos ub ba b hon wd 2 i he wnt the oi euso tute pena provided he | » ae Cause, rao by doing an 2 a U 2 of & A ashile Miantie ab a tout with the crtent a children. in hulle jable. form A ‘ onty clo kill? Naas U zd) Hough he _cintended. 2 10m Puokash v~ State of Puntab | (1962). neglect of luk 5 Suh. SF me Fa & ATA PA PA PARA Dea a € caused by eat ay G4S0 D , tf Cane asa flwent Mot _ dupblying od a a o_his child hi A, bana awing hi ife hi a G a . nif un 0 nia A f i \ nie _Y the -enek Ya set ACLUACA N oped Y 2 Beople refused -fo call id the pares f fis chitd due MURDER Beal Gupte nde murdese. ¥ uthe ack done $ 4 vols! dente is caused i done “with untention va a it deat, 0r-__- ‘tk a done ‘uith intention, of Causing Such, bod Ha ae Abe. of-endes = thet the ° Y with tate i taj in _tikely foc d ( a of natune I peuson. thing ack knows that it ht i tx: ok phon 7 tity intention of sills. hui, Z_ dies Uae toubequente, a Commi ‘rt rolene Fe ere -slhiia =b_cause the ( a Z div in com equence, teue, A Vag quily of murclene ho didnt inter “to kill_z i - . - jut di aren Since the L I th « < " md Committed = Guspabe Homicide . § « Hl IS IS that ‘ ely Gtheu from. fe ae Gnu a ox _othex) or akon ould be fi fom abe nt whith vould not prdina vily Cause. cnt“ Offence = Murxdm. Re eeeeeisitigisi3y 4 * Kn cares whewe chee i no crtenfion to Cause di ve In Such ses offence depends apo n degrees — bb tuman tifa. a —Deatu. i, Eikely +o Death & most rout, J probable fo desult- Wi e066 : died 2 weeks (aber. due ty them 2. accused inorsed wit Cuwtpable HNonutide. because *- he cudinary Cousse “of ads. aaa l woo veo eeee \o iro a> 2 [ay 9 lca => 2» ca gave If ij, ot ath & degs af tesla Sl by te a i blas_Ow. Wiha z= Unde, clause Citi) of Section 300, lutpable —"Nowteole = Murder Count has fo Suutinie che declaration Ss must — ensue, that the” dedaration i i : ordi inaki b athe upon _tatthouk tormborative Sitolence. i dying. - d i State that the appellant fhseaa kexsene on fess & * Set hen urwress Sa Gusit_can of deceased , the oper Coun fd Hak as. general Yule *, a Cour Can & may ark ow U uidaeril, ae Higa ig at © Pa @ 4 i@ | a ie te ay ANUNTING TO MURDER . 504 See 302) ‘oen ines Wanton Op a aepligente sameints ane spa “T + on do. lontinuonte ef tus aspabion & a oe ade aol = pe who : es @ h me QCUAL CA OF A IA A, 0 @- ead au (fc sewant fn the, hie a eat wait i ie senant Z 8 the a au doy exeine a t defewee “ . i“ ft pate E WMeseaen tuo _Gngles ee mReeiale, F € f SRR RK dheue was re tng op lh rare he thus cousedd dea. Hf Dawonant in conv! che a Bor. uo Boy of (PC. YOUVA 7 PRIVATE. DeFeNnce _- y private. defence aie pat muscled. to Murder . Lusption voaylall “te ei dead, 4 ae deceased. , he had no han Ahan was necessary faa fase ce _Puivate Defence > Pasely pusvendive. i Not ' Retthutive / funitive . fise—finmn_fawlt —in_toinging —aboud an _enuauntest — =the must ean impending fest fa life, oe —__ fact ly haw. great om. Case: [ State _v- dAdval Page No. Youva A fight. tus. beluven them. —_wihewern both partic got ingumed. “Patan tC fn Complainasrés forty) revered 2 sing ito — 7 the deal died. One Can i & he ti was - ie — psa a rae no a acd Aor Ailing. tee TS ep 2 Sec. 500 dlose_not_ Opp Coxe Llochhut Koen? vs Stnke 4 Bian } Sub dutpectnx debuked te aida fo_areest the appallant: but gae mtd i. oar bad nal ae é appuiank When thavildar confronted. appellant , a. safle ensued —bibo rela dook ouf a Churea Ckwife ) A gata blow ” a ing tp Nudes gh Se, Bente = Culbable Nonucide not Aamir * p uw _Ainbalam was Kasuvela cheese He ins having. . Oe ade 2 aunead i i saad. cht \tadslime ‘acomsech © > mmadiakiy ' nathed the Yaruval ® dhe accused 2 as che hee & ped. Ye then uel As 2 death . ® V th ie ping edo te sented sake — dal bes ‘ ‘i dusung vhida 4p 4 & tis brothow awe quar rolling ag 2 ie Te ee eden ea Ae ee e& & & @ Is S AS Ne! eeaé & Atpollant + Dereareol ——> Drink alchotrl im former ofice. ltsen deceased —gat_us to leave hare fot 6 @¢| @! @! &. @ Page No. 7 " (57. ConsenT ; a tis ¢vams 3 tiwes A Was - He ork tis fast failuue to nud. ee that he oktided to end tie Life. & sinfermmed his uaife, ‘ an Webrak Women ff a fe Hie wife asked tui Vito fit bea first. : disordance. 4 Sut wags 4 ausestea before he could kill a 7 Greption ‘2 come cinte without -fear tf info TEP TCRrC TE obes 7 $ é a. ae, ft kee lee lee lL mation. by di unde, See- BEL) af CrPC. _@ confirmation, tugh Couuk !- LaLa re for_appeal é Se undew Art 154. cy St pal oe do opbeal under cbt 16 L ° § ww Te = vouva y tu fobe and Nurdew Cases i= L Z) dhe tsunibal weatons tos Conf fsencing the death henalky a oe Case 64 sabe. i _murdex —_ undlude #4 the aul, diabolic, bawtal depraved & guuesome, y hobs of the _tuime. ____ funcedusie, foo Death Sentence = mat tn haste = an. fat ees 1 ana aa mst _death haan tonvick with 6 days of Sup venne Gouk Pronounting S| the Judgement: t the _divuixal _ dhe 4 aes appe =filed_by dine o TThis__was_seen as vorfative a At: 24 PZ constitution - Moreover, canultit fal mat exhausted tsi sudtial oA a Juditut Pi 2 ek. Death, Sondence = Combttutrona fe ow dopstt é L un_public ‘ \ » the Couauk fusetoese hold cthat Section 02» Ic did hole , tonkmeene At. zl AL ate os a 0 pou pp Indian nals nw = ) : case : Sone of these * Que + 0 conmii ted te anys Caaysl epee brut ty « t wurden a amembest of any_of—ce $< aimed foes ox! at a public rE § — Of at wrden —fnvotu exceptional Depravily ’ w we Thun $ is = ¥ ama az t \ “s Y Haye duit zoiat ——_\ fausonality 9 “tunission j: o% goually \ of vicki © of yurdew_- abhavele | 4 U L ature of CA Motive fase Couns w Commicsfon. cz 4 ruyrdent . Magnitude cs Cuime - & Cawt said, that tours ane Subbosed +p rau) up a_batan ie ge . ras ue_theek ote hee & no othe option. belteu Suit youva | Suis peubaps one of sist case 4 worst of tort hak hat. took place und andi. Natu ana Godse hot Mahatnsa C~ 3 chimes win prayer uaiukaived — by Se rau) & Suk Snclirra. ne ae Sec: a laoB , 34, “40% caer e: and 104 ii eens i High loud de 3apfallante fo Guta hauls —areuted tod nok pail fk tne mundent of fese L_thildren. ‘motive - fp ree ‘: i He LEE ULCER PELE Ae eKKK: lpconueat te rl other 3 ‘ Nabini —> ‘tene penal. 4 4 deat Se AANA finisHment fox Muaner By dee G P nts = under Sec 60% . apito michweut = hecessary ° ps (hanged, un 8 ! ( Soutou. %0% ef IPC ums dedared [idtra Vives by uf Ta ( , ; dios A_S5 dude bench. ulad— Constitute. & dv poerided ty C V_ Chandoo Has wamlruous ty Shuck dow) 4 0% on, _annunds that it | vostases tide [+ as abo C] wat Lot erreok iu_Artide & oust uo. - Cr] z c ~— va ae é ume. pt _furenale Howicipe Not Abounriné To _Nonpea.) ge Setion, 204 :— * btveven Con ik lulbable Honwitide neo 4 anion Wuting io n ae, : ees bua wu, is clowe bu at done with xnoisledaa y vito of Vuot itu Uikely f ing deat —/ tase leat, » bull without (uy ving’ wow trkely to intewtion cause leatte/ conse 4 J y bodily dnjury t'kely bo dea ue iy jin da cue death if umbrison meal mip mison Lent ____buprisonconl upto J) years ok + N fi fine. Ok. + ———_—__——_—— YOuvA | ate: | Oete esiineueeee ree) Section 04 drown 0. distinckion tote penally tobe — ta ee Ss & © | a fo ig ht with 1 +t 5_eueptions ¢ b) when aut done with knowledge Haak dent isUie but tntenton ch couse cleath — cx ball dnuyy = zy) ee © © |@ |S oS os & chatty amy Wot Hy whee deat. ia to” cause death 4 at with Or Cause uvyusey likely to i" inpliment 10a brremas lnfrconent pata oe of’ witnemes thal appellant hic _Pisted uu AE deceased apn ft thi aie iH cad high Fuk of the Case DD NOT tonclude, that the abbellant: cs hao the urlention af ein nat 005 — c € se iL} , Trad tou nda) AL, sin —> added_aneatchalee wvanmung (8 ii y + ue © hui v e + e Steps OF PLEA BARGAINING Gu seiaing ailiaton, Cou shall fae anal oy eee youva | ‘e " enanuine UW Cameuo | b @) ithe tounk ih Sabie that the Acoued fas filed the abla tt tt it Vol ita che Ve | ) hea) t 4 é Se, Ekta a necavcen ome Sec _Y04A was ubnseulecl tn IPC ty [PC Amendment Ack 24 of 1340 7 ang & 5 lle deats. of amotlaen by Suh. duh as ae Tash or . negligent ful! oeut it_ma™ imation do couse cleat dno ° UL o > Seat a atest cuaye —endend tab _geaud foes ial. > fine _or both - . r @_ that fu al ay, rath —nx_negligent 5 0 Mest must be \ a cthat- ial RE haus tn_question._ mut fave caused ble houitide « . a uc death; and . > » » * Youn must be, direck nexus between the death. of a > che q a ie IS Pas Aer | Jeo ate an oven Hae uo i pinanl ake ee che wank pf panpex, Case 6) Casstion . ; a ee ee ae na = moat loinge Quack with Lousequente’ of ask re di we eye ee Tow 8. Page No. YOUvA Qe ¥ Date: eet will not. happen a we , wr NequGent Act | Hi A breath 4 a ne 4 aud gi gente nu pe tren wit 0 {event as nega ine az dep cnn4g bm dL Of gra 8 eg Uden ininal ngQgence als vale, ‘healer “ £ a gu 7 e x fA a Cofeuh— chek? C Hephigence dé) _ eo « —Gunuinalrashnese fa hazaroling. Negligence i the omition Ff “ot is wanton. Yo something actu L tke of die ( ttt 4 “Cause Y wmtd do ‘fu 6 without: doing tometuing a. oak f kup rdedae Ug ati pal J would net do. e x ¥ mv vi + Section So F \ Ea £ the _d vale a pouson, why wtule suddenly | ; i Youve | IS s 1o~ > ie f = Sk =e &. , y . D. of he IP. fo AUAING the death of one. Mer. ,. V4 } ( ‘call ( aes 2 pit he. had fiw ati the” back of Ais house >. with a view +t» boca cal 6 unbudens thin hi's > Uotane. * > tage. » raya “tata “contac with te for which * accused © x cal reafowsible unde %04 A_IPc yrTYywrrvr vFrPrYr er Viv ee Se directa YOUVA Date: qee | p the uintenvention - et » proceurtion 2a ton do an. oe vit tau’ bottler tom Y om poisonous _medhiuines iad — e without ; e that xed " poisonous’ ¥ nuined “Hie of Ane bottte, unto a mixtxe fueau frdisbibution ." One patienkr died after _& “Kaued. duit under Secon 304A SY & a ou 965 Qk the (oa tonaal hou abddbnen cling feu gleuitiratin. ebeuation im dwrangabadi Gov eunniens hospital. . on 40 July (96 Abe tounk nod that on death ty negligence establi'cheok he dovhine. 0 'R hal 0g Ti "Was held Stat as an applicable un 0 Case. Uke is tuple wowld be table +o fiay- danny es wr. yl a Nn e Stake “atl War direded + awarol a guna of fs. o0d0 ap rf A a he tuo th _—_— 4 ; bab 2 COLA €. ] SS pha kai i e 2 CBenseuts if Uiablity > = . - > : » ‘nat be _twideuse. _{ tame _oveuk auf” 44 fuel a ri re aw vuanked of-ente 4 ins pi Untenti : 6 couse weath ' * {eos one _o| the % muntioned. i 8 of ole toed oh he te aed 9 a watt ronald be Une Nrclvant Urmutanus. ss £ S Le 4 ° ALA AL . Ok ithis case , uy weur Caused by . a a Qo with. hotd. ” Substances » @ Dhow devlarakion, by