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Social - PTA Question Papers 261

Time : 15 mins + 3 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. i) During World War I the primary task of Italy was to keep the Austrians occupied on the Southern Front
ii) Germany took to Fascism much later than Italy.
iii) The first huge market crash in the US occurred on 24 October 1929.
iv) The ban on African National Congress was lifted in 1966.
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (iii) is correct
(c) (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(i) Kjy; cyfg; Nghhpd; NghJ M];jphpahit njw;FKidg; Nghhpy; njhlh;e;J
Kidg;Gld; <Lgl itg;gNj ,j;jhypapd; Kf;fpaf; flikahf ,Ue;jJ.
(ii) ,j;jhypiaf; fhl;bYk; ePz;l fhyq;fopj;Nj n[h;kdp ghrprj;ijf; iff;nfhz;lJ.
(iii) mnkhpf;fhtpy; kpfg;ngUk; gq;Fr;re;ij tPo;r;rp 1929 Mk; Mz;L mf;Nlhgh; khjk; 24Mk;
ehspy; Vw;gl;lJ.
(iv) Mg;gphpf;f Njrpa fhq;fpurpd; kPjhdj; jil 1966 ,y; tpyf;fpf; nfhs;sg;gl;lJ.
(m) (i) kw;Wk; (ii) rhp (M) (iii) kl;Lk; rhp
(,) (iii) kw;Wk; (iv) rhp (<) (i),(ii) kw;Wk; (iii) rhp
2. Who was the first director of Whampoa Military Academy?
(a) Sun-Yat-Sen (b) Chiang Kai-Shek (c) Michael Borodin (d) Chou En Lai
tk;Nghth ,uhZtf; fofj;jpd; Kjy; ,af;Fdh; ahh;?
(m) rd;ahl; nrd; (M) \pahq;Nf-N\f; (,) ikf;Nfy; nghNuhbd; (<) #-nad;-yha;
3. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assersion (A) : The Revolt of 1857 was brutally suppressed by the British army.
Reason (R) : The failure of the rebellion was due to the absence of Central authority.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (b) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct
(c) Both (A) and (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(d) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W: gphpl;b\; muR 1857 Mk; Mz;bd; fpsh;r;rpia ,Uk;Gf;fuk; nfhz;L mlf;fpaJ.
fhuzk;: ikag;gLj;jg;gl;l eph;thfk; ,y;yhjjhy; fpsh;r;rp Njhy;tp fz;lJ.
(m) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk jtW (M) $w;W jtW fhuzk; rhp.
(,) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp. mj;Jld; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.
(<) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp. Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; ,y;iy.
4. When was the first Forest Act enacted?
KjyhtJ tdr; rl;lk; ve;j Mz;by; ,aw;wg;gl;lJ?
(a) 1858 (b) 1911 (c) 1865 (d) 1936
5. One of the earliest Tamil literary texts to be published in 1812 was
(a) Tirukkural (b) Tolkappiyam (c) Viracholiyam (d) Chulamani
1812 Mk; Mz;L ntspaplg;gl;l njhlf;ffhy jkpo; ,yf;fpa E}y; vJ?
(m) jpUf;Fws; (M) njhy;fhg;gpak; (,) tPuNrhopak; (<) #shkzp
6. Pulicat Lake is located between the states of
(a) West Bengal and Odisha (b) Karnataka and Kerala
(c) Odisha and Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
goNtw;fhL Vhp ___________ khepyq;fSf;fpilNa mike;Js;sJ.
(m) Nkw;Ftq;fhsk; kw;Wk; xbrh (M) fh;ehlfh kw;Wk; Nfush
(,) xbrh kw;Wk; Me;jpug;gpuNjrk; (<) jkpo;ehL kw;Wk; Me;jpug;gpuNjrk;
262  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
7. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : The Himalayas acts as a climatic barrier.
Reason (R) : The Himalayas prevents cold winds from central Asia and keep the Indian Sub continent warm.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true: R explains A (b) Both (A) and (R) are true: R does not explain A
(c) (A) is correct (R) is false (d) (A) is false (R) is true
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : ,kakiyahdJ xU fhyepiy muzhfr; nray;gLfpwJ.
fhuzk; : ,kakiy kj;jpa MrpahtpypUe;J tPRk;. Fsph;f;fhw;iw jLj;J ,e;jpaj;
Jizf;fz;lj;ij kpjntg;gkhf itj;jpUf;fpwJ.
(m) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhp> $w;Wf;fhd fhuzk; rhp.
(M) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhp> $w;Wf;fhd fhuzk; jtW.
(,) $w;W rhp fhuzk; jtW. (<) $w;W jtW fhuzk; rhp.
8. Pick the odd one out
(a) Inundational canals (b) Perennial canals (c) Tanks (d) Canals
nghUe;jhjijj; Njh;e;njLf;fTk;.
(m) nts;sg;ngUf;F fhy;tha;fs; (M) tw;whj fhy;tha;fs;
(,) Vupfs; (<) fhy;tha;fs;
9. The first Jute Mill in India was established at
(a) Kolkata (b) Mumbai (c) Ahmedabad (d) Baroda
,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; rzy; Miy epWtg;gl;l ,lk;
(m) nfhy;fj;jh (M) Kk;ig (,) mfkjhghj; (<) gNuhlh
10. The wettest place in Tamil Nadu
(a) Kalakadu (b) Hogenakkal (c) Chinnkallar (d) Kiliyur
jkpo;ehl;by; kpf mjpf kiongWk; gFjp
(m) fsf;fhL (M) xNfdf;fy; (,) rpd;dfy;yhh; (<) fps;spa+h;
11. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the
(a) The President (b) Lok Sabha (c) The Prime Minister (d) Rajya Sabha
mikr;rh;fs;FO xl;Lnkhj;jkhf vjw;Fg; nghWg;Gilath;fs; Mth;?
(m) FbauRj; jiyth; (M) kf;fsit (,) gpujk mikr;rh; (<) khepyq;fsit
12. The Panchsheel treaty has been signed between
(a) Nehru and Chou-En-Lai (b) Nehru and Nasser
(c) Nehru and Sukarno (d) Nehru and Nkumarah
gQ;rrPyf; nfhs;if ifnaOj;jhdJ
(m) NeU kw;Wk; #-nad;-yha; (M) NeU kw;Wk; ehrh;
(,) NeU kw;Wk; Rfh;Ndh (<) NeU kw;Wk; epf;&kh
13. Who is the head of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)?
(a) Ministry (b) Director General (c) Deputy Director General (d) None of these
cyf th;j;jf mikg;gpd; (WTO) jiyth; ahh;?
(m) mikr;ruit (M) jiyik ,af;Feh;
(,) Jiz jiyik ,af;Feh; (<) ,tw;wpy; vJTkpy;iy
14. Find the odd one
(a) Income tax (b) Wealth tax (c) Corporate tax (d) Goods and Services tax
khWgl;l xd;wpidf; fz;Lgpb.
(m) tUkhd thp (M) nrhj;J thp
(,) epWtd thp (<) gz;lq;fs; kw;Wk; gzpfs; kPjhd thp
PART – II/ gFjp –II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk.;
15. Who were the three prominent dictators of the post World War I?
Kjy; cyfg; NghUf;Fg; gpe;ija fhyj;ijr; Nrh;e;j %d;W Kf;fpa rh;thjpfhhpfs; ahth;?
16. Write a note on 'Berlin wall'. ‘ngh;ypd; Rth;’ – rpWFwpg;G tiuf.
17. What is Poorna Swaraj? KOikahd Rauh[;[pak; vd;why; vd;d?

Social - PTA Question Papers 263

18. Name the newspapers published by the South Indian Liberal Foundation.
njd;dpe;jpa eychpikr; rq;fj;jhy; ntspaplg;gl;l nra;jpj;jhs;fspd; ngah;fisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
19. What are ‘Jet’ streams"? “n[l; fhw;Nwhl;lq;fs;” vd;why; vd;d?
20. Define 'Soil'. ‘kz;’ – tiuaW.
21. Name the different types of coal with their carbon content.
epyf;fhpapd; tiffis mjd; fhpk msTfSld; Fwpg;gpLf.
22. How is coastal plain formed? flw;fiur; rkntsp vt;thW cUthfpwJ?
23. How is President of India elected?
,e;jpaf; FbauRj; jiyth; vt;thW Njh;e;NjLf;fg;gLfpwhh;?
24. Write a note on the writ of Mandamus. fl;lisAWj;Jk; ePjpg;Nguhiz- rpWFwpg;G tiuf.
25. What is foreign policy? ntspAwT nfhs;if vd;why; vd;d?
26. Write the types of globalization. cyfkakhf;fypd; tiffis vOJf.
27. Why Chennai is nicknamed as "The Detroit of Asia"?
nrd;id “Mrpahtpd; nll;uha;l;” vd;W miof;fg;gLtJ Vd;?
28. What are the socio-economic factors for uneven distribution of population?
kf;fs;njhif rPuw;W ,Ug;gjw;fhd r%f-nghUshjhu fhuzq;fs; ahit?
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Locarno Treaty was signed in the year _____________.
(ii) A line joining the places of equal rainfall ____________.
(iii) The longest dam in the world is ______________.
(iv) The first women Governor of Tamil Nadu _____________.
(v) The Goods and Services Tax act came into effect on ____________.
Nfhbl;l ,lq;fis epug;Gf:
(i) nyhf;fh;Ndh cld;gbf;if ifnaOj;jplg;gl;l Mz;L __________.
(ii) xNu msT kiongWk; ,lq;fis ,izf;Fk; NfhL ____________ MFk;.
(iii) cyfpNyNa kpf ePskhd miz ____________.
(iv) jkpofj;jpd; Kjy; ngz; MSeh; _____________.
(v) gz;lq;fs; kw;Wk; gzpfs; thp ___________ Mz;L Kjy; eilKiwf;F te;jJ.
30. (a) Distinguish between
(i) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats (ii) Water ways and Air ways.
(b) Give reason: Agriculture is the backbone of India
(m) NtWgLj;Jf.
(i) Nkw;F njhlh;r;rp kiyfs; kw;Wk; fpof;F njhlh;r;rp kiyfs;
(ii) ePh;topg; Nghf;Ftuj;J kw;Wk; thd;topg; Nghf;Ftuj;J
(M) fhuzk; $Wf: Ntshz;ik ,e;jpahtpd; KJnfYk;G.
31. Discuss the main causes of the First World War.
Kjy; cyfg; NghUf;fhd Kf;fpaf; fhuzq;fis tpthjp.
32. What were the causes and consequences of Vellore revolt?
NtY}h; Gul;rpf;fhd fhuzq;fs; kw;Wk; tpisTfs; ahit?
33. What do you know about Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha?
Ntjhuz;ak; cg;G rj;jpahfpufk; Fwpj;J ePtph; mwptJ ahJ?
34. Explain the divisions of Himalayan Mountains and its importance to India.
,kakiyapd; cl;gphpTfisAk; mjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; gw;wpAk; tpthp
35. Write about any two multipurpose projects of India.
VNjDk; ,uz;L gy;Nehf;Fj; jpl;lq;fs; gw;wp vOJf.
36. What are the causes for manmade disasters and mention the measures to reduce the disaster.
kdpjdhy; cUthFk; Nghplh;fSf;fhd fhuzq;fisAk;> jzpf;Fk; KiwfisAk; tpthp.
37. Explain the salient features of the Constitution of India.
,e;jpa murpayikg;gpd; rpwg;Gf; $Wfis tpsf;Ff.
264  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
38. West Asia stands as a region of considerable significance for India-Justify.
Nkw;F Mrpah ,e;jpahtpw;F kpf Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tha;e;j gFjpahf cs;sJ- ep&gp.
39. Briefly explain various terms associated with measuring of national income.
ehl;L tUkhdj;ij fzf;fpLtjw;F njhlh;Gila gy;NtW fUj;Jf;fis tpthp?
40. What are the important characteristics of successful industrial clusters?
ntw;wpfukhd njhopy;Jiw njhFg;Gfspd; Kf;fpa gz;Gfs; vd;d?
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: Write any five important events between 1900 - 1920.
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1900 Kjy; 1920 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the World map.
i) Sanfrancisco ii) France iii) Great Britain iv) Morocco v) Italy
cyf tiuglj;jpy; fPo;ff ; hZk; ,lq;fis Fwpf;fTk;.
i) rhd;gpuhd;rp];Nfh ii) gpuhd;]; iii) fpNul; gphpl;ld; iv) nkhuhf;Nfh v) ,j;jhyp
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Attempt a narrative account of how Tilak and Annie Besant by launching Home Rule Movement
sustained the Indian freedom struggle after 1916?
jd;dhl;rp (N`hk;&y;) ,af;fj;ijj; njhlq;fpajd; %yk; jpyfUk; md;dpngrd;l; mk;ikahUk;
,e;jpa Rje;jpug; Nghuhl;lj;ij 1916 Mk; Mz;Lf;Fg;gpd; vt;thW jf;fitj;jhh;?
i) Describe the rise and growth of nationalist politics in South Africa.
ii) Mention the contributions of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar to the social reforms.
(i) njd; Mg;gphpf;f Njrpa murpaypd; vOr;rp> tsh;r;rp Fwpj;J tpthpf;fTk;.
(ii) r%f rPh;jpUj;jj;jpw;F <];tu re;jpu tpj;ahrhfhpd; gq;fspg;Gfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Karakoram Range ii) River Indus
iii) Malwa Plateau iv) Direction of South-West monsoon winds
v) Kosi Multipurpose River valley project vi) Coffee growing area
vii) Masulipatnam viii) Andaman Nicobar Islands.
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) fhuNfhuk; kiyj;njhlu; ii) rpe;J ejp
iii) khst gPlg+kp iv) njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W tPRk; jpir
v) Nfhrp gy;Nehf;F Mw;W gs;sj;jhf;F jpl;lk; vi) fhgp tpisAk; gFjp
vii) k#ypg;gl;bdk; viii) me;jkhd; epf;Nfhghh; jPTfs;
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Cape Comorin ii) Doddabetta iii) Coromandel Coast
iv) Gulf of Mannar v) River Vaigai vi) Area of Alluvial soil
vii) Tea growing area viii) Papanasam dam
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) fd;dpahFkhp ii) njhl;lngl;lh iii) Nrho kz;ly flw;fiu
iv) kd;dhu; tisFlh v) itif MW vi) tz;ly; kz; gFjp
vii) Njapiy tpisAk; gFjp viii) ghgehrk; miz

