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es aoutes by the same amount. Effect of Transaction ILLUSTRATION 1. Suppose Gopal starts a new business and the following successive transactions take place :— S on Accounting Equations Transaction 1 : The effect of the t 75,000 in the form o} form of capital. The tr Gopal started business with 775,000 as capital. ransaction will be that the firm has received assets totalling f cash and the claims against the firm are also 375,000 in the ansaction can be expressed in the fo rm of an accounting equation as follows :-— Assets = Liabilities + Capital Cash = Liabilities. + Capital 75,000 = 0 + 75,000 Transaction 2 2: Gopal purchased furniture for Cash %5,000. The effect of this transaction is that the cash is reduced by %5,000, but a new asset of the same amount has been acquired. The transaction decreases one asset and at the same time increases the other asset with the same amount, leaving the total of the assets unchanged. The equation now will appear as follows :- Assets = Liabilities + Capital Cash + Furniture = Liabilities. + Capital Old Equation 75,000 + 0 = 0 + 75,000 Transaction —(-) 5,000 + 5,000 = 0 + 0 New Equation 70,000 + 5,000 = 0 + 75,000 J amaction 5: Gopal purchased goods for Cash 20,000, AS a result of this transaction, cash balance is reduced and another asset (goods) has come into existence, leaving the total of the assets unchanged. The equation wil appear as follows : As cts, - + Capital Cash + Purniture + Goods = + Capital Old Equation 70,000 + 5,000 + 0 = 0 + 75,000 Transaction (-) 20,000 + 0 + 20,000 0 - _ + 0 New Equation 50,000 + 5,000 + 20,000 + 75,000 Fransaetion 4+ Gopal purchased goods on eredit for 216,000, This transaction will increase goods on the assets side and will ereate liability in the form of creditors. (The persons from whom goods have been purchased on cr it “uwcalled creditors.) The equation will be as follows Assets Liabilities + Cash + Fummiture + Goods Creditors. + Old Equation 50,000 + 5,000 + 20,000 =o + Transaction 0 +0 + 16,000 16,000 + New Equation 50,000 + 5,000 + 36,000 = 16,000 Fransaction 5 + Goods costing 12,000 sold on credit for 215,000. This transaction will give rise to a new asset in the form of Debtors to the extent of £15,000. (Debtors are those persons to whom goods have been sold on credit). But the goods will be reduced only by %12,000, the cost of goods sold. The net increase in assets €3,000 is the amount of profit which will be added to the capital. The effect of the transaction has been explained in the following equatio Assets Liabilities + Capital Cash + Fumiture+ Goods + Debtors = Creditors + Capital old Equation 50,000 + 5,000 + 36,000 + 0 16,000 + 75,000 Transaction 0 + 0 ~ 12,000 + 15000 = 0 + 3,000 = 16,000 + 78,000 New Equation 50,000 + Transaction 6 :— Paid €1,000 for rent. ‘The effect of the transaction is that firstly, itreduces cash and secondly, as the rent isan expense, it results ina loss which deereases the capital. The revised equation will appear as follows — Liabilities + Capital Assets Cash + Fumiture+ Goods + Debtors = Creditors + Capital Old Equation 50,000 + 5,000 + 24,000 + 15,000 16,000 + 78,000 Transaction (-) 1,000 + 0 +0 +0 =0 ) 1,000 New Equation 