Link-Era Final Report

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“Link more, Earn more, Impact more.”

Make Every Link Count!!



Ludovic LOPEZ

Tannay-Jit SINGH

What is exactly your business idea?

Create a democratized 'Link in Bio' tool simplifying social media marketing, that shares trafficking and
profits with its users.

The Purpose?

-Empower Users and Amplify Brands.

-Grow your digital identity and make a living from it.


Unlike other profit driven “link in bio” tools, we try to:

 enable brands to maximize their online reach and engagement.

 make social media marketing more effective and accessible for everyone.
 drive traffic and profitability while supporting the growth of digital influencers and

Which sector?

online services/digital marketing and social media management industry.

What is the scale of the business?

It’s a born global business.

Unique Selling Proposition?

A democratized "Link in Bio" tool is a user-friendly and intuitive platform that allows users to share
multiple links from a single customizable landing page. The democratization aspect “our key feature”
means that the tool is accessible and beneficial to our users. Users can earn a commission or referral
fee for driving sales or conversions to the websites linked in their bio.

Our innovation:

We employ innovative methods to create money, providing our users with the opportunity to earn an
income by embracing their digital identities.

Market Research/ Intelligence
 Identification of the Link-in-bio-Market:

According to a recent study published by multiple authors in the journal "Financial and Credit
Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice" (Volume 4, Issue 45, 2022), numerous new marketing
channels have emerged as a result of the quick development of technology and digital practices.
This transformative landscape has compelled both companies and individuals to embrace digital
marketing as an essential channel. As a result, there has been a significant upswing in the
development of digital marketing tools intended to facilitate product and content promotion on
social media platforms.

One of the fastest growing tools that serves both businesses and individuals manage the growth
of their digital identities and online reach are the “link in bio” tools.

The term "link in bio" has become known, thanks to brothers Alex and Anthony Zaccaria and
their friend, Nick Humphreys. They co-founded while working at an advertising agency as they
saw how hard it was for companies to share content with just one link—the maximum many
social media platforms allow in a user's bio.

In order to get around those restrictions, the trio introduced “Linktree” in 2016. Since then, this
type of tool's growth has been rapid in Australia, the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere, reaching one
million users by December 2018 and three million one year later, increasing to more than 40
million users in 2023, according to a periodical analysis published in “”.

Since 2020, more than 30 companies have launched link-in-bio tools (, Marta
Biino and Sydney Bradley). Creators use these single URLs in their social media profiles to lead
followers to landing pages with several other links and apps.

 Key Stats:
 There are 62 different companies that offer a link-in-bio tool!

“THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM, THEY FEEL AND LOOK THE SAME” -Jon Youshaei- content creator
and angel investor.

 Out of 31M link-in-bio users, 79.95% use Linktree, making it the absolute market leader.

In a recent “HypeAuditor *Influencer-marketing platform*” study, analyzing 1.7 million Instagram

accounts of creators in U.S, Australia, and Europe, Linktree was recognized as a link-in-bio leader with
more than 24 million active users, followed by Milkshake, Beacons, and

Just over half of the 1.7 million accounts (55%) analyzed had websites linked in their profiles.

The top 10 most popular links included URLs of link-in-bio tools are Linktree (15.73%), followed by (0.96%), and then Beacons (0.74%).

Only three of the link-in-bio platforms above were among the 10 most popular sites included in
Instagram bios, according to “HypeAuditor”.

 Link-in-bio users: Creators Vs businesses.

These tools cater to both businesses and individuals in managing their digital identities, and our
primary objective is to provide all users with the opportunity to achieve success in their online

 Link-in-bio users by Numbers of Fans.

Looking at these numbers, we see those profiles with weak numbers of followers (less than 5K)
account for 77% of all link-in-bio users.

 49% of all link-in-bio users are from the U.S.

"Statista Digital Marketing Insights" ranked the United States as the market leader in social media
advertising and digital marketing, followed by China and UK.

However, recent data indicates that Europe is seeing a major shift toward digital practices. As
demonstrated in the display above, the UK, Germany, and France are set up as leaders in this

IHS Markit, a research agency, conducted a comprehensive analysis of digital marketing in Europe
by interviewing advertisers, publishers, and technology companies. The findings reveal that digital
advertising and marketing in Europe generate annual revenues of €41.9 billion, experiencing a year-
on-year growth rate of 12.3%.

