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Reading Level G


I Saw a Kite Go By
Money is Funny
Sammy and Kim
What do Butterflies Eat?
Sleep, Little Otter
… and 15 more!
Grade 1 Reading Comprehension

Level G Workbook

by K5 Learning

© K5 Learning 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to
reproduce this material to be used with one (1) teacher's students by virtue of the
purchase of this book. In other words, one (1) teacher may make copies of these
worksheets to be used with his/her students. Permission is not given to reproduce the
material for resale.

Please visit for more workbooks from K5 Learning.

Level G Reader

Table of Contents
Introduction & Tips ............................................................................................................... 1
List of Vocabulary Words .................................................................................................... 3
Stories & Exercises:

Tornadoes................................................................................................................................... 4

I Saw a Kite Go By ...................................................................................................................... 9

Twins ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Jane Visits a Sheep Farm ......................................................................................................... 19

The School Play ........................................................................................................................ 24

Anne Picks an Umbrella ............................................................................................................ 29

Annie Sullivan ........................................................................................................................... 34

Sammy and Kim........................................................................................................................ 39

Italy ........................................................................................................................................... 44

Money is Funny......................................................................................................................... 49

Roller Coaster Ride ................................................................................................................... 54

What do Butterflies Eat? ........................................................................................................... 59

Robots ...................................................................................................................................... 64

Randy Goes to a Farm .............................................................................................................. 69

Independence Day .................................................................................................................... 74

On Our Walk ............................................................................................................................. 79

Where is Mom? ......................................................................................................................... 84

Sleep, Little Otter ...................................................................................................................... 89

Max’s Valentine’s Day ............................................................................................................... 94

Sara Can Fly ............................................................................................................................. 99

More from K5 Learning ..................................................................................................... 104 © K5 Learning 2019

Level G Reader

Introduction & Tips

Welcome to our series of levelled reading workbooks. Each workbook contains a
number of texts. Each text is followed by exercises designed to reinforce literacy skills
including reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and writing. The books include
both fiction and non-fiction passages and explore a wide range of topics in social
studies, nature, history, science and more.

Our readers are “leveled” from A to Z based on a number of factors related to text
complexity such as vocabulary, average word size and sentence length, amount of
repetitiveness of words and sentence structures and subject matter complexity.

Early reading levels use short simple words and sentences in big fonts in a highly
repetitive manner. Stories relate to subjects young children are familiar with. Each
successive level introduces greater reading challenge.

About K5 Learning

K5 Learning provides thousands of free worksheets and affordable workbooks for

children in kindergarten to grade 5.

We work with award-winning teachers to create materials in support of independent


Our aim is to help parents help their kids develop their reading, math and study skills.
Visit us at © K5 Learning 2019 1

Level G Reader

Some tips on using our leveled readers

 Review the vocabulary words on the first page of each story with your student.
Ask your child to read these words and talk about what they mean.

 Ask younger students to read the stories out loud and use their finger to point to
words as they read from left to right. Help them as needed.

 Ask younger students to also read the directions of the exercises out loud.
Remind them to use complete sentences when answering.

 Ask older students to look up words they don’t know in a dictionary.

 Point out punctuation; for example, when there is an exclamation mark ask
them to reread the sentence using more enthusiasm.

 Review your student’s work and guide him or her through any answers that are
not correct.

 Discuss the stories, the characters, the topics, the settings, the pictures –
anything about the text to make it more interesting, relevant or fun.

 Monitor your student’s progress and adjust reading levels as needed.

 Keep the reading fun!

Other books in this series

This book is one of a series of levelled reading workbooks. The levelled reading
approach makes it easy for parents to find appropriate materials for their kids.

The books range from Levels A-C (kindergarten) to Levels X-Z (grade 6).

The books can be purchased and downloaded exclusively from the online bookstore at
K5 Learning

Questions & Feedback

If you have any questions or feedback for us, please contact us at customer- © K5 Learning 2019 2

Level G Reader

List of Vocabulary Words

The following vocabulary words are introduced in this workbook:

alike alone amusement answers art

asleep audience basket battery behind
blanket blind boot Braille butterfly
camera cards carrot chicken chocolate
chores climb closet color complained
computer cone country cuddles deaf
deer different earn eggs energy
farm farmer favorite fawn fingers
fireworks flew floating floaty flower
friends Frisbee fur glasses Granny
groceries important Independence Italians Italy
kite lamb language laughs lead
lonely microphone money moon music
often otter paid parade parts
pasta pause peck picnic piggybank
play practiced prize pup quiet
race rain robots sandals scientists
scream sea second sheep shopping
shriek sighed sign smile spinning
stage store straw string stuck
sugar sweater tighter tiny tongue
tornado touched track trick twin

umbrella Valentine's Day warn wash water

wheels win window winks wool
work yarn © K5 Learning 2019 3

Level G Reader

tighter spinning cone

tornado scientists warn

What spins in the air like a big cone? What can
pick up trees and cars? What can move faster
than a race car?

Tornadoes are big clouds that spin quickly.

Tornadoes are made when warm air and cold

air mix. The air spins and pulls cold air from the

The air spins faster and faster.

The spinning air gets tighter
and tighter. The spinning air
turns into a tornado. © K5 Learning 2019 4

Level G Reader

Scientists study tornadoes

a lot. Why do they start?
Where do they go? When
do they end?

Studying tornadoes helps

us to know when they are
coming. Studying
tornadoes helps us to be ready for them. Now,
scientists can warn us when they think a
tornado is coming.

You can stay safe by staying indoors. You can

stay safe by keeping away from windows. You
can stay safe by covering your head.

Tornadoes are amazing but scary at times. © K5 Learning 2019 5

Level G Reader

Tornadoes (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

A tornado is in the shape of?

a. a triangle
b. a square
c. a cone
d. an oval

Where is a safe place to go during a


a. the sunroom
b. the front porch
c. a room with no windows
d. the park

Which one tells you that a tornado is


a. a phone call
b. your watch
c. a warning from scientists
d. a ruler © K5 Learning 2019 6

Level G Reader

2. What should you do during a tornado

warning? Answer in a complete sentence



3. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


Tornadoes can ( drive / pick up ) cars.