49,000 + 5,000 + 24,000 + 15,000 16,000 + 77,000 From the study of the above transactions it may be concluded that every transaction has a double effect and in each case Assets ~ Liabilities + Capita. In other rue in all cases’, The last equation words, it can be said that “Accounting Equatio appearing in the books of Gopal may also be presented in the form of a statement named as Balance Sheet. It will appear as shown below -— BALANCE SHEET OF GOPAL as at Liabilities + Capital z Assets x Creditors 16,000, Cash 49,000 Gopal’s Capital 77,000 Furniture 5,000 Goods 24,000 Debtors 15,000 93,000 93,000 ee 64 ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS ———— ILLUSTRATION 2. Show the Accounting Equation on the basis of the following transactions and prepare a Balance Sheet on the basis of the last new equation as ee Ne ee “7 1. Mukesh started business wi 80,000 2. Purchased goods for cash 28,000 20,000 . Purchased goods on credit | Purchased furniture for cash 6,000 3 4 5. Paid rent 2,000 6. Received Commission 500 7. Withdrew cash for private use 3,000 8, 40,000 9 | Sold goods on credit (cost price £30,000) 15,000 | Paid to creditors | — oe SOLUTION (2) No Transaction | Mukesh started business with H0,000 é Bauation 2. Purchased goods for eash 228000 (-) E New Equation 3. Puehased goods on creat 20,000 e New Fauation 4. Porehased furniture for Cash o "26.000 E "New Equation 5. Paid Rent £2,000 0 [New Equation 6. Received Commission £500 + "New Equation 7. Withdrew Cash for private use 53,000 o ‘New Bguation Sold goods on creat for £40,000 (Cost 830,000) [New Equation 9. Paid wo Creditors £15,000 o Final Equation ACCOUNTING EQUATION Assets Cash 0,000 0,000 28,000 52,000 ° 52,000 6,000 446,000 2.000 “S00 44,500 3.000 41,500 ° 41,500 15/000, 26,500 Stock « « 24,00¢ 28,006 20,00¢ 48,000 © 48,0 48,000 « 48,006 © 48,006 30,006 18,006 © 18,000 Furniture 6.000 6.000 6,000 6,000 6.000 6,000 6,000 Debtors 40,000 40,000 40,000 Liabilities Creditors 20,000 o 20,000 ° 20,000 o 20,000 ° 20.000 15.000 5,000 380,000 2,000 78,000 500 78.500 3,000 75,300 10,000 85,500 85,500 a. EXPLANATION Serial Transactions Accouns Affected - Assets Liabilities and Capital 1. Capital brought in Cash increases Capital increases Purchased goods for cash Stock inereases Cash decreases 3, Purchased goods on credit Stock increases. Creditors increase 4. Purchased furniture for Cash decreases cash Furiture increases 5. Paid rent Cash decreases Rent = Expenses Therefore, Capital decreases 6. Received Commission ‘Cash increases ‘Commission = Income ‘Therefore, Capital increases 7. Withdrew cash for private Cash decreases Capital decreases. use 8 Sold goods on credit for Debtors increase by, Capital increases by %40,000 (Cost price 740,000. Stock 710,000 730,000) decreases by 230,000 9. Paid to creditors ‘Cash decreases Creditors decrease BALANCE SHEET OF MUKESH as at os Liabilities + Capital Amount Assets Amount z z Creditors 5,000 Cash 26,500 Capital 85,500. Stock 18,000 Furniture 6,000 Debtors 40,000, 90,500 90,500 ILLUSTRATION 3. Prepare “Accounting Equation’ from the following (a) Started business with cash 71,00,000. (6) Purchased goods for cash 720,000 and on credit £30,000, (c) Sold goods for cash costin, 1 710,000 and on