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Management Meeting Report – April 29th 2024.

1.0 Introduction
The bi-monthly managerial meeting was held to appraise the recent projects undertaken by the
ARBR, staff contributions to the success of the programs and to explore avenues for
improvement. The meeting commenced at 3pm.
2.0 Attendance
Present at the meeting were:

 Mrs. Miranda Amachree – Executive Secretary

 Ms. Adah Achanya - Media and Publicity
 Mr. Jonathan Aguji – Operations Manager
 Ms. Scholar Oziegbe – Executive Assistant
 Ajibade Tolu - corp member

3.0 Reading and Adoption of Previous Meeting

Mrs. Amachree read through and made corrections to the last management meeting minutes
taken by Ajibade . The motion was moved for adoption by Ms. Ada Achanya.
4.0 Matters Arising
The following were the highlights of the meeting;
The meeting with PROBAMET
Mrs. Oziegbe gave us a summary of what took place
i. Day 1 was conversion of key stakeholders,in attendance were (ARBR ,SRADEV,OKO
INSTITUTE,GIZ),the main aim was what can be done better in the battery regulation
sector to meet international standard
ii. Day 2 was going round the recycling plants for inspection and out of about 5 facilities
toured Green recycling plant owned by a Lebanese stood out, while PBL wasn’t up to
standards at all
Steps to be taken to ensure the facilities meets up to standard
I. NESREA brings out regulation
II. Oko institute suggested that a minimum entry point for recyclers should be made
The meeting with UNIDO
I. ARBR would be in charge of logistics, local transportation
Inspection on battery recyclers
Mrs. Ada gave us updates about her scheduled inspection
Mrs. Ada
i. She made it known that joint task force are disturbing them at jowoyi/kurudu axis
which made them moved to mararaba
ii. She will check them again at mararaba
Update on regulation
i. It has been signed by the minster and the regulation has been sent for budgeting
ii. GIZ paid for printing (100 copies) and a may be launched by the end of may
Update on office accessories
I. There’s no need for an office camera, we’ll outsource if media coverage is needed.
II. Hard drive, phone and memory card would be made available
5.0 Any Other Business (AOB)
- Mrs amachree made it known to us that Mr oziegbe would send Natat an email to engage a
meeting with the head of regulation ,they collect batteries and scavengers buys from them ,so
the people coming to buy from them would be trained and equipped
- Monday 6th of may would be scheduled for personal presentation ,
- 13th of may would be presentation to madam while the week 20 th to 27th in may would be
inspection around FCT
- discussion with environmental regulations like AEPB,OGEPA,LASEPA, we’ll pick for states have
meetings and partnerships with them
- a new staff is coming on board
- website and content development, social media development
6.0 Adjournment/Closing
The meeting was adopted for adjournment by Mr. Aguji and seconded my Ms.Achanya

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