Tornadoes spin very ( slowly / quickly ).

Tornadoes are studied by ( doctors /

scientists ). © K5 Learning 2019 7

Level G Reader

Tornadoes (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

A tornado is the shape of?

c. a cone

Where is a safe place to go during a tornado?

c. a room with no windows

Which one tells you that a tornado is coming?

c. a warning from scientists

2. What should you do during a tornado warning?

Answer in a complete sentence below. (Answers
may vary)

staying inside, staying away from windows, ..

3. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

Tornadoes can ( drive / pick up ) cars.

Tornadoes spin very ( slowly / quickly ).

Tornadoes are studied by ( doctors / scientists ). © K5 Learning 2019 8

Level G Reader

floating string flew

lonely stuck kite

I Saw a Kite Go By
One day, I saw a bright yellow kite. The kite was
not in the sky. It was floating down the river all
alone. That’s not where a kite should be.

I looked up and saw other kites in the sky. They

were flying high like colorful birds. That’s where
a kite should be.

I looked down at the yellow kite.

It looked so sad and lonely to
me. I chased after it. I ran
along the riverbank. The kite
got stuck on a big rock. I
reached out and picked it up. It was
very wet, so I dried it. © K5 Learning 2019 9

Level G Reader

The kite still had some of its string. The string had
been cut and it was very short. I held the string
and the kite flew. The yellow kite was tugging
on the string. The kite was pulling away from
me. I knew it wanted to fly higher.

I decided to let go of the string. The kite flew up

into the sky. It flew away to join the other kites.
It looked so happy up there! © K5 Learning 2019 10

Level G Reader

I Saw a Kite Go By (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

Where should a kite be?

a. on a bus
b. in the sky
c. behind a tree

Where should a kite not be?

a. in the sky
b. at the end of a rope
c. floating down a river

What color is the kite in the story?

a. black
b. yellow
c. red © K5 Learning 2019 11

Level G Reader

2. Write down four things you might see in the


___________________ _____________________

___________________ _____________________

3. Answer. Use complete sentences.

How did the kite stop floating down the




Why do you think the kite looked sad?


____________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 12

Level G Reader

I Saw a Kite Go By (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

Where should a kite be?

b. in the sky
Where should a kite not be?
c. floating down a river
What color is the kite in the story?
b. yellow

2. Write down four things you might see in the

Answers may vary (clouds, sun, kites, rain,
airplanes, birds….).

3. Answer. Use complete sentences.

How did the kite stop floating down the

It got stuck on a rock.

Why do you think the kite looked sad?

Because it is floating down the river all
alone. © K5 Learning 2019 13

Level G Reader

different laughs alike

answers winks twin

Tess and Tina are twin sisters with brown hair
and green eyes. They both dress alike and even
laugh the same way.

People always mix them up! People guess that

Tina is Tess, and that Tess is Tina.

One day, Tess wears a purple shirt. One day,

Tina wears a yellow shirt. “ We want to be
different from one another,” the girls tell their

They go to school, and their

friends are surprised to see
their clothes. “Tina, I love
your purple shirt!” a friend says. © K5 Learning 2019 14

Level G Reader

“Tess, I love your yellow shirt!” another friend


Tess starts to answer, but her sister stops her and

winks. “Thank you! We like them too!” Tina says
as Tess smiles.

Tess sits down at Tina's desk and nods. Tina sits

down at Tess's desk and giggles.

The teacher calls on Tess, but

Tina answers. The teacher
calls on Tina, but Tess
answers. They keep it up all
day long, over and over.

After school, their mom asks,

“Did anyone mix you two up today?”

“Maybe they did,” Tess says.

Tina laughs, “...or maybe they didn't!” © K5 Learning 2019 15

Level G Reader

Twins (exercises)

1. Answer each question in a complete


Why do the twins wear different shirts?



What color shirt did Tina wear?



Who did the girls trick at school?


_______________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 16

Level G Reader

2. Number the events in the correct order.

______ Tina decided to wear a different shirt

than Tess.

______ Tess sat in Tina’s seat.

______ Tess answered the teacher when she

called on Tina.

______ Tina sat in Tess’s seat.

______ Tina answered the teacher when she

called on Tess.

3. List three things that the twins have in


1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 17

Level G Reader

Twins (answers)

1. Answer each question in a complete sentence.

Why do the twins wear different shirts?

They want to look different from one another.
What color shirt did Tina wear?
Tina wore a yellow shirt.
Who did the girls trick at school?
They tricked their friends and teacher.

2. Number the events in the correct order.

1 Tina decided to wear a different shirt

than Tess.
2 Tess sat in Tina’s seat.

5 Tess answered the teacher when she

called on Tina.
3 Tina sat in Tess’s seat.

4 Tina answered the teacher when she

called on Tess.

3. List three things that the twins have in common.

1. brown hair
2. green eyes
3. same laugh © K5 Learning 2019 18

Level G Reader

sheep farmer yarn

sweater wool lamb

Jane Visits a Sheep Farm

One day, Jane’s mom takes her to a farm to
look at the animals.

“May I please pet the baby sheep?” Jane asks

the farmer.

“Yes, you can. When sheep are little , they are

called lambs,” responds the farmer.

Jane rubs the little lamb. It is soft, like a baby


“The fur on a sheep

is called wool,”
continues the farmer. © K5 Learning 2019 19

Level G Reader

Jane has a sweater made from wool. “Is that

like the wool in my sweater?” Jane asks.

“Yes,” says the farmer. “The wool gets long.

Then I give the sheep a haircut. We make the
wool into yarn. The yarn is used to make
clothes. That is how you get wool
for sweaters.”