Based on the latest AdEX Benchmark study by IAB Europe, the digital marketing market in European
countries has a combined value of €69 Billion. This paper analyzed a total of 28 markets, including
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and Ukraine.

2021: Digital marketing Spend by Market (€m)




Norway 1,310
Denmark 1,199
Czech Republic 1,192
Poland 1,189

Ukraine 751
Belgium 732
Ireland 729
Finland 548
Hungary 403
Greece 188
Slovakia 153
Romania 92
Croatia 77
Bulgaria 73
Slovenia 60
Belarus 55
Serbia 54







The figure provided can be shown more clearly in the form of a graph, which clearly indicates that
the UK holds the dominant position in the European market followed by Germany.

Share of European Digital marketing Spend by


Switzerland UK
3% 33%



Russia 15%

However, the most recent statistics issued by Statista in 2023 exclude Russia from the ranking as
shown in the graph below.

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000

United Kingdom 12,160
Germany 4,482
France 3,292
Italy 2,283
Spain 1,918
Netherlands 1,243
Sweden 1,100
Norway 592.8
Belgium 580.1
Switzerland 562.9
Denmark 532.6
Austria 433
Ireland 431.3
Portugal 324.3
Finland 319.1

Growing digitalization efforts combined with low data prices enabled a significant number of people
to use the internet actively across Europe.

Between 2024 and 2028, the total number of social media users in Europe is projected to expand by
68.6 million people, representing a growth rate of 10.07 percent. The social media user base is
projected to reach a new peak of 750.12 million users in 2028, following nine consecutive years of
growth, as depicted in the display below.

800 730.53 741.35 750.12

681.56 701.11 717.26
700 658.05
Number of users in millions

600 559.34
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Eventually, there is a noticeable surge in Europe where a rising number of individuals are actively
engaged in social media and are being targeted through digital marketing.

According to a new report, Digitalization in Europe 2022-2023: Evidence from the EIB Investment
Survey, published by the European Investment Bank, the COVID-19 crisis significantly accelerated the
digitalization efforts of firms in Europe. In 2022, more than half (53%) of European firms enhanced
their digital presence, with 69% of them implementing advanced digital technologies. However, the
adoption of digitalization varied with the size of the firms. While 62% of large firms prioritized
digitalization, only 30% of microenterprises did the same. This digital transition is seen as vital for
creating a more competitive and resilient environment within Europe. Despite this progress, 14% of
firms in the EU reported limited access to digital infrastructure as a major obstacle to investment.

According to another report published on March 2023 by CyberCrew, Digital marketing has become a
significant focus for companies in the UK. In 2020, 72% of marketing spending was allocated towards
digital marketing, indicating a strong reliance on digital channels over traditional ones. The growth
rate in digital marketing spending was around 10% annually, with an expected increase to 18.7%
between 2023 and 2024. An average of 41% of UK companies’ marketing budgets was spent on
content marketing in 2022.

Based on the aforementioned numbers, the market in the UK consists of over 4.5 million companies,
whereas in Europe there are over 16.7 million companies.

 Top 4 competitors.

Cofounder of LinkTree.

The first link-in-bio service in the world is “LinkTree”, the second biggest one is “Linkin. Bio”, and
“” is one of the new emerging successful platforms, while “” is the only
existing tool that shares profits with users but with no real development in the market.

Many new startups in this market have raised venture capital funds, collectively more than $200
million, over the past two years, according to “Crunchbase data”. But as the funding market
cools, link-in-bio startups are racing to compete and DIFFERENTIATE THEMSELVES!!

Only a handful of these tools have risen to the top as creator favorites as mentioned above, and
even fewer will likely survive the wave of “creator economy” that industry leaders are predicting.

“We need a new tool that facilitate content sharing and monetization.”
The creator economy is booming. According to extensive research published by Jack Flynn -
Writer- in “ the career expert”, there are an estimated 50M people in Europe
contributing to the creator economy as of 2023.

The global digital content creation market is projected to reach a market size of $32,8 Billion by

 Creators are looking for tools to manage and monetize their content.
 Comparative table with key criteria:

Criteria/competitors LinkTree Linkin. Bio Link.Era

Affiliate links YES/NO NO NO YES YES

Just with few
Design/ Templates and 3 2 5 5 +5
User friendliness 4 3 4 3 5
Pricing Free plan YES YES NO YES YES
and Premium plan 4€, 8€, from 25 to 4.99€/9.99€/ 4,66€/month Look in the
charging 22€/month 80USD/month 29.99€/month financial plan
Focus Market U. S U. S U. S Asian market EUROPE
Integration with S.M Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Responsiveness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Security and Privacy 4 4 4 4 4
Link management 4 4.5 3.5 4 5
Content restrictions Illegal + high risk Illegal + high Illegal + high Illegal + high Illegal + high
business risk business risk business risk business risk business
A more thorough assessment will be addressed thereafter, within the context of blue ocean strategy.