Social - PTA Question Papers 265

Time : 15 mins + 3 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. Which part of the world disliked dollar imperialism?
(a) Europe (b) Latin America (c) India (d) China
cyfj;jpd; ve;;jg; gFjp lhyu; murpay; Vfhjpgj;jpaj;ij tpUk;gtpy;iy?
(m) INuhg;gh (M) yj;jPd; mnkhpf;fh (,) ,e;jpah (<) rPdh
2. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : America's Marshall Plan was for reconstruction of the war- ravaged Europe.
Reason (R) : The US conceived the Marshall Plan to bring the countries in the Western Europe under
its influence.
(a) Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are wrong.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) A is wrong and R is correct.
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : mnkhpf;fhtpd; khh;\y; jpl;lk;> Nghhpy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l INuhg;gpa ehLfspd;
kWeph;khzj;jpw;fhf Kd;itf;fg;gl;lJ.
fhuzk; : mnkhpf;f ehL mj;jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; Nkw;F INuhg;gpa ehLfisj; jd; nry;thf;fpd; fPo;
nfhz;L tu epidj;jJ.
(m) $w;W> fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp. Mdhy;; fhuzk; $w;wpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fky;y.
(M) $w;Wk;> fhuzKk; jtwhdit.
(,) $w;W> fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp. fhuzk; $w;iw Jy;ypakhd tpsf;FfpwJ.
(<) $w;W jtW> Mdhy; fhuzk; rhp.
3. Who was the author of the book Satyarthaprakash?
(a) Dayananda Saraswathi (b) Vaikunda Swamy
(c) Annie Besant (d) Swami Shradanatha
‘rj;ahh;j;j gpufh\;’ vDk; E}ypd; Mrphpah; ahh;?
(m) jahde;j ru];tjp (M) itFz;l Rthkp
(,) md;dpngrd;l; (<) Rthkp rpuj;jhde;jh
4. (i) The Palayakkarars system was in practice in the Kakatiya Kingdom.
(ii) Puli Thevar recaptured Nerkattumseval in 1764 after the death of Khan Sahib.
(iii) Yusuf Khan who was negotiating with the Palayakkarars, without informing the Company
administration was charged with treachery and hanged in 1764.
(iv) Ondiveeran led one of the army units of Kattabomman.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(c) (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i) and (iv) are correct
(i) ghisaf;fhuu; Kiw fhfj;jPag; Nguurpd; eilKiwapy; ,Ue;jJ.
(ii) fhd;rhfpg;gpd; ,wg;gpw;Fg;gpd;> g+ypj;Njth; new;fl;Lk; nrtiy 1764 ,y; kPz;Lk; ifg;gw;wpdhh;.
(iii) fk;ngdp eph;thfj;jpw;F jfty; mspf;fhky; ghisaf;fhuh;fNshL Ngr;R thh;j;ijapy;
<Lgl;ljhy; a+Rg;fhd; JNuhfp vd;W Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;gl;L 1764 ,y; J}f;fpyplg;gl;lhh;.
(iv) xz;btPud; fl;lnghk;kdpd; gilgphpTfspy; xd;iwtopelj;jpdhh;.
(m) (i),(ii) kw;Wk; (iv) Mfpait rhp
(M) (i),(ii) kw;Wk; (iii)Mfpait rhp
(,) (iii) kw;Wk; (iv) kl;Lk; rhp
(<) (i) kw;Wk; (iv) kl;Lk; rhp
266  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
5. The Phoenix Settlement was established by
(a) Gandhiji (b) John Ruskin (c) Tolstoy (d) Thoreau
/gPdpf;]; FbapUg;G ahuhy; epWtg;gl;lJ?
(m) fhe;jpabfs; (M) [hd; u];fpd; (,) lhy;];lha; (<) jhNuh
6. The highest peak in South India is
(a) Ooty (b) Anaimudi (c) Kodaikanal (d) Jindhagada
njd;dpe;jpahtpd; kpf caukhf rpfuk;
(m) Cl;b (M) MidKb (,) nfhilfhdy; (<) [pd;lhflh
7. Which crop is called as "Golden Fibre" in India?
(a) Cotton (b) Wheat (c) Jute (d) Tobacco
,e;jpahtpd; “jq;f ,iog;gaph;” vd miof;fg;gLtJ
(m) gUj;jp (M) NfhJik (,) rzy; (<) Gifapiy
8. The first Nuclear Power station was commissioned in
(a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan (c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu
,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; mZkpd; epiyak; epWtg;gl;l khepyk;
(m) F[uhj; (M) uh[];jhd; (,) kfhuh\;buk; (<) jkpo;ehL
9. Which of the following is associated with helicopter service?
(a) Air India (b) Indian Airlines (c) Vayudoot (d) Pavan Hans
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vit n`ypfhg;lUld; njhlh;GilaJ?
(m) Vh; ,e;jpah (M) ,e;jpad; Vh;iyd;]; (,) thAJ}j; (<) gtd; `hd;];
10. The 'Textile capital of Tamil Nadu' is
(a) Karur (b) Coimbatore (c) Tirupur (d) Erode
“jkpo;ehl;bd; nerTj; jiyefuk;” vJ?
(m) f&h; (M) Nfhak;Gj;J}u; (,) jpUg;g+u; (<) <NuhL
11. Find the odd one out.
(a) Right to Equality (b) Right against Exploitation
(c) Right to Property (d) Cultural and Educational Rights
khWgl;l xd;iwf; fz;Lgpb
(m) rkj;Jt chpik (M) Ruz;lYf;nfjpuhd chpik
(,) nrhj;Jhpik (<) fy;tp kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu chpik
12. Who acts as the chancellor of universities in the state?
(a) The President (b) The Governor (c) The Prime Minister (d) The Chief Minister
khepyq;fspy; cs;s gy;fiyf;fofq;fspd; Nte;juhf nray;gLgth; ahh;?
(m) FbauRj;jiyth; (M) MSeh; (,) gpujkh; (<) Kjyikr;rh;
13. Net Domestic Product
(a) GDP–Depreciation (b) GNP–Depreciation (c) PI - Direct Taxes (d) None of these
epfu cs;ehl;L cw;gj;jp vd;gJ
(m) nkhj;j cs;ehl;L cw;gj;jp – Nja;khdk; (M) nkhj;j ehl;L cw;gj;jp – Nja;khdk;
(,) jdpg;gl;l tUkhdk; - Neh;Kfthp (<) Nkw;$wpa vJTk; ,y;iy
14. Choose the incorrect Statement (s).
(i) Shortage of goods, whether natural or artificial, is the root cause of black money.
(ii) Industrial sector has been the major contributor to black money.
(iii) Smuggling is one of the major sources of black money.
(iv) When the tax rate is low, more black money is generated.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (ii) and (iii)
jtwhd $w;iw/ $w;Wfis Njh;e;njLf;fTk;.
(i) ,aw;ifahfNth my;yJ nraw;ifahfNth gz;lq;fspd; gw;whf;Fiw fUg;G gzj;jpw;F
(ii) fUg;Ggzk; Njhd;Wtjw;F kpf Kf;fpa gq;F tfpg;gJ njhopw;JiwahFk;.
(iii) fUg;Ggzk; cUthtjw;F flj;jy; xU Kf;fpa %ykhFk;.
(iv) thptpfpjk; Fiwthf ,Uf;Fk; NghJ mjpf fUg;Ggzk; Njhd;WfpwJ.
(m) (i) kw;Wk; (ii) (M) (iv) (,) (i) (<) (ii) kw;Wk; (iii)

