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ILLUSTRATION 1. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Siya Ram & Sons.:— 2023 8 Jan. 1 Siya Ram & Sons started business with cash 50,000 2. Purchased goods for cash 20,000 4 Purchased goods from Subhash 12,000 5 Purchased Furniture for cash 6,000 10. Paid cash to Subhash 8,000 16 Purchased goods from Ravi for cash 7,500, 17 Purchased goods from Ravi 5,000 20 Bought Machinery for cash 8,000 27 Paid rent 400 GINALENTRY = JOURNAL 7 7 onc ~ JOURNAL OF SIYARAM & St 7 IN: in pin Partclars Be Br canal w To Capital Ae (cash brought into the business by Siya Ram & Sons | | as capital) 2 Purchases Ale Dr. 20,000 To Cash (Goods purchased for cash) ost Purchases Ale Dr 12,000 To Subhash | 12,000 (Goods purchased from Subhash on credit) jo,5 Furiture Ale Dr. 6,000 To Cash Ale | 6,000 (Fumiture purchased for cash) Jon 10 | Subhash 8,000 To Cash Alc | 8,000 paid to Subhash) Jin, 16 | Purchases Ale Dr. 7,300 | ToCash Ale 7,800 (Goods purchased for cash) fan. 17 | Purchases Alc Dr. 5,000 ToRavi 5,000 | (Goods purchased from Ravi on credit) | Jan.20 | Machinery Ale Dr 8,000 | ToCash Ale |(dachinery purchase for cash) fan.27 | Rent Ale To Cash Ale (Rent paid) 8,000 Dr. 400 400, ‘Toul 1,16,900 116,900 Explanation of the above mentioned entries Tan {Siva Ream & Sons started business wit Cash =~ A business unit is alvaye considered tobe separate and dstinot rom the proprietor, All he wansactions ae acid iatne books oF the business fom the point of view ofthe business, Cash coming into the business willbe debited according 1 the rule of real account, ie, ME ae een int Propeetor 13 the gives of cash (0 the busintes, therefore, Woprctors capital account will be credited according (0 the rule of personal account, ie, ‘Credit the giver” ‘ js for Cash -— The two accounts affected in this Jan, 2. Purchased 00 5 tnmaanticn arg Ppurcases Ae” and “Cash Ale Purchases A/c is a nominal account ON and will be debited because of the rile of ‘Debit all expenses’. Cash Ae , account and will be credited because of the rule of ‘Credit What goes out Jan. 4. Purchased goods from Subhash When the name of the seller and itis not mentioned that the goods have been purchased for cash, it will be assun that the goods have been purchased on credit, Purchases A/e will be debited secon, to the rule of nominal aecount re. "Debit all expenses’, Subhash isthe giver of yog” as such, his personal account will be credited according 0 the rule o giver’. Jan. 5. Purchased Furniture for Cash Both the accounts involy, fumiture account and cash account are real accounts. Furniture is coming inty jy. business, therefore, it will be debited and as cash is going out, it will be crediteg Jan, 10, Paid Cash to Subhash :— Subhash is the receiver of cash, as such, pj, personal account has been debited according to the rule of “debit the receiver’. Cash going out, hence, it will be credited according to the rule of real account “Credit wha, goes out’. Jan. 16. Purchased goods from Ravi for Cash :— Purchases A/c will be debited according to the rule of nominal account ie. “Debit all expenses’. Cash Ale will be credited because of the rule of *Credit what goes out’. Jan, 17. Purchased goods from Ravi :— The word ‘cash’ is not mentioned in this transaction, as such, it will be treated as a credit