Now, Jane wants to take a

lamb home. She wants the
lamb as a pet. She wants to
make her own wool

The farmer says that the lambs need to stay

with their mothers. The farmer tells Jane she can
come see the lambs at the farm. She can play
with them at the farm any time she wants.

Jane is already planning her next visit! © K5 Learning 2019 20

Level G Reader

Jane Visits a Sheep Farm (exercises)

1. Answer these questions.

What is the name for a baby sheep?

What is a sheep’s fur called?
Is Jane going to take the lamb home?

2. Pick the correct answer.

The lamb was as soft as:

a. a rock
b. a cloud
c. a kitten

Jane wants to take the lamb home so that:

a. she can start her own farm
b. she can have a new pet
c. she can teach the lamb to fetch a ball © K5 Learning 2019 21

Level G Reader

The farmer tells Jane that she can come see

the lamb:

a. on Fridays after lunch

b. anytime she wants
c. whenever he gives them a haircut

3. Show the steps in making a sweater by

drawing a sheep, a ball of yarn and a
sweater, with labels. © K5 Learning 2019 22

Level G Reader

Jane Visits a Sheep Farm (answers)

1. Answer these questions.

What is the name for a baby sheep?

a lamb
What is a sheep’s fur called?
Is Jane going to take the lamb home?
No, the lamb must stay with its mother.

2. Pick the correct answer.

The lamb was as soft as:

c. a kitten
Jane wants to take the lamb home so that:
b. she can have it as a pet
The farmer tells Jane that she can see the lamb :
c. whenever she wants

3. Show the steps in making a sweater by drawing a

sheep, a ball of yarn and a sweater, with labels.
Answers may vary. © K5 Learning 2019 23

Level G Reader

practiced stage play

audience parts lead

The School Play

The big school play is next month. Jay really
wants the lead role. Jay really wants to be the
star of the show.

He must try out, and he can't wait. He is ready

to show what he can do on the stage.

The big day is here, and he feels scared. The

big day is here, and he feels excited. When it's
his turn, he reads his lines. When it's
his turn, he does his best.

Jay waits to see which part he

gets. Mrs. Jones posts the list in the
hallway. Jay looks for his own
name. He hangs his head down low. © K5 Learning 2019 24

Level G Reader

The teacher sees him. “I picked that part for

you, Jay.”

“I'll only get to say one line,” he responds.

“You will make the whole audience laugh!”

Jay nods, but he is still very sad. He had

dreamed about the lead role.

The night of the play, he is ready. The night of

the play, he steps on to stage. He says the line
he has practiced. Everyone laughs and claps
for him. His teacher was right!

Jay feels like a star. Even the smallest parts are

important. © K5 Learning 2019 25

Level G Reader

The School Play (exercises)

1. Answer each question to complete the


What does Jay want in the story?

He wants the _______________ ________________.

Which teacher chose his part?

________________ chose his part.

What happened when Jay said his line on

The audience _______________ and
_______________ for him.

2. What lesson did Jay learn at the end of the

story? Write a sentence below.



_______________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 26

Level G Reader

3. Choose a word below to complete the story.

stage lead play star

The actor had the biggest or ____________

role in the show. He stood on the ____________
and said his lines. The _______________ was a
hit. He was the _______________ of the show! © K5 Learning 2019 27

Level G Reader

The School Play (answers)

1. Answer each question to complete the


What does Jay want in the story?

He wants the lead role .

Which teacher chose his part?

Mrs. Jones chose his part.

What happened when Jay said his line on stage?

The audience laughed and clapped for

2. What lesson did Jay learn at the end of the story?

Write a sentence below. (Answers may vary)

Even small parts are important.

3. Choose a word below to complete the story.

The actor had the biggest or lead

role in the show. He stood on the stage
and said his lines. The play was a hit.
He was the star of the show! © K5 Learning 2019 28

Level G Reader

umbrella window color

sandals closet rain

Anne Picks an Umbrella

It is a rainy day, and Anne wants to go play in
the rain.

Anne needs to pick an umbrella, but she does

not know which one to pick. First, she picks the
red one. She looks out the window. She thinks
she wants another color.

She puts the red umbrella

back and picks the yellow
one. She tries to open it, but
it is broken. Then, she picks
the blue one, and she is
ready to go out. © K5 Learning 2019 29

Level G Reader

“Anne, please wear your coat!” her mom says.

Anne opens the closet, but she can’t find her
coat. It is all the way in the back. She looks and
looks until she finds it.

The coat is red, and it has a red hood, too. She

puts the blue umbrella back. She takes the red
umbrella and looks outside. The rain has
stopped and the sun is shining.

Anne opens the closet again. Now where are

those red sandals? © K5 Learning 2019 30

Level G Reader

Anne Picks an Umbrella (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What color is the first umbrella Anne


a. yellow
b. red
c. blue
d. green

Why doesn’t Anne take the yellow


a. It doesn’t match her hair.

b. It doesn’t match her coat.
c. It is broken.
d. It doesn’t belong to her.

What does Anne’s mom tell her to wear?

a. her coat
b. her boots
c. her rainhat
d. her scarf © K5 Learning 2019 31

Level G Reader

2. Draw lines to match the words to the correct






3. Answer each question to complete the


Which umbrella did Anne choose third?

She chose the ____________ umbrella.

Was it raining, sunny, or snowing at the

beginning of the story?
It was ____________.

Was it raining, sunny, or snowing at the end

of the story?
It was ____________. © K5 Learning 2019 32

Level G Reader

Anne Picks an Umbrella (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What color is the first umbrella Anne chooses?

b. red
Why doesn’t Anne take the yellow umbrella?
c. It is broken.
What does Anne’s mom tell her to wear?
a. her coat

2. Draw lines to match the words to the correct


3. Answer each question to complete the


Which umbrella did Anne choose third?

