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Requirement: In case of work carried out under a Project WBS, the cost related to internal activities /

External Services need to be captured under a network order, and not through any Maintenance

Solution :

In order to achieve the above requirement, we need to enable the network order types such as
PS01 , PS02 and need to assign to 6200 plant . Below configuration explains the pre requisite
configurations need to be performed.

Step 1. Maintain Network Types:

We are using the network order types for our process – PS01 , PS02 .
Step 2: Specify Parameters for Network Order Type:

Assign the above two network order types PS01 , PS02 to Plant 6200 .
Step 3: Setup Number Ranges .

In this we had assigned the order types PS01, PS02 to Number ranges as per below.
Step 4 : Need to change below values in work center Master Data .

Step By Step screen shots for End-to-End Process:

Step 1 : Create a network order under a given project in CJ20N Under Facilities and Materials.
Step 2: Creating a Network Order as per below screenshot.

Step 3: Network Order Description: Test Network Process.

Order – 900000 created .

Step 4: Network Order Created .

Step 5: Creating an Internal Activity Under the network order.

Operation 10 – Internal Operation Activity.

Work centre - M .
Step 6 : Releasing the network order . System Status will be changed to REL.
Step 7 : Perform Confirmation of network order in CN25 .
Confirmation has been posted.
Step 8 : Once the operation is confirmed completely , perform Technical Completion of the order .
Step 9: After TECO , perform settlement of the network order in CJ88.

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