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Administrative Medical Assisting, 5th

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Test Bank for Delmars Administrative Medical Assisting,

5th Edition

Administrative Medical Assisting 8th Edition French

Solutions Manual

Administrative Medical Assisting 8th Edition French

Test Bank

Solution Manual for Pearson’s Medical Assisting Skills

Videos: Administrative and Clinical Skills : 0137021178
Comprehensive Medical Assisting Administrative and
Clinical Competencies 6th Edition Lindh Solutions

Test Bank For Medical Assisting: Administrative and

Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Physiology, 5th
Edition 5th Edition

Comprehensive Medical Assisting Administrative and

Clinical Competencies 6th Edition Lindh Test Bank

Test Bank for Medical Assisting Administrative and

Clinical Competencies 7th Edition by Blesi

Test Bank for Medical Assisting Administrative and

Clinical Competencies 8th Edition by Blesi
In today's dynamic health care environment, medical assistants are
playing an increasingly important role. DELMAR'S
gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this rewarding,
rapidly growing field. Known for its thorough coverage, extensive
technical detail, and accurate, up-to-date content, this proven book
covers clinical tasks such as taking patients' medical histories, recording
vital signs, explaining procedures, and assisting care providers during
exams, as well as administrative duties including managing patient
information, electronic medical records (EMR), insurance
documentation, billing, and bookkeeping. In addition, chapter material
and learning objectives are clearly mapped to ABHES, CAAHEP, and
MAERB competencies, with an increased focus on professionalism and
personal effectiveness, to help you hone practical, real-world skills and
prepare for certification. The guide also supports effective learning with
a variety of online resources to help you make the most of your study
time, including interactive quizzes for self-assessment and the popular
Critical Thinking Challenge application.

We are satisfied with the book as it covers all of our syllabus contents
and it covers all components required by CAAHEP.
Table of Content
Section I: GENERAL PROCEDURES. Unit 1: Introduction to Medical
Assisting and Health Professions. 1. The Medical Assisting Profession.
2. Health Care Settings and the Health Care Team. 3. History of
Medicine. Unit 2: The Therapeutic Approach. 4. Coping Skills for the
Medical Assistant. 5. Therapeutic Communication Skills. 6. The
Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with a Life-Threatening Illness.
Unit 3: Responsible Medical Practice. 7. Legal Considerations. 8.
Ethical Considerations. 9. Emergency Procedures and First Aid. Section
Administrative Procedures. 10. Creating the Facility Environment. 11.
Computers in the Ambulatory Care Setting. 12. Telecommunications. 13.
Patient Scheduling. 14. Medical Records Management. 15. Written
Communications. 16. Medical. Unit 5: Managing Facility Finances. 17.
Medical Insurance. 18. Medical Insurance Coding. 19. Daily Financial
Practices. 20. Billing and Collections. 21. Accounting Practices. Section
Resources Management. 22. The Medical Assistant as Office Manager.
23. The Medical Assistant as Human Resources Manager. Unit 7: Entry
into the Profession. 24. Preparing for Medical Assisting Credentials. 25.
Employment Strategies. Appendix A: Common Medical Abbreviations
and Symbols. Appendix B: Top 50 Brand Drugs for 2007 by Number of
U.S. Prescriptions Dispensed. Appendix C: Occupational Analysis of the
CMA (AAMA). Appendix D: Medical Assisting Task List. Appendix E:
Software Support: The Critical Thinking Challenge and Medical Office.
Simulation Software. Glossary of Terms. Glosario de Terminos. Index.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
possible for the dead to materialize?’ ‘Should we have birth control?’
‘Is the mystic a human need?’ ‘Are the ministers more muzzled than
the editors?’ ‘Would George Sand be received in genteel society
today?’ ‘Was Tolstoi a prophet?’—these are a very few of the many
vital or bizarre questions asked by Miss McAuley and tackled by Sir
Tom, Doctor Dick, and Plain Harry and Lizzie.” (N Y Call)

Freeman 2:46 S 22 ’20 250w

“Nobody could possibly accept half the opinions in this book, but
some of them are enlightening, many are interesting, and the
“‘Wanderer’ idea is excellent.” A. W. Welch