purchase of goods from Ravi Purchases A/c will be debited as per the rule of nominal account i.e. ‘Debit all expenses’. Ravi is the giver of goods and hence the account of Ravi will be credited a per the rule of personal account, i.e. ‘Credit the giver’, Jan. 20. Bought Machinery for Cash :— Both the accounts involved, ic Machinery Account and Cash Account are real accounts. Machinery is coming into the business, therefore, it will be debited and as Cash is going out, it will be Credited Jan. 27. Paid Rent :— This transaction affects Rent account and cash account, Rent is a nominal account and because this is an expense of business, as such, the Rent ‘account will be debited according to the rule of ‘debit all expenses’. Cash account will be credited, as cash is going out of the business. ILLUSTRATION 2. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Yash Raj & Sons es | a to ‘April Sold goods forcash 1000 9. Sold goods to Mahesh 15,000 12. Received cash from Mahesh 1908 18. Sold goods to Suresh for cash 12,600 19 Sold goods to Suresh 7,000 24 Withdrew cash from office for personal use 2,00 29 Paid wages 450 1,200 30 Paid salary to Gopal | M | 200 30 | Received Commis JOURNAL OF YASH RAJ & SONS L. | Amount” Amount Fl Dr. Cr hale Dr. 13,000 my cas f apil? PT ales Ale 13,000 (Goods sold for cash) Dr. 15,000 9 Mahesh ae To Sales A/c (Goods sold to Mahesh on credit) sin Cash Ale Dr. 10,000 er To Mahesh (Cash received from Mahesh) Apel 18 Cash Ale Dr To Sales A/c (Goods sold for cash) api 9 Suresh Dr. To Sales A/c (Goods sold to Suresh on credit) pil 24. Drawings A/c Dr. To Cash Ale (Amount withdrew for personal use) April 29 Wages Ae To Cash Ale 450 (Wages paid) April 30 Salary Ale Dr. 1,200 To Cash Ale 1,200 (Salary paid) ‘April 30 Cash Ale To Commission Received Ale 15,000 10,000 12,600 12,600 7,000 7,000 2,500 2,500 Dr. 450 Dr, 200 200 =x | eal Tol = | 61,950 Explanation of the above mentioned entries April 7. Sold goods for Cash :— Sales A/c. Cash is coming into the busi oe eompetiton. ulk purchases by 5 pifrent prices can be charged fiom regular customers and occasional * tomers simply by altering the rate of trade discount. 4, Change in rate of trade discount is an easy method to make changes in prices without reprinting of catalogues. advantages of Cash Discount : othe Seller: |, Seller receives the amount within a stipulated time because cash discount is allowed only if the customer makes the payment within the specified period. Cash received in time improves the cash inflow of the business and the cash may be put to better use 3. The possibility of bad debts is minimised, Prompt payment reduces the clerical work of maintaining of debtors accounts and of sending frequent reminders to debtors Tothe Buyer : |. Theearlier the buyer pays the higher he eams in cash discount, 2. A buyer who earns hi igher cash discount can sell the goods to his customers at lower rates, 5, Farly payment enhances the reputation or goodwill ofthe buyer, Rebate {‘'salso a reduction in the value of goods sold allowed by the seller. Is allowed {ts reason othe than for which trade discount and eash discount ae allowed. Fat ‘Stample, rebate is usually allowed for inferior quality of goods sold or goods being not TE" specification. As such, itis c” ‘ferent from trade discount and cash discount, de discount is usually allowed by the seller on higher volume of goods purchased the purchaser and cash discount is allowed on prompt payment. Accounting Treatment : Usually, no se arate entry is passed for rebate because it reduces the sales value of 8004s just like trade discount. 