credit costing 715,000 both at 4 profit of 20%, (Chandigarh, 2018) SOLUTION : (3) ACCOUNTING EQUATION gE ‘Transaction Assets i. i wisi - + Siok a) Suan busines wink 1.00000 + + ation vono00 + ° (0) Psa oe fo Ca £20.00 0 Sioa e000 © anoo0 + 50000. + New Equation som + 50000 > (© $e goa for Cat coming o.oo and on Ces soning Eisomecmasprantet 0% 6) 12000) 25000. + Final Egon 1 sco + 25000 + (0) Good costing £10,000 aa profi of 20% prot = 19000 x 22,» 2,00, Sale Pie 10000 +2000 = 1 uy Goods costing £15,000 stat ro of 2% Prot = 15,00 « 2 «3,00: Sale Price 1500 + 3.900 ~ 18000 i Prost on sae €2,000 + €3.000 ~ €5,000 is aed v0 Cepia 18,000 18,000 abies Creditors 30,000 Hl wi 3 3 ILLUSTRATION 4. Show the effect of the following transactions on Assets, Liabilities and Capitay through accounting equation z (a) Started business with cash 1,20,000 (6) Rent received 10,009 (c) Invested in shares 50,009 (a) Received dividend 5,000 (@) Purchased goods on credit from Ragani 35,000 () Paid cash for household expenses 7,000 (2) Sold goods for eash (costing 210,000) 14,000 (A) Cash paid to Ragani 35,000 (Deposited into bank 20,000 (Solution on Next Page) (NCERT Q. 7) —————— ILLUSTRATION 5. Transactions of M/s Vipin Traders are given below : Show the effects on Assets, Liabilit es and Capital with the help of accounting equation, z (@) Business started with cash 125,000 (6) Purchased goods for cash 50,000 (c) Purchased furniture from R.K. Fumiture on Credit 10,000 (4) Sold goods to Parul Traders (Costing €7,000 vide bil no 5,674) 9,000 () Paid cartage 100 () Cash Paid to R.K. Furniture in full settlement 9,700 (2) Cash sales (costing 210,000) 12,000 (a) Rent received 4,000 (0 Cash withdrew for personal use 3,000 (Solution on Page 6.10) (NCERT Q. 9) canal ILLUSTRATION 6. (0 ‘Started busines with Cash €1,00,000 (Gi) Paid rent in advance %3,000, (ii) Purchased woods for cash 25 ri 0,000 and Credit €20,000, (®) ‘Sold goods for Cash %80,00 10 costing 240,000. 5 salary outstanding %1,000, () Bought motorcycle for personal use 230,000. (Solution on Page 6.11) a SOLUTION (4) ACCOUNTING EQUATION z Sho Transaction Aseis een = abies > Capital) | cath + Shares + Stock + “Bank = Creditors = Capital 5 (a) Stara business with Cash z T0000 1.20.00 oe ot o 0+ 120000 = Pauation 1.20000 + 0+ o+ 8 0+ 120000 = 1) Rent received £10,000 + “Topo + ° + O° o- 8 + “Too. 5 ‘New Fquation 130,000 + 0+ 0+ o- 0 + 130000 2 {o) vested in shares £50,000 © "s0900 + 30.000 + oF 0 - oo? ‘New Equation 30,000 + 50,000 + o + o = 0+ 130000 a) Receives Dividend £5,000 © "S00 + ot ot ° o> 000 ‘New Eauation s5.000 + 50.000 + o + o o> 135.000 (e) Purchased goods on eredit ot 0+ 350000 + 0 = 35000 > ° ‘S000 New Equation 15,000 + 35,000 = 38000 > (9 Paid cas or household expenses 7.000 © 7.000 + oe o+ o- oo New tation rao + $9000 + 35000 + © = 35000 = (4) Sold goods for cash (Costing 10,000) for €14.000 (1400+ 0G) 10.000 + o- o + New Equation 52,000 + £0000 + 28.000 + o = 35000 + (0) Cash paid 6 Ragan €35,000 38.000 + oF ot 0 = c3so0 = ‘Nev Eauation 57.000 + $0.00 + 25000 * ° o 4 (0 Deposited into bank £20,000 © 20000. + oF 0 + 20,000 oF Fina Equation 37.000 + $0000 + 25000 + 20.000 o- os SOLUTION : (5) ACCOUNTING EQUATION : S.No Transaction Assets = Testes + Capea, Cash + Stock + Fumiture + Debtors = Creditors + Capital | (a) Stared sins with Cash 25,000 + oe oe o- © + 125,000 3125,000 Equation 25,000 + o + o + o = 0 + 1,25.000 (@) Purchased goods foreash © “S000 + 53.000 + ot 0: oF ° 50,000 New Equation 75,000 + 50,000. + o+ o 0 + 125,000 (6) Porchassd Famitore from RK Furniture on credit £10,000 oe 0 + 10,000 + ° 10.000 + ° New Equation 75000 + 50,000 + 10,000 + ° 10,000 + 1,25,000 (2) Sold goods to Paral Traders Costing £7,000 Fr 29,000 © 1000 + 0 + 9,00 = © + 2,000 New Euston 75000 + 43,000 + 10,000 + 9,000 10,000 + 1.27.00 | 6) Paid Canage #100 O10 + ot oF ° 2” 10 New Equation 74900 + 45,000 + 10,000 + 9,000 = 10,000 + 1,26.900 | (P)Paid cash RK. Puritue in full | seitlement £9,700 © 9,700 + oe os © = (10000 + 300 New Equation 65200 + 43,000 + 10,000 + 9,000 0+ 127200 |= (2) Cash sales Costing 210,000) for 3 #12000 © 12,000.) 16000 + 0 o- © + 2,000 | [New Equation 7120 + 33000 + 10.000 + 9,000 = © + 129200 hy Ren received £4,000 ©) 4000 + ot ot ° 0 + "4000 New Equation 81,200 + 33000 + 10,000 + 9,000 0 + 133,200 (Cash withdrew for personal use | £5,000 3.000 + o+ oe o © 3.000 inal Equation 78200 + 33000 + 10,000 + 9.000 0 + 130200 | = SOLUTION : (6) w wy ” oo ACCOUNTING EQUATION Transaction cash ‘Stare business with Cash 1,00,000 Faquation 1,00,000 Paid rt in advance 3.000 New Equation 97,000 Purchased goods for cash £50,0 andere £20,000 0,000 ‘New Equation 47,000 Sold goods fo eash £80,000 costing €40,000 + 80,000 New Equation 127,000 Pid salary in cash €4.500 and salary oustanding? €1,000 4.50 New Equation 1.22,500 ought motor eyele for ‘personal use 230.000 30,000 Final Equation 92,500 Assets Stock + 70,000 70,000 40,000 30,000 ° 30.000 ° 30,000 Prepaid Exp. 3,000 3,000 3.000 ° 3,000 ° 3,000 ° Liabilities Creditors + ° o- 20,000 + oe 20,000 + Ouistan- ding exp. 1.000 1,000 ° 1,000 + students are advise to refer to Chapter 9 for understanding the meaning of advance payments and outstanding expenses. ILLUSTRATION 7. Show the effect of following transactions on the accounting equation (1) Manoj started business with z (i) Cash 2,30,009 (ii). Goods 100,009 (it) Building 2,00,009 (2) He purchased goods for cash 50,009 (3) He sold goods for cash (costing 720,000) 35,000 (4) He purchased goods from Rahul 55,000 (5) He sold goods to Varun (costing 752,000) 60,000 (6) He paid cash to Rahul in full settlement 53,000 (7) Salary paid by him 20,000 (8) Received cash from Varun in full settlement 59,000 (9). Rent outstanding 3,000 (10) Commission received by him 13,000 (11) Amount withdrawn by him for personal use 20,000 (12) Depreciation charged on building 10,000 (NCERT 0. 8 (Solution on Next Page) ILLUSTRATION 8. Prepare accounting equation from the following (a) Started business with cash %1,00,000 ard goods worth 720,000. (5) Sold 50% of the above goods at a profit of 2,000 on credit to Ram. (©) Ram paid 90% of his amount in full settlement. (KVS 2019) SOLUTION : ACCOUNTING EQUATION Transaction ‘ Assets. - Capital Cash + Stock + Debtors Capital (a) Started business 1,00,000 + 20,000 1,20,000 (b) Sold 50% of above g00ds at a profit of 22,000 on credit 10,000 + 12,000, 1,00,000 + 10,000 + 12,000 (c) Ram paid 90% amount in full settlement 10,800, - 12,000 () 1,200 Final Equation 1,10,800° + —10,c00 = 1,20,800 SOLUTION : (7) ACCOUNTING EQUATION S.No Transaction ‘Assets = Liabities + capital \S Cash + Stock + Building + Debtors = Creditors + Outstan- + Capital ding exp. (1) Started husiness with Cash, : po0ds and ailing 2,30,000 + 100,000 + _2,00,000 o 5,30,000 Equation 2,30,000 + 1,00,000 + 2,00,000 530,000 (2) Purchased goods for Cash = "50,000 + "50,000 + 0 + 0 "New Equation 1,80,000 + 1,$0,000 + —2,00,000 - + 530,000 1G) Sold goods costing #20,000 for 238,000 + 35,000 - 20,000 + ° + 15,000 ‘Now Equation 2,15,000 + 1,30,000 + —2,00,000 + 545,000 (4) Purchased goods from Rahul 0+ "35.000 + ° = 8,000 + ° "New Equation 2.15000 + 1,85,000 + 2,00,000 55,000 + 545,000 (5) Sold goods to Varun costing 52,000 for £60,000 0 52,000 + 0+ 60,000 = ° * 8000 "New Equation 2,15,000 + 1,33,000 + 2,00,000 + 60,000 = $5,000 ~ 553,000 (6) Pid ash to Ral in full, settlement £83,000 ~ $8,000 + oF oF 0 ~55,000 ~ 2.000) "New Equation 1,62,000 + 1,33,000 + 2,00,000 + 60,000 = ° 535.000 (7) Salary pai = “20,000 + oF o+ o- ° 20.000 [New Equation 142,000 + 1,33,000 + 2,00,000 + 60,000 = 0 + $38,000 (8) Received ash from Varun in full selement £59,000 + 59.000 + oF 60,000 ° 1,000 ‘New Faaation 201,000 + 133,000 + ° ° 534.000 Continued on nest page (©) Rent Outstanding os oF ° New Fquation 201,000 + 1.33.00 + 300,000 (10) Commission received 13,000 + or o New Equation 2.14,000 + 133,000 + 200,000 (11) Widen for personal use 20,000 + o+ ° (12) Depreciation on Bung Oo e000 1,94,000 + 1,33,000 + 150,000 Fina Equation ° ° o ° o ° "Students are advised 0 refer to Chapter 9 for understanding the meaning of outstanding expenses and depreciation, 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 3,000 531,000 13,000 544,000 20,000 5.24,000 10,000 5.14,000 ND ji,USTRATION ‘rove that the accounting equation is satisfied in all the following transactions of sudhit : 5 1, Started business with Cash 850,000 and goods 20.000. 2, Bought goods for Cash 215,000 and on credit for 710,000. 45, Goods Costing €24,000 sold at a profit of 33 % Half the payment received in cash, 44, Purchased furniture for office use 6,000 and for household use of Sudhir £4,000. (Solution on Next Page) sa {LLUSTRATION 10. If the Capital of a business is %1,00,000 and outside liabilities are %60,000, Calculate total assets of the business. SOLUTION : Assets = Liabilities + Capital 260,000 + £1,00,000 = 1,60,000 ILLUSTRATION 11. Ir total assets of a business are €2,00,000 and net worth (Capital) is €1,50,000, Calculate Creditors. SOLUTION : Creditors (Liabilities) = Assets ~ Capital = 32,00,000 ~ 1,50,000 = 250,000 ILLUSTRATION 12. A commenced business on Ist April, 2017 with a Capital of %5,00,000. On 31st March, 2018, his assets were worth %7,80,000 and liabilities %70,000. Find out his closing capital and profits eamed during the year. (Chandigarh 2019) = Closing Assets — Closing Liabilities = 7,80,000 ~ 70,000 = 27,10,000 Profit = Closing Capital ~ Opening Capital = ¥7,10,000 — 25,00,000 = &2,10,000 SOLUTION -(9) SNe, Tramacton 1. Stantod hoses with Cash 50 000 ard panes 820.000 2. Bought goods for Cash £15,000 sno sre for £10,000 o New Eauation 3. Goods costing £24,000 soldat provi of 335% Halt the payment