Social - PTA Question Papers 267

PART – II/ gFjp –II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
15. Define "Dollar Imperialism". “lhyu; Vfhjpgj;jpak; njspTgl tpsf;Ff.
16. Write a note on Third World Countries. %d;whk; cyf ehLfs; gw;wp xU Fwpg;G tiuf.
17. Point out the importance of the Treaty of 1801.
1801 Mk; Mz;L ifnahg;gkplg;gl;l xg;ge;jj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij tpsf;Ff.
18. What do you know about the Champaran Satyagraha? rk;guhd; rj;ahfpufk; gw;wp ePtph; mwptd vd;d?
19. Give the importance of IST. ,e;jpa jpl;l Neuj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; gw;wp $Wf.
20. Name the cropping seasons in India. ,e;jpa Ntshz; gUtq;fisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
21. Name the important oil producing regions of India.
,e;jpahtpd; Kf;fpa vz;nza; cw;gj;jp gFjpfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
22. What is Human Development? kdpjts Nkk;ghL vd;why; vd;d?
23. What are the qualifications for the appointment of Governor?
MSeuhf epakpf;fg;gLtjw;fhd jFjpfs; vd;d?
24. In what ways are India's global security concerns reflected?
cyfg; ghJfhg;Gf; Fwpj;j ,e;jpahtpd; mf;fiw vt;tifapy; gpujpgypf;fpd;wd?
25. Write a note on Kaladan Multi-Model Transit Transport.
fyld; gd;Kf khjphp Nghf;Ftuj;J jpl;lk; Fwpj;J vOJf.
26. Give a short note on Secondary sector. ,uz;lhk; Jiw –Fwpg;G vOJf.
27. Explain 'ship to mouth' phenomenon. ‘fg;gYf;F thapy;’ epfo;it tpsf;Ff.
28. Write a note on GI Tag. Gtpapay; FwpaPL – Fwpg;G tiuf.
PART – III/ gFjp - III
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Match the following: nghUj;Jf:
(i) Matteotti - Egypt (i) khl;bNahl;b - vfpg;J
(ii) Anwar Sadat - Tribunals (ii) md;th;rhjj; - jPh;g;ghaq;fs;
(iii) Theerthagiri - USA (iii) jPh;j;jfphp - mnkhpf;fh If;fpa ehLfs;
(iv) Armed forces - Italy (iv) MAjg; gilapdh; - ,j;jhyp
(v) COMCASA - Odanilai (v) COMCASA - Xlhepiy
30. (a) Distinguish between :
(i) Agro based industry and Mineral based industry
(ii) Food crops and Cash crops
(b) Give reason: North Indian rivers are perennial.
(m) NtWgLj;Jf.
(i) Ntshz; rhh;e;j njhopyfq;fs; kw;Wk; fdpkk; rhh;e;j njhopyfq;fs;
(ii) czTg; gaph;fs; kw;Wk; thzpgg; gaph;fs;
(M) fhuzk; $Wf: tl ,e;jpa MWfs; tw;whj MWfs;
31. Analyse the effects of the World War II. ,uz;lhk; cyfg; Nghhpd; tpisTfis Ma;T nra;f.
32. Write about the early demands of the Indian National Congress.
,e;jpa Njrpa fhq;fpurpd; njhlf;ffhy Nfhhpf;iffisg; gw;wp vOJf.
33. Point out the contribution of Justice Party to the cause of Social Justice.
r%f ePjpf;fhd ePjpf;fl;rpapd; gq;fspg;ig Rl;bf; fhl;Lf.
34. Write about southwest monsoon. njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W Fwpj;J vOJf.
35. Write an account on the Major iron and steel industries of India.
,e;jpahtpd; Kf;fpa ,Uk;G v/F njhopyfq;fs; gw;wp xU njhFg;G vOJf.
36. Write about the types of forest found in Tamil Nadu.
jkpo;ehl;by; fhzg;gLk; fhLfspd; tiffs; gw;wp vOJf.
268  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
37. What are the functions and duties of Prime Minister of India?
,e;jpa gpujk mikr;rhpd; gzpfs; kw;Wk; flikfs; ahit?
38. Write about the policy of Disarmament. giltypik Fiwg;Gf; nfhs;if gw;wp tpthpf;f.
39. Write the Challenges of Globalisation. cyfkakhf;fypd; rthy;fis vOJf.
40. Write about the Textile industry cluster in Tamil Nadu.
jkpo;ehl;by; nerTj;njhopy; njhFg;G gw;wp vOJf.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: Write any five important events between 1920 - 1940.
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1920 Kjy; 1940 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the India map.
i) Delhi ii) Meerut iii) Lucknow iv) Barrackpore v) Jhansi
,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; fPo;f;fhZk; ,lq;fis Fwpf;fTk;.
i) nly;yp ii) kPul; iii) yf;Ndh iv) ghuf;g+u; v) [hd;rp
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Write an essay on the role played by the 19th century reformers towards the cause of women.
ngz;fspd; Nkk;ghl;bw;F 19Mk; E}w;whz;L rPh;jpUj;jthjpfs; Mw;wpa gzpfs; Fwpj;J xU fl;Liu tiuf.
i) Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germany.
ii) Compile the Rowlatt salt satyagraha events in Tamil Nadu.
i) n[u;kdpAld; njhlh;Gila nth;nra;y;]; cld;gbf;ifapd; ruj;Jf;fis Nfhbl;Lf; fhl;Lf.
ii) jkpo;ehl;by; nusyl; rj;jpahfpuf epfo;Tfis njhFj;J vOJf.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Mumbai High ii) River Ganga
iii) Chotanagpur Plateau iv) Direction of North-East monsoon wind
v) A region of black soil vi) Chilika lake
vii) Cauvery delta viii) Eastern ghats
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) Kk;ig i` ii) fq;if MW
iii) Nrhl;lh ehf;g+u; gPlg+kp iv) tlfpof;F gUtfhw;W tPRk; jpir
v) fhpry;kz; fhzg;gLk; xUgFjp vi) rpypfh Vup
vii) fhtphp nly;lh viii) fpof;F njhlh;r;rp kiyfs;
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Palk Strait ii) Pulicat lake
iii) Palani hills iv) River Cauvery
v) Poondi Sathyamoorthy Reservior vi) Thoothukudi Port
vii) Ooty viii) Road route connecting Chennai to Bengaluru
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) ghf; ePh;r;re;jp ii) goNtw;fhL Vup
iii) goep kiy iv) fhtphp MW
v) g+z;b rj;jpa%h;j;jp ePh;j;Njf;fk; vi) J}j;Jf;Fb JiwKfk;
vii) Cl;b viii) nrd;id–ngq;fSU ,izf;Fk; jq;f ehw;fur; rhiy

Social - PTA Question Papers 269

Time : 15 mins + 3 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. Which quickened the process of liberation in South America?
(a) Support of US (b) Napoleonic invasion
(c) Simon Bolivar's involvement (d) French Revolution
njd; mnkhpf;fhtpd; tpLjiyiaj; Jhpjg;gLj;jpaJ vJ?
(m) mnkhpf;fh mspj;j cjtp (M) neg;Nghypadpd; gilnaLg;Gfs;
(,) irkd; nghypthpd; gq;Nfw;G (<) gpnuQ;Rg; Gul;rp
2. When was the North and South Vietnam united?
tlf;F kw;Wk; njw;F tpal;ehk; ve;j Mz;L xd;W Nrh;f;fg;gl;lJ?
(a) 1975 (b) 1976 (c) 1973 (d) 1974
3. Who was the founder of Widow Remarriage Association?
(a) MG Ranade (b) Devendranath Tagore (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) Ayyankali
tpjit kWkzr; rq;fj;ij Vw;gLj;jpath; ahh;?
(m) M.G.uhdNl (M) NjNte;jpuehj; jh$h; (,) N[hjpgh g+Ny (<) ma;ad;fhsp
4. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : Under Colonial rule, for the first time in Indian history, government claimed a direct
proprietary right over forests.
Reason (R) : Planters used intimidation and violence to compel farmers to grow Indigo.
(a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are wrong
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(d) A is wrong and R is correct
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : ,e;jpa tuyhw;wpy; Kjd;Kiwahf fhydp Ml;rpapd; fPo; muR tdq;fspd; kPJ Neub
jdpAhpikiaf; NfhhpaJ
fhuzk;: ,z;bNfh tptrhak; nra;AkhW tptrhapfis eph;ge;jpf;f njhopy; nra;Nthh; kpul;ly;
kw;Wk; td;Kiwiaf; ifahz;ldh;.
(m) $w;W kw;wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp> Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; ,y;iy.
(M) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk jtW.
(,) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp> mj;Jld; fhuzk; $w;wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.
(<) $w;W jtW> fhuzk; rhp.
5. A book on the history of Tamil music was published by
(a) Abraham Pandithar (b) Swaminathar (c) Maraimalai Adigal (d) Subramania Bharathi
jkpo; ,ir tuyhW Fwpj;j E}y; ahuhy; ntspaplg;gl;lJ?
(m) Mgpufhk; gz;bjh; (M) rhkpehjh; (,) kiwkiy mbfs; (<) Rg;ukzpa ghujp
6. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is referred to as
(a) coast (b) island (c) peninsula (d) strait
%d;W gf;fk; ePuhy; #og;gl;l gFjp __________ vd miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
(m) flw;fiu (M) jPT (,) jPgfw;gk; (<) ePh;r;re;jp
7. Choose the inappropriate answer: Climate of India is affected by
(a) Latitudinal extend (b) Altitude (c) Distance from sea (d) soil
nghUe;jhj tpiliaj; Njh;T nra;f.
,e;jpahtpd; fhyepiyiag; ghjpf;Fk; fhuzpfs;
(m) ml;rguty; (M) cauk;
(,) flypypUe;J mike;Js;s J}uk; (<) kz;
270  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
8. The most important constituents of petroleum are hydrogen and
(a) Oxygen (b) Water (c) Carbon (d) Nitrogen
ngl;Nuhypaj;jpy; cs;s Kf;fpa fdpkq;fs; i`l;u[d; kw;Wk; ________
(m) Mf;]p[d; (M) ePh; (,) fhh;gd; (<) iel;u[d;
9. Which one of the following rivers flow into the Arabian Sea?
(a) Periar (b) Cauvery (c) Chittar (d) Bhavani
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; mugpf;flypy; fyf;Fk; MW vJ?
(m) nghpahh; (M) fhtphp (,) rpw;whW (<) gthdp
10. The longest National Highway in Tamil Nadu is
jkpo;ehl;bd; kpf ePskhd Njrpa neLQ;rhiy
(a) NH 44 (b) NH 7 (c) NH 45 (d) NH 66
11. How many members are elected to the Rajya Sabha from Tamil Nadu?
ehlhSkd;w Nkyitf;F jkpofj;jpypUe;J Njh;e;njLf;fg;gLk; cWg;gpdh;fspd; vz;zpf;if vj;jid?
(a) 16 (b) 17 (c) 18 (d) 19
12. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : India has formal diplomatic relations with most of the nations.
Reason (R) : India is the World's second most populous country.
(a) A is correct and R explains A (b) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is wrong R is correct (d) Both are wrong
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : ,e;jpah cyfpd; ngUk;ghd;ikahd ehLfSld; J}juf cwTfisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
fhuzk; : cyfpd; ,uz;lhtJ mjpf mstpyhd kf;fs; njhifiaf; nfhz;l ehL ,e;jpah MFk;.
(m) $w;W rhp kw;Wk; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.
(M) $w;W rhp Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd tpsf;fky;y.
(,) $w;W jtW fhuzk; rhp (<) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; jtW
13. Colonial advent in India
(a) Portuguese, Dutch, English, Danish, French
(b) Dutch, English, Danish, French
(c) Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, French, English
(d) Danish, Portuguese, French, English, Dutch
,e;jpahtpy; fhydpahjpf;f tUif
(m) Nghh;r;RfPrpah;> lr;R> Mq;fpNyah;> Nldp\;> gpnuQ;R
(M) lr;R> Mq;fpNyah;> Nldp\;> gpnuQ;R
(,) Nghh;r;RfPrpah;> Nldp\;> lr;R> gpnuQ;R> Mq;fpNyah;
(<) Nldp\;> Nghh;r;RfPrpah;> gpnuQ;R> Mq;fpNyah;> lr;R
14. TANSI was formed to look after
(a) Small Scale-industries (b) Heavy industries (c) Cottage industries (d) Light industries
TANSI fofk; vjid Nkw;;ghh;itapl mikf;fg;gl;lJ?
(m) rpwpa mstpyhd njhopw;rhiyfs; (M) fduf njhopw;rhiyfs;
(,) Fbirj; njhopy; njhopw;rhiyfs; (<) ,yF uf njhopw;rhiyfs;
PART – II/ gFjp –II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
15. What do you know of trench warfare?
gJq;Ff;Fopg; Nghh; Kiw Fwpj;J ePq;fs; mwpe;jnjd;d?
16. Write a note on Mao's Long March. khNthtpd; ePz;l gazk; gw;wpf; Fwpg;G tiuf.
17. What do you mean by drain of wealth?
tsq;fs; Ruz;lg;gLtJ (nry;tr; Ruz;ly;) gw;wp jq;fspd; fUj;J vd;d?
18. Why was Periyar known as 'Vaikom hero'? nghpahh; ‘itf;fk; tPuh;;’ vd miof;fg;gLtJ Vd;?
19. State the west flowing rivers of India.
,e;jpahtpd; Nkw;F Nehf;fp ghAk; MWfisg; gw;wp $Wf.

