Spring Assist Generator

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National University of Technology






May, 2024
Project Proposal: Spring Assist Piezo Generator Working Model
Problem Statement:

In manufacturing processes, lathe machines often rely solely on electric motors for
operation. However, interruptions in power supply or high energy consumption can be
problematic. Additionally, there is a need for alternative energy sources to supplement
or replace traditional electricity in powering such machines.
Design and develop a spring-assisted piezo generator working model to supplement the
operation of a lathe machine.
. Provide a sustainable and reliable power source that can assist or substitute the
electric motor during operation. c. Reduce energy consumption and dependency on
conventional electricity sources in manufacturing processes .

Proposed Methodology:
Build a working model of the spring-assisted piezo generator system integrated
with a lathe machine. - Utilize piezoelectric materials and appropriate mechanical
components to capture and convert mechanical energy efficiently.

-Design a mechanism that converts mechanical energy generated by the movement of
the lathe machine into electrical energy using piezoelectric materials. - Incorporate a
spring-assist mechanism to ensure continuous power generation even during brief
pauses or slowdowns in the lathe machine's operation.
Testing and Optimization:
Test the prototype under various operating conditions to evaluate its performance,
including energy output, reliability, and compatibility with the lathe machine. - Optimize
the design and parameters to maximize energy conversion efficiency and ensure
seamless integration with existing machinery.

Implementation: -
Install the optimized spring-assist piezo generator system on a lathe machine in a real-
world manufacturing environment. - Monitor its performance over an extended period,
making necessary adjustments as required for optimal functionality.

Documentation and Presentation:

Document the design process, testing results, and implementation steps for future
reference. - Prepare a presentation to demonstrate the functionality and benefits of the
spring-assisted piezo generator working model to stakeholders and potential users. This
proposal aims to address the energy challenges in manufacturing by introducing an
innovative solution that combines mechanical and electrical engineering principles to
enhance the efficiency and sustainability of lathe machine operations.

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