+ N Y Call p10 Jl 25 ’20 360w

Review 3:424 N 3 ’20 240w

MCBRIDE, ISAAC. Barbarous soviet Russia. il

*$2.50 Seltzer 914.7


“Favorable pictures of present-day life in Russia under the

Bolshevist régime, as sketched by an American traveler. Mr McBride
gave special attention to labor conditions, education, the status of
women, and the character of the soviet leadership. Interesting
documents, including a report on the financial situation of Russia,
are included in an appendix.”—R of Rs
Boston Transcript p6 Jl 7 ’20 500w

“What we have not yet seen is a book which combines a frank

confrontation of the point of view of the Soviets with a clear-eyed
estimate of its principles and a fair description of the successes or
failures resulting in the operation. Mr Isaac McBride has failed to
write such a book, but he has at least shown that the materials for it
are not lacking.” Jacob Zeitlin

+ Nation 111:566 N 17 ’20 1400w

“Not the least attractive feature of the book is a number of

excellent illustrations. A great deal of valuable and interesting
information about the labor laws and the industrial condition of
soviet Russia is contained in a long appendix.” A. C. Freeman

+ N Y Call p10 Ag 15 ’20 680w

R of Rs 62:221 Ag ’20 50w

MCCABE, JOSEPH. Taint in politics. *$2 Dodd


“This anonymous attack on the political world of the day deserves

attention as a searching and forcible exposure of many undoubted
abuses. Lack of principle, lightly disguised corruption, privileged
incompetence, a pampered and leisurely civil service, slavish
adherence to party, the substitution of oligarchy for any true
democracy—these and such like features of public life are trenchantly
and often convincingly attacked; and some historical chapters at the
beginning trace the evolution of political corruption back to the
middle ages. Though the writer has some suggestions at the end as to
shorter parliaments, saving of parliamentary time, and, more
broadly, the fundamental need of popular education, he is almost
solely destructive; he is ‘not so much concerned with the method of
purification as the establishment of the disease,’ and it is a real merit
that he is absolutely impartial in his onslaught on the two—or three—
parties and on the coalition.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup

“The value of this anonymous criticism of present-day political

affairs would be greatly enhanced were the writer able to confirm the
hope held out at the commencement, that in spite of his summary
dismissal of politics as everywhere and always more or less tainted,
his attitude might eventually be something more than negative.”

− + Ath p50 Jl 9 ’20 200w

“The reader is likely to find, in this volume, additional reasons for

congratulation that America has not become a partner in the
international gaminghouse. The chapter on American conditions is
disappointingly superficial.” C. N.

+ − Freeman 2:454 Ja 19 ’21 280w

Reviewed by E. L. Pearson

Review 3:229 S 15 ’20 80w

Sat R 129:565 Je 19 ’20 700w
“The thoughtful reader will not, of course, forget that there is
another side to the question.”

+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p286 My 6

’20 280w


past banking in Mexico. *$2 (3c) Harper 332.15


On the ground that the degree of banking development of a

country measures the degree of civilization, comfort, and economic
development, the book attempts “to trace the history of the credit
institutions of the country from their initial stages down to the
present time. Effort has been made to stress the salient facts in the
extraordinary story of the rise and fall of banking in our neighboring
republic.” (Preface) The book is published under the auspices of the
Doheny foundation and a partial list of the contents is: Early stages
of banking and finance; Through the crisis of 1884; Origin of the
Banco nacional; High tide of bank concessions; General law for
institutions of credit; The transition period; Adoption of the gold
standard; Eve of the Madero revolution; Huerta and the banks;
Regime of the Constitucionalistas. There is a bibliography and an

“Dr McCaleb has succeeded in furnishing the only comprehensive

account of banking developments in Mexico. It is not easy for
American readers to understand the statements of Mexican banks
because of the differences in the terminology used, which grow
largely out of differences in banking practice. Dr McCaleb has done
much to make understandable the statements which he cites.” A. N.

