PLANEACION Casa de Niños Inglés

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Semana 30-1 Noviembre

Cloud Pictures- B

Day 1
Guided Reading Take children on a picture 5 minutes
walk through the reader to
preview the images and to
set a purpose for reading.
Make a vocabulary chart for
the high frequency words:
look up, sky, floating, hat

Eco Reading The title, page 2 & 3 5 mins.

Video Cloud Shapes | Toddl… 5 mins

Watch the clouds Take the kids to the 10 mins
playground to observe the
clouds and find shapes

Day 2
Guided Reading Distribute books and ask the 7 minutes
children to open the book to
the requested page, and ask
what they see in the images
on those pages, what the
children are doing, etc.
Make a vocabulary chart for
the high frequency words:
cloud, boat, flower,

Eco Reading Pages 4&5 3 mins.

Video Cloud Shapes | Toddl… 5 mins

Cloud Dough 4 cups of flour 10 mins
1 cup of baby Oil o aceite

Play and make shapes with

the Cloud Dough.

Day 3
Guided Reading Review the book with the 7
children, create a
vocabulary chart for the
high-frequency words:
Tower, tree, me

Eco Reading Pages 6&7&8 3


Video Cloud Shapes | Toddl… 5 mins


Paint your own cloud 1.5 cups shaving cream 15 mins

¼ cup white glue
¼ cup flour

Hacer en una hoja de color

azul, una figura (o letra de la
inicial del nombre del niño) y
que la pinten con la mezcla
que da “textura” de nube.

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