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IFE Level 4 Certificate in

Fire Service Operations and
Incident Command

Monday 3 October 2022

10.30 – 13.30

Instructions to Candidates
1. The time allowed for this examination is THREE hours.

2. Candidates must answer SIX questions from the total of EIGHT questions set for
this examination.

3. All questions carry equal marks and may be answered in any order. Candidates
should follow the instructions provided in the question when composing their

4. Candidates should record all of their answers in the answer book provided.

5. This examination paper must be handed in with the answer book.

L4C3 – October 2022
Question 1

Incident Commanders should be able to apply the most appropriate leadership skills,
behaviours, technical knowledge and command skills to resolve an incident. Describe
the behaviours that support effective leadership and explain why they are important.
(20 marks)

Question 2

You are the Incident Commander called to a train derailment. The incident has
occurred at a level crossing and involves a passenger train and a lorry. Describe your
initial considerations.
(20 marks)

Question 3

You have been given the task of performing a review of your Fire and Rescue Service’s
environmental protection capabilities.

a) Explain why environmental protection is important.

(4 marks)

b) Describe the pollution control hierarchy.

(10 marks)

c) Describe the role of a hazardous materials adviser.

(6 marks)

Question 4

You are the Incident Commander called to a fire at a heritage building that is
undergoing restoration. Describe your initial considerations.
(20 marks)

L4C3 – October 2022
Question 5

You are the Incident Commander called to attend a fire at a large warehouse that
stores various flammable materials.

a) Detail the potential impacts of such an event.

(4 marks)

b) Describe in detail the hazards associated with this type of incident.

(16 marks)

Question 6

a) Describe the role of the commander for each of the three levels of command at a
multi-agency incident.
(10 marks)

b) Describe the tactical actions that an Incident Commander should carry out at every
(4 marks)

c) Define the term “working strategy”.

(6 marks)

Question 7

Wide area flooding events are occurring with increased frequency.

a) Describe the strategic actions that a Fire and Rescue Service should take to
prepare for such an incident.
(6 marks)

b) Describe tactical actions that should occur in the event of wide area flooding.
(8 marks)

c) Describe the main methods by which a Fire and Rescue Service can learn from
these types of events
(6 marks)

[Please turn over]

L4C3 – October 2022
Question 8

You are the Incident Commander called to attend an incident involving a capsized river
boat. The boat has been hired for a social event and early reports indicate that there
were dozens of passengers on board. Describe your tactical actions and
(20 marks)

L4C3 – October 2022

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