She chose the blue umbrella.
Was it raining, sunny, or snowing at the beginning
of the story?
It was raining.
Was it raining, sunny, or snowing at the end of
the story?
It was sunny. © K5 Learning 2019 33

Level G Reader

language blind sign

braille deaf

Annie Sullivan
Many years ago, a woman named Annie
wanted to help a little girl. The little girl's name
was Helen Keller.

Helen could not see, and she could not hear.

Helen was blind, and she was deaf.

Annie wanted to teach Helen. Helen could feel,

smell, and taste. Helen
could use these senses to
help her.

Annie showed Helen how to

use a fork to eat. Annie
showed her how to clean
her room. © K5 Learning 2019 34

Level G Reader

Annie wanted to teach Helen to read and write.

She knew that Helen was very smart. She knew
that Helen needed someone to show her how
to learn.

Helen learned to use braille. Braille uses bumpy

dots on paper to make letters. Braille lets blind
people read with their fingers. The first word
Helen learned was “water.”

Annie also taught Helen sign

language. She showed
Helen how to use her hands
and fingers to make words.

Helen learned to talk to her

family. Helen learned to read and write.

Helen became very famous. She wrote a book

about her life. In the book, she thanked Annie,
her teacher. © K5 Learning 2019 35

Level G Reader

Annie Sullivan (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

How did Helen learn to talk to others?

a. sign language
b. braille
c. computers
d. music

What job did Annie have?

a. She was a doctor.
b. She was a teacher.
c. She was a writer.
d. She was a magician.

Which sense was Helen unable to use?

a. taste
b. sight
c. smell
d. touch © K5 Learning 2019 36

Level G Reader

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


Helen couldn’t use her senses of

( sight and hearing / taste and smell ).

Annie used ( braille / sign language ) to

teach Helen how to read.

Annie used ( braille / sign language ) to

teach Helen how to speak.

Annie knew that Helen was very ( smart /

sad ) and could learn a lot.

3. What senses was Helen able to use to help

her? Answer below in a complete sentence.



_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 37

Level G Reader

Annie Sullivan (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

How did Helen learn to talk to others?

a. sign language
What job did Annie have?
b. She was a teacher.
Which sense was Helen unable to use?
b. sight

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

3. What senses was Helen able to use to help her?

Answer below in a complete sentence.

(Answers should include touch, smell, and taste) © K5 Learning 2019 38

Level G Reader

carrot prize race

behind smile win

Sammy and Kim

Sammy is a very fast runner. He loves to run fast.
Today, Sammy is racing his friend Kim. Kim is a
very fast runner, too. Sammy and Kim both want
to win the race. The prize will be a very large

Sammy and Kim both love to eat carrots. Onl y

one person can win the race. Who will get the

Ready, set, go! The race begins. Kim

runs fast, but Sammy runs faster.
Sammy is in front, and Kim is
behind him. © K5 Learning 2019 39

Level G Reader

Sammy likes carrots, but he likes Kim more. If

Kim loses the race, he thinks, she will be sad.
She will not get the carrot. If I lose the race, I
won’t be so sad. I don’t like carrots as much as
Kim does.

As they get close to the finish line, Sammy slows

down a little bit. Kim passes Sammy and wins
the race. She has a big smile on her face, and
Sammy is happy to see that his friend is so

Kim smiles and says, “Let’s share the prize.” They

share the carrot and race each other home.
This time, Kim lets Sammy win. © K5 Learning 2019 40

Level G Reader

Sammy and Kim (exercises)

1. Circle the best answer.

What is Sammy good at doing?

eating sleeping running boxing

What does Kim love to eat?

grapes pasta celery carrots

How did Sammy feel about letting Kim

win the race?

angry happy sad scared © K5 Learning 2019 41

Level G Reader

2. Answer each question to complete the


What was the prize for the race?


Who likes carrots more, Sammy or Kim?


What did Sammy do to let Kim win the



3. Put these events in order.

______ Sammy slowed down.

______ The race started.
______ They shared the prize.
______ Kim passed Sammy. © K5 Learning 2019 42

Level G Reader

Sammy and Kim (answers)

1. Circle the best answer.

2. Answer each question to complete the


What was the prize for the race?

The prize was a very large carrot.
Who likes carrots more, Sammy or Kim?
Kim likes carrots more than Sammy.
What did Sammy do to let Kim win the race?
Sammy slowed down to let Kim win.

3. Put these events in order.

2 Sam slowed down.

1 The race started.
4 They shared the prize.
3 Kim passed Sam. © K5 Learning 2019 43

Level G Reader

Italians Italy boot

pasta music art

If you take a look at a map,
you might see a country
shaped like a boot. That
country is called “Italy.”

Do you like to eat pizza? Do

you like to eat pasta? These
foods came from Italy. In Italy,
people love to cook many tasty foods!

Do you like to kick a ball? Do you like to play

soccer? Italians love soccer and they are very
good at it. In Italy, they call soccer “football.”

Do you like to paint? Italian art is very famous.

People go all the way to Italy just to see it. © K5 Learning 2019 44

Level G Reader

Do you like music? Italy is well known for its

beautiful music. The word “piano” comes from

Italian words, like piano, usually end in a vowel

sound. One of the most well-known words is
“ciao.” It sounds like “chow.” This word means
hello or good-bye.

Try to say hello or good-bye in Italian.

Bravo! That means “good job” in Italian. © K5 Learning 2019 45

Level G Reader

Italy (exercises)

1. Add an adjective from the story to describe

each noun.

__________________ foods

__________________ music

__________________ art

2. Circle which words you think are Italian:

ciao good-bye

good job bravo

ice cream gelato

sandwich panini © K5 Learning 2019 46

Level G Reader

3. Choose the correct answer.

Which sport is played often in Italy?

a. hockey
b. soccer
c. volleyball
d. basketball

What does the Italian word ciao mean?

a. please and thank you

b. hello or good-bye
c. mother
d. school

Which of the following is an Italian food?

a. pasta
b. French fries
c. rice
d. brownies © K5 Learning 2019 47

Level G Reader

Italy (answers)

1. Add an adjective from the story to describe

each noun.

tasty foods
beautiful music
famous art

2. Circle which words you think are Italian:

3. Choose the correct answer.

Which sport is played often in Italy?

b. soccer

What does the Italian word ciao mean?

b. hello or good-bye

Which of the following is an Italian food?

a. pasta © K5 Learning 2019 48

Level G Reader

groceries wash paid

money earn work

Money is Funny
Mary saw her mom spend money on groceries.
She saw her dad spend money on new tools.
That all seemed funny to Mary.