9. DY Ceolling two OF more accounts and creciting (wo or more accounts, such as the ‘Opening Entry’. ILLUSTRATION 4. Record the following transactions in the Journal of Naresh & Co. : 2022 | 3 fx June 1 Paid cash to Mahesh 9,600. and discount received from him 400 June 4 Received cash from Arun 4,900 and discount allowed to him 100 June 10 Goods sold to Harish 30,000 June 12 Harish returned goods 2,000 June 14 Received cash from Harish $27,500 in full settlement of his account. June 20 Sold goods to Gopal of the list price of 760,000 at 10% trade discount. June 23. Purchased goods from Ravi of the list price of 20,000 at 15% trade discount. RY — JOURNAL JOURNAL OF NARESH & CO, Particulars Roi Dr. z Dr, 10,000 oH To Discount Received Ale (Cash paid to Mahesh and discount received) 4 Cash Ale Dr, 4,900 Jn piscount Allowed Alc Dr. 100 To Arun (Cash received from Arun and discount allowed) June 10 Harish Dr, 30,000 ‘To Sales Ale (Good sold to Harish) Jone 12. Sales Return Ale Dy 2,000 To Harish : (Goods returned by Harish) June 14, Cash Ale Dr. 27,500 Discount Allowed A/c Dr, 500 To Harish (Cash received from Harish and discount allowed to him) June 20, Gopal Dr, 54,000 To Sales Alc (Goods of the list price of 260,000 sold at 10% trade | discount) June 23, Purchases Ave Dr. 17,000 To Ravi (Goods ofthe list price of €20,000 purchased at 15% trade discount) ILLUSTRATION Toul & 146,000 Amount Cr. z 9,600 400 5,000 30,000 2,000 28,000 54,000 17,000 146,000 Give Joumal entries tor the following transactions in the books of Partap Rai & Sons. April 2 April 3 April 6 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 10, April 12 Cash purchases ae Sold goods to Vasudey Retumed defective goods by Vasudey Received cash from Vasudev and Discount allowed ‘Chanderkant sold goods to us Pritam purchased goods from us Paid insurance premium by ch que Paid for Life Insurance Premium of Sh. Partap Rai by cheque 5 48,000 10,000 1,000 8,800 200 20,000 April 15 Paid Cash to ‘handerkant and Discount allowed by him 8 [April 18. Bought goods fom Pawan, list pric 2 discaunt list price 15,000 less 20% trade 2 April 22. Paid to Pawan, April 26 Received Cash from Pritam fg April 30. Paid wages £2,000, Advertisement Fxpenses €2,50 6 Salaries paid £9,000 . 2,300 and m0 April 30. Received Interest April 30. Received Commission 500 2.004 SOLUTION : JOURNAL OF PARTAP RAL & SONS. Date Particulars 1 dno TR Incure BE Dr. Or 2023 z z April 2 Purchases A/c Dr. 43000 To Cash Ale ssom (Goods purchased for cash) : April3 Vasudev Dr. 10,000 To Sales Ale 10,000 (Goods sold to Vasudev) April 6 Sales Return A’e Dr. 1,000 To Vasudev 1,000 (Goods retuned by Vasudev) April 8 Cash A/e Dr. 8,800 Discount Allowed A/c Dr. 200 To Vasudev 9,000 ‘Cash received ftom Vasudev and discount allowed) April 9 Purchases A/c Dr. 20,000 To Chanderkant 20,000 (Goods purchased from Chanderkant) Apsil 10. Pritam Dr. 7 To Sales Ac 12,000 (Goods sold to Pritam) “April 10 Insurance Premium Nc Dr 500 0 To Bank Ale (Insurance premium paid) ‘April 12. Drawings Ale Dr 2,000 sp ‘To Bank Ale : (Life Insurance