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Trường Đại học Thuỷ Lợi BÀI THI MẪU MÔN TA2-K61 & K62 Mã đề:

Bộ môn Tiếng Anh Trưởng bộ môn Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút

Họ và tên thí sinh: ……………..………………………………………………………. Lớp: ………………………………………..........

Số báo danh: ……………..… Mã sinh viên Phòng thi số: …………………………….…

Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 SỐ PHÁCH


Bằng số Bằng chữ Người chấm 1 Người chấm 2

A. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer (3,75 điểm – mỗi câu 0,25)
1. We don't expect George ……………….. to the party. (PREDICTION)
A. come B. is going to come C. will come D. is coming
2. My parents say they ……………….. have mobiles in their teens, but they wish they had!
A. used to B. don’t use to C. didn’t use to D. use to
3. I can’t imagine …………….. in a huge palace – it must be amazing!
A. to live B. living C. live D. to helping
4. . Sophie's mobile was broken so she couldn’t …………….. her phone call.
A. have B. do C. make D. go
5. It was late when we …………… home and my mum said she …………… very worried.
A. had got/was B. got/ had been C. got/had been D. had got/ had been
6. Every school should have a ………………. programme for students.
A. fit B. fitness C. unhealthy D. healthy
7. My mother doesn’t like ………………. vegetables because they don't taste as nice as fresh ones.
A. frozen B. fried C. boiled D. raw
8. My dad's always complaining about the price of petrol going ………………. .
A. on B. down C. up D. for
9. The bus stop is just near our house, so the bus is quite a ………………. way to get into town.
A. difficult B. convenient C. historical D. cultural
10. There are lots of trees in a …………….. .
A. city B. countryside C. village D. forest
11. We took some fantastic photos of …………….. on our safari trip in South Africa.
A. rare B. wildlife C. cruelty D. natural
12. This is running out and people need to find a different type of fuel. What does This refer to?
A. litter B. pollution C. oil D. flood
13. The bus was so ………………. that there wasn't any room for more passengers.
A. crowded B. seasick C. carsick D. rough
14. Drivers have to stop when the ………………. turn red.
A. traffic jam B. traffic lights C. speed limit D. motorway
15. It isn't always possible to ………………. dangerous situations.
A. avoid B. remove C. lose D. protect

I. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? For question 11-15, write the letter (A, B or C)
of the correct explanation in boxes 11-15 on your answer sheet. (1,5 điểm – mỗi câu 0,3)
16. Sports Hall A. You must remove your clothes from the lockers by the
Don't leave clothes in lockers overnight. end of the day.
Keys for lockers available at reception B. You mustn't leave keys in the lockers after taking your
desk. clothes out.
C. Any clothes left overnight can be collected from the
reception desk.
17. A. There are still some tickets available at the desk in the
Go to desk in corner for corner.
concert tickets already paid B. You shouldn’t queue here if you’ve paid for your
for. C. You should go to the desk in the comer to pay for
Do not queue here. your ticket.

18. A. This office takes bookings up to one month before

Please note all items are kept for one B. If you leave something on a train, you have one month
month ONLY to collect it.
C. Passengers can store property here for one month
before they travel.

19. A. You must return your books to the library by the date
QUIET STUDY. B. It is essential that you put everything back when you
TO SHELVES AFTER USE. C. You should ask for help if you cannot find a book on
the shelves.