Money is just green paper, Mary thought. Why

do people give my parents groceries and tools
for green paper?

Mary took out her big box of crayons. She

colored some paper green. She took her green
paper to the toy store in town.

“I want to buy a toy,” Mary declared.

“Here is some green paper.”

The lady at the store said, “Sorry. That's

not real money. It is just green paper.” © K5 Learning 2019 49

Level G Reader

Mary asked her dad about money. He said that

money was a special type of green paper. He
also said you have to go to work to earn
money. That is the only green paper you can

“Can I work and earn some money?” Mary


“Yes,” said her dad. “ Wash the car, and I will

pay you.”

Mary washed the car and got paid six dollars.

She went back to the store and bought a toy.

Now, she knows why her mom and dad work for
money. © K5 Learning 2019 50

Level G Reader

Money is Funny (exercises)

1. Answer these questions.

How did Mary try to make money?


What did Mary do to earn some money?


What did Mary’s dad buy with his money?


2. Pick the correct answer.

Mary washed:

a. a toy store
b. her hair
c. a car © K5 Learning 2019 51

Level G Reader

Mary colored paper green with:

a. her pencil
b. some spinach and lettuce
c. a crayon

Money is:

a. made by coloring paper green

b. found on trees in the forest
c. special paper you have to work for

3. Look at a piece of paper money. Try to find

words on it that you know how to read.



________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 52

Level G Reader

Money is Funny (answers)

1. Answer these questions.

How did Mary try to make money?

Mary worked to earn money.

What did Mary do to earn some money?

Mary washed the car.

What did Mary’s dad buy with his money?

Mary’s dad bought tools with his money.

2. Pick the correct answer.

Mary washed:
c. a car

Mary colored paper green with:

c. a crayon

Money is:
c. special paper you have to work for

3. Look at a piece of paper money. Try to find

words on it that you know how to read.

Answers will vary. © K5 Learning 2019 53

Level G Reader

amusement pause shriek

scream climb track

Roller Coaster Ride

The car makes a clicking
sound on the track. The
long car moves up, up and
up. Up we go, higher and
higher in the sky.

The people below look smaller and

smaller. We are happy but nervous , too.

We scream as the car goes over the top . We

feel the wind, and the car goes faster and
faster down the big hill. We shriek and laugh as
the car turns. We yell and giggle and put our
hands up in the air. © K5 Learning 2019 54

Level G Reader

Up we go again, as the car climbs back to the

top. It goes quickly at first and then more slowly.
The car climbs to the top and then stops.

We wait and wait for it to head down , but it

does not go. We see the amusement park
below us.

We see tents, food, and many rides. We see

trees, games, and long lines. It all looks so small
because we are so high.

After a long pause, down it goes! We scream as

it twists and turns.

Our ride ends, and we

can't wait to try it
again! © K5 Learning 2019 55

Level G Reader

Roller Coaster Ride (exercises)

1. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


The roller coaster is part of the ( museum /

amusement park ).

The coaster goes down the ( slide / track ).

It ( sings / pauses ) at the very top.

From the top, we can see the ( people /

mountain ) below.

2. Choose the correct answer.

On the ride, the passengers:

a. sing
b. dance
c. scream
d. play cards © K5 Learning 2019 56

Level G Reader

Down below, the riders see:

a. tents
b. animals
c. a waterfall
d. a theater

What will the riders most likely do next?

a. read a book
b. have a nap
c. go home
d. ride the roller coaster again

3. Write a sentence below to tell how the riders

felt before their roller coaster ride.



_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 57

Level G Reader

Roller Coaster Ride (answers)

1. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

The roller coaster is part of the ( museum /

amusement park ).

The coaster goes down the ( slide / track ).

It ( sings / pauses ) at the very top.

From the top, we can see the ( people /

mountain ) below.

2. Choose the correct answer.

On the ride, the passengers:

c. scream
Down below, the riders see:
a. tents
What will the riders most likely do next?
d. ride the roller coaster again

3. Write a sentence below to tell how the riders felt

before their roller coaster ride.

(Answers may include the idea that the riders

were excited and nervous.) © K5 Learning 2019 58

Level G Reader

butterfly flower straw

tongue sugar water

What do Butterflies Eat?

Nora loves to look at the butterflies that come
to her garden.

Nora watches the butterflies every day. They fly

from flower to flower all day long. But she never
sees them eat.

Nora’s dad knows a lot about everything. She

asks him how butterflies eat.

“Well, they do not eat at all. They drink their

food,” Dad replies. © K5 Learning 2019 59

Level G Reader

“Why do they drink their food?” asks Nora.

“Don’t they have teeth?”

Dad smiles. “No, they do not have

teeth. They have tongues that
work like straws.”

Just then a butterfly lands on a flower. “Take a

close look,” says Nora's dad.

Nora goes closer for a better look. “It is using a

straw, Dad!” She giggles. “It is drinking through
its tongue!”

Dad suggests they put out some water with

sugar for the butterflies.

“Let’s do that!” Nora says with a smile, “We do

not need to give them any straws!"

“Or forks or spoons,” says her Dad.

They both laugh. © K5 Learning 2019 60

Level G Reader

What do Butterflies Eat? (exercises)

1. Fill in the blanks.

Nora watches the _______________ every day.

Just then a butterfly _______________ on a


Nora goes _______________ to get a better


2. Answer. Use complete sentences.

What does Nora never see the butterflies



What did Nora ask her dad?