+ Am Econ R 10:844 D ’20 940w

+ Booklist 16:330 Jl ’20
Cleveland p75 Ag ’20 30w
R of Rs 62:448 O ’20 50w


Elizabeth. *$2 (1½c) Lane


Henry Elizabeth’s mother had wanted a girl and her name was to
have been Elizabeth. When he was born a boy the Elizabeth stood
with the addition of Henry, Young Braginton, for he was the master
of the manor-house, grew up a country bumpkin much given to
drinking, eating and women. He was a young giant. One day, after a
drunken bout, he encounters a most beautiful woman, such as he had
never seen. It changes his career. He resolves to give up his old life,
go up to London, become one of Queen Elizabeth’s courtiers, and
make himself worthy of his beauty. He falls in with a former court
jester who takes his education in hand, and little by little makes
himself master of all the gallant practices, including swordsmanship.
He has many adventures, serves Elizabeth and is granted favors, and
has the opportunity, most coveted, to champion the cause of his lady
love and rid her of her enemies. Although he had not won her at the
end of the story the reader hopes that he will yet succeed. The picture
of London in Elizabeth’s time is one of the quaint features of the
+ Ath p307 S 8 ’20 160w

“It is characteristic of Mr McCarthy that it has all the excitement

and rapidity of a good swashbuckling tale with a most polished
workmanship and better style than is the case of most books of the

+ Boston Transcript p6 O 13 ’20 420w

“The story is written in that leisurely way that enables the author
to reproduce in fine detail much of the social background of the time
with which it deals and also to accentuate the feeling of its
unhurrying pace. But this is all done without apparent effort and as
an integral part of the story, which moves swiftly enough when the
time for action comes.”

+ N Y Times p26 Ag 22 ’20 650w

“A capital tale of the days of Queen Bess. It is just historical

enough and not too much so. A tale which has incident, action,
humor, and character depiction.”

+ Outlook 126:238 O 6 ’20 80w

“Mr McCarthy is one of our most acceptable historical novelists.

His people are real; and neither they nor he drop into the
mannerisms of style or the pat dialogue too common among his
+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p426 Jl 1
’20 140w
Wis Lib Bul 16:195 N ’20 90w


drama of Italy. *$1.50 (2c) Little 852


The book is one of the Contemporary drama series edited by

Richard Burton. Comparatively little is known to the English-
speaking public of modern Italian dramatists. The object of the book
is to fill the gap. The author holds that the Italian is realistic rather
than romantic and his modern literature is characterized by fidelity
to life and the intellectualization of its themes rather than by
emotionalism. Even romanticism contained the germs of the modern
movement and an increasingly intelligent public demands more and
more discussion and solution of vital questions and urgent problems.
The contents are: The foundations; Giuseppe Giacosa; The early
realists; Gabriele D’Annunzio; The later realists; Roberto Bracco;
Actors and acting, the popular theatre, the dialect theatre; The
younger generation; Futurism and other isms; Bibliographical
appendix; Index.

“Without that special charm which transforms such a book into

one of popular appeal, but still interesting and useful in its
suggestiveness to the drama student and general reader.”

+ − Booklist 16:195 Mr ’20

Cleveland p42 Ap ’20 70w

“Mr MacClintock is very agile, very well-informed, his touch is

light and his taste is catholic.”

+ Freeman 1:70 Mr 31 ’20 200w

“His book is excellent in every way, a model for the other

contributors to the Contemporary drama series. It is founded upon
indefatigable investigation, at once broad and deep. It is informed
with a fine critical spirit. It is logically planned and proportioned. It
is written in clear English. And it is as unfailingly interesting as it is
unhesitatingly instructive.” Brander Matthews

+ N Y Times 25:226 My 2 ’20 2100w

“In spite of occasional infelicities of expression and errors of fact

or of judgment, it is a distinctly valuable contribution to the study of
modern Italian literature. Dr MacClintock’s first chapter, and his
last, ‘Futurism and other isms,’ are the least satisfactory part of his
book, since they involve broad generalizations based on a profound
knowledge of the background. This knowledge he does not yet
sufficiently possess, if one may judge from his tendency to accept and
incorporate the views of previous writers.” K. McKenzie