In Europe, there's a significant increase in social media engagement, particularly in content creation,
signaling a market of over 50 million individuals and 21,2M companies actively using digital platforms

for financial gains. This trend, supported by various studies, highlights the potential for our new
product in similar markets, while considering the associated financial risks. With Europe's link-in-bio
user base constituting only 13% yet having a booming creator economy, it's an opportune market for
our link-in-bio tool. The UK, leading in user and company engagement, is an ideal launchpad for "Link-
Era," promising several financial advantages as detailed in the subsequent financial analysis of this

Blue Ocean Strategy

We are not looking for fighting in a red ocean,

we’re creating our new blue ocean!

Low score 1 to 5
High score 5 to 10

Criteria LinkTree Link.Era

Price 5 10 7 3 5
Commission sharing 3 0 0 6 10
Design esthetics 5 3 8 7 9
Link management 4 5 3 5 8
User friendliness 4 2 7 2 10
Mobile responsiveness 5 3 4 3 6
Security and privacy 8 8 8 8 9
Integration with social media 7 5 5 4 8

LinkTree Link.era


Axis Title

g t s s cy ia
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Pr har he
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This tool visually represents our company’s willed strategic position in the market compared to other
competitors. This helps us visualize where we can differentiate and create a blue ocean.

In essence, our Strategy is about making the competition irrelevant by creating a new value curve,
thereby opening up a new and uncontested market space. We want to shift from a focus on
competition to a focus on market creation to achieve growth and rejuvenation.

This can be translated into a business model providing a structured, visual framework for developing,
describing, and analyzing our strategic position.

Business Model Canvas

This BMC enables Link-Era to capitalize on the growing digital marketing trend in the UK and all over
Europe, where a significant number of companies are increasingly investing in digital strategies and a
surging number of individuals are active in social media.

Link-Era positions itself strategically in the digital marketing landscape by focusing on key activities
such as user community engagement, and strong affiliate partnerships, aligned with robust marketing
initiatives. Its value proposition lies in democratizing access to digital marketing, amplifying digital
identities, and offering an intuitive, multi-link aggregation platform with a commission-based profit
model. Targeting a diverse customer segment that includes influencers, SMEs, content creators, and
brands, Link-Era fosters customer relationships through support systems, and success management.
The business leverages key partnerships across social media, online brands, and digital communities,
supported by a dedicated development team, high hosting capacities, and skilled marketing and
analytics personnel. Revenue streams are diversified through freemium and premium models,
alongside commissions and affiliate marketing, set against a cost structure that prioritizes platform
development, marketing, and operational efficiencies. This strategic positioning allows Link-Era to
capitalize on the expanding digital marketing sphere, particularly in markets like the UK, and create a
new value chain enabling it to draw a new blue ocean.

Link-Era's BMC distinctly positions itself against competitors like LinkTree by emphasizing
democratized access of all users, regardless of their scale or influence. This contrasts with other link-
in-bio tools, that have different service tiers or features targeting specific user groups. Link-Era's focus

on an intuitive user experience and a commitment to amplify every user's digital identity signifies its
dedication to user empowerment and success across the board. This inclusive approach, combined
with a commitment to be there for all customers uniformly, sets Link-Era apart in a market where
similar tools are often profit driven.

Financial plan
Our financial plan, is built on sourcing money to cover our costs’ structure and generate revenues
through our main revenue streams:

- Commissions from our users generated conversions.

- Different subscription plans:

The total amount needed to cover the investment costs and working capital requirements is the


Designation Amount
Office Equipment 22 110,00
Softwares 8 200,00
Company Creation Costs 43 840,00
Marketing de démarrage 30 000,00

Start-up working capital requirements 110 905,20

Please refer to the accompanying excel sheet for more detailed information on each component.

Our financial approach involves sourcing cash through a bank loan and through investors, as we now
only own 52% of the necessary funds, equivalent to 84990 Euros.