Premium paid) Cr 102, 500 Be Dr t Received Ale kant and discount received) Dr, Dr. i Dr. (cosh eceived 49 Wages A A817 avenisement Expenses Ale Dr salaries Ale De ToCash Ale Expenses paid) 30 Cash Ne jg" To Interest Received Ale | To Commission Received Ac Dr. (income received) r Tol & eS ET [LUSTRATION 6. Enter the following transactions in tl m0 Apel | Purchased goods from Vinod Agi? Returned goods to Vinod ofthe Fst pes of 21,000. pil 6 Paid Cash to Vinod €34,000 in JOURNAL OF HARI & CO. Particulars April | Purchases A/c Dr To Vinod (Goods oft trade discount CF se price of 40,000 prcased st 10 the Journal of Hari & Co. {ull settlement of his account L F 102,500 14,000 12,000 6,000 2,300 102,500 13,780 20 12,000 6,000 Amount Dr z 36,000 36,000 ofthe list price of %40,000 at 10% trade discount © 36,000 36,000 So Cnt | BOOKS OF RY — Jo =a BF | = | | | 36.000) aR April 2 Vinod Dr 00 | To Purchases Retum A/e (Goods of the list price of @1,000, retumed to Vinod; 0 ‘Actual price being €1,000 fess 10% trade discount) | April 6 Vinod Dr. 35,100. To Cash Ale | | ae To Discount Received Alc (See Note |) | ia (Cash paid to Vinod and discount received from him) : | Tow % | | 72,000 7206 Note L, Discount received from Vinod has been calculated a follows z Purchases 36,000 Less: Purchases Return 900 Net Amount due to Vinod 35,100 Less : Amount paid in ful settlement of his account 34,000 1,100 Discount received from him ——— ILLUSTRATION 7. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Gaurav Bros. 2022 May 10. Sold goods to Kailash of thelist price of 1,00,000 at trade discount of 15%. May 13. Kailash retuned goods of thelist price of €4,000. May 18. Received from Kailash the amount due from him, under a cash discount of 5% SOLUTION : JOURNAL OF GAURAV AROS. Dae TO Patiars TL Amount Amount z Dr. cr. 2022 . . May 10 Kailash e seeaed To Sales Ale 85,000 (Goods of the list price of €1,00,000 sold at 15% trade discount) May 13. Sales Retum Alc Dr. 3,400 To Kailash 3,400 (Goods of the ist price of €4,000 returned by Kailash; Actual price being %4,000 less 15% trade discount) May 18 Cash A/c (See Note 1) Dr. 77,520 Discount Allowed Al Dr. 44080 To Kailash 81,600 (Cash received from Kailash and discount allowed to him) Total & 1,70,000 1,70,000 rr " 9.19 ah eceived fom Klas has been ‘alculated as follows ee £ sales : se Sales Return 85,00 Amnount due from Kailash 1400 7 81.600 count allowed to him : 81,600 5 Cash received from Kailash Ti, ijiuSTRATI pass Journal Entries forthe following transactions (Bought goods from Mohan ofthe list price of £10,000 at 15% tra se discount (ii) Settled the account of Mohan by paying cash, under a discount of 4 t goods for cash of i ; (in Bowed good of thelist price of 250,000 at 20% trade discount and 5% (o) Sold goods for cash of the list — Price of 20,000 at 10% trade discount and 3% cash SOLUTION : ae Sr.No. (0) Purchases Ale Dr. ‘To Mohan ; 500 (Goods of the list price of €10,000 bought at 15% trade : discount) (i) Mohan Dr. 8,500 To Cash Ale 8,160 To Discount Received Ale 340 (Cash paid and discount received @ 4% on 88,500) (iii) Purchases Ale Dr. 40,000 To Cash Ale 38,000 To Discount Received Ale 2,000 (Goods of the list price of €50,000 bought at 20% trade discount and 5% cash discount List Price 50,000 Less : Trade Discount @ 20% 10,000 40,000 Less : Cash Discount @ 