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DISCOVER General English Table of contents: UNIT 1 .... Lesson 1: Tell me about you Lesson 2: A typical day. UNIT 2. 5 Lesson 1: “Every day Lesson 2: A bad day. UNIT 3 Lesson I: laily re Lesson 2; At fis super market. UNIT 4 We Lesson 1; Every day questions, Lesson 2: Enjoying yourself ees, possessions. UNETELS sistance Lesson 1; A smart criminal, Lesson 2: Yoko Ono’s life, WINNT IA ccteercraaent Lesson 1: Free time activities, Lesson 2: A night out, UNIT IS ,. ging meetings, Lesson 2: A life-and-death experience, UNIT 16itcctieaccs Lesson I: Hotel reservations, — 3 Lesson 2: Scheduling a meeting, UNIT 17 i Lesson 1: Boarding a fligh : Lesson 2; Ways of doing things, te UNIT 18 ., Lesson 1: The weekly shopping | Lesson 2: Getting around. UNIT 19 Lesson I: A famous sports pi Lesson 2: On the road_ UNIT 20... Lesson 1: My new life. Lesson 2: Asking for tour UNIT 21 3 ody 85 oe OL A Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 1: Tell me about you Warm-up Draw a simple family tree of your family. Tella ras and who the people are. . Activity 1: Language presentation/review with a partner, Underline examples int What he contracted forms of be (for example, I'm) ce the negative Activity 2: Language practice Work with a different partner. Choose three cone pair (for example a husband and wife, oF 4 Ask your partner questions of the people in your family tree, one individual ang brother and sister). Tell your partner about them, Activity 3: Pronunciation We give most stress to the mo: sentence to stress most. st important information words. Underline one syllable in each 1. I'm from Hong Kong. 2. She’s a sales consultant. 3, Are you inthe Tokyo office? 4, He isn’t an accountant, he’s a data analyst. Activity 4: Language practice Complete the dialogue using the verb to be and a pronoun if necessary. Petra: Hi, 1 Petra. Alex: Hello. 2 Alex, and = my-colleague, Ana. Language Summary Tell meabout you Grammar: Verbs and tenses ~ Present The verb to be: You use the present simple of the verb to be to talk about facts, for example someone's age, job, nationality, etc. Affirmative/Negative Affirmative |'m(am) He/She/It's (is) We/You/They're (are) Negative l'm nat {am not) He/She/Itisn't (isnot) We/You/They aren't (are not) I'ma doctor. piuitapicom Ney aby Sheisn'tmy sister. Wearen't from France. Questions + Short Answers Questions. Ami...? Ishe/she; Are you 20 years old? Is he from France? Short Answers Yes, Jam Yes, he/she/it is. No, !'mnot.{amnot) No, he/she/it isn't. (isnot) Wh-questions+to be You can use Wh-questions with to be. For exampl Where are they from? How old is your brother? Formal writing When you are writing to someone youd My new jacket is too small, and am n Lesson 2: A typical day Ss Warm-up vocabulary: dalty routing What time do you do the things in the pictures? Activity 1: Language presentation/review plete the questions Karl asks, then listen again and check. p, com do you get up? — ee take a shower in the morning? : ~ do you have ___ breakfast? do you get to work? do you live? ___ doyou get home? doyou___ inthe evenings? __ of programs do you like? 1._— pet —_ 4 5a 6 Jie os activity 3: Pronunciation \here do you put the stress in questions? Underline two or three words in each of the questions in ‘Activity 2. Example: 1. What time do you get up? ‘Activity 4: Discussion ‘a. In pairs, ask each other about your daily routine, info shower breakfast go to work lunch get home inthe evening wv dinner Language Summary Atypical day Listening: Everyday life — Routines wakeup tostop sleeping getup to leave your bed and start getting ready for the day have breakfast todrink, and eat foods such as cereal, exes, or toast, in the moming have a shower to clean oneselfin a shower Sotowork/tocollege to go to your job in an aifice or other work place or go to where you do yourstudics take the bus/the subway to travel from one place to another by bus or subway Lesson 2: A bad day. Lesson 1: Everyday activities Warm-up. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your daily routines and habits. Which everyday activities do you enjoy? Which do you dislike? Activity 1: Language presentation/review a, Match the sentences with the pictur 1, We don’t get up ear 3, He doesn't like the rain. 4, Doyou enjoy taking the train? No, I don't. p, Use the examples from Activity 13 to complete the example sentences below, present simple weuse the present simple for present habits, routines, and things that are generally true, in affirmative sentences, we add -s or-es to the verb if the subject of the sentence is third person (he/she/it). She 3. In negative sentences, we use don’t (do not) or doesn’t (does not) before the main verb, her bike to work when the weather's nice. We don't get up early on Saturdays. He» the rain. In questions, we use do or does. et taking the train? How does she get to work? In short answers, we use do/does or don’t/doesn’t, Yes, theydo. No, I+. Yes, itdoes. No, he doesn’t Activity 2: Pronunciation a, Underline the stressed syllables in Activity 12, Then listen and check your answers. », Listen again and repeat. Activity 3: Language practice Work in pairs. Student A: look at your informati information end cover Student A's. Take tu! up early on weekends bus to work exercise every day enjoy/read books movies in the evenings who/with what/on weekends Activity 4: Discussion 2. Work in pairs. Talk to your Language Summary Everyday activities Grammar: Verbs and tenses — Present Present Simple Ten people five on the Island. She doesn't wark on the island. On the weekend she cooks, ‘She enjoys horse riding. You use the present simple to talk about habits, routines, and general truths. ifthe subject Is he, she, or it, you add -s/-esto the end of the verb, ifthe subjectis he, she, or it, and the sentences a question or negative, you Use does, If the subject is you, we, they and the sentence is a question or negative, you use do. ‘Affirmative: I commute from the istand. ‘She works in Manhattan. Negative: Lesson 2: A bad day giving advice warr-uP took at the pictures. What's wrong? Have you ever experienced / do you ever experience this problem? Tell your partner, Aetivity 1: Vocabulary a. Look at these words below, Are they nouns, verbs, or adjectives? Write WN, V, or A next to each one. bad hurt fall off. uncomfortable back__ difficult pain painful suffer (from) __ serious bleed blood b, Match the words with the pictures from the warm-up. Each picture may have more than one word. Activity 2: Reading 2. Match the letters sent to Maisie, who works: 1. Dear Maisie, i {started my job three months ago, but I problems with a colleague who is someti unkind and mean to me. It’s nothing too s she wants the boss to think! am stupid. 1 starting to feel uncomfortable when we together, which is quite often. | don’t trust Should lignore it, or say something? Tracy ag a. Hello Xxx, This is a common probl because it i isnot too Activity 3: Language practice Cover the texts in Activity 2b. Fill in the missing words. 1, I'mhaving problems a colleague. 2, Recently he keeps complaining ___ headaches. 3, ... you encourage him to see... 4, Your son will listen more his doctor. 5, You need to speak her about it. 6, Mention it to your manager, but you make it sound too serious. Activity 4: Role-play Language Summary Abad day Reading: People and relationships — Feelings bad difficult afraid sorry mean serious lose hort ery suffer disappointment ‘not bad Focling fear, or feeling wortied about the possible result of. situation Feeling sud because something not very nice has happened hot kind ornice Important and needs attention tonot have something anymore to cause pain to a part ofthe bady to make tears because you are happy 4 ties to have pain for along time ‘2 unhappy because someone oF soi me

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