Social - PTA Question Papers 271

20. Name the four distinct seasons of India. ,e;jpahtpd; ehd;F gUtf; fhyq;fisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
21. State the uses of Magnesium. nkf;drP paj;jpd; gad;fis Fwpg;gpLf.
22. Define International Trade. gd;dhl;L tzpfk; - tiuaW.
23. Write any two Fundamental Rights. VNjDk; ,U mbg;gil – chpikfis vOJf.
24. Write a short note on Speaker of the Lok Sabha. kf;fsitapd; rghehafh; gw;wp Fwpg;G tiuf.
25. Differentiate Domestic policy and Foreign policy.
cs;ehl;Lf; nfhs;if kw;Wk; ntspehl;Lf; nfhs;if NtWgLj;Jf.
26. Why Coimbatore is often referred as the "Manchester of South India"?
‘njd;dpe;jpahtpd; khd;nr];lh;’ vd Nfhak;Gj;J}u; Fwpg;gplg;gLtJ Vd;?
27. What is Per Capita Income? jyh tUkhdk; vd;why; vd;d?
28. What are the methods of conservation and management of soil?
kz;ts ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; kz;ts Nkyhz;ikapd; Kiwfis Fwpg;gpLf.
PART – III/ gFjp - III
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Fill in the blanks:
(i) __________was declared the new Sultan by the rebels in Vellore Fort.
(ii) __________is the largest drainage system of India.
(iii) __________soil is suitable for the cultivation of tea and coffee plants.
(iv) _________was India's policy in the face of the bipolar order of the Cold War.
(v) The term globalization was invented by__________.
Nfhbl;l ,lq;fis epug;Gf.
(i) ______vd;gth; Gul;rpf;fhuh;fshy; NtY}u; Nfhl;ilap;d; Gjpa Ry;jhdhf mwptpf;fg;gl;lhh;.
(ii) __________ ,e;jpahtpd; kpfg;nghpa tbfhy; mikg;G MFk;.
(iii) Njapiy kw;Wk; fhgp nrbfs; gaphpLtjw;F Vw;w kz; _______ MFk;.
(iv) ,U ty;yuRfspd; gdpg;Nghhpid vjph;nfhs;s ,e;jpah gpd;gw;wpa nfhs;if _______.
(v) ___________My; cyfkakhf;fy; vd;w gjk; fz;Lgpbf;fg;gl;lJ.
30. a) Distinguish between
(i) Metallic minerals and Non Metallic minerals
(ii) Surface water and ground water
b) Given reason: Tamil Nadu receives low rainfall during Southwest monsoon season.
m) NtWgLj;Jf
(i) cNyhf fdpkq;fs; kw;Wk; mNyhf fdpkq;fs; (ii) Nkw;gug;G ePh; kw;Wk; epyj;jb ePh;
M) fhuzk; $Wf: njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W fhyj;jpy; jkpo;ehL kpff;Fiwe;j kioiag; ngWfpwJ.
31. The Pearl Harbour attacks become an important event during the Second World war. How?
,uz;lhk; cyfg;Nghhpd; NghJ Kj;J JiwKfk; jhf;fg;gl;l epfo;T vq;fdk; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;
ngw;wjhf mike;jJ?
32. Evaluate the contributions of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda to regerate Indian society.
,e;jpa r%fj;jpd; Gj;njOr;rpf;F uhkfpU\;z guk`k;rUk;> tpNtfhde;jUk; Mw;wpa
njhz;bidj; jpwdha;T nra;f.
33. Write about the role played by VOC during Swadeshi movement
RNjrp ,af;fj;jpy; t.c.rp.apd; gq;F Fwpj;J vOJf.
34. Examine the geographical conditions favourable for the cultivation of rice and wheat.
ney; kw;Wk; NfhJik gaphpLtjw;F Vw;w Gtpapay; #oy;fs; gw;wp tpthp.
35. Write about the classification of roads in India. ,e;jpahtpd; rhiyfis tifg;gLj;Jf.
36. Explain any two geographical factors that determine agriculture.
Ntshz;ikapidj; jPh;khdpf;Fk; Gtpapay; fhuzpfSs; VNjDk; ,uz;bid tpsf;Ff.
37. Critically examine the functions and powers of the Council of Ministers.
mikr;ruitapd; mjpfhuq;fs; kw;Wk; gzpfis Ma;f.
272  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
38. Write a detailed note on NAM. mzpNruh ,af;fk; gw;wp tphpthd Fwpg;G vOJf.
39. What is black money? Write the causes of black money.
fUg;G gzk; vd;why; vd;d? mjw;fhd fhuzq;fis vOJf
40. Elucidate why Green Revolution was born.
gRikg; Gul;rp Vd; Njhd;wpaJ vd;gij gw;wp tpthp.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: Write any five important events between 1930 - 1950.
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1930 Kjy; 1950 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the World map.
i) Hiroshima ii) Germany iii) Mosco iv) Turkey v) Greece
cyf tiuglj;jpy; fPo;ff ; hZk; ,lq;fis Fwpf;fTk;
i) `pNuhrpkh ii) n[u;kdp iii) kh];Nfh iv) JUf;fp v) fphP];
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Write about the rise of Mussolini in Italy.
,j;jhypapy; KNrhypdpapd; vOr;rpapidg; gw;wp $Wf.
i) Highlight the tragic fall of Sivagangai and its outcome.
ii) Critically examine the Civil Disobedience Movement as the typical example of Gandhian Movement.
(i) rptfq;ifapd; Jd;gfukhd tPo;r;rpf;Ff; fhuzkhdtw;iw Ma;e;J mjd; tpisTfis vLj;jpak;Gf.
(ii) fhe;jpa ,af;fj;jpd; xU rpwe;j cjhuzkhd rl;lkWg;G ,af;fk; Fwpj;J tphpthf MuhaTk;.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Electronic Capital of India ii) River Brahmaputra
iii) Deccan Plateau iv) An area receiving heavy rainfall
v) Hirakud dam vi) Tuticorin
vii) Godavari delta viii) Kolleru lake
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) ,e;jpahtpd; kpd;dpay; jiyefuk; ii) gpuk;kGj;uh MW
iii) jf;fhz gPlg+kp iv) mjpfkio ngWk; xU gFjp
v) `puhFl; miz vi) J}j;Jf;Fb
vii) Nfhjhthp nly;lh viii) nfhy;NyW Vup
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Cauvery delta region ii) Elagiri hills
iii) Makurti lake iv) An area of laterite soil
v) Major Paddy growing area vi) Chembarambakkam
vii) Chennai Port viii) Sea route from Nagappattinan to Chennai
nfhLf;fg;gl;l jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) fhtphp nly;;lh gFjp ii) Vyfphp Fd;W
iii) Kf;FUj;jp Vup iv) cth;kz; gFjp
v) ney; tpisAk; Kf;fpa gFjp vi) nrk;guk;ghf;fk;
vii) nrd;id JiwKfk; viii) ehfg;gl;bdj;jpypUe;J nrd;id tiuapyhd fly; top