5% on 240,000 2,000, 38,000) Cr 57,000| 57,000 BP 57,000 9 (iv) Cash Ave Dr. 1146, Discount Allowed A/c Dr. 540 To Sales A/c (Goods of the list price of 820,000 sold at 10% trade 18,609 discount and 3% cash discount List Price 20,000 Less. Trade Discount (@ 10% 2,000 18,000 Less : Cash Discount @ 3% on 218,000 Total 75.000 75 yg ILLUSTRATION 9. Pass journal entries for the following transactions in the journal of Himans| Chauhan. shu 2023 April 1 Himanshu Chauhan started business with cash @1,50,000, Fumiture 210,000 and Goods 60,000. " 4 Sold goods to Partap of the list price of £20,000 at trade discount of 10% 6 Partap retuned goods of list price of £2,000. 10. Received from Partap 16,000 in full settlement of his account. 7 15 Purchased furniture for 712,000. "15. Purchased goods from Sahdev of the list price of 250,000 at 12% Trade Discount. 18 Returned goods to Sahdev of the list price of %4,000, "20 Cleared the account of Sahdev by paying cash at a discount of 5 “21 Sold goods to Aakriti %20,000 and Shikha 32,000. 7 24 Received cash from Aakriti 719,600 in full settlement of her account, Paid insurance premium %1,500 by cheque, 25 Paid 22,400 for insurance premium for proprietor by chequ "26 Purchased goods for %16,000 for cash at a trade discount of 10% and cash discount of 2%, “27 Received full payment from Shikha at a discount of 5% in full settlement of his account, 28 Paid for advertisement %2,000, salaries %8,000 and rent €1,600. 30 Received Commission %1,000, ‘ GINAL ENTRY — JOURNAL lo tl Journal of Himanshu Chauhan Particulars ET 7: = g {LY Amount | Amonund 1B) by. Cr 3 N e x yy cash Ale Dr, 150,000 « Furiture Ae Dr. 10,000 parchases A/c (or Stock A/c) Dr 60,000 Vo Capital Ale eel (Business stated with cash, furniture and goods) : 4 Partap Dr. 18,000 To Sales Ale We (Goods of the list price of 20,000 sold at 10% . discount) +» 6 Sales Retums A/c Dr. 1,800 To Partap 1,800 (Goods returned for 82,000 less 10% trade discount) 10 Cash Ale Dr. 16,000 Discount Allowed Ale (Note 1) Dr 200 To Partap 16,200 (Cash received from Partap and discount allowed to him) “15 Furniture Ale Dr. 12,000 To Cash Ale 12,000 (Fumiture purchased for cash) 15 Purchases A/e Dr. 44,000 To Sahdev 44,000 (Goods of te list price of €50,000 purchased at 12% trade discount) 18 Sahdev Dr. 3,520 To Purchases Returns Ale (Goods retumed for %4,000 less 12% trade discount) 20 Sahdev Dr. 40,480 To Cash Ale To Discount Received Alc (Cash paid to Sahdev and discount received) “2 Aakriti Dr. 20,000 ‘Shikha Dr. 32,000 To Sales 52,000 (Goods sold on credit) “24 Cash Ale Dr. 19,600 Discount Allowed A/c Dr 400 5 To Aakriti 20,000 (Cash received and discount allowed) cr 428,000 4,28,000 BOOKS OF ORIGINAL ENTRY ~ JOUR = AL <= — tl as 1 28a) aa 24) Insurance Expenses Ale Dr. 1,500 To Bank Alc fF (Insurance premium paid) 5 "25. Drawings A/c Dr. 2,400 To Bank Alc | i (Paid for insurance premium for proprietor) : 26. Purchases Ale Dr. 14,400 ToCash Alc? To Discount Received Alc on (Goods purchased at 10% trade discount and 2% cash discount) "27 Cash Ale Dr. 30,400 Discount Allowed Ale Dr. 1,600 To Shikha 32000 (Cash received and discount allowed) "28 Advertisement Expenses A/c Dr. 2,000 Salaries Ae Dr 8,000 Rent Ale Dr 1,600 To Cash Ale 1,600 (Expenses paid) 30 Cash Ale Dr. 1,000 To Commission Received A/c 1,000 (Commission received) Tol 