20. A. Details of student’s new timetables are available from

PLEASE INFORM THE COLLEGE the college office.
OFFICE OF ANY CHANGE IN YOUR B. You should let the college office know if you get a
CONTACT DETAILS new phone number.
C. All requests for course changes must be made through
the college office.
II. Read the text and choose the best answer for each question (2,0 điểm – mỗi câu 0,4)
Tom Avery is the youngest Briton to have reached both poles. He and his team recently followed
the route taken by Robert Peary in his 1909 expedition to the North Pole.
Both men left from Cape Columbia in Canada but Peary’s team was larger. Peary also had four
support groups and every 160 kilometres a group would leave food behind and turn back. This meant
the team decreased in size as he went north. Avery’s team didn’t have the extra men, but they had
food dropped by plane at four locations.
Although Avery’s team had the benefit of modern technology, Avery thinks this did not make
much difference. “Your speed depends on the dogs and how quickly you can get a sledge through the
ice. We also had to deal with the same dangers. At the end of winter, some ice is only 7 centimetres
thick and it can break easily under your weight. Peary was also more experienced than us and had
been on several expeditions to the Arctic.”
Avery believes they owe their success to the 16 limit dogs that pulled the sledges. “Our dogs
worked in teams of 8. They kept us going. In the evenings. I would thank every one of them.”
“Travelling with dogs is the best form of Arctic transport. You cannot do the journey in that time
by any other method.”
Some historians say that Peary could not have reached the North Pole in 39 days. But Avery's
team actually beat this time, becoming the fastest to reach the North Pole on foot. Avery says, “We
told everyone it could be done so it was important not to fail. But it was hard, especially towards the
end when the ice was melting quickly.”
21. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. explain why people travel to the North Pole
B. suggest possible ways of reaching the North Pole
C. describe two challenging journeys to the North Pole
D. compare the characters ot people who went to the North Pole
22. How was Avery’s North Pole expedition different from that of Peary’s?
A. Avery's team was larger.
B. Avery's team was supplied by air.
C. They did not lake the same route.
D. They did not leave from the same place.
23. Avery believes that having modern technology
A. was of limited importance.
B. helped them to travel faster.
C. improved the safety of the whole team.
D. prevented them experiencing the real North Pole.
24. What was Avery’s attitude towards the Inuit dogs?
A. He regretted not taking more dogs.
B. He thought they were well trained.
C. He was very grateful to the dogs.
D. He was surprised by their speed.
25. What is the best title for this text?
A. How to lead a team
B. An accident in the Arctic
C. Discovering new routes
D. Proving it's possible

III. Read the cloze text and choose the best answer (1,25 điểm – mỗi câu 0,25)
A lucky picnic
When I was a child we used to come to my grandmother's house. We often had a picnic in a
wood which was full of wild flowers. We always (26) ……………. to go to the same place. One day
when we had finished our picnic, my mother noticed that she had (27) ……………. her ring which
had her initials inside it. We looked everywhere for it and we carried (28) ……………. until it was
dark and we had to give up.
Thirty years later, I was on holiday with my own children and we found the same wood. We
decided (29) ……………. a picnic there. It was my son who made it a lucky day. He was bored with
the picnic so he started digging a hole (30) ……………. a tree. Suddenly, he held up a ring. It had
some writing inside it and we all agreed it was my mother’s ring. She was really happy when we
gave it back to her!
26. A. didn’t used B. used C. not used D. use
27. A. lost B. stolen C. disappeared D. missed
28. A. down B. up C. on D. with
29. A. to have B. have C. having D. had
30. A. on B. between C. at D. under
I. Choose the sentence that means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (1,5 điểm
– mỗi câu 0,3)
31. We don’t live in a big house so we don’t invite friends to stay.
A. If we living in a big house, we will inviting friends to stay.
B. If we lived in a big house, we would invite friends to stay.
C. If we lived in a big house, we will invite friends to stay.
D. If we live in a big house, we would invite friends to stay

32. The students will practice sports in the playground if it doesn’t rain.
A. Unless it rains, the students will practice sports in the playground.
B. Unless it doesn’t rain, the students will practice sports in the playground.
C. Unless it rains, the students won’t practice sports in the playground.
D. Unless it rain, the students will practice sports in the playground.

33. Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.”
A. Peter announced that he would not give up until that factory was shut down.
B. Peter announced that he will not give up until that factory is shut down.
C. Peter announced that he would not give up until that factory is shut down.
D. Peter announced that he will not give up until that factory was shut down.

34. He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
A. He told me that I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
B. He told me that you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
C. He told me that I am the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
D. He told me that you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

35. He went on holiday to Thailand although the airfare was expensive.

A. In spite the airfare was expensive, he went on holiday to Thailand.
B. In spite of the expensive airfare, he went on holiday to Thailand.
C. In spite the airfare expensive, he went on holiday to Thailand.
D. In spite of the airfare was expensive, he went on holiday to Thailand.

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