The effects of this financing method are demonstrated in the excel sheet and forecasted for the next
5 years, and the following table demonstrates the allocation of the necessary funds:


Capital 164 990 77%
Investors 80 000 48%
Shareholders 84 990 52%
Medium and Long Term Credit 50 000 23%

The combination of our distinctive value propositions and the specific characteristics of our target
market will lead to the creation of the following preliminary income statement:

Provisional income statement 867 000

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Turnover 367200,00 1300500,00 2601000,00 4467600,00 7068600,00

Operating Expenses 55505,20 86214,65 128690,90 189299,08 273425,12

Personnel costs 189135,60 331164,83 464947,06 821776,54 838212,07
Depreciation and amortization 2211,00 2211,00 2211,00 2211,00 2211,00
Financial expenses 1965,63 1540,63 1115,63 690,63 265,63

Total Expenses 248817,43 421131,10 596964,59 1013977,24 1114113,82

Profit before tax 118382,58 879368,90 2004035,41 3453622,76 5954486,18
Tax (% rate) 19% 19% 19% 19% 19%
Tax payable 22492,69 167080,09 380766,73 656188,32 1131352,38
Net income 95889,89 712288,81 1623268,69 2797434,43 4823133,81

To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the turnover, please consult the excel

The table above provides a comprehensive overview of our strategic vision for the anticipated growth
in income over the next five years. Our notion is supported by a robust market study that
demonstrates its financial potential and a strong product rolling out strategy.

Minimum Vibal Product (MVP)

The Link-Era brand is encapsulated by a logo that intertwines golden and green tints; each color
thoughtfully chosen to symbolize the platform's core principles. Gold evokes a sense of success and
achievement, mirroring the earning potential Link-Era offers to its users. Green represents growth
and harmony, reflecting the platform's commitment to fostering a supportive community where
every user can amplify their impact. The undulating design suggests flexibility and connectivity,
central to Link-Era's functionality as a link aggregator.

The name "Link-Era" signifies a new era in link aggregation, emphasizing innovation and forward-
thinking in digital identity management.

The slogan "Link more, impact more, earn more" encapsulates the platform's commitment to
empowering users: by linking more effectively, users can amplify their online impact and
subsequently increase their earning potential.

This synergy of elements in the logo, name, and slogan aligns perfectly with Link-Era's goal of
democratizing online marketing tools, making it both attractive and convincing to its target audience.

Here is a mock-up of our website and phone app:

The mock-up of the Link-Era exudes sophistication and ease of use, inviting users into a seamless
digital experience. The intuitive layout, with its smooth curves and clean lines, promises effortless
navigation, ensuring that even the most novice users can confidently manage their links. The golden
and teal color palette is not just visually appealing but also strategically functional, highlighting key
areas for user interaction. With clear, prominent calls to action like 'Sign up free,' the website is
designed to facilitate quick user onboarding and engagement. This user-centric design approach,
paired with the engaging slogan, makes Link-Era not just a tool but an essential partner in the users'
digital growth journey.

Operating plan
Link-Era is a born global business focusing on online services, digital marketing, and social media
management. Our unique selling proposition is a user-friendly platform that allows users to share
multiple links from a single page and earn a commission for sales or conversions.

We are operating in a rapidly growing market with several competitors like Linktree, Linkin. Bio, and The key is to differentiate Link-Era by focusing on our unique features like user commission
and our democratized approach, which lacks in the market.

Instead of competing in the existing market (Red Ocean), we’re looking to create a new market space
(Blue Ocean) by focusing on the untapped customer needs that have been identified and
differentiating our services in many aspects. Our strategy is about creating a new value curve.

Now how can we launch such a product in the market?

Product Rollout Strategy

1. Initial Launch (Year 1):

Target Market: The first step would be targeting digital influencers and creators, and small businesses
in the tech-savvy European country, the UK, leveraging their strong digital marketing trends.

Launch Date: A date that aligns with a significant digital marketing event or social media peak usage
time. For instance, The Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, set for May 8, 2024, this summit is a
highly focused corporate event that brings together key digital marketing professionals for
networking and knowledge exchange. Another example is the Digital Marketing Conference & Expo
Europe in London, scheduled for November 26-27, 2024, this conference will cover a range of topics
including generative AI, influencer marketing, digital marketing, content marketing, data and
analytics, e-commerce, and Web3 marketing.

Platform Readiness: Ensuring the platform is fully functional, safe, user-friendly, and tested for bugs.