Social - PTA Question Papers 273

Time : 15 mins + 3 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. (i) Italy remained a neutral country when the world war broke out.
(ii) Italy was much disappointed over the peace settlement at Versailles.
(iii) The Treaty of Sevres was signed with Italy.
(iv) Italy was denied even small places such as Trieste, Istria and South Tyrol.
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (ii) is correct
(c) (iv) is correct (d) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(i) Kjy; cyfg; Nghh; ntbj;jNghJ ,j;jhyp eLepiyik tfpf;Fk; ehlhf ,Ue;jJ.
(ii) nth;nra;y;]; mikjp cld;gbf;ifapy; ,j;jhyp ngUk; Vkhw;wkile;jJ.
(iii) nrt;u]; cld;gbf;if ,j;jhypAld; ifnaOj;jplg;gl;lJ.
(iv) rpwpa ,lq;fshd l;iu];b> M];jphpah> njw;F ilNuhy; Nghd;witf; $l ,j;jhypf;F
(m) (i) kw;Wk; (ii) Mfpad rhp (M) (ii) rhp
(,) (iv) rhp (<) (i), (iii) kw;Wk; (iv) Mfpad rhp
2. Whose voice was Rast Goftar?
(a) Parsi Movement (b) Aligarh Movement (c) Ramakrishna Mission (d) Dravida Mahajana Sabha
uh];l; Nfhg;jhh; ahUila Kof;fk;?
(m) ghh;rp ,af;fk; (M) mypfhh; ,af;fk; (,) uhkfpU\;zh ,af;fk; (<) jpuhtpl kfh[d rig
3. Where were the sons of Tipu Sultan sent after the Vellore Revolt?
(a) Calcutta (b) Mumbai (c) Delhi (d) Mysore
NtY}u; Gul;rpf;Fg; gpd; jpg;G Ry;jhdpd; kfd;fs; vq;F mDg;gg;gl;lhh;fs;?
(m) fy;fj;jh (M) Kk;ig (,) nly;yp (<) ik#h;
4. For the given assertion and reason, identity the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : The congress Ministries resigned in 1939
Reason (R) : The Colonial government of India entered the war without consulting the elected
congress Ministries.
(a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation
(b) A is correct and R is wrong
(c) Both A and R are wrong
(d) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : fhq;fpu];; mikr;ruit 1939 Mk; Mz;L gjtp tpyfpaJ.
fhuzk; : fhq;fpu]; mikr;ruitia MNyhrpf;fhky; ,e;jpahtpd; fhydp Mjpf;f muR Nghhpy; gq;Nfw;wJ.
(m) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rupahdJ> Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; ,y;iy
(M) $w;W rhpahdJ Mdhy; fhuzk; jtwhdJ
(,) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;LNk jtwhdJ
(<) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhpahdJ> fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.
5. Who setup the Satyagraha camp in Udyavanam near Madras?
(a) Kamaraj (b) Rajaji (c) K. Santhanam (d) T. Prakasam
nrd;idf;F mUNfAs;s cjatdj;jpy; rj;ahfpuf Kfhik mikj;jth; ahh;?
(m) fhkuh[u; (M) uh[h[p (,) K. re;jhdk; (<) T. gpufhrk;
6. The Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar separates India from
(a) Goa (b) West Bengal (c) Sri Lanka (d) Maldives
ghf; ePh;r;re;jp kw;Wk; kd;dhh; tisFlh ___________ I ,e;jpahtplkpUe;J gphpf;fpwJ.
(m) Nfhth (M) Nkw;F tq;fhsk; (,) ,yq;if (<) khyj;jPT
274  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
7. The Monsoon forests are otherwise called as
(a) Tropical Evergreen forests (b) Decidious forests
(c) Mangrove forests (d) Mountain forests
gUtf;fhw;W fhLfs; ,t;thW miof;fg;gLfpd;wd.
(m) mad kz;ly gRikkhwhf; fhLfs; (M) ,iyAjph;f; fhLfs;
(,) khq;FNuht; fhLfs; (<) kiyf;fhLfs;
8. One of the shore based steel plants of India is located at
(a) Kolkata (b) Tuticorin (c) Goa (d) Visakhapatnam
,e;jpa flw;fiug; gFjp ,Uk;G v/F njhopyfq;fSs; xd;W mike;Js;s ,lk;
(m) nfhy;fj;jh (M) J}j;Jf;Fb (,) Nfhth (<) tprhfg;gl;bdk;
9. Mangroves protects
(a) Coastal area from erosion (b) coral reefs
(c) sea grass meadows (d) all these
khq;FNuht; fhLfs; ghJfhg;gJ
(m) flw;fiug; gFjpfis fly; mhpg;gpypUe;J (M) gtsg; ghiwfis
(,) flNyhug; Gy;ntspfis (<) ,itaidj;Jk;
10. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : The Nilgiri is the least populated district of Tamil Nadu.
Reason (R) : It is located in the Western most part of Tamil Nadu.
(a) Both A and R are true and R explains A (b) Both A and R are true but R does not explain A
(c) A is true but R is false (d) A and R are false
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W: ePyfphp jkpo;ehl;bd; Fiwe;j kf;fs; njhif nfhz;l khtl;lk;
fhuzk;: ,J jkpo;ehl;bd; Nkw;F gFjpapy; mike;Js;sJ.
(m) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhp fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;FfpwJ
(M) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; rhp Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; my;y
(,) $w;W rhp Mdhy; fhuzk; jtW
(<) $w;W fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; jtW
11. Who has the power to alter the boundaries of States in India?
(a) The President (b) The Prime Minister
(c) State government (d) Parliament
,e;jpa khepyq;fspd; vy;iyfis khw;wpaikf;Fk; mjpfhuk; ngw;wth;/ ngw;w mikg;G.
(m) FbauR jiyth; (M) gpujk mikr;rh;
(,) khepy murhq;fk; (<) ehlhSkd;wk;
12. The BRICS Organisation's headquarters is in
(a) China (b) Russia (c) Brazil (d) India
gphpf;]; mikg;gpd; jiyikafk; vq;F mike;Js;sJ?
(m) rPdh (M) u\;;ah (,) gpNurpy; (<) ,e;jpah
13. Indicator of nutrition deficiency among children is
(a) anemic (b) Under weight (c) weakness (d) all these
Foe;ijfspilNa Cl;lr;rj;J FiwghL fhzg;gLtjw;fhd mwpFwpfs;
(m) ,uj;j Nrhif (M) vilf; FiwT (,) gytPdk; (<) ,itaidj;Jk;
14. Which one of the following place does not have leather factories?
(a) Ranipet (b) Dharmapuri (c) Ambur (d) Vaniyambadi
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; Njhy; njhopw;rhiyfs; ,y;yhjJ vJ?
(m) uhzpg;Ngl;il (M) jh;kGhp (,) Mk;g+u; (<) thzpak;ghb

Social - PTA Question Papers 275

PART – II/ gFjp – II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
15. What military equipments were used in the second world war?
,uz;lhk; cyfg;Nghhpy; gad;gLj;jg;gl;l uhZt jsthlq;fs; vit?
16. Mention the four articles of faith laid down by Maharishi Debendranath Tagore.
kfhp\p NjNte;jpuehj; jh$h; Kd;itj;j ek;gpf;ifapd; ehd;F $Wfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
17. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
[hypad; thyhghf; gLnfhiy gw;wp tpthpf;fTk;.
18. List out the contribution of Moderates. kpjthjpfspd; gq;fspg;ig gl;baypLf.
19. Write a brief note on Lakhadweep islands. ,yl;rj; jPTf; $l;lq;fs; gw;wp vOJf.
20. What is 'burst of monsoon'? ‘gUtkio ntbg;G’ vd;why; vd;d?
21. State the boundaries of Tamil Nadu. jkpo;ehl;bd; vy;iyfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
22. What is MRTS? gwf;Fk; njhlUe;J jpl;lk; vd;why; vd;d?
23. What is Appellate Jurisdiction? Nky;KiwaPl;L ePjptiuaiw vd;why; vd;d?
24. What is the importance of the Governor of the State. khepy MSehpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; vd;d?
25. How do you assess the importance of Chabahar agreement?
rg`hh; xg;ge;jj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij kjpg;gpLf.
26. What are the three stages of globalization? cyfkakhf;fypd; %d;W epiyfisf; $Wf.
27. What is Entrepreneurship? njhopy; KidT vd;why; vd;d?
28. What are the main software centers of India? ,e;jpahtpd; Kf;fpa nkd;nghUs; ikaq;fs; ahit?
PART – III/ gFjp – III
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Match the following: nghUj;Jf:
i) Thiruvarutpa - 1962 jpUtUl;gh - 1962
ii) MNA - songs of Grace nrd;idthrpfs; rq;fk; - [PtfhUz;ag; ghly;fs;
iii) Dravidian Home - Japan jpuhtplh; ,y;yk; - [g;ghd;
iv) National emergency - Torture Commission Njrpa mtruepiy - rpj;jutij Mizak;
v) Shinkansen system - Natesanar \pq;fd;nrd; Kiw - eNlrdhh;
30. (a) Distinguish between
(i) Tropical Evergreen forest and Deciduous forest
(ii) Print media and Electronic media
(b) Give reason: Cities are densely populated than the villages.
(m) NtWgLj;Jf.
(i) mad kz;ly gRik khwhf; fhLfs; kw;Wk; ,iyAjph; fhLfs;
(ii) mr;R Clfk; kw;Wk; kpd;dZ Clfk;
(M) fhuzk; $Wf: fpuhkq;fis tpl ngUefuq;fspy; kf;fs; njhif neUf;fk; mjpfk;
31. How did the decisions of the Paris Peace Conference cause for the rise of Facism in Italy?
ghhp]; mikjp khehl;bd; KbTfs; vt;thW ,j;jhypapy; ghrprk; Njhd;w fhuzkhf mike;jd?
32. Discuss the causes and consequences of the Revolt of 1857.
1857 Mk; Mz;bd; fpsh;r;rpf;fhd fhuzq;fs; kw;Wk; gpd; tpisTfs; Fwpj;J tphpthf MuhaTk;.
33. Explain the role of Maraimalai Adigal to the Tamil Renaissance.
jkpo; kWkyh;r;rpf;F kiwkiy mbfs; Mw;wpa gq;fpid tpsf;Ff.
34. Give a detailed account on the basin of the Ganga.
fq;if Mw;W tbepyk; Fwpj;J tphpthf vOJf.
35. Write any five major issues faced by the farmers in India.
,e;jpa tptrhapfs; vjph;f;nfhs;Sk; VNjDk; Ie;J Kf;fpa rthy;fis vOJf.
36. Explain the process of Measuring Human Development.
kdpj ts Nkk;ghl;il mstpLk; Kiwia tpsf;Ff.
276  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
37. What are the fundamental duties of a citizen?
,e;jpa Fbkfdpd; mbg;gilf; flikfisf; Fwpg;gpLf?
38. What are the core determinants of a Foreign policy?
ntspAwTf; nfhs;ifapid eph;zapf;Fk; mbg;gilf; fhuzq;fs; ahit?
39. What are the methods of calculating Gross Domestic Product? Explain it.
GDPia fzf;fpLk; Kiwfs; ahit? mitfis tpthp.
40. Explain the role of taxation in economic development.
nghUshjhu Kd;Ndw;wj;jpy; thptpjpg;gpd; gq;fpid tpsf;Ff.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: Write any five important events between 1910-1930.
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1910 Kjy; 1930 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the India map.
i) Jallianwala bagh ii) Kheda iii) Bardoli vi) Wardha v) Chauri Chaura
,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; fPo;f;fhZk; ,lq;fisf; Fwpf;fTk;.
i) [hypad; thyhghf; ii) Nfjh iii) gh;Njhyp iv) thh;jh v) nrshp nrsuh
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Narrate the history of transformation of council of Europe into an European Union.
INuhg;gpaf; FOkk; vt;thW INuhg;gpa ,izthdJ vd;w tuyhw;iw vLj;jpak;Gf.
i) Specify the reasons for the failure of the League of Nations.
ii) Write about the battle of Kalakkad related to Puli Thevar.
(i) gd;dhl;Lr; rq;fj;jpd; Njhy;tpf;fhd fhuzq;fis Fwpg;gpLf.
(ii) G+ypj;NjtUld; njhlh;Gila fsf;fhL Nghh; Fwpj;j epfo;Tfis vOJf.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Aravalli Range ii) River Narmada
iii) An area of heavy rainfall iv) Damodar dam
v) Chennai vi) An area of cotton cultivation
vii) Desert Forest viii) Manchester of India
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) Muty;yp kiyj;njhlu; ii) eh;kjh MW
iii) mjpf kiongWk; gFjp iv) jhNkhjh; miz
v) nrd;id vi) gUj;jp tpisAk; xU gFjp
vii) ghiytdf; fhLfs; viii) ,e;jpahtpd; khd;nr];lh;
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Nilgiri hills ii) River Palar
iii) Mettur dam iv) Area of mountain soil
v) Major Cotton growing area vi) Sathnur dam
vii) Air route from Chennai to Madurai viii) Arabian sea
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) ePyfphp Fd;Wfs; ii) ghyhW
iii) Nkl;^u; miz iv) kiykz; gFjp
v) gUj;jp tpisAk; Kf;fpa gFjp vi) rhj;jD}h; miz
vii) nrd;idapypUe;J kJiu tiu nry;Yk; thd;top viii) mugpf;fly;