How do butterflies drink their food? © K5 Learning 2019 61

Level G Reader


3. Draw a butterfly drinking its food. Label the

tongue. © K5 Learning 2019 62

Level G Reader

What do Butterflies Eat? (answers)

1. Fill in the blanks.

Nora watches the butterflies every day.

Just then a butterfly lands on a flower.

Nora goes closer to get a better look.

2. Answer. Use complete sentences.

What does Nora never see the butterflies

Nora never sees butterflies eat.

What did Nora ask her dad?

Nora asked her dad how butterflies eat.

How do butterflies drink their food?

Butterflies have tongues that work like

3. Draw a butterfly drinking their food. Label

the tongue.

Picture of a butterfly with label. © K5 Learning 2019 63

Level G Reader

microphone battery wheels camera

computer energy chores robots

It would be great to have a robot do the chores
around our house.

The robot would make my bed in the morning.

The robot would do the dishes. The robot would
take out the trash. The robot would mow the

The robot would take over all my chores. © K5 Learning 2019 64

Level G Reader

What do I need to build a robot?

A robot needs a camera to see things. A robot

needs a microphone to hear us tell it what to
do. A robot needs wheels to move. A robot
needs a battery for energy.

A robot needs a computer to help it think.

Building a robot sounds complicated. I’ll have

to learn more if I’m going to build a robot. I’ll
have to stay in school so that one day I can
build a robot. © K5 Learning 2019 65

Level G Reader

Robots (exercises)

1. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


Robots are controlled by a ( computer /

animal ).

Robots need ( running shoes / wheels ) to

help them move.

Robots use a camera to ( see things / take

selfies ).

A robot can be very ( fun to play hide and

seek with / helpful with chores ).

2. List three ways that a robot could help you.

1. ____________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________.

3. ____________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 66

Level G Reader

3. Choose the words below to complete the


robot sun wheels pictures

A special _________________ landed on

Mars! Its name was “Spirit.” It moved around
using its _________________. It got energy from
the _________________. It took _________________
with its camera. Spirit was a long way from
home. © K5 Learning 2019 67

Level G Reader

Robots (answers)

1. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

Robots are controlled by a ( computer / animal ).

Robots need ( running shoes / wheels ) to help

them move.

Robots use a camera to ( see things /

take selfies ).

A robot can be very ( fun to play hide and seek

with / helpful with chores ).

2. List three ways that a robot could help you.

Answers will vary.

(making the bed, dusting, cooking, doing

homework, …)

3. Choose the words below to complete the story.

A special robot landed on Mars! Its

name was “Spirit.” It moved around using its
wheels . It got energy from the
sun . It took pictures with its camera.
Spirit was a long way from home. © K5 Learning 2019 68

Level G Reader

chocolate basket farm

chicken eggs peck

Randy Goes to a Farm

“We are going to see your
grandma and grandpa
today,” announced
Randy’s mom. “It is a
long drive to the farm.”

Randy could not wait. He loved going to the

farm. They got into their car and drove for a
long time. Finally, they arrived.

“We are happy to see you,” said his grandma.

She gave him a hug.

“Come with me. You can help me get some

eggs,” said his grandpa. © K5 Learning 2019 69

Level G Reader

Randy and his grandpa went to

visit the chickens. Grandpa
said, “Did you know that
sometimes chickens lay
chocolate eggs? Maybe
we will get lucky today.”

Randy laughed. He said, “That is not true ,

Grandpa. Chickens do not lay chocolate eggs.”

In the barn, there were lots of eggs in the nests.

Grandpa warned, “I do not move the chickens
if they are sitting on their nests. Sometimes they
peck me if I do.” That made Randy laugh again.

His grandpa put five eggs in his basket and

Randy put four eggs in his. When Randy got
back to the house, he counted his eggs again.
That was when he saw that one of the eggs was
not a real egg at all. It was a chocolate egg! © K5 Learning 2019 70

Level G Reader

Randy Goes to a Farm (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

How did Randy and his mom get to the


a. They took a boat.

b. They flew in a plane.
c. They drove in a car.
d. They walked up the road.

Who lives at the farm?

a. No one lives there.

b. Randy’s dad lives there.
c. Randy’s aunts and uncles live there.
d. Randy’s grandma and grandpa live

How many eggs does Grandpa put in his


a. three eggs
b. twelve eggs
c. five eggs
d. two eggs © K5 Learning 2019 71

Level G Reader

2. Math Time

How many eggs did Randy and his grandpa

get altogether?


If one egg was chocolate, how many real

eggs did they get altogether?


If Randy’s mom drops two eggs on the floor,

how many real eggs will be left?


3. Where do you think the chocolate egg

came from?


_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 72

Level G Reader

Randy Goes to a Farm (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

How did Randy and his mom get to the farm?

c. They drove in a car.

Who lives at the farm?

d. Randy’s grandma and grandpa live there.

How many eggs does Grandpa put in his basket?

c. five eggs

2. Math Time

How many eggs did Randy and his grandpa get

nine eggs
If one egg was chocolate, how many real eggs
did they get altogether?
eight eggs
If Randy’s mom drops two eggs on the floor, how
many real eggs will be left?
six eggs

3. Where do you think the chocolate egg came


from Grandpa © K5 Learning 2019 73

Level G Reader

Independence fireworks parade

important country picnic

Independence Day
Red, white, and blue are the colors of our flag.

We wave the flag proudly on July fourth. We

call this day “Independence Day.”

This is the day that America became a country.

This happened long ago, on July 4, 1776.

It is a very important day. It is a day about

freedom. It is the birthday of the USA!

It is a holiday. We do not
go to work. We do not
go to school. We spend
the day with family and
friends. © K5 Learning 2019 74

Level G Reader

We enjoy the day with parades. People watch,

listen to the band play, and wave flags.

We enjoy the day with picnics. We eat a lot of

hot dogs!