4,90,900 4,90,900 Note Discount allowed to Partap is calculated as follows. Sales Less: Sales Retums Amount due trom Partap Amount received trom him in full settlement Discount allowed iO 16,000 200 (2), Discount received trom Sahdev is calculated as follows Purchases Less : Purchases Returns ‘Net amount due to Sahdev Discount received om him : 40,480 x 7 00 Amount paid to him in full settlement 3856 Invoice price of goods purchased 16,000 Less. Trade Discount @ 10% 1,600 i300 Less : Cash Discount @ 2% 288 LL og ORIGINAL ENTRY — JOURNAL 808 Py »z@ATION TO. gos” se the following transactions : Josey Sod goods t0 Harsh for €50,000 at 20% trade discount and 59% cash discount. Harsh paid 40% immediately through a bankers cheque py Cash received from Ram on behalf of Shyam 25,000, (Chandigarh 2020) GMTION: @ Bank A/c* Dr. Discount Allowed Alc Dr. Harsh Dr. To Sales A/c | (Goods sold to Harsh at 20% trade discount and 5% ‘cash discount. Received 40% payment) (b) | Cash Ale ‘To Shyam (Cash received from Ram on behalf of Shyam) 40,000 + Incase there is no information as to the date of deposit of the Cheque, it is assumed that the Cheque is deposited into the hank on the same day Working Note Invoice price of goods Less Trade Discount @ 20% (Cash Transaction (40% of 840,000) Less : Cash Discount @ $% (2) Credit Transaction (60% of €40,000) a ILLUSTRATION 11. Pass journal entries for the following 208 March 1 Bought goods from Vishwas worth €1,00,000 at 20% trade discount and 5% cash discount, Paid full amount at te time of purchase itself March 3 Bought goods from Trisha for %2,00,000 at 5% cash discount and 10% trade discount. Half of the amount paid by cheque at the time of purchase. March 4 Sold goods to Nupur for €50,000 at terms 4% cash discount and 20% trade discount. Half the amount received by cash and balance half by cheque om the same day “I ara for 1,002,000 on terms 1 fade drsconne Unt and March 6 Sold povals to ANU eived within fteen ays payment a discount if the paayeent is Fee ‘on March 18th by chegue arch 20. Sok pwns to Sat for 1.00.00 af 244 tre discon at Sond een incised whi ten day She pid hal he tah Bcc ee Oh ofthe remainder on March st "nt On Mach SOLUTION JOURNAL Date Particulars ae Fl tee 2023 « ; March 1. Purchases A br 40,000 To Cash Ne To Discount Received Aic se Goad purchased from Vishwas at 20% trade io discount and 5% cash discount) March 3. Purchases Ale Dr 1.80.00 To Bank Ac eae To Discount Received Alc ‘ison To Trisha fain (Goods purchased fom Tisha at 10% trade issour ii st ash discount on hal of the amount paid) March 4 Cash Ae Dr. 19,200 Bank Alc* br. 19.200 Discount Allowed Ale Dr. 1,600 To Sales Ale 40,000 {Goods sold to Nupur at 20% trade discount and 4% cash discoun!) March 6 Anuradha or. 90,000 ‘To Sales Ale 90,000 (Goods sold at 10% trade discount) March 18 Bank Alct Dr. 68,400 Discount Allowed A/c Dr 3,600 To Anuradha 72,00 (0% amount due from Anuradha received after allowing 5% cash discount) March 20, Sudha pe 80,000 To Sales Ale 30.000 (Goods soldat 20% trade discount) March 26 Cash Ne 7 446,000 Discount Allowed Ate br 4,000 To fue 4,000 (Half of the amount due from Sudha received after alin 10% cash discount) cr 5,82,000,5,82,000 | s,82,000) 5,82,000 12,000 | 12,000 = " | 9k 0 iis ssumed thatthe cheque deposited into the bank on the same day. Notes! Invoice