Social - PTA Question Papers 277

Time : 15 min + 2.30 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : A new wave of economic nationalism which expressed itself in Protectionism affected
the world trade.
Reason (R) : This was because the USA was not willing to provide economic aid to the debtor countries.
(a) Both A and R are correct (b) A is right but R is not the correct explanation
(c) Both A and R are wrong (d) R is right but it has no relevance to A
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : jw;fhg;Gg; nghUshjhuf; nfhs;ifia Kd;dpWj;jpag; nghUshjhu Njrpak; vDk; Gjpa
miyahy; cyf tzpfk; ghjpf;fg;gl;lJ.
fhuzk; : mnkhpf;fh> fld;gl;l ehLfSf;Fg; nghUshjhu cjtp nra;a tpUg;gkpy;yhky;
,Ue;jjdhy; ,e;epiy cz;lhdJ.
(m) $w;W> fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp
(M) $w;W rhp> Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fky;y
(,) $w;W> fhuzk; Mfpa ,uz;LNk jtW
(<) fhuzk; rhp Mdhy; $w;Wf;Fg; nghUe;jtpy;iy.
2. The two wars fought from 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945 are referred to as World Wars because of the
(a) extended areas of the conflict (b) very high death toll of civilians and armed combatants
(c) fought on several fronts across Europe, Asia and Africa (d) All these
1914 Kjy; 1918 tiu kw;Wk; 1939 Kjy; 1945 tiu eilngw;w ,uz;L Nghh;fSk; cyfg;
Nghh;fs; vd;W Fwpg;gplg;gLtjw;F fhuzk;.
(m) Nkhjy;fs; eilngw;w gFjpfs; gue;J tphpe;jjhf ,Ue;jd.
(M) MAjNke;jpg; Nghhpl;Nlhh;> nghJkf;fs; MfpNahhpd; ,wg;G vz;zpf;if kpf mjpfkhf ,Ue;jJ.
(,) INuhg;gpa> Mrpa> Mg;gphpf;ff; fz;lq;fspy; gy Kidfspy; Nghh;fs; eilngw;wd.
(<) ,it midj;Jk;
3. (i) Under Colonel Campbell the English Army went along with Mahfuzkhan's army.
(ii) After Muthu Vadugar's death in Kalaiyarkovil battle, Marudhu brothers assisted Velunachiyar in
restoring the throne to her.
(iii) Gopala Nayak spearheaded the famous Dindigul League.
(iv) In May 1799 Cornwallis ordered the advance of company armies to Tirunelveli.
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i) and (iv) are correct
(i) fh;dy; Nfk;g;ngy; jiyikapd; fPo; Mq;fpNyag; gilfs; khg+];fdpd; gilfNshL ,ize;J nrd;wd.
(ii) fhisahh;Nfhtpy; Nghhpy; Kj;JtLfehjh; nfhy;yg;gl;;l gpd; NtYehr;rpahh; kPz;Lk;
mwpaiziag; ngWtjw;F kUJ rNfhjuh;fs; JizGhpe;jdh;.
(iii) jpz;Lf;fy; $l;likg;Gf;F Nfhghy ehaf;fh; jiyikNaw;W topelj;jpdhh;.
(iv) fhud;thyp]; Nk 1799 ,y; fk;ngdpg; gilfis jpUney;Ntyp Nehf;fpr; nry;y cj;jutpl;lhh;.
(m) (i) kw;Wk; (ii) Mfpait rhp (M) (ii) kw;Wk; (iii) Mfpait rhp
(,) (ii),(iii) kw;Wk; (iv) Mfpait rhp (<) (i) kw;Wk; (iv) Mfpait rhp
4. Which Act introduced Provincial Autonomy?
(a) 1858 Act (b) Indian Council Act, 1909
(c) Government of India Act, 1919 (d) Government of India Act, 1935
khfhz jd;dhl;rpia mwpKfk; nra;j rl;lk; vJ?
(m) 1858 Mk; Mz;L rl;lk; (M) ,e;jpa fTd;rpy; rl;lk;> 1909
(,) ,e;jpa muRr; rl;lk;> 1919 (<) ,e;jpa muRr; rl;lk;> 1935
278  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
5. What was established by the Justice Party Government for the selection of Government officials?
(a) Union Public Service Commission (b) Public Service Commission
(c) Provincial Staff Recruitment Board (d) Staff Selection Commission
muR mjpfhhpfisj; Njh;T nra;a ___________ ePjpf; fl;rpahy; epWtg;ngw;wJ.
(m) kj;jpa gzpahsh; Njh;T Mizak; (M) nghJg; gzp Mizak;
(,) khepyg; gzpahsh; Njh;T thhpak; (<) gzpahsh; Njh;thizak;
6. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer,
Assertion (A) : Horticulture involves cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Reason (R) : India ranks first in the world in the production of mango, banana and citrus fruits.
(a) Both A and R are true and R explains A (b) Both A and R are true and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R is false (d) A is false and R is true
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : goq;fs; fha; tiffs; kw;Wk; g+f;fs; gaphplypy; <LgLtJ Njhl;lf;fiyj; JiwahFk;.
fhuzk; : cyfstpy; ,e;jpah kh> thio kw;Wk; rpl;u]; gotif cw;gj;jpapy; Kjyplj;jpy; cs;sJ.
(m) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhp> fhuzk; $w;wpf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.
(M) $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhp> fhuzk; $w;wpf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; my;y.
(,) $w;W rhp> fhuzk; jtW. (<) $w;W jtW> fhuzk; rhp.
7. Find the odd one. (a) Mica (b) Lime stone (c) Gypsum (d) Copper
khWgl;l xd;iw fz;Lgpb (m) ikf;fh (M) Rz;zhk;Gf;fy; (,) [pg;rk; (<) nrk;G
8. The transport useful in the inaccessible area is
(a) Road ways (b) Rail ways (c) Air ways (d) Water ways
vspjpy; nry;yKbahj gFjpfSf;F gad;gLk; Nghf;Ftuj;J
(m) rhiyg; Nghf;Ftuj;J (M) ,uapy; Nghf;Ftuj;J
(,) thd;topg; Nghf;Ftuj;J (<) ePh;topg; Nghf;Ftuj;J
9. The districts which has the largest forest cover in Tamil Nadu is
(a) Dharmapuri (b) Vellore (c) Dindugul (d) Erode
jkpo;ehl;by; mjpf gug;gstpy; fhLfisf; nfhz;l khtl;lk; _________
(m) jh;kGhp (M) NtY}u; (,) jpz;Lf;fy; (<) <NuhL
10. The delta which is known as "Granary of South India" is
(a) Cauvery delta (b) Mahanadi delta (c) Godavari delta (d) Krishna delta
“njd;dpe;jpahtpd; new;fsQ;rpak;” vd;W miof;fg;gLk; nly;lh__________
(m) fhtphp nly;lh (M) kfhejp nly;lh (,) Nfhjhthp nly;lh (<) fpU\;zh nly;lh
11. Article 14 of Indian Constitution ensures
(a) Equality before law (b) Prohibition of discrimination
(c) Equality of opportunity (d) abolition of titles
murpayikg;Gr; rl;lg; gphpT 14 toq;FtJ
(m) rl;lj;jpd; Kd; midtUk; rkk; (M) ghFgLj;Jtijj; jilnra;jy;
(,) rk tha;g;gspj;jy; (<) gl;lq;fis ePf;Fjy;
12. The Legislative Council
(a) has a term of 5 years (b) has a term of 6 years
(c) has a permanent house (d) has a term of 4 years
rl;l Nkyit vd;gJ
(m) 5 Mz;Lfs; gjtpf;fhyk; nfhz;lJ (M) 6 Mz;Lfs; gjtpf;fhyk; nfhz;lJ
(,) epue;ju mit MFk; (<) 4 Mz;Lfs; gjtpf;fhyk; nfhz;lJ
13. Which sector is highest employment in then GDP
(a) agricultural sector (b) industrial sector (c) service sector (d) none
GDP apy; ve;j Jiw %yk; mjpfkhd Ntiytha;g;G Vw;gLfpwJ?
(m) Ntshz; Jiw (M) njhopy; Jiw (,) gzpfs; Jiw (<) Nkw;fz;l vJTkpy;iy
14. Which of the following does not come under fair trade food products?
(a) coffee (b) cocoa (c) honey (d) crafts
epahakhd th;j;jf czTg; nghUl;fSs; ,lk;ngwhj xd;W vJ?
(m) fhgp (M) NfhNfh (,) Njd; (<) iftpidg; nghUl;fs;

