Melvin Wilson English

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by Melvin wilson
Roll no -43
1st sem bcom llb

Legal terms have a distinct quality because they are precise,

and precision is essential to understand the actual meaning of
terms in the legal field. A legal principle may or may not apply
to a given factual situation on the sole criterion of the words in
which it is stated.
What is legal terms?
Definition of 'law term'

1. an expression or word used in law

2. any of various periods of time appointed for the sitting of law courts.
Types of legal terms


To have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial: The meeting was adjourned until


The act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law


A respondent is a person who answers a question, letter, email message, survey, or anything else
that requires a response

To reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish.

To abate a tax;to abate one's enthusiasm.


Jurisdiction means having a legal right over something. A court can have jurisdiction over a legal
question, and a government can have jurisdiction over another country or territory.

A petitioner is a person who presents or signs a petition.A petitioner is a person who brings a
legal case to a court of law.


A person who makes a formal complaint against somebody in court. The court upheld the
plaintiff's claim for damages.


An appellant is someone who is appealing against a court's decision after they have been judged
guilty of a crime

A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a charged with an


Suit is a civil proceedings initiated in a court of law for redressal of legal injury or enforcement of
a civil right, and it is a continuous process from the stage of initiation till the stage of securing
the relief sought for in the suit.

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