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3. Dally with women.

4. Look lustfully at women.

5. Talk intimately with women.
6. Decide to engage in sexual intercourse.
7. Endeavor for sex life.
8. Engage in sex life. (SB 6.1.13 Purport)
One who practices brahmacarya is called a brahmacäré. In the varëäçrama
system, the brahmacäré-äçrama is the first of four, namely, brahmacäré,
gåhastha, vänaprastha, and sannyäsa.
“According to Vedic principles, the first part of life should be utilized in
brahmacarya for the development of character and spiritual qualities.” (SB
Brahmacarya is thus student life. It was traditionally rigorous, disciplined, and
austere. It is a life of cultivation, of preparing for the future. In all äçramas
devotees are cultivating Kåñëa consciousness, preparing for the examination of
death. But the brahmacäré period is specifically meant for training: training in
how to control the senses and subdue the mind; training to be a gåhastha,
vänaprastha, and sannyäsé. This training is by submission to, service to, and
friendship to the guru. (SB 7.12.1)
In terms of varëäçrama principles, the highest standard of brahmacarya means
the vow not to marry but to observe strict celibacy throughout life. (SB 7.12.7)
This is called the båhad-vrata (“great vow”), or naiñöhika-brahmacarya.
“Naiñöhika-brahmacäré refers to one who never wastes his semen at any time.”
(SB 3.24.20) “The word mahä-vrata-dharaù indicates a brahmacäré who has
never fallen down.” (SB 6.17.8)
In Indian society, brahmacarya has often been considered as a set of
restrictions aimed at upholding good health and moral principles, with the
ultimate purpose of enjoying civilized sense gratification. Brahmacarya in
Kåñëa consciousness, however, operates on the dynamic principle of
knowledge and renunciation fully engaged in the service of God. Çréla
Prabhupäda: “One practicing brahmacarya should be completely engaged in
the service of the Lord and should not in any way associate with women.” (SB
4.28.3) According to the definition of brahmacarya given in


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