Social - PTA Question Papers 279

PART – II/ gFjp – II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
15. List out any two causes for the failure of League of Nations.
gd;dhl;Lr; rq;fj;jpd; Njhy;tpf;fhd VNjDk; ,uz;L fhuzq;fisg; gl;baypLf.
16. What were the provisions incorporated in the Lateran Treaty?
Nyl;lud; cld;gbf;ifapd; ruj;Jf;fs; ahit?
17. Identify the Palayams based on the division of east and west.
fpof;F kw;Wk; Nkw;fpy; mikag;ngw;w ghisaq;fisf; fz;lwpe;J vOJf.
18. Write a note on the Tirunelveli uprising. jpUney;Ntyp vOr;rp gw;wp xU Fwpg;G tiuf.
19. What do you mean by livestock? fhy;eilfs; vd;why; vd;d?
20. State the merits of roadways. rhiyg; Nghf;Ftuj;jpd; rhjf mk;rq;fis Fwpg;gpLf.
21. Name the major islands of Tamil Nadu. jkpo;ehl;bd; Kf;fpa jPTfisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
22. Name the important Multi-purpose project of Tamil Nadu
jkpo;ehl;bd; Kf;fpa gy;Nehf;Fj; jpl;lq;fspd; ngah;fis vOJf.
23. What is meant by Citizenship? FbAhpik vd;gjd; nghUs; vd;d?
24. What is the original jurisdiction of the High Court?
cah; ePjpkd;wj;jpd; jdf;Nf chpa ePjptiuaiw mjpfhuq;fs; ahit?
25. What are the two themes of India's nuclear doctrine?
,e;jpahtpd; mZf; Nfhl;ghl;bd; ,uz;L fUj;Jf;fis vOJf?
26. What are the factors supporting to develop the Indian economy?
,e;jpa nghUshjhuj;ij Nkk;gLj;j cjTk; fhuzpfs; ahit?
27. Write a note on SIPCOT. SIPCOT gw;wp Fwpg;G vOJf.
28. Write the latitudinal and longitudinal extend of India.
,e;jpahtpd; ml;r kw;Wk; jPh;f;f Nuiffspd; gutiyf; Fwpg;gpLf.
PART – III/ gFjp - III
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Match the Following:
(i) Thermal power plant - eastern coastal plain
(ii) Mazagaon Dock - economist
(iii) Coromandel Coast - indirect tax
(iv) Amartya Sen - 1975
(v) Excise duty - Mumbai
(i) mdy; kpd; epiyak; - njd;fpof;F flw;fiur; rkntsp
(ii) Nkrfhd; fg;gy; fl;Lk; jsk; - nghUspay; mwpQh;
(iii) Nrhokz;lyf; flw;fiu - kiwKf thp
(iv) mkh;j;jpah nrd; - 1975
(v) Maj;jPh;it - Kk;ig
30. (a) Distinguish between : (i) Himalayan rivers and peninsular rivers
(ii) Marine fishing and Inland fishing
(b) Give reason: Mountains are cooler than plains.
(m) NtWgLj;Jf:
(i) ,kakiy MWfs; kw;Wk; jPgfw;g MWfs;
(ii) fly; kPdg; pbg;G kw;Wk; cs;ehl;L kPdg ; pbg;G
(M) fhuzk; $Wf: kiyg; gFjpfs; rkntspfis tpl Fspuhdit.
31. Estimate the role of Mao Tse Tung in making China as Communist country.
rPdhit xU nghJTlik ehlhf;f kh Nr Jq; fpd; gq;fspg;ig mstpLf.
32. Analyse the reason for the failure of the Revolt of 1857.
1857 Mk; Mz;L fpsh;r;rpapd; Njhy;tpf;fhd fhuzq;fis Ma;f.
280  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
33. Role played by Subhas Chandra Bose in freedom struggle.
tpLjiyg; Nghul;lj;jpy; Rgh\; re;jpu Ngh]; Mw;wpa gq;fpid tpsf;Ff.
34. What are the factors affecting the climate of India and explain any two in detail.
,e;jpa fhyepiyia eph;zapf;Fk; fhuzpfspy; VNjDk; ,uz;bid tpsf;Ff.
35. What is Urbanization? Explain its impacts. efukakhf;fk; vd;why; vd;d? mjd; jhf;fq;fis tpsf;Ff.
36. Write an account on river Cauvery. fhtphp MW Fwpj;J njhFj;J vOJf.
37. Write about Original Jurisdiction and Appellate Jurisdiction of a Supreme Court.
cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpd; jdf;Nf chpa ePjp tiuaiw mjpfhuq;fs; kw;Wk; Nky; KiwaPl;L ePjp
tiuaiw mjpfhuq;fs; gw;wp vOJf.
38. Trace the reason for the formation of BRICS and write its objectives.
gphpf;]; (BRICS) $l;likg;G cUthdjw;fhd fhuzk; kw;Wk; mjd; Nehf;fq;fis vOJf.
39. Explain Minimum Support Price. Fiwe;jgl;r MjuT tpiyia tpsf;Ff.
40. Write in detail about the types of policies adopted by the Tamil Nadu government to industrialisation.
njhopy;kakhjYf;F jkpo;ehL muR Vw;Wf;nfhz;l nfhs;iffspd; tiffs; gw;wp tphpthf vOJf.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: Write any five important events between 1900-1920
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1900 Kjy; 1920 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the World map.
i) Serbia ii) Pacific Ocean iii) Japan iv) Hawai Island v) Nagasahi
,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; fPo;f;fhZk; ,lq;fisf; Fwpf;fTk;.
i) nrh;gpah ii) gRgpf; ngUq;fly; iii) [g;ghd; iv) `tha; jPT v) ehfrhfp
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Write briefly about the contributions of Periyar E.V.R to the social upliftment.
r%f Kd;Ndw;wj;jpy; nghpahh; <.nt.uh. tpd; gq;fspg;Gfis RUf;fkhf vOJf.
i) Attempt an essay on the rise of Adolf Hitler.
ii) Discuss the circumstances that led to that happen the reform movements in 19 th century.
(i) mlhy;g; `pl;yhpd; vOr;rp Fwpj;J xU fl;Liu tiuATk;.
(ii) 19Mk; E}w;whz;by; rPh;j;jpUj;j ,af;fq;fs; eilngWtjw;F ,l;Lr;nrd;w #o;epiyfis tpthjpf;fTk;.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Western Ghats ii) River Tapti iii) Panna bio-sphere reserve iv) an area of Jute cultivation
v) Cochin vi) Jamshedpur vii) Mt. Everest viii) Head quarters of Southern railway
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) Nkw;F njhlh;r;rpkiy ii) jgjp MW iii) gz;zh caph;f;Nfhsg; ngl;lfk;
iv) rzy; tpisAk; xU gFjp v) nfhr;rp vi) [hk;n\l;g+h;
vii) vntnu];l; rpfuk; viii) njd;df uapy;Ntapd; jiyikaplk;
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Viranam lake ii) Coffee growing area iii) Bavanisagar dam iv) NH 7
v) Rail route from Chennai to Tiruchirappalli vi) Indian Ocean
vii) Kudanklam viii) Point Calimere
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) tPuhzk; Vhp ii) fhgp tpisAk; gFjp iii) gthdprhfh; miz
iv) Njrpa neLQ;rhiy 7 v) nrd;id Kjy; jpUr;rpuhg;gs;sp tiu uapy; ghij
vi) ,e;jpag; ngUq;fly; vii) $lq;Fsk; viii) fhypkh; Kid

Social - PTA Question Papers 281

Time : 15 mins + 3 Hrs Marks : 100
PART – 1/ gFjp – I
Answer all the questions. midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;fTk;. 14 X 1 = 14
1. Who said "imperialism is the highest state of Capitalism"?
(a) Lenin (b) Marx (c) Sun Yat – Sen (d) Mao Tse Tung
“Vfhjpgj;jpak; Kjyhspj;Jtj;jpd; cr;rfl;lk;” vdf; $wpath;.
(m) nydpd; (M) khh;f;]; (,) rd; ahl; nrd; (<) kh Nr Jq;
2. When was people's political Consultative Conference held in China?
(a) September 1959 (b) September 1948 (c) September 1954 (d) September 1949
rPdhtpy; kf;fs; murpay; fye;jha;T khehL vg;NghJ eilngw;wJ?
(m) nrg;lk;gh; 1959 (M) nrg;lk;gh; 1948
(,) nrg;lk;gh; 1954 (<) nrg;lk;gh; 1949
3. (i) Prarthana Samaj was founded by Dr. Atma Ram Pandurang.
(ii) Prathana Samaj encouraged inter-dining and inter-caste marriage.
(iii) Jyotiba Phule worked for the upliftment of men.
(iv) Prarthana Samaj had its origin in Punjab,
(a) (i) is correct (b) (ii) is correct (c) (i) and (ii) are correct (d) (iii) and (iv) are correct
(i) gpuhu;j;jid rkh[k; lhf;lh; Mj;kuhk; ghz;Luq;fhy; epWtg;ngw;wJ.
(ii) ,e;j rkh[k;> midj;Jr; rhjpapdUk; gq;Nfw;Fk; rkge;jpfisAk; rhjpf;fyg;Gj;
jpUkzq;fisAk; Cf;Ftpj;jJ.
(iii) N[hjpgh g+Ny Mz;fspd; Nkk;ghl;bw;fhfg; gzpahw;wpdhh;.
(iv) gpuhh;j;jid rkh[k; gQ;rhigg; gpwg;gplkhff; nfhz;lJ.
(m) (i) rhp (M) (ii) rhp (,) (i),(ii) Mfpad rhp (<) (iii),(iv) Mfpad rhp
4. The Congress boycotted the Simon Commission because
(1) it was an all-white commission (2) it had no single Indian member
(3) it was a statutory commission (4) it was constituted to review the Act of 1919
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) I and 3 (d) 2 and 4
fhq;u]; irkd; FOit Gwf;fzpj;j fhuzk;
(1) mJ nts;isah;fis kl;LNk nfhz;bUe;jJ.
(2) mf;FOtpy; xU ,e;jpah; $l ,lk;ngwtpy;iy
(3) mJ rl;lg;g+h;t MizakhFk;.
(4) mJ 1919 Mk; Mz;L rl;lj;jpd; nray;ghLfisg; ghprPyid nra;tjw;fhf mikf;fg;gl;lJ.
(m) 1 kw;Wk; 2 (M) 3 kw;Wk; 4 (,) 1 kw;Wk; 3 (<) 2 kw;Wk; 4
5. For the given assertion and reason, identify the correct answer.
Assertion (A) : As World War I was in progress, the British Government was considering the introduction
of representative institutions for Indians after the war.
Reason (R) : In 1920, Dyarchy as a form of government was introduced in the province.
(a) A is correct and R is not the correct reason (b) Both A and R are wrong
(c) Both A and R are right (d) A is wrong and R has no relevance to A
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s $w;W kw;Wk; fhuzj;jpw;fhd rhpahd tpilia milahsk; fhz;f.
$w;W : Kjy; cyfg;Nghh; ele;J nfhz;bUe;jNghJ Mq;fpy murhq;fk; ,e;jpahtpy; NghUf;Fg; gpd;dh;
gpujepjpj;Jt epWtdq;fis mwpKfk; nra;tJ Fwpj;J guprPyid nra;J nfhz;bUe;jJ.
fhuzk; : 1920 ,y; ,ul;ilahl;rpahdJ xU muR Kiwahf khfhzq;fspy; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.
(m) $w;W rhp> Mdhy; fhuzk; rhpahdjy;y
(M) $w;W> fhuzk; Mfpa ,uz;LNk jtW
(,) $w;W> fhuzk; ,uz;LNk rhp
(<) $w;W jtW> mJ fhuzj;Jld; nghUe;jtpy;iy
282  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
6. Two island groups belong to India are
(a) Andaman and Nicobar (b) Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweeps
(c) Maldives and Nicobar (d) Sri Lanka and Andaman
,e;jpahtpw;F nrhe;jkhd ,uz;L jPTfs; vit?
(m) me;jkhd; kw;Wk; epNfhghh; (M) me;jkhd; epNfhghh; kw;Wk; yl;rj; jPTfs;
(,) khyj;jPT kw;Wk; epNfhghh; (<) ,yq;if kw;Wk; me;jkhd
7. Mawsynram a place which receives highest rainfall in the world is in
(a) India (b) Nepal (c) Bhutan (d) Bangladesh
cyfpy; kpf mjpf msT kiog; ngWk; gFjpahd nksrpd;uhk; vq;F mike;Js;sJ?
(m) ,e;jpah (M) Neghsk; (,) g+lhd; (<) tq;fhsNjrk
8. Human Development is measured in terms of
(a) Human Resource Index (b) Per Capita Income
(c) Human Development Index (d) UNDP
kdpj ts Nkk;ghL _______ %yk; fzf;fplg;gLfpwJ.
(m) kdpj tsf; FwpaPL (M) jdpegh; FwpaPL
(,) kdpj ts Nkk;ghl;L FwpaPL (<) If;fpa ehLfspd; tsh;r;rpj; jpl;lk; (UNDP)
9. Which of the following district is affected by sand dunes to a large extend?
(a) Theni (b) Madurai (c) Thanjavur (d) Ramanathapuram
fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; kz; mhpg;gpdhy; mjpf msT ghjpf;fg;gl;l khtl;lk; ______________
(m) Njdp (M) kJiu (,) jQ;rht+u; (<) ,uhkehjGuk;
10. Black soil is also called as
(a) Arid soil (b) Saline soil (c) Regur soil (d) Mountain soil
fhpry; kz; ________ vdTk; miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
(m) twz;l kz; (M) cth; kz; (,) gUj;jp kz; (<) kiy kz;
11. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
(a) Workers from Karnataka go to Kerala to work in the farms.
(b) Christian missions set up a chain of missionary schools.
(c) Men and women government employees get the same salary.
(d) Parents property is inherited by their children.
fPo;fhz;gtw;wpy; xd;W mbg;gil chpikiag; gad;gLj;jtjw;F cjhuzk; ,y;iy.
(m) fh;ehlfhtpypUe;J> Nfush gz;izfspy; Ntiyahl;fs; gzp nra;jy;.
(M) fpwpj;Jt rkaf;FO> Nfush gz;izfspy; Ntiyahl;fs; gzp nra;jy;.
(,) Mz;> ngz; ,UghyUk; muRg; gzpfSf;F rk Cjpak; ngWjy;.
(<) ngw;Nwhh;fspd; g+h;tf P nrhj;Jfs; mth;fsJ gps;isfSf;Fr; nry;Yjy;.
12. Chabahar agreement was signed between
(a) India, Pakistan and Afghanistan (b) India, Afghanistan and Iran
(c) Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (d) India, Iran and Pakistan
rg`hh; xg;ge;jk; ve;nje;j ehLfSf;fpilNa ifnaOj;jhdJ
(m) ,e;jpah> ghfp];jhd; kw;Wk; Mg;fhdp];jhd; (M) ,e;jpah> Mg;ghdp];jhd; kw;Wk; <uhd;
(,) ghfp];jhd;> Mg;fhdp];jhd; kw;Wk; <uhd; (<) ,e;jpah> <uhd; kw;Wk; ghfp];jhd;
13. The rate of savings is low in India for the following reason
(i) Low per capita income. (ii) Poor performance and less contribution of public sector.
(iii) Poor contribution of house hold sector. (iv) Savings potential of the rural sector not tapped fully.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(c) (i). (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
gpd;tUk; fhuzq;fspdhy; ,e;jpahtpd; Nrkpg;G tpfpjk; Fiwthf cs;sJ
(i) Fiwe;j jdpegh; tUkhdk;
(ii) Nkhrkhd nray;jpwd; kw;Wk; nghJj;Jiwapd; Fiwthd gq;fspg;G
(iii) tPLfs; Jiwapd; Nkhrkhd gq;fspg;G
(iv) fpuhkg;Gwj; Jiwapd; Nrkpg;G jpwid KOikahf gad;gLj;jhjJ
(m) (i),(ii) kw;Wk; (iv) rhpahdit (M) (i),(ii) kw;Wk; (iii) rhpahdit
(,) (i),(ii),(iii) kw;Wk; (iv) rhpahdit (<) (i),(iii) kw;Wk; (iv) rhpahdit