Marketing Campaign: By developing a multichannel marketing campaign for Link-Era, focusing on its
position in the digital marketing and social media management sector, and that is through:

 Social Media Marketing: While concentrating on platforms where our core audience,
primarily digital influencers, and businesses, predominantly engage, such as Instagram and
LinkedIn, we will prepare a dynamic content calendar. This will include a blend of
promotional material, educational content, and interactive posts to captivate our audience.
Concurrently, we will implement targeted advertising on these platforms, reaching potential
users more effectively. Utilizing A/B testing, we will continuously refine our ad performance
by analyzing user engagement metrics. Additionally, we will foster a dedicated community by
actively interacting with users through comments, direct messages, and community posts,
thereby cultivating a robust and loyal user base.
 Email Marketing: We will start by building an email list through our digital presence, and
gathering sign-ups at digital marketing events, then segmenting this list based on user
behavior, interests, and demographics to personalize content, ensuring higher engagement.

 Influencer Partnerships: We will look for influencers whose audience aligns with our target
market. We will develop different collaboration models, then implement tracking
mechanisms (e.g., unique promo codes) to measure the effectiveness of influencer
 Press Release and Media Outreach: We will collaborate with tech bloggers and journalists
for press coverage.

Launch Event: Hosting a virtual launch event showcasing the platform's unique features.

User Engagement: Offering incentives for early adopters, such as exclusive premium features or

2. Expansion (Year 2-3): Post launch strategy

User Feedback Collection: Implementing tools for collecting user feedback and suggestions.

Performance Analytics: Monitoring user engagement, acquisition costs, and conversion rates.

Iterative Improvements: Regularly updating the platform based on feedback and analytics and
implement AI to ease the process and save time.

Market Expansion: Gradually introduce Link-Era to other European markets, for instance, France and

Partnerships: Establishing partnerships with social media platforms for better integration and

3. Consolidation and Growth (Year 4-5)

Brand Establishment: Positioning Link-Era as a new market leader in democratized link-in-bio tools.

Community Building: Fostering a strong user community through forums, webinars, and online

Diversification: Exploring adjacent market opportunities, like analytics tools for digital marketing.

Global Reach: Exploring markets outside Europe, especially Asia and North America.

Implementation Timeline

Quarter 1-2 (Year 1): Focus on user acquisition, platform stability, and initial marketing campaigns.

Quarter 3-4 (Year 1): Begin feature updates and expand marketing efforts.

Year 2: Start expanding into new European markets.

Year 3-4: Strengthen brand presence and enhance platform features.

Year 5: Begin global expansion and diversify product offerings.

This operating plan aims to strategically introduce Link-Era into the market, ensure its growth and
sustainability, and establish it as a leader in the sector. The focus on continuous innovation, user
engagement, and strategic market expansion is key to achieving these objectives.

Value Chain and Supply Chain Flow

Applying Porter's Value Chain: A visual diagram representing these elements in Porter's Value Chain
model will help in understanding how each activity contributes to the overall value creation in your

Inbound Logistics: Efficient management of server resources and digital infrastructure. Partnerships
with reliable cloud service providers for data storage and management.

Operations: Focus on continuous development and maintenance of our platform. This includes
software development, UI/UX design, and regular updates.

Outbound Logistics: Since our product is digital, outbound logistics would relate to the distribution of
our platform online. Ensuring seamless integration with social media platforms and a user-friendly

Marketing & Sales: Develop a robust digital marketing strategy. Utilize social media, content
marketing, and targeted ads to reach our audience. Establish strong affiliate partnerships.

Service: Provide excellent customer support and user engagement. Feedback loops are essential for
continuous improvement and user satisfaction.

Infrastructure: Maintain a strong organizational structure with skilled personnel in technology,

marketing, and customer support.

Human Resource Management: Invest in the team. Provide training and development opportunities
to keep them updated with the latest digital trends and technologies.

Technology Development: Keep innovating and upgrading our platform with the latest tech trends.

Procurement: Efficiently manage procurement of technological services, marketing tools, and other
necessary resources.

Supply chain flow

User Acquisition: This is the starting point where strategies are implemented to attract users to the

Content Management: Once users are acquired, the focus shifts to managing their content and links.

Platform Development: Continuous development and updates of the platform to meet user needs
and market demands.

Marketing and Outreach: Concurrently, efforts in marketing and outreach are made to promote the
platform, which also loops back to support user acquisition.

Customer Support: Users are provided with support, and feedback is gathered.

Data Analytics: The feedback and user data are analyzed to inform marketing strategies and platform

Revenue Management: The revenue generated through various streams is managed and reinvested
into platform development and marketing.


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