+ − Review 3:452 N 10 ’20 1000w

MCCONN, MAX. Mollie’s substitute husband, il

*$1.75 (2c) Dodd

“Professor” John Merriam, principal of the Riceville high school,

on account of his startling likeness to the “Boy senator,” George
Norman, was induced to represent that gentleman under rather
amazing circumstances. The Reform league of Chicago was trying to
secure better traction conditions in that city and upon Senator
Norman rested the decision, and it was his intention to veto the
measure. Then what was simpler than for the enterprising Reform
league to kidnap the senator and substitute his double—John
Merriam, who would put the thing thru for them in short order. He
agreed to play the part, which involved playing husband to Mollie
June, with whom he had been in love since she was a school girl. The
situation naturally led to complications both public and private, and
all the people concerned were led a merry chase escaping detection.
A happy outcome at times seemed impossible—but at length it is
achieved for all except the unfortunate Senator Norman himself—
and perhaps he deserved his fate.

“The story is brisk and brilliant, if complicated in plot.”

+ Boston Transcript p6 S 8 ’20 290w

“A certain levity of style with which he writes disarms criticism and

adds to the entertainment he has provided.”

+ N Y Times p29 Ag 15 ’20 550w

Springf’d Republican p9a O 24 ’20 120w
filing. il *$2 Appleton 651


“Based on our experience in training thousands of girls and

women for filing positions no matter what methods were involved, or
what particular manufacturer’s system was employed, this book has
been compiled.... Its purpose is to instruct in the different methods
of filing, which are limited, while the different systems are numerous
and must be reduced to a possible four methods.... Office routine,
short cuts, cross reference and different refinements and
ramifications all come in for proper consideration and the volume is
equally as valuable as a reference book as a textbook.” (Preface)
Contents: Filing equipment; Routing; Alphabetic methods; Numeric
filing; Geographic methods; Subject and decimal methods;
Automatic system; Card indexing; Transferring; Legal filing;
Insurance; Real estate; Follow-up methods; Banking; Sales;
Manufacturing; Stocks and bonds; Card ledgers; Appendix; Index.
The author is director of the New York school of filing.

“A clear, simple presentation.”

+ Booklist 16:334 Jl ’20

+ Springf’d Republican p11a Jl 18 ’20


Army of 1918. *$2 Harcourt 940.373

A work by a member of General Pershing’s staff, with chapters on:

The background of the army; The inspired ambassador; Early days of
the A.E.F.; The great division; Germany’s last offensive; A few
technical points; The pursuit from the Marne; The American
offensives; Some elements of national defense; New weapons and
their use; The general staff; The crime of silence; The only solution.
The solution offered in the concluding chapter is a strong military
establishment with a trained army based on European, preferably
French, models.

“It should be read by everyone who is interested in our future

military policy.”

+ R of Rs 62:671 D ’20 100w


commonwealth, and other educational papers and
addresses. *$3 Century 378


The collection consists largely of college addresses delivered at

opening or commencement exercises, including, as the title essay of
the book, the author’s inaugural address as president of Lafayette
college. One of the leading ideas in this collection is the superiority of
individualism to conformity, communism or state control. Even the
desirability of cooperation is set forth with certain reservations. The
war with its problems furnishes some of the topics. Among the titles
are: The college and the individual; Liberty and cooperation; War
and education; The college and the shadow of war; Federal
leadership in education; Why the trust idea is not applicable to
education; The college man and freedom; The education of women;
Broader education of engineers; Scientific method and therapeutic
impulse; Religion and education.

+ N Y Evening Post p10 D 31 ’20 240w


Crow, detective. il *$2 (3½c) Dodd


Anderson Crow, besides being the detective of the title, held a

number of important municipal offices in the town of Tinkletown,
including those of deputy marshal, deputy superintendent of the fire
department, commissioner of water-works and others. His zeal on
the trail of crime was therefore keen, and he rarely was outwitted,
whether he was capturing German spies, or solving the mystery of a
suicide or following up the effects of hard cider in the Foreign
missionary society. His understudy was Alf Reesling, the village
drunkard, who had been sober for twenty-five years, but who was
living on the reputation of one hilarious week of his youth. Harry
Squires, the editor of the weekly Banner, was a thorn in the side of
the detective, although but for him some of his successes would have
been failures.
+ − Booklist 16:313 Je ’20

“The tales are written in a farcical, extravagant style which, when

applied to characters obviously intended to represent everyday
human beings, needs a strong dash of humor to make it palatable.
Mr McCutcheon has not made them funny enough. The illustrations,
by the author’s famous brother, are full of ‘pep’ as one would expect
them to be.”

+ − N Y Times 25:199 Ap 18 ’20 300w

“Good fun.”

+ Outlook 124:657 Ap 14 ’20 50w

“While sketchy and episodical, the narrative is well knit. It is,

perhaps, not far from the truth to say that Mr McCutcheon’s story is
a satire on the detective creation of the fiction writers.”

+ Springf’d Republican p11a My 9 ’20



drift. *$2 (2c) Dodd


The Doraine, in the treacherous days of the war, sailed one day
from a South American port carrying a thousand souls. And from
that day she was never seen again, and was eventually reported lost
with all on board. But two German spies might have given a fuller
report if they had told of their work before they dropped off onto the
launch that was awaiting them in the middle of the South Atlantic.
The Doraine was left to helplessly drift, at the mercy of wind and
tide. So finally she was borne to the shores of an uninhabited island.
And there the six hundred or so human beings who had survived the
rigors and exposure of the trip, landed and made a settlement. All the
elements in human nature which men are familiar with in normal
circumstances made themselves felt here, capacity for leadership,
love, jealousy, temptation, treachery, justice, but strongest of all,
hope in the future. Algernon Adonis Percival, in spite of his name
and the fact that he was a stowaway on the doomed ship, is the
strongest character of all, and his career is the most interesting as he
rises to the governorship in quite Admirable Crichton style.

+ Booklist 17:117 D ’20

Boston Transcript p8 D 11 ’20 210w

“George Barr McCutcheon, the facile creator of mythical

kingdoms, has invented a new ‘Swiss Family Robinson’ quite
stupendous enough for production by Mr Griffith.”

+ N Y Evening Post p10 N 6 ’20 150w

“There is a straightaway yarn, which, if not particularly original or

strikingly dramatic, at least leads one logically from the first chapter
to the last with the feeling that one has been in company of a good-
humored entertainer. Brightly written throughout, Mr McCutcheon’s
latest novel is worthy of his reputation.”
+ N Y Times p25 D 26 ’20 480w

“The book is worth reading for itself and also because it brings
saliently to mind some of the things which are essential to liberty and
combined effort in civilized countries, as well as in desert islands.”

+ Outlook 126:600 D 1 ’20 90w

“The book was not written to prove anything for which many will
be thankful.” Caroline Singer

+ Pub W 98:1190 O 16 ’20 180w

“It is an entertaining tale which holds the reader enthralled

through its various stages.”

+ Springf’d Republican p9a O 31 ’20 200w

MACDONALD, GREVILLE. North door. *$2

(1½c) Houghton


This romance, whose scene is the coast of Cornwall more than a

century ago, has a historic background. It shows us the dawn of
modern industrialism and how a country’s prosperity may be paid
for with the blood of a once prosperous peasantry. The central figure
is a saintly but rather unorthodox priest who puts his faith in the
good to the supreme test by himself crossing the threshold of the
accursed “North door” of the church in search of the reality of sin
and evil. He finds both only to see it vanish before the higher reality
of a divine goodness. A two-fold romance runs through the story,
that of a peasant girl’s heroic love for a giant fisherman and smuggler
and the highly spiritualized romance between the priest and Lady

“In this attempt to reproduce the life of a Cornish parish during

the first decade of the nineteenth century some faults of construction
are redeemed by much charm and sincerity.”

+ − Ath p815 Je 18 ’20 130w

“Something of Hawthorne’s moral sense, his superstitious awe, his

sternness, his artistry, and, to a certain extent, his power of
construction are more than noticeable—they are outstanding. George
Brandes once declared that literature’s task is to give a ‘condensed
representation of a people and an age.’ If this is true, then ‘The north
door’ is surely entitled to consideration as literature.”