Social - PTA Question Papers 283

14. Tamil Nadu integrate Nutrition Programme was started in ___.
jkpo;ehL xUq;fpize;j Cl;lr;rj;J jpl;lk; _________ ,y; njhlq;fg;gl;lJ.
(a) 1980 (b) 1975 (c) 1955 (d) 1985
PART – II/ gFjp – II
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 28 is compulsory. 10 X 2 = 20
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 28tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
15. Write any two provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
nth;nra;y;]; cld;gbf;ifapd; VNjDk; ,uz;L ruj;Jf;fis vOJf.
16. What do you know of the "White Terror" in Indo China?
,e;Njh – rPdhtpy; eilngw;w ‘nts;is gaq;fuk;’ Fwpj;J ePq;fs; mwpe;jnjd;d?
17. List the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.
gpuk;k rkh[j;jhy; xopf;fg;gl;l r%fj; jPikfs; ahit?
18. How are the peasant uprisings in British India classified?
Mq;fpNya ,e;jpahtpy; tptrhapfspd; fpsh;r;rp vt;thW tifg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd?
19. Write any five Biosphere reserve in India.
,e;jpahtpy; cs;s caph;Nfhs fhg;gfq;fspy; VNjDk; Ie;jpid vOJf.
20. Mention the plantation crops of India. ,e;jpahtpd; Njhl;lg; gaph;fisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
21. Write a note on Pipe line net work transport in India
ek; ehl;bd; Foha; Nghf;Ftuj;J mikg;G gw;wp xU Fwpg;G vOJf.
22. Write the cropping seasons of Tamil Nadu. jkpo;ehl;bd; Ntshz; gUtf;fhyq;fis vOJf.
23. What is national emergency? Njrpa mtruepiy vd;why; vd;d?
24. What is Universal Adult Franchise? cyfshtpa taJ te;Njhu; thf;Fupik vd;why; vd;d?
25. Mention the main tools of Foreign policy. ntspAwTf; nfhs;ifapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fis Fwpg;gpLf.
26. What is meant by Gross Domestic Product? nkhj;j cs;ehl;L cw;gj;jpapd; nghUs; vd;d?
27. Mention the types of taxes. thpfspd; tiffisf; Fwpg;gpLf.
28. Mention the role of Mangroves in coastal zone management.
fly; ghJfhg;G Nkyhz;ikapy; rJg;G epyj;jhtuq;fspd; gq;fpid Fwpg;gpLf.
PART – III / gFjp - III
Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 X 5 = 50
vitNaDk; 10 tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;fTk;. 42tJ tpdhtpw;F fl;lhakhf tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.
29. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The major tribal revolt which took place in Chota Nagpur region was ___________.
(ii) River ___________ is called Vridha Ganga.
(iii) The scientific study of population is called _______________.
(iv) The Ex-officio chairperson of Rajya Sabha is _____________.
(v) _____________ sector is the growth engine of Indian economy.
Nfhbl;l ,lq;fis epug;Gf:
(i) Nrhl;lh ehf;g+u; gFjpapy; ele;j kpfg;nghpa goq;Fbapdh; fpsh;r;rp___________.
(ii) _________ MW tpUj;j fq;fh vd miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
(iii) kf;fs; njhifapd; gy;NtW mk;rq;fs; gw;wpa mwptpay; g+h;tkhd gbg;G_____.
(iv) ______ mYty; topapy; khepyq;fsitapd; jiyth; Mthh;.
(v) ,e;jpa nghUshjhuj;jpd; tsh;r;rp ,ae;jpuk; _________JiwahFk;.
30. (a) Distinguish between: (i) North cast monsoon and South west monsoon
(ii) Rabi crop season and Kharif crop season
(b) Give reason: Eastern ghats are not a continuous range.
(m) NtWgLj;Jf. i) tlfpof;F gUtf;fhw;W kw;Wk; njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W
ii) uhgp gaph; gUtk; kw;Wk; fhhpg; gaph; gUtk;
(M) fhuzk; $Wf: fpof;Fj; njhlh;r;rp kiyfs; njhlh;r;rpaw;W fhzg;gLfpwJ.
31. Assess the stricture of UNO. If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; mikg;G gw;wp Ma;T nra;f.
32. Examine the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader.
fhe;jpabfis xU kf;fs; jiytuhf cUkhw;wk; nra;a cjtpa fhuzpfs; vd;d vd;W MuhaTk;?
284  Way to Success – 5-in-1 Question Bank
33. Describe the role of Tamil Nadu in the Civil Disobedience Movement.
rl;lkWg;G ,af;fj;jpy; jkpo;ehL tfpj;jg; gq;fpid tpthp.
34. Describe the forests of India. ,e;jpa fhLfs; gw;wp tpthpf;fTk;?
35. Write an essay on Renewable Energy Resources in India.
,e;jpahtpy; cs;s GJg;gpf;ff; $ba Mw;wy; tsq;fs; Fwpj;J xU fl;Liu tiuf.
36. Give an account on water resources of Tamil Nadu. jkpo;ehl;bd; ePh; Mjhuq;fisg; gw;wp vOjTk;.
37. Write about Writs. Nguhid mjpfhuq;fs; Fwpj;J vOJf.
38. Mention OPEC missions and how does it help others.
ngl;Nuhypak; Vw;Wkjp nra;Ak; ehLfs; mikg;gpd; (OPEC) jpl;lk; Fwpj;Jk; mt;tikg;G
vt;thW gpw ehLfSf;F cjtp nra;fpd;wd vd;gJ Fwpj;Jk; Fwpg;gpLf.
39. Briefly explain the evolution of MNC and its advantages and disadvantages.
MNC apd; ghpzhk tsh;r;rpia $wp mjd; ed;ikfs; kw;Wk; jPikfis RUf;fkhf vOJf.
40. Write the role of Entrepreneur. njhopy;KidNthhpd; gq;fpidg; gw;wp tpsf;Ff.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Time Line Chart & Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; fhyf;NfhL kw;Wk; tiuglj;jpy; KiwNa epfo;TfisAk;
,lq;fisAk; Fwpg;gpl;Lf; fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
41. Draw a time line for the following: write any five important events between 1930-1950.
fPo;fhz;gdtw;wpw;F fhyf;NfhL tiuf:
1930 Kjy; 1950 tiuapyhd Ie;J Kf;fpa epfo;Tfis fhyf;Nfhl;by; vOJf.
42. Mark the following places on the India map.
i) Kanpur ii) Champaran iii) Vedharanyam iv) Madras v) Dandi
,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; fPo;f;fhZk; ,lq;fisf; Fwpf;fTk;.
i) fhd;g+u; ii) rk;guhd; iii) Ntjhuz;ak; iv) kjuh]; v) jz;b
PART – IV/ gFjp – IV
Answer both questions. ,U tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f. 2 X 8 = 16
43. Attempt an essay of the heroic fight Veerapandya Kattabomman conducted against the East India Company.
fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdpia vjph;j;J tPughz;ba fl;lnghk;kd; elj;jpa tPujPug; Nghh;fs; gw;wp xU
fl;Liu tiuf. (OR)
i) What do you know about the Suez Canal Crisis?
ii) Attempt an essay on the foundation and development of Tamil Renaissance.
(i) #a]; fhy;tha; rpf;fiyg; gw;wp ePtph; mwpe;jnjd;d?
(ii) jkpo; kWkyh;r;rpapd; Njhw;wk;> tsh;r;rp Fwpj;J xU fl;Liu vOjTk;.
Note: Visually challenged Candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
Fwpg;G : ghu;it khw;Wj;jpwdhsp khztu;fs; tiuglj;jpy; ,lq;fis Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;Ltjw;F gjpyhf
mtw;iwg; gw;wpa Fwpg;Gfs; kl;Lk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
44. Mark the following places on the given outline map of India.
i) Vindhya Range ii) River Mahanadi iii) Agasthiyamalai bio-sphere reserve
iv) Tea growing area v) Mumbai vi) Detroit of Asia
vii) An area of high density population viii) a nuclear power station in Tamil Nadu
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,e;jpa tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) tpe;jpa kiyj;njhlh; ii) kfhejp MW iii) mf];jpakiy caph;f;Nfhsg; ngl;lfk;
iv) Njapiy tpisAk; gFjp v) gk;gha; vi) Mrpahtpd; nll;uha;L
vii) mjpf kf;fslh;j;jp epiwe;j gFjp viii) jkpofj;jpd; mZkpd; cw;gj;jp epiyak;
Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Tamirabarani ii) Rubber growing area iii) Vaigai dam iv) an international airport
v) Rameshwaram vi) Chennai vii) Bay of Bengal
viii) Road route connecting Madurai to Kanyakumari
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s jkpof tiuglj;jpy; gpd;tUtdtw;iw Fwpf;fTk;.
i) jhkpuguzp ii) ug;gh; tpisAk; gFjp iii) itif miz
iv) VNjDk; xU gd;dhl;L tpkhdepiyak; v) uhNk];tuk; vi) nrd;id
vii) tq;fhs tphpFlh viii) kJiu – fd;dpahFkhpia ,izf;Fk; rhiy top

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