We enjoy the day with fireworks. People watch

the colors light up the sky.

Happy Birthday to the USA! © K5 Learning 2019 75

Level G Reader

Independence Day (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What year did the United States become a


a. 1976
b. 2016
c. 1776
d. 1706

The colors of the United States flag are red,

white and:

a. green
b. blue
c. orange
d. yellow

Which if the following is not a fourth of July


a. parades
b. picnics
c. gifts
d. fireworks © K5 Learning 2019 76

Level G Reader

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


The USA’s birthday is on ( July 4 / August 4 ).

On this day, people enjoy the band during a

( football game / parade ).

Children watch the ( kites / fireworks ) in the


3. Write a sentence about one way that people

celebrate the Fourth of July.



_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 77

Level G Reader

Independence Day (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What year did the United States become a

c. 1776

The colors of the United States flag are red, white

b. blue

Which if the following is not a fourth of July

c. gifts

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

The USA’s birthday is on ( July 4 / August 4 ).

On this day, people enjoy the band during a

( football game / parade ).

Children watch the ( kites / fireworks ) in the sky.

3. Write a sentence about one way that people

celebrate the Fourth of July. Answers may vary.

(a picnic, a parade, fireworks, ...) © K5 Learning 2019 78

Level G Reader

complained Granny trick tiny

glasses quiet fawn deer

On Our Walk
Granny and Jane went for a walk in the woods.
Granny saw a deer between the trees. She
pointed to it, but it was very hard to see. The
deer was very quiet, and it did not move as it
stood and ate grass. “Look!” whispered Granny,
“It has a fawn!”

Jane looked and looked, but she could not see

the deer. “Granny, are you sure?” she asked. © K5 Learning 2019 79

Level G Reader

“Of course,” said Granny. “Come closer

and make yourself small.” They made
themselves small and were quiet as
mice. Jane still could not see any deer.
Was Granny playing a trick on her?

Jane looked at her grandmother.

“Granny, there are no deer. You are playing a
trick on me. That's not nice!” complained Jane.

Granny looked at her granddaughter. “Jane, I

think it is a good time to put on your glasses,”
said Granny.

Jane did not like to wear her glasses, but she

took them out of her bag and put them on. She
looked up, and right behind Granny was the
fawn. It was so tiny and pretty!

Granny said, “If you keep your glasses on, you

will see more things on our walk.” © K5 Learning 2019 80

Level G Reader

On Our Walk (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What did Granny see on their walk?

a. a bear
b. a skunk
c. a deer
d. two monkeys

What did the deer have with it?

a. a puppy
b. a lamb
c. a sheep
d. a fawn

Where were Jane’s glasses?

a. at home
b. in her bag
c. on the table
d. under a book © K5 Learning 2019 81

Level G Reader

2. Fill in the blanks.

Jane thought Granny was playing a

______________ on her.

After Jane put on her ______________, she

could see the fawn.

The fawn was so ______________ and pretty.

3. Match the words with their meanings.

a place with lots

of trees

glasses a baby deer

something that
helps people see © K5 Learning 2019 82

Level G Reader

On Our Walk (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What did Granny see on their walk?

c. a deer

What did the deer have with it?

d. a fawn

Where were Jane’s glasses?

b. in her bag

2. Fill in the blanks.

Jane thought Granny was playing a trick

on her.

After Jane put on her glasses , she could

see the fawn.

The fawn was so tiny and pretty.

3. Match the words with their meanings. © K5 Learning 2019 83

Level G Reader

piggybank Frisbee sighed

shopping second store

Where is Mom?

“This will only take a few minutes,” Mom said.

Blake sighed as they went into the large store.

Blake really disliked shopping at the store.

“I need to get a few things, and then we can

leave. I need you to stay with me,” she told him.

He nodded and looked at the toys they passed

by. A red ball caught his eye. A blue Frisbee
caught his eye. He stopped for a second to

He stopped for a second, but

he could still see his mom. © K5 Learning 2019 84

Level G Reader

He had money from his big piggybank. He

wanted to buy one of the toys, but he didn't
know which one.

He looked up again, but he didn't see his mom.

He looked up again, and he couldn't find her.

What should he do if he couldn't find her?

He called her name a few times, louder and

louder. He called her name again and started
to panic. Then he saw her and ran over to her.

A lady turned around, but it wasn't his mom.

“Blake, I'm over here,” he finally heard.

He turned to look, and there she was.
He was so happy and relieved.

Next time, he would listen to his

mom. © K5 Learning 2019 85

Level G Reader

Where is Mom? (exercises)

1. Fill in the blanks.

Blake went to the ______________.

He went with his ______________.

He stopped to look at the ______________.

2. What lesson did Blake learn in the story?



________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 86

Level G Reader

3. Use the words below to complete the story.

store shopping piggybank Frisbee

I threw my ______________ up in the air,

but it never came down. I needed a new
one, so I got money from my ______________. I
went ______________ to look for one. I went to
the ______________ and found a purple one. I
was so glad! © K5 Learning 2019 87

Level G Reader

Where is Mom? (answers)

1. Fill in the blanks.

Blake went to the store .

He went with his mom .

He stopped to look at the toys .

2. What lesson did Blake learn in the story?

(Answers may vary)

Blake learned to listen to his mom.

3. Use the words below to complete the story.

I threw my Frisbee up in the air, but it

never came down. I needed a new one, so I got
money from my piggybank . I went
shopping to look for one. I went to the
store and found a purple one. I was so
glad! © K5 Learning 2019 88

Level G Reader

cuddles otter pup

floaty fur sea
Sleep, Little Otter
Otto is a young sea otter. He is called a pup. His
mother always stays near him. She feeds him
and helps him stay above the water.

