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Is your life too noisy

In this article we will be looking at how noise affect the young people. According to some of
the researches, recurring exposure to noise, can damage a child’s health, or prevent them
from having better focus in their education. In an Austrian study it shows that children who
live closer to main roads have a shorter attention span. This can also lead to them not being
able to focus in class, which will then hinder their education. A UK study shows that
exposure aircraft noise can cause reading difficulties in young children. When they return to
school, they will struggle to read and understand the teacher which causes them to lack
behind and spend more time in school. Due to young people, living near busy roads they
struggle to sleep at night this will affect their immune system and this will lead to problems
with aggression and anxiety later on in life.

Personally, I feel like children who grew up in noise face many different problems. for some
of them there’s nothing that they can do about it because they can just pack their bags and
move to a quieter area. This intern has an effect on the mental states some struggle to focus in
quite environments or others do not like peace and quiet they always feel like there has to be
some form of noise around them for them to function. When children try to concentrate in
these environments they find themselves having to listen to music on loud volumes so they
can drown out the outside noise, in turn this gives them hearing problems or affect they ear
drums as they grow up.

Schools should courage parents to buy earplugs, which can muffle outside noise to protect
they ear drums. teachers should also encourage silence in classrooms to help students to be
able to work in silent environments. Schools should also teach children on the effects of loud
noise that it has on their future and their general health. Give your opinion on the matter.

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