he avcused, that a Beton woutd be os ele ain dicate fuls _unteutiow. x peated _tonviech _unden B01, (PC. 2 2. desert peo. fost a um tsieina to Tie Out with dine, or wilh boty ay et e ani a be funizhed, with fmprso ithe desc btion. a tum whit may extend” tn E yeaas or. ine or wit boty . Y Tiis__Sectiow _bunithes abenupt ta conauit dutpalele —donuside not. ert to murder, 4 0 kw *2eeqgranne Ip mp dusk hen. —dmprison mek upto “Spal a pousow. sara -o tommut a toe unden thus Sertion. Ip he does on ok with Such tntention or ae A unde Sut ne ait a he would be ft (ulbable = — malig a ot dpeed ‘pin jon 5 ef S00, IPC. LLL la lalal ale 7 Aare Th_suene 3 MS vd] 004 Uline attenpt tp wut Suicide ¢. does an - a OWarO ul oninulsxion 04 Such Sfgence Salle funithed — sit —fimple® uiyprisonauesl” fora. icu whut may ko Ane Yea ae (/ zx x Fethe take i unde an sgn err peusons foo fe _cdn ablempt undex $309. yrmblies at least an ark tourarde 6 the chnurul s8100 fi fuitide , duty. as Oia fo * facing 07 thant muscle = A tb des button -_ ~~ et enonal Set deni it ah a muistake ost un al ¢ ee ort andes 2 ~ wade captune a purkueus = fe ts not foils 2 2 ef _ dake the aeused was unde Section 309. If ~pr an do pm ing fb @——_abeup —h_tmit_suiile. fy seaming Johan i ( alleged that @ thik. “te tua suspended from —“Seswuita _~si_leg eta ; inital : _ On 4 Mardy found the caused. 's : ; ee was aes & thenu hranstered him > tuspital yas 09 ld HUE candace Aan e = taut ¢ Auman i core he a& 7 _—M tw 1 Fs §— cat Page Mo | youva | Ge Raa ae “4 a 4 A_dintdow Wo td Bom bly Delhi dH igh Quy >" vouluk A overt el ae x ing > AMAL. e Hiking Lown HOM > tai that! it a o ee a Sratioal oe = oilative a drtide « a tution Afansling lie dupes # late 21, at tour oe a tite’ “ tnuudes " night wok ~to fe tomed Life hes 0 fo Ff onts fife. uf one _n_dlenives. undey Art 21 Dimissing the totition, Aben const id 306 consi tuhiona Ee fase \ righ fy tite’ does de __' wight -o due’ PN Gxtinction of life nok inuded un _prokeetion tf U ) . ( is he._(a furxtre held that _dertio Zoe constitutes & aistin offence & Caw Pxitd indebendetily ef fevtion 307 pee "ight to die with furan. digas "cannot bo conthued do uindlude, wittun ot aubitt rere v = hnatusmal re ak leas hetore xn laku ral bvroc er A 4 cea death . mene youva] a ' : § ic Ye touut fuld words tha quousol S De sual Lingh, —? relinquished - &_Harkd Coal -favtory - Co oa oe o q Gv . Kc oC Case: | Gureharvan gh Stake of Rafal] = a << er Luufteredl — — thercajeu could not @2\@?\@\@ a (y maa ee ee ca tg te In_othoe acustd, 4 tential . a a mes: Leask by L Cc we le i bon. rE ined. ta ight 6 done_t 1983 4 ae he et ae et - Jutide fev te inde Bindu. oll wuts hod =fuund uxt —? pr 31 Gow Ad ubrisound + HI ale I wi I +t AN yp dou places fie _aiten—by ation bedside & he s ake. it. the obetor will be able for © of puied < ean < < € Aetoanasian a i te aut of 4 Hing jo death ‘Baimlesaly. ch 7 orale =p pelphie py ye ‘Snuable. : (a ge A wall 2 Oy Authouasio” oecurs_tshien e ie . _ 1 . ; ~ @ _" Unvolunta i a fein at mendally 4i1.|) fy Make an un fF = # nnd ut _ e € € e = & ge ennnet secrets dhe wos atatked # Soctepou Loto wrapped, oS amund her Vheck & hied to ‘robe hen. Ae: Due to Strangulation brain 4 — ony gt Shy fet wt oft . | Y dhe weuk indo a Pourirtent V ne Stake % havl = dhe cow owl be fed, ounshed otatoe i vt = on mMorwres ss - oe youva < oc ee mMrwress Page Nos ] | steneamumnnee| Youva bate: | SL tt ad) e ; + pw SS Sod 19 eos

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