Little Otto cannot swim or float, yet. He will

need to learn to float and swim. Otto’s mother
can float on her back, but Otto is a pup and he

Otto’s mother has really thick

fur. A lot of air gets trapped in
her fur. This helps her float on the

Otto’s mother floats just like a pool floaty. She

can eat, rest and sleep floating on her back.
Her thick fur also keeps her nice and warm. © K5 Learning 2019 89

Level G Reader

Otto’s mother sleeps on her back as she floats

on the water. But little Otto is still very young. He
does not have a thick coat like his mother. He
cannot float on the water alone.

So, his mother cuddles him on her belly. Little

Otto is safe in his mother’s arms. Sleep tight ,
little Otto. © K5 Learning 2019 90

Level G Reader

Sleep, Little Otter (exercises)

1. Are these statements about otter true or


Otters’ fur keeps them

True False

Young otters go for

swimming lessons every True False

Otters like to eat pool

True False

Otters can sleep in the

True False
water. © K5 Learning 2019 91

Level G Reader

2. Answer. Use complete sentences.

What do you call a baby sea otter?


What gets trapped in an otter ’s fur that

helps them float?


Why can’t pups float on the water?


3. Can you sleep on the water? Why or why




________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 92

Level G Reader

Sleep, Little Otter (answers)

1. Are these statements about otter true or


2. Answer. Use complete sentences.

What do you call a baby sea otter?

A baby sea otter is called a pup.

What gets trapped in an otter’s fur that

helps them float?
Air gets trapped in their fur.

Why can’t pups float on the water?

Pups don’t have a very thick coat.

3. Can you sleep on the water? Why or why

not? Answers will vary. © K5 Learning 2019 93

Level G Reader

favorite cards Valentine’s Day

friends alone often

Max’s Valentine’s Day

Max was often sad. Max was often alone. Max

was not a very happy child.

One day, his teacher talked to the class. One

day, his teacher told the class about Valentine's
Day. She told them to make cards for everyone
in the class. She told them to bring
them in to school.

Max was not very happy about it.

Max went home and told his mom.
She said, “Max, you can make nice
cards. You can make cards for your friends.”

He told her, “I don't have friends, and I don't

want any friends.” © K5 Learning 2019 94

Level G Reader

“Sure, you do,” she told him and handed him

some paper to use.

Max wrote that Jen is funny and that Jess is

kind. He wrote that Brett is helpful and Mike is

Max got many nice Valentine cards. He read all

the Valentine cards he was given. He felt
happier than he had the day before.

Brett thanked him for his card. Jen came over

to him and smiled. “The card you gave me is my
favorite, Max,” she said.

Max was so happy, and

he was glad to make
new friends! © K5 Learning 2019 95

Level G Reader

Max’s Valentine’s Day (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

Which word describes Max at the beginning

of the story?

a. happy
b. excited
c. angry
d. sad

What does the teacher tell the children to


a. candy
b. cards
c. stories
d. paintings

What happened at the end of the story?

a. Max made new friends.

b. Max goes home after a bad day.
c. Max didn’t get any cards.
d. Max went to a party. © K5 Learning 2019 96

Level G Reader

2. Write a sentence saying something nice

about a friend.




3. Complete the sentences.

Max was often sad and ________________.

Max’s class celebrated ________________


Max told his ________________ that he didn’t

have any friends. © K5 Learning 2019 97

Level G Reader

Max’s Valentine’s Day (answers)

1. Choose the correct answer.

Which word describes Max at the beginning

of the story?
d. sad
What does the teacher tell the children to
b. cards
What happened at the end of the story?
a. Max made new friends.

2. Write a sentence saying something nice

about a friend.

Answers may vary.

3. Complete the sentences.

Max was often sad and alone .

Max’s class celebrated Valentine’s

Day .

Max told his mom that he didn’t have

any friends. © K5 Learning 2019 98

Level G Reader

touched fingers asleep

blanket window moon

Sara Can Fly

Sara has long blond hair. Every night she

brushes her hair before she goes to bed.

One night, Sara went to sleep and had a

dream. Her hair turned into big yellow wings.
She started to fly like a bird.

Wow! Sara thought. I can fly like a bird! Sara

went up and up in the air. She was above the
trees and in among the
stars. Soon, she got all
the way to the
moon. She touched
the moon with her
hand, and it was cold. © K5 Learning 2019 99

Level G Reader

Then, Sara woke up in bed, with cold fingers.

Her hand was pressed up against the cold

She looked out the window. The moon smiled

down at her. Sara smiled back at the moon.
Sara pulled up her warm blanket and went
back to sleep.

Now, when bedtime comes, Sara smiles. She

thinks, I will go back to sleep and fly some
more! She looks at the moon. “I’ll see you soon,
moon.” Then she falls asleep. © K5 Learning 2019 100

Level G Reader

Sara Can Fly (exercises)

1. Pick the correct answer.

Sara has hair that is:

a. super short
b. super long
c. super pink

The moon looked at Sara and:

a. made a silly clown face

b. frowned
c. smiled

Now when bedtime comes, Sarah:

a. keeps the lights on

b. thinks about flying
c. spreads her hair out like big wings © K5 Learning 2019 101

Level G Reader

2. Answer these questions in full sentences.

Is your hair the same color as Sara’s hair?


What would you like to dream about?


3. Put these statements in order from 1-5.

_______ Sarah falls asleep.

_______ Sarah brushes her hair.

_______ Sarah wakes up.

_______ Sarah touches the moon in her


_______ Sarah starts flying in her dream. © K5 Learning 2019 102

Level G Reader

Sara Can Fly (answers)

1. Pick the correct answer.

Sara has hair that is:

b. super long

The moon looked at Sara and:

c. smiled

Now when bedtime comes, Sarah:

b. thinks about flying

2. Answer these questions in full sentences.

Is your hair the same color as Sara’s hair?

Answers may vary.
What would you like to dream about?
Answers may vary.

3. Put these statements in order from 1-5.

2 Sarah falls asleep.

1 Sarah brushes her hair.
5 Sarah wakes up.
4 Sarah touches the moon in her dream.
3 Sarah starts flying in her dream. © K5 Learning 2019 103

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