price of goods workin Tess: Trade Discount @20% March | ess : Cash Discount @5% invoice price of goods March 3.1 ‘Trade Discount @10% Less of 1,80,000) (i) Cash Transaction (1/2 Less : Cash Discount @ (ii) Credit Transaction (1 22 of 1,80,000) March 4 Invoice price of goods + Trade Discount @ 20% Less Less : Cash Discount @4% Cash: V2 0f 38,400 = £19,200; Cheque 1/2 of 38,400 = 219,200 March 6 Invoice price of goods Less : Trade Discount @10% 30% of £90,000 ived Less + Cash Discount @5% March 18 Cash recei 9 invoice price of goods Discount @20% Mare Less : Trade Cash received on Mi 26th : 1/2 of 80,000 Cash Discount @ 10% Less BOOKS OF ORIGINAL ENTRY — joy, ILLUSTRATION 12. Journaise the following tra mnsactions in the books of Mathur Bros, valued %20,00,000. a Purchased goods from Manohar Lal ofthe ist price of €50,000 for 245,099 Feb. Feb. 17 Purchased goods costing €1,00,000 from Sahil & Co. Paid 60% immediately cheque to avail 5% discount, 7 Feb. 24 Sold goods to Kishore & Co. ofthe list price of €40,000 for £38,000, Feb, 26 Sold to Kanika & Co. goods costing €1,00,000 at 20% profit allowing 10% trade discount and 5% cash discount. Kanika & Co. made 40% payment immediately by cheque SOLUTION : JOURNAL OF MATHUR BROS. Date Particulars L. Amount Amount Babe | ce 2023 z € Feb. 1 Cash Ale Dr. 50,000 Bank Ale Dr —_4,50,000 Building A/c Dr. 20,00,000 To Capital Ale 25,00,000 (Started business with Cash, Cheque and Building) Feb. 5 Purchases A/e Dr, 46,000 To Manohar Lal 46,000 (Goods of list price of €50,000 purchased for £46,000) Feb. 17 Purchases Ale Dr. —‘1,00,000 To Bank Alc 57,000 To Discount Received Ale 3,000 To Sahil & Co. 40,000 (Goods purchased paying 60% availing 5% discount) Feb. 24 Kishore & Co. Dr. 38,000 To Sales Ale 38,000 (Goods of list price of 840,000 sold for 838,000) Feb, 26 Bank Alc* (Note 1) Dr. 41,040, Discount Allowed Ale Dr. 2,160 Kanika & Co. Dr. 64,800 ‘To Sales Ac (Goods sold and discount allowed) Total z “Ics assumed thatthe cheque is deposited into the bank on the same day |NALENTRY — JOURNAL 927 cor OR! z - ae NOE ds 1,00,000 ine Oc poods orn ast of 8° "o Oe 30% of €1,00,000 mae aad 22 20, 10 . : — 000 ess Trade Discount : €1,20,000 x 7 12,000 z sash Sales : 40% of €1,08,000 43,200 ces Cash Discount (5% of 843,200) 2,160 uk Received 41,040 gedit Sales : 60% of 21,08,000 64,800 Recording of Banking Transactions 5No. Transaction Entry When cash is deposited into the bank. Bank A/c Dr. f To Cash A/c 2, When cash is withdrawn from the bank. Cash A/c Dr. ” To Bank A/c 3, When cheques, drafts ete. received from the customers Bank A/c Dr. are deposited into the bank on the same day. To Customer's Personal A/c 4, When cheques, drafis etc. received from the customers Cheques in Hand Ale Dr. "are not sent to bank on the same day. ‘To Customer's Personal A/c On the date when above cheques, drafts etc. are sent to Bank A/c Dr. the bank. To Cheques in Hand A/c 6, When a customer directly deposits the amount in our Bank A/c ‘bank account. 5. Dr. To Customer’s Personal A/e 7, Wren a cheque previously deposited into the bank is Customer’s Personal A/c Dr. dishonoured. To Bank A/c §-A When a cheque is received from a customer and Bank Ale Dr. discount is allowed to him, and if the Xe cheque is Discount Allowed Ale Dr.

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