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Issue : When a maintenance order which is already in REL status , if any delta changes were added

into the order and with out saving the order , if user goes for a print option , it will get printed and
will bypass the approval process . So those added components / Operations in the order will get
updated into the order even without approval.

Fix : Now , if user click on print with out saving , system will display a pop up window asking for
approval work flow trigger . With that , now user will not be able to print any work order after adding
up any new components and to take a print of order with out approval.

This particular test is to ensure that this issue has been addressed and fixed accordingly.

1. Order is already released.

2. Adding additional hours in operations as well as adding components.

3. Now with out saving the work order, trying to print the work order.
4. As expected, at the time of print, now system prompts a popup window to send for approval
as there are delta changes on the work order after released .

5. If we click no , then those newly added changes in the order will not get saved in the order .
Here we can see that added hours In the operation didn’t get saved.

Similarly , newly added component also didn’t get saved in the order .

6 . If we click on yes , then the order will be triggered for approval .

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