+ − N Y Times p24 Ag 29 ’20 640w

“The book has a marked character of its own, it is unusual and


+ Sat R 130:262 S 25 ’20 90w

“The portrait of Christopher Trevenna is a real, if slightly

sentimental, piece of character drawing. The author’s rather verbose
and involved style places an unnecessary obstacle in the way of the
reader’s enjoyment.”
+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p370 Je 10
’20 150w


Government of India. *$1.50 Huebsch 354

(Eng ed 20–509)

“The appearance of this informative book is stated by the author to

have been delayed by the war. He reviews the origin and evolution of
the links which connect India with ourselves, and reminds readers
that the needs of that empire cannot be met by an adjustment here
and an adjustment there: ‘they have to be viewed in their wide
sweep.’ Mr Macdonald discusses with considerable fullness the
Montagu-Chelmsford report, deals with the religious problems in
India, and remarks that a very common opinion of both Indians and
English is that the Christian missions in India thwart the nationalist
movement—partly by implanting in the minds of the people thoughts
which lead them away from Indian leadership and ideas. In the
author’s judgment, the Legislative councils should have more
authority, especially in finance, and the Viceroy’s council be made
more representative.”—Ath

Ath p1272 N 28 ’19 200w

Booklist 17:66 N ’20
“This new volume has been produced in an international milieu
which is characterized by at least two sets of conditions. The first are
those generated by the talk of a league of nations, and the second is
the fait accompli of a socialist state in bolshevik Russia. And it is
because the author seeks to harmonize his theories with these novel
phenomena that his book acquires an importance such as is hardly
indicated by the limitations of its title.” B. K. Sarkar

+ − Freeman 1:476 Jl 28 ’20 1200w

“The trouble about Mr Ramsay Macdonald’s book on India is that

portions of it are obsolete. He describes a form of government which
is about to undergo great modifications. Little further need be said
by the way of criticism. Mr Macdonald writes with a practised hand,
sometimes even with charm. He has handled his theme with
moderation and restraint. It is a pleasure to pick up a book about
India which contains no word of bitterness, no trace of violent
controversy, no exaggeration or over-statement.”

+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p723 D 11

’19 950w


and revolution. (New library of social science) *$1.50
Seltzer 335


“‘Parliament and revolution’ is a careful comparison between the

existing government in England and the aims and projects of the
Bolshevists. While the book is antibolshevist, Mr Macdonald is quick
to recognize any sound reasoning in the bolshevist theories to
denounce the flaws in the rule of Parliament. He includes a
description of the working of the soviet system in Russia, and a
discussion of ‘direct action,’ the name under which bolshevism is
discussed and advocated by the British labor party.”—Springf’d

“Not in any sense an objective scientific study, but an assertion of

principles that deserves attention.”

+ Booklist 17:54 N ’20

Reviewed by Ordway Tead

+ Dial 69:412 O ’20 640w

+ Ind 104:247 N 13 ’20 60w

“As a piece of argumentation ‘Parliament and revolution’ leaves a

good deal to be desired. Its logical texture is not of the finest; too
often it gives us assertion where we want demonstration; and as for
‘scientific’ and ‘unbiased,’ these adjectives, by which the book is
described in the publishers’ advertisement on the paper cover, have
no more to do with the case than the flowers that bloom in the
spring.” R. L. Schuyler

− Nation 110:826 Je 19 ’20 850w

“In a measure, Mr Macdonald’s book is a salutary corrective to a

good deal of loose vituperation. But there is another aspect to the
matter with which he has failed to deal. Granted the ignorance and
inertia of the modern electorate what, at bottom, are its causes?...
The trade unions have an importance which Mr Macdonald
altogether fails to give them in this study.” H. J. L.

+ − New Repub 22:383 My 19 ’20 1800w

“The book is one that, we warrant, will not fully satisfy any single
Socialist. One feels himself at times tantalized between enjoyment of
some excellent statement of principle or fact or analysis of some
particular question, only to draw a conclusion here and there that
appears to be a concession to conventional opinion. Yet the book will
appeal to all but the romanticists and those of fixed opinions.” James

+ − N Y Call p10 Jl 25 ’20 1000w

“The first volume of the New library of social science seems to me

the most straightforward treatise on government which has come out
since the beginning of the war.” M. H. Anderson

+ Pub W 97:998 Mr 20 ’20 320w

“It is to be hoped that this contribution may stimulate a further

discussion on these important questions of the technique of

+ Socialist R 10:28 Ja ’21 920w

“It is forceful in logic and classic in clearness.”

+ Springf’d Republican p11a Je 27 ’20


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