received in Cash + New Equation 4 Purchased furiture for office use 6.000 and for household use of Sudnie 24.000 o Final Equation ACCOUNTING “QUATION Avvets Cash 4 Sock + Debtors 50.000 + 20900. + o £0,000 + 20900. + ° 15000 + 28:00 + ° 35.000 + 45,000 + o 16,000 + 16,000 51,000. + + 16,000 10,000 o+ o 41,000 2100 + 16,000 Pur 6.000 6.000 = 10,000 = 10,000 8.000 78.000 4.000 74,000 dee eee ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS 6.17 Sano JLLUSTRATION 13. (a) Surender Mohan started business on Ist April, 2022 with Capital of €7,50,000 and a loan of ©2,00,000 taken from Punjab National Bank. On 31st March, 2023 ; his assets were %15,00,000, Find out his Capital on 31st March, 2023 and profits made or losses incurred during the year 2022-23. (6) Ifinthe above illustration, the proprietor had introduced additional capital of €1,25,000 and had withdrawn %40,000 for personal purposes, find out the prot SOLUTION : {o) Closing Capital ~ Closing Assets ~ Closing Liabilities = %15,00,000 — %2,00,000 713,00,000 Profit = Closing Capital — Opening Capital %13,00,000 — %7,50,000 = %5,50,000 (b) Profit Closing Capital + Drawing - Additional Capital - Opening Capital = %13,00,000 + 40,000 - 1,25,000 — 27,50,000 %4,65,000 ILLUSTRATION 14. Give an example for each of the following type of transactions (i) Increase in one asset, decrease in another asset (ii) Inerease in asset, increase in liability (iii) Increase in asset, increase in owner's capital. (iv) Decrease in asset, decrease in liability. 4 (v) Decrease in asset, decrease in owner's capi SOLUTION : (i) Purchase of Machinery for Cash: _ Increase in Machinery and éeorease in Cash (ii) Purchase of Machinery on Credit Increase in Machinery and increase in liability (iii) Capital introduced by proprietor Increase in Cash and inerease in Capital (iv) Payment to Creditors Decrease in Cash and decrease in Creditors (») Cash withdrawn by proprietor from Decrease in Cash the business for personal use and decrease in Capital : Meaning of Debit and Credit Alll accounts are divided into two sides. The left side of'an account is arbitrarily or traditionally called Debit side and the right side of an account is called Credit side. In the abbreviated form, Debit is written as Dr. and Credit is written as Cr. For example, isi 6 ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS Dr. LIABILITY, CAPITAL OR INCOME ACCOUNT Record decrease in these accounts) | Record increase in these accounts on con this side. this side. ILLUSTRATION 15. On whi le will the increase in the following accounts be recorded? Alsg mention the nature of Account 1. Cash 5. Proprietors Account 2. Machinery 6. Rent Received 3, Debtor 7. Salary Paid 4. Creditor 8. Interest Received SOLUTION : (Nature of Account) (Nature of Account) 1. Debit — Asset 5. Credit — Capital 2. Debit — Asset 6. Credit — Income 3. Debit — Asset 7. Debit — Expenses 4. Credit — Liability 8. Credit — Income ILLUSTRATION 16. On which side the decrease in the following acenunts be recorded? Also mention the nature of Account — 1. Furniture 4. Salary Paid 2. Bank 5. Salary Outstanding 3. Proprietor’s Account 6, Subhash C a Customer SOLUTION : (Nature of Account) (Nature of Account) 1. Credit — Asset 4, Credit — Expenses 2. Credit — Asset 5. Debit — Li 3. Debit — Capital Ae 6. Credit — Asset —— ILLUSTRATION 17. From the followin, ‘account will be debited 1. 2 3 4, 5 6. 7 8 9, 'e transactions, state the nature of accounts and state which and which account will be credited : Sahdev started business with cash %5,00,000, Purchased goods for cash %20,000, purchased goods from Raghubiron credit for $25,000, Purchased furniture from Fancy Furitute House for 1,50,000 on credit Sold goods for cash 30,000, Sold goods to Yuvraj on credit for 850,000. Cash paid to Raghubir 220,000 Cash received from Yuvraj 215,000, Paid rent 210,000, ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS i é Involved z Sahdey started business with Cash Asset Increase $00,000 Cash €5,00,000 Capital Capital Increase 500,000 2, Purchased goods for Cash Purchases Expense | Increase 20,000 220,000 Cash Asset ect 20,000 3, Purchased goods from | Purchases | Expense Increase 25,000 Raghubir on credit for Raghubit Liability Increase 25,000 225,000 | 4, Purchased fumiture from Fumiture Asset Increase _1,50,000 Fancy Fumiture House for Fancy Liability Increase 150,000 21,50,000 on credit | Fumiture ITF “House 5, Sold goods for cash 830,000 Cash Asset. Increase. —30,000_ SELL Sales Revenue Increase 30,000 6. Sold goods to Yuvraj on Yuvraj Asset Increase. 50,000. eredit ®50,000 Sales Revenue Increase 7, Cash paid to Raghubir| Raghubir Liability | Decrease £20,000 Cash Asset | Decrease & Cash received from Yuvraj Cash Asset Increase 15,000 “Yuvraj Asset | Decrease 9. Paid rent %10,000 | Rent Expense | Increase : | Cash Decrease ILLUSTRATION 18. (Open “T° shape account for furniture and write the Following on the proper side : 1, Furniture purchased for €20,000 2. Fumiture sold costing &5,000 3, Fumiture again purchased for 78,000 4, Old Fumiture discarded for 82,500 5. Value of Furniture was reduced by %2,000 SOLUTION : Dr. FURNITURE ACCOUNT Cr. z == z Record Inerease in funiture on this side 1. To Cash ~ Furmiture Purchased 3. To Cash ~ Furiture Purchased Total Record decrease in furniture on this side 20,000 2. By Cash — Furiture Sold 5,000 8,000 4. By Fumiture Discarded 2.500 5. By Depreciation 2,000 28,000 Total 9.500 Balance 8,500 28,000 28,000 eae *F ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS ILLUSTRATION 19. ; Open “T" shape account of our ereditor ‘Sanjay and write the following transactions on the proper side : 1. Purchased goods from Sanjay on Credit for £40,000. 2. Paid to Sanjay %25,000. 3. Again purchased goods from Sanjay on Credit for %16,000. 4. Goods retumed to Sanjay for €2,000. 5. Paid to Sanjay €20,000, SOLUTION : Dr. SANJAY (Creditor’s A/c) z Record decrease on tis side Record inerease on this side 2, To Cash 25,000 1. By Purchases 40,000 4. To Goods Retumed 2,000.3, By Purchases 16,000 5. To Cash 20,000 _ Total 47,000 Total 56,000 Balance 9,000 ILLUSTRATION 20. Put the following on the proper side of Debtor’s A/c, Creditor’s A/e and Cash Ale -— (a) Sold goods for Cash (®) Sold goods to X'on Credit (©) Received cash from.’ (4) Purchased goods from ¥ on Credit (©) Purchased goods from ¥ for cash (Paid w ¥ SOLUTION Dr. __ CASH ACCOUNT Ce cI Be Se a (a) To Sales, 25,000 (e) By Purchases 8,000 (Tox 28,000 (f) By ¥ 15,000 53,000 23,000 Balance 30,000 $5,000 ACCOUNTING EQUATIONS Dr X Debtor's Account) S (b) To Sales Dr. ¥ (Creditor's Account) (f) To Cash 15,000 | (d) By Purchases Balance 7,000 22,000 22,000 ILLUSTRATION 21. From the following particulars prepare the Proprietor’s Capital Account for the year ended 31st March 2023 : 2022 | April |__| Started business with cash %75,000 June 17 Withdrew from business for personal use 210,000 July 31 Life insurance premium paid 13,000 Sept. 25 Sold personal investments worth 215,000 at 5% profit and brought into business on the same date. 2023 March 31 |Loss for the year 75,000 SOLUTION : Dr. CAPITAL ACCOUNT Cr. Date Particulars be | Increase willbe | recorded on this side : | recorded on this side : 2022 | 2022 | June 17 To Bank (Drawings) 10,000 | April | By Bank 75,000 July 31 To Bank (Drawings) 13,000 Sept. 25 By Bank 2023 (15,000 x 105/100) 15,750 March 31 To Profit & Loss A/c (Loss) March 31 To Balance ¢/d SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS ee anatian halde cand under all circumstances.’’ Give Ans. Credit side. —————— PRACTICAL QUESTIONS (Question Nos. 1 to 21 are strictly in the serial order of Illustrations) (. |. Prepare Accounting Equation from the following :— 1. Sandeep started business with Cash 2. Purchased furniture for cash 5,000 3.| Purchased goods for cash / 20,000 — 4. Purchased goods on credit 36,006 5. Paid for rent 0a 6. Goods costing %40,000 sold ata profit of 20% for cash [Ans. Assets : Cash %1,22,300 + Fumiture %5,000 + Stock %16,000 = Li Creditors 36,000 + Capital ®1,07,300.] Q.2.(A), Show the Accounting Equation on the basis ofthe followin, balance sheet on the last new equation balances abilities 1 and present (ii), Bought furniture for (iii) Purchased goods on credit (iv) Sold goods on cash (cost 2500) for (0) Received rent (vi) Purchased goods for cash (vii), Withdrew for personal use (viii) Paid to creditors (ix) Paid for salaries —________ | 2 [Ans Assets : Cash %48,100 + fumiture £500 + stock 4,500 = Liabilities: creditors 3,600 + capital %49,500; Balance Sheet total 53,100.) Q. 2 (B). Prove that the Accounting Equation is satisfied in all the following transactions of Rajaram. Also prepare a Balance Sheet :— + Started business with Cash 21,20,000, Purchased a typewriter for Cash for €8,000 for office use. Purchased goods for 50,000 for cash, Purchased goods for €40,000 on credit. Goods costing 760,000 sold for *80,000 on credit, 6. Paid for Rent 71,500 and for salaries 22,000. 7. Received %800 for Commission. 8. Withdrew for private use €5,000 in cash, Uns. Assets : Cash 854,300 + Typewriter €8,000 + Stock 330,000 + Debtors ) 280,000 = Li iH ilies: Creditors £40,000 + Capital €1,32,300; Balance Sheet Total 21,72,300,] .S. Prepare Accounting Equation from the following ; (2) Started business with Cash %2,00,000, (b) Purchased goods for Cash 860,000 and on Credit 31,50,000, (6) Sold woods for Cash costing £40,000 ata profit of 20% and on Credit costing 372,000 ata profit of 25%, (d) Paid for Rent %5,000, Ens, Assets: Cash @1,83,000 + Stock 98,000 + Debtors £90,000 Creditors %1,50,000 + Capital 22,21,000} Liabilities ACCOUNTING